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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! A day at the beach! Woohoo! Beach games, swimming, food, and all sorts of fun! Then we hit up the casino at night! It’s going to be a great day! But will the night go as planned, or will a new threat appear?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 35 – Fun, Family, and Threat

“This water is crystal clear!” Natsu exclaimed as he looked through the clear seawater that he was standing in. It was up to his waist and he couldn’t believe how easily he could see through it.

“It’s great!” Lisanna cheered close to Natsu.

“So nice.” Cana grinned as she floated on the gentle waves of the tide coming in and out.

“Mira and Erza are really into it.” Happy pointed out from the small inner tube he was floating in.

Indeed, the redhead and white-haired girls were swimming further out from the beach and clearly competing with each other. The two were moving through the water swiftly, both aiming for some previously agreed upon point. It brought a smile to all of their faces to see the two having fun. Their rivalry had become a strong point of their relationship and they wouldn’t be Erza and Mira without it.

“Even on vacation they compete.” Lucy giggled as she watched on.

“That’s just how they are.” Lisanna was all smiles.

“Hey, Natsu…” Cana stopped floating and stood on her feet, the water coming up to her waist.

“Yeah?” Natsu asked, only to get a face full of water as Cana splashed him.

“Gotcha!” Cana laughed as Natsu shook his head, sending water flying onto Lisanna and Lucy.

“Natsu-sama…you’re so handsome.” Juvia was blushing as she watched the water cascade down Natsu’s muscular torso.

“Oh, you’ve done it now, Cana!” Natsu had a wide grin on his face as he quickly scooped her up into his arms. He dropped down into the water with his Mate in his arms, dunking them both beneath the waves. A moment later and he stood up, his arms empty and water once more running down his form.

“Natsu!” Cana stood up from the sea and moved her wet hair behind her head. She splashed him again and then dragged Lisanna and Lucy into the splash fight by splashing both of them as well.

“Cana!” Lucy laughed, splashing her back.

“You’re going to get it now!” Lisanna warned playfully.

“Come on, Juvia! Splash fight!” Natsu gently took Juvia’s hand in his and pulled her over to them to join in the fun.

“N-Natsu-sama!” Juvia squeaked out adorably as she was dragged in.

“Come on, Juvia, it’s fun!” Lucy laughed, gently splashing the Water Mage.

“J-Juvia has never played in the water with others.” Juvia looked to the side with pink cheeks.

“Well, now is a good time to start.” Lisanna smiled, easing the shy young woman into the fun.

“O-Okay.” Juvia couldn’t describe how happy she was at the moment. Being included like this. Welcomed by people that she barely knew so completely. It was all that she’d ever wanted growing up, but had never received. “I…I’ll try.” She gently splashed Lisanna and Lucy.

“There you go.” Lucy beamed at Juvia.

“See? It’s fun to do things together.” Lisanna encouraged the bluenette and Juvia couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips.

“Take this!” Natsu waved his hand through the clear water, sending a large spray to douse the three girls.

“Oh, you think your funny, huh?” Lucy moved her wet hair out of her eyes.

“Let’s get him!” Lisanna declared, pointing at Natsu with a wide grin.

“Natsu-sama…forgive Juvia.” Juvia, now soaked from the splash, touched the water. A blast of water shot across the small distance and Natsu could only squawk before he was submerged.

“Hahaha!” Cana laughed loudly as Natsu came back up sputtering.

“Nice one, Juvia!” Natsu grinned at her brightly. Juvia felt her heart flutter at the smile. “But this means war!” The Magma Dragon Slayer declared, only to be splashed by both Lucy and Lisanna at the same time.

“Less talking, more splashing!” Lisanna giggled along with Lucy.

“Got him!” Cana came up behind Natsu and jumped on his back, pushing him beneath the waves again and dunking him.

“So…” Natsu shook his head as he resurfaced. “Four-on-one, huh?” He eyed his lovers and Juvia with a smirk. “I like those odds!” He used both hands to rapidly start splashing all four of the girls, making them playfully shriek and start splashing him back.

-Later ~ Beach Volleyball-

“Heh, you’re going down, Erza.” Mira boasted, the volleyball in her hands.

“I doubt that, Mira.” Erza smirked challengingly at her Dragon Sister from the other side of the net.

The teams had been split into Mira, Lisanna, Juvia, and Happy vs Erza, Cana, Lucy, and Natsu. When Lucy and Juvia had looked at Happy oddly, the blue cat had smiled and glowed golden. The once short Happy grew until he was just as tall as Natsu before the Magic faded. He received a round of applause from the two girls, neither having known that Happy had such control over his Magic.

“Serve up!” Mira tossed the ball into the air before striking it from below, sending it sailing over the net in an arc.

“I got it!” Cana knocked the ball back across the net.

“Hup!” Happy jumped and smacked the ball back.

“Ha!” Natsu nearly uppercut the volleyball, sending it high over the net.

“That makes it easier, Natsu!” Lisanna giggled, easily returning the ball to the other side.

“Got it!” Lucy bounced the ball off her hands.

“Oh!” Juvia saw the ball coming her way and copied what she’d seen the others do. Her return smoothly arced the ball back over the net. “I did it!” She smiled happily and the Dragon Slayers all enjoyed the happiness that practically radiated from Juvia. She really was too sweet to have been forced into being alone all her life.

“Take this!” Erza leapt up and spiked the volleyball back across the net, looking to score the first point of the game.

“Like I’d let you!” Mira dove for the ball, knocking it back into the air before it hit the sand.

“I’ve got it!” Lisanna jumped and spiked the falling ball this time.

“No way!” Cana laughed, sliding a bit to hit the ball back into the air.

“Your mine!” Natsu was quick to receive the pass and send the ball back across the net again.

The Mages were drawing a bit of a crowd as they continued to play. But that was probably to be expected when six beautiful women in bikinis, two of them the famous Strauss Sisters, were playing. The lovely figures of the girls were clearly a hit with the men of the beach. Not to say that some of the women weren’t enjoying the eye candy that was Natsu.

Lunch was after the game, which had ended in a tie as everyone had gotten hungry before a winner had been decided. Akane Resort provided their guests with tons of options for food on the beach. With the appetite of Dragon Slayers, pretty much every stand and food place had made a sale from the large family. Happy was practically in heaven as he scarfed down at least a dozen different types of fish, some cooked and others raw.

Once the group returned to their large suite, showers were taken to wash off the salt water from the sea. Juvia went first, followed by Mira and Lisanna sharing, then Erza and Lucy sharing. Cana had made sure that Natsu went before her, much to everyone’s surprise. The Card Mage had only given them all a grin before taking her turn after Natsu was finished.

“Alright, Happy, you’re up.” Cana came out of the bathroom in a towel and let Happy fly in. The cat wasn’t opposed to water, and was looking forward to getting the salt out of his blue fur. “Now…” The brunette grinned as she winked at her family before turning so that her back was facing them. She walked out onto the large balcony and without a hint of hesitation, lowered her towel until it was around her waist.

“How bold~” Mira purred, seeing Cana’s bare back. The Card Mage was topless for anyone to see outside, if anyone could actually see all the way up to their balcony.

“Oh my…” Erza had a grin on her lips, having an idea about what Cana was about to do.

“C-Cana.” Juvia was blushing up a storm at the risqué maneuver.

Lucy was about to say something, but Lisanna stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. The younger Take Over Mage shook her head gently, a smile on her lips. Natsu was already locked on to Cana’s topless form, even if he couldn’t see her tits with the way she was facing away from them.

“Enjoy the show.” Cana looked over her shoulder before starting to sway to a beat that only she could hear.

Her hips began to move, her ass hidden by the white towel. With sensual moves, her hips rocked and the edge of her breasts were seen briefly as they bounced around. A quick movement of her feet and her ass bounced. Cana did it again, and grinned when she heard the increased breathing of her lovers with her Dragon Slayer ears. A little bit of a twerk always got Natsu’s attention, but her Dragon Sisters weren’t immune to it either.

“Cana…” Natsu’s rumbled call of her name made the Booze Dragon Slayer giggle lightly.

Cana opened the towel, holding an end in each hand and then planting her hands on the railing. If anyone could somehow get far enough away from Akane Resort to be able to see the upper floor balconies and then had a telescope or binoculars, then they’d be treated to the sight of Cana’s nude body. Fortunately, there were no such people, so the brunette could continue her little dance for her lovers. She swayed her hips, the view still obscured by the towel, her nice ass only teased as she moved side-to-side. A roll of her hips and her ass pressed into the towel further, highlighting its shape. Cana continued the sensuous movement of her hips, rolling them slowly to tease her lovers. With a smirk she brought each end of the towel back in front of her, closing it before she began to bounce her booty for them.

“Tease…” Erza nearly growled at the dance. If Juvia wasn’t with them, Cana would most certainly be on the bed and surrounded by all of them already.

Juvia is starting to think that all of Natsu-sama’s women are teases.’ Juvia thought to herself while covering her burning red cheeks with her hands. She didn’t look away of course. That would be rude…yes…rude, that was it.

“Hope you enjoyed the show.” Cana teased, once more slowly rolling her hips to show off her booty hidden by the towel. She looked over her shoulder to see the intense gazes of desire that her lovers had. With a wink she pulled the towel back up her form and wrapped it around her.

“All done.” Happy announced as he came flying out of the bathroom, freshly washed.

“I’ll get changed.” Cana headed into the bathroom with a change of clothes, a lilting laughter following her as she closed the door.

“She is so getting payback when we get home.” Lisanna growled and got agreement from Natsu, Erza, Mira, and even Lucy.

“Oh my…” Juvia was still red in the face.

“Was that too much?” Cana questioned when she exited the bathroom a moment later. Her warm brown eyes looked at Juvia specifically.

“N-No…Juvia…Juvia doesn’t want to get in the way of any fun, that you all want to have on this trip.” Juvia shook her head as her blue eyes were eyeing up Cana in the black capris and the short-sleeve button up shirt that the other woman was now wearing.

“Just let us know if anything is too much, Juvia. We can rein it in, no problem.” Natsu smiled at her, even though inside he was still working to ‘cool down’ from Cana’s little show.

“Yes, Natsu-sama.” Juvia nearly swooned at the smile. She was so smitten with him already. The fact that Natsu wasn’t rejecting her outright, and that his lovers were quickly becoming her first friends ever, made Juvia happier than she’d ever been before.


“Today has been a good day…” Erza lay back in one of the lounge chairs on the large balcony their suite had. She’d changed into a pair of shorts and a loose tank top to relax. As she relaxed, she didn’t even realize when she dozed off.





The crack of whips. Shouting of orders.

The strain of her body as too hard of labor was forced on an under nourished form.

Hundreds of others suffering just like her.

Shackles that bit into her skin and the rattling of chains.

“Erza…freedom does not exist in this world!”

Erza jerked awake. She blinked, looking around and noticing that she’d fallen asleep by the fact that the sun had almost fully set. She briefly glanced at her wrists, not seeing the shackles on them, but still almost felt them.

“A dream…?” Erza gently ran her hand over her face. ‘I haven’t dreamt of that in years.’ She shook her head, wondering briefly why that old terror had resurfaced after such a wonderful day.

“Oh, Erza, you’re awake.” Lucy poked her head out of the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. “Did you want to come to the casino with us? We’re about to head down there.”

“Yes, I’m sorry that I fell asleep.” Erza stood up from the lounge chair and headed into the suite.

“It’s fine.” Lucy assured her with a smile. “We all saw that you’d dozed off and decided to let you nap.”

“Thank you.” Erza smiled back. “A casino…hmm.” She took on a thinking pose for a moment before she glowed with the light of her Requip Magic. When the light faded away, Erza had changed her attire. “Perhaps this is apropos?” She now wore a black dress with a rose pattern on it. The back was open and held by crisscrossing strings along her lower back. A single strap on the front of the dress cross over her collarbone and looped around her neck to hold it up, leaving a good amount of her cleavage visible. A slit up the side of the dress let Erza show of her flawless legs while reaching down to her ankles. On her hands were matching evening gloves that went up to her biceps, and she had black heels on her feet.

“You can even do your hair.” Lucy marveled, seeing that Erza’s long scarlet hair was done up into an elegant bun. “You look amazing, Erza.”

“Thank you very much, Lucy.” Erza grinned at her new Dragon Sister.

“You do know that going casual is allowed, right?” Lucy gestured to her own casual outfit of short shorts and a t-shirt that hugged her curves.

“It would be bad luck if I decided to go but didn’t dress my best.” Erza giggled and Lucy enjoyed the sound of her loved one’s happiness.

“Alright then, let’s get down there.” Lucy threw her hand into the air with a smile.


“That dress looks amazing on you, Juvia.” Natsu complimented the Water Mage on the dress that she was wearing.

“Th-Thank you, Natsu-sama.” Juvia blushed and barely stopped herself from squirming. Her blue dress went down to just passed her knees, was backless, and showed off her ample cleavage. It also hugged her body, showing off her waist and hips. The necklace she wore even had a golden Fairy Tail emblem on it.

“It really does.” Mira complimented the other woman. “That necklace makes me think that you want to join Fairy Tail, hmm?” She leaned in with a knowing grin.

“Juvia would like to join, yes!” Juvia admitted, blurting out her desire in front of the others.

“We’ll talk to the Master about it when we get back then.” Lisanna smiled at Juvia brightly.

“You’ll be a member in no time.” Cana chuckled, pulling Juvia into a side hug as the bluenette blushed adorably.

“We’re here, guys.” Lucy smiled as she and Erza walked over to the group.

“Damn…” Natsu admired Erza in her dress, his eye running up and down her form.

“Glad you like it, Natsu.” Erza smiled at her Mate happily.

“Nice.” Cana whistled and Erza preened a little under the gaze of her family.

“Only Juvia and Erza decided to dress up it seems.” Lisanna giggled, pointing out that Cana was in her capris and button up shirt, Mira was in shorts and a crop top, while Lisanna herself was wearing a t-shirt and skirt that stopped at mid-thigh.

“Erza said it was bad luck if she decided to go to the casino and didn’t dress appropriately.” Lucy shrugged while Erza nodded.

“Let’s see if she’s right.” Mira smirked at Erza, their challenge of who could win more at the casino about to begin.

“You’ll see soon enough, Mira.” Erza returned the smirk with one of her own.

The group each decided where to go and split up for a bit. Natsu and Happy headed for one of the roulette tables. Erza and Lucy went to a poker table together. Mira and Lisanna were going to the slot machines. Cana pulled Juvia along to the bar with her, ostensibly to buy her a drink as an apology for the earlier dance, but also to have a drinking partner. Juvia had been trying to refute Cana, wanting to be near Natsu some more, but eventually let herself be taken along.

-Roulette Table-

“Um…excuse me, sir. You aren’t allowed to do that.” The casino employee spoke, as Natsu practically climbed onto the table after the wheel stopped.

“It went into number ‘17’! I saw it!” Natsu declared, narrowing his eyes at the wheel.

“Aye!” Happy, standing on the table next to the roulette wheel nodded.

“Sir, you’re not allowed on the table.” The employee spoke more firmly. “And it’s clearly in ‘34’, sir.”

“It went into number ‘17’ but something made it come back out.” Natsu narrowed his eyes at the man. “What kind of place is this?”

“Nothing is making it ‘come out’, sir.” The man sighed, having dealt with this so many times before.

“I saw it!” Natsu declared. “You can’t put one over on these eyes.” He motioned to his narrowed eyes.

“Boy!” A man sitting off to the side of the roulette table spoke up. “You occasionally find dandies playing adult games like this.” He was wearing a blue suit with a red tie, a white scarf over his shoulders, sunglasses, and a red fedora on his head. The most striking thing about him however was his body.

“He’s a square!” Happy exclaimed, pointing at the man’s literal block-like body.

“Squares and rectangles!” Natsu agreed as he looked at the odd man.

“Let me give you one bit of advice, boy!” The blocky man offered as he looked at Natsu. “There are only two ways for a man to live.” He turned in his chair to face Natsu fully. “You can either live like a dandy…” He sprung from the chair, closing the distance in a blink, grabbed Natsu by his white scale scarf, and then put a revolver in the Dragon Slayer’s mouth. “Or you can stop and die.” He pulled the hammer of the revolver back with his blocky thumb. “Get it?”

“He’s got a gun!”



The patrons of the casino that were close by fled quickly.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Happy demanded, his Magic ready to be used immediately.

“Vhat’s dis jarks prablum?” Natsu questioned, not showing a hint of fear for the weapon obstructing his speech.

“Tell me where Erza is.” The blocky man demanded. “Get it?”

He never saw the fist that slammed into the side of his face. But he felt it as he flew across a good portion of the casino and slammed through a blackjack table. Laying there dazed and confused among the scattered cards and chips. Amid the cries of shock and fear from the patrons that were running away. The blocky man started to wonder what had hit him as the world was still spinning. He quickly figured it out as he saw Natsu stalking towards him.

“What the hell do you want with Erza?” Natsu’s tone wasn’t inquiring, it was outright threatening.

-At the Casino Bar-

“Ah, not bad at all.” Cana grinned after tasting one of the recommendations from the bartender.

“It’s very smooth.” Juvia agreed, having sipped from her own glass.

“Like I said though, I’m sorry about earlier.” Cana apologized again. “I’m just used to being able to tease them whenever. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.”

“N-No…it’s fine…” Juvia shook her head, her cheeks turning rosy. “You…your dancing was very…very nice, Cana.”

“Well, thank you.” Cana grinned at her. “I could do it for you again if you come over to our place sometime. We have our private hot spring, you know?” The brunette wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“Cana…” Juvia covered her cheeks as they went dark red.

The sound of heavy footfalls caught Cana’s ears. She only had a split second to look over her shoulder and see a large man standing directly behind her and Juvia before he smacked Juvia away.

“Gaaaahhh!” Juvia yelped as she was knocked off her barstool and sent sprawling to the ground.

Cana’s slitted eyes narrowed into a terrifying glare as she shot to her feet so fast that her own barstool was knocked to the ground. “What the fuck was that for, asshole?!” She demanded with a growl.

“You’re Cana Alberona, huh?” The large man confirmed. He had a white cloth wrapped around his head, a simple black eyepatch over his left eye, and what looked to be a lower jaw covered in metal. His chest was bare, aside from a blue sash with red markings across it and a green sleeve that covered his left arm. He wore simple black pants and brown boots. “Tell me where Erza is.”

“I’m telling you to apologize first.” Cana let Crash Magic engulf both of her hands. This prick was going to apologize to Juvia after she beat his ass. Then she’d find out why he wanted to know about Erza.

-Slot Machines-

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The slot machine that Mira was at rang the winning bell as coins poured out of it. The model was smirking at the mass of coins that she’d just won. This much should definitely put her ahead on winnings compared to Erza.

“That’s amazing, Mira!” Lisanna laughed from beside her big sister.

“Heh! Just have to watch the wheels carefully.” Mira waved off her first big win.

People at the slot machines were gathering around and cheering for the big win that had just happened. Amid the noise, Lisanna and Mira began gathering the coins into buckets meant for holding them. The coins could be exchanged for the cash value of the winnings at one of the exchange counters in the casino. With all of the people around, the cheering, and the fact that they were both busy collecting the coins, they never noticed the girl that gained a smirk as she cast Magic.

“Huh?” Lisanna blinked as a strange orange tube wrapped around her right ankle.

“What’s that?” Mira narrowed her eyes at the strange thing touching her little sister. Feeling something wrap around her own leg, she looked down to see another orange tube. “The hell?!” The tubes quickly lengthened and wrapped around the Strauss Sisters until neither of them could move.

“I can’t use my Magic?!” Lisanna noticed as she’d tried to use her Take Over to break free.

“Me neither!” Mira growled as she tried to force the strange tube off of her. “What the hell kind of Magic is this?”

“It’s my Magic.” A girl spoke up, admitting to the attack and sending the other patrons running, terrified that Mages were starting a fight in the casino. The young woman was of average height with a somewhat curvaceous figure. She had a cat-like appearance with cat-like eyes, nose and mouth. Her brunette hair was styled into cat ears atop her head and the rest was tied into two ponytails that flared out from her nape. Her face had four red whisker-like tattoos. She was wearing a yellow jacket with white stripes and black trimmings. Beneath that she wore a pink dress with a white bow tie on it and light-pinkish ruffles on the lower portion, a choker with a bell on it, and white leggings.

“The hell is your problem?!” Mira demanded with a snarl. The strange orange tube tightened around her painfully as the cat-like girl frowned at her language.

“That’s not very nice! I just want to know where Erzy-Werzy is.” The other girl stated. “You should hurry up and tell me.”

“What do you want with Erza?” Lisanna struggled against the tightening Magic.

“I don’t give a damn what she wants with Erza.” Mira glared as she strained against the tube that was wrapped around her. “She just made the mistake of attacking us, and I’m going to make her regret it.” The orange tube began to strain as Mira fought against it.

“H-Hey now…you should stay down.” The brunette raised her hand and the orange tube around Mira glowed and got stronger.

“Like hell!” Mira snapped at their assailant. “You obviously don’t know much about Magic if you think you have even a tenth as much as you need to suppress mine!” She flexed and struggled even harder and the glowing orange tube began to strain and struggle to contain the angry She-Devil.

“Sh-Sho, the thing! Do the thing!” The girl called out loudly to someone.

-Poker Table-

“Whoooooaaaaa!” The onlookers gasped as Erza revealed her hand to be a Royal Flush.

“You’re incredible, Erza!” Lucy cheered from beside the redhead.

“Heh heh…luck is with me tonight.” Erza grinned as another stack of chips was passed to her, she happily placed it with her six others that she’d already won. No way was she going to let Mira beat her!

“That’s six hands in a row!” Lucy beamed at her Dragon Sister. She’d won a few times as well since they started playing. But Erza was now blowing everyone out of the water!

“New dealer.” A different dealer nearly pushed the one they’d been playing with aside.

“Huh? Wait a minute…” The current dealer tried to explain, but the new guys just sent him away.

“I’m afraid there’s no dealer here that can change my luck tonight.” Erza grinned, motioning to all the chips she’d already won.

“Damn right!” Lucy laughed at Erza’s declaration.

“If so, then shall we play a special game?” The new dealer questioned as he expertly shuffled a new deck of cards. “And we won’t simply be betting for a few coins.” He quickly dealt out five cards directly in front of Erza.

“Huh?” Erza cocked an eyebrow at the change in tone. She looked down at the five cards and noticed that each of them had a letter on it. All together the five cards spelled the word ‘DEATH’ on them.

“Let’s gamble a life.” The dealer looked up at Erza. He was tanned with wild blonde hair, a tattoo of a snake on his chin, just under his bottom lip. He had a cross hanging from a chain in his left ear too. “Big sister, Erza.”

“S-Sho…” Erza stumbled over the name. He looked so different than the young boy that she remembered from back then. A hundred thoughts ran through her mind all at once. The two that warred for the top spot was the relief that someone she cared about from back then was still alive, and wondering why he was here now to seemingly threaten her.

“Sho! Do the thing! Hurry!” A woman’s voice cried out, interrupting whatever Erza and Sho would’ve said to each other.

“What?” Sho looked over to where the voice came from.

“Erza, who is this guy?” Lucy saw how shaken Erza looked and wanted to know what was wrong.

“I’ve found her.” Sho spoke, his index and middle finger pressed against his temple. “Do it!”

In an instant the entire casino went pitch black, not a speck of light could be seen. The panicked cries of the patrons were heard at the sudden black out, but a split second later and the cries vanished as well. When the light began to slowly return, cards were scattered around everywhere on the floor. From these cards voices could be heard as the people that had been inside of the casino realized that they were trapped.

“It’s time to return home, big sis.” Sho looked at the card that he’d trapped Erza inside of.

“Sho?! You can use Magic?” Erza questioned from within the card.

“Hey?! What’s going on?!” Lucy yelled from the card lying on the floor next to her previous seat. “Who are you?! What do you want with Erza?!”

“Let’s go, hurry, we need to go!” A cat-like girl cried out as she came rushing towards Sho. “That white-haired lady is terrifying!” She was visibly trembling from whatever had spooked her.

“Where are Simon and Wally?” Sho asked, only for his question to be answered a second later as the large man with the metal jaw was helping the blocky man walk.

“We’re here, Wally got roughed up.” Simon informed and the blocky man tried to wave it off only to nearly stumble. A large bruise was on the side of his face and his steps were shaky.

“Let’s go then, back to the Tower of Heaven.” Sho nodded to the other three. “Jellal will be so happy, Erza.” He looked at Erza trapped in the card with a smile.

“Th-The Tower…” Erza’s eyes widened as she recalled the horrors of her early childhood. ‘They finished it?

The four Mages quickly left the casino while ignoring the cries of all the trapped people within the cards.

-Casino Bar-

One of the cards on the ground glowed for a second before a popping sound was heard and Cana appeared.

“D-Did someone actually try to use Card Magic…on me?” Cana nearly growled at the idea. Whoever had used Card Dimension had a wide range based on the cards scattered everywhere, but their power was certainly lacking. It had been easy for Cana to reverse the spell.

“Cana?! Is that you?” Juvia’s voice came from one of the cards.

“Juvia!” Cana found the card containing the Water Mage and instantly freed her.

“That was…weird.” Juvia steadied herself after being freed from the card.

“Just a second…” Cana focused, letting her Magic spread throughout the casino. Once she felt every magical card in the area through her Magic, she hit all of them with the reversal spell.

A chorus of pops rang out as all of the people were freed from the Card Dimension spell. Many of them cheered and rejoiced at being free. Cana and Juvia however were already looking around for the large Mage that had attacked them earlier. Not seeing him the two ran to meet up with the others. Canna’s nose allowing her to find the scents of her family easily enough.

“Cana!” Lisanna and Mira rushed over to the two of them. “What the heck is going on?”

“I’m not sure, but someone is after Erza.” Cana shook her head.

“What for?” Lisanna wondered, looking around and trying to smell the scent of the girl that attacked them.

“Who knows? Erza is an S-Class Mage that’s stopped tons of criminals in the past. She’s made a few enemies by now.” Mira was clearly agitated that a group of weaklings had somehow got the jump on them.

“Guys! They took Erza!” Lucy’s voice rang out through the casino, drowning out the sounds of the other patrons.

“They what?!” Cana, Lisanna, and Mira exclaimed in shock.

A blast of fire suddenly destroyed an area of the casino. The flames roared and nearly reached the ceiling as the casino patrons wailed in shock and panic, all of them now running for the exits in terror.

“RAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRR!!!” The air-shaking roar that reverberated throughout the area only made all of the civilians and employees run away faster.

-Pier on Akane Beach-


“What the hell is that?!” Sho questioned, feeling every hair on his body rise in instinctual terror.

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to find out.” Wally spoke up, still holding the side of his head.

“Let’s leave now! Right now!” The cat-like girl begged as they untied the boat from the pier.

“Get on the ship.” Simon rushed the others along. He looked back at the casino area and swore he saw flames within the building. “I see fire…”

“Set sail, now!” Sho yelled as they unfurled the sails of their ship and the wind slowly pushed them towards the open sea.

“Listen to me!” Erza finally managed to get their attention from within the card that Sho was holding. “You need to let me go, now! You don’t know what you’ve done!”

“We can’t do that, bis sis.” Sho refused flatly. “We’ve finally found you. We’re all going to go home together.”

“You DON’T understand what you’ve done!” Erza emphasized for her old friends that had suffered in slavery with her. “You took me away from Natsu! Kidnapped me from my Mate! From my family!”

“Aren’t we your family too, Erza?” Sho looked at the redhead trapped by his Magic.

“That’s not the point!” Erza slammed her fist against the card. Sho actually felt the strike on his thumb, but it was minimized by having to pass through the Card Dimension spell. “If you don’t let me go now, they are going to hunt you four down! They will kill you! I’m trying to protect you!” She beat on the card again and again. “That roar you heard earlier was a dragon’s roar! That was Natsu, my Mate! He’s coming and if you don’t listen to me now, he won’t listen to you when he catches up, none of my family will!”

“We’ve already set sail. They can’t get to us anymore.” Wally pointed out as their ship sailed out into open waters.

“A-Are you sure?” The girl of their group questioned, still shivering from the roar they’d heard.

“They’d have to have a faster ship than ours to catch up, Millianna.” Simon informed the cat-like brunette.

“We’ll be fine.” Sho dismissed the warning. “Jellal is going to be so happy to see you again, Erza.”

“You fools…please…let me out, I can still save you.” Erza pleaded with her old friends. She didn’t want to see her enraged family kill them. She knew how strong the dragon instincts could get. Until Sho, Simon, Millianna, and Wally were dead and she was safe, her family wouldn’t calm down or stop in their pursuit.

“If they come to the Tower of Heaven, they’ll die.” Sho stated with an odd look on his face. “No one will take you away from us, Erza.”

The four Mages had no idea of the danger that they were leading back to their home.

-End Chapter-


Fun times at Akane! Swimming and splash fights! Volleyball on the beach!

A sexy little dance from Cana! *Hehehe~*

Hitting up the casino was going pretty well too.

But some people just had to ruin it.

Now they’ve kidnapped Erza!

In the immortal words of TFS Popo: “They’re gonna die.”

What fate awaits the group at the Tower of Heaven?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Monthly Updates just aren’t frequent enough for what’s being put out.


I'm sorry that you feel that way, my friend. But I do put out between 10 to 12 updates a month between various stories.


I was actually trying to make a joke about the cliffhangers you tend to end chapters with. That’s on me form not making it clear.


My bad for misunderstanding. I hope you enjoyed the chapter though! The Dragons are coming...

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

...............Congrats Jellal. You have officially signed your death sentence.


Oh nice a big bonfire


Indeed! Millianna: "It's on fire!" Jellal: "What's on fire?" Millianna: "EVERYTHING!!!"

James Sampson

Death sentence? No, he's signed a slow, agonizing death by torture sentence. They're going to demolish the Tower piece by piece and destroy Jelliel's work before finally killing him, (I say burn him like a heretic which he is.

Sin Hunter

Well, shit! I give it three chapters before the Tower of Heaven is half-melted rubble in a pool of magma. Can’t wait.

Ant Franklin

Natsu is a dragon King and you just stole his mate.... Jellal just put a down payment on a castle/imperial fleet class can of whoop ass.Add to that the fact that one of her mates is a dragon with...*clears throat* FREAKING.....CRASH.....MAGIC. Jellal should be hearing Shang Tsung screaming Finish Him any time now


Wow steal from a group of s class dragons that always works out great for you doesn’t no chance of them going on a bloody crusade does it

Esteban Gonzalez

I think that Jellal thinks that Erza still likes him and will try to sweet talk her into going along with his plans I Doubt he knows that she’s practically happily married with a Dragon

Esteban Gonzalez

Question is jellal’s magic space or light because Lucy could possibly pick something up from him like she see him use his Heavenly Body and could create something similar?


I think it's technically Enchantment Magic? Because I remember that Irene could perform a more powerful version of some of Jellal's spells, iirc.


Thank you for the amazing chapter, I look forward to the chaos that is coming. Keep up the good work!


Thank you, and you're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! Future updates will come in time!


Idea for the danmachi fic, bells original nickname after super rookie is rabbit foot, you could give bell a skill like liaris freese based off it, like the people who like or feel positive emotions towards bell get luckier based on the strength of their feelings and onthe opposite people who dislike bell get bad luck?

Michael Turner

Any eta on next chapter for Natsu? What about any Danmachi chapters? Sorry, you have so many great stories.


In time, in time. I'm still struggling trying to write for Aura Heart. The Pokémon Muse is just so low these days and I don't know why.

Hayden Stuart

Is this one of those fanfics where the harem members are set in stone or are there going to be others that aren’t listed yet?


I don't think I've listed them all on AO3, actually. I usually stop Harems at about 8 nowadays though. Just a little math will tell you how many are left.

Hayden Stuart

Ah I gotcha, I’m interested to see who else will be a part of it then. This is definitely one of my favorite stories of yours. it’s been so long since I’ve watched or read anything Fairy Tail related and this really brings me back