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Hey friends and fans! Just letting you know that there are now THREE updates scheduled to post while I'm away on my trip. All of them will be Patron Exclusives and not posted to AO3 or FFNet! These are just for all of you amazing people that make our group the great place that it is!

What are these updates going to be?

That would be telling!

You'll see over the time I'm away (September 19th through September 29) and I'll happily reply to whatever comments you leave on these posts when I return on the 30th! Expect each update 3 days apart from each other, I figure that spaces them out enough to not leave you all wanting, right? lol

I do apologize that I probably won't be able to update again before my trip. Preparing is taking much longer than I expected; half because the Airlines are weird about how soon you can print off a boarding pass, and half because my landlord insists on coming by to check the locks and turn off the water for safety, but still hasn't given us a day or time that he'll come do that.


Sebastian Pineda

Hey Kai I just read the news you be safe over there major storms are hitting hard so be safe.

Speedster 352

What inspired you to write force of souls and fanfics in general?