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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new story! This one is for one of my favorite series and an absolute classic! Dragon Ball! I’d posted a Challenge on my Profile around 2013 or so for a story like this, but it was never really taken up. A few tried but it never went very far. So, I figure that I’ll try it myself. The good news about this particular Series is that even with Super, it’s technically a finished Series. That means that I don’t really have to worry about next week’s chapter revealing something that invalidates everything I’ve planned. How will this story go when a few things change before Canon? Let’s find out!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 1 – Bloomers and the Monkey King

“We need to hurry.” A man’s rough voice urged the one he was with. He was a tall man with a muscular build and black hair. His hair was unkempt with three bangs hanging to the right of his forehead and two hanging to the left. His hair also stood up in the front with five spikes and four in the back. The man had a tanned skin-tone and his eyes were stern. Arguably his most distinctive trait was the long thick rough scar running down his left cheek.

“I know…” The woman with him held a small infant in her arms. She was of average height and slender build. She had a lighter-pale skin complexion, onyx eyes, and shaggy black hair that reached her shoulders. She was wearing a sleeveless black bodysuit and dark green combat armor highlighted with bronze and outlined by white, in addition to purple armbands and white boots. Her armor also had a thigh-length hoop. “Are you sure we have to do this, Bardock? He’s not even old enough…” She cut herself off as she hugged the sleeping baby.

“Freeza suddenly orders every Saiyan back to Vegeta and his ship just stays hovering outside the atmosphere?” Bardock shook his head at the woman. “This smells like a set-up, Gine.”

“Couldn’t we go with him?” Gine asked, even though she knew the answer.

“We’d be picked up by the Scouters.” Bardock shook his head. “That would make stealing this thing all for nothing.” He motioned to a spherical pod-like spaceship that he’d snatched in the confusion of damn near every Saiyan being back on Vegeta all at once. “Can you take out the Attack Ball system?”

“I told you, I only know a bit about this.” Gine continued to hold the baby, their son, to her chest as she looked inside the pod. With one hand she unlatched a hatch and looked at the hardware beneath it. “This is the hard drive that contains the Attack Ball program.” She tapped her finger on the component. “I don’t know how to deactivate it though. The secondary hard drive is where the pod’s navigation and life support systems are controlled from.” She put her finger on the smaller device next to the first. “It also contains the back-up information that a Saiyan baby needs to know about themselves, like not looking at a full moon unless it’s necessary.”

“If we can’t deactivate it, then I’ll just remove the damn thing.” Bardock went with the direct approach and pulled the larger hard drive out of the space pod entirely. He tossed it aside without a care as Gine held their son, Kakarot, close for a little longer.

“If…if this is all just a misunderstanding…” Gine’s eyes began to tear up. “We’ll come and get you as soon as we can, Kakarot.” She felt the tears roll down her cheeks as she placed a gentle kiss on her sleeping baby’s forehead. She had always been decried as ‘odd’ among the Saiyans for her emotional nature. She bonded closely with her Mate, Bardock, and both of her children before Raditz had gotten old enough to go out on missions. “We love you, Kakarot, never forget that.” She gently placed him in the seat of the pod letting the machine do its job of safely securing the infant within.

“Be strong son,” Bardock spoke to his child. “I’ve picked out a tiny, out-of-the-way planet for you. Nothing of value in the system and according to the data, the average power level is only at five units. Nothing there should be a threat to you once you’re a little older.” He gently placed his hand on his son’s head, already covered in black hair that was nearly identical to his own. “Live well and grow strong, Kakarot. One day, you may need to avenge us all.” He looked at his son one last time before stepping back and activating the pod.

The space pod hummed to life and began to lift off the ground. Gine buried her face into Bardock’s chest and wept as the pod slowly increased its speed until it shot off into the sky. It was out of the atmosphere and heading towards its preprogrammed destination in less than a minute. The parents had flown to the exact opposite side of Planet Vegeta to send their son off. The scanners on the orbiting ship of the tyrant Freeza would barely register something with no power level leaving the planet’s opposite side.

Less than an hour later and the whole planet was destroyed by a blast of energy from the madly cackling tyrant.

-One Year Later-

“Lord Beerus, wake up.” A tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features shook a sleeping being beneath a blue blanket. In his right hand was a long scepter with a gem that floated above it. Around his neck was a large light blue ring. The person’s attire consisted of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations and a blue sash.

“Mmnrrrrnnn…” The being below the blanket grumbled irritably. The blanket was moved aside to reveal sleepy eyes that were doing their best to glare at the offender. “Whis...you'd better have a damn good reason for waking me up less than a year after I started sleeping.” Beerus’ tone held the promise of retribution if he’d been woken up for nothing. He was a purple anthropomorphic cat with golden yellow eyes and large pointed ears. Beerus’ body was hairless and while overall defined in build, he could also be described as thin and bony. He stood roughly 175cm, but his ears made him appear taller.

“You have a call from the Omni King and the Grand Priest.” Whis informed the God of Destruction pointedly while motioning to the blinking gem of his scepter.

“WHAT?!” Beerus was instantly wide awake. He vanished from sight as he dashed around the large room to get dressed properly. Whis watched on slightly amused, but even he was rather concerned about the sudden call. He left the bedroom and headed down to the dining area for a better place to have a chat. When Beerus rushed down the stairs and stopped before him, Whis let his scepter float into the air and begin projecting the communication.

“Lord Beerus is awake now.” Whis and Beerus both bowed respectfully to the two on the other end of the call.

One was much like Whis, pale blue skin, white hair, standing shorter in stature but his eyes showed a depth to their wisdom and knowledge that few beings could ever hope to come close to. His apparel consisted of a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, with baggy shoulder pads, that ran beneath his red-colored belt with the kanji symbol for ‘Grand’ on it. The shirt was complemented by a matching color pair of jodhpur-like pants, and white boots that ran beneath his shins. Behind his head, a blue ring, identical to Whis’ own, floated autonomously. This was the Grand Priest, the attendant to the one that stood above all.

The being next to him was even shorter, with a rather large oval-shaped head. He had primarily light blue skin, except for two sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, which was purple. He had small round eyes, and small rounded grey ‘ears’. His attire was a magenta and yellow lined coat, with yellow pants and magenta shoes. He wore a black and white shirt underneath, with the kanji for ‘All’ on the front. This was the Omni King, also known as the ‘King of All’ Grand Zeno.

“You did something bad.” Zeno spoke up in a child-like voice.

“I…I apologize…Grand Zeno!” Beerus bowed so fast his head smashed through the marble table before him. “May I ask what I did wrong, my lord?” He felt sweat starting to run down his face.

It was the Grand Priest that spoke next. “As you know, Beerus, a Universe’s Mortal Level is based on the level of advancement of its Mortal Beings and the strength of the various Species throughout said Universe.” His face betrayed no emotion as he looked at the bowing God of Destruction.

“Y-Yes, Grand Priest.” Beerus acknowledged while only looking upward from his bowed position.

“Your Universe’s Level went down…you’re almost even with Universe Nine now.” Zeno informed the purple cat with a slight change in his tone, one of disapproval.

“Universe NINE?!” Beerus nearly shot upright, but he recalled who he stood before and locked himself in place. This was bad though, very, very bad! Universe Nine had been the bottom Universe for a long time, to suddenly be compared to them was not in any way good.

“Yes, it is a very troubling turn of events.” The Grand Priest nodded as he caught Beerus’ gaze. “This drop seems to have been caused by the eradication of the Saiyans in your Universe.”

“B-but Grand Priest, Lord Zeno, the Saiyans were a bunch of violent apes that cared only for fighting!” Beerus spoke up in defense of the eradication.

“But you’re supposed to let them try and develop.” Zeno stopped any further words from the God of Destruction. “You had someone else wipe them out before they’d had their time to try and move beyond. That’s bad.” His tone was childlike, but Beerus knew the danger of those last two words.

“Because of your actions, you’ve lowered your Universe’s Mortal Level and that is in direct opposition to your position as God of Destruction.” The Grand Priest stated plainly as Beerus began to sweat heavily. This could be the end for him! “As this is your first mistake of this kind, we’re willing to try and fix it. Two Saiyan females shall be converted from Universe Six to your Universe Seven and sent to a habitable planet where a Saiyan male resides. Do not interfere in their chance to repopulate.” The Grand Priest stated with finality.

“Yes, Grand Priest.” Beerus lowered his gaze to the floor. He felt some tension leave his body that he wasn’t about to be wiped from existence.

“Don’t do anything bad again, or we’ll get a new Destroyer.” Zeno warned the God of Destruction. The Lord of All’s childish voice only made the implied punishment that much more terrifying.

“Yes, Grand Zeno!” Beerus bowed so low his head cracked the stone floor beneath him. The glowing projection faded away and Beerus sagged in relief.

“I’ll handle the conversion, Lord Beerus.” Whis offered politely to the mentally drained God.

“I’m...I’m just going back to bed...” Beerus began to trudge his way towards the stairs, not even bothering with the simple task of flight. It would be better to sleep this off.

Whis would be better suited to handle the conversion. While beings could pass between universes with the help of a Guide Angel like Whis; conversion was a different matter entirely. To convert a being from one Universe into another, the one in question would be changed to match the version of their species that existed in their new Universe. Beerus wasn’t certain what differences existed between the Saiyans of his brother’s Universe and his own, but he also didn’t care. As long as the Saiyans came back, hopefully, better than how they had been, his Universe’s Mortal Level should start rising back to where it had been before.

-10 Years Later ~ Mt. Paozu, Earth-

“Hey bro, what’s up?” A young boy questioned a small monkey that was chattering at him while hanging from its mother’s arm. The boy wore an open blue gi secured with a white bow-tied obi over his waist with a white tank top underneath, red wristbands, and dark blue kung fu shoes. The most noticeable thing about him was the brown-furred monkey-like tail swaying behind him freely. The boy was walking on top of a cut section of a log with a huge saw held over his right shoulder. The log rolled along easily under the backwards steps of the boy. In a short time, the boy had returned home. He set the saw aside and placed the section of log in front of him.

“Hnnn…” He took a martial arts stance and focused. He envisioned the log as an enemy to be defeated. “Prepare to die!” The boy grabbed the section of the log and tossed it high into the air. “No escape!” He leapt after it and with a strong kick shattered it into many smaller pieces. He landed easily as the broken wood rained down before him. “That takes care of chopping wood.” The boy grinned as he picked up the pieces and stored them under a large propped up board. “Now I’m hungry.” His stomach growled to confirm.

The boy walked into the small house and picked up a red short staff that was in a sheath. He tied it to his back before moving over to a low dresser and putting his hands together. “Hey gramps, I’m going to go get some food.” He spoke to the shimmering orange ball with four red stars sitting on a fluffy pillow. With his plans told to his grandpa’s last memento, the boy headed out to hunt.

-Base of Mt. Paozu-

Birds were chirping in the trees as a teenage girl was looking out over the scenery beside her small car. She had long blue hair in a braided ponytail, tied off with a bow. Her face was free of blemishes and her blue eyes were bright. She wore a pink dress, more like a long shirt really, with her name ‘Bulma’ on the front. It went down to mid-thigh and left the rest of her legs bare. A black belt around her waist held a blue pack on her hip. She had a purple scarf around her neck and blue sneakers on her feet.

“It’s got to be right…around…here…” Bulma spoke as she looked at the device in her hand. She clicked the button on top of the circular gadget and nodded. “Maybe a little more to the west?” She got back into her car with a smile. “Either way, I’m close!” She drove her car further down the dusty road.

-Mt. Paozu-

“Hmm, I just had bear the other day…” The boy with the monkey tail mused on what he should eat. “I wish I’d bump into a tiger…” He walked through the forest hoping for something big to eat. He neared a cliff edge and heard the roar of a waterfall. “Oh yeah! Fish! I forgot about fish!” He chuckled as he looked over the cliff edge to the river below. It was a sheer fall at least thirty meters to the water. Without a bit of fear or hesitation, the boy leapt off the cliff. He snagged a tree branch about halfway down and flipped himself over to the riverside. He landed with ease, as if what he’d just done was no different than walking down a flight of stairs.

He disrobed without a care, setting his clothing, staff, and shoes aside to prevent them from getting wet. With his clothes removed his full physique was revealed. Strong muscles covered by a healthy layer of fat were shown to the world. While clothed he could easily be mistaken for a younger child, with his body revealed it was clear that he was a boy that had entered his adolescence. His height of roughly 143cm put him only about 30cm from the average height of a grown man.

“Alright fish, come and get it.” He grinned as he set the end of his tail into the river. “A careless monkey has let his tail fall into the water. Better hurry before he leaves.” He wiggled his tail a little to catch the attention of the large fish that swam in the river.

A shadow in the water got his attention. He felt the displacement of the water through his tail as it surged towards him. He grinned and with a quick pivot, pulling his tail from danger, a huge fish erupted from the water. The fish was easily bigger than the boy, but its size only made the youngster happy. “Got ya!” He cried, launching a powerful kick at the fish. A clear snap was heard as the fish’s large body nearly warped around the boy’s foot. It was dead instantly and fell back into the river with only slight twitches.

“Don’t go anywhere!” The wild boy laughed as his hand snatched the tail of the sinking fish. With seemingly zero effort, he hauled the beast of a fish out of the river and onto the riverbank. “What a catch today!” He cheered as he started to get dressed again. With the fish over his shoulder, still partially dragging on the ground from its size, he happily made his way back home.

A noise he’d never heard before caught the boy’s attention as he’d come into sight of his home. Looking around, he pinpointed the origin of the noise coming from down the road he was walking on. “What is that?” He tilted his head at the strange sound. The source quickly made itself known as a square-shaped beast crested the hill at speed. “Waa!” He let out a startled cry as the unknown creature bore down on him.

“AAAHHH!!!” Bulma screamed as she slammed on the brakes and jerked the steering wheel to the right as hard as she could. Her car slid sideways for over a dozen meters and stopped with a loud thud. “Oh god…oh god, oh god, oh god…” The teen was already starting to panic. She’d just hit somebody!

“Ow!” The boy had been knocked backwards at least half a dozen meters. His fish had fallen from his grip upon impact and he staggered to his feet with a growl. “So that’s how it is, huh?! You’re after my fish!” He rushed towards the strange monster. “Well, if you think you’re getting my food, you’re dead wrong!” He was at the side of the beast in a blur. He grunted as he pushed it upwards and got under it. Lifting the heavy monster up, he briefly thought he heard words.

“What the hell?!” Bulma cried out as the person she’d just hit with her car was now lifting it off the ground!

“Hyah!” He tossed the monster onto its side with a heave. It slammed onto its side and two of its weird, round legs flew off. He drew the staff from his back and held it at the ready. “Now, come on and fight! Bring it on!” He challenged the weird beast.

“What...the hell?” Bulma stood up inside her overturned car. Her head and shoulders emerged from the shattered driver’s side window. She had drawn her pistol at the person’s hostile actions.

“What? Now a different monster emerges from the first?” The boy held his staff at the ready, wary of this new being.

“Shut it, punk!” Bulma didn’t take kindly to being attacked, her car totaled, and now being called a monster! She aimed and fired two shots from her sidearm. The first round passed through the boy’s mass of black hair. The second hit him dead center in the forehead sending him to the ground.

“Ow!” The boy covered his forehead with his hands. “What was that?” He rubbed the area he’d been shot. “What’re you, some kind of witch?!”

“Wh-what are you?” Bulma stared in disbelief at the guy that had just been shot in the head and barely had a mark on him. “Why aren’t you dead?!”

“Stupid!” He jeered back as he took up his staff again. “You think you can kill me with something like that?!” He raised the red staff to strike. “Prepare to die, monster!”

“Wait! Whoa! Time Out!” Bulma dropped her pistol and frantically waved her arms in front of her. “I’m not a monster! I’m a human!”

“Human?” He stopped right before he swung. “Really?”

“Yes, silly!” Bulma climbed out of her wrecked car and stood before the boy. “Take a look.” She motioned to herself.

“Don’t move!” He demanded, holding her at staff point.

“Not very trusting, are you?” Bulma noted as the boy circled her. He was probably a couple years younger than her just based on looks.

“You do look similar…but you’re different than grampa…softer and bumpy?” He noticed her curves and the difference between this human and his late grandfather.

“Well duh, brainiac.” Bulma rolled her eyes. “You’re a wild boy and I’m just a cute little girl.”

“Girl?!” He leaned forward in surprise. “You mean…female?!”

“Uh…surely, you’ve seen a girl before?” Bulma looked at him oddly.

“I’ve never seen another human before.” The boy shook his head. “My dead grampa always told me that if I ever met a girl, I should treat her real nice.”

“Well,” Bulma put her right hand on the back of her head in a little pose and winked at the boy. “Don’t you think you should get started?”

“Huh…grampa was right, humans don’t have tails.” He muttered to himself after looking at Bulma’s backside again.

Bulma’s eyes widened as she finally took notice of the monkey-like tail the boy had. ‘That has to be fake…right?’ She assured herself that this boy didn’t have an actual tail.

“So, what’s this monster anyway? How’d you catch it?” The wild boy questioned curiously.

“That ‘monster’ happens to be my car. People make them.” Bulma replied to the oblivious guy. “And you destroyed it.”

“So, this is a car?” He hopped up onto the side of the wrecked automobile. “Grampa told me about them. It looks tough, but it isn’t much.” He tapped his foot on the door he stood on. “That means you’re from a city or something, right?” He hopped down and looked at the girl.

“Let’s just say I’m from pretty far west of here.” Bulma replied while pointing back the way she’d come from.

“Come over to my place!” He offered with a grin. “You’re a girl, so I’ll feed you!”

“As long as that’s all you do…” Bulma eyed the boy as he picked up the monstrous fish he’d been carrying. Seeing him sling it over his shoulder and walk towards the small hut of a house, she couldn’t help but make a comment. “You’re pretty strong, huh?”

“Yeah, grampa trained me good!” He laughed as they stopped outside of the little house.

“By the way, you got a name?” Bulma questioned the guy.

“I’m Son Goku, that’s the name my grampa gave me.” Goku introduced himself with a smile.

“I’m Bulma.” Bulma pointed at her name on her shirt.

“Doesn’t that mean ‘bloomers’?” Goku cocked his head to the side.

“I didn’t pick it.” Bulma had heard all of the jokes about her name in her sixteen years of life.

“I think it sounds nice.” Goku shrugged as he set the fish down and headed for the door of the hut. Bulma blinked at the lack of laughter or a joke. When was the last time someone had actually complimented her name?

“Not much for space, are you?” Bulma took note of the small hut as they entered.

“Grampa look! It’s a female! A human female in our house!” Goku clapped his hands together as he talked to his grandfather’s last memento.

“Huh?” Bulma looked around Goku and her eyes widened at what she saw. “That’s it!” She pointed at the orange sphere. “The Dragon Ball!” She rushed over with a bright smile. “I knew it! My detector was spot on!” She picked up the Dragon Ball excitedly.

“Hey! Let go of that!” Goku’s hand grasped her wrist. “That’s my grampa’s last possession! Even girls aren’t allowed to touch it!”

“Well…I guess I have to let you in on my little secret.” Bulma rummaged in the pouch at her hip. “Viola!” She pulled out two more orange spheres with red stars in them.

“Huh?!” Goku stared in shock at seeing two more of his grampa’s memento. “There are more?”

“They’re called Dragon Balls.” Bulma turned and sat at the low table in the middle of the hut. She placed her two Dragon Balls on the table.

“You mean some poor dragon…?” Goku looked between the three spheres warily.

“I found this one in my basement,” She held up the ball with two stars in it. “I had no idea what it was and neither did anyone I asked.” She set the ball back on the table. “I did some research and eventually…I found this old, old, really old story that described them.” She tapped both of her Dragon Balls. “There were originally seven Dragon Balls, each of them glowing with the light of the tiny stars inside, from one to seven.”

“My grampa’s has four stars.” Goku noted as he held the ball up to his eye.

“Then that makes it the Four-Star Ball.” Bulma nodded to the sphere in his hands. “The first one I found was the Two-Star Ball.” She held up the second Dragon Ball she had. “After two weeks of searching the north valley, I found the Five-Star Ball.”

“You’re collecting them?” Goku questioned the girl curiously.

“Almost halfway there now, but it’s not going to be easy to gather all seven.” Bulma sighed at how long it had taken her even with her radar.

“Why do you want them all?” Goku was genuinely interested in what would make Bulma hunt down the Dragon Balls. “Are you trying to make a necklace or something?”

“Oh, but of course…” Bulma looked at him with a grin. “Listen, you goof…when you gather all seven of them together something amazing happens.” Goku leaned forward slightly. “You speak the right words and Shenron, the Dragon God, will appear! He’ll grant you any wish! But only one!”

“Wow! That’s awesome!” Goku exclaimed as he looked between Bulma and the Dragon Ball in his hands.

“The last person that collected all of the Dragon Balls became a king.” Bulma informed with a shrug of her shoulders. “Somehow, they got scattered again over the centuries, leaving it up to me to bring them back together again.” She stood up with an excited giggle. “I’ve already settled on a wish too! I was originally thinking a lifetime supply of strawberries. But…now I’ve decided on a super-cute boyfriend!”

“…” Goku blinked at the girl in silence. He wasn’t sure what a ‘boyfriend’ was. He was a boy, so if he and Bulma became friends did that mean he was a boyfriend?

“So that’s the deal!” Bulma turned to look at Goku with a grin. “Now give me the Four-Star Ball, please!”

“No way!” Goku shook his head. “This is the only keepsake I have from my grampa!” He held the ball away from the girl.

“Oh, come on!” Bulma nearly whined. “What’re you going to do with it?”

“Nothing, just keep it.” Goku answered simply.

“Oh, I get it…” Bulma had a knowing smile on her face. “You want something in exchange!” Goku just stared at her blankly. “Alright…but just a little peek.” She teased as she lifted the hem of her dress to reveal her white panties.

“Why’re you showing me your butt?” Goku blinked at the exposure. “I’m not giving you my grampa’s keepsake for that.”

“Okay, okay!” Bulma changed gears as she dropped the hem of her dress back down. “You can help me with my quest! Your grampa told you to be nice to girls, right?”

“Your quest?” Goku raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t have anything better to do, right?” Bulma leaned forward with a grin.

“Hmm, I don’t mind helping…but I’m not giving you this Dragon Ball!” Goku agreed to help while also clearly keeping the Four-Star Ball out of reach.

“Fine, fine, I’ll just borrow it at the end, alright?” Bulma offered and Goku looked thoughtful for a moment. ‘He doesn’t need to know that once the Dragon Balls are used, they scatter across the Earth again. I’ll just keep that to myself for now.

“Alright, I guess.” Goku agreed as he put the Four-Star Ball in his pocket. “But let’s eat first!” He grabbed what he’d originally come inside to get, a set of large knives used for cleaning prey.

“I could eat.” Bulma shrugged as she followed him outside. ‘Score! I get a bodyguard and someone that can do the heavy-lifting!’ She watched as Goku began to cut open his catch and clean it. Her eyes kept zeroing in on the waving monkey-like tail. The more she watched it the more she was starting to think it was actually real.

“Some salt, the herbs, and now we cook!” Goku grinned as he stuck a long, straight branch through the prepared fish. He quickly gathered wood and kindling to make a fire and set the fish over the flames once they were big enough for cooking. “This is gonna be good!” He was already drooling slightly.

“Hey, Goku, what’s up with the tail?” Bulma’s curiosity got the better of her. Surely, he’d confirm that it was just a fake that was part of his clothing or something, right?

“Huh? What about my tail?” Goku looked at her and then his tail. He waved it a little to check if something was on it, but didn’t see anything.

“It’s…it’s not real, right?” Bulma’s eyes widened a bit.

“Of course, it is,” Goku looked at her like she was weird. “See?” He turned his back to her and pulled the waist of his pants down a bit. Bulma could only stare when she saw the tail was actually part of Goku’s body.

“What the heck?!” Bulma cried out as she stared at the anomaly in front of her. “Why do you have a tail?! Humans don’t have tails!”

“Yeah, grampa didn’t have a tail either, he told me that humans don’t have tails.” Goku shrugged as he turned the large cooking fish over with the stick running through it. “All Saiyans do though.”

“Saiyan?” Bulma tested the unfamiliar word. “What’s that?”

“It’s what I am, a Saiyan.” Goku smiled without a care.

“Is that like a Tribe of People or something?” Bulma had heard stories of various small populations that were different from regular humans. One of the most rumored was the ‘Three-Eyed People’, a Tribe believed to be able to see the future with their third eye. They’d vanished a long time ago though and some believed that they’d either been an exaggeration or not real at all.

“Hmm, well we have a planet…I think?” Goku looked unsure of the exact status of the Saiyans. “I’ve never met another Saiyan though, I was sent here as a baby.”

“Wait…planet? Sent here?” Bulma’s jaw dropped as her sharp mind quickly put the pieces together. “You’re an alien?!”

“What’s an alien?” Goku had never heard the term in his life.

“You come from another planet, you’re not originally from Earth.” Bulma explained and Goku had the proverbial light bulb go off.

“Oh! Then yeah, I guess so.” Goku chuckled before checking the large fish.

“He’s…an alien…” Bulma muttered out slowly. Sure, that wasn’t impossible. Hell, she’d met her big sister Tights’ alien friend Jaco when she’d been just a little girl. She knew that there were aliens out in the universe because of it. But Goku looked nothing like Jaco. Goku looked so…human.

“Almost ready, just a bit more.” Goku informed her as he turned the large fish again to make sure it was evenly cooked throughout.

“Hey, Goku, if you’re an alien, why do you look so much like a human?” Bulma questioned the cooking boy.

“I dunno,” Goku shrugged as he turned to look at her. “We look alike, but we have some differences for sure.”

“Like what?” Bulma’s naturally inquisitive mind was engaged now and she wanted more of this new information.

“Saiyan’s are stronger by a good amount, even from birth.” Goku began speaking, recalling from the information implanted into him as an infant about his species. “Your weird weapon only hurt a little, remember?”

“Right…if you were human my pistol would’ve put a hole through your head.” Bulma nodded while internally she goggled at being naturally bulletproof without having some kind of exoskeleton, shell, or carapace. Not to mention the fact that he had lifted and thrown her car. The vehicle weighed roughly 700kg!

“We’re also good fighters.” Goku smiled as he kept going. “We’re a Warrior Race, so we’re basically born to fight. We also grow weird compared to humans, at least that’s what grampa told me.”

“Grow weird?” Bulma tilted her head in confusion. “Like how?”

“Well, I was sent here as a baby.” Goku went for the simplest explanation. “Grampa once told me I didn’t grow much at all until I suddenly had a growth spurt about a year after he started taking care of me. Then I didn’t grow again until I had another growth spurt about two years ago. I haven’t grown much at all since then, so I’m not sure when my next one will be.”

“That’s a lot different from humans.” Bulma agreed with him. “Humans grow continuously throughout our early years. We can have growth spurts, but nothing like what you described.” Doing all of one’s growing in bursts like that was odd, but perhaps it had some kind of advantage for the Saiyans and that’s why they’d evolved it?

“Oh, and we also can’t look at the full moon for long otherwise we transform.” Goku mentioned as he pulled the cooked fish away from the fire with a wide grin. It was time to eat!

“Transform?” Bulma didn’t know if she liked the sound of that.

“Yeah, when we stare at a full moon we transform into a massive ape-like form called an Oozaru. Our power increases ten-fold and our size in that form would let us pick someone your size up in one hand.” Goku explained, as if that wasn’t a terrifying thought for the girl. “But we lose control and are really destructive in that form, so we try to avoid looking at the full moon.”

“Oh…y-yeah…sounds good.” Bulma gave off a strained laugh as Goku used one of the knives to cut off some of the fish for her. He put it on a simple wooden plate and handed it to her with a happy grin. She took it and then watched in slightly disgusted awe as Goku began to devour the rest of the fish with his bare hands.

There wasn’t much conversation as they ate. Goku seemed almost entirely focused on stuffing his face and Bulma was processing the new information that she’d received. The fish was actually pretty good, Bulma admitted as she ate. Seeing the rest of the huge fish disappear into Goku’s apparently bottomless stomach was a bit of a shock. There were only bones left when he’d finished! The blue-haired girl had to wonder where it all went.

“Time to wash up!” Goku grinned as he went over to the small well and drew up a bucket of water. He washed his hands from the food he’d eaten and then dumped the dirty water onto the grass nearby. “Always wash your hands after eating, that’s what grampa taught me.” He chuckled as Bulma looked at him.

“Say, Goku, is there anything else different about Saiyans compared to humans?” Bulma questioned as Goku was putting things away and packing a small bag to take with him.

“Hmm,” Goku looked like he was thinking deeply about anything else that he could tell her. “Well, you know about how we grow, but after I become an adult, I won’t actually age much beyond that for a really, really long time. It’s supposed to be so that we can fight longer. We also heal pretty fast, grampa always said I did too.” He stopped for a second before his face lit up as he thought of something else to tell Bulma. “Oh yeah, we’re also really good at learning how to fight. Our conditioning improves faster. We can mimic moves and techniques we observe after a short time, and we can develop our power and strength faster than most other species. There’s also something about getting stronger after recovering from a lot of damage, but I’ve never really been injured that badly before.”

“Okay…so you’re more durable, you get stronger faster, you heal faster, and it sounds like you excel in kinesthetic learning to a ridiculous degree.” Bulma mentally noted it all down. “You Saiyans have a lot going for you, huh?”

“I guess so.” Goku chuckled as he put his small bag and his staff across his back. “I’m ready to go now.”

“Alright then, let the adventure begin!” Bulma laughed as she stood up and the duo started walking towards the dirt road.

“How’re we going to find the rest of the balls if you don’t know where they are?” Goku asked as they made it the short distance to the only road in the area.

“Hahaha!” Bulma puffed up her chest proudly. “I’m not just a pretty face, you know?” She grinned smugly. “Though I am that too!” She was proud of her looks, okay?! “Feast your eyes on this!” She pulled a circular device from the pouch on her hip. “This is my Dragon Ball Radar! I noticed that the balls give off a faint electromagnetic pulse, so I built this to pick up on that specific wavelength.” She showed a confused Goku the green screen with a grid pattern on it. “These three in the middle are the ones we have.” She pointed to the three yellow dots in the center of the screen. “The next closest one is…there, about twelve-hundred kilometers to the west.” She noted the ball’s location.

“I don’t really get it, but it sounds far.” Goku shrugged and Bulma couldn’t help but shake her head slightly.

“You totaled my car, so I’ll have to take out a new vehicle.” Bulma pulled a case from her hip pouch and opened it up. “I guess number nine will work.” She picked up the capsule labeled ‘9’ and clicked the button on the top. “Stand back.” She instructed Goku before tossing the capsule in front of them. A strange blast went off and a cloud of smoke appeared. When it cleared away a motorcycle with a full windshield/head cover appeared. “Alright, let’s ride!”

“What the?!” Goku gaped at what he’d just seen. “You can use magic? You are a witch then!” He spouted out and Bulma rolled her eyes.

“It’s not magic, it’s a technology called the Hoi-Poi Capsule.” Bulma explained as she threw her left leg over the motorcycle and sat on the seat. “Now, swing your tail onto the back behind me and let’s go.” She pointed her thumb over her shoulder while Goku tapped the motorcycle with his foot a few times.

“Okay…” Goku still looked suspicious of the motorcycle but mimicked Bulma and threw his leg over the back of the seat and sat down.

Bulma started the engine and pushed the kickstand up out of the way. A small twist of the throttle and the two were headed off as the motorcycle sped forward. Goku blinked in surprise at both the movement and then how fast the machine was moving. He watched the landscape rush past them for a short time as Bulma got the motorcycle up to a good riding speed.

“Wow!” Goku grabbed onto Bulma as he felt his body moving backwards from the acceleration. “This thing goes even faster than I can run! I didn’t think that was possible!”

“Goku…” Bulma’s tone was a mix of annoyed and restrained. “Hold onto my waist and not my chest, please.”

“Okay.” Goku moved his hands down to her waist and held on gently so as not to hurt Bulma. He didn’t know why it mattered, but Bulma asked so he complied.

It was a few hours later, the sun starting to dip near the horizon, when the first bit of excitement happened on their journey. Bulma’s motorcycle crested a hill only to fly off into open air from the steepness on the other side. Bulma cried out in shock as they flew through the air. Goku was just amazed to be flying at all, not realizing the potential danger. The motorcycle was built well though and absorbed the jarring impact as they slammed back onto the ground.

“Phew…” Bulma exhaled at the unexpected near crash.

“That was incredible!” Goku exclaimed with a bright smile. “You made us actually fly!”

“Y-Yeah…pretty amazing, huh?” Bulma stuttered out with her heart still hammering inside her chest. ‘I didn’t expect the hill to be that steep!’ The sudden shock registered and Bulma blinked. She kicked down the kickstand and got off the motorcycle. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” She started to walk towards a large rock a good distance from the road.

“Where are you going?” Goku asked at the girl’s sudden departure.

“Goku…when a girl says ‘excuse me, be right back’ it means she’s taking care of something private.” Bulma pinched the bridge of her nose before turning around and heading behind the rock.

“Oh…she must need to pee.” Goku shrugged and wondered why she didn’t just go on the nearest tree. That’s what he usually did after all.

“AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! GOKU!!!” Bulma’s scream jolted the Saiyan and he leapt off the motorcycle to bolt towards his new friend. What he saw when he skidded around the edge of the large rock was a pterodactyl holding Bulma with one hand. Bulma didn’t look injured, but it was clear she was terrified.

“Who are you? Part of her pack?” The pterodactyl questioned Goku with a sneer.

“We’re friends, who’re you?” Goku answered while looking the large flying reptile in the eye.

“He’s trying to eat me!” Bulma cried out. “Save me already!”

“Oh, so that’s how it is?!” Goku glared at the pterodactyl as he drew his red staff from his back. “Nyoibō, extend!” The red staff glowed slightly before shooting forward as it rapidly extended. The end of the staff slammed into the pterodactyl’s jaws. The hit knocked the reptile backwards and Bulma was able to escape its claws. “I’ll teach you to threaten my friend!” He raised the super-long staff over his head and brought it down as hard as he could on the pterodactyl’s head. There was a snapping sound and then a plume of dirt was thrown up as Goku’s powerful swing forced the flying reptile’s body into the dirt.

“Goku!” Bulma rushed over to the boy and hugged him. “Thank you!”

“No problem, Bulma!” Goku smiled at her. A rumble from his stomach was heard and Bulma pulled back to look at him incredulously. “I’m hungry.” He looked over at the dead pterodactyl. “Been a long time since I had pterodactyl meat.” He was starting to drool.

“You know what? Sure…let’s call it a day.” Bulma decided after what she’d just been through. “I’ll set up the Capsule House and use a real bathroom instead.”

“What’s a Capsule House?” Goku looked curious. “Is it another of those weird bomb things?”

“They’re not bombs, they’re Hoi-Poi Capsules.” Bulma reminded him as she pulled the case from the pouch on her hip. “You can cook and eat your flying lizard while I set it up.”

“Okay!” Goku was happy with any plan that let him fill his belly. “I’ll save you some too!”

“No, thank you!” Bulma shook her head at the thought. “There’s some food in the Capsule House, so I’ll be fine. You can have it all.”

“Really?! Thanks, Bulma!” Goku beamed at her and Bulma couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her lips. The Saiyan boy quickly shrank his staff and sheathed it on his back before trotting over to the dead pterodactyl. He’d be stuffed tonight, that was for sure!

-End Chapter-


Woo! Finally got this down!

We see some changes already, but the initial Canon story hasn’t been altered too much yet. How long will that last?

I’m sure that you all can infer just who is being converted from Universe 6, yes? *Hehehehe~*

What other changes await us on the Quest to find the Dragon Balls?

Keep reading to find out!

Just for the ones that enjoy the Power Level aspect, we can keep track here!

Power Levels

Goku – 10

Bulma - 2

Until I get your reviews, later!

Just like the Inari Familia Premise, this story cannot have a Tier Reward used on it.

I need to finish a few of the ongoing stories before I put out anything else.

This was just another exclusive gift to my Patrons while I'm away on my trip. 



This story is my very first foray into the world of Dragon Ball.

Joseph Matuska

Can't wait to see more of this in the future


I'm going to guess that you're going to transfer the mothers of Caulifla and Kale over to this universe or possibly Caulifla and Kale themselves when they get older.