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Hey friends and fans, another Plot Bunny has been born! It’s been a little while since I wrote one of these, so I figured, why not, right?

This Quirk has been in my head for a good bit, mostly because it comes from a different Series that I enjoy and I had to figure out the best way to MHA-ify

it into a Quirk. I’m sure some of you will already know what I’m going for just from the name of this Plot Bunny alone. Kek! Time for all that negativity that Izuku was put through growing up to be used as fuel to make him a Hero! If he gets two lovely ladies (Also MHA-ified from another comic property entirely) then all the better!

I hope you enjoy!


The Cursed Hero!

Midoriya Izuku was currently a confused young boy of four-years-old. Well, he was almost five, actually, but that wasn’t the point. He had just gotten home with his mother, Inko, from the doctor’s office. His mother had been concerned that he hadn’t manifested his Quirk yet, even though all of the other kids in his preschool had theirs. A trip to the doctor and several tests run had proven that little Izuku had active Alpha Factors (The genetic marker for Quirks) and he lacked an extra joint in his pinky toe. So, whatever his Quirk was, he just hadn’t noticed it or it hadn’t been activated yet.

The world he lived in was filled with people that had superpowers known as Quirks. Some two-hundred years ago the first one appeared in a baby born in China and from there the powers spread so rapidly that no government system on Earth could hope to keep up. The first generation to manifest Quirks was roughly ten percent of all newborns. The second generation spiked to twenty-five percent. And now, about ten generations into Quirks appearing, the chances of being born Quirkless was less than a fraction of a percent.

Quirks had gotten more and more complex over the generations as well. They mixed, mutated, grew stronger, and new and more multi-faceted Quirks appeared each generation. There were a whole host of different theories about this, but none could actually be proven. The simple three label system of Emitter, Transformation, and Mutant barely applied to some modern Quirks that showed traits and abilities from two or even all three types.

But for little Izuku, none of that mattered since he didn’t know what his Quirk was or how to activate it. He tried everything he could think of and had even asked his fellow preschooler show they activated their Quirks. When none of that worked, he asked his mom how she used hers. Then he asked his teachers. None of their suggestions or methods helped and a few people had begun to whisper the term Quirkless behind the small child’s back.

“Hey, hey, did you know?” Bakugo Katsuki, a friend of Izuku’s with a rather powerful Quirk called Explosion asked their classmates. “There’s something called Quirkless!”

“What’s that?” One of the other children asked curiously.

“I heard the teachers say it.” Bakugo pointed at Izuku. “It’s like Izuku, no Quirk!”

“B-But I do have a Quirk!” Izuku replied, his green eyes wide and his little fists moving up and down in front of him. “The doctor said so!”

“Then why can’t you do anything?” Bakugo questioned his friend with narrowed eyes.

“I…I don’t know.” Izuku mumbled back. “I don’t know how to activate it.”

“If you can’t do anything, then you don’t have a Quirk.” Bakugo used the logic of a child and nodded his head. Several of the other children agreed with the boy. No one ever said that children were deep thinkers.

Little Izuku was shortly thereafter given the nickname ‘Deku’ by Bakugo. There friendship suffering its first strain that day. But Izuku was a kind boy that preferred helping others and being nice, rather than calling others names just because they called him names. That’s not to say that he didn’t feel hurt by the name-calling and teasing of his peers. He sniffled and wiped his eyes whenever it became too much. He and his mother were both emotional types that could cry a fountain if they got going.

Time passed without much change. Izuku still tried to activate his Quirk daily. His computer time was often spent watching Hero videos and trying to replicate what they did. The young verdette child wanted nothing more than to be a Hero! It was his dream to help and save others. He swore he’d make his Quirk work one day so that he could be a Hero, he wouldn’t give up on his dream!

-Two Years Later-

Izuku was hurt, both physically and emotionally. Bakugo had become something of a bully as his Quirk grew stronger and he used it to get his way on the playground and at their elementary school. Izuku had tried to stop his friend after the blonde had made another boy cry on the playground. That had led to him being the next target and now he was lying on the ground beaten, singed, and nearly crying his eyes out.

“It hurts…” Izuku whimpered as he was left alone. None of the other kids would go near him to help.

Sure, the bruises hurt, and the light burns were painful, but what hurt the most was Izuku’s heart.

“I hate this…” Izuku sniffled as the tears continued to fall. Why did Bakugo have to be like this? Why did he hurt him? They were supposed to be friends.

Was it always going to be like this? Left alone. No one wanting to be around him? Made fun of, bullied, hurt, and no one saying anything in his defense? The sadness overflowed, the fear, the loneliness, and in the depths of Izuku’s heart and mind, two new emotions appeared for the first time in his life. Rage and hate.

“I hate this…I hate it…I hate it…why me? Why? Why? Why?!” Izuku turned over onto his stomach and beat his small fist on the ground over and over again. Anger, hate, fear, regret, self-loathing, lament, all of these negative emotions built up within Izuku as he continued to hit the ground.


Even through his tears, Izuku noticed it. The change in his right fist. He rubbed his eyes with his left arm and blinked at what he saw. Some kind of smoke-like energy was surrounding his fist. Black and blue, but still transparent enough for him to see through. It was so odd looking and Izuku couldn’t fathom what was going on for a long moment.

But then it clicked.

“Q-Quirk…my, my Quirk!” Izuku exclaimed as he raised his fist up closer to his eyes. The strange energy flickered and moved around, but Izuku was still unable to tell what it was or what it could do. The negativity within was quickly replaced by elation, a joy so profound that little Izuku’s tears turned from misery to happy and a beaming smile broke out on his face. “I got my Quirk to activate!” The black and blue energy instantly vanished upon his joyful declaration. “Huh? Why’d it stop? What’s wrong? Come on, work, come on!” Izuku didn’t know what was wrong. He'd finally gotten his Quirk to activate for the first time in his life and then it just goes back off? “No! Don’t do this to me! Come back! Come back!” Angry tears took over the happy ones as Izuku glared at his fist.


The energy reappeared, much weaker than the first activation, but it was still there and Izuku glared at his Quirk as if daring it to disappear again. The anger seemed to make the energy respond as it flared up and grew larger around his fist. He nearly gaped as he put two and two together.

“I have to be angry?” Izuku questioned himself. He shook his head a second later. “No…not just angry…I was so sad, lonely, afraid…I was cursing myself and my Quirk for not showing up…” The boy realized that it wasn’t just anger that made his Quirk activate, it was his negativity. He’d been lower than he’d ever been before in his life after being left beaten on the ground by everyone. “I, I need to show mom!” He quickly stood up and took off towards their apartment. His quirk vanishing from around his small fist without him focusing on it.

Midoriya Inko was indeed in for a surprise when her son showed her his Quirk. Seeing the look on his face when he activated it made her want to hug him close and tell him that everything was going to be okay. He looked so down, so angry, and yet his Quirk finally responded after years of doing nothing. She praised him, how could she not, and his strange energy Quirk vanished as he beamed happily at her. She hugged him warmly and assured him that they’d go to the doctor’s office to get his Quirk checked out as soon as she could get him an appointment.

-Doctor’s Office-

“How odd…” The Quirk Specialist that was on-call for the hospital examined Izuku’s energy closely. “It’s not like any form of energy known to exist naturally.”

“What does that mean, sir?” Inko questioned, trying not to worry, but this was her Izuku!

“Quirks are well documented to produce unique forms of energy.” The specialist smiled at the mother to ease her concerns. “Your son’s Quirk seems to be one of those types. That more than likely means that his energy has unique properties and applications. I’d recommend that he experiments with his Quirk, safely of course, in his spare time at home.” He ruffled Izuku’s fluffy hair and the boy grinned brightly as the odd black and blue energy disappeared from his hands. “If his energy proves to be destructive, then going to a Quirk Development Facility after school or on the weekends might be for the best.”

“Of course.” Inko nodded in agreement with the specialist.

Quirk Development Facilities had become a necessity around the time that Inko had been a little girl. Many Quirks were simply becoming too powerful or too complex to be practiced with at home by children. The complexity of some Quirks also required the intelligence of adults with special training to help children figure out and understand their own abilities. The facilities were all over the place nowadays. You could find dozens of them in heavily populated areas like Musutafu City.

“Did you have a name you wanted for your Quirk, Izuku?” The specialist asked the boy with a grin.

Quirks were named by the person that possessed them in most cases. Sometimes parents stepped in if their child chose something ridiculous or inappropriate. There were stipulations on names as well. No one wanted someone calling their Quirk something horribly offensive or crass. There were still plenty of ridiculous names on the Government’s National Quirk Registry though if one were to look through it.

“Hmm…” Izuku looked at his hands, focusing on his negative emotions to make his Quirk appear again. The small amount of the black and blue energy he could manifest flickered in his palm as he looked at it. Thinking back to how he’d first gotten his Quirk to activate after years of nothing, young Izuku went for what seemed like the most appropriate name. “Cursed Energy.”

“Are you sure, Izuku?” Inko asked, looking worriedly at her son. Her baby boy was always a joy to be around. He didn’t have a negative bone in his body, in her opinion. For his Quirk to only respond when he was feeling negative emotions just seemed so counter-intuitive to him.

“Yes, cursing it was what made it work.” Izuku’s simple logic was hard to fault.

“If, you’re sure.” The specialist began to fill in the Quirk Registry for Izuku on his tablet. The Midoriya family would leave with a copy of the Registry Entry for their own records once he was done.

-Quirk Registry-

Name: Midoriya Izuku

Sex: Male

Quirk: Cursed Energy

Quirk Type: Emitter

-Quirk Registry-

Izuku now had something to show his peers. He’d been ecstatic when he made his cursed energy appear and stunned all of the kids that had teased and bullied him about being Quirkless. He was surprised to get several apologies from others after his demonstration. But the one he’d hoped to get never came. In fact, he only got more ridicule.

“So what? You think your weak Quirk makes you as good as me, Deku?!” Bakugo had scoffed at Izuku’s Quirk. “It figures. You can’t do anything right. You took forever to make your Quirk do anything, and when you did it was just as useless as you.”

Izuku didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was because he was already focusing on his negative emotions to make his Quirk work, but he did something that no one would’ve expected. He cocked back his fist, flaring with more cursed energy than ever before from Bakugo insulting him, and then socked the blonde in the face.

“Gah!” Bakugo was knocked on his ass from the blow.

Izuku stared at his fist in confusion for a second. He’d never been strong enough to knock Bakugo down before. But with his Quirk, it had only taken a single punch. ‘I guess I can strengthen my blows with my energy?’ Izuku had made a new discovery on his first day back to school after discovering his Quirk.

“Deku!” Bakugo launched himself at the other boy and smacked him with an explosive right. Izuku hadn’t even seen it coming, too busy with his new discovery. But the pain of the blow as he hit the ground made his own anger and sadness flare up. His cursed energy surrounded both fists as Izuku shot to his feet and punched Bakugo back.

“Bakugo!” Izuku yelled at his (now former) friend as he knocked the blonde backwards and onto the ground. The scuffle quickly became a full-on fight and teachers rushed over to break it up. It was no surprise that both boys’ parents were called and they were sent home from their elementary school.

Izuku spent his time throughout his elementary school years learning about his Quirk. The empowerment he got from it was barely scratching the surface it turned out. The young boy looked into everything he could about Quirks like his own. He watched Heroes on TV, looked them up on the internet, even spoke to any other kids in his school that had energy-based Emitter Quirks. He tried his best to analyze how his own Quirk worked and found he had some talent for Quirk Analysis.

These years weren’t all good though. Bakugo, and the boys that followed him around like some sort of gang, did seemingly everything they could to make Izuku miserable. In school that was limited to verbal abuse and mockery normally. Occasionally Izuku’s things went missing, only to show up later broken or damaged in some way. Outside of school, where there was no teacher or adult watching to report them, they sometimes escalated to physical bullying, pushing Izuku around and hitting him. Izuku bottled up his emotions about it for several months at first. But once he exploded, his Quirk practically roaring from the outpouring of negative emotions, he’d fought back and injured all of his tormentors. The bruises, busted lips, black eyes, and bloody noses were impossible to hide and all of the boys got in trouble with their parents.

The one thing that Izuku still worried about, aside from his tormentors at school, was the progress he was making with his Quirk. Even with all of his research, asking others, and even going to a Quirk Development Facility multiple times a week for years, his progress was slower than his peers. Many of his classmates could pull off tricks or other showy uses of their Quirks that impressed their friends and sometimes even the teachers. Izuku? He was still limited to empowering himself with his cursed energy.

It wasn’t like he’d made no progress at all. He’d learn that he could separate his cursed energy from himself for a while, letting it float wherever he left it, but he’d yet to really come up with a way to use it. Even firing it as a projectile was difficult because of the energy cost. It was a huge expenditure for his reserves to launch a ball or bolt of cursed energy with any real force. One shot and he’d usually have to rest a little afterwards.

Perhaps it was his own Hero Nerd tendencies that helped him the most though. He’d delved past modern Heroes and started looking up Heroes from the past, and not just ones from Japan either. After hearing about one old Hero from one of the staff of the Quirk Development Facility he went to, he’d gone home to ask his mother about the Hero in question. That had led to a surprisingly lengthy conversation about the Pro Heroes that Inko remembered from her time as a child and teenager. Izuku had been almost stunned to hear about so many Pros that had practically faded into history with hardly anyone mentioning them. It was this new information that had led him down the rabbit hole of Heroes past.

“Kekkaishi is so cool.” Izuku mumbled as he took notes of the old Pro Hero. The video he was watching online was old. Like 360p being the best video quality that existed for it, old. Kekkaishi was a Pro Hero from decades ago. Izuku’s grandparents would’ve been teens at best when Kekkaishi was around. The man’s Worldly Barrier Quirk was amazing to say the least. It allowed the Pro Hero to block seemingly anything, trap Villains within his barriers, and even make false areas within his barriers that were nearly imperceptible from reality. Izuku wondered if his cursed energy could make barriers and resolved to try it out.

Thus, Izuku finally made his first real progress with his Quirk beyond the most basic of applications. It took a good amount of time still, many months of practice and experimentation, but Izuku had finally succeeded upon casting his first technique, as he thought of it.

“Curtain.” Izuku stood in the middle of the practice area he was assigned to at the Quirk Development Facility. He focused on his cursed energy, much easier after years of practice in controlling his emotions and learning how to use the negative ones without them messing with his perception. The blue-black energy flared to life high above the boy and from it an inky black film emerged. It spread from the center point and covered a wide area around Izuku until it hit the ground. From the outside, the technique seemed to vanish and the area was empty of anyone. On the inside however, Izuku grinned as he could still see everything going on outside of his technique.

“Midoriya? Where’d you go?!” The staff member that had been assisting the boy questioned, turning this way and that to try and see the kid.

“I’m still here.” Izuku grinned as his technique was released and he faded back into view, now much closer to the staff member than before.

“Whoa! Geez kid, you’re gonna give someone a heart attack!” The employee held their chest. “Since when can you make things invisible with your Quirk?”

“Well, this is the first time it was successful…so, now-ish?” Izuku shrugged with a sheepish grin.

“Your Quirk is definitely different than what we’ve been thinking it is then.” The staff member blinked and was quick to write down the new development that Izuku had made.

“I have another idea too.” Izuku informed his helper with a smile.

“You do?” The curiosity was blatant on the employee’s face.

“Yeah, but it’s still kinda hard to do.” Izuku admitted with a frown.

“That’s what we’re here to work on and help you with, Midoriya.” The staff member chuckled at the earnest boy. “What’re you thinking about?”

“Well, it’s a simple area sensing idea, using my energy to monitor my surroundings and let me know when something gets close to me, even if I can’t see it or hear it.” Izuku laid out the idea he’d thought up and hoped to get help with.

-First Year of Junior High-

“Shikigami!” Izuku called out as his cursed energy flared up. The energy warped and seemed to twist in on itself before a shadowy amorphous thing appeared before Izuku. This was Izuku’s newest technique, one almost two years in the making.

Unsurprisingly, this technique had come about because of another Hero of old. The one in question being Jutsu-shi, a female Pro Hero from just before Kekkaishi’s time. The woman’s Quirk allowed her to manifest familiars that she called shikigami, most in the form of various animals. The old Pro had been an absolute asset in disaster relief, search and rescue, and even combat as her shikigami were limited only by her own energy. Creating massive dragons or other beasts was a skill she’d used to take down Villains back in her time.

“Now, let’s try this again.” Izuku focused and gave his shikigami a command. “Double.”

The shadowy mass was quick to take on a human shape, like a three-dimensional silhouette, before turning into a perfect copy of Izuku. Izuku inspected his shikigami closely to try and find any flaws he’d made. It looked like him, felt like him as he poked and touched its form, it breathed like him, and after asking it to speak, it even talked like him.

“Success!” Izuku cheered, his shikigami mimicked him perfectly, also cheering at the success. That just made Izuku laugh at how real his shikigami was, it was like he’d always had a twin! His shikigami didn’t have anywhere near the amount of cursed energy that Izuku possessed, and it was limited to the same amount of mass as Izuku himself, but it was handy in multiple ways. “Flock.” Izuku gave another order and his double turned back into a three-dimensional silhouette before dispersing into a flock of corvid-like birds that flew around the area. “Yes!” Izuku fist pumped, still making sure to maintain his negative emotions to power his cursed energy at the same time. His shikigami was limited to his own body mass, but if he made it take the form of something smaller than himself, it could become multiple beings.

With some focus Izuku closed his eyes and was suddenly seeing himself from a third-person point of view. He grinned as he confirmed that he could indeed see through his shikigami’s eyes when he wanted to. He switched between each of the corvid-like beings, getting different angles of perspective based on where the birds were perched around the practice area. The boy couldn’t be happier that he’d finally gotten this technique to work like he’d wanted it to. It had taken longer than both Curtain and his other technique.

“Ow!” Someone cried out and one of the bird shikigami looked over to the area the cry had come from. Izuku saw through its eyes that the teen in the next practice area had apparently hurt himself with his Quirk. The employee helping him was already at the older boy’s side and looking over the injury. A light blue glow appeared around the injury and Izuku watched on as the teen was healed by the employee’s Quirk.

“Huh…I wish I could heal like that.” Izuku called his shikigami back together before cancelling the technique. Throughout all of his tests and experiments with his Quirk, Izuku had come to the conclusion that his cursed energy was harmful to others when used offensively and neutral when he used it for a technique. It didn’t seem possible that he could heal others with it at all. “It is powered by my negative emotions. I guess it makes some sense that negativity wouldn’t promote healing.” With a sigh he packed up and said goodbye to his helper for the day. He did want to be able to heal though, it was such a rare Quirk sub-type that most who possessed even a moderately strong Healing Quirk went into the medical field.

-Third Year of Junior High-

“Did…did I finally figure it out?” Izuku dared not hope, even as he saw the bruise on his arm heal before his eyes. He removed his hand and let his cursed energy fade away as he inspected the area. It was perfectly fine, not a mark on him nor any lingering pain. He’d been experimenting with the idea of healing since he’d seen it at the Development Facility. It had been almost two years now and he finally seemed to have found the trick to making his cursed energy reverse its normal harmful nature. “Why does it act like math though?” He blinked as he thought about exactly how he’d finally figured out this technique.

It was the simple mathematical calculation of negative multiplied by negative equals positive. He’d compounded his cursed energy on itself until its ‘wavelength’ (for lack of a better term) had reversed. Sure, it sounded simple when explained, but it required Izuku to become ridiculously good at controlling his cursed energy. So much precision was required to pull off this technique that this was Izuku’s first successful attempt after so long.

“Hmm, but what to call this one?” Izuku mused as he looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom. He’d been able to hide the light bruises from his fight with Bakugo under his school uniform’s sleeves. Now that the bruises were healed though, he could leave his room without worrying his mother. “I’ll just keep it simple and call it Reversed Cursed Technique, since I make the cursed energy reverse its normal harmful function.”

Izuku would practice with this particular technique often. Using his reversed cursed technique while giving his mom a shoulder rub had yielded amazing results as any pain and stiffness had disappeared from Inko’s shoulders. She’d nearly cried tears of joy when Izuku told her he’d finally figured out how to help others aside from fighting Villains. She knew her baby boy wanted to be a Hero. She supported him wholeheartedly in his dream. But she was still his mother! Any amount of time that Izuku was being a Hero by healing someone rather than in the line of combat was less time that she’d worry for his safety.

-U.A. Entrance Exam-

Izuku had done it! He’d made it to U.A. High after years of dreaming about it. Sure, he still had to actually pass the entrance exam, but he was here!

“Out of my way, Deku!” Bakugo snarled, nearly pushing past the green-haired teen.

“Good luck to you too, Bakugo.” Izuku snarked with as much sarcasm as he could put into his voice. How Bakugo had never gotten over himself in all these years Izuku didn’t know. He’d long since stopped being a doormat for the explosive blonde. After trying to ignore him and his flunkies until he’d exploded when they were still kids, Izuku had never let them get away with physically attacking him.

“Fuck off!” Bakugo growled back, storming towards the location of the written exam.

Izuku felt his irritation and anger rise a bit, but he controlled them, adding them as fuel to his Quirk for later. They did have the practical exam after the lunch break after all. He’d need his energy for that. U.A. High had a ridiculously low acceptance rate for a reason.

-Practical Exam ~ Site B-

“Okay…” Izuku inhaled and then exhaled slowly to steady himself. “Don’t worry about anything else, just focus on the exam. Get as many points as possible and I’m in.” He looked around the large group of examinees with curiosity though. His Quirk Nerd tendencies made picking out obvious Quirks second nature to Izuku. He made a few mental notes of interesting looking Quirks before his eyes fell on her.

She was beautiful. Long, straight red hair fell down her back and ended below her butt. She had an orange skin tone, but not like a spray tan, more like her skin had been kissed by the sun. Her eyes were a vivid green like his own and she had a cute face with short eyebrows the same color as her hair. Her figure had captured the attention of several of the other examinees long before Izuku had spotted her. She was very blessed in the looks department. A very generous chest, toned stomach, trim waist, wide hips, a very nice ass, and long legs. Her outfit for the exam wasn’t a track suit like many of the others wore either. Instead, she was in a purple sports bra and black yoga pants that stopped at mid-thigh to make shorts. This naturally left much of her skin exposed, to which several of the examinees were happy to ogle the eye candy. On the girl’s feet were simple sneakers in purple to match her outfit.

Her skin tone probably has something to do with her Quirk. Showing so much skin is probably for the same reason. Maybe her Quirk comes from her skin? Or is it powered by sunlight?’ Izuku was already analyzing the girl and her possible Quirk without even realizing it.

“Start!” Present Mic’s booming voice called out to every test site at the same time.

“Huh?!” Izuku blinked at looked up towards the tower that the Pro Hero stood on top of.

“What’re you all waiting for?!” Mic yelled at the students that were standing around. “There are no countdowns in real life! Go! Go, go, go!” he urged them into their mock cityscapes.

“Crap!” Izuku channeled his cursed energy through his body and bolted forward into the site. No one seemed to notice the cracks he’d left in the concrete by doing so. Out of the corner of his eye, Izuku saw the beautiful girl from before flying ahead of everyone else. “She can fly?” That was a cool Quirk!

“Target sighted! Eliminate!” The multitude of robots that the crowd of examinees ran into first on the main street area were quick to lock onto their targets.

Izuku was about to charge towards the one nearest to himself, but was met with a surprise as dozens of green energy bolts rained down on the robots from the sky. Turning to look at the source, everyone saw the beautiful redhead blasting the robots as her hands were surrounded by the same glowing green energy. Already she’d destroyed at least a dozen of the machines and was racking up points quickly.

Wait, focus! I still need points!’ Izuku leapt forward and kicked the head off of a one-pointer robot with his cursed energy enhanced body. “Simple Domain.” Izuku uttered as his cursed energy surrounded his body and expanded several meters in diameter. Now he was aware of everything in the range of his technique. He didn’t need to even turn his head to know when a faux Villain was moving towards him from behind. He just spun into a powerful backfist and crushed it head. That was two points for him.

In the melee that the main street had become, not many examinees had time to pay attention to others. That was not true of the faculty as they watched all of the goings on through the extensive system of cameras set up in each and every test site. A few eyes fell on Izuku as the teen continuously smashed robots without even having to see them. It was as if he reacted without sight at all, making for a very efficient method of acquiring points.

“There aren’t many left.” Izuku noticed that the main street area was almost cleared out. He saw a side street and was blurring down it to try and find more robots before most of the other examinees had made the realization that they were running out of targets.

“There are very many, U.A. High appears to be ‘in the money’, it seems.” The beautiful girl mentioned as she flew away from the main street to continue her own hunt. She wasn’t expecting to see a boy already two streets over and fighting a large group of the faux Villains by himself. “Oh?” She flew in closer to watch, noticing that the boy’s Quirk seemed to produce energy like hers did.

“Move it!” Izuku let some of his negative emotions surface as he fought, feeling the greater power they gave his cursed energy. A sphere of the blue-black energy formed between his hands before he launched it at the robots like a cannon!

“Marvelous!” The beautiful girl clapped as the blast tore through the group of robots easily. Only a couple on the edges of the group remained functional.

“Shikigami!” Izuku summoned his shadowy familiar. “Double!” He gave the command and a second Izuku appeared. Both of them rushed the last couple of faux Villains and shattered them under empowered fists and feet. “I still need more points.” Izuku turned to his copy. “Flock!” The second Izuku darkened before bursting into a flock of corvids that spread out over the test site. “Huh?” His green eyes snapped over to the redheaded girl from before as he saw through his shikigami’s eyes. “Can I help you?”

“I was admiring your fight!” The girl smiled brightly at him. “Your Quirk has some similarities to my own, you see?” Her hands glowed with the bright green light of her Quirk.

“You can fly and shoot energy blasts, that’s amazing.” Izuku smiled back, maintaining his negative emotions separately to keep his technique going.

“Your Quirk is amazing too!” She smiled happily at him. “My name is Nikkō Kori! It is a pleasure to meet you, new friend!”

Sunshine, huh? It certainly fits.’ Izuku thought of her family name. She was like a ball of sunshine herself. “Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you.” His head turned as his shikigami alerted him of finding more robots. “Right, we still are on the clock for the test. Good luck!” He waved as he ran off, his initial step once more cracking the concrete as he rushed away.

Had Izuku not been focused on maintaining his techniques by maintaining a level of negative emotions, he’d probably have been a bit of a stuttering fool in front of the beautiful Kori. As focused as he was though, Izuku just continued to do his best on the test. But he’d caught the redhead’s interest now, and he’d soon find that there was no escape from it!

“Back off!” Izuku flew out of nowhere and shattered a two-pointer with his flying kick. “Are you alright?” He questioned the examinee that had been about to get hit.

“Y-yeah, I’m good.” He gave the freckled guy a thumbs up for the assist.

“Great! Good luck!” Izuku smiled before bolting off as his shikigami continued to update him about other robots and the occasional examinee in trouble.

In the last two minutes of the exam the colossal Zero Pointer was unleashed. It wreaked havoc on the surrounding buildings just by moving. The area around it was devastated as it rolled along on its massive tank treads. Izuku was far enough away that he was sure the time limit would be called before the behemoth machine got to him. He thought he heard a cry for help and tried to zero in on it. But he needn’t have bothered. Kori flew towards the Zero Pointer like a streak of green light and punched a hole straight through the titanic robot’s chest with her body! As the destroyed machine rolled to a stop, Kori flew down just in front of it and threw a large piece of rubble aside. The powerful girl picked up a brunette girl with and quickly flew her back towards the other examinees.

“AND STOP!!!” Present Mic called out with his Quirk. “The exam is over! Great hustle, kids! You’ll receive your results in a week!”

“Are you injured?” Kori asked the girl that she’d saved.

“I think I sprained my ankle.” The brunette informed with a wince.

“Kori, is she okay?” Izuku jogged over to his acquaintance.

“Friend Izuku!” Kori’s face lit up with a smile. “She has hurt her ankle from the falling rubble.”

“I can heal her from that much.” Izuku assured as his cursed energy surrounded his hands. Controlling it and compiling it against itself, he made it into reversed cursed energy. “May I?” He looked at the brunette with the perma-blush on her cheeks.

“Please, I’m Uraraka Ochako, by the way.” Ochako gave him permission to use his Quirk on her.

“This should only take a moment.” Izuku nodded as he put a hand on either side of her ankle. He could feel the damage to the area through his energy and didn’t stop the flow until it was healed fully. “There you go, you should be fine now.” He returned to his full height with a small smile.

“Hey, you’re right, you fixed it.” Ochako marveled as she put her full weight on her formerly sprained ankle without trouble.

“That was very helpful of you, young man.” An elderly voice spoke up from behind Izuku.

“R-Recovery Girl!” Izuku stumbled over his words for a second at seeing the famous Pro Heroine so close.

“Not many people capable of healing follow the Hero Path.” Recovery Girl smiled at the freckled boy. “It’s nice to see someone else doing so.” The old woman handed all three of them some gummies before continuing her rounds to check on the rest of the examinees.

“I hope I got enough points to pass.” Ochako mentioned as everyone began to head back to the bus.

“I think I did alright, maybe.” Izuku would admit that he was a bit nervous about his results.

“You were great, friend Izuku!” Kori assured him with that bright smile on her face. “May we sit together on the bus ride back?”

“Uh, I, y-yeah, sure.” Izuku felt his face getting hot now that his focus wasn’t split. With her being so close, he could get an accurate estimate of her height. Kori was taller than Izuku, around 173cm. Izuku stood at about 165cm himself, being fairly average in height. The green-haired boy would be almost constantly red-faced as Kori was clearly the physical type, sitting close to him on the bus and not having a care about how much skin she was exposing. He was a teenage boy and he noticed these things!

“So, friend Izuku, would you like to talk about our Quirks?” Kori asked with a cute tilt of her head.

“Sure.” Izuku’s eyes lit up at the familiar territory. If it was about Quirks, then Izuku could have a conversation with almost anyone.

“Wonderful!” Kori clapped her hands together. “Would you like to go first?”

The two were quick to delve into conversation as the bus began to move. Izuku explained his Cursed Energy Quirk to Kori and was surprised when she beamed at him when he mentioned it was powered by his negative emotions. Apparently, her Quirk also relied on her emotions to work and Izuku was almost stunned to meet someone else that shared the same trait.

Learning about Kori’s Quirk really made Izuku wish he had his notebook right now. Her Quirk was called Stellar. It allowed her to absorb solar radiation to form it into her own unique energy. Her emotions would make other applications of her Quirk work as well, such as her flight and strength. Izuku had found a kindred spirit in Kori, the girl’s normally bubbly personality made her Quirk stronger as it worked off more positive emotions. Izuku found himself smiling and laughing before he knew it as they continued to chat.

Without a lull in their conversation, the topic switched over to where they lived and their families. Kori had her mother and father, an older sister, a little brother, and an uncle that she was close to. Her older sister was a third year at U.A. already which impressed Izuku. In turn, Izuku mentioned his mother and his father that currently worked abroad, coming home on the holidays and for the birthdays of his wife and son. Kori’s family lived on a small island off the coast, the population was fairly small and they only had a single town. Izuku mentioned that he lived in Musutafu and it took multiple stops to get to U.A. for him.

After leaving the bus, the examinees used the locker rooms to shower and change back into their regular clothes. Izuku was startled to see Kori waiting for him, but the smile on her face was infectious and he was happy that he seemed to have made a new friend. That was when the first surprise after the test happened.

“You did well, Kori.” A girl’s voice spoke up, grabbing the attention of both Kori and Izuku. The speaker looked about a year or two older than Kori, but had the same skin tone, was slightly taller, and her hair and eyebrows were also near identical to Kori’s. The differences aside from height were the purple-black hair and eyebrows and the alluring dark-violet eyes.

“Sister!” Kori flying glomped the older girl with a smile.

“Kyah!” The older girl let out a cute cry, one of joy, as she caught her little sister and hugged her. She placed a kiss on Kori’s cheek and then received one in turn form her little sister.

“You came to watch my exam?” Kori looked at her older sister happily.

“Of course, I did. I said I would, remember?” Her big sister smiled softly.

“Thank you, Komi!” Kori snuggled into her sister’s embrace with a giggle.

“No problem, Kori.” Komi ran her fingers through her sister’s long red hair with a gentle grin on her lips. She looked over at Izuku after a moment. “Who’s this?”

“This is my new friend, Midoriya Izuku!” Kori beamed happily as she flew with her feet just off the ground back to Izuku’s side. “We were in the same exam site!” She wrapped her arms around his left arm, inadvertently pressing her breasts into Izuku’s arm and making his face turn tomato red.

“Is he strong?” Komi looked Izuku up and down, making Izuku feel like he was her prey when their eyes met.

“Oh very!” Kori nodded with a giggle. “His Quirk is empowered by his emotions like ours!” Izuku was fairly certain that steam was coming from his head now. The movement of Kori was pressing her large bosom against his arm even more.

“You don’t say?” Komi sauntered up to Izuku with a strut that screamed of confidence and sex appeal.

“But I do say?” Kori had the most adorably confused look as she titled her head slightly.

“Cute…” Izuku couldn’t help murmuring as he saw the look.

“She is, isn’t she?” Komi smiled at Izuku. The boy realized he’d spoken out loud as his face went nuclear red almost instantly.

“Thank you, Izuku!” Kori had a beaming smile from his compliment.

“Right, I should probably introduce myself.” Komi straightened up with a smirk. “Nikkō Komi, nice to meet you.”

“Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you too.” Izuku formally introduced himself to his new friend’s older sister.

“You sure can pick them, Kori, he’s a cute one.” Komi teased, already noticing how flustered Izuku was with Kori’s affectionate ways. “How about you come with us to celebrate? My treat.”

“I…I’ll, uh, need to text my mom first and let her know.” Izuku stuttered for a second before speaking clearly.

“Sure thing.” Komi shrugged as Kori let go of Izuku’s arm so that he could contact his mother.

“She says it’s fine.” Izuku informed the sisters a moment later. He got the strangest feeling that his mom was super happy when he’d told her that he was invited to celebrate completing the Entrance Exam by his new female friend and her older sister.

“Hmm, how about we exchange numbers, Izuku?” Komi suggested as she and Kori pulled out their phones. “We can stay in touch.”

I-Is this real?’ Izuku went through the process of adding each sister’s number into his contacts. All the while his face was red and he was sure that Komi was greatly amused by that fact.

“Yay! I have friend Izuku’s number!” Kori floated up into the air with a twirl as she held her phone above her head. She was radiating happiness that brought a smile to Izuku’s face without him even realizing it.

“Well, let’s go, I know of a restaurant around here with good food.” Komi sidled up to Izuku’s right side with a grin. She wrapped her arms around his right arm and Izuku’s face was instantly back to nuclear red. Komi was just as busty, if not more so, than her sister.

“Yes, we shall eat together!” Kori put her phone away and wrapped her arms around Izuku’s left again, a bright smile on her face.

“Just follow me, Izuku~” Komi blew into his ear teasingly and Izuku vaguely wondered how he hadn’t locked up entirely yet. The two sisters easily moved forward, Izuku’s feet working on auto-pilot as his brain was still process.

Oh right…’ Izuku’s mind blissfully moved to Quirks as a comfort subject. ‘Kori said that super strength was part of their Quirks.’ He let the sisters lead him wherever as he tried to calm down and not be a complete spazz while they hung out together.

Conversation went to Komi’s Quirk once they sat down and ordered their food at the small restaurant. Izuku had opened up and did actually have his notebook out to take notes. Komi’s Quirk was called Celestial, and was the same as Kori’s. Both sisters had a hybrid of their parent’s Quirks that resulted in their own. Their father’s Emotional Empowerment had mixed with their mother’s Solar Absorption to produce the same Quirk in all three of their children.

Izuku was in his element as he took notes and made sketches of both sisters for their own pages. Komi looked over to see and a teasing grin crossed her lips.

“I’m a bit bustier than that, Izuku.” Komi whispered loud enough for Kori to hear.

“Eh?!” Izuku jolted in his seat and his head whipped around to look at the older girl who was laughing behind her hand at his reaction.

“Komi…” Kori pouted at her sister for startling Izuku like that.

“Sorry, sorry,” Komi waved off her little prank. “I’ll tell you something useful to make up for it, okay?” Seeing both Izuku and Kori looking at her eagerly, she spoke again. “The homeroom teacher for Class 1-A, if you two get assigned to that classroom, is a real hard-ass. But…don’t believe any dumb claims he makes. He’s a liar and doesn’t have any special privileges or power within the school. If he mouths off something that sounds ridiculous or potentially illegal, feel free to call him out on it.” She grinned at them both. This would be fun and a nice way to stick it to Aizawa for being a jackass when she started attending U.A. as a first year.

-A Month Later-

Izuku was officially a U.A High student, Hero Course Class 1-A! He smoothed out his uniform as he stepped off his train and headed for school. The first day had gone oddly, Aizawa had thrown them headfirst into a Quirk Assessment Test. The man had claimed that he’d expel the person that came in last place. Recalling what Komi had said at the restaurant, Kori had quickly called out his lie. Izuku backed her up, not letting his friend be alone in confronting the lying teacher.


“Haaa…” Aizawa sighed and rubbed his temples. “Blackfire told you, right?” He stared at the two students that had called him out.

“Blackfire?” Izuku blinked at the unfamiliar name. It sounded like a Hero Name.

“Yes, my big sister said that you are a liar.” Kori had stated plainly without fear. Izuku really admired her courage.

“Of course, she did.” Aizawa shook his head and admitted to trying to use a ‘rational deception’ to get them all to do their best.

“That just sounds like a fancy way to say ‘lying’, sir.” Kori remarked on the ‘rational deception’ remark. This got some chuckles from several of the other students.

So, Komi’s Hero Name is Blackfire? I’ll have to add that to my notebook.’ Izuku made a mental note as they started the Quirk Assessment Test.

It was absolutely no surprise to Izuku that Kori had absolutely destroyed the test and took first place.

~End Flashback~

Today Class 1-A would have their first Foundational Heroics Class with All Might. The Symbol of Peace was getting on in years and had apparently decided to become a teacher while keeping up his Hero Work part-time. Izuku was ecstatic to be taught by the Number One Hero and nearly had sparkles in his eyes when the man himself announced his presence.

“I AM HERE!!!” All Might’s signature phrase made all of Class 1-A sit up straight. “Coming through the door like a normal person!” The over the top description was the exact opposite of what the man was doing as he leaned into the room with his cape flying behind him.

“Will you stop hamming it up?” A very familiar voice to both Izuku and Kori spoke up from behind All Might. As the Pro marched up to the podium, Komi entered the classroom behind him and closed the door.

“Greeting students! Welcome to your first Foundational Heroics Class!” All Might welcomed them with his signature smile. “I’m All Might, as you know, and this young woman with me is my TA.”

“Nikkō Komi, Hero Name: Blackfire, one of U.A.’s Big Four. Nice to meet you.” Komi introduced herself to the class. “Since it’s All Might’s first year teaching, Principal Nezu suggested that the Top Four third years rotate as his TA to help out.”

“Hi Komi!” Kori waved with a bright smile.

“Hello Kori.” Komi smiled at her little sister.

From there the students of Class 1-A had been given their new Hero costumes and told to meet at Ground Beta for a Battle Trial. All of the students gathered after changing, but Izuku’s eyes were drawn to Kori and Komi almost instantly.

Kori’s costume was a sleeveless violet crop top that showed off her toned stomach and thin waist. A matching violet miniskirt, silver belt, and thigh-high violet boots with silver soles and bands at the top finished off the base of the costume. For armor, Kori wore a silver gorget with a round green gem embedded into it and silver gauntlets with green gems over the backs of her hands. It exemplified her figure while giving her skin exposure to absorb solar rays to continue charging her Quirk. Her Quirked physiology already made her ridiculously durable, and the clothing was also all state-of-the-art material that could stop blades, bullets, and was fireproof up to a fairly high temperature.

Komi’s costume was almost identical to Kori’s, but had the addition of armored sleeves, shirt, and leggings to cover her exposed skin, all of the cloth was in black and the gems on her gorget and gauntlets were a deep purple. Izuku wondered how she absorbed extra solar radiation while covered up like that, but felt like the silvery armor probably did something to help with the process. Even with the additional armor, the costume did absolutely nothing to hide Komi’s figure at all. When she caught Izuku looking she gave him a playful wink.

Izuku’s costume was actually based on his Junior High School gakuran. He’d gotten used to fighting Bakugo and his flunkies in it, so he’d used the design but had it outlined in green. Like Kori and Komi, the costume fabric was not normal cloth, but high-end materials that could stop bullets and knives. He could always empower his body with cursed energy to bolster his defense too. Kori and Komi had both met up with him a few times over the last month to practice and get to know each other better. Both sisters were impressed when he could take a punch from them and not be knocked on his ass. His only injury had been some light bruising from their incredible strength.

When it was Izuku’s turn, he was paired with Sero. The two spent a productive fifteen minutes coming up with a plan to use against the Villain team of Ojiro and Toru. As soon as the timer started the two ‘Heroes’ began their plan.

“Shikigami.” Izuku summoned his familiar and everyone watching blinked at the strange amorphous thing. “Flock.” The shadow scattered as bunch of corvids that quickly flew around the building, peeking into windows and sharing their sight with Izuku. “The bomb is on the fourth floor. Toru is probably guarding it, but her invisibility makes it impossible to tell. Ojiro is guarding the stairs on the second floor.”

“Nice, Midoriya, your Quirk is awesome.” Sero grinned at his partner. “So, I’ll go keep Ojiro busy, he won’t be able to touch my Quirk unless he wants to get caught.”

“And I’ll head up to the fourth floor to get the bomb.” Izuku nodded as they split up. Sero headed straight for Ojiro to engage the martial artist. Izuku empowered himself with cursed energy and leapt straight upwards and landed on a window outcropping.

Sliding the window open was easy and he slipped into the building. “Simple Domain.” He circled himself in a field of his cursed energy and walked towards the fourth floor. Even if Toru was invisible, if she stepped into his technique, then he’d know her exact location and movements. He heard the sounds of fighting below, but paid them no mind as he moved up the stairs to the fourth floor. He found the door to the bomb room and threw it open.

“Gotcha!” Toru cried out, her Capture Tape the only thing giving away her location as she tried to wrap it around Izuku.

Unfortunately for Toru, Izuku had known where she was before he’d even opened the door. His Simple Domain expanded through walls and he’d felt her through it. Izuku skipped back, dodging the invisible girl while keeping her within his range so that he could track her.

“How’d you dodge me?!” Toru questioned even as she tried to quietly maneuver herself around Izuku to surprise him.

“You should be more worried about the bomb.” Izuku looked right at where Toru was, getting a startled ‘eep!’ out of the girl. From the door that he’d intentionally led her away from, his shikigami (currently in his form) rushed into the room and towards the bomb.

“What the?! How’re there two of you?!” Toru cried out, rushing towards the second Izuku. Unfortunately, even though the shikigami didn’t have nearly as much cursed energy as Izuku, it still had his physicality and it easily outpaced Toru to touch the bomb and win the round.

“Hero Team wins!” All Might declared over the speakers.

In the viewing room everyone was talking about the match. The topic of Izuku’s Quirk had come up right at the start and Kori and Komi shared the basics with the rest of Class 1-A. They’d never tell anyone about Izuku’s techniques unless they had permission, but the bare bones explanation was fine according to him.

“You're saying Midoriya’s Quirk works off his negative emotions? Jiro Kyoka cocked an eyebrow at the description.

“Midoriya has negative emotions?” Ashido Mina looked like she couldn’t believe that.

“Exactly.” Komi smirked at them. “Because his normal personality is ‘cinnamon roll’ all of his negativity builds up and fuels his Quirk. All the bullshit that he’s gone through for having a supposedly ‘weak’ Quirk,” She glared death at Bakugo with slightly glowing purple eyes. “Has only made him stronger.”

“Douchebag.” Kori muttered, also glaring at Bakugo. She’d learned some American insults from their cousins that lived abroad when they were little. The older cousins had happily taught their impressionable little cousins how to insult others with the English language.

Izuku was met with a hug from Kori as soon as he, Sero, Ojiro, and Toru returned to the observation room. Mina had perked up at the display of affection and was giggling while her unique eyes sparkled. She loved romance and gossiping about it!

-End Chapter-


Damn! Izuku with cursed energy certainly has an arsenal of tricks, doesn’t he? Searching, Sensory Expansion, Empowerment, Projectiles, and as he trains at U.A. you can only imagine how much stronger he’ll get! Perhaps he’ll even find a way to unleash the pinnacle of Jujutsu? What would Izuku’s Domain Expansion even look like?! Villains are gonna start turning themselves in when Izuku becomes a Pro!

Also, yes, both Starfire AND Blackfire are with him and each other! You were warned if you reached that and still read it!

Can’t imagine how lucky Izuku is. A lot of guys I know would contemplate murder pretty damn strongly if given a chance with both sisters. With his stamina, empowerment, and his ability to make a double of himself, I think Izuku has everything it takes to keep his two lovers very happy. Both in their relationship and in the bedroom.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time, later!



Damn great premise was kinda expecting him to have a switch personality kinda like sukana that would’ve been sick like a more brutal sadistic Midoriya


Well, it's only Cursed Techniques, not a Cursed Spirit, so no switching available. Check it out on FFNet or AO3 for the extra scene.

Randy Burns

I was scanning my memory banks to remember what character had orange skin and red hair, took me a bit to realize it was just Starfire lol


Kek! Check it out on FFNet or AO3 for the extra content that Patreon made me remove.


Yup, this is good. Please give us more of Cursed Hero


The Quirk or the Pairing? KEK! I'm glad you liked it! I just belted it out over the last 12-ish hours because the Muse was finally willing!


I would love to see where this would go, as for what Izuku's domain expansion might look like, maybe something like Megumi's? Seeing as he makes good use of shikigami. Both the story and the pairing are interesting, so keep up the good work!


Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed the Bunny! The pairing was very Horny...I fully admit that, but regret NOTHING!


Holy hell....What an awesome banquet of story-telling and Lemon!!!


I will be interested if there are based-on characters from Jujutsu Kaisen, like a certain big, muscle-headed dude with an IQ of 530,000! OR! Maybe some techniques and item-based creations like a particular dagger that can cancel out cursed energy, perhaps????

Jay Leiden

Would definitely like to see this as a story. Would you change anything with nejire at all, cause Komi and Kori make her slightly irrelevant


Ooooo more mha?! THIS is what I'm here

Ant Franklin

This should be a full story and just start it right before the usj ... and have him save eri.....but the premise behind this is amazing bro, your potential and skill with a pen is magnanimously prodigious


Another master class of a mha fic! Approved and appreciated

Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:39:34 Well done on the story and god damn is midoriya one lucky man. Quick question have you ever thought of doing a mha and fairy tail crossover before?
2022-08-27 13:38:00 Well done on the story and god damn is midoriya one lucky man. Quick question have you ever thought of doing a mha and fairy tail crossover before?

Well done on the story and god damn is midoriya one lucky man. Quick question have you ever thought of doing a mha and fairy tail crossover before?


Not sure, I usually don't plan out too much just for a Bunny. The Bunnies are usually just written to establish a given premise.


Happy that you enjoyed it! Thank you for the compliment! It's always appreciated to know that others like my writing so much.


I'm happy that you enjoyed it! Master Class? Aww shucks...*Muffled Happy Kai Noises*


I don't write crossovers. Things like this Bunny, where I borrow a Power System to use as a Quirk, or make MHA versions of other characters, is as close as I get to a crossover. I'm not a fan of crossovers myself. I was burned by really bad crossover stories far too many times in the long time that I've been reading fanfics. So, nowadays I have an intense dislike of the concept.

Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:39:34 Ah I see, refresh my memory cause I can't remember, have done plot bunny with izuku having a quirk that is similar to fire dragon slayer magic before? I've read all the plot bunny stories of yours on here but I can't remember if you did or not, it's been a while since I've read them.
2022-08-27 16:57:53 Ah I see, refresh my memory cause I can't remember, have done plot bunny with izuku having a quirk that is similar to fire dragon slayer magic before? I've read all the plot bunny stories of yours on here but I can't remember if you did or not, it's been a while since I've read them.

Ah I see, refresh my memory cause I can't remember, have done plot bunny with izuku having a quirk that is similar to fire dragon slayer magic before? I've read all the plot bunny stories of yours on here but I can't remember if you did or not, it's been a while since I've read them.


I love crossovers but it's so damn hard to find true crossovers where one character isn't just basically an OC.


Dam that was a good one a cool quirk idea a fun pairing and one of your hottest lemons This has serious potential if you turned it into a full story


I like how you downplayed All Might in this story although if OFA enhances quirks it would be interesting to see what Izuku could do with it and cursed energy

Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:39:34 Hey now that I think about, was Dokushu the poison master similar in the sense that Naruto's bloodline limit(I don't know how to spell the Japanese word for it) a version of the venom-venom fruit in one piece, just made into a bloodline limit?
2022-08-28 17:53:57 Hey now that I think about, was Dokushu the poison master similar in the sense that Naruto's bloodline limit(I don't know how to spell the Japanese word for it) a version of the venom-venom fruit in one piece, just made into a bloodline limit?

Hey now that I think about, was Dokushu the poison master similar in the sense that Naruto's bloodline limit(I don't know how to spell the Japanese word for it) a version of the venom-venom fruit in one piece, just made into a bloodline limit?

Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:39:34 Ah, if you did I apologize, it's been a while since I read it. It was and still is a great story by the way, you did a great job on it!👍
2022-08-28 17:58:08 Ah, if you did I apologize, it's been a while since I read it. It was and still is a great story by the way, you did a great job on it!👍

Ah, if you did I apologize, it's been a while since I read it. It was and still is a great story by the way, you did a great job on it!👍


... I'll be honest I was half expecting his quirk to give him siblings or something, due to the warning. Glad that it was this instead


Nah, Shimaidon literally means a guy getting with a pair of sisters in an intimate/sexual way. Not being related to them in any form.