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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Time to prepare for the Cyanteal Gym! Dragons are powerful and have multiple resistances! Ash better have some Dragon, Ice, or Fairy Type moves if he wants to do some super-effective damage! Misty will train as well, but hopefully there’s time for fishing too. Horsea do live in the sea around Cyanteal Town!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 40 – Training in Cyanteal Town

It was just after breakfast at the Pokémon Center, and both Ash and Misty were making some final preparations before they headed over to the local training Facility. Ash wanted to train up more of his Pokémon so that he had options for his upcoming Gym Battle with Tatsuya. Dragon Types were tricky, having only three weaknesses normally, one of them being their own Type. The secondary Types they could have only added to their move pools and offered more variables that Ash needed to contend with.

“So many things to think about.” Ash hummed as he and Misty headed out of the Pokémon Center together.

“I’d suggest focusing on evasion and upping your damage output.” Misty offered her thoughts to her boyfriend as they started walking. “Dragons can pack a lot of power, but that doesn’t mean much if they can’t land a hit.”

“True enough.” Ash agreed with her. “I’m considering learning Ice and maybe Fairy Type moves, if possible. Both would give me super-effective hits against Dragon Types.”

“Too bad you don’t have a Fairy Type yourself, given that they’re immune to Dragon Type moves.” Misty commented as they enjoyed the nice weather on their walk.

“Not unless Eevee wants to evolve into a Sylveon, and that would take a very strong emotional bond between us. I’m not sure we’ve been together long enough for that to have developed to the necessary level.” Ash patted the Pokéball on his hip that contained his Shiny Eevee.

“Sylveon, Umbreon, and Espeon all take time, you can’t just use an Evolution Stone on them.” Misty nodded at the well-known fact. “Thankfully, my little Eevee seems to like the water already. The Water Stone that you gave me might just be put to good use whenever Eevee decides on what she wants to evolve into.” The orangette was all smiles at the thought of her little Eevee.

“Glad I could help, maybe.” Ash chuckled as the Training Facility came into sight. Misty bumped him with her hip, a light and bubbly laugh escaping her lips.

When the duo entered the Training Facility a short time later, they were quick to head for the front desk. Behind the desk was a woman, probably in her mid-twenties, with long blue hair in a pony tail. She greeted the couple with a smile, easily able to tell that the two Trainers were together just by their body language.

“Welcome to the Cyanteal Town Training Facility, how can I help you two today?” The bluenette asked politely.

“Two for training.” Misty returned the smile.

“Of course,” The woman hit a few keys on her keyboard. “Would either of you like an Assistant Trainer today?”

“No, I think we’re good.” Ash declined the offer.

“Alright then, for two that’ll be one-thousand PokéYen.” The woman informed them. “Will it be cash or card?”

“Cash.” Misty and Ash spoke at the same time, both pulling out their money.

“Here are your wristbands, just return them when you leave.” The woman handed over the two bands after accepting their money. “I hope you both have a productive day.”

“Thank you.” Misty gave a nod as she and Ash entered the Facility proper.

“I think I’ll start in the pool then let Eevee, Bibarel, and Gogoat do some work on the floor. What about you, Ash?” Misty questioned.

“I think we’ll start in the pool today too.” Ash patted the Pokéballs on his belt. “I brought a few of my unevolved Pokémon today to get them some good training in.” His current Team consisted of Raichu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Teddiursa, Krabby, and Eevee. The rest were back at Oak’s Lab relaxing and resting up for their next rotation onto the Team and the training that would bring. Not that some of his Pokémon stopped training even at Oak’s Lab.

“Too bad the locker rooms are separate.” Misty teased as she headed for the pool area, a slight sway in her hips for Ash to enjoy as he followed behind her.

“A tragedy.” Ash nodded solemnly, making Misty crack up a little.

The two entered the pool area and headed over to the locker rooms to change. When they emerged in their swimsuits, Ash once more enjoyed Misty’s body on display. Misty was happy to let him look while she eyed him up as well. Ash’s training with his Pokémon kept him in very good shape after all. With a smirk, Misty turned around and adjusted her bikini bottoms, pulling the material over her round cheeks and letting it lightly snap against her skin.

“Tease.” Ash huffed at his girlfriend.

“Later.” Misty promised with a wink over her shoulder. “Come on out!” She released her Team to reveal Starmie, Bibarel, Spheal, Eevee, and Poliwhirl. Gogoat wasn’t much for pool swimming, being rather large, and would instead do his training once they got out onto the wide floor area.

“Let’s go, guys!” Ash released his Team as well, with Charmander being the one to stay inside his Pokéball for safety.

All of the Pokémon were quick to greet their Trainers before hopping in the pool with cries of excitement. It was quickly apparent that they all wanted to play first and train afterward. Misty looked at Ash with a smile. Ash returned the smile and then both Trainers jumped into the pool after their Pokémon. Once they resurfaced, they got their Pokémon’s attention.

“Alright, you all!” Ash laughed as the Pokémon stopped splashing around. “We’ll play for a bit as a warm-up, but then it’s time for training!” The cries of all of the Pokémon blended together as they agreed and went back to their playing.

“So cute.” Misty cooed as she watched their Eevee swim after Bibarel, the two foxlike Pokémon doggy-paddling after the much more agile Water/Normal Type.

“Bulbasaur is good at floating.” Ash laughed as he watched the blue Grass/Poison Type float lazily around the pool. It was clear that Bulbasaur was keeping an eye on the other Pokémon though. Ready to use his vines to pull them from the water if they started to struggle. The old guardian in him paid specific attention to the two younger Eevee as he slowly kicked his legs while he floated along.

“Hey, Ash~” Misty got his attention with a little purr in her voice.

“Yeah?” Ash looked over and couldn’t help but smile as Misty was leaning in close for a kiss. He leaned in as well, closing his eyes as their lips were about to meet…only to get a face full of water as Misty splashed him.

“You’re it!” Misty giggled before diving beneath the water and swimming towards the other side of the pool.

“Hakgh!” Ash coughed up a little water from the unexpected splash. “I should’ve seen that coming.” He shook his head, sending water flying as he noticed Misty on the other side of the pool. “You’re gonna get it now!” He promised as he swam after his girlfriend. He submerged after a moment, going beneath the drifting form of Starmie, and noticed his Krabby playfully bouncing Misty’s Spheal around with his claws. The Ice/Water Type was clapping his little flippers as he floated downward, only to be batted back upwards again.

“Too slow!” Misty declared, splashing Ash again as he emerged from the water. She swam away as Ash wiped the water from his face.

“Nuh uh…” Ash grinned as he passed his Aura into the water. The pool water around Misty suddenly lurched back towards Ash, making Misty cry out.

“Cheater!” Misty giggled as Ash caught her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She enjoyed the light kiss that he left on her cheek though.

“Revenge…” Ash whispered into her ear with a wide grin. “German Suplex!”

“No!” Misty’s eyes went wide as Ash bent backwards and slammed her into the water. He swam away as she was still getting her bearings. “Ash Ketchum, you’re so getting it!” the fiery orangette declared, pointing at her boyfriend once she resurfaced.

“You’re it, Misty!” Ash laughed back. Misty was quick to prove which of them was the faster swimmer as she nearly tore through the water towards him.

After playtime, the training began, just as Ash and Misty had said that it would. All of the Water Types swam laps through the large pool. Krabby ran laps along the bottom, scuttling sideways back and forth while constantly trying to do each lap in a shorter time. Raichu, Teddiursa, and both of their Eevee were also swimming laps, both of the older Pokémon encouraging the two younger Normal Types. It was a good thing that the Raichu Line could control their electrical discharge at will. Otherwise, Raichu wouldn’t be able to swim at all without risk of shocking everyone else.

Once the laps were complete, the Non-Water Types left the pool, most of them shaking themselves off from the excess water. The Water Types floated on the surface and began Move Practice, firing their projectile attacks at projected targets against the fortified wall on one side of the pool. Misty and Ash took turns controlling the projector and giving their Pokémon attack instructions. The ability to move the targets in real time helped simulate combat for the Water Types as they launched Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Icy Wind, Powder Snow, Brine, and any other attacks that Ash or Misty called out.

It was a good amount of time later that Ash and Misty called the training to a close. They recalled their Pokémon into their Pokéballs to get a quick rest while they changed and moved onto the next part of the day’s training. Both gave each other looks of desire as they contemplated whether or not they could get away with sneaking a quick make out session. Those plans were quickly dashed as two girls and two guys entered the pool area and headed for the locker rooms to change.

“Later.” Misty promised, kissing Ash’s cheek as they separated towards the locker rooms.

As the couple was leaving the pool area, they did get to see some of the Pokémon of the other four Trainers. A Seadra, a Wartortle, a Corsola, and an Azumarill. Misty stopped for a moment to admire the Water Types, nearly cooing over how cute the Corsola and Azumarill were. Ash smiled as he took her hand and led her out of the pool area. He knew how much Misty loved Water Type Pokémon. She could easily watch them for hours without issue.

“Alright, come out!” Ash and Misty released their Pokémon for some weight training and move practice. Charmander, Raichu, Krabby, Eevee, and Teddiursa appeared together from Ash’s Pokéballs. Misty had let out Gogoat, Poliwhirl, Bibarel, and Eevee for this part of training.

“Char?” Charmander looked curiously at Ash’s Pokédex when it was shown to him.

“I’m just going to use this to check your moves and Ability, is that okay, Charmander?” Ash smiled at his newest Pokémon.

“Mander.” Charmander nodded with his won version of a smile.

“Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon; from the time that it’s born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out. It has a preference for hot things. When it rains, steam spouts from the tip of its tail. A healthy Charmander’s tail flame burns brightly. This Charmander knows the moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, and Smokescreen.” The Pokédex informed in its robotic voice.

“Not bad, Charmander.” Ash petted the Fire Type’s head affectionately, getting happy sounds from the lizard. ‘Damian clearly didn’t put any effort into trying to raise Charmander.’ The Aura Guardian noted of the simple moves that Charmander knew and its relative size. “Let’s see if your Ability is Blaze or something else.” Ash switched the Pokédex over to Ability Identifier mode and scanned Charmander again.

“This Charmander’s Ability is Blaze. Blaze increases the power of Fire Type moves when the Pokémon’s health is low.” The Pokédex gave the information as simply as it always did.

“That’s what I expected.” Ash nodded as he put his Pokédex away. “Are you ready to get started on your training, Charmander?”

“Char!” Charmander cried out in excitement. The flame on the tip of its tail flared up slightly as Charmander’s emotions spiked.

“That’s what I like to hear! Let’s get stronger and win our next Badge!” His Pokémon all cheered as Ash started them on some stretches and then they’d move on to cardio. He paid extra attention to Charmander as his newest Pokémon, as well as Eevee, since the Shiny was the youngest of all his Pokémon.

“We’ll work just as hard, right?” Misty beamed at her Pokémon as they all cheered. They were clearly eager to train as well, so she followed Ash’s lead and started with stretches. Knowing about your Pokémon was absolutely crucial for their training, so she went through the stretches for each of them one-by-one to make sure they were doing it safely and correctly.

Of course, both Misty and Ash trained right alongside their Pokémon. Ash in a tank top and shorts, while Misty wore a sports bra and yoga pants. Needless to say, the couple had eyes on each other and some playful teasing ensued as they stretched. Both of the teens happily eyed each other up and enjoyed the view as they stretched. Misty even showed off a bit of her flexibility as she bent at the waist and was able to place her palms on the floor in front of her feet. She giggled, feeling Ash’s gaze on her ass, score a point for her!

“Char…mander…” Charmander was breathing heavy after the cardio workout. The little Fire Type had never had this kind of training with Damian. But with the encouragement of his new friends, he felt like he could keep going. This was the kind of attention that he’d wanted. This training would make him stronger. He could feel it. One day, he’d evolve into a powerful Charizard and soar through the skies!

“Are you up for some weight training, Charmander?” Ash questioned, not wanting to push too hard too soon with his new Pokémon.

“Mander!” Charmander nodded and followed Ash and the other Pokémon over to the weights. He watched as his more experienced teammates picked up weights and began to work out with them.

“Rai…chu…rai…chu…” Raichu had a dumbbell in each hand and was curling them in turn, right and then left, over and over again.

“Eevui!” Both of the small Eevee’s had little weight vests strapped to them and were now walking around with the extra weight to build up their strength. It was clear the two Normal Types were competing with each other.

“Saur…Bul…ba…saur…” Bulbasaur was pushing against a specialized machine as he worked hard to lift the weight that was connected to the padded lever that he was pushing against.

“Goat!” Gogoat made weight look like nothing as he was hooked up to a lifting machine and walked forward to raise the heavy weights. Misty, seeing how easy the first lift was, had Gogoat walk backwards to lower the weights. She adjusted the weight on the device, increasing it by a good amount, before having Gogoat try again.

“How’s that feel, Gogoat?” Misty asked her Grass Type Pokémon.

“Go…” Gogoat bleated his thanks as he stepped forward with clear resistance from the weights behind him. The second step came a second later, and then the third as Gogoat pulled against the weight until he’d raised it all the way up. The Ride Pokémon then walked backwards to reset the weights before walking forward again.

“Ursa…ursa…ursa…” Teddiursa was copying Raichu, curling dumbbells on each arm. The Normal Type was noticeably bigger than when Ash had captured him and his fur was starting to grow thicker. The little bear could feel how close he was to evolving, he kept pushing, knowing that if he kept putting in the effort he would get to his goal.

“Here you go, Charmander, try this out.” Ash smiled as he handed Charmander a miniature bar with a weight plate on each end. “I’ll walk you through it, buddy.” He chuckled as Charmander took the bar in hand. With Ash’s instruction, Charmander held the bar properly and then lifted it up to his chin before lowering it back to his chest. It was heavy, but not so heavy that he couldn’t do the exercise.

“Char…” Charmander lifted the bar again under Ash’s supervision. “Der.” He liked this, it was a challenge to his strength, he lowered the bar and then lifted it again.

“Make sure that you don’t slouch over.” Ash advised as he gently placed his hand on Charmander’s back. “Try for ten reps first, and if you feel like you can do more then we’ll go from there, okay?”

“Mander!” Charmander nodded as he lifted the bar again. He’d make Ash proud for taking him in, for believing in him. He’d get stronger and stronger until he was a mighty Charizard!

It was about lunchtime when they finished training for the day. Misty and Ash had both worked up a sweat with their Pokémon. The two Trainers showered in the locker rooms and changed into a spare set of clothing that they’d brought with them. Guiding their Pokémon over to the area for food that every Training Facility had, Ash and Misty splurged a bit and got them all high-quality nutritional food and beverages. The specialty-made blends that the Training Facilities made encouraged the growth and development of a Pokémon after a good workout and many Trainers swore by them. After having their fill, Ash and Misty recalled their Pokémon into their Pokéballs.

“Teddi?” Teddiursa realized he wasn’t being recalled after everyone else went into their Pokéballs.

“How’d you like to learn a new move, buddy?” Ash smiled at the little bear.

“Ur?” Teddiursa tilted his head curiously.

“Cute.” Misty cooed at the adorable sight.

“Come with me, Teddiursa.” Ash chuckled and led the Normal Type over to the Move Tutor area. Misty walked behind them with a small smile on her lips.

“Hey there, are you interested in teaching your Pokémon a new move or two?” A friendly Facility employee asked the trio while she sat behind the desk next to the door. She was probably close to the same age as the woman from the front desk, but she had blonde hair and green eyes. Just like any employee, she was wearing the standard Facility uniform of a white polo and khaki shorts, both with the Facility logo on them.

“Yeah, I think we need something new to help us win against Gym Leader Tatsuya’s dragons.” Ash replied while petting Teddiursa’s head.

“I see,” The woman smiled at the little bear Pokémon. “Tatsuya’s Dragon Types are no laughing matter. You’ll need some way to deal super-effective damage if you hope to win. I’m Victoria, but you can just call me Tori. I’m one of the Move Tutors here at the Cyanteal Town Training Facility.” Tori introduced herself.

“It’s nice to meet you, Tori. I’m Ash and this is my buddy Teddiursa.” Ash introduced himself and his Pokémon.

“I’m Misty, Ash’s girlfriend.” Misty introduced herself when Tori turned to look at her.

“Well, it’s good to meet you both.” Tori smiled before looking at Teddiursa with a grin. “So, what kind of moves are you hoping to teach Teddiursa?”

“I’m hoping that Teddiursa can learn a Fairy Type move.” Ash spoke while recalling what the Pokédex had said about the Ursaring Line’s move pool. “My Pokédex says it should be possible.”

“Hmm, that’s a good idea. You already have Ice Type or Dragon Type moves covered I take it?” Tori questioned and received a nod of confirmation from Ash. “I think I have a suggestion for you.” She smiled as she tapped the screen in front of her a few times. “Well, it looks like my idea is the only one that’s viable.”

“Which move is it?” Ash questioned as Tori turned the screen around to show him. On the screen was a single move for Teddiursa to learn that was of the Fairy Type.

“Play Rough, a physical Fairy Type move.” Tori explained of the only damaging Fairy Type move that Teddiursa could learn. “The good news is that because it’s a physical move, it benefits from Teddiursa’s higher Attack compared to its Special Attack. It even has a chance to lower the target’s Attack a stage when it connects.”

“That’s not bad, how much would it cost to teach it to Teddiursa?” Ash inquired since he had funds saved up from his multiple Gym wins and should be able to afford it.

“Let’s see…Play Rough is a powerful move with a secondary effect,” Tori turned the screen back around to face her and tapped on the screen twice. “It’s forty-thousand PokéYen for the TM and the Tutoring course afterwards.”

“Oof…” Ash exhaled while pulling out his wallet. “Let’s just use the debit card. I don’t carry that much cash usually.” He swiped the card when Tori prompted him to and the transaction took only a few seconds to process.

“Alright, that’s taken care of, let’s get Teddiursa up on the table.” Tori stood up and walked over to a table with a machine next to it. “Alright, we just need to attach the sensors, hold still now, cutie.” Tori gently petted the Normal Type before she placed a series of sensors onto Teddiursa. Once the sensors were in place, she typed a bit more on the machine and the sensors attached to Teddiursa lit up.

Teddiursa closed his eyes as new information began to slowly enter his consciousness. Among this information was how to utilize Fairy Type Aura throughout his body. While cloaking himself in the Aura, he just had to play and wrestle with his opponent. It was similar to what he’d done with his siblings back when they were still young enough to need their mother to take care of them.

“Are you getting it, Teddiursa?” Ash asked his Pokémon as the sensor lights glowed for a bit.

“Ursa!” Teddiursa opened his eyes with a cheer of confirmation as Tori removed the sensors from the little bear Pokémon’s head.

“That’s great, buddy!” Ash high-fived his Pokémon with a chuckle

“Now to complete the course I’ll have one of the Facility’s Pokémon get Teddiursa familiar with using his new move.” Tori grinned at the closeness between Ash and Teddiursa. She brought out a Pokéball and released the Pokémon inside.

“Gran!” A purple dog Pokémon growled as it appeared from the white light.

“Hey, a Granbull.” Ash smiled at the Fairy Type Pokémon. He’d seen a few of them before growing up. They were popular as ‘pet’ Pokémon because they were gentle with the one’s they considered family.

“Granbull, please tutor Teddiursa on the proper way to use Play Rough, please.” Tori instructed while petting the top of the bulldog Pokémon’s head and scratching behind its ears.

“Bull!” Granbull barked and led Teddiursa over to a larger cleared out area away from the machines and humans.

What followed was a rather amusing scene. Granbull glowed a light pink color and tackled Teddiursa to the floor. Naturally, Teddiursa fought back and the two began wrestling around for a moment. Granbull broke off the tussle a moment later with a shake of its head. Teddiursa stood up confused and got a chop to the top of his head for his trouble from Granbull.

“Bull! Gra gran bull, gra gra!” Granbull was moving its arms in front of it to try and explain the move to Teddiursa. Its hand patted its torso before spreading wide, trying to convey to Teddiursa the proper way to use Play Rough.

“Ursa! Teddi ur ursa ted?!” Teddiursa retorted and Ash could almost understand what his Pokémon was saying back.

Why didn’t you tell me this before attacking me?!’ Ash roughly translated in his head with a snicker.

The next several minutes were spent watching Granbull and Teddiursa roughhouse and wrestle with each other. Any time that Teddiursa failed to conjure up the Fairy Type Aura properly, Granbull would break off the tussle to lecture the Normal type on the method of the move again. Teddiursa, to his credit, was actually getting the hang of the move fairly easily. It was simply the usage of a new Type of Aura that the Normal Type was having trouble conjuring all over his body.

“You can do it, Teddiursa!” Ash encouraged his buddy.

“Teddi!” Teddiursa turned to wave at Ash with a big smile. That turned out to be a mistake as Granbull nearly tackled him to the floor from behind. “Ursa!” The little bear quickly shrouded himself in Fairy Type Aura and fought back against his tutor. The tussle continued a bit longer this time before Teddiursa lost control of the move and it fizzled out.

“Gran! Bull gra!” Granbull held out both hands towards Teddiursa, as if gesturing to the Normal Type’s lost cloak of aura.

“Ur!” Teddiursa pointed back at Granbull with one of his claws, as if accusing the Fairy Type Pokémon of wrongdoing.

“Is it always like this?” Misty asked Tori as the three of them watched on.

“With Granbull, it can be.” Tori giggled a little. “This is still preferable to when a Trainer’s Pokémon is the hotheaded type and gets frustrated easily when trying to learn a new move. We sometimes have to take them outside the Facility for safety reasons.”

“I’m glad this is more amusing than dangerous then.” Ash chuckled as he watched Teddiursa tackle Granbull, the sheen of pink aura surrounding his Pokémon was stronger this time around. “I think Teddiursa is learning quickly this way.”

“He’s picking it up quickly.” Tori confirmed with a smile. “Granbull seems to be having fun too.” She mentioned as the two Pokémon continued their roughhousing, rolling around on the floor and trying to pin the other.

“We should’ve brought a snack.” Misty giggled as she leaned against Ash.

-End Chapter-


Good training today. Charmander is so happy with the attention and actual training that he’s getting from Ash. The little fire lizard wants to do his best for his new friend! One day he wants to fully evolve and fly through the skies as a Charizard. He’ll give his all to make that happen!

Ash has Teddiursa learn Play Rough! A strong Physical Fairy Type move should help when it comes to dealing with Dragon Types!

Of course, first Teddiursa has to actually learn the move, and that involves wrestling against his tutor! It’s a funny thing to watch at least.

Will the Little Bear Pokémon reach his goal of evolving soon?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Raichu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Flash, Quick Attack, Dig, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Bubblebeam, Scald

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – String Shot, Bug Bite, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Whirlwind, Psybeam, Air Slash, Substitute, Safeguard

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up, Slash, Play Rough

Donphan – Sturdy – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure, Bulldoze

Eevee* – Adaptability – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Bulbasaur – Overgrow – Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder

Krabby – Shell Armor – Vice Grip, Leer, Harden, Bubblebeam

Charmander – Blaze – Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Eevee – Run Away – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Damon Frey

When is the next chapter its been a year with no updates. I'm really wanting to see more of the story


I'm glad that you like the story, but it's had to be put on the backburner/hiatus for now. I don't know why, but my Muse for the Pokémon Series just up and disappeared one day. I've tried many times to write the next chapter, but I've not been able to get anything out for it. That's why it was replaced in the Main Rotation. I want to get back to this story and finish it up; but with the lack of Muse, it's not going well at all.

Kirito Beater

Man, I hope your muse returns soon. I'm looking forward to the continuation of this great fic. That said, all your stories are great, I've been binge reading them since I found them.

Liz Lambert

Finally up to date on this fic! I love it!

Benjamin Bravo

I understand that you seem to have a blocked muse regarding pokemon, I wish you luck in getting past it and offer the idea of listening to some pokemon rpg podcasts. Could be what you need to start writing in the Pokeverse again or maybe it'll just give you ideas for later on.

Brody Meech

you mentioned teddiursa was getting ready to evolve eventually will you have him evolve into ursaluna


Not sure, but it might be possible. I've always liked Teddiursa and Ursaring.


Kai too be honest I think doing solo journey stories are best because I watched Kevin try and his 3rd story is stalled out right now.


Yeah, trying to follow Ash through all of his Regions as one long story Series sounds like a good way to eventually just drop the whole idea.