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Hey friends and fans! I got another Tier Reward asking for more Goblins! The Original Writing progresses a bit further! We’ll have a completed book or two in due time! Won’t that be amazing?

What are the results of the Koh Tribe’s most recent victory? Surely such a large battle against rather powerful Orcs will have produced some results, right? Pushing more members of the Koh Tribe closer to Level 100 and their own Growth Phase. Not to mention that with more usages of Skills, on top of leveling up, that the level of said Skills will increase as well! Perhaps conditions will be right for another Class to appear?


-Day 172-

The morning dawned later than it had the previous week as autumn set in further. More leaves on the trees were turning shades of red, yellow, orange, and brown. Winter would be upon the Silua Forest in a short time, and with it would most certainly come snow and ice. The Koh Tribe still had work to do to prepare for the three months or so of winter that were coming.

“Mmmnnngghh.” Gobkoh sat up in his and Rialin’s bed, stretching his arms above his head as he yawned. He saw Rialin was slowly stirring awake too and blinked a few times to shake of the last traces of slumber. With no real hurry at the moment after their victory over the Murok Tribe, Gobkoh took the time to do a ‘Self-Analysis’ and check the results of the last battle.

[Gobkoh, Level 84]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 4, Weapon Crafting Lv. 4, Leatherwork Lv. 2, Fire Making Lv. 3, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Armor Crafting Lv. 4, Spellcraft Lv. 2]

[Race Specific Ability – Goblin Flame]

[Class – Shaman]

[Class Skills: Spirit Sight, Spirit Communication, Spirit Guide, Spirit Unification, Medium Crafting]

That seems about right.’ Gobkoh nodded to himself, idly scratching at his bare chest as he saw the jump in levels that he’d gained from the battle yesterday. ‘I wonder…’ He looked over at Rialin and used ‘Analyze’ on her as she sleepily blinked and appeared to be debating about getting up yet.

[Rialin, Goblin, Level 83]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 5, Leatherwork Lv. 3, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Swordsmanship Lv. 5, Bow Lv. 5, Spear Lv. 4, Shield Lv. 4, Cooking Lv. 2, Weapon Crafting]

[Class – War Priestess]

[Class Skills: Talisman Crafting, Battle Sense, War Dance, Weapon Enchant, Conflict Premonition]

Her Skills leveled up and she got a Class!’ Gobkoh was ecstatic that Rialin’s diligence had paid off. Her desire to learn everything she could seemed to have worked out in her favor too. ‘She has been helping out with making weapons and stuff during all these Orc attacks. I guess that’s why she earned the Weapon Crafting Skill. But what’s a War Priestess?’ The Chieftain was quick to ‘Analyze’ the Class specifically.

[Class – War Priestess]

[Requirement – Have three Martial Skills hit Level 5 at the same time, while also possessing Leatherwork Skill, Weapon Crafting Skill, and being part of a Tribe]

[Rare Class earned through surviving many battles and growing stronger in a balanced way while living in a Tribe, specializes in Enchanting and Support Magics]

She did get Magic! I thought she would, but this is more than I expected!’ Gobkoh hadn’t tried to ‘Analyze’ each of Rialin’s Class Skills yet, but just from the names alone he could tell they’d be incredibly beneficial for their Tribe. ‘For all of my Shaman Magic, I’m mostly limited to using Spirits to make use of the elements. But Rialin can potentially share Magic through items if these Skills are anything to go by. Conflict Premonition…is that just what it says? So, Rialin will be able to tell when a fight or battle is going to happen before it does?’ The Shaman couldn’t believe how powerful Rialin’s Class appeared to be already.

“Hmmm…I’m up.” Rialin noticed Gobkoh looking at her and decided to sit up like him to show that she was going to get up too.

“You’re amazing.” Gobkoh pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek.

“Glad you think so.” Rialin giggled at the compliment and the affection.

“Check yourself out with Analyze.” Gobkoh didn’t want to spoil anything, but he knew Rialin would be thrilled with what she would discover.

“Alright,” Rialin closed her eyes for a second to check her Level and Skills. Her eyes snapped open in excitement just a moment later and she nearly squeezed the life out of Gobkoh in joy. “My level went up by so much! I got a new Skill and a Class!”

“Yep…crushing me…” Gobkoh patted her back as much as he could with Rialin’s arms wrapped around him. The hug was getting so tight that it was getting hard to breathe.

“Oh, sorry.” Rialin released her male with a smile as she started checking out her Class and Class Skills.

Gobkoh left her in bed to figure out her new Skills and started getting dressed for the day. With the onset of autumn and the dropping temperatures, he donned his new leather vest and his Shade Lynx cloak to ward off any chill. Hopefully Breelin and Hylalin would finish the pants that he’d asked them to start making along with the winter coats. The cold could cause issues if they weren’t properly protected from it this winter. Staying in the cave with the warm hearth would alleviate most of that, but they would still need to go outside to take watch shifts on the towers and such.

“Morning, Chief, getting a bit cold in the mornings.” Gobflen greeted the Chieftain as he was coming back in from his own watch shift. The other Goblin had a pelt cloak of his own, made of what looked like stitched together Jackalope pelts, to keep warm outside.

“Good morning, and it definitely is.” Gobkoh returned the greeting. “Winter might be colder than I expected if this is any indication.”

“A hot meal helps.” Gobflen chuckled as he headed for the cooking area. The flames from the stoves and grills kept the cooks warm as they made hot food for the rest of the slowly waking Tribe.

“I could eat.” Gobkoh agreed as he followed after his tribesman.

Breakfast went normally, everyone in the Tribe eating and filling their bellies for the work that was ahead for the day. Some of the Goblins would be going through the remaining equipment they’d taken from the slain Orcs of the former Murok Tribe. The iron spear that Murok had possessed was already in the weapon storage room next to the iron sword that they’d taken from Tarrus. That would still bear looking into as well. Metal weapons would be a great force multiplier if they could find out where to get some of their own. But for now, gathering more firewood and food to store for winter took precedence over figuring out the mystery of the iron weapons.

After breakfast, as the Tribe separated to go about their daily tasks, Rialin practically dragged Gobkoh back into the cave to tell him what she’d learned about her new Class and the Class Skills that came with it. The sheer excitement coming off of Rialin made Gobkoh smile. The girl practically had sparkles in her eyes as she eagerly sat him down to talk.

“They’re super useful!” Rialin exclaimed brightly. “I can help the Tribe even more now!”

“That’s great,” Gobkoh smiled at his female with a chuckle. “Which one do you want to tell me about first?”

“Hmm…Conflict Premonition is simple enough.” Rialin spoke after a moment of thought. “It warns me ahead of time about any approaching conflict against our Tribe. So, if that last Orc Tribe does come after our land, then I should know a day or so before they get here.”

“That’s already an invaluable Skill.” Gobkoh was happy to know they basically had the ability to be forewarned of imminent hostile beings approaching their Tribe.

“Right?” Rialin looked happy to be able to warn her Tribe of danger before it got to them. “The next easiest to explain would be Battle Sense. It makes me more aware of my surroundings in battle and gives me a boost while I’m fighting.”

“Good,” Gobkoh pulled her into a quick hug. “I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“I know,” Rialin’s smile was bright enough to light up the cave by itself. “War Dance, from what I understand, is a Skill that boosts the strength, defense, and speed of the whole Tribe for a while after I perform a dance. The boost is supposed to be fifteen percent for all three, so the whole Tribe will be a bit stronger if I do the War Dance before every battle.”

“That’s great!” Gobkoh was impressed by the Class Skill’s effect. A fifteen percent boost to physical parameters for the first few minutes or so of a battle could quickly turn the tide in the Koh Tribe’s favor.

“Weapon Enchant is even better though!” Rialin assured her male with a grin. “I’ll need to practice with it a bit first, but once I get it right, I’ll be able to give some Magic effects to our weapons!”

“What kinds of effects?” Gobkoh was leaning forward in excitement now.

“I’m not sure of all of them yet, but I know I need to paint certain markings on the weapons to enchant them. I’ll need to mix my blood with whatever we use for the paint to make it work too.” Rialin explained what she’d learned so far. “But increasing their durability or their sharpness I’ve already figured out thanks to the Skill. I’m pretty sure I can give them abilities like producing fire or using Wind Magic on arrows to make them fly faster, farther, and more accurately too!”

“That’s awesome…” Gobkoh was nearly drooling at the benefit of Rialin’s Skills. Her Class alone would be even more beneficial to the Tribe as a whole than even his Shaman Class. The Koh Tribe would be much better equipped to defend themselves and their territory, and it was all thanks to Rialin’s diligence and the effort she’d put in to learn as much as she could.

“Yep!” Rialin was all smiles right now and nearly bouncing where she sat. “It’ll take a little while to figure out everything, but we’ll have all winter, right?”

“Yeah, winter will be plenty of time to figure out as much as we can about your Skills.” Gobkoh agreed with her assessment before looking at her expectantly. “So…what about the last Class Skill?”

“That’s the best one, I think.” Rialin admitted with a grin. “Talisman Crafting lets me make talismans with varying effects as long as I have proper materials. The higher quality the material, the better the Magic I can imbue into the talisman and the stronger the effect it’ll produce.”

“What kinds of materials do you need?” Gobkoh knew they’d gathered plenty of different materials over time. Surely a few of them could be useful for Rialin’s new Skill.

“Mostly natural materials, but if we process a few of them and make certain things from them, the effects will be better.” Rialin explained while thinking of a few materials already. “For example, if we can make some cord or rope, then I can use it to make talismans in the form of bracelets, necklaces, or even belts.”

“We should be able to do that.” Gobkoh nodded as he mentally reviewed the process of making cordage and rope from natural fibers. It was more useful information from ‘before’ and he was glad to have it. ‘Many plants can be used for their fibrous content. It’s just a matter of finding the best ones available. I should make a few trips out into the forest to specifically look into what plants would work best. Maybe there’s even a plant that is naturally predisposed to being made into cordage and rope, like the Varettayl plant that naturally makes oil that can be used for cooking.

“We’ve been using the Ranji Plant’s vines for most of our cordage, but from the information the Skill gives me, I’d need actual spun cord and rope for talismans.” Rialin informed her male with a thoughtful look on her face. “It seems the crafting process is pretty important for making talismans.”

“Then we’ll have to work on it.” Gobkoh smiled warmly at her. “Your Skills are too amazing to go unused Rialin. If we have to find a way to make fiber cords and ropes, then we’ll figure it out. There’s probably plenty of plants that we can used for it in the forest.”

“Mmm.” Rialin looked pleased that her Skills were so good for the Tribe. A cute giggle escaped her lips and a big smile was on her face.

“Any other materials you need? Maybe we already have some of them?” Gobkoh resisted the urge to pull her into a hug and just cuddle her. Rialin just looked so cute when she was this happy.

“Leather is part of some of the talismans the Skill has given me information about. So, we’re definitely good there. I can use bones too…but it seems like the type of bone effects what kind of Magic will be best for it.” Rialin knew they had a stockpile of various cleaned bones from their hunts stored away in one of the rooms in the cave that Gobkoh had made with Earth Magic.

“We’ll have to go through the storeroom then…there’s plenty of different bones in there.” Gobkoh hummed thoughtfully. “You want to go search the forest for plants that we might be able to use for talismans?”

“Yep!” Rialin hopped up onto her feet with a wide smile. “I’ll get my armor and weapons!” She was rushing off towards their bed chamber rapidly.

“She’s adorable when she’s excited like this.” Gobkoh chuckled as he followed after Rialin at a more sedate pace.

-Silua Forest ~ Northwest of the Koh Tribe’s Home-

“Hmm…not this one either.” Rialin grimaced as she finished using ‘Analyze’ on another plant she’d found in the forest. So far, none of them had mentioned anything about being used for fiber to make yarn, cordage, or anything else.

“We’ve only been out for a little over an hour, I’m sure we’ll find something.” Gobkoh assured her as they walked through the forest together. “Might even find new prey to hunt while we’re out here.” He smiled to lighten the mood.

Checking every plant that they found on the way drastically slowed their pace through the forest. It was necessary, of course, so that they didn’t miss finding the type of plant they needed. The two Goblins continued their search well into midday without finding a suitable plant. While eating some fruit and smoked meat that they’d brought with them for lunch, Gobkoh was trying to recall memories from ‘before’ about the type of plans that were processed to make rope.

Most of them grew in fields or plains…a forest like this may not have the type of plants that are good for rope-making.’ Gobkoh mused as he drank from his bamboo canteen. He glanced at the bamboo for a moment but sighed and set it down after a few seconds. There were ways to make bamboo into fiber and then turn that fiber into something close to linen, but it required certain enzymes to break down the bamboo and they had no way to get those. They’d only been searching for a few hours though and the Silua Forest was massive and full of various plants, he wouldn’t give up just yet.

In the afternoon the duo found another new plant. It was a leafy stalk that seemed to be happily growing in the shade of the trees around it and it had blue-white flowers on it. Saying it was a single stalk would be incorrect though, there were hundreds of them growing all throughout the trees. The flowers were everywhere and Gobkoh was strongly reminded of a plant from ‘before’ that was getting his hopes up. Rialin moved closer and used ‘Analyze’ on the new plant. A moment later and she turned to him with a large smile.

“Gobkoh! This one! Analyze says it’s a material! Used for making fibers!” Rialin nearly bounced on her feet in joy as she looked at the plant again.

Not doubting his female, but wanting to see what it said himself, Gobkoh used his own Analyze Skill on the flowering plant.

[Alfax – Non-Toxic – Material]

[Fibers within the leaves and stalk are long and thin. Can be used to make yarn, cord, rope, and textiles with processing]

“Nice!” Gobkoh smiled happily at finding a plant that fit their needs. Sure, it was a bit of a walk from their home. But if they made the trip straight here instead of stopping to check every single plant, then it probably wouldn’t take more than an hour at most to get here to collect some of the stalks. “Looks like we have a source of fiber now.”

“You think there’s a Skill related to working with plant fibers instead of fur pelts and hides?” Rialin asked while looking at the large amount of Alfax stalks.

“Probably.” Gobkoh hummed as he considered it. Leatherwork didn’t cover using plant fibers after all. So, it was possible that there was something like a ‘Textile’ Skill associated with processing plants like this one into thread. It might even include things like wool from sheep, since it wasn’t the fur or pelt itself.

The two quickly gathered up a rather large bundle of Alfax stalks to drag back with them. Some cordage made from Ranji Plant vines kept the bundle together and made the trip back much easier. When they returned home it was to much confusion about the plants that they’d broke back. Gobkoh took a long moment to parse his memories from ‘before’ about this process.

“Okay, I believe we soak it for several days first.” Gobkoh spoke to Rialin, Breelin, and Hylalin. These three would be the ones that were most eager to learn the process and hopefully get a Skill from it. “After that we remove it from the water, untie the bundle, and then spread it out to dry. Once it’s dried out, we have to beat it to loosen the fibers inside, and then comb it twice, once through a sparse comb and the second time through a finer comb. After that it’ll be raw fiber that’s ready to be spun into thread. Once we have thread, then we can use it for better sewing material and we can make it into cloth through weaving.”

“Amazing.” Hylalin looked at the bundle of stalks in awe.

“How do you know so much, Chief?” Breelin looked at Gobkoh with wonder.

“World Knowledge.” Gobkoh answered, it was easier than trying to explain a past life he couldn’t even fully remember. “That’s why I’m always encouraging everyone to level up their Skills to try and get more World Knowledge. Information about processes like these are invaluable if we want to survive a little easier.”

“We’ll do our best, Chieftain!” Hylalin and Breelin promised with bright smiles.

“Didn’t the Analyze Skill say something about the leaves making fiber too?” Rialin recalled as she looked at the longer leaves on the stalks.

“Yeah, I think I have an idea about that.” Gobkoh started collecting the leaves with the help of the three girls. “So, first we’ll need to split these long leaves.” He showed them how to split the leaves down the middle and the girls copied him. “Next, we’ll take a knife and as gently as possible score the leaf.” He showed them the incredibly small cut he put across the width of the split leaf. After the girls had done the same, thankfully without cutting their leaves in half, they moved to the next step. “Now we use these stones with the rough edges that we got from the cave and run it down the leaf closest to the cut we made. Don’t try and go all the way down yet, we’ll have to readjust our grip to do this right.”

“Yes, Chief.” Breelin nodded as she copied his motions.

“Got it.” Hylalin had her eyes narrowed as she made sure not to shred the leaf with the rock.

“Is this good?” Rialin showed him how far she’d gone on her leaf.

“That’s great.” Gobkoh praised the three with a smile. “Now, you see how the opposite side of the leaf spilt from the top?” He got three nods in return. “Grab that spilt bottom part and hold onto it tightly. Once you have it in your grip, run the rough stone down the rest of the length of the leaf to remove the outer layer from the fibers inside.” He demonstrated as he scraped the green outer layer of the leaf off, leaving behind white-ish fibers with some green residue stuck to them.

“Hey, that wasn’t so hard!” Hylalin smiled.

“It’s not all that much though.” Breelin looked at the length of fibers they each had.

“The leaves are long, but not very big. I think this is the most we can expect from getting fibers through this method.” Rialin guessed as they all passed the rough stones over the fibers again to remove the residue on them.

“Now we remove the outer layer on the end we’re holding.” Gobkoh instructed and they flipped the leaves to quickly removed the green outer layer. After getting the residue off with another couple of passes of the rough stones, they had long, thin white fibers in hand.

“So, do we tie them together to make thread?” Breelin asked as she held her length of fibers.

“Nope, these fibers are going to be made into a simple rope right away.” Gobkoh grinned as he showed them how to hold the fibers. He separated them into two sections, placed his hand on top of them both, and then rolled them down his thigh and leg. “You see how it’s twining around itself?” He got nods as the girls watched the fibers spin together. “You go down, and then with the two lengths twisted together you go back up.” He rolled the twined fibers back up his leg and onto his thigh, further twisting them together. “Do that to both ends and then repeat it a couple of times and the fibers will stay together.”

“This is easier than I thought.” Rialin smiled as her fist short and thin twine came together.

“Yeah, this is different to Leatherworking, but it’s not too hard.” Hylalin smiled as she tugged on each end of her new twine. “It’s already kinda strong too.”

“Will the stalk threads be even better than these?” Breelin asked as she looked over her twine.

“Yep, the full processing of the stalks takes a lot longer, but it’ll produce very fine, thin strands of fiber that’ll make good, durable thread for stitching and weaving.” Gobkoh nodded to her as he held his own twine. “To make twine into rope, you just combine multiple strands.” He took their lengths of twine and began to twist them together, back and forth, back and forth, under their watchful gazes. When the four lengths of twine were fully twisted into one, the Shaman had a length of thin rope in his hands. “And that’s all there is to it.” He chuckled at seeing the near sparkling gazes of the three Goblin girls.

“Can I try my new Class Skill with this?” Rialin asked, making puppy dog eyes at her male.

“Of course, that’s why we made it.” Gobkoh pecked her lips with a laugh.

“Yay!” Rialin took the thin rope in hand with a beaming smile. “I should just need some leather and a small bone or two to make the first talisman!” She was up and moving so quickly Gobkoh could only blink.

“Wait for us!” Breelin chased after the excited Rialin.

“If you need some leather, we have some already!” Hylalin called out as she also followed Rialin towards the cave.

“I guess we’ll start soaking the bundle when they get back.” Gobkoh chuckled as he patted the bundle of Alfax next to him. ‘With this, we’ll have rope to use and soon enough thread and maybe even cloth. It seems like it’ll come out similarly to linen, so we could make clothes and bedding out of it. Not to mention more bath towels and washcloths.’ They could only use the ones they had for so long before the cloth would fall apart after all.

“What’re the girls so excited about?” Gobwren questioned as he walked over.

“I showed them how to make twine and rope.” Gobkoh chuckled and put his hand on the bundle of Alfax. “This stuff needs to be processed, but once it is, we’ll be able to make better clothes, more bath towels and wash cloths, and bedding that isn’t all furs and hides.”

“Really?” Gobwren blinked at the plants. They just looked like plants to him. “It would be nice to have some cooler clothing next summer. The pelt clothes were pretty hot sometimes.”

“Yeah, but we managed.” Gobkoh grinned as he watched over his Tribe. “With this stuff finished into clothing though, we won’t sweat as much next summer.”

“I’m more concerned about hitting level one-hundred myself.” Gobwren mentioned, his face relaxed but his eyes sharp.

“We’ll up the training between us, and really push each other as much as possible. That should hopefully help us gain those last few levels.” Gobkoh knew that if they wanted to spend winter becoming Hobgoblins, getting as much hunting and training in as possible was an absolute necessity.

“I hope so,” Gobwren sighed. “I have a feeling that we’ll be pretty busy come the spring.”

“Oh?” Gobkoh raised an eyebrow at the archer. “Intuition?”

“Something like that, I guess.” Gobwren shrugged, not able to fully explain it. “Just a feeling that we won’t have time to all be sitting around going through our Growth Phase if we miss the chance to do so this winter.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Gobkoh stood up and stretched. “If necessary, we’ll try and go on some harder hunts before it gets too cold. Hunting another bear or two couldn’t hurt, right?”

“You say that like it’s easy.” Gobwren chuckled as he remembered the only time that they’d hunted a bear. The skull was over the mantle of the large hearth inside the cave still.

-Evening ~ Gobkoh and Rialin’s Bed Chamber-

“I made this for you.” Rialin smiled as she showed him a leather bracelet interwoven with the Alfax rope and what looked to be a fang from a Shade Lynx.

“What kind of talisman is it?” Gobkoh asked as he slipped it onto his left wrist.

“It’s not made with the best materials, so the effect is kind of weak, but it’s called Silent Strike.” Rialin explained as she held his left hand and placed her fingertips on the talisman. “It decreases the sound of any attack you make without your target seeing you by five percent.”

“So, if I’m striking from afar, it’ll mute the sound a bit? I like that.” Gobkoh smiled warmly at Rialin and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, Rialin, I’ll use it well.”

“You’re welcome.” Rialin snuggled into him with a happy sigh.

Unable to resist the curiosity, Gobkoh used Analyze on his new talisman.

[Silent Strike]

[Tribal Talisman]

[Reduces sound of attacks on unaware targets by 5%]

If I launch a spell and take out an enemy from afar, then the sound will be five percent quieter. That means it might not alert any of their allies and I can do it again before any of them notice.’ Gobkoh already had ideas of how to best use Rialin’s gift. For being her very first talisman made, it was still impressive to him. Five percent wasn’t anything to scoff at when it came to survival after all. ‘And she’ll only get better as we make better materials and she practices with them.

Things were looking even brighter for the Koh tribe’s future now. As Chieftain Gobkoh couldn’t be happier about that.

“Now for your reward.” Gobkoh grinned at his female.

“Reward?” Rialin tilted her head slightly. She wasn’t expecting any kind of reward.

“Come here.” He pulled her closer and captured her lips in a kiss full of his love and affection for her.

“Gobkoh~!” Rialin giggled once they separated. She laughed outright when he pulled her down onto their bed and kissed her again. It was looking to be a good night for the two of them! “Naughty.” She kissed him deeply before rolling them over so that she was on top. “But I like this reward so far!”

The bed chamber was filled with giggles for a bit before it quieted down as they got lost in their playing around. Both would fall asleep with smiles as they snuggled together beneath their blankets.


Woo! Some good news for the Koh Tribe!

Rialin’s Class is bringing quite a few boons to the Tribe! But what else would you expect from a Rare Class, right?

The boost in Levels from the battle with the Murok Tribe has pushed many of the Tribe so close to Level 100 they can almost taste it!

Now we might even be getting textiles up and running, at least a little bit? Hell yeah!

Man…if Galluf does come back sometime, he might barely recognize the place!

Will that last Orc Tribe come to cause trouble or have they found their own place somewhere else?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I can update this again, later!



Another fun chapter look forward to seeing what kind of stuff rialin learns to make and how her new powers will improve things for the tribe


Thank you! I'm glad you liked the chapter! Yeah, wait until they get to processing some higher quality cloth and rope. The talismans are gonna be great for the continued survival of the Koh Tribe! Imagine what the bones of even stronger beasts would help with and the boosts that they'll bring!

Lord Nairvehlius

Man, I wish I could draw so I could make pictures for this story. I'm liking it alot. Keep up the good work. 👍


Thank you very much! I do hope to publish it (perhaps as a Light Novel) one day, so it would be amazing to get a good illustrator eventually. XD