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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Now that Cricket is planning to help the Straw Hats get to Sky Island…how exactly do you get up there? Well, Cricket only knows of one way, and it’s definitely crazy. A high risk of death with a small chance to succeed. Luffy seems to think those are good odds!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 46 – Sky Island and the Knock Up Stream

“Alright, first I’ll tell you everything I know about Sky Island.” Cricket stood before Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, and Robin. “Mind you, this is all hearsay. It’s up to you if you believe it or not.”

“Ok, I believe it.” Luffy replied instantly.

“Wait ‘til you hear it first!” Usopp barked at him while slapping the Lightning Man’s arm.

“Sometimes a mysterious phenomenon occurs in the seas around here.” Cricket motioned to the ocean with a sweep of his hand. “In the middle of the day, night suddenly falls on one part of the sea.”

“Oh! Yeah! We know, we saw it!” Luffy had his hand raised at recalling the experience.

“Yeah! It got dark and then some monsters showed up!” Usopp agreed, a small tremor still passed through him at recalling the towering shadows.

“You mean the giants? Their origin is a mystery too. But let’s leave that for now.” Cricket brushed aside the unexplained beings in the sudden nightfall. “The sudden night is actually the shadow of a dense mass of clouds.”

“You mean cumulonimbus clouds?” Nami raised an eyebrow at Cricket. “But they can’t create total darkness.” The Navigator shook her head at his words.

“Yeah, if there’s a lot of clouds in the sky, it’s just cloudy, not night.” Luffy nodded.

“Yep, cloudy.” Usopp agreed.

“Cloudy.” Chopper parroted.

“Shut up and listen!” Cricket yelled at the group.

“Fufufu…” Robin giggled behind her hand. For being such a powerful pirate, Luffy really did have his moments.

“Imperiocumulus, the Emperor Cloud. That’s what the phenomenon is called.” Cricket explained after taking a quick drag of his cigarette. “It’s a dense mass of clouds high in the sky. There are no air currents or condensation within it. And when it appears…it blots out the sun. Day suddenly turns to night.” Everyone looked at Cricket in curiosity of this unexplained Grand Line phenomenon. “According to one theory, the Emperor Cloud has remained unchanged for thousands of years…like a petrified cloud that floats in the sky.”

“A dense cloud formation that doesn’t produce rain? That’s ridiculous.” Nami couldn’t help but remark. That flew in the face of even the most basic of Meteorology and even the water cycle.

“Believe what you will, I’m only telling you what I’ve heard.” Cricket shrugged to the orangette woman.

“So, it’s a ‘Mystery Cloud’, huh?” Luffy nodded along as if that settled all of the questions.

“Correct. It remains unexplained to this day.” Cricket nodded to the Captain. “But if a Sky Island does exist, that’s almost certainly where you’ll find it!”

“I get it! Thanks a lot, Mister!” Luffy stood up and cheered. “Okay! Let’s go guys! We need to get on top of that cloud! Full speed to the clouds!”

“How many times do I have to tell you that we don’t actually know how to get there yet?!” Nami had sharp teeth as she slapped Luffy upside the head to calm him down.

“Sorry Nami…” Luffy rubbed the back of his head with a pout.

“Now here’s the important part.” Cricket’s face was deadly serious. “Know this…you’ll be risking your lives.” Seeing the looks from the pirates, the older man continued. “The Knock Up Stream is deadly. And you’ll have to let it carry you up into the sky.”

“So, you’re saying…that it’s an ocean current that can throw a ship into the air, right?” Nami questioned, clearly recalling what that prick Bellamy had said in the bar.

“That means the current throws us up onto the clouds?” Luffy had a wide grin on his face at the thought of it.

“By an ocean current?” Usopp’s disbelief was evident on his face.

“But won’t it just smash us back into the ocean?” Nami looked at Cricket unsure. “That’s what we heard back in Mock Town.”

“That’s what usually happens.” Cricket confirmed for the Navigator. “The critical thing is timing. It may sound easy enough…but it’s a very violent experience.” He exhaled some smoke from his cigarette. “To be hurled aloft by the Knock Up Stream is…catastrophic. Normally, it’s something to be avoided at all costs.”

“Eh?!” Usopp’s eyes bugged out the more he heard about the Knock Up Stream.

“But why does this ocean current shoot upward?” Nami had to ask. It was one of the strangest things she’d heard about the ocean in her life.

“This monstrous oceanic current is mostly based on speculation.” Cricket admitted with a shrug. “No one has been foolish enough to research it themselves.” He chuckled at the mere idea. “The leading theory is that there’s an enormous cavity deep beneath the sea. As cool seawater flows into it, geothermal heat from below creates enormous pressure and steam, which eventually builds up until it bursts forth in a massive eruption. This titanic eruption propels the seawater skyward in a torrent. For one minute, the sea rises high into the air.”

“It rises for a whole minute?!” Nami stood up in shock. “So, where do we find this current?”

“The coordinates change each time, but it happens five times a month.” Cricket replied with the knowledge he’d gained form living on Jaya for years.

“But…won’t we be blown to pieces by this thing?” Usopp was trying not to let his fear take over, but this sounded absolutely insane.

“It’s truly impossible to describe such a majestic natural phenomenon with mere words.” Cricket admitted to the gunman.

“But that means if this unpredictable current doesn’t erupt directly beneath the drifting cloud mass…” Usopp would fully admit to shaking at this point. There were multiple, seemingly unpredictable, variables to make this crazy idea work.

“Yes, it would be all for nothing.” Cricket looked straight into Usopp’s eyes. “Your ship would be flung into the sky and come crashing back down into the sea, killing everyone on board. Even if you manage to get atop the Emperor Cloud, you’ll still come crashing back down if the Sky Island doesn’t exist up there.”

“Luffy! Do we really need to go to Skypiea?” Usopp had some sweat on his face as he looked at his Captain.

“We’ll be fine, let’s go!” Luffy had no concerns about making it to Skypiea.

“Fine? How can you take things so lightly?” Usopp questioned with a heavy sigh. “Even if everything worked out, what about Merry? You heard the old man; she could be destroyed doing this!”

“He’s right, that ship won’t make it as she sits now.” Cricket agreed with Usopp. “Speed, gravity, intensity…the explosion of water would tear her to pieces.”

“See?!” Usopp pointed at Cricket, though his eyes remained locked on Luffy.

“But don’t worry. Your ship can be reinforced.” Cricket waved off the gunman’s concern. “I’ll have Masira and Shoujo help you.”

“Leave it to us!” The two ape-like men cheered from where they were overseeing their crews.

“Thanks, you two!” Luffy waved back with a bright smile.

“Do you understand what this means?” Nami moved closer to Luffy, leaning in to look him in the eye. “We can only spend one more day on this island. Any longer than that and the Log Pose will lock onto the next island from here.”

“What?” Luffy looked less than happy about that.

“Right? We don’t have that much time!” Usopp quickly turned to face Cricket. “Hey, mister! I don’t know if you can answer this question, but when exactly will the Knock Up Stream and the Emperor Cloud come together next? Days? Weeks? Months?”

“Tomorrow at noon.” Cricket answered while sipping some of the fresh juice that Sanji and Mikita had made while they were cooking up the large catch of fish. “If you’re gong to try it, then be ready by then.”

“That soon?!” Usopp’s eyes bugged out at the information.

“Yeah, you guys have some crazy timing, it’s almost like fate.” Cricket nodded as he looked between the members of the Straw Hats. “Whenever the daytime ‘night’ appears in Masira’s territory, the Emperor Cloud appears the next day in the southern sky. Looking at the rotation of the monthly explosions, the Knock Up Stream is bound to erupt tomorrow. And it will occur just south of here. It’s not a certainty, but the odds are good.” Cricket tossed his cigarette into the ashtray he’d brought with him from inside. “I’m glad I got to meet fools like you. You can rest here today, comrades.”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed and Usopp couldn’t say a word in reply to Cricket.

“Boss! The food’s ready! We’re in for a treat today!” Masira called out as he, Shoujo, and Sanji rushed over to the group.

“This guy’s amazing!” Shoujo pointed at Sanji. “It’s all delicious! And the lady is baking sweets too!”

“I told you, I’m a First-Class Chef! Mikita-chwan is a Goddess of the kitchen!” Sanji had heart eyes as he stayed just ahead of the two ape-like men. “Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, it’s time to eat!”

“Alright!” Luffy cheered, having been kicked out of the cooking area earlier for trying to steal food before it was all ready.

“Let’s eat then.” Cricket chuckled as he followed after Shoujo and Masira.

As with any large meal with the Straw Hats, it quickly became a party! The Straw Hats, Cricket, Shoujo, and Masira were all inside Cricket’s house, the door was wide open, showing the two crews of the sworn brothers partying as well with various torches for light and even a bonfire going. Laughter was in the air and spirits were high for everyone.

“This is good booze!” Cricket laughed as he downed a large pull from the bottle in his hand.

“Eat up! There’s plenty more!” Sanji and Mikita were both smiling widely as they continued to hand out the dishes they’d cooked up.

“I tell ya, little lady, you have the only bakery in Mock Town beat easily!” Masira laughed as he finished off a slice of cake that Mikita had made. “I’m not usually a fan of sweets, but I’d have that whenever I could get it!”

“You’re gonna get fat, Masira!” Shoujo mocked with a belly laugh.

“You shut up, Shoujo!” Masira raised his fist at his sworn brother in warning.

“I’m glad you like it, Masira.” Mikita laughed along with the man. It was always nice to know that other people enjoyed the recipes that she’d learned from her family as a child.

“Hey, pretty ladies, come sit over here.” Cricket, clearly a little buzzed, motioned to Vivi and Nami who were sitting on either side of Luffy.

“Hey! You keep your paws off the ladies, old man!” Sanji blocked Cricket’s line of sight with a glare.

“Stingy punk!” Cricket waved for Sanji to move aside.

“So, are you two fully human?” Chopper asked Shoujo and Masira curiously. As a reindeer that had eaten the Hito Hito no Mi, he wasn’t used to seeing other animal-like people that were similar to him. “Not to pry, but you have some monkey-ish looks.”

“Well, we’re more Human than not.” Masira nodded after swallowing the food in his mouth.

“Yep, but we do have some Mink blood in us.” Shoujo chuckled as he stole a piece of fish from Masira’s plate and ate it.

“Oi, Shoujo!” Masira yelled at the orangutan-like man, swiping at his sworn brother. “Hands off my food!”

“Mink?” Chopper blinked at the unfamiliar term.

“Yeah…I think some people also call them Beastmen?” Shoujo looked like he was trying to remember.

“They come from some island in the ‘New World’ and only a few leave it to travel elsewhere in the world.” Masira shrugged as he swiped the bottle of booze next to Shoujo and finished it off with a long pull.

“Damn it, Masira! That was mine!” Shoujo growled at the other man.

“So, you’re descendants of Minks that left their home island?” Chopper had sparkles in his eyes that there existed an entire Race of people that were at least similar to himself.

“Yeah, grandpa was a Mink in my case.” Masira nodded to the doctor. “Only have vague memories of him, he passed when I was still a little kid.”

“Same here, but grandma was the Mink in my family tree.” Shoujo slapped Masira’s hand as it reached for his plate. “I guess that makes the both of us a quarter Mink and three-quarters Human?” He shrugged, neither he nor Masira really caring that much about it.

Through all of this, Robin was sitting to the side with a small grin as she read through Noland’s Log Book between bites of food. It was as she got to the final written page that she cocked an eyebrow at the odd phrase the ancient explorer had written down. She would admit to being startled when she noticed that Cricket was suddenly on the other side of the old book and looking her dead in the eye.

“I saw the gold in the skull’s right eye.” Cricket repeated the line from memory.

“Gold?!” Nami perked up at the word, making Vivi and Mikita both giggle at her.

“That tear-blotted sentence was the last thing that Noland wrote the day of his execution.” Cricket spoke before finishing off his flagon of rum. “After all this time on Jaya, I still don’t know what it means!”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy, mouth full of food, laughed at Cricket’s suddenly dramatic tone.

“The right eye of the skull? Was that the name of a lost city? Or an omen of death? The remaining blank pages don’t offer any explanations!” Cricket exclaimed as he grabbed a bottle of liquor and raised it high. “That’s why we dive!”

“We see out dreams at the bottom of the sea!” Shoujo cheered, raising his own flagon high.

“That’s right! Ookee!” Masira had his bottle high to match Cricket’s.

“Yahoo!” Usopp cheered along with the three.

“We’re gonna fly!” Luffy declared with a huge grin.

“We’re gonna fly to the sky! Kyahahaha!” Mikita threw her arms around Luffy’s shoulders from behind, pressing her body against his back with a grin before kissing his cheek.

“Yeah!” Vivi got in on the excitement, raising her glass into the air like the others and laughing merrily.

As the party continued, everyone was getting merry and some had clearly had more alcohol than others. Robin had even moved over to sit next to Nami as she sipped some wine and had some sweets that Mikita had baked. Luffy had eaten almost everything already, and now only the remnants from the outside party were left and occasionally being brought in by the stuffed members of Masira and Shoujo’s crews. The bottomless pit that was Luffy’s stomach made figuring out what to do with the leftovers a non-issue.

“May 21, 1122. Arrived on Jaya!” Cricket had reddish cheeks from his alcohol consumption during the impromptu party and was reciting Noland’s Log Book from memory like a story.

“Noland, Noland!” Masira and Shoujo chanted for the ancient explorer.

“When we got to the island, we heard…” Cricket lifted his left hand up to his ear like he was trying to hear something. “The strange cries of a jungle bird and…the tolling of a giant bell.” He closed his eyes and took on a slightly more dramatic pose. “The sound that giant bell of pure gold made…resonated and resonated…as if to celebrate the untold riches of the ancient city.” Shoujo and Masira were thoroughly entranced by the tale and even Sanji and Zoro were happily listening as they ate and drank. “Throughout these vast seas over countless generations, a great civilization blossomed! Those of us whose lives span but a few decades and think we know everything…are left speechless! The sound of the bell stopped us in our tracks!” Cricket declared to finish off his tale, throwing both of his fists into the air.

“Yeah!” Masira and Shoujo cheered just as loudly. “Noland, you’re amazing!”

“Oh! A huge bell of pure gold!” Nami leaned forward with a huge smile on her face.

“You know, I think you actually like Noland.” Vivi laughed at Cricket’s exuberance at recounting his ancestor’s travels.

“Look at this!” Cricket laughed as he flipped open the lid of a large chest and pulled out an item. He set it down for the pirates to look at with a grin.

“Whoa! A bell of pure gold!” Sanji blinked at the object, especially after just hearing the story of a giant golden bell from Noland’s Log Book.

“Aaaahhh!” Nami was quick to pick up the second one that Shoujo had retrieved from the chest and set down for them to look at. The orangette had Beri Symbols for eyes as she practically cuddled the old artifact.

“Uh…those bells don’t look that giant to me.” Usopp leaned over to look at the golden bells.

“I didn’t say it was that bell!” Cricket chuckled as everyone looked at the treasures he’d found. “That’s a bell-shaped ingot! I found three of them on the ocean floor.”

“Then there really is a city of gold!” Luffy beamed at the idea.

“Nah, this amount doesn’t prove anything.” Shoujo shook his head. “An amount like this could’ve fallen off a merchant vessel centuries ago or something.”

“What’s an ingot?” Chopper asked curiously. They certainly hadn’t needed them when he lived with Hiruluk or Kureha.

“It proves that there was a civilization in this region once.” Robin answered with a small smile. “Ingots are created as a weight standard. They’re used for trading.”

“And that strange bird that’s mentioned in the passage… Hey, Masira.” Cricket looked over to the monkey-like man.

“Already got it!” Masira had pulled a large wrapped object from the chest and brought it over. With a wide grin he unwrapped it to reveal a soldi gold statute of a strange-looking bird.

“Oooohhh!” Nami leaned over to get closer to the newly revealed treasure. Her eyes were sparkling at seeing such a large amount of solid gold.

“That one’s big.” Zoro whistled at the statue. It was easily five times the size of the two bell-shaped ingots at least.

“That’s the last one.” Cricket pointed at the bird statue. “Haha…not much to show for ten years of diving.”

“It’s beautiful!” Nami’s eyes were glowing as she touched the statue.

“What is it though? Some kind of penguin?” Luffy guessed, just based on the shape of the bird.

“Bells of pure gold and a bird, I wonder if those were the symbols of ancient Jaya?” Sanji wondered as he looked between the ingots and the larger statue.

“Can’t know for sure.” Cricket shook his head. “I think this was once part of a bigger statue.” He pointed at the rough bottom of the golden bird. The little platform it was on was clearly broken off from something else.

“Aahh~” Nami was nearly draping herself over the golden statue. Hearts were practically appearing over her head as she ran her hands over the effigy of a bird. Cricket wasn’t going to complain, the beautiful woman was putting on quite the show with her obvious love of gold. The thin clothes that Nami was wearing, including the short skirt, was providing ample skin exposure for the older man to look at. It was almost better than going into town for some gentlemanly fun at one of the businesses set up for such things.

“This is a South Bird, and they’re still found on this island.” Cricket informed the group as he tapped the top crest of the bird statue.

“Does it have a strange cry?” Luffy asked, wondering if it was the odd bird from the story.

“Yes. Just like it was mentioned in the Log Book.” Cricket confirmed with a chuckle.

“Speaking of the South Bird, the ancient mariners wrote about it!” Masira grinned brightly.

“The bird with the unerring sense of direction!” Shoujo nodded along with a laugh.

“OH BLAST!!!” Cricket suddenly shouted, starling everyone in his home.

“What?! What’s wrong?!” Almost everyone exclaimed at the sudden outburst.

“This is bad! You have to go into the jungle! Head south!” Cricket instructed to much confusion.

“Huh? What for? You’re talking crazy, old man.” Luffy tilted his head to the side, inadvertently laying his head atop Vivi’s who smiled warmly as she leaned into him more.

“You’ve got to catch one of these birds!” Cricket pointed at the South Bird statue. “Hurry!”

“What?! WHY?!” Usopp gaped at the sudden demand.

“Why do we need a bird?” Sanji questioned Cricket.

“Listen carefully!” Cricket made sure he had everyone’s attention. “The Knock Up Stream is located directly south of here. But how will you get there?”

“We can’t just go straight?” Luffy questioned, nearly making everyone face-fault.

“This is the Grand Line! Once you’re out at sea, there’s no way to know your directions!” Cricket hollered at the young man.

“Right.” Nami had stopped nearly snuggling the golden statue. “The Log Pose only points to islands, it can’t find a specific patch of the sea. A regular compass doesn’t work in the Grand Line either. So, we can’t get a heading for south!”

“You’ll have to rely on the South Bird.” Cricket stated with finality. “Some animals have an innate sense of direction.”

“I’ve heard of that, like pigeons and salmon, right?” Nami nodded to the older man.

“Hey, Zoro, you’re worse than animals!” Luffy chuckled at his First Mate’s lack of directional awareness.

“Shut up, Luffy!” Zoro barked at him with sharp teeth.

“The South Bird is the best of all animals in terms of sense of direction.” Cricket spoke louder to shut the two up. “No matter where it is, land or sea, it will always face True South without fail. That’s why you have to get one! You’ll never get to the Sky Island without it!”

“WHAT?!” Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper screamed at the news.

“Shouldn’t you have told us this earlier?” Zoro looked at Cricket with a flat expression.

“It’s the middle of the night. How’re we supposed to navigate a jungle when it’s pitch black?!” Mikita questioned the man with disbelief.

“Quit whining!” Cricket shouted back at the group. “There’s no time! We’ll get started on reinforcing your ship now too. We really shouldn’t have been partying to begin with!” He shook his head at the lapse in judgement.

“A little late to say that now.” Vivi grimaced slightly.

“Couldn’t we wait until dawn at least?” Nami questioned Cricket. “At least with some light we’d have a better chance of spotting the bird.”

“You have to be at the sight of the Knock Up Stream at noon tomorrow, you’d barely have any time to capture a South Bird and then sail to the correct spot from here if you waited until dawn.” Cricket shook his head.

“I’ll take care of it in the morning then.” Luffy waved off the difficulty of catching a South Bird.

“I doubt there’s anything on this island that could truly threaten Luffy.” Mikita shook her head knowing just how powerful Luffy was.

“I’d be more concerned about him getting sidetracked and forgetting what he was supposed to be doing.” Sanji mentioned while looking at Luffy.

“Hey!” Luffy glared at Sanji half-heartedly. Okay, sometimes he got distracted, it wasn’t like he’d mess up something this important! Probably.

“Then we just send Luffy to catch the South Bird and someone to go with him to keep him on task.” Usopp nodded as he looked over the crew. “Now it’s only a matter of who to send.”

“Hey, Robin, want to help me out tomorrow morning?” Luffy looked over at the Archaeologist with a bright smile.

“If that’s what you’d like, Captain.” Robin smiled lightly with a shrug.

“You sure you want to trust her with that, Luffy?” Zoro looked between Robin and Luffy.

“Shishishishi, yep!” Luffy confirmed with a laugh. “Robin will be super helpful.” Robin didn’t say anything, but inside she was slightly pleased that Luffy already held her in such regard.


“What do you mean, ‘Red-Haired’ Shanks is trying to make contact with Whitebeard?” One of the five Elder Stars questioned the Marine that had brought them this new information.

“Yes, sir.” The Marine kept his eyes on the floor, knowing that the Elder Stars rarely permitted the rank-and-file from looking them in the eyes. “Strange movements have been going on.”

“But ‘Red-Hair’ hasn’t done anything himself, correct?” Another Elder Star questioned.

“No, sir, he has sent out envoys, but any contact between ‘Red-Hair’ and ‘Whitebeard’ could be catastrophic.” The Marine gave them the thoughts of the Fleet Admiral, Admirals, and Vice-Admirals.

“Hmm…that is true.” The Elder with the dreadlocks and walking stick muttered, his eyes narrowed.

“Shanks could do a lot of damage. But I don’t think his ambitions include world conquest.” The Elder with the long moustache and beard combo hummed thoughtfully.

“We should assess the situation thoroughly before making any moves.” The Elder with the birthmark on his forehead remarked. His large white moustache moved slightly as he spoke. “There’s no sense in provoking either of them if this turns out to be nothing.”

“Never mind that.” The Elder in the yukata and holding the long katana in his left hand spoke. “We still need to find a new Warlord of the Sea to replace the late Crocodile. We mustn’t overlook any valid options.”

“The instability of the Three Great Powers would reverberate throughout the world.” The youngest of the Five Elder Stars nodded in agreement. “We must restore the Seven Warlords to full strength. The balance of powers must be protected.”

“Elder Stars!” Another Marine entered the room and dropped to one knee to kneel before the heads of the World Government. “As ordered, the Seven Warlords of the Sea have been summoned. However, as always, we don’t know how many will respond and show up. They are pirates, after all.” Not raising his head in the slightest, the Marine continued his report. “The first two Warlords have just arrived, however.”

“What a nuisance Crocodile made of himself.” The Elder with the wide moustache and birthmark on his forehead muttered as he picked up a Wanted Poster from the table in front of him. “We should keep an eye on this fellow that killed him, Monkey D. Luffy, was it?”

“Which ones have arrived?” The tall and slim, beard Elder questioned the kneeling Marine.

“Warlord Donquixote Doflamingo and Warlord Bartholomew Kuma, sir.” The Marine replied promptly.

“One expected and one unexpected.” The Warlord with the sword mentioned of the first two arrivals. Kuma was practically guaranteed. But Doflamingo made little attempts to hide his outright distaste for the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Not surprising, given his history with them after what the man’s father had done.

“We’ll begin the meeting at the scheduled time, regardless of how many deign to actually show up.” The Elder with the dreadlocks and walking stick told the kneeling Marine.

“Yes, sir.” The Marine stood, still not looking at the Five Elder Stars, and backed out of the room respectfully. Once he was out of the room, he turned and rushed towards his Superior Officer to relay the orders of the Five Elders.

No one in Mariejois would expect just how the upcoming meeting would play out.

-End Chapter-


Straw Hats make everything a party!

Cricket explains about the Knock Up Stream and the Imperiocumulus that the Sky Island is said to rest on.

Work needs to be done to reinforce the Going Merry so that she’ll survive the trip to the sky. But without a certain jackass coming to cause trouble, the Saruyama Alliance can get everything done in time without fail!

Now, all the Straw Hats need to do is catch themselves a South Bird first thing in the morning. Robin and Luffy together should make short work of that.

We also see the continued waves that Luffy killing Crocodile has caused. A meeting is being held to determine the pirate that will be invited to joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

I think we all know who is hoping to throw his hat into the ring for that, right?

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and very fun chapter


Another great chapter and I can't wait to see how the meeting with warlords is gonna turn out! Also great job on the familia myth and collector hero synthesis chapters!


I am happy to see this story update , and i have idea for a future chapter bunnies one when luffy eat the the Mori Mori no mi see you.