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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! They’re coming…regardless if they want to. Rukia knows it will be soon, but…she wants to try and keep her loves out of it. Spend the last of their time together in love and pleasure. If only she knew who was coming to apprehend her.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 18 – Arrest and Recognition

We should not shed tears,
That is a surrender of the body to the heart.
It is only proof,
That we are beings that do not know,
What to do with our hearts.

The day after the Hollow invasion caused by Uryū’s Hollow bait seemed like any other day. The sun rose, students went to their last day of classes before summer break began. Only the lack of Ishida Uryū in his class was seen as odd at Karakura Highschool. Everything else was all so normal that no one would ever suspect that Karakura Town had nearly become the scene of a bloody spiritual massacre. Even the four that had fought tooth and nail against the hordes of Hollows went to school with barely a mark to show for the hard fought battle. It was after school, however, that the foursome indulged in their survival.

-Urahara Shoten-

“Mmm…” The black cat looked up at the slightly cloudy sky.

“What’s the matter, Yoruichi?” Urahara questioned as he brought out a bowl and a bottle of milk. “Looks like it might rain soon.”

“Cut the act, Kisuke.” Yoruichi replied, turning golden eyes onto the exiled Shinigami. “I know that you know that…they are here.”

“Yes,” Urahara’s tone was lacking most of its normal joviality. “Would you like to discuss it before or after your milk?” He cut the joke when the black cat raised its paw and showed off claws that were glowing slightly with Reiryoku. “I guess we should’ve expected that her Captain would be the one sent to retrieve her.”

“You still have his approval to be here though.” Yoruichi recalled the man’s suspicion on the staged case that had framed Urahara just over one-hundred years ago. “We shouldn’t have an issue.”

“For now…” Urahara was also looking at the cloudy sky now. “But Aizen hasn’t made his move yet. Without his cover being blown, there’s only so much we can do to act against him.”

“At the very least, Ukitake isn’t likely to kill anyone.” Yoruichi took the silver-lining that this situation presented.

-Karakura Town ~ Sakurabashi Ward-

“I love you.” Rukia whispered, laying a soft kiss on the lips of Ichigo, then Tatsuki, and finally Orihime. She was already in Shinigami form, having left her Gigai in the living room of Orihime’s apartment with a note explaining the situation in its hands. Ichigo had somehow been able to convince his father that he was staying at Chad’s place and that they were hanging out to celebrate the start of summer. That had let her express her love for her boyfriend and girlfriends for the entire afternoon and well into the evening. She would miss them, but she wanted them to be safe from this as much as possible. After a long look at the three still cuddled together in the bed, Rukia slipped out of the window and closed it behind her. She leapt across the street to the roof of a different building before using Shunpo.

It didn’t take long for three Reiatsu signatures to manifest to Rukia’s senses. She’d cleared a good distance from Orihime’s apartment at least. She was on the edge of the Sakurabashi Ward and almost into the Mashiba Ward. Hopefully this would be far enough away that her lovers wouldn’t be involved in what was about to happen.

“Good evening, Rukia.” The kind voice of her Captain spoke up as the three Reiatsu signatures that she’d sensed landed behind her on the street.

“Captain Ukitake, good evening, sir.” Rukia turned to face her Captain, bowing politely to the white-haired man. “Third Seat Kotetsu, Third Seat Kotsubaki, good evening to you both as well.” She returned to standing upright after her greeting.

“I trust you already know why we’re here, Rukia?” Ukitake gave her a half-smile.

“To follow up on the recent Hollow incursion upon Karakura Town, the appearance of a Menos Grande in the Living World, and to take me back to Soul Society.” Rukia listed off the reasons that she knew would have the three of them sent to Karakura Town.

“Mostly the latter.” Kiyone also gave Rukia a lop-sided smile.

“Transferring Shinigami power to a human is a serious offense, Rukia.” Sentarō sighed, clearly not enjoying the duty they’d been assigned. “We need to know where the ones you gave Shinigami power to are at.”

“I didn’t give Shinigami power to multiple people.” Rukia informed the three, getting a confused look from Sentarō, a curious look from Kiyone, and Ukitake just looked her in the eyes to determine whether she was lying or not. “In a desperate situation, I did transfer Shinigami power to a human so that the Hollow could be slain and souls could be saved. I will not deny that. I still think that it was the correct decision.” Her violet eyes stared directly into her Captain’s eyes.

“But we have recordings of three unknown Shinigami being within Karakura Town during the incursion.” Kiyone spoke up, the blonde woman leaning forward a bit to eye Rukia. “How can that be the case if you only gave a single human Shinigami power?”

“Well…that was…I feel like I shouldn’t say…” Rukia’s cheeks took on a dark pink color.

“Huh?” Sentarō looked perplexed at Rukia’s reply. He’d never known the Tenth Seat to be so flustered like this.

“Hmm?” Ukitake suddenly turned his head, looking in the direction that Rukia had come from. A second later and Rukia’s eyes widened as she felt the familiar Reiatsu of her lovers rapidly approaching.

No! Stay away from here! Please!’ Rukia’s eyes were wide in panic as she turned to face the incoming Reiatsu.

“Rukia!” Ichigo appeared from the blur of his Shunpo with a hard look on his face.

“Rukia!” Orihime had tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at her girlfriend.

“Rukia, don’t do this.” Tatsuki stared into Rukia’s violet eyes, practically begging Rukia to reconsider her actions.

“Well…I guess that explains the three unknown Reiatsu signatures.” Kiyone was quick to realize who these three must be.

“Rukia…” Ukitake’s eyes were wide as he looked at Ichigo. The waver in his voice caught the attention of both his Third Seats and his Tenth Seat. “Who is this man?” He took a step forward without thinking.

“Captain Ukitake?” Kiyone looked at her Captain worriedly before turning to take a good look at the man that had just shown up. “Wait a minute…” Her gray eyes widened and she nearly gaped as she took in Ichigo’s features.

“Lieutenant…?” Sentarō wasn’t any better, staring at Ichigo like he was seeing something impossible.

“Huh?” Ichigo raised an eyebrow at the reactions of the three Shinigami that had come to take Rukia back to Soul Society. “What’re you three talking about?”

“I know…the resemblance is incredible…but it isn’t.” Rukia shook her head at her Captain and higher Officers. Her own demeanor had changed, a melancholy in her tone that Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime hadn’t heard before.

“May I ask your name, young man?” Ukitake immediately went the polite route to try and get answers.

“Kurosaki Ichigo, fifteen, Substitute Shinigami.” Ichigo introduced himself to the man with the long white hair.

“Kurosaki Ichigo…” Ukitake seemed to be testing the name as he looked at the teenager. “Fifteen years…that would’ve been too long.” He shook his head side-to-side slowly. He reconciled that despite the similarities, the time didn’t match up.

“What’re they talking about?” Ichigo looked at Rukia in confusion.

“Something that happened a long time ago, Ichigo.” Rukia gave him a pained smile. “It’s in the past though. You don’t need to worry about it.”

“Are you the one that Rukia transferred Shinigami powers to?” Kiyone questioned Ichigo, still looking at him as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing.

“Yes,” Ichigo confirmed with a nod. “She did it to save the lives of me and my family.”

“Then what about you two?” Sentarō looked at Orihime and Tatsuki.

“Well…Ichigo sort of fucked them into us.” Tatsuki shrugged, giving the best explanation she could. Orihime nodded along with her, backing up her statement.

Ukitake coughed into his fist in shock. Kiyone’s cheeks were bright red as she eyed the two girls and then Ichigo. Sentarō froze and looked like he still needed a moment or two so that he could fully process what he’d just heard. It was after a long and somewhat awkward moment for all (Rukia blushing and refusing to look at her Captain) before the conversation resumed.

“Could you explain that…situation…a bit more clearly, perhaps?” Ukitake shook his head at the sheer absurdity of what the young woman had just said.

“Right after I became a Shinigami…I didn’t have any control over my Reiryoku.” Ichigo spoke up this time. “So, when we were…intimate…I ended up transferring a large amount of my new Shinigami Reiryoku into both Orihime and Tatsuki. It seems to have done the same thing as when Rukia stabbed her Zanpakutō through my heart.” Ichigo might’ve had some red on his own cheeks at having to explain the situation, but he was pushing through regardless.

“Is…is that even possible?” Sentarō looked between his Captain and fellow Third Seat.

“How would I know?!” Kiyone retorted, her eyes moving between Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime in turn. This was not a situation that she’d ever expected! Why wouldn’t her face stop being hot?!

“I see…” Ukitake took the answer for now so that they could move on. “But giving Shinigami power to Humans is absolutely forbidden. You are the second when there should’ve never been another.” He sighed heavily as he saw the three new Shinigami tense up slightly. “I doubt that you can be charged with the same crime as Rukia, given that you are Human and you didn’t give your girlfriends Shinigami power intentionally. However, this poses a different issue entirely and further complicates the situation.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

“Captain Ukitake,” Rukia got the man’s attention. “I will accept whatever punishment awaits me in Soul Society.” Her violet eyes nearly bored into his as she continued. “But please, I ask for clemency for Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime. It was my fault that they were brought into this, they’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Rukia taught us how to fight and cleanse the Hollows.” Orihime spoke up, supporting her girlfriend.

“We’ve only been helping her protect Karakura Town since we found out that we had Shinigami powers.” Tatsuki asserted that they hadn’t done anything malicious with their new abilities.

“Me and my family would’ve been devoured by a Hollow if it wasn’t for what she did.” Ichigo stepped forward his eyes narrowed at the other Shinigami. “How the hell is saving our lives wrong? Isn’t that part of a Shinigami’s duties?”

“The law is in place for a reason.” Ukitake spoke up, silencing the others. If only he’d known what would happen back then, this wouldn’t even be a criminal issue. “Kuchiki Rukia has admitted to her crime. We’ll be taking her back to Soul Society to stand trial.”

“Like hell.” Ichigo’s hand was on the hilt of his Zanpakutō already. Tatsuki was of the same mind and grabbed the hilt of her own Zanpakutō. Orihime placed her hand on her Zanpakutō’s hilt with a firm look on her normally cheerful features.

“Stop.” Ukitake’s hand was on the kashira of Ichigo’s Zanpakutō, preventing the Substitute Shinigami from drawing his blade. No one there had even seen the man move. He was just directly in front of Ichigo before anyone realized it. “Please.”

“It doesn’t have to become violent.” Kiyone looked into Orihime’s eyes with understanding. The Third Seat had appeared in Orihime’s personal space faster than the teen could track. Her hand also held the hilt of Orihime’s kodachi to keep it sheathed.

“Just calm down, we’re not here to try and hurt anyone.” Sentarō was behind Tatsuki, his right hand on her wrist that was trying to draw her Zanpakutō.

When the hell did he move?’ Ichigo couldn’t help the question that went through his head.

“Stop…please.” Rukia turned to her lovers with a pleading expression. “Don’t make this worse for yourselves.” She moved to them, prompting Ukitake, Kiyone, and Sentarō to move away. “I committed a crime. I knew that when I did it.” She pulled Ichigo into a hug, which got stunned looks from her Captain and superior Officers. “I can pay for my crime. But I can’t stand the thought of losing you three.” Tatsuki and Orihime were now hugging Rukia too. “So please, don’t try to fight them. I don’t want to see you hurt or worse.” Her violet eyes were filled with unshed tears as she looked up at them.

“Rukia…” Ichigo gazed into her beautiful eyes for a long moment. “I can’t just let you go.” He tightened his hug pouring his love and affection for her into it.

“Never.” Orihime snuggled closer to Rukia.

“Stay with us.” Tatsuki pressed herself closer to her girlfriend.

“You wonderful, loving, foolish people.” Rukia felt the tears fall but only buried her face into Ichigo’s shihakushō. After a moment she mumbled something unintelligible before looking up at Ichigo. “I’m sorry…” Purple flower petals seemingly fell from nowhere to Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime’s eyes. The three of them became confused at first before their minds went foggy and they collapsed to the ground gently. “Let’s go…I’m ready.” Rukia walked towards her Captain and two Third Seats.

“Sentarō, the Senkaimon.” Ukitake saw the absolute anguish on Rukia’s face at what she’d just done to what were apparently very close people to her. He wouldn’t pry, but in the privacy of his mind he admitted that he’d never considered Rukia the type to be in such a relationship.

“Yes, sir.” Sentarō drew his Zanpakutō and stabbed it forward. The air rippled and the man turned the sword sideways like it was a key in a lock. Shoji doors appeared and opened while releasing four Hell Butterflies.

“R-Rukia…” Ichigo strained to look up from the ground. Whatever Rukia had done, it was powerful enough to make him unable to move. “Wait…look at me...” Why was it getting so hard to speak?

“Be still, Ichigo.” Rukia didn’t look at him. “Just stay there for now. Even if I’m found guilty, the worst that’ll happen to you three is that someone will come to remove your Shinigami powers and let you live your lives as normal humans again.” She turned to look over her shoulder at Ichigo, letting him see the tears on her cheeks. “But if you come after me…they won’t be lenient…they’ll eliminate you. So please, for me…stay here. If you come after me…I’ll…I’ll never forgive you.” Her shoulders shook as she tried to be stern with her boyfriend. She could see the confusion and the concern in his eyes and it tore her up inside.

“Follow us, Rukia.” Kiyone gently placed her hand on Rukia’s shoulder and guided her into the Senkaimon. Sentarō followed after them, leaving just Ukitake and Ichigo to look at each other.

“For what it’s worth, I will do everything I can to ensure Rukia’s charges are lessened and that she receives a punishment that befits her fulfilling her duties even against the law.” Ukitake spoke to the orange-haired young man. “You have my word on that, Kurosaki Ichigo.” He gave a nod to the teen before entering the Senkaimon. The shoji doors closed behind the man and then disappeared entirely.

What crime?!’ Ichigo fought against the encroaching darkness. ‘Rukia didn’t do anything wrong! She saved us!’ He futilely tried to slam his fist against the concrete but could barely raise it. ‘Why…why is someone else going to pay for saving me?’ Unbidden, thoughts of his mother passed through his mind. ‘I was spared…again!’ He let out a bellow of rage and self-loathing as the rain began to fall, soaking everything and drowning out his cry of anguish. Whatever Kidō that Rukia had used finally won the fight and Ichigo fell unconscious next to Orihime and Tatsuki.

The clacking of wooden geta on pavement was heard amongst the rain a few moments later. Urahara stood over the three downed teenagers with a wide wagasa-style umbrella to block the rain. He was quick to notice that all three of them were uninjured, just unconscious. With a sigh he looked at Ichigo specifically.

“You’re lucky that you ran into Ukitake instead of most of the other Captains, Ichigo.” Urahara spoke to the unconscious substitute. “You weren’t harmed and your power still remains intact.” He looked at where the Senkaimon had been earlier. “If what I think will happen comes to pass, that’ll give us an extra few days to get you four ready.”

Tessai appeared along with Jinta and Ururu. Tatsuki was placed on a stretcher that the two kids held between them. Orihime was picked up by Tessai gently and carried. Urahara reached down and picked up Ichigo, throwing the teen’s arm over his shoulder and carrying him along without issue. The group headed back to the Urahara Shoten so that they could prepare for tomorrow. Things were going to get busy soon, but now, this wasn’t about fixing his old mistake anymore. This was about saving someone that had been caught up in the machinations between Aizen and himself. He’d take responsibility for it and make sure that no one else needed to die for his mistakes.

I’m sorry that I can’t go myself, Ichigo.’ Urahara looked down at the unconscious teen as he carried his friend’s son. ‘But I’ll do everything I can from this side to make sure that you’ll succeed.’ He had a strong feeling that Isshin was going to knock him through a wall or three as soon as he was able to for what was most likely about to happen.

-End Chapter-


Naughty times! Woohoo!

Rukia shares as much love and affection as she can with Ichigo, Orihime, and Tatsuki, knowing that she’ll soon be taken back to Soul Society.

She wants to keep them safe so badly. You really feel for Rukia’s plight.

At the very least the encounter wasn’t near fatal this time.

Ukitake is a calm man, and not stoic like Byakuya, but truly calm. Seeing the striking resemblance to Shiba Kaien that Ichigo has was also a surprise for the three from Squad Thirteen. You can imagine that Ukitake is already thinking about the how’s and why’s of such similarity!

Now Rukia has been taken back to Soul Society while doing everything in her power to protect her lovers. You can bet that Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime aren’t going to just let that happen!

How will the lead up to the Soul Society Arc play out?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Willing to bet that Ukitake will be not surprised with Ichigo and them invading once they find out about Rukia's punishment.


Yeah, he'll probably wonder just how badly things will get messed up in the process though.


I wonder how the other captains will react to how Tatsuki and Orihime got the shinigami powers, probably going to hilarious


You can imagine Mayuri and Unohana both being rather curious about it. Ichigo: "I'll talk with you, you're reasonable!" *Points at Unohana* "You stay far away from me you mad scientist psychopath!" *Yells at Mayuri* Mayuri: "I'm a man of Science, boy! I only want to know the how and the why, the rest of your private life is of no concern to me." *Still holding a huge syringe while Nemu calmly has a tray of other syringes of various sizes at the ready*


I'm really excited to see the way Ichigo, Renji and Byakuya interact with each other. I can see Ichigo finding out that Rukia has a big brother, thinks that he's going to help her then come to find out that his totally on board!


Oh, there's plenty of changes coming to the Soul Society Arc, don't you worry about that! I've hinted that some things have changed in Rukia's past throughout this story and that certain things aren't the same as Canon when it comes to specific parts of the Seireitei.

Mr. Finch

Thanks for the chapter

sebastian contreras acuña

I really want to see the invasion arc, now that ichigo has a more complete training and after what urahara will do to them it will be interesting at what level of power they are left


Things are most definitely going to change; you'll see pretty much right away from the first chapter that we actually enter Soul Society just how much is changed.


Ukitake Is probably wondering how the heck is going to report this with a straight face and if the others are even going to believe him in the first place and the feeling it not over by a long shot


Indeed...just that nagging feeling that things are about to go so fucking sideways...and there's nothing that you can do about it.


Finally i can't wait to see your version of the soul society the bankai of Ichigo and the girls and the fight, the fate of Rukia and the training of Yoruichi😏


Glad you're looking forward to it! Bankai? Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, aren't we? They have to unlock Shikai first! Oh, but what nice Shikai they will be! Finally getting to reveal what I have in store is going to be so much fun!


Looking forward to see this , and what is your opinion on the new trailer of your favorite arc the TYBW getting animated 😏


Shush! I'll watch it, the animation looks pretty nice, so far. Hopefully the anime will expand and show us more of the Zero Squad instead of basically off-screening everything about them. Also, let Kubo tell the anime staff EXACTLY what he originally had planned and not just what he was able to fit into the last 20 chapters. Let's see it all!


Kai sadly we received news Disney Plus bought out Crunchyroll for the streaming rights too the new Bleach anime..


I'm aware. It might very well be a disaster for the anime. But we'll have to wait and see.