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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Well, a talk with Officer Jenny to explain the situation between Damien and Charmander is necessary. Maybe Ash and Misty will be shown some leniency in light of the situation? Taking care of Charmander and his mental health is much more important to Ash though. Plus, they’re in Cyanteal Town now, the Kanto Region’s Dragon Type central hub. Surely there’s stuff to see and learn here.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 39 – Caring for Charmander, Dragon Types

“Well…that was mentally exhausting.” Ash sighed as he and Misty left the Police Station in Cyanteal Town.

“Well, at least we got off with just a warning and don’t have a charge on our records.” Misty smiled slightly at her boyfriend.

Everyone in the Trainer’s Lounge had been questioned and statements taken over the incident between Damien, Ash, and Misty. After confirming Damien’s abuse and neglect of his Pokémon, the teen had his Trainer’s License suspended pending a full investigation by the League. All of his Pokémon were confiscated and would be treated and cared for by the League specialists to determine what all was wrong with them as well. After everything was said and done, and perhaps because Officer Jenny felt equally disgusted with Damien, both Ash and Misty were let off with a warning for their actions. The fact that this was their first offense ever may have also gotten them some leeway as well.

“It’s so late now…you want to just get some dinner at the Pokémon Center and call it a day?” Ash took Misty’s hand in his, entwining their fingers, as they walked back towards the red-roofed building.

“That sounds great, actually.” Misty agreed, gently squeezing his hand. “A nice shower and then bed.”

“If Charmander is well enough, I’d like to let him sleep beside us tonight.” Ash knew that the Fire Type needed as much reassurance as possible that Ash wanted him around. Charmander’s mental state would need to be carefully monitored and eased into accepting his place in Ash’s Team and family of Pokémon. The Aura Guardian promised himself that he’d make sure his newest Pokémon would never regret coming with him.

“You know that I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to that.” Misty leaned her head on his shoulder as the Pokémon Center came into view.

-Pokémon Center ~ Lobby-

“Ah, you two, welcome back.” Nurse Joy greeted as Ash and Misty approached the counter. “Please refrain from anymore violence on the premises, thank you.” The smile on her face clearly hinted at the trouble they’d be in otherwise.

“Yes, ma’am, thank you.” Ash and Misty looked down at the floor for a moment.

“Now, your Pokémon are back to full health, would you like us to take care of them for the evening?” Nurse Joy’s smile was back to normal now.

“Yes ma’am,” Misty nodded for her Pokémon to be fed and taken care of for the night.

“I’d like to get Charmander and Raichu, please.” Ash requested of the Pokémon Nurse.

“Of course, one moment please.” Nurse Joy tapped a few keys on the nearby computer. A few moments later and a Chansey walked out of the back with two Pokéballs in hand.

“Thank you, Chansey.” Ash smiled at the helpful pink Pokémon as he accepted Raichu and Charmander’s Pokéballs back.

“Chansey!” Chansey smiled happily before heading into the back again to continue caring for the other Pokémon at the Center.

“We’ll need a room for the night too.” Misty informed Nurse Joy once Ash was set.

“Of course, two beds or one?” Nurse Joy couldn’t quite hide the knowing grin on her lips as she looked between the two Trainers.

“Just one.” Misty’s little smile only made Nurse Joy giggle lightly as she processed the request on her computer.

“Would you like to pay by the day or are you planning to stay for a while?” Nurse Joy asked for the duration of their room rental to complete the transaction.

“Let’s start off with a week, I think that makes sense, you?” Ash looked at Misty and a near instantaneous conversation passed between them.

“Yep, we’d like to book the room for a week.” Misty agreed and Nurse Joy quickly finished entering the information. Misty swiped her debit card and the payment was complete with her signature on the electronic pad.

“Enjoy your stay with us.” Nurse Joy gave a short bow as she slid two room keys over to Misty and Ash.

“Thank you.” Misty and Ash returned the small bow and picked up their room keys.

It didn’t take long for the couple to put their packs away in their room. Ash let Raichu and Charmander out of their Pokéballs and the two Pokémon happily agreed to head down to the cafeteria for food. Charmander stuck close to Ash, his tail flame was much larger now, but he was still not used to so many people. Grabbing trays and loading them up with food from the line, Ash and Misty found a small table and sat down. Raichu happily hopped up onto the tabletop to eat while Ash picked up Charmander and set the Fire Type next to Raichu.

“Here you go, Charmander.” Ash smiled, filling a second plate he’d gotten with meat, fruits, and adding a bowl of water beside it. Raichu was given the same, but the vegetable and fruit ratio was higher than the meat. The Electric Rodent’s diet normally consisted of wild plants and small amounts of meat naturally, so Ash took care to make sure his Starter’s diet was geared towards the species’ natural eating habits.

“Rai!” Raichu happily dug in, stuffing an entire Cheri Berry into his mouth before chewing.

“Mander.” Charmander sniffed the food before his little claws picked up a piece of meat. The little fire lizard bit into it and tore off a bite, eating it with a happy glow in his eyes.

“Good?” Ash grinned at his newest Pokémon.

“Char!” Charmander gave a nod before digging in with just as much enthusiasm as Raichu.

“Cute.” Misty quickly took a picture with her PokéGear of the two eating Pokémon.

After dinner, Charmander was carried back to their room, giving the Fire Type more closeness with Ash and his Aura. The little lizard was already relaxing with a full stomach and was content to lay in Ash’s arms. Ash and Misty showered together, both for their own closeness and to save some time…though with how much they played around only a few extra minutes were saved. The couple was in bed soon enough and Charmander cooed in content as he was placed at the foot of the bed next to Raichu. His tail flame hung over the edge in the open air, not at risk of burning anything, even though most Pokémon Centers were fireproofed as much as possible anyway. He snuggled up with Raichu, enjoying the soft fur of his new teammate and family member. Only a few hours into being with Ash and Charmander could already say that he much preferred it compared to being Damien’s Pokémon.

-The Next Morning-

“Mmm…good morning~” Misty kissed Ash’s lips as she woke up. Sitting up, the redhead stretched her arms above her head with a pleased sigh.

“Good morning…” Ash grinned up at her before using his arm around her waist to pull her back down and kiss her again.

“Ash!” Misty giggled when their lips separated a moment later. “We need to get up.”

“I know…but I’m comfortable.” Ash grinned against her neck, leaving a gentle kiss behind.

“Down you,” Misty pecked his lips before rolling out of his arms and standing up from the bed. “You need to check out the Gym today. I plan to do some fishing while we’re here, along with some battling.”

“Something special lives around here, huh?” Ash knew that Misty mentioning fishing specifically was important. He rolled out of his side of the bed and pet both Raichu and Charmander until the two Pokémon woke up.

“Horsea,” Misty had a pretty smile as she looked at him. “I did say I wanted to catch one and train it into a Kingdra.”

“I’d like to see that myself.” Ash grinned as he stretched and got a satisfying pop from his back. “I’ll hopefully be able to meet Tatsuya today. I won’t battle him just yet though. Everyone we’ve met says that he’s powerful, so we’re going to put in a lot of work at the Training Facility before I challenge him.”

“Dragon Types are strong and have many resistances too, so you’ll need to find work arounds for that.” Misty agreed as she stripped down to her panties and pulled out her clothes for the day.

“That’s true too…” Ash hummed as he was getting dressed, his amber eyes happily following Misty’s body as she dressed.

“Char?” Charmander looked up at Ash at the mention of training.

“Rai rai.” Raichu patted the Fire Type’s shoulder with a smile.

“You can train with us, Charmander.” Ash petted the lizard’s head gently. “You’ll never be excluded. I can tell that you have tons of potential just waiting to be unleashed!”

“Charmander!” Charmander cheered, his tail flame flaring a little at the faith that Ash had in him.

“Breakfast first.” Misty laughed, hearing rumbles from Ash, Raichu, and Charmander’s stomachs.

-Cyanteal Town-

“This is a nice town.” Ash commented, enjoying the weather and the atmosphere of the Dragon-themed town.

Cyanteal Town was old, but hadn’t modernized nearly as much as equally old cities like Celadon and Saffron had. Some people jokingly referred to it as ‘Little Johto’ around the Kanto Region for sticking to its more traditional style buildings. The tiled roofs and classic architecture were quite different from most of the neighboring towns and cities. There were even Shrines to several Legendary Pokémon around the city. The largest venerating the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus, of course. It was also full of life, much like Azure Town was. Greenery was everywhere in the form of trees, bushes, flowers, and the like. It was far past the spring bloom now, but Ash was certain that the trees lining the street they were walking along would be heavy with Sakura petals at the right time.

“It really is.” Misty agreed as she smiled at seeing a few children running around playing with some young Pokémon.

When the Gym came into view, Ash couldn’t help but whistle. It was set up like a traditional dojo, with wide grounds surrounded by a wall with a tiled roof atop it. The large wooden gate to get into the Gym grounds was heavy, but Ash and Misty could move them easily enough thanks to their Aura helping to strengthen them. Inside was plenty of flat space for training and battles, at the edges of the grounds were some meditation ponds filled with lilies and the gentle sound of flowing water. A clack was heard as a bamboo tube dumped out the water filling it and the bottom hit the stone beneath it. A traditional device to startle Stantler and other such Pokémon and keep them out of the garden areas.

“Okay, I’m liking this Gym design too.” Misty grinned at the aesthetic that the Cyanteal Town Gym had.

“Can I help you two?” A young man, maybe twenty, asked the two. He was dressed in simple clothes, almost Gi-like and all in a navy blue. “Are you here to challenge the Gym?

“I am, but not today.” Ash informed the man. “I actually need to speak to the Gym Leader, if possible, he should know me when he sees me.”

“I believe he’s available right now, please follow me.” The man gave a short bow. Ash and Misty quickly followed after him as they were lead not through the dojo-like building, but around it. “My name is Ryuta, I’m a Gym Trainer here at the Cyanteal Town Gym. I’m working toward becoming a Dragon Master under Leader Tatsuya.”

“Nice to meet you, Ryuta.” Misty greeted the man politely. “I’m Misty, I’m working my way up the Tournament Circuit to become a Water Type Master.”

“I’m Ash, I’m challenging the League to become a Pokémon Master.” Ash introduced himself.

“Ah, similar paths to my own and the other Gym Trainers here.” Ryuta smiled at the teens. “I like your drive already.”

They walked a bit longer before entering a massive area in the back that was a mix of terrain types. A large pond sat in the middle of the area, while around it rocky beaches that gave way to grass with stone pathways through it. Behind the pond and the small plain of grass stood a large rock structure like a large hill or miniature mountain. Ash and Misty were not only amazed by the sheer size of the area and its many features, but also by the number of Dragon Type Pokémon that filled the area. Trapinch could be seen among the rocky sand. Swablu and some Altaria nested in the trees or flew through the air on their cloud-like wings. On the rocky hill a blue Pokémon with a grey head leapt off and flapped its short arms before plummeting towards the ground. A cloud of dust was thrown up from the impact, but the little Dragon Pokémon simply brush itself off and started climbing back up the mini mountain. This was being done under the watchful eyes of a very large Salamence, the blue dragon with the red wings eyeing what could very well be its own offspring as it attempted to fly.

“Ash! Look, look!” Misty excitedly pointed to the large pond and Ash turned to check out what had her so excited.

“Draaa,” A Dragonair emerged from the water and casually observed the two strangers in its midst. A smaller Dratini popped up beside the Dragonair a moment later, letting out an adorable coo.

“Wow…they really do have all sorts of Dragon Types here.” Ash appreciated the beauty of the Dragonair as it swam through the pond with the Dratini following after it.

“Brava?” A Vibrava flew close to the three people and regarded them curiously for a moment before flying off again.

“The Leader should be this way.” Ryuta motioned off to the side of the large area. He led the couple down one of the stone paths and into a series of hedges. Turning two corners around the rows brought them to a clear area in the middle with a large tree planted in the middle. “Master Tatsuya, you have guests.” Ryuta bowed to his instructor.

“So, it would seem.” Tatsuya replied without turning around at first. When the man did stand up from the wooden bench that he was sitting on, he turned to face the trio. In the Gym Leader’s arms was a small green Pokémon. It was unfamiliar to both Ash and Misty, so Ash pulled out his Pokédex.

“Axew, the Tusk Pokémon. They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp. They are known to mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new stronger tusk quickly regrows to replace it. They are Dragon Type Pokémon that are native to the Unova Region.” The Pokédex gave the information it had on the species.

“Oh, that’s why I didn’t recognize it.” Misty mentioned as Ash put away his Pokédex.

“Yes, this little one comes from the Unova Region. I was able to get him thanks to an acquaintance of mine.” Tatsuya smiled and pet the little dragon fondly. “I’ve been expecting you, Ash Ketchum.”

“It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Ash gave a polite bow to the Gym Leader.

“It is good to meet you too.” Tatsuya smiled at the Aura Guardian. The Gym Leader was dressed in a traditional robe of the Blackthorn Dragon’s Den. A navy blue color with a dark purple sash around his waist. On his feet were traditional geta with tabi socks. His face was still youthful, as was his long black hair that was tied back into a low pony tail. It was his eyes that Ash and Misty noticed the most though, a piercing silvery-gray color. “Kiara mentioned that you had a way with her Noivern. I must admit to being interested in seeing your worth.”

“I’ll do my best.” Ash replied with a grin. He took a quick look at Tatsuya’s Aura and saw the placid nature of it. The Gym Leader was completely at ease with no disruptions to his Aura that Ash could see. It was heavily aligned to the Dragon Type, much like Lt. Surge’s had been to the Electric Type. Not to mention the sheer quantity that Tatsuya possessed. The Dragon Master could probably fight some Dragon Pokémon with just his own Aura and come out fine.

“Ryuta, have someone prepare some tea for our chat, please.” Tatsuya addressed his student.

“Of course, Master.” Ryuta bowed. “Will you be in the back sitting room or the front sitting room?”

“The back, it’s closer.” Tatsuya smiled and Ryuta quickly rushed off to relay the instructions. “Please follow me, Ash and Miss Waterflower.” The Dragon Gym Leader walked out of the hedges with the Axew still in his arms.

“How did you know my name?” Misty questioned, knowing that she’d never given it to the man.”

“I’m familiar with every Gym Leader in Kanto to some extent, and we all share information with each other online.” Tatsuya looked over his shoulder at Misty with a smile. “That includes your sisters, and they speak of you fairly often. Along with pictures.”

“What’re they saying and which pictures?” Misty looked like she was internally deciding whether to get angry or not. There were several pictures that her sisters had of her that she’d throttle them for sending to others.

“Only good things, I assure you.” Tatsuya laughed as they reached the back deck and stepped up onto it. “They were happily bragging about your victory in the last Water City Competition. You had your picture taken for the news coverage of it too.”

“Oh, well, at least they’re not trying to play a prank on me or anything.” Misty exhaled in relief that she didn’t have to worry about that at least.

“Nothing of the sort, I assure you.” Tatsuya chuckled as he slipped off his geta. “Please, remove your shoes before coming inside.” He opened the shoji door to reveal a sitting room with tatami mats and a low table with six cushions sat around it. He walked over to the left side of the low table and set Axew on the cushion beside the one he sat on. The little Dragon Type was quick to snuggle into the cushion and nod off for a nap.

“Thank you for having us.” Ash and Misty both bowed before quickly untying their shoes and taking them off. Once they were only in their socks, the couple sat side-by-side on the cushions on the opposite side of the table from Tatsuya.

A gentle knock on the interior shoji door was heard before it was slid open. “Tea and snacks for you and your guests, Master Tatsuya.” A young woman, maybe a year or so older than Misty, nodded and carefully strode into the room. She gave a pleasant smile to Ash and Misty as she set cups before them and left a small platter of snacks in the middle of the table. “I hope your conversation is pleasant.” She stepped out of the room and quietly closed the shoji door behind her.

“She pulls that act off well, when she wants to.” Tatsuya chuckled as he steadily poured green tea for Misty, Ash, and then himself.

“Act?” Ash blinked; he hadn’t noticed anything amiss with the girl.

“That young lady is my eldest daughter, Tatsuki.” Tatsuya smiled fondly at speaking of his daughter. “She’s quite the tomboy. Loves battling and Dragon Types, a real spitfire.”

“I did think you two resembled each other.” Misty nodded, blowing on her tea before taking a sip. “Ooh, matcha.”

“Yeah, she’s got a bit of me in her alright, but that beauty is all her mother’s.” Tatsuya smiled as he was want to do when speaking of his family. “But, back to the matter at hand. I’d like to ask you some questions, Ash. Your answers will help me gauge your character and nature. Only if you are of a proper mindset would I entrust you with a Dragon Type Pokémon.”

“Of course,” Ash nodded, setting his cup down and looking Tatsuya in the eye.

“Excellent,” Tatsuya nodded as he began his first question. “What are Pokémon to you?”

“Friends and Family, we’re there for each other on our journey.” Ash replied with his true feelings.

“I see,” Tatsuya gave a slight nod. “What helps you to win battles?”

“Hard work, training, and giving it our all. If I don’t give my absolute best, then I can’t expect my Pokémon to either.”

“Ah, yes, I understand.” Tatsuya chuckled lightly at the answer. “What kind of Trainers do you wish to battle?”

“Anyone.” Ash’s answer was as simple as could be. “If they’re a Beginner, then I can train my younger Pokémon. If they’re an Expert then I can test our limits and see how far we still have to go.”

“Hmm, I see…” Tatsuya’s silver-gray eyes looked at Ash appraisingly. “What is most important for raising Pokémon?”

“Love, trust, compassion, and some knowledge of the Pokémon in question doesn’t hurt. To do our best we have to understand each other, that’s a given.” Ash remembered his lessons from his father well. He’d grown up learning the ins and outs of Pokémon training from Bruno.

“Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. Which is more important?” Tatsuya’s next question came quickly and Ash didn’t have to consider his answer.

“They’re both important.” Ash replied with a smile. “A weak Pokémon is a fount of potential just waiting to be guided and raised to achieve its absolute best. A strong Pokémon is a power that can be further honed and refined as you train and battle together, sharpening our instincts and learning from each other’s experiences.”

“Hm…I see…you care deeply for Pokémon.” Tatsuya nodded as he looked into Ash’s amber eyes. “Very commendable. That conviction is very important. I hope that you never lose that belief, Ash. It will see you through your Pokémon Journey.” A smile was on the Gym Leader’s face as he gently petted the sleeping Axew beside him.

“So…did I pass?” Ash asked after a sip of tea.

“Oh yes, you’re of great character, but that’s not the only thing that one needs to raise Dragons.” Tatsuya chuckled as he looked back at Ash. “You also need the strength to handle them and bring out their true power.”

“I think I know where this is going.” Misty hummed before sipping her tea with a smile.

“Earn a Badge from me, Ash.” Tatsuya challenged as his placid Aura spiked for an instant and made every hair on both Ash and Misty’s bodies rise. It was instantly back to the calm state, not even making the sleeping Axew next to him twitch. “If you can do that, then I’ll have a Dragon Type for you, I promise.”

“You’re on.” Ash had a wide grin on his face at the challenge. His own Aura rising a bit before he settled it. He didn’t want to wake the sleeping Axew or anything.

“Why don’t you show him Charmander, Ash?” Misty suggested, taking one of the rice crackers from the platter. “The Charizard Line has some obvious dragon-like traits, I’m sure Tatsuya could give some advice.”

“Would you mind?” Ash looked at the Gym Leader for permission.

“Of course,” Tatsuya waved towards the cushion on the side of the table.

“Charmander, come on out.” Ash called and in a bright flash of white light, the little Fire Type appeared on the cushion.

“Char!” Charmander smiled at Ash and then looked at Tatsuya carefully.

“Charmander, this is Tatsuya, he’s the Gym Leader here.” Ash introduced his newest Pokémon to the man. “I was going to ask him for some advice on training you, would you like that?”

“Man?” Charmander looked at Tatsuya closer and the Dragon Master smiled, slowly moving his hand forward to let Charmander examine his Aura. Several seconds of observation passed before Charmander agreed, getting a gently pat from Tatsuya. The fire lizard cooed when the man brushed over a spot near the back of his head.

“It has been long theorized that the Charizard Line has common ancestry with Dragon Types.” Tatsuya continued to pet Charmander. “The existence of a Dragon Type Mega Evolution only seems to further confirm this.”

“Charizard can Mega Evolve?” Ash blinked at not having known that. Perhaps he should look into the phenomenon closer since he knew it required Aura to use.

“Into two different forms from what I understand.” Tatsuya smiled at Charmander. “One form seems to unleash its Fire Type nature to an extreme degree. The other form however, seems to unlock the latent Dragon traits within Charizard’s DNA to make it become a Fire/Dragon Type. It’s all rather fascinating since it’s still a fairly new field of study. Dragon Types being somewhat rare, those of us that specialize in them quickly hear about things like this.”

“Should I raise Charmander with those latent Dragon traits in mind?” Ash questioned the Gym Leader.

“He’s not a Horsea, so I can’t say that I recommend that.” Tatsuya shook his head. “It’s not bad to familiarize him with Dragon Type Aura and get him proficient with a move or two, but fully evolved he’ll be a Fire/Flying Type. It’s best to focus on those aspects that he’ll be guaranteed to have all the time.”

“Yeah, I kind of thought so.” Ash nodded, taking a rice cracker and breaking it in half. He gave one half to Charmander, the Fire Type sniffing it before nearly eating it whole. He bit into the other half and chewed thoughtfully. “Mega Evolution is a temporary state anyway.”

“This little one will grow proportionately to the effort and time you put into raising him. So, I believe that he’ll become quite powerful in the future with a Trainer like you, Ash.” Tatsuya smiled at the young man. “I’d focus on his Fire traits for now, build up his heat and firepower while working on his physical conditioning. That will serve him well as both a Charmeleon and a Charizard. Once he has fully evolved, then you’ll have already worked on his foundation in Fire and physicality, leaving you most of your time to strengthen his newly acquired Flying traits.”

“Char~” Charmander cooed as Tatsuya petted him again.

“I understand, don’t be too busy looking at the future that we forget the here and now.” Ash nodded while looking at Charmander with a smile.

“You can’t build him up for the future if you don’t start in the now.” Tatsuya chuckled before taking a sip of tea. “I must say, I’m looking forward to our battle, Ash. It seems like I’ll be getting another challenge so soon after the last one.”

“I’ll do my best to make sure of that.” Ash locked eyes with the Gym Leader, a wide smile on his face.

-End Chapter-


Ash and Misty have met Tatsuya, the Dragon Type Gym Leader. He’s quite the character, traditional, but not suffocatingly so. He sees Ash’s potential and is already looking forward to their match.

Will Ash earn his Badge and get himself a Dragon Type of his own?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Raichu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Flash, Quick Attack, Dig, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Bubblebeam, Scald

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – String Shot, Bug Bite, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Whirlwind, Psybeam, Air Slash, Substitute, Safeguard

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up, Slash

Donphan – Sturdy – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure, Bulldoze

Eevee* – Adaptability – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Bulbasaur – Overgrow – Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder

Krabby – Shell Armor – Vice Grip, Leer, Harden, Bubblebeam

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Eevee – Run Away – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Shelby Acotto

Great chapter!! ❤️ I liked how he asked Ash all those questions regarding pokemon and what it takes to be a trainer! I can't wait for the next chapter! Charmander ❤️💜💙