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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Mock Town, the only town on Jaya! The first ‘Pirate Town’ that the Straw Hats have ever visited! How will things play out when news of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea being killed by a Rookie has been spreading? What about when the new Wanted Posters drop? Luffy has gone from 60,000,000 Beri to 200,000,000 Beri! That’s almost four times what the top dog on Jaya has.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 44 – Mock Town

“You’re coming with us, Nami?” Luffy smiled at his lover while watching her change in the Captain’s Quarters.

“Of course, if we let you and Zoro wander around the town, you’d either get lost, start a fight, or forget to ask for information about the sky island.” Nami grinned at him while enjoying his eyes on her body.

As they were going ashore to their first ‘Pirate Town’, Nami felt that appearance and impression would be important to deter random idiots from trying to start trouble. To that end she was dressing a little provocatively, as pirate women were known to do. She fastened a sexy black collar around her neck, attaching her white crop top to it. The top was thick enough to not be see through, but small enough to bear her midriff and some under boob. It was also tight, so she was foregoing a bra entirely. She had a short black miniskirt on with a thick pink belt, the back of the miniskirt was longer than the front going down to just passed the back of her knees. On the navigator’s legs were fishnet stockings attached to a garter belt and she finished her outfit with two pink bands around her upper right arm. At Nami’s side was the special holster that held her Climatact staff.

“You look great, Nami.” Luffy smiled widely at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Mmm~” Nami kissed him for a long moment before pulling back with a grin. “Glad you think so.” She picked up a black captain’s coat and placed it on Luffy’s shoulders. “You should make sure to look like the Captain that you are too.” She made him face the mirror and rested her chin on his shoulder from behind. With the black coat on and his normal red vest left open to bare his strong chest, Luffy very much looked like a pirate not to be trifled with.

“Let’s go.” Luffy’s smile was bright with excitement as the lovers left the room and headed out on deck.

With the Going Merry moored to the docks of Mock Town, everyone was standing around the deck waiting for Luffy and Nami. The crew needed to divvy up tasks for their stay on Jaya and decide what to do if they couldn’t find information about sky island. When the Captain and Navigator duo appeared, the first one to react was Sanji.

“Nami-swan~!” Sanji was noodling around and occasionally twirling with heart-shaped eyes. “You look incredible!” The revealing outfit was a perfect ten out of ten in the chef’s opinion!

“Thank you, Sanji.” Nami grinned with some smugness. Knowing Luffy liked it meant far more to her, but being complimented on her looks was always nice.

“So, Nami, Zoro, and I are going into Mock Town to try and find some information on the sky island.” Luffy began to explain the crew’s plans for their time here. “If you guys want to go into town, always do it in at least pairs, just in case. We’ll also need at least two people to stay on Merry as ship guards while we’re here.” He looked thoughtful for a second, as if he was trying to see if he’d missed anything. “That’s all, I think.” The rest of the crew cracked up a little and Luffy chuckled along with them.

“It looks like a pretty rough town.” Usopp eyed Mock Town and listened to the constant ruckus going on.

“Yeah…though this may be the last time we can stock up on medicine and supplies for a bit.” Chopper was nervous about going into the pirate town, but knew they needed the supplies.

“I’ll go with you three, if you don’t mind.” Mikita smiled at Luffy and Nami.

“Sure!” Luffy returned her smile with his own and Nami nodded in agreement.

“Then I’ll go change. Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed as she headed for the Women’s Quarters.

“If Mikita and Nami are going, maybe I should go too?” Sanji rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“I was actually hoping that you’d help me with the ship guarding, Sanji.” Vivi looked at him with a hopeful smile. Her powers made defense easy after all.

“Anything for you Vivi-chan!” Sanji instantly agreed with heart-shaped eyes. The Chivalrous Pervert couldn’t say no to a lovely lady like Vivi! “I’ll whip us up a nice snack while we wait for the others!” He was dashing towards the kitchen a split-second later.

“Pervert.” Zoro deadpanned at Sanji’s reaction. With a shake of his head the swordsman headed towards the gangplank.

“Hey…where’d Robin go?” Usopp suddenly noticed the distinct lack of their newest nakama.

“She’s already in town.” Luffy answered after a second to focus his Observation Haki and apply his Devil Fruit to extend his range. “Almost to the middle of town, actually…she must’ve left shortly after we docked.”

“I didn’t even see her leave!” Chopper gaped at how easily Robin had slipped away without anyone noticing.

“Ready to go~” Mikita giggled as she came back in her new outfit. The blonde woman still had her signature lemon slice earrings, but her top was such a tight and tiny red tank top that it barely covered more than a bikini top. Her cleavage was visible and so was some side-boob, it was clear that just like Nami, Mikita was going braless. Her midriff was completely bare, showing off her trim tummy and waist. The denim short shorts she was wearing showed off her thighs and long legs, while barely able to contain her booty. With her parasol in hand, she grinned as she saw Luffy’s eyes roaming her form. “Like it, Captain?”

“Yep!” Luffy smiled at her and pulled her into a hug a second later. Mikita happily leaned into his embrace. With a naughty smile she moved his chin to face her and kissed him.

“Two beautiful women on your arms…you’re going to make all of the other pirates jealous, Captain~” Mikita purred at her lover.

“He can’t do that if we don’t actually head out sometime today.” Zoro mentioned with a roll of his eyes at the lovebirds.

“Shut it, Zoro!” Mikita barked back at the green-haired man.

“Alright, we should be heading out though.” Nami reminded with a laugh.

“One sec,” Luffy vanished in a spark and reappeared next to Vivi. “We’ll be back in a bit, Vivi.” He pulled the princess into his arms and kissed her soundly.

“Hmmm, okay…” Vivi smiled and a bubbly giggle escaped her as they separated. How could she not love Luffy, he was always thinking of his nakama and his lovers.

-Mock Town-

“I don’t plan to start a fight.” Luffy shrugged as the group of four walked through the noisy town. Nami was on his right and Mikita was on his left while Zoro walked a few paces ahead of them.

“Gah!” A pirate cried out as another slugged him in the face.

“Good, we need information, not to get into useless fights.” Nami vaguely motioned towards several other brawls going on within the group’s line of sight.

“If someone starts something, we can just end it quickly.” Zoro looked at the orangette over his shoulder.

“Zoro…” Mikita sighed with a shake of her head. “Fighting is what we’re trying to avoid. If you beat up some loudmouth, there’s a good chance the rest of their crew is going to come to their aid.”

“Being that this is a ‘pirate town’, I’m sure that news takes a bit longer than usual to get here.” Nami informed as they walked. “Most of these people have probably only heard that Crocodile was killed by a Rookie. They probably don’t know much more than that yet.”

“Hey, pretty ladies, why don’t you ditch those losers and come hang out with us?” A pair of half-drunk pirates approached Nami and Mikita, eyeing up both beautiful women with lecherous eyes.

“No.” Mikita flat out refused the two with an unamused stare.

“No.” Nami’s reply was equally flat and both pirates blinked at the looks the women were giving them.

“Aww, come on…” The pirate on the left chuckled. “What’ve these two punks got that we don’t.”

“Manners for one.” Mikita replied with a roll of her eyes. “Take your offers elsewhere.” The chocolatier waved the two off.

“Hey…” Luffy spoke up and both of the half-drunk men turned to say something only to stop dead. The look in Luffy’s eyes was unshakeable and bore into both of the men down to their souls. “Leave.” Even half-drunk the two men booked it away from the group as fast as they could stumble in their haste.

“That’s better.” Nami grinned and pecked Luffy’s cheek. “No need to fight, just scare them off.”

“Whatever.” Zoro shrugged, his hands back in his pockets as they resumed walking. “Where should we start looking for information?”

“Agh…” An old man in a long black coat cried out as he hit the planks that made up Mock Town’s streets. He’d fallen off the back of his pale horse and simply laid on the ground.

“Hey, that old dude just fell off his horse.” A random person pointed with a chuckle.

“Who is he?” Another person questioned.

“Ack!” The old man coughed up some blood onto the planks below him.

“The hell?” A pirate took a few steps to the side to pass further away from the old man. “Is he sick or something?”

“Hey…pardon me folks, but…could you help me up?” The old man asked the Straw Hats since they were the closest to him.

“You aren’t even gonna try to do it yourself?” Zoro deadpanned at the old man that hadn’t made a single attempt to even sit up. Luffy had no such qualms and lifted the old man back into the saddle of his horse with one hand.

“Much obliged.” The old man coughed lightly. “Aah…I made it.” The old man took hold of the reins with a heavy breath. “I was born with a weak constitution.” With a few labored breaths, he urged his horse forward. “Alright, let’s go…Strongheart.” The horse took a staggering step forward and hacked out blood too.

“The horse too?!” Both Zoro and Luffy gaped at the sickly duo.

“I haven’t any money to give you, but please, take one…” The old man pulled out a small basket of apples and held them out to Zoro.

“No thanks, this seems suspicious, just go.” Zoro denied the offer outright.

“Oh, apples, thanks!” Luffy grabbed one and bit into it without a care.

“Luffy!” Nami and Mikita cried out at the fact that he would just take food from such a suspicious-looking person.

“Don’t eat that, you idiot!” Zoro’s eyes were bugged out and his teeth suddenly appeared sharp as he yelled at Luffy.


“Aaaaah!!!” A scream followed the sudden explosion.

“What the hell was that?”

“This strange guy was giving out apples, and when the guys ate them, five of them exploded!”

“What kind of crazy son of a bitch does that?!”

“My shop is wrecked!”

“LUFFY?!” Mikita and Nami looked at him worriedly.

“I’m fine.” Luffy gave them a smile.

“What’s the big idea?” Zoro glared at the sickly old man as he put his hand on Wado Ichimonji. If he didn’t like the man’s answer, he’d cut him and the horse down in a single swing.

“Ha ha ha…” The old man in black coughed a few times. “He’ll be alright…if it had been a bad one…then he’d have died already.” The old man slumped forward on his horse and turned to face Luffy. “That one was alright.” Another round of small coughs racked his body. “You’re…a lucky boy.” He eyed the pirate with a chuckle before lightly snapping the reins to make his equally sickly horse start walking forward.

“What the hell?” Nami groused a few moments later as they continued on their way. “That old guy is nuts, giving out exploding apples.”

“Things happen.” Luffy shrugged at the meeting.

“Things like that shouldn’t, Luffy.” Mikita shook her head at Luffy’s lackadaisical nature over what could’ve been an attempt on his life.

“Getting information might be harder than we thought.” Zoro mused before some ruckus got their attention.

“Hey, that guy is making trouble again!”

“How many people does that make now?”

“Wheehahahahaha!” A large man on top of one of the nearby wooden towers was laughing loudly.

“It’s that grappling champion guy.” One guy pointed up at the man. “For a guy that doesn’t even have a price on his head, he’s sure trying to stir up trouble.”

“I heard he even beat the hell out of one of Roshio’s men.”

“Roshio ‘The Executioner’?” A guy gaped at the stupidity of the grappling champion. “Is he trying to get killed?”

“I’m surprised Roshio hasn’t started hunting him down already.”

“Grappling Champion?” Both Zoro and Luffy turned to look at the loud man on the tower roof.

“Don’t even think about it!” Mikita and Nami were in sync as they stopped Luffy and Zoro from doing anything.

-The Wild Cherry Bar-

“Roshio wins again!” The bar’s occupants laughed and cheered as they watched two pirate captains play cards.

“In a way, it was lucky for you. Heh heh…” The man with the long dreadlocks chuckled as his hand of three aces was laid on the table. He wore a headband with the image of a hanged man on it and had tattoos covering his left arm, the most prominent one being a dragon that wound around the limb. He wore a plain tank top and dark pants with sandals. “Sorry brother, but you’re busted.” He stared his opponent in the eye with a slight grin. “I guess you could still bet your trousers.” He chuckled at the other man. This was Roshio ‘The Executioner’ a notorious pirate in this part of the Grand Line. He had a bounty of Forty-Two Million Beri on his head.

“Hmm…” His opponent hummed, placing his cards flat on the table face down.

“The pot is mine…even if it’s only a pittance.” He leaned forward and placed his palm on top of the stack of bills. “Heh heh heh…try again any time, mate.” He drawled with a chuckle.

No one was expecting for Roshio’s opponent to suddenly stab a knife through the pirate captain’s hand and into the table. Roshio cried out at the pain and glared angrily at the blonde man across from him. The other pirate leaned forward with a deranged smile, baring his teeth at the other man.

“Tell the truth. You cheated.” The blonde man demanded, moving the knife to cause Roshio more pain.

“What are you talking about?” Roshio growled at the other man. “How dare you accuse me! I don’t need to cheat!”

“You did. You cheated.” The other pirate insisted, delighting in causing the other man pain.

“What the hell is that crazy guy talking about?” An older pirate with a grizzled beard questioned. “The game looked fair and square to me.”

“Hold your tongue!” A nearby pirate hushed the older guy. “That’s Bellamy ‘The Hyena’!”

“His head’s worth over Fifty Million Beri!” Another man took a step back and nearly spilled his drink.

“Sarquiss!” Bellamy yelled over to the bar. “Sarquiss!”

“Huh? What is it?” A man with long gray-ish hair, with goggle-like glasses over his eyes and wearing a long fur coat looked over to his captain. The lady at his side also looked over curiously.

“You saw, right?” Bellamy pointed at Roshio. “This rat cheated just now.”

“Cheated?” Sarquiss raised an eyebrow before chuckling. “Ha ha…sure. He was cheating. I saw the whole thing. What a dirty rat.” Roshio glared darkly at Sarquiss for lying.

“You little shits!” Roshio growled out fiercely. “You don’t seem to know who I am!” A gunshot went off, the bullet landing in Roshio’s right leg, before a bottle of booze was smashed over the man’s head, cutting into his scalp and soaking him.

“So long.” Sarquiss flicked a lit match at Roshio and set him ablaze.

“Argh!” Roshio roared, but proved he was not so easily dealt with when he kicked at chair at Bellamy which the other pirate had to dodge.

“Hahahahahaha!” Bellamy cackled, much like his epithet, before his legs transformed and he blurred at Roshio. The burning pirate was sent rocketing out of the large window and outside to fall toward the ground. It seemed like there would be another fight for Mock Town today.

On a Wanted Poster put up next to the bar was the picture of the cackling blonde man that leapt out of the broken window to finish off Roshio.

Bellamy ‘The Hyena’ Dead or Alive: 55,000,000 Beri.


“I thought this quieter area would be where the non-pirate residents lived.” Nami mentioned as she looked around.

“According to the sign this place is the ‘Tropical Hotel’ apparently.” Mikita pointed out the sign.

“It’s beautiful.” Nami smiled happily at the scenery. Palm trees provided some shade and the pathways over the water were much better kept than the rest of Mock Town. The buildings were clean and looked nice too. “It’s a vacation villa by the sea. Just like a seaside resort.”

“This must be the place Usopp saw through the telescope when we were approaching the island.” Mikita surmised as she looked around. “It’s quiet though.”

“I don’t see anybody, but I smell something good cooking.” Zoro noticed as he breathed in deeply.

“Only a few people are around, the staff, I guess.” Luffy mentioned as he looked around the large, almost empty hotel area.

“Oh! Please! Please! You can’t! You can’t just walk in here!” A man rushed towards them, wringing his hands and fidgeting so much that he was almost swaying side to side.

“Huh?” Luffy tilted his head at the odd man.

“The Tropical Hotel is currently being rented out by the Bellamy Party!” The fidgeting man explained.

“The whole hotel?” Zoro raised an eyebrow at the information.

“If Captain Bellamy finds you here, there will be big trouble! Please leave at once!” The staff member practically begged as his fidgeting became worse.

“We can’t even be here?” Luffy looked confused that they couldn’t even walk around the area.

“Who is this Bellamy guy, anyway?” Nami had never heard the name before.

“What’s all this?” Sarquiss demanded as he strode into the Tropical Hotel grounds like he owned them, a woman under his right arm.

“Eek!” The hotel guy nearly jumped at just hearing the pirate’s voice.

“Who’re these punks?” Sarquiss demanded with a glare.

“M-Mr. Sarquiss! Welcome back! I, uh…” The man was stumbling over his words now.

“No excuses.” The woman under Sarquiss’ arm spoke up. “Just get them out of here! We’re not paying you to let people just wander in!” She eyed up Nami and Mikita with a grimace. “Two skanks and their boytoys it looks like.”

“You looked in a mirror, girl?” Mikita shot back with a smirk. The other woman was in a white button-up shirt that exposed her cleavage and midriff, while wearing a black miniskirt that was just as short as Nami’s.

“Who’s that guy?” Luffy asked the hotel employee curiously.

“That’s ‘Big Knife’ Sarquiss! The First Mate of the Bellamy Pirates! He has a Thirty-Eight Million Beri bounty on his head!” The staff member nearly panicked while Sarquiss seemed to puff his chest out with pride as he and the woman swaggered up to Luffy.

“If you got that, then get lost, punk!” Sarquiss was a tall man, standing nearly fifty-six centimeters taller than Luffy, and looked down on the straw-hatted pirate because of it.

“Whatever…” Luffy shrugged as the four Straw Hats began to leave. Zoro looked like he couldn’t care less, while Nami and Mikita both shot little smirks at the woman under Sarquiss’ arm. They knew Luffy was the far better man and their smug looks made the other pirate woman grind her teeth.

“Tch, little punk, trying to act cool.” Sarquiss scoffed as he glared at Luffy’s back.

“Sarquiss! Lily! Don’t be too hard on them.” Another member of the Bellamy Pirates called out to the duo.

“Huh?” Sarquiss looked over at their crew mate. “Rivers, there you are.”

“Look, they’ve made something of a name for themselves.” Rivers smirked, holding up Luffy’s old Wanted Poster and showing the Sixty Million Beri amount. “See.”

“S-Sixty?” Sarquiss blinked at the amount. “For that little pissant?”

“He’s higher than Bellamy?” Lily looked shocked at the information.

“Eh, he apparently caused a bunch of commotion back in his home sea, the East Blue.” One of the other Bellamy Pirates waved off the number. “Being the weakest sea, the Marines probably panicked that anybody could make waves and slapped a stupidly high number on his head.”

“Hey, it’s still a nice little bounty though.” A different member chuckled. “Their little crew has multiple bounties even, how impressive.” This got the rest of the Bellamy Pirates to snort in laughter.

“They probably won’t make it in the ‘New Age’ of Pirates.” A bespectacled member of the crew mentioned as he wrote in a Log Book for the crew’s voyage.

“Let’s go show this to Bellamy, I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of it.” Sarquiss laughed as the group stood up.

-Mock Town ~ A Tavern-

“Mock Town was built on pirate treasure. The pirates are free with their loot, and while brawls and even killings are common here, the pirates don’t lay a hand on the townsfolk.” The bartender informed the four Straw Hats with a shrug. He didn’t recognize them, so they must be new faces here on Jaya. “What good is money if you can’t spend it, right?”

“This whole town is still nuts.” Nami shook her head as she finished her first drink. She felt eyes all over her and was both amused and slightly smug. Her outfit was clearly showing off her beauty. Too bad for them, they never had a chance.

“Wahaha…” The bartender chuckled at the navigator. His own eyes looking her and Mikita up and down again. “I suppose that’s a pretty normal reaction to this place. But we don’t get many regular people here. Just try to stay out of trouble until your Log Pose resets and you’ll be fine.”

“We’re already fine.” Mikita giggled, also feeling eyes all over her and had to make the joke. Hell, if Luffy and Zoro weren’t sitting with them, Mikita and Nami would probably be swarmed by most of the men in the tavern already.

“The booze is good, so I’m fine either way.” Zoro grinned after finishing his fourth mug and pushing it forward for another refill.

“Hey…mister…” Luffy had just tried a slice of cherry pie and looked less than happy with it.

“Hey, old man.” A large guy sitting a bit further down the bar spoke up at the same time.

“Huh? What is it?” The bartender pushed Zoro’s refilled mug back to the swordsman.

“This pie tastes like crap.” Luffy stated bluntly.

“This pie is great!” The larger man praised.

“Huh?” Luffy shot a glance at the larger man dressed in an open white button-up shirt, green pants, and with a bandana covering the top of his head, keeping his long mass of black hair out of his face.

“Huh?” The larger man, probably a pirate, side-eyed Luffy like he had said something weird. “I’ll take fifty of these pies, to go, old man.” The bartender nodded and placed the order with the kitchen.

“The meat is good, at least.” Luffy shrugged as he threw another slice of pork into his mouth.

“This meat is crap, old man.” The big guy complained after swallowing his mouthful.

“Whatever, it’s not like I’m the cook.” The bartender clearly didn’t care about their complaints with the food.

“Is something wrong with your tongue?” The large man glared down at Luffy.

“Something wrong with your brain?” Luffy glared right back at the larger man.

“You wanna fight, punk?!” The black-haired pirate stood up and raised his fist.

“You wanna fight, old man?!” Luffy demanded at the same time, placing his foot on the bar top.

“What’re you even fighting about?!” Nami yelled at both of them for being dumb.

“Luffy, you said you didn’t want to start a fight, remember?” Mikita tried to remind her captain with a look.

“Hah…” Zoro sighed, his hand resting on the hilt of Yubashiri, just in case. He’d rather just keep drinking before they headed back to the Going Merry.

“So, you’re a pirate, right?” The large man questioned Luffy.

“That’s right.” Luffy stared the man dead in the eye.

“What’s your bounty?” The scruffy pirate demanded.

“Two-Hundred Million.” Luffy answered simply.

“Two-Hundred Million?” The man seemed confused before he became angry. “Bullshit! You expect anyone to believe that, dumbass?! You’re a liar!”

“I’m not a liar! It’s true!” Luffy roared back.

“Stop it!” Nami barked at Luffy and the other man.

“Take it easy.” The bartender placed a wrapped box on top of the bar in front of the large man. “There’s no fighting in here. Here’s your order, take it and leave.”

“Hmph.” The black-haired man picked up the box and walked out of the tavern with a frown. “Damn kid, lying about his bounty.” He muttered under his breath before noticing the guy walking past him and into the tavern. “Huh?”

“Anybody seen a pirate in a straw hat around here?” Bellamy questioned the suddenly silent tavern. He had his blue captain’s coat over his shoulders, a pink tank top on beneath it, white pants with a dark-green sash around the waist, and boots on his feet.

“It’s Bellamy…” Someone uttered out in the silence.

“Hmm, I hear your head is worth Sixty Million, ‘Straw Hat’ Luffy?” Bellamy crossed his arms with a grin.

Sixty Million?’ The large scruffy pirate standing just outside raised an eyebrow. ‘I knew he was lying.’ He scoffed and started to walk away. He only paused a few steps later when he heard the blonde loudmouth begin to speak again.

“What?” Luffy turned around on his stool to face Bellamy.

“Looks like he has some business with you, Luffy.” Zoro mentioned as he eyed the blonde pirate walking towards them.

“Bellamy?” Mikita looked thoughtful. “Isn’t he the guy that rented out that whole hotel?”

“Did you hear that?”

“The straw hat guy is worth sixty million?”

“No kidding?”

The patrons of the tavern could be heard mumbling as they watched Bellamy approach the other captain.

“We’ve met a lot of tall guys today.” Luffy remarked when he noticed that Bellamy was even taller than that Sarquiss guy from earlier, but neither were anywhere close to the scruffy old guy that had just left.

“Get me your most expensive drink.” Bellamy ordered before pointing at Luffy. “And get this kid whatever he wants.”

“Okay.” The bartender had a look that practically screamed he was suspicious of what was going on.

“Hey, it’s those guys again.” Nami mentioned as the rest of the Bellamy Pirates walked into the tavern.

“Ugh, this place is filthy and it stinks.” Lily wrinkled her nose in disgust. “How can you drink in a place like this?”

“The booze looks cheap too.” Rivers scoffed at the drinks the other pirates had.

“This place is packed.” Sarquiss noticed before pulling out his massive over-sized kukri knife. A few quick swings and three pirates were bleeding on the floor unconscious while the Bellamy Pirates took their table. “Make room you inconsiderate punks!”

“Here you go.” The bartender set down two drinks. The high-priced stuff that Bellamy had ordered, and the simpler drink that Luffy had asked for.

“Bellamy and his whims.” The pinkette woman in the yellow dress mused.

“Indeed.” Sarquiss chuckled at what was about to happen.

“Well, drink up.” Bellamy picked up his glass and downed it.

“Thanks, you’re all right, mister.” Luffy grinned before draining the mug in one long pull.

“Luffy!” Zoro called out as he saw Bellamy’s hand reaching for the back of Luffy’s head.

Bellamy slammed Luffy’s head into the bar top and the wood beneath the Lightning Man’s head shattered from the force. Bellamy blinked when he couldn’t slam Luffy’s head all the way to the floor though. The straw-hatted man simply stopped moving, no matter how much force Bellamy applied.

“Hahahahaha! That Bellamy is really something!” Sarquiss slammed his hand on the table repeatedly as he laughed along with the rest of the Bellamy Pirates.

“Luffy.” Nami wasn’t worried and Mikita had calmed down after a moment to think. No way would such a move catch Luffy off guard, and it wouldn’t even hurt him if it did. Zoro had Yubashiri drawn and at Bellamy’s neck with an unwavering stare.

“What’s your problem, low life?” Bellamy looked at Zoro with a grin.

“You’re the one with the problem, friend.” Zoro replied, but didn’t seem to be threatening the other pirate.

“It’s fine.” Luffy easily sat back up, even with Bellamy’s hand on the back of his head.

“Oh?” Bellamy removed his hand, hiding his shock that he’d been easily overpowered. “You’re getting back up? Hahahaha!”

“You got a problem?” Luffy asked Bellamy with a flat expression.

“Hey, those guys are gonna take on Bellamy!”

“Do it, do it! Hahahahaha!” The patrons were more than happy to watch a fight.

“Hahahahaha!” Bellamy cackled before staring hard at Luffy. “This isn’t a fight, it’s a test!” His stare turned into a mocking look. “Come at me. Show me what you’ve got.”

“Wait, wait, wait…” Nami spoke up and Luffy looked at her curiously. “Old man,” The navigator turned to the bartender. “Our Log Pose is pointing towards the sky. We’ve heard rumors of a sky island. Do you know anything about it?”

The entire tavern was stunned silent.

“Is she kidding?” Lily nearly growled.

“What did she just say?” The bespectacled member of the Bellamy Pirates blinked at the orangette.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” The entire tavern erupted into laughter.

“She actually said sky island!”

“Hahahaha! Gimme a break!”

“The Log Pose is pointing straight up.” Nami held out her wrist to show the needle pointing straight upwards and the tavern went quiet for a second.

“Ha! Her Log Pose is pointing at the sky!”

“Log Poses can break, you know? Hahahaha!”

A sudden pulse was felt throughout the building and all sound vanished. None of the patrons so much as breathed. Everyone sat frozen in position with their eyes wide and focused on Luffy.

“Don’t laugh at my nakama.” Luffy spoke at a normal volume, but in the dead silence it was comparable to a shout.

What the hell was that?’ Bellamy blinked and took a moment to shake himself of the feeling. He’d felt something similar in Donquixote Doflamingo’s presence before. A sudden pressure that made people shut up and listen to the Warlord when he spoke. “Hehehe…Hahahaha!” Bellamy cackled like his epithet to shake off the last of the feeling. “What are you, stupid? You believe in those old stories and legends? What rock did you lot crawl out from under?”

“You tell ‘em, Bellamy!” One of his subordinates called out as sound began to return to the tavern.

“New currents are still being discovered on the Grand Line all the time…like the Knock Up Stream.” Bellamy looked at the four Straw Hats like they were stupid. “But I bet you don’t even know about it. Ships that are hit by it are flung high into the air and then come crashing back down somewhere else.”

“And?” Luffy asked blankly, clearly bored.

And…” Bellamy nearly growled. “Long ago, ignorant seafarers saw ships that fell from the sky and thought that there must be an island up there. ‘Surely there must be another world up there in the sky!’ they thought.” He chuckled at the mere idea. “There’s always a logical explanation for unexplained phenomena. In time the truth behind the old myths becomes clear.

“Hahahahaha!” The patrons were back to laughing now that the pressure from earlier had gone away.

“What a disappointment.” Bellamy shook his head. “And I was going to see if you had what it takes to join my crew in this new age of pirates.” Luffy cocked his head at the blonde’s words. “But you’re too gullible.” He sneered at the Straw Hats. “Listen…the age of pirate pipe dreams is over! El Dorado? The Emerald City? The One Piece?! Fools who’re blinded by fantasy treasures can’t see the riches lying at their feet! In this age, some of the most notable seafarers get themselves killed chasing such foolishness! And then people say… ‘They were lucky to die chasing their dream!’ Hahahahaha! I say they’re all losers!” Bellamy grabbed a bottle from the bar top. “When I see fools wasting their time on dreams…I go berserk! It’s weaklings like you that give all pirates a bad name!” He swung the bottle at Luffy’s head.

“Is that all?” Luffy caught Bellamy’s wrist and stopped the swing cold. The entire tavern went from laughing to shocked silence. “The old man said there’s no fighting in here, and you already broke the bar. Make sure you pay him back later.”

“What?!” Bellamy growled unable to move his arm from Luffy’s grip and about to use his Devil Fruit.

“Outside.” Luffy let go of Bellamy’s wrist and started walking towards the door. Zoro, Nami, and Mikita followed after him without a word.

“You little shit…” Bellamy growled and stalked towards the still swinging door while the rest of his crew stood up and followed him quickly.

“Oh shit…Bellamy’s about to fight again!” One of the townspeople cried out in warning to everyone on the street.

“Again?! That’s two in one day!”

“I wonder what set Bellamy off this time?”

“There’s going to be so much to fix again.” A day laborer exhaled heavily before downing the rest of his drink. If he and the other laborers were going to have to fix it anyway, then he might as well watch the show.

“Alright, let’s get this over with.” Luffy cracked his knuckles as he stared at Bellamy.

“You know something ‘Straw Hat’? I’m really going to enjoy this!” Bellamy crouched down and his legs transformed into huge springs. “Spring…Snipe!”

“A Devil Fruit!” Nami narrowed her eyes just before Bellamy blurred forward. All three of the Straw Hats focused on their Observation to keep up.

“Slow…” Luffy spoke and leaned just enough for Bellamy to go shooting past him.

“He dodged Bellamy?”

“I’ve never seen that before.”

“Who is that guy?”

“Ha! You think that just because you dodged once that I’m slow?” Bellamy cackled at Luffy from further down the street. “That was my slowest speed, fool!” He crouched down and transformed his legs into springs again. “Spring…Hopper!” He blasted forward, but not at Luffy. “Hahahahaha!” How long can you keep up, Straw Hat?!” Bellamy mocked as he started bouncing off walls, the ground, and even the nearby towers, constantly increasing his speed. Cracks formed on the ground where Bellamy bounced off. Walls shattered, windows broke, and even the roofs he touched were nearly blown apart. “Does a dreamer like you even know how to throw a punch?!”

“Do I know how to throw a punch?” Luffy repeated and raised his right fist.

“Finish him off, Bellamy!” Sarquiss called out with the rest of Bellamy’s crew. “Fools like them don’t deserve to live in reality!”

“Farewell, Straw Hat!” Bellamy yelled as his barely visible form launched straight at Luffy. No one he’d ever fought had survived his full speed attack before. This stupid dreamer would be just another fool that he’d gotten rid of on his voyage into the new age!

“Slow.” Bellamy heard Luffy’s voice once more just before everything went dark.

Luffy swung his fist and socked Bellamy right in the face. All forward momentum was cancelled entirely and changed into downward momentum from the sheer force of Luffy’s fist. The planks below Luffy shattered into splinters and the ground below the wood cratered from the force. The vibrations alone rattled the boards along the street and made some people stagger from the shaking. What was left after the punch was Bellamy ‘The Hyena’ lying in a crater amid a slowly growing pool of his own blood, with an imprint of Luffy’s fist on the side of his head.

“Did he use Haki?” Mikita blinked at the end result.

“I don’t think so?” Zoro spoke after a moment to take in the scene.

“I didn’t sense a change at all.” Nami shook her head. That was pure raw strength on Luffy’s part, no augmentation from his Armament Haki whatsoever.

Luffy stood over the downed form of Bellamy to the shock of all the onlookers, aside from his own crew. His fist dripped with Bellamy’s blood as the silence persisted. Without a word, Luffy wiped the blood off his fist and readjusted his treasured hat on his head.

“Hey, enough with the joke, Bellamy.” Sarquiss was trembling but didn’t seem to realize it. “Come on…you’re just playing around, right? Say something.” The silence continued as everyone looked towards Bellamy’s laid out form. “Oi! Bellamy! Enough with the stupid game! Stand up and give us the usual show! Bellamy! You’re the Fifty-Five Million Beri ‘Big-Time Rookie’, remember?!” The lack of response, or any movement at all, from Bellamy finally sank in and Sarquiss stumbled back a step.

“Let’s go, Luffy, we’ll find somewhere else to ask about the sky island.” Mikita wrapped her right arm around Luffy’s left.

“Yeah, we need to check what the others have found too.” Nami sidled up to him and wrapped her left arm around his right.

With two of his lovers pressing their amazing (and scantily clad) bodies against him, Luffy’s wide smile returned. He let Nami and Mikita lead him away while Zoro quietly picked up a bottle of booze from a nearby table and followed after. The stunned pirates at the table didn’t so much as twitch at the theft. The image of the pirate that had just laid out Bellamy in a single punch was burned into the minds of everyone that saw it. Several of the stunned women and men thought about how lucky Luffy was to have two beautiful women on his arms or vice versa in Nami and Mikita’s case.

A few moments after the Straw Hats left the street behind, a man of average height, with stubble on his chin and upper lip, a large nose, and semi-long black hair rounded the corner from the other end of the street. He wore a brown hat with a bandana underneath, a brown coat, and had a small scar under his right eye. He also had a reddened, flushed look to his face from drinking. This was Jobo, one of the drunks of Mock Town. His only job was to collect the sporadic newspapers that were delivered and bring them to the bars that paid him (often in booze) to update the lawless island on the goings on in the world.

“Bad news! Bad news!” Jobo panted as he reached the tavern and then slowed to a standstill. “Why…why is everyone just standing around?” He looked at the shocked crowd of people before his eyes fell on the downed form of Bellamy. “Is...is that…BELLAMY?!”

“Jobo,” The bartender of the pub found his voice and called out to the drunkard before he could panic. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“This!” Jobo shook himself and opened up the copy of the newest paper that had just arrived on Jaya. “They finally revealed who killed Crocodile in Alabasta! And the guy has a huge bounty now! His whole crew has bounties too! Look at this!” The drunk held out the front page of the newspaper and all of the shocked residents that could see it recoiled at spotting Luffy’s face.

“EEH?!” The townspeople and pirates exclaimed with bugged out eyes.

“What?” Jobo blinked at the terror that was appearing on everyone faces. “The guy that killed the Warlord of the Sea, Sir Crocodile, was ‘Straw Hat’ Luffy and he’s gotten his bounty increased from Sixty Million Beri all the way to Two-Hundred Million Beri! His crew all have bounties of Eighteen Million or higher too.” He showed the Wanted Posters to the crowd as best as he could. “Alabasta is one of the closest islands to Jaya, that’s why I was freaking out.” Jobo answered the bartender’s question. “Why are all of you panicking?”

“Hey…he wouldn’t remember our faces, right?” One pirate looked at his buddy.

“We, we…we we’re just going along with everybody else.”

“There’s no way…he wouldn’t come back later, would he?”

“To the ship, we have to leave, now!”

“Leave Mock Town!”

“Get off Jaya entirely!”

Screams and cries of panic filled the air as pirates and townsfolk alike rushed away from the area in a hurried mass. Jobo blinked, completely lost at the reaction. His years of heavy drinking had dulled his mind and he wasn’t putting the pieces together properly. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Sarquiss snatched the Wanted Posters out of his hands.

“This…this can’t be real!” Sarquiss began to shake, his legs almost failing him. That little punk had Two-Hundred Million on his head! He’d killed a Warlord of the Sea! With shaky hands, Sarquiss moved Luffy’s new Wanted Poster to the back of the stack and looked at the next one. “H-How?” The green-haired swordsman was worth Eighty Million! He looked through more of the posters. A blonde man with Forty-Five Million on his head. That blonde woman in the tiny shirt and short shorts matched his own bounty of Thirty-Eight Million. The other woman had Thirty-Two Million on her head too. Only he and Bellamy had bounties on their crew, yet every single member of the ‘Straw Hat Pirates’ had a bounty. His legs finally gave out under him and he hit his knees.

“Sarquiss!” Rivers tried to shake the First Mate back to reality. They needed to grab Bellamy and go. “Come on, man! We need to get the hell out of here!”

“Can we move Bellamy?” Lily looked over the pink-haired woman’s shoulder.

“He’s completely unresponsive, but he’s still breathing.” Muret, the nurse of the Bellamy Pirates, informed the other woman. ‘I’m not sure if he’ll keep breathing though…’ She worried in the privacy of her mind. Bellamy had been hit so hard, his face was warped and his very skull might have indentations. That was incredibly bad if it was true.

-Mock Town ~ West Street-

“Ah, this cherry pie is really the best.” The large scruffy pirate spoke up, getting Luffy, Zoro, Mikita, and Nami’s attention as they walked back towards the Going Merry. He was eating what seemed to be the last of his pies like the whole thing was a single piece.

“You…” Nami blinked at seeing the man again.

“I saw your fight with that loudmouth.” The man grinned at Luffy. “That was a good punch.”

“Huh?” Mikita wondered why the guy was even talking to them so suddenly.

“You didn’t reduce yourselves to his level, you’ve got guts.” The man took a swig of his rum straight from the bottle before staring Luffy in the eye. “That new age they talk about is bullshit! The Age of Pirate’s Dreams is over?! ZEHAHAHAHAHA!!!” He threw his arms wide, nearly hitting a few people passing by, making them squawk at him in indignation. He slammed the rum bottle onto the planks with a resounding thud. “People’s dreams don’t ever end! Ain’t that right?!” He declared in a booming voice while still locking eyes with Luffy.

“What the hell is this guy shouting about?”

“He’s talking about people’s dreams?”

“Is there something wrong with your head, buddy?!”

“It isn’t easy to be great!” The scruffy man proclaimed, his constant talking revealing multiple missing teeth. “Let them laugh! If you’re aiming for the top…then you don’t always need your fists to show your might! You shouldn’t let those that’ve given up stand in your way! Zehahahaha!”

“Let’s go.” Zoro turned away from the scruffy pirate and continued walking.

“I don’t plan to keep you,” The man stood up and looked down at the group from his much taller height. “I hope you make it to the sky island.” He laughed, not at the Straw Hats, but merely in joviality, as he walked away, back into the twisting streets of Mock Town.

“Who was that guy?” Mikita questioned curiously.

“Do you think he knows how to get to the sky island?” Nami asked as they headed for the Going Merry again.

“It’s not just one guy.” Luffy shook his head slightly.

“Huh?” Nami blinked at the response.

“Not just one guy?” Mikita looked at Luffy confused.

“There’s more than one…I think…” Zoro looked back over his shoulder.

“What do you mean? Was there someone with him?” Nami questioned the two.

“I didn’t see anyone.” Mikita shook her head. “Where were they?”

Down one of the side streets of Mock Town, the large pirate walked while guzzling his booze straight from the bottle again. “Hahaha…the rum tastes awful good today!” He seemed to be in a good mood and most people simply moved out of his way as he walked down the street.

-Going Merry-

“We’ll clean you up good, Merry.” Usopp hummed as he and Chopper checked over the ship and cleaned the hull.

“Clean until it shines!” Chopper agreed as he scrubbed.

The duo had actually had an easy time grabbing some supplies at the local market. Thankfully it wasn’t too far from the docks and no one seemed to want to cause trouble. They’d made the trip, including getting all the items on Sanji’s grocery list, in just about an hour.

“If you scrub too hard, won’t you damage the hull?” Sanji asked, looking over the railing at them.

“Shut up!” Usopp twisted to look at Sanji with sharp teeth. The way his body was contorted made him look like almost like an eel.

“You look funny, Usopp!” Chopper snickered at the gunman.

“I do? Shut up!” Usopp made the pose again, this time facing Chopper. The reindeer Devil Fruit user cracked up at the face and pounded the planks that made up the dock they were on as he laughed.

“Anyway, about tonight’s dinner.” Sanji began only to be cut off.

“Shut up!” Usopp and Chopper both did the pose this time while looking at Sanji.

“I guess you two don’t want any then.” Sanji shrugged and turned away.

“No, we want dinner!” Usopp cried out.

“Please feed us, Sanji!” Chopper begged the chef.

“Be nice you guys.” Vivi giggled behind her hand at the antics of her nakama. It had been a relaxing day, so far. At least no one had tried to cause problems with their ship in this pirate town.

“Yes, Vivi-chan~!” Sanji agreed instantly with a heart-shaped eye and a twirl.

“We’re back!” Zoro called out as the group of four returned to the ship.

“So, did you find out anything about the sky island?” Chopper asked the group as they came aboard. He practically had sparkles in his eyes.

“The only thing we really found out was that this town if full of jerks!” Nami tsked at the laughter that the tavern had broken into when she’d asked about the sky island.

“What happened?” Vivi was quick to pick up on the mood and moved over to wrap Nami in a hug. With a deep breath, the group of four began to tell the story of their time spent in Mock Town.

“They’re having fun again.” Robin remarked when she saw the crew gathered on deck as she approached the ship.

“Oh! Welcome back, Robin!” Sanji greeted while noodling over to the railing. “Would you like dinner first, or a bath?”

“Where’d you go, Robin?” Luffy asked his newest nakama curiously. He glanced over her outfit for the day. A shirt and jacket that left her midriff exposed, the white button-up beneath the long-sleeve purple jacket had the top buttons undone to show off a good amount of her tanned cleavage. She wore matching purple pants with a white belt, darker purple boots, and the outfit was completed with a matching purple cowgirl hat.

“I went shopping for some clothes…and information about the sky island.” Robin held up some shopping bags to show him. “Here you are, Captain.” She handed him a map before setting her bags down and removing her hat.

“A treasure map?” Luffy looked at it curiously.

“No, just a normal map, but of what?” Usopp looked at the map at Luffy’s side.

“This island.” Robin informed the two. “The town on the west side of the island is Mock Town, where we currently are. And the ‘X’ on the opposite coast of the island marks where Jaya’s biggest outcast lives.”

“Outcast?” Luffy and Usopp both tilted their head in confusion.

“His name is Mont Blanc Cricket. He was chased out of town for talking about dreams.” Robin smiled at Luffy. “It seems you have something in common, Captain.”

-End Chapter-


So, yeah…you can’t just run your mouth and attack someone a fuck ton stronger than you.

Nami and Mikita were dressed to tantalize while on Luffy’s arms. Flaunt it if you got it, right? So many jealous men!

Luffy has met Blackbeard unknowingly, I’m sure the news that Luffy’s bounty is 200,000,000 Beri will soon spread throughout Jaya as many crews leave in a panic that they might’ve just pissed off the guy that killed a Warlord of the Sea.

You can imagine that Blackbeard will quickly gain interest once he finds out that Luffy was indeed telling the truth about his Bounty. That might be bad, or perhaps good, neutral?

Robin brings back a map that could lead to someone that knows about the sky island. Time to go meet this Mont Blanc Cricket!

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and fantastically enjoyable chapter. I also like how Luffy has a deeper sense of maturity about him in the story, while still keeping the core of his character. And it was mentioned that the outfits were from One Piece film Red, a movie I really have to watch, but I absolutely love the music that I’ve come across on YouTube for it. Tot Musica would probably have to be my favorite song out of the lineup that I’ve heard from the movie. Though if Brook doesn’t end up as the Bard of the Crew, Uta would be an awesome addition I think. I would picture her with a voice like Ado, and maybe her dad getting her A mythical devil fruit form: Archangel Sandalphon (Angel of Music). (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UJATdtg2rZQ)


Now i really wonder how the next arcs are goin to change compared to the manga especially ennies loby ,since Robin won't probably follow willingly the CP9 anyways can't wait for next time.


Just re read the first chapter of this on fanfiction, so enel will have the spark spark fruit or did you change your mind?


I just changed the name to better fit the Devil Fruit naming scheme. It's the Biri Biri no Mi, now.