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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! After some R&R for both Pokémon and Trainer, it’s time to leave Vermillion City and head south for Cyanteal Town. What will our couple encounter along the way?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 38 – To Cyanteal Town, Charmander the Stray

“Ready to head out, Misty?” Ash questioned as the couple finished packing up their packs and prepared to leave Finn’s cottage. They would make a quick stop at one of the Pokémarts in Vermillion City for supplies before heading south. Cyanteal Town was at least a day away while riding their Gogoat, so it would be best if they headed out right after breakfast like they were.

“Yep, I’ve got everything, let’s go.” Misty confirmed as she hefted the strap of her pack over her shoulder. “It was great seeing you again, grandpa.” Misty smiled and hugged Finn tightly.

“It was good to see you too, Misty.” Finn hugged his granddaughter with a bright smile. “You two take care of each other, alright?” He looked between the couple with a fond grin. “I’ll make sure to watch the Indigo League this year, Ash, I hope to see you win it all.”

“I’ll do my best.” Ash chuckled along with the old man.

“Ah, feel that breeze, it’s going to be a good day!” Misty declared as she stretched. They released their Gogoat from their Pokéballs and made sure that their saddles were secure. Strapping their backs onto the backs of the saddles was easy and the couple was ready to go.

“You two ready for a day of travel?” Ash asked, getting happy bleats from both of the Goat Pokémon. With pets and scratches of appreciation, Ash and Misty mounted their Ride Pokémon and set off towards Vermillion City.

“See you later, Finn!” Ash waved to Misty’s grandpa as they rode away.

“We’ll stop by for another visit sometime!” Misty promised with a beautiful smile.

“Come anytime, you two!” Finn waved back with a laugh as the Ride Pokémon quickly had Ash and Misty out of sight. “He’s a good kid. I’m happy that Misty has found true love already.” The retired Gym Leader smiled as he made his way inside the cottage. Misty had been correct, it was a good day, perfect weather for some fishing.

“Let’s pick up the pace a little bit; we want to make it to Cyanteal Town by nightfall.” Misty reminded as she urged her Gogoat forward.

“Right.” Ash agreed as he urged his Gogoat to match Misty’s pace. The couple rode through the small path from the cottage and into Vermillion City proper at a comfortable pace for their Ride Pokémon.

Shopping hadn’t taken long. They were just grabbing some necessities for the next time they’d have to camp out. They wouldn’t always be able to make it to their destination I a day, after all. Anything could happen and delay them, so it was better to be prepared. It was as Ash was near the large display case in the Pokémart that Pikachu hoped off his shoulder and trotted over to the case.

“Pikachu?” Ash walked over to see what had caught Pikachu’s attention. “What’s up, buddy?”

“Pi…ka.” Pikachu looked into the case but didn’t seem to be looking at the various things on display. Instead, the Electric Type was fully focused on a green stone on the top shelf. The stone had a yellow lightning bolt design within and Ash could feel the latent Aura within the item.

“A Thunder Stone.” Ash leaned forward to look at it. “Pikachu…do you want to evolve?” He looked at his Starter Pokémon curiously.

“Chu…Pika pi chu ka.” Pikachu pointed at himself and made a few small motions with his hands. Ash could practically understand Pikachu as if the Mouse Pokémon was speaking to him thanks to Aura and the bond that they shared from all the time they’d spent together.

“You defeated a Raichu that was stronger than you, and you feel like you proved yourself?” Ash parsed out what Pikachu was telling him.

“Pika!” Pikachu nodded happily.

“Alright then, if you want it then I’ll buy it.” Ash smiled at Pikachu and scratched behind his ears with a chuckle. “Sir, can I buy this Thunder Stone?” He asked the clerk behind the counter.

“Of course, sir.” The man nodded as he pulled out a key and unlocked the case on his side. He removed the green stone from the display and took it over to the register. Ash followed him with his purchases and Pikachu happily following behind him like an excited child about to get a toy.

“Okay, the Thunder Stone is 10,000 PokéYen.” The clerk added the price to the till as Ash placed his basket of items onto the counter to be rung up. “Pokéballs…Potions…two Super Potions…Pokémon Food…Status Medicine Set…” The man rung up each purchase and Ash watched the total rise with each item. It was a good thing he’d just won his fifth Badge. “You’re total is 28,650 PokéYen, sir.”

“Got it.” Ash swiped his debit card before returning it to his wallet.

“Thank you and come again.” The man smiled as he handed the items over to Ash.

“So, Pikachu wants to evolve now?” Misty smiled as she patted the Electric Type. They’d finished their shopping and were standing in a park not far from the Pokémart. Pikachu was looking up at the green stone that Ash had in his hand with excitement.

“Yep, he’s worked hard and after beating Lt. Surge’s Raichu, he feels like he’s proved himself.” Ash informed his girlfriend with a chuckle. Pikachu was almost bouncing in place as Misty stood up and moved next to Ash. “Here you go, Pikachu, you’re going to be amazing, I just know it.”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu smiled at Ash as his friend and Trainer set the Evolution Stone at Pikachu’s feet.

With a grin, Pikachu placed his hands on the Thunder Stone and picked it up. A second later, after Misty and Ash watched the latent Aura of the stone mix with Pikachu’s own Aura, and the Mouse Pokémon glowed with a brilliant white light. Pikachu’s body grew taller first as a white silhouette, easily doubling his previous height. Then his body bulked up considerably, which would be normal as Raichu were about four times heavier than Pikachu on average. Finally, the bolt-shaped tail of Pikachu lengthened into a thin tail with a large lightning bolt shape on the end. The light of evolution faded away to reveal a strong Raichu with its angled brown ears, orangish fur, yellow cheek pouches, the white tummy fur, and the brown fur on its hands and feet.

“Raichu!” Raichu called out with a cheer as he sparked his cheeks and his new tail. The newly evolved Electric Type was amazed at the change. Everything had been cranked up significantly, his strength, his Aura, and his electrical power. No wonder so many Pikachu eventually wandered from their forest homes to try and find a Thunder Stone, this was incredible!

“You’re amazing, Raichu!” Ash praised his Starter Pokémon with a bright grin. To his Aura-enhanced eyes, his buddy’s Aura had just exploded in amount, easily double what he’d had previously.

“Congratulations, Raichu!” Misty beamed at her boyfriend’s Pokémon.

“Rai rai!” Raichu smiled at the praise. He leapt up and Ash laughed as he caught his much larger Starter Pokémon.

“I don’t think you can ride on my shoulder anymore, buddy.” Ash chuckled even as Raichu climbed up and did it anyway. The weight was putting Ash off-balance, and Raichu realized that his left foot was sliding off Ash’s shoulder.

“Chu…” Raichu crossed his arms and took on a thoughtful look for a moment. “Rai chu rai.” He hopped off Ash’s shoulder and pointed the tip of his lightning bolt tail at his Pokéball.

“You want to try being in your Pokéball?” Ash blinked at the request. Pikachu had always hated being in his Pokéball before.

“Raichu.” Raichu nodded with a determined look on his face.

“Alright, I’ll let you back out in a few moments, okay?” Ash promised as he pulled the Pokéball off his belt and expanded it.

“Chu!” Raichu nodded at the promise and prepared himself.

“Raichu, return!” Ash held up the Pokéball and recalled Raichu in a beam of red light. Ash shared a look with Misty as they gave Raichu some time inside of the Pokéball. Misty smiled gently at him, knowing he was worried about Raichu’s reaction to being inside the Pokéball. “Come on out!” Ash tossed the Pokéball after several more seconds.

“Rai!” Raichu called out as he appeared in a flash of white light.

“Are you alright, buddy?” Ash kneeled down to check on his friend.

“Rai…chu ra rai, Raichu.” Raichu spoke and Ash took a second to understand through his Aura. “It wasn’t as bad now?”

“Chu.” Raichu nodded but used his long tail to point at Ash’s shoulder. “Ra rai chu ra.”

“But you still like being out, when possible, huh?” Ash cracked up and Misty giggled as well. He may have evolved and gotten over his fear of Pokéballs, but Raichu was still himself. He’d rather be out and about when able.

“Well, we’ll be riding most of the day, I’m sure Gogoat won’t mind carrying you too.” Misty patted Raichu’s head gently.

“Speaking of, we should get going.” Ash reminded as he shrank Raichu’s Pokéball and put it back on his belt.

“You’re right.” Misty agreed and called over to their Gogoats that they’d left in a designated area near the entrance of the park. This particular park didn’t allow Pokémon above a certain height and weight inside.

In only a few moments the two Goat Pokémon were happily stretching their legs as they made their way down the street and towards the eastern exit of Vermillion City. Raichu was happily curled up behind the saddle, using Ash’s secured pack as a pillow while he enjoyed the sunshine. They immediately took a turn down a wide dirt path that was much smaller than the average Route. Cyanteal Town wasn’t connected to any town or proper Route. Only two dirt roads connected the town to the rest of the Region. The one that they were on from Vermillion, and one that connected to Pear Town, a farming town on Route Thirteen.

Ash had agreed not to head to Pear Town for Misty’s sake. It was the home of the Kanto Region’s Bug Type Gym and bordered the edge of the massive Safari Zone. While Ash wouldn’t have minded challenging the Gym, the Gym Leader was known for having powerful Scyther and Pinsir that they’d trained up after catching them in the Safari Zone, but he knew Misty would be uncomfortable in the town. It wasn’t like there was a shortage of Gyms to challenge anyway.

Along their way down the dirt road, they passed another Trainer riding an Arcanine heading their way. The large Fire Type Pokémon slowed down as they passed each other. The Trainer on the back was a girl a bit older than Misty with long crimson hair. She had bright green eyes and was very easy on the eyes. The black t-shirt she wore had a red design on it that neither Ash nor Misty could make out. What they could see was that the young woman had a massive rack! Misty nearly gaped that a girl that might be seventeen (at most) had tits bigger than Daisy’s!

“Good morning…or afternoon.” The redhead smiled at the couple as they passed each other on the dirt road. It was around noon now, the sun high in the sky.

“Good afternoon.” Ash and Misty nodded back, just going for what was closer in their greeting.

“Heading for Cyanteal Town’s Gym?” The teen questioned with a smile. Both Ash and Misty felt their hearts thump in their chests. This girl was too beautiful!

“Yeah,” Ash nodded, not wanting to look a fool and stumble over his words. “I’m trying to earn my next Badge.”

“Good luck,” The redhead smiled softly. “Tatsuya is a real powerhouse. He put us through the wringer to earn the Badge, didn’t he Arky?” She patted her large Arcanine on the head and scratched behind its ears.

“Arc!” Arcanine barked and then opened its mouth, letting its tongue hang out the side of its muzzle while it enjoyed the pats and scratches.

“Thanks for the heads up.” Ash nodded to the beautiful teen.

“No problem, we’re heading for Vermillion to relax and then onto Saffron to challenge Sabrina.” The beauty smiled before urging her Arcanine forward. The Fire Type was quickly bounding down the road and out of sight.

“Damn…” Misty finally commented.

“Right?” Ash turned to her with wide eyes.

“She was fucking stacked!” Misty exclaimed while running her hands over her own tits. “She was bigger than Daisy!”

“I’m almost afraid to wonder how often she gets hit on by random people.” Ash mused on the beautiful girl’s situation. No way was she not approached almost daily when other people were around.

“I feel bad for her back.” Misty shook her head. Carrying around those massive mammaries had to cause some pain every now and then.

“Since it’s around noon, you want to eat?” Ash looked at her with a smile.

“Hmm, yeah, I’d say it’s about lunch time.” Misty grinned at her boyfriend in return.

“Then let’s find a spot.” Ash chuckled as they looked for a clear area to set up for lunch. They found a suitable spot about ten minutes later, a small cleared area off the side of the dirt road, and released their Pokémon for lunchtime. “Raichu let’s get some firewood, buddy.”

“Chu!” Raichu nodded and jumped off Gogoat’s back to start looking for dry fallen sticks. While Ash and Raichu collected firewood, Misty easily set out bowls for their Pokémon and filled them with the Type Specific food they’d purchased in the morning. The group of Pokémon were happily eating in short order. The Gogoat brothers were happily munching on grass and brush around the clearing while enjoying the sunlight. Misty looked around to check for any other people before using her Aura to gather a large ball of water between her hands.

“Gogoat, come get some water, you two haven’t had a drink since Vermillion City.” Misty offered and both of the Goat Pokémon moved towards her and started to drink from the ball of water Misty was holding together with her Aura. Once the two Ride Pokémon had their fill Misty offered water to the rest of the Pokémon in turn.

“You think we have enough, buddy?” Ash asked with a small bundle of sticks under his left arm.

“Rai.” Raichu nodded, his arms loaded with another bundle.

“Char…” A low voice was heard, catching their attention.

“Hmm?” Ash looked around and through the trees saw something orange. “A Pokémon?” He and Raichu made their way to the source of the noise and Ash dropped the sticks he was holding. “A Charmander…”

Indeed, it was one of the Kanto Starter Pokémon. The orange lizard-like Pokémon, Charmander. The Fire Type Pokémon was lying atop a large rock and looking at the duo warily. It was clearly tired and the flame on the tip of its tail, usually a bright and strong fire, was more akin to a candle flame. The Charmander clearly wasn’t in the best condition and Ash was immediately worried about it.

“Are you okay, Charmander?” Ash approached slowly and with his hands raised to show he wasn’t a threat.

“Mander…” Charmander’s voice was heavy and rough, like its throat was dry.

“You look tired, and sound thirsty, do you want some help?” Ash offered with a friendly smile to the Fire Type.

“Char…man char er.” Charmander replied and Raichu looked concerned.

“Rai…?” Raichu motioned Ash to lean down. “Chu ra rai chu rai.” He knew his words would be understood by Ash thanks to their Aura.

“He’s been sitting here for days?!” Ash gaped at the information. No wonder Charmander looked exhausted, weak, and sounded so bad. “Why?”

“Mander char.” Charmander spoke and Raichu’s cheeks sparked at what he heard.

“Rai rai ra chu?!” Raichu demanded and Charmander recoiled slightly before nodding slowly. “Chu ra chu rai!” The Electric Type pushed as much intent into his words and Aura as he could.

“He has a Trainer?!” Ash’s fists clenched reflexively. Who the hell told their Pokémon to wait in the middle of nowhere on a rock, promised to come back for them soon, and then left them alone for days?! “Whoever your Trainer is…they better be in the hospital or dead for not coming back for you, Charmander.” He was nearly grinding his teeth.

“Man?” Charmander titled its head confused.

“We’re stopped not to far from here for lunch, Charmander, we’ll be happy to give you some food and water.” Ash offered only to grimace when Charmander shook its head and pointed at the rock. “You don’t want to leave because you’re afraid that you’ll miss your Trainer?”

“Char.” Charmander nodded and lay back down.

“Rai rai?” Raichu tried to ask Charmander to come with them, but the Fire Type just turned away.

“I’m going to bring you some food and water then, Charmander.” Ash declared to the Pokémon before he picked up his sticks and rushed back to the campsite along with Raichu.

“Ash?!” Misty was startled when her boyfriend practically charged back into the clearing. Now that he was closer, his emotions came through their Aura Bond and Misty felt his concern, anger, and a desire to help. “What’s going on?”

“There’s a Charmander that’s been left on a large rock a bit away from here by its Trainer.” Ash told Misty everything that he and Raichu had learned about the Charmander.

“You think Charmander is a stray?” Misty asked, her fists clenched at the mere idea of lying to your Pokémon and abandoning them.

“I’m not one-hundred percent sure, the Trainer could’ve gotten sick or injured and been taken to Cyanteal Town or Vermillion City for care.” Left unsaid was the possibility that the Trainer had met their end somewhere in the wilderness between the two settlements. “But the way Charmander was told to stay on the rock…it doesn’t add up.”

“Bulba.” Bulbasaur spoke up as he walked over to Ash. “Saur…bulb ba saur.” The Grass Type Starter Pokémon continued. Ash took a bit longer to parse his newer Pokémon’s words, but he got the gist quickly enough.

“You want to talk to Charmander?” Ash asked for confirmation.

“Saur.” Bulbasaur nodded resolutely. He’d been abandoned himself and had cared for countless other abandoned Pokémon while with Melanie.

“Alright, lets cook up some food and take it to Charmander together.” Ash smiled at Bulbasaur.

The group ate their lunch quickly before taking the leftovers and a bowl over to the rock that Charmander was lying on. The Starter Pokémon seemed surprised to see Ash again, much less with food like the Trainer had promised. He eyed Misty warily for a moment though. Ash placed the plate of food on the rock in front of Charmander while Misty sat down the bowl. A quick application of her Aura and the bowl was filled with water.

“Eat up, Charmander.” Ash encouraged and the Fire Type’s stomach was heard growling.

“Char…” Charmander looked at the food and water before sitting up. He sipped the water at first, but once his jaws and throat weren’t so dry, he downed the entire bowl in seconds. Misty was quick to fill it again while Charmander practically tore into the plate of food to satiate his days of hunger. After two bowls of water and the entire plate of food disappeared into Charmander’s stomach, Ash picked up Bulbasaur and placed him on top of the rock close to Charmander.

“Bulba.” Bulbasaur greeted Charmander.

“Char?” Charmander eyed the Grass/Poison Type curiously.

Ash and Misty kept quiet as Bulbasaur and Charmander talked. It was normal for a bit, but Bulbasaur had apparently brought up the subject of Charmander’s seeming abandonment. The Fire Type stood up angrily while practically roaring as it shouted at Bulbasaur. The Grass Starter took the anger in stride, having dealt with it before. Once Charmander had tired itself out on its tirade, Bulbasaur started speaking again. A few more outbursts, each weaker than the last, and Charmander eventually curled up and cried. Bulbasaur rested one of his vines on the other Pokémon’s back supportively. Raichu jumped atop the rock and moved to comfort Charmander as well.

“That Trainer better hope that they’re not to blame for this, or so help me.” Misty was nearly growling at seeing the Fire Type’s anguish as it came to realization with the seeming abandonment.

“Charmander, would you like to come with us?” Ash offered softly as he rested his hand atop Charmander’s head. His Aura flowed freely, letting Charmander feel his honesty and concern for the Fire Type. “It could be that your Trainer got hurt and was taken to the nearby town. We can take you there, if you want, and see if we can find them.”

“Char?” Charmander looked between Ash and Misty, feeling their concern and desire to help him. “Man…” He pointed at Ash’s belt that already had six Pokéballs on it.

“I can’t capture you if you haven’t been released, Charmander.” Ash shook his head. “I know you probably want to get some rest inside a Pokéball while we travel, but that’s not possible.”

“Der…” Charmander nodded in understanding, but looked exhausted.

“We’ll let you sleep the whole way to Cyanteal Town, Charmander.” Misty smiled at the Fire Type. “You can just relax and rest up until we get there.”

“Bul saur bulb.” Bulbasaur pointed his vines at Ash’s Pokéballs and then mimed a throwing motion with the same vine.

“You want me to try, Bulbasaur?” Ash looked at his Grass/Poison Type Pokémon confused.

“Saur.” Bulbasaur nodded, a look on his reptilian face that told Ash he fully expected the Pokéball to work.

“Are you okay with me trying to capture you, Charmander?” Ash looked the Starter Pokémon in the eye. “If it works, that would mean that you’ve been released. Are you sure you want to find out that way?” His emotions were being controlled to the best of his ability to project his concern and care for Charmander, but there was a bubbling pit of anger simmering below the surface for Charmander’s Trainer.

“Charmander.” Charmander nodded with a morose tone. It seemed that the Fire Type was also aware that this would confirm whether or not he’d been abandoned and left to die on this rock in the middle of the forest.

“Alright,” Ash pulled out an empty Pokéball and enlarged it. With a smile to Charmander he tapped it gently with the button. Charmander was drawn into the Pokéball in a red light and then Pokéball dinged a successful capture a second later before shrinking down and locking itself. “That fucker!” Ash bellowed in rage that Charmander had been abandoned and not even told that he was being released!

“If we find this person, I’ll fucking beat the hell out of them!” Misty was also raging and her Aura became visible as it flared.

“Bulba!” Bulbasaur shot a small burst of Sleep Powder at Ash and Misty. Not enough to put them out, but enough to make them yawn and forcibly calm them down. “Saur bulb saur ba!” The Grass/Poison Type shook his head and used a vine to point at Charmander’s new Pokéball.

“Thanks, Bulbasaur, you’re right…Charmander is more important.” Ash shook off the lingering effects of the Sleep Powder exposure.

“Let’s get him to the Pokémon Center in Cyanteal Town.” Misty agreed as she took a few deep breaths. “Who knows how bad he might be after being left out here for days. There’s not even a stream nearby from what I can tell.” She looked around, but whatever water fed this forest was probably underground after the last rainfall. At the very least, Charmander was probably dehydrated.

The group was quick to pack up and head out. Ash and Misty encouraged their Gogoats to pick up the pace this time around. Both of the large Ride Pokémon bleated in agreement and bolted down the dirt road. The rest of the trip south was made in near silence as Ash and Misty contemplated how best to care for Charmander. This abandonment would probably stick with Charmander for a while and they’d need to be gentle with Charmander’s mental state until he fully settled into being Ash’s friend and Pokémon. Just as the sun was starting to set, the duo made it to Cyanteal Town. They passed through the archway that marked the town edge and followed the signs to the Pokémon Center. After a quick transfer of Donphan to Professor Oak’s to relax, Ash was able to unlock Charmander’s Pokéball and head over to the front desk.

“Nurse Joy,” Ash handed Charmander’s Pokéball to the pink-haired nurse directly. “I found this Charmander abandoned in the forest and captured him. He was left out there for days with no food or water. Please, give him whatever he needs to get better.”

“That’s horrible!” Nurse Joy exclaimed as she gently took the Pokéball into her hands. “We’ll do everything we can to make Charmander better.” She nodded to Ash and then had her Chansey help her collect the rest of Ash and Misty’s Pokéballs for treatment.

“Now we wait…” Ash exhaled heavily as he and Misty headed for the Trainer’s Lounge.

“Nurse Joy will have Charmander as good as new, Ash.” Misty smiled as she tried to reassure her boyfriend. A conversation between a group of Trainers at one of the larger tables caught their attention when it started getting loud.

“Didn’t you have a Charmander, Damien?” One of the teen guys questioned a guy a bit older than Ash. This Damien had blue hair with a pair of sunglasses resting atop his head, a pink t-shirt with a brown open vest over top, and black pants.

“That runt?” Damien scoffed with derision. “I released it into the woods. It couldn’t even win a battle. No way was I keeping it on my team. It might be a Starter Pokémon normally, but that one had to have been the weakest one ever.”

“Wait, you just released it?” Another guy questioned Damien. “Dude, you could’ve given it to me if you didn’t want it!”

“You want a weak Pokémon like that?” Damien cocked an eyebrow at the other guy.

“Not for battling, but I know a Breeder that would’ve paid a good amount for a Charmander.” The other Trainer explained to Damien.

“Well, you can go find it then.” Damien laughed at the other guy. “I left it on some rock in the middle of the forest and told it to stay there. I released it after I walked away so that it wouldn’t try and follow me.”

“You bastard!” Misty seemingly blurred across the lounge and her left hand slapped Damien so hard he was knocked out of his chair and to the floor. The other Trainers staggered out of their seats and away from the enraged girl in shock. In her rage, Misty had unconsciously added a trace of Aura to her hand which had strengthened her slap. The large red handprint across Damien’s face as he rolled on the ground wailing was a testament to the strength.

“What the fuck?!”

“You can’t just hit someone!”

“The hell is wrong with you?!”

“What the fuck was that for?!” Damien’s speech was slurred a he cradled his face and tried to glare up at Misty.

“Charmander thought you were coming back, you fuck!” Misty yelled at the other Trainer. “There wasn’t any food or water nearby that rock you abandoned him on! He could’ve died out there because you told him to wait for you on that boulder!”

“So, you caught him then?” Damien slowly got to his feet, using the table to steady himself.

“No, I did.” Ash stalked forward and the next thing anyone saw was the punch that knocked Damien back on his ass and bloodied his nose. “You piece of garbage! You left Charmander out there to die! It’s supposed to rain tomorrow! If Charmander’s tail flame goes out, they die! Do you not care at all?!”

Now every Trainer in the lounge was staring or glaring at Damien in shock or disgust.

“You caught him so it’s fine.” Damien’s muffled voice came from behind his hands as he cupped his injured face.

“That’s incorrect, Trainer.” Officer Jenny and a policeman with her announced themselves. Apparently, someone had alerted the Pokémon Center staff to what was going on in the Trainer’s Lounge and the police had been called. “What you’ve done is a clear case of Pokémon Abuse and Neglect.”

“You’ll be coming with us.” The policeman pulled out a pair of cuffs and pulled Damien to his feet.

“You two,” Jenny shot a look at Ash and Misty. “Trainer IDs, in my hand, now. You’re both getting a fine, at minimum, for physically assaulting someone.”

“Yes, Officer.” Ash pulled out his wallet.

“Yes, ma’am.” Misty was pulling her pocketbook out to retrieve her ID.

This was not how the two had envisioned their arrival to Cyanteal Town going, not at all.

-End Chapter-


Ash caught Charmander! Yay! One day he shall become THE Charizard!

They also found Damien, that rat bastard, and got a good hit in each.

Unfortunately, that’s not okay in civilized Society. So, now Misty and Ash have some words to have with Officer Jenny and the police. Not an ideal way to spend the first day in a new town.

Bonus points if anyone figures out who the Arcanine Trainer’s appearance is based off of. Here’s a free hint: Her clothing doesn’t matter, only her physical appearance! Second free hint: The character is actually named after a Pokémon.

How will Ash and Misty deal with the police?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Raichu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Flash, Quick Attack, Dig, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Bubblebeam, Scald

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – String Shot, Bug Bite, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Whirlwind, Psybeam, Air Slash, Substitute, Safeguard

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up, Slash

Donphan – Sturdy – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure, Bulldoze

Eevee* – Adaptability – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Bulbasaur – Overgrow – Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder

Krabby – Shell Armor – Vice Grip, Leer, Harden, Bubblebeam

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Eevee – Run Away – Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Kirito Beater

Hmm honestly not sure how I feel about pikachu choosing to evolve into Raichu, but also so glad Damien got put down and arrested. Charmander in good hands

Shelby Acotto

Great chapter! I'm glad they hit Damien and that he was arrested. Poor Charmander 🙁❤️💜💙 Why do I feel like I want to guess Erza Scarlet... But she doesn't have green eyes and that's not including the Pokémon hint so it's not her. I feel like with the hints it would be pretty easy to guess but I'm coming up with nothing.😭💙💜❤️😭


Is that Rias from DxD?


BINGO!!! Rias Gremory from Highschool DxD! She was named after Garchomp (Gabu*rias*) in Japan.