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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! As the Straw Hats sail along towards the next island the Log Pose points to, they run into a crazy, unbelievable event! An interesting character follows shortly afterwards! Salvage, salvage! Salvage, salvage!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 43 – Salvage King Masira and Jaya

“What’s the heading, Nami?” Robin questioned the navigator after training, and a sudden squall that had nearly shoved the Going Merry off course entirely. Grand Line weather was back in full swing now that they were between islands again. Thankfully, they seemed to be in a period of calm, at least for the moment.

“Ahead north by northwest, Robin.” Nami lined up the Log Pose and then compared it to a map of the area. The navigator was very happy with the atlas that she’d been given from King Cobra’s private library. It had maps of all the sea routes surrounding Alabasta, including the one they were currently passing through.

“Nami, do you think the next island will be snowy?” Luffy questioned with a grin as he hung over the rail to the upper deck.

“Didn’t you get enough snow on Drum Island?” Nami gave him an amused grin in return.

“After Alabasta, an autumn island should be next.” Robin mentioned after a second of thought.

“Great!” Luffy chuckled with a smile. “I like autumn too!”

“Hmm?” Zoro blinked from the upper deck where he was doing arm curls with a large dumbbell. Something was hitting the deck here and there with little clicks. “Rain?” There were only a few puffy white clouds in the sky.

“It’s not rain…is this wood?” Usopp blinked as he caught one of the falling pieces. It looked like a broken and weathered piece of wood alright.

“Something is falling…HUH?!” Sanji cried out as a massive shape grew larger and larger above the Going Merry.

“Out of the sky…” Luffy gaped at the massive ship falling through the air.

“Shit!” Zoro cursed while grinding his teeth.

“A GALLEON?!” Nami cried out in terror.

“How?!” Mikita had been on the Grand Line for years and never heard of Galleons falling out of the sky!

“That’s…impossible…” Vivi just stared up at the falling ship.

“AAAHHH!!!” Chopper and Usopp were crying out in panic.

“…” Robin remained silent, a mix of shock and her natural coolheaded-ness. Her eyes took in the figurehead of the wrecked and heavily damaged Galleon, along with the symbol on its main sail. All information was important in a sudden situation like this.

The immense Galleon slammed into the ocean a short distance away from the Going Merry. The sea roiled from the sudden impact and volume displacement with large, rolling waves. Merry was picked up and thrown along the path of the high waves.

“Hang on! Grab onto something!” Nami yelled loudly to be heard over the rushing water. All of the Straw Hats quickly grabbed onto whatever they could as Merry was rocked and shoved by the waves.

“What’s going on?!” Usopp cried out, his eyes bugging out at this insane occurrence.

“It’s like a bad dream!” Mikita shouted back as she held onto the mast.

“It would be a relief if it was just a dream!” Chopper cried out as he held onto Usopp, the gunman’s fingers practically digging into the mast.

“Look out!” Sanji yelled out a warning. “There’s still more debris coming down!”

“Someone, hold the rudder!” Nami felt Merry shifting and knew they were going to be thrown off-course at this rate.

“What good will that do?!” Zoro demanded as he drew Wado and sliced a falling barrel to pieces. Chopper had transformed into his Heavy Point form and rushed to take hold of the rudder anyway.

“Luffy, protect the ship!” Sanji kicked away a large piece of lumber that would’ve fallen on the Merry. “She’ll break up if she’s hit by this stuff!”

“Right!” Luffy’s body sparked with his Devil Fruit.

“Skeletons!” Usopp cried out as he’d turned at just the right moment to come face-to-face with a falling skeleton. The gunman’s heart nearly leapt out of his chest in terror.

“Raiken!” Luffy’s right arm turned into a crackling storm of electricity. The Captain through his fist forward and a titanic beam of blue-white lightning blasted upwards to destroy everything in its path. All of the pieces of debris vanished in the blast for several seconds.

“There’s still more?!” Mikita exclaimed as smaller debris, though some pieces were easily taller than an average person, continued to rain down from the sky.

“I’ve got it!” Vivi’s arms turned into sand, before a massive wave of the grains were produced via her Devil Fruit. “Tirs El Rimal!” The sand whipped around under her control and formed a dome over the Going Merry. The thuds and other sounds from the debris hitting the sand shield were heard, but all of it bounced off the dome. With no more debris threatening the ship, the rest of the crew was able to work to maintain Merry’s position and keep the ship stable.

After the sudden falling ship disaster settled down, though the sea was still a bit choppy from the impact, the Straw Hats finally exhaled. Vivi threw the sand she’d produced into the sea, and then leaned back against the mast. Everyone was still supremely confused by the Galleon falling out of the sky. Luffy, Zoro, Mikita, and Sanji were looking upwards to try and spot where the other ship had come from.

“So…why is it raining ships?” Luffy questioned as he stared up at the seemingly empty sky.

“There’s nothing up there.” Zoro only saw some puffy white clouds moving through the sky with the wind.

“It’s crazy…” Mikita shook her head. Even the Grand Line had to have some limits, right?

“Ah!” Nami gasped loudly as she stared at the Log Pose.

“What’s wrong, Nami?” Sanji’s attention was instantly on the navigator.

“The Log Pose…” Nami’s eye were wide as she showed the crew. “It’s broken! The needle is pointing straight up and not moving!”

“It’s not broken.” Robin shook her head slightly.

“Huh?” Nami looked to the archaeologist confused.

“The magnetic field of another island has made it switch headings.” Robin continued as she walked over to Nami. “And if it’s pointing skyward, then that can only mean one thing.” Now the entire crew was looking at Robin intently. “Our Log Pose has been captured…by a sky island.” The ravenette looked up at the sky with a slight bit of sweat on her face.

“Sky Island?!” The Straw Hats exclaimed in shocked confusion.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Vivi questioned with a shake of her head. She was a Grand Line native, and well-educated as a princess, but she’d never heard of such a thing before.

“There’s an island that floats in the sky?!” Luffy was ecstatic to hear that! It sounded like an awesome adventure! For being right beside a slowly sinking shipwreck, Luffy’s attention was now entirely focused on the thought of an island in the sky.

“Is that where the ship and the skeletons feel from?” Usopp gaped up at the clear sky.

“I don’t see any island up there.” Zoro mentioned after another hard look at the passing clouds.

“Actually, it’s not just the island, but the sea floating in the sky.” Robin spread her arms to mime a wide expanse.

“The sea?!” Nami couldn’t believe it.

“Now I’m even more confused.” Mikita shook her head at what she was hearing.

“Same.” Sanji agreed with the chocolatier.

“Whooooa!” Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp practically had sparkles in their eyes at the thought.

“The sea floats in the sky and there’s an island on it?! Let’s go!” Luffy declared while pointing towards the sky. “Raise the prow!”

“Raise the prow!” Usopp and Chopper cheered along with their Captain.

“Umph!” Luffy’s calls to ‘raise the prow’ were silenced when two of Robin’s arms bloomed from his shoulders and slapped their hands over his mouth.

“Captain, we can’t raise the prow.” Sanji sighed at having to state the obvious and blew out a bit of smoke from his cigarette.

“I’ve never seen a sky island,” Robin admitted to the crew. “I’ve only read about them in books that detailed the voyages of people that claimed to have found their way to the sky. The near-perfect similarities between those tales however, does suggest some truth.”

“But that’s impossible!” Nami denied outright. “How can an island, much less an ocean, float in the sky?” She shook her head. “The Log Pose must be broken.”

“No, Nami…” Robin pointed at the Log Pose on the navigator’s wrist. “It’s not the Log Pose. What we have to figure out now, is how to get up to the sky.” Nami blinked at the complete seriousness in Robin’s voice.

“Hmm?” Zoro turned when he noticed movement among the wreckage. “What are they doing?” He questioned as he saw Luffy and Usopp dash across some of the floating debris to reach the sinking Galleon.

“Searching.” Chopper was leaning over the railing to watch.

“No matter what happens to this ship. No matter what kind of crisis we face. We must never suspect the Log Pose. That is absolutely essential.” Robin reminded the crew at large. “If we doubt anything on these seas, it should be our own senses.” The tanned woman locked eyes with Nami. “There will always be an island wherever that needle points.”

“She’s right…” Vivi agreed stepping forward. “The Log Pose is the only thing that can be trusted to navigate the Grand Line.” Mikita nodded her own agreement from beside Vivi.

Several minutes later and both Mikita and Nami were practically hiding behind the mast from where Robin was. Chopper was trying to peek around it like them, but was doing it backwards, leaving most of his body exposed. The reason for their nerves? Robin was currently sitting next to a coffin that had been floating among the wreckage and debris. The archaeologist had popped it open after retrieving her suitcase of equipment and her other suitcase of books. Now she was putting pieces of a skull together without a hint of unease.

“What’s she doing with the coffin and bones?” Chopper wondered as he watched Robin work.

“That’s some weird interest you have there.” Nami remarked as she saw what Robin was doing.

“Any clues?” Zoro asked from the foot of the coffin.

“One moment…” Robin replied as she continued piecing the skull together.

“A beautiful woman and a skeleton. What a combination.” Sanji chuckled as he sat near the head of the coffin.

“Hey, you put it together.” Chopper remarked, no longer hiding behind the mast.

“This hole is manmade.” Robin pointed at one hole in the skull, with two more nearby.

“Is that what killed him?” Sanji guessed while looking at the skull.

“No, these are the marks of brain surgery.” Robin looked towards Chopper. “Right, doctor?”

“Yes…a long time ago, people used to put holes in the skull to relieve the pressure of tumors.” Chopper acknowledged with a nod. “But no one does that anymore. There’s a very high risk that you’ll injure or kill the patient with even the slightest mistake.”

“This man died around two-hundred years ago. He was in his mid-thirties. He got sick on the high seas and died. Compared to those other skeletons, his teeth are well-preserved, probably due to the tar on them. His clothing is of a style particular to a small area of the South Blue. I’d say that ship was an old exploration vessel.” Robin rattled off the information that she was gleaning form the state of the skeleton and what was in the coffin. The crew around her was practically gaping as she spoke with utter surety to her findings. “Here it is. The St. Briss set sail from the South Blue kingdom of Briss around two-hundred-eight years ago.” Robin showed them the picture from the book she’d taken from her collection.

“That’s the ship that fell on us alright.” Mikita confirmed both the figurehead and the symbol from the fallen Galleon.

“So, this ship has been sailing the sky for two-hundred years?” Vivi presumed as she saw the old picture in the book.

“You figured all of that out from a bunch of bones?” Nami was stunned by the depth of knowledge the archaeologist had to have.

“They said that dead men tell no tales, but that’s not always true.” Robin shrugged before turning her eyes on the sinking St. Briss. “If that ship was an exploration vessel, then there should be plenty of records on board.”

“But it’s sinking.” Zoro remarked as they all looked toward the waves that covered the sinking Galleon.

“Luffy, wait for me!” Usopp called out. Luffy vanished in a spark and reappeared on the Going Merry with a wide smile. “You jerk!” Usopp called out before his words were muffled by the water.

“What’re you two idiots doing?!” Nami had sharp teeth in her mouth as she yelled at the duo.

Sanji and Chopper threw a line to Usopp and reeled the gunman in. Usopp had a large, odd device that he was holding onto by a half-broken handle in his left hand when his soaked form hit the deck. Luffy had already set down what he’d brought over with him. Two large chests, one steel, though rusted by time, and the other made of treated wood with some obvious signs of decay. Usopp glowered at Luffy, punching his arm as he passed by to set the odd item that he’d brought back next to the two chests.

“We brought stuff back!” Luffy smiled brightly. The crew gathered around, wondering what was in the two locked chests and what the odd thing Usopp had dragged back was. Luffy casually ripped the rusted lock off the steel chest and tried to open it. That proved slightly difficult, as age had seemingly sealed the steel lid to the chest with rust. “Stubborn…” Luffy dug his fingers into the seal between the lid and chest before tearing it off entirely.

“Books and papers?” Nami cocked an eyebrow at the contents. “Probably records of their voyage.” Robin leaned forward in interest to look at the interior of the chest.

“Huh…” Luffy looked at the records before turning to Robin with a smile. “Robin, present.” He pushed the steel chest towards her with his foot.

“Why thank you, Captain.” Robin gave him a smile as she began to carefully go through the two-hundred-year-old documents, starting with the Log Book that was clearly labelled as such.

“What’s in the other one?” Vivi wondered as most eyes turned to the wooden chest.

“Let’s find out.” Luffy easily tore off the worn old lock and opened the top.

“TREASURE!!!” Nami exclaimed happily as gold, silver, and gems were revealed. “Luffy!” The navigator pulled Luffy to her lips and kissed him soundly. She separated from him with a giggle before pulling out the first piece of treasure from the chest, a small bar of solid gold that almost looked like a brick.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled at his lover’s excitement over treasure.

“What’s this weird thing you brought back, Usopp?” Zoro questioned as he looked over the strange object.

“Not sure…but I think it might be some kind of single-person ship?” Usopp moved the ancient thing to what he believed was the upright position. Taking the broken handle into both hands, he stood in what seemed to be the remains of the boat-like body of the contraption. “Like this, maybe?”

“What’s with the shell?” Sanji pointed out the large spiraled shell attached to the device.

“No idea.” Usopp shook his head.

“Oh my…” Robin grinned as she pulled a paper from the steel chest. “Would you look at this.” She turned the paper around to show everyone what appeared to be a map of an island.

“Skypiea?” Nami read off the label in the upper-left corner.

“A map to a sky island?” Vivi blinked at the paper in some disbelief.

“Right? Right?” Luffy was practically sparkling with excitement.

“Is there really an island in the sky?!” Chopper was mimicking Luffy’s expression perfectly.

“We did it, Usopp!” Luffy fist-bumped his friend with a brilliant smile.

“There is a sky island!” Usopp cheered with a laugh. “We’re going to a dream island!”

“Don’t get too excited. We don’t know anything for sure.” Nami took the map into her hands with a sigh. “There are a lot of fake maps in the world.” The absolute gloom and heartbreak she saw on Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper’s faces almost made her feel bad. She’d never seen Luffy look so shocked and down before. “Oh…sorry.” Nami waved off her statement. “It’s okay. I’m sure it’s real. But…we still don’t know how to get there.”

“You’re the best Navigator, Nami!” Luffy smiled widely at her. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

“Kyahahaha!” Mikita burst into laughter at the exchange. Luffy’s utmost confidence had Nami smiling, but where the Captain wanted to sail may not be reachable.

“There are some things that even I can’t do, Luffy.” Nami was thrilled by his faith in her skills. But how the hell was she supposed to navigate them to the sky?

“Don’t we just need to sail upwards?” Luffy tilted his head thoughtfully. That would be the simplest way to reach the sky island, right?

“Luffy…” Vivi burst into giggles at his ‘logic’ of a solution.

“Salvage…salvage…” The faint sounds of multiple people chanting reached the ears of the Straw Hats.

“Oh, what now?” Zoro exhaled heavily as the crew turned to look at the approaching ship. It was a large ship, a Barque judging by the mast configuration and size. It was also notably…monkey-themed…with palm tress growing on the deck, a massive prow with the figurehead being a full monkey with cymbals in its hands. Two large extensions pointed towards the sky just behind the prow, looking like colossal bananas. The sails had a Jolly Roger on them of a monkey-like face with two bananas crossed behind it. The same symbol that was on the black flag flying from the top of the main mast.

“Salvage, salvage!” The crew of the other pirate ship were banging cymbals and chanting loudly. “Salvage, salvage!”

“Heave to!” A loud voice ordered before the loud blast of a whistle went off.

“Aye, sir!” The crew called back as the monkey-themed vessel slowed to and then floated over the spot where the St. Briss had sunk.

“Is this where the ship sank?” The loud voice demanded.

“Yes, sir!” Several voices called back again.

“Prepare to raise the ship!” A huge monkey-like man called out with his fists raised into the air. “That sunken ship is mine! Ook kee kee!”

“Who the hell are these guys?” Sanji took a drag of his cigarette as he looked over the other pirates.

“Hey, what’re you doing here? This is my territory.” The large monkey-man pointed at the smaller Caravel.

“Territory?” Nami questioned as she walked over to the railing.

“That’s right. Any ship that sinks around here belongs to me. You better not have messed with any of them.” The obvious Captain of the monkey-themed ship glared down at the Straw Hats.

“I believe he intends to salvage the St. Briss.” Robin commented from where she was still going through the Log Book next to the steel chest.

“What’s salvage mean?” Chopper had never been out to sea until he’d left Drum Island, so he still had several terms that he was unfamiliar with.

“Raising a sunken ship to profit off whatever is within.” Robin explained to the Zoan Fruit user. “I assume that’s what all the special modifications to their ship are for.”

“Hey! Quit talking amongst yourselves! I asked a question!” The monkey-man bellowed at them.

“No,” Vivi stepped forward with a smile and all the decorum expected of a princess. “We have not touched any ship beneath the waves, we promise.” That was even the truth, given that the St. Briss was still floating when Luffy and Usopp had explored it and brought back the chests and odd craft. She gave a short bow to the large man. “Might we have your name, sir?”

“What good manners!” The other Captain declared a with a smile. “I’m ‘Salvage King’ Masira, of the Masira Pirates!” He pointed his thumb at his overalls which had his name across the chest and a square picture of a monkey’s face.

“Are you going to salvage the ship that just sank, Captain Masira?” Vivi asked with a smile. All of the Straw Hats grinned at her diplomacy and how she was easily buttering up Masira without coming off as flattering.

“You don’t even have to ask!” Masira laughed loudly. “If there’s a sunken ship, I’ll bring it up. If it floats, I’ll sink it, and then bring it up. That’s me! There’s no ship we can’t salvage!” He cheered and his crew cheered along with him.

“Would you mind if we watched?” Vivi questioned politely of the man.

“Huh? Have you never seen a salvage operation before?” Masira raised an eyebrow. “All right, sure. You can watch!”

“Neat, let’s see how they do it.” Usopp stood at the railing with the others.

Nami took this time to slip away and drag the chest of treasure into the Going Merry’s holds, just in case any of the Masira Pirates may have spotted it and questioned it. She wouldn’t leave treasure to chance! This was for the crew, and her, since they’d found it first.

“Hurry up and set the cradle!” Masira ordered his men. “Let’s start salvaging!”

“Aye-aye, sir!” The crew of monkey-themed pirates roared back.

“Now, don’t get nervous just because we have observers today.” Masira laughed with some red on his face.

“Yes, sir!” The crew laughed along with him. It was clear that all of them were enjoying having the Straw Hats watch their operation.

Men in heavy steel diving suits dropped below the waves. Two massive metal machines were lowered into the water, each bearing five huge hooks. According to Masira, this was called the cradle. The device would puncture the sunken ship’s hull and help keep it together as it was raised from the seafloor. When the call that the cradle was set came, the next phase of the salvage operation began.

“Engage the Barco Grabber!” Masira ordered and the prow extended out on a telescopic steel pole.

“Aye, sir!” The crewmen manning the machine called back as the cymbal-bearing monkey was lowered into the water, revealing that it was more akin to a crane system.

“Barco Grabber…link completed!” Came a voice through one of the pipes connecting the divers to the ship.

“Alright! Prepare for inflation!” Masira grabbed a large air hose while his crew cheered him on.

“He’s going to bring that Galleon up with his breath?!” Vivi’s shock was palpable.

“That’s ridiculous.” Mikita stared at the Masira like he was nuts.

The way the air hose ballooned when Masira exhaled into it made both women reconsider their words. The massive amount of air followed the hose beneath the waves as Masira continued to exhale. A call of ‘It’s rising!’ came from the divers below as the rest of the crew cheered and began working a large bellows system to assist Masira in filling the sunken ship with enough air to raise it from the depths.

“Heave! Pull it up!” Masira yelled to the two dozen men turning a massive wench connected to the two cradle machines. “Keep the air going!” He then exhaled another massive amount of air through the hose in his hands.

“Whoa…they really did it.” Luffy had a megawatt smile as the remains of the St. Briss were secured to Masira’s ship. The cradle kept the old ship from falling apart any further while using the buoyancy of the ocean to counteract the weight.

“Salvage complete!” Masira roared out and his crew cheered along with him. “What’d you think of that?” He posed with a smile for the Straw Hats.

All replies were stopped short as the entire area suddenly got darker.

“Huh?” Usopp looked up at the sky in confusion.

“What…what is that?” Chopper craned his neck to look as high as he possibly could.

“Oh shit! This is bad!”

“When it suddenly gets dark in the middle of the day, it means monsters are coming!”

“Boss! We gotta get out of here! We’ll be sunk!”

“That’s…not possible…” Vivi shook her head slowly.

Everyone was either gaping at what had caused the sudden darkness, breaking into flops sweats, trembling in terror, or all three.

Five titanic shadows in the fog were causing the shade. Each towering humanoid stood in the ocean at what looked like thigh-level. The mind-bogglingly massive beings also looked to be wielding spears that were longer and larger than some islands! The creepiest part was that even those these massive creatures should be displacing huge waves of ocean water with every movement, and their very breaths should be like gales, they made no noise, the world seemingly still around the five of them.

“M-M-MONSTERS!!!” Luffy and Masira both shouted in terror.

“Sails, oars, now!” Luffy and crew were blurring around the Going Merry to set the sails and get the oars out.

“Set the sails, get the paddles moving, now!” Masira bellowed to his men and the large Barque was quickly moving forward at speed. “Hey, you guys!” He yelled back to the Straw Hats. “If you can keep up, follow us! We’ll take you to Jaya! It’s the nearest island to here!”

“Follow the monkey guy!” Luffy ordered as all of the men rowed the oars as fast and strong as they could while the women maintained the sails and rudder. Both ships were kicking up large wakes as they practically tore through the ocean to try and escape the monsters looming over the sea.

-Hours Later-

“Man…” Masira sighed out as his ship sailed along with the Straw Hat’s ship. “Those monsters just had to show up then, didn’t they?” He ate one of the takoyaki that Sanji and Mikita had cooked up and a smile broke out on his face. “These’re good!”

“You’re welcome.” Sanji waved off as he continued to serve the combined crews. It was only right, considering the Masira Pirates had provided the octopus themselves.

“Glad you like it.” Mikita was all smiles from the compliments coming in. “Thank you for sharing the octopus.”

“Aww shucks, it was nothing.” Masira rubbed the back of his head with a laugh. “The big thing tried to latch onto my ship, so I beat it to death with a couple of good ol’ Monkey Punches!” He flexed his right arm and slapped his left hand onto the bicep.

“What were those things anyway?” Zoro questioned between bites of takoyaki.

“No one knows.” Masira shrugged as he picked up another takoyaki ball. “But people have seen them around these parts for as long as anyone can remember. They just show up out of nowhere and any ship that can’t get away…well, you can probably imagine what happens.”

“It should be impossible for anything to be that big though.” Robin mentioned as she sipped a drink that Sanji had made especially for the women. The Log Book from the St. Briss was in her lap as she continued to read through it.

“Yeah…” Chopper agreed with her, sitting on the deck and enjoying the takoyaki.

“Hey, Masira, what’s this Jaya place like?” Luffy asked after swallowing a mouthful of takoyaki.

“It’s a lawless zone.” Masira grinned at Luffy. “No Marines or World Government types around and the island isn’t big enough for them to try and put a base or outpost on. So, it’s become a pirate island over the last couple decades. It has a resort-like feel though, the non-pirate citizens make good money off pirates that want to stop and relax for a few days.”

“Wait a second…if we stop on Jaya, won’t the Log Pose reset?” Usopp realized with wide eyes, almost spitting out his drink.

“That would mean we wouldn’t be able to go to the sky island!” Luffy exclaimed before whipping around to face Nami. “Nami, we can’t go to Jaya!”

“We need to know how to get up to the sky, and for that we need information.” Nami reminded him. “Jaya might be the only place to get it.”

“You’ll be fine.” Masira waved off their concerns with a chuckle. “It takes four days for the Log Pose to reset on Jaya. You can easily sail away for a day or so to preserve the Pose’s heading if you want.”

“Oh…” Luffy relaxed that the adventure to the sky island wouldn’t be interfered with. “Then to Jaya it is!”

“Yes, Captain.” Nami rolled her eyes, getting a giggle out of Vivi and Mikita. “I’ve noticed that the weather seems to have stabilized.”

“We’re in Jaya’s climate zone, it’s a spring island.” Masira nodded to the group while eating more takoyaki. “It’s pretty pleasant for most of the year.”

“Wait…Robin, didn’t you say the next island would be an autumn island?” Chopper looked at the tanned woman.

“The sky island is most likely the autumn island.” Robin smiled at the reindeer while flipping to the next page in the Log Book.

“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” Chopper realized that Jaya was actually a detour on their voyage and not the actual destination that their Log Pose was pointing at.

“Boss! Jaya is dead ahead!” One of Masira’s men called down from the crow’s nest of the larger ship.

“Alright, let’s head home and start searching out new salvaged ship!” Masira called out, receiving cheers from his crew. “We’ll be heading to the other side of Jaya. If you want to ask for information, the only town on the island is Mock Town. It can be a rough place sometimes, what with all the pirate crews, but I’m sure you guys will be fine.” With that he made a strong leap and landed back on his ship.

“Later, Masira!” Luffy waved along with Usopp and Chopper.

“See ya, Straw Hat!” Masira bellowed back as the two ships got further and further apart.

It was several minutes later that the island was close enough to make out with the naked eye. The Going Merry sailed straight ahead towards Jaya and the town that could be seen through the telescope. Usopp was in the crow’s nest checking Mock Town out with his telescope.

“It really does look like a resort!” Usopp called down to the crew.

“Resort?! Alright! Keep going Merry!” Luffy patted the figurehead he was sitting on.

“I wouldn’t mind relaxing for a day or two in a place like that.” Nami grinned as they sailed closer and closer.

“Oh wow…every ship in the harbor is flying a Jolly Roger.” Vivi pointed out the multitudes of pirate vessels moored at Mock Town.

“Well, the salvage monkey did say this place was a pirate town.” Sanji remarked as he tossed his cigarette butt into the sea.

“Seems like an interesting place to me.” Zoro grinned as the ruckus of the town was becoming audible the closer they got.

“Shishishishi, this place sounds exciting!” Luffy was all smiles.

“Of course, you’d say that, Luffy. Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed beside him.

“Finding information here may be difficult.” Robin mentioned as they furled the sails to reduce their speed.

The Straw Hats had no idea of the events about to happen when they docked at Mock Town.

-End Chapter-


The Straw Hats have met Masira, and with some quick diplomacy from Vivi, started off on the right foot! The Masira Pirates got to salvage the St. Briss and the two crews are on friendly terms with each other. That might help later on, huh?

Luffy brings back information and treasure from the wreck before it sank, making both Nami and Robin happy.

Usopp brought back a mighty strange device…what could this small boat-like thing with the large shell attached be?

Something that may come to make sense a bit later, perhaps?

Now the Straw Hats are about to dock in Mock Town, the first ‘Pirate City’ they’ve ever been to! It’ll certainly be a much different experience than a regular town, that’s for sure!

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and very entertaining chapter. Out of curiosity, could Vivi Control something like iron or steel sand?


Oh. Okay that would be fine with me. The cloud cloud fruit is a plot bunny of mine that i've had bubbling for a while

James Sampson

Hope one of the Skypieans joins the crew, Ussopp may be good with Dials but he's no expert like the residents are who have been around them for their entire life. There's a plot twist that keeps going around in my head that the manga either forgot or was kept out; Enel was an egomaniac but he never took any women as concubines, now this could be because he felt like they won't worthy of him or it didn't cross his mind until Nami begged for her life. Where I'm going with this is after Conis helps the Straw Hats, Enel decides that she needs to severely punished for her defiance and has either the White Berets or his Priests bring her to him. what happens next is up to you.