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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Era of Spirits and Shadows! The next scheme to remove Jaden begins! This time a ‘professional’ has been hired to deal with the Slifer. But will things go according to plan?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 6 – Titan

It was late on Duel Academy island with a nearly full moon hanging in the sky. Outside of a rundown multi-story building, blocked off by a thick chain with a ‘Keep Out’ sign on it and surrounded by a falling apart metal fence, stood Alexis. The blonde stared forlornly at the dilapidated building. It had once been a dorm for students, but after an incident that had seen students go missing, it had been abandoned and blocked off. Just going past the front gate was grounds for expulsion by the Academy’s rules.

Brother…’ Alexis silently grieved for her missing sibling. She walked up to the gate and placed a single rose next to it. Several long moments of just staring at the abandoned dorm later and she turned to head back to the girls’ dorm.

-Slifer Dorm ~ Dining Hall-

“The creeping shadows and the innumerable spirits within consumed them all, never to be seen again.” Drake finished his scary story with Jaden and Chumley. Dragging their roommate into the storytelling had been a bit of a hassle, but a promise of Drake cooking a snack for them had gotten Chumley to agree.

“C-Come on, m-man…” Chumley was backed as far away from Drake as his chair would allow. “That’s way more than a Level 5 card!” The rotund teen was shaking from the tale of Shadow Games gone wrong.

“Damn…” Jaden looked at Drake heavily. The newly initiated Ba and Ka practitioner had caught on to why Drake had told this specific story. It was a warning to not meddle in the Shadow Magics before you understood them. He’d make sure to keep it in mind.

“Yep,” Drake nodded before picking up his tea and taking a sip. “It’s your turn, Jaden.” He motioned to the deck of cards on the table.

“Okay, let’s see.” Jaden picked up the top card from the deck. “Sinister Serpent, huh?” He looked at the Level 1 Monster.

“I’m not even sure that story needs to be scary…” Drake deadpanned at Jaden’s easy pull. “Maybe a little eerie at best?”

“Whew…” Chumley exhaled with a smile. He happily took one of the remaining dorayaki and bit into it. Drake could cook really well for being a Duelist. Not that the snack was overly hard to make or anything.

“Well…” Jaden rested his chin on his palm. “I did use to hear the voices of monsters at night when I was a kid.” He began his tale. “It was like the voices of fairies you read about in storybooks.” Jaden chuckled lightly. “Back then I thought it was the monsters coming out of my cards and throwing a party or something. So, I’d get up in the middle of the night and open my card case…”

“And?” Chumley leaned forward slightly.

“There was nothing there.” Jaden grinned, making the koala-like teen nearly face-fault.

“But lately, I’ve started hearing them again.” Jaden smiled at Chumley and the larger boy shivered at the eerie thought.

“Oho?” Professor Banner exclaimed as he entered the dining hall with a laugh. The large form of his cat, Pharoah, in his arms as normal. The unexpected entrance startled Jaden and Chumley making both teens jump slightly. Drake had seen the man at the doorway a moment before he’d spoken, so hadn’t been startled. “What’re you three doing in here?”

“Playing a little game.” Drake motioned to the deck of cards on the table. “We take turns drawing the top card and then have to tell a scary story that is equal to the monster’s level.” He explained to the Dorm Head.

“Ah, yes, I recall that game.” Banner chuckled as he held Pharoah with one arm. “I wonder what I’d get?” He smiled as he drew the top card from the stack. Flipping the card over revealed the Fusion Monster known as Five-Headed Dragon, a Level 12 Monster. Chumley immediately went pale upon seeing the max level card.

“Woo~” Drake whistled at the draw. “That requires the best you’ve got, I think.”

“Hmm…” Banner chuckled as he took on a thinking look for a moment. “Come to think of it, do you know about the abandoned dorm on the far side of the island?”

“Abandoned Dorm?” Jaden blinked at the knew information. Drake looked confused since he’d looked at the island map and there was no mention of any other dorm buildings on it.

“Yes…I’ve been told it was only for the very best students that attended the Academy.” Banner nodded as he looked between the three boys. “They say that quite a few students went missing in that dorm.”

“R-Really?” Chumley already looked freaked out.

“Apparently they were researching the Shadow Games in that dorm.” Banner leaned forward, casting part of his face in shadow. Drake’s eyes widened at the turn the story had taken. He briefly caught Jaden’s eyes as the two Shadow Magic practitioners nearly gaped.

“Sh-Shadow Games…?” Chumley was slowly moving away from the Professor.

“Yes, the terrifying games supposedly activated by mythical items.” Banner nodded as to his student. “Or so the story goes.”

“A Millennium Item, right?” Jaden cocked an eyebrow at the Professor. “Isn’t that just an old wives’ tale?” He put on his best look of bored disbelief.

“I don’t know the truth myself.” Banner laughed, lightening the mood that had built up. “By the time I started teaching here, that dorm was already abandoned.” It was true, Banner was the newest member of the faculty, only having been at the Academy for about two years now. “Anyway, it’s about curfew, so you boys should be heading for bed.” He encouraged as he stroked Pharaoh’s back and headed out of the dining hall.

“Yeah…” Chumley chuckled, clearly trying to shake off his nerves. “Let’s hit the hay.” He practically power-walked out of the dining room in haste.

“Sounds interesting, wanna check it out?” Jaden questioned Drake with a grin.

“I wouldn’t mind taking a peek.” Drake agreed with a thoughtful look on his face.

Unbeknownst to the two young men, a certain someone was listening in from the nearby window.

“Shadow Games, eh?” Crowler grinned to himself. “What an idea.” He started walking away from the Slifer Dorm. He’d only come by to see if he could glean any rule-breaking going on and use it against that upstart, Jaden. But this, this could be even better! “Perhaps a little fright is just what the slacker needs to realize he isn’t wanted here!” The Head of the Obelisk Dorm nearly cackled as he made his way towards his quarters. He had a phone call to make tonight.

-Domino City ~ Back Alleys-

A fog covered the area as a Duel finished. A man with a shaved head clutched at his chest, clearly having some kind of fit of panic. Across from him, a large man in a black trench coat, a black hat, a custom-made Duel Disk setup, and a silver mask over his eyes stood. He’d been the victor of their Duel and held up a golden inverted pyramid-shaped item on a thick cord. Anyone slightly familiar with the Millennium Items would say that it looked like the Millennium Puzzle.

“This…is what it means…to play…a Shadow Game?” The man with the shaved head and sunglasses remarked as his entire body shook.

“Take this…Mind Crush.” The masked man stated calmly as the golden item seemed to glow with an inner light. The other man cried out and collapsed to the ground a few seconds later. “I ask that you leave all of your rare cards with me.” The huge man spoke as he walked over to the downed man. “You’ll have no more use for them.” The ringing of a cellphone stopped the dark-clad man’s steps. He answered the phone and waited for the caller to stop speaking. “Yes, I am the Dark Duelist Titan.” He answered the caller’s first question. “Duel Academy?” He questioned the man’s requested location.

-Next Day ~ Duel Academy-

It was another normal day for the students and faculty. Classes, Duels, assignments, hanging out with friends, everything one would expect from a school. Jaden and Drake were leaving their last class for the day and chatting quietly as they walked down an almost empty hallway.

“I’ve been noticing small spirits all day.” Jaden informed his friend barely above a whisper. Bonding with Winged Kuriboh had allowed him to see the multitudes of tiny spirits that inhabited the island.

“This island seems to be a hotspot for them.” Drake nodded as he’d seen quite a few weak spirits floating around and watching the students since he’d gotten here.

“Is that why you agreed to check out the abandoned dorm with me?” Jaden asked as he put his arms behind his head as they walked.

“Partly,” Drake answered as he looked out the windows they were walking past. “The Shadow Games story that Banner told us last night makes me uneasy too.” He looked over at Jaden as he continued. “Shadow Magic isn’t something to be studied like it’s some natural science or something. Without a Ka of your own to defend you, a person is mostly just an easy target for any of the Monster Spirits that call the Shadow Realm home. If you’re lucky, like your case, a benign Monster Spirit will take a liking to you and want to become your Ka, thereby defending you should you be drawn into a Shadow Game. For most though, a human is a puppet at best or a meal at worst.”

“Damn…” Jaden breathed out at the knowledge. “Is that why you wouldn’t tell me much of anything about Shadow Games and stuff until after I’d bonded with Winged Kuriboh?”

“Yep.” Drake confirmed as they rounded a corner. “If Shadow Games were truly held in that dorm, there might be traces of the magics left there, just waiting to be released again.” Jaden got a glimpse of Red-Eyes’ head materializing for a second before the Ka disappeared again. “It would be best to make sure the place is clear for the safety of everyone on the island.”

“Will I even be able to help?” Jaden questioned his Shadow Magic teacher.

“You should be fine with Winged Kuriboh to look out for you.” Drake replied as they exited the building and stepped into the sunlight. “As you’ve noticed, most of the spirits that stick around the island are very weak. A Ka, even a new one like your buddy, should have little trouble fending them off if they try to become hostile. Worst case scenario, Red-Eyes destroys whatever we find and we high-tail it back to Slifer Dorm before so we can’t be blamed.”

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.” Jaden chuckled as they walked down the dirt road towards their dorm.

-Night ~ Duel Academy Harbor-

“You must be the so-called Dark Duelist.” Crowler greeted the large man in the black trench coat.

“Regarding my fee…” Titan ignored the greeting entirely as fog started to come from his body. “It’s always the same.” His voice was flat, as if he expected Crowler to listen and agree on principle. “Regardless of the client, I ask for three months’ worth of your salary.”

“I get the feeling it’s not ‘regardless of the client’ in the slightest.” Crowler mentioned as he looked the man over. All the while the fog filled the nearby area and fell off the edges of the pier. “Are you sure you that you can handle this job?”

“Of course, I’m a professional.” Titan replied simply. “Leave it to me.” The ‘Dark Duelist’ seemed to be floating backwards into the fog coming from his body. “Meet me there when the duel is finished.” He vanished into the thick fog and seemed to disappear.

“A professional, indeed.” Crowler remarked as he decided to get his camera. In the event that Jaden somehow won this duel, he could at least get proof of him trespassing in the abandoned dorm. That was an expellable offense by itself, but one that could be countered if the soft-hearted Sheppard got involved. “Never put all of your eggs in one basket, as they say.” The blonde man chuckled to himself.

-Forest Near the Abandoned Dorm-

“Hmm, that’s odd.” Drake mentioned as they walked through the dark forest.

“What is?” Jaden asked as he held the flashlight.

“The number of spirits has dropped to almost nothing.” Drake pointed upwards showing the lack of small spirits floating around that could be seen on most of the island.

“Is that bad?” Jaden looked around to see if he could spot any of the little spirits.

“It could be.” Drake kept walking. “It could mean something is scaring them away from this place.”

“Something?” Jaden raised an eyebrow. “Like a stronger Monster Spirit?”

“Could be, that or a change in the area that they don’t like.” Drake mused as they followed the old path deeper into the woods.

A few minutes later and they stood before the abandoned dorm. The place had seen better days, to be sure. Broken windows, cracked siding and masonry, even the double doors into the building were barley holding on, hanging askew from a single hinge each. The two teens stopped at the chain with the ‘Keep Out’ sign on it. Jaden’s flashlight illuminated something red on the ground.

“A rose?” Drake blinked at the flower. It was clearly cut and brought here, and not long ago based on its looks. The snapping of a twig off to their left made both Jaden and Drake spin to face the noise. The beam of the flashlight fell upon the person just as the stranger’s flashlight illuminated the boys.

“Alexis?” Jaden looked the Obelisk girl over in confusion.

“What are you doing out here?” Drake questioned, equally as curious as Jaden.

“I could ask you two the same thing.” Alexis responded to both of them. “What are you doing here?”

“A little evening expedition.” Jaden replied, keeping out the actual reason for their visit.

“Don’t you know?” Alexis looked between them both incredulously. “A lot of students went missing here. It’s completely off-limits, not a place to explore. You can be expelled just for passing the gate.”

“Huh…didn’t know that part.” Drake mentioned as he looked over the broken down building.

“You never answered our question, Alexis.” Jaden reminded the golden-eyed girl. “What’re you doing out here at this time of night?”

“My older brother was one of the students that disappeared here.” Alexis looked away and towards the old dorm, her voice filled with sadness and longing. “I come to leave a flower for him, every now and then.” She motioned towards the rose next to the gate. “You two should return to your dorm before you get in trouble.” Alexis suggested before heading off herself. It was clear that she wasn’t in any mood to speak more about her loss.

“Well…damn.” Drake sighed at learning about Alexis’ connection to the abandoned dorm.

“We still going in?” Jaden asked as he kept the flashlight aimed at the ground.

“Yeah, we’re probably the only ones on the island capable of checking this place out.” Drake stepped over the chain and Jaden followed right after.

While Jaden and Drake headed into the abandoned dorm, Alexis was making her way back toward her own dorm. She was startled by the sudden appearance of a figure in front of her. The large, imposing man in all black smirked down at the stunned teen. Before she knew what was happening, Alexis was knocked unconscious. Titan grinned darkly as he carried the girl into the abandoned dorm through the back entrance. He was already set up for his next duel, but this should help things along.

“Covered in dust and yet still more spacious than Slifer Dorm.” Jaden remarked as he and Drake looked over the common space on the ground floor. “Maybe we should move in, once it’s clear and all?”

“No thanks, we’d have to do all the renovations and stuff ourselves, probably.” Drake snorted as they walked further into the old dorm building.

The light trailed over the walls and Drake went still as his eyes took in semi-familiar sights. Jaden blinked as he looked over the hieroglyphs and the images of seven specific items on the stone. Drake walked closer, looking at the carvings and identifying each of the depicted items. Jaden counted them off and seemed to reach the same conclusion.

“Seven Millennium Items…” Jaden mumbled as they finished looking over the engraved stone.

“They really were studying Shadow Games…” Drake shook his head at the absurdity. “I was introduced to it through research notes of old Egyptian tombs and ruins, they jumped into the deep end head first without knowing how to swim.” The Shadow Magic practitioner exhaled heavily at what had most likely become of the missing students.

“Hey, look.” Jaden’s flashlight reflected off something on the wall next to the hieroglyph-covered stone. A set of pictures of students, though not many. This dorm was sparsely populated compared to every other dorm on the island, apparently. “They have name plates…” He looked at the one his flashlight was pointed at. “Atticus…Rhodes?” Jaden’s eyes widened as he realized this was probably Alexis’ missing brother. There was a noticeable resemblance between the young man in the photo and Alexis.

“Who the hell thought it was a good idea to let them study Shadow Games?” Drake looked at the photos of the students as he wondered how they’d even gotten started.

A sudden scream filled the abandoned dorm making both Jaden and Drake flinch.

“Was that?!” Drake was fairly certain he knew who had screamed.

“Alexis!” Jaden bolted towards the source with Drake hot on his heels.

The two boys moved quickly, probably faster than a normal person at that. They vaulted down a set of stairs, jumped over covered furniture, and found a passageway built into the ground. It was a roughly hewn corridor, supported and reinforced by thick wooden beams. It was easy to tell this had been made after the dorm itself had been built. With a quick nod to each other, Jaden and Drake ran down the long passage. They emerged into a large cavern, probably a natural cave originally, and saw Alexis in what looked like a coffin of some kind.

“Alexis!” Jaden yelled out to the unconscious girl.

“Hehehehehe…” A deep voice chuckled as fog began to fill the chamber. “Her soul is already deep in the darkness.”

“Who’s there?!” Jaden demanded as they looked at the creeping fog.

“Welcome, Jaden Yuki…” Titan rose up from the fog as if he’d formed from it.

“Who’re you?” Jaden questioned the stranger.

“I am Titan, the Dark Duelist.” Titan introduced himself.

“What did you do to Alexis?!” Jaden felt a spark of anger ignite inside of him at seeing Alexis in the coffin propped up against the back wall of the chamber.

“I am the Dark Duelist that controls Shadow Games.” Titan ignore the teen’s question.

“Shadow Games?” Drake narrowed his eyes at the man. He didn’t sense any Monster Spirit with the man, so he didn’t have a Ka, nor was he possessed.

“You will face me, boy.” Titan pointed at Jaden before clenching his fist. “This is a forbidden realm that none may enter. I bring punishment down on those who break that oath.”

“Did you have something to do with the ones that went missing here?!” Jaden questioned seeing the large man activating what seemed to be a custom-made Duel Disk setup. He quickly activated his Battle City-style Duel Disk in response. Both Drake and Jaden had brought their private duel disks instead of their school-issued ones, just in case. No sense in giving themselves away by having past curfew Duels recorded. “Give Alexis back!”

“If you can beat me in a Shadow Game, I will, Jaden Yuki.” Titan replied to the angered teen.

“Bring it on!” Jaden nearly growled at the man as they stood across from each other. He looked over to Alexis’ unconscious form. ‘I’m going to get you out of this, Alexis, I promise.

“Duel!” Both Duelists declared as the match began. Drake narrowed his eyes at Titan. Something was amiss here and he was going to figure it out.

Jaden – 4,000

Titan – 4,000

“You challenged me, so I’ll go first.” Jaden stated as he drew a card for his turn. “I play the Spell Card E – Emergency Call which lets me add one Elemental Hero Monster from my Deck to my hand.” Jaden pulled out his Deck to find the Monster Card he wanted. “I’ll choose Elemental Hero Stratos!” He showed the card to his opponent as rules dictated and added it to his hand. “Now, I’ll summon Elemental Hero Solidman!” Jaden placed the Effect Monster on his Duel Disk. In a flash of light, the muscular shield-toting Hero appeared on the field.

Elemental Hero Solidman – EARTH – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1300 ATK/1100 DEF

“Solidman’s effect activates! When he’s normal summoned, I can then special summon any Level 4 or lower ‘Hero’ Monster from my hand.” He placed his choice onto the field quickly. “I special summon, Elemental Hero Stratos!” The new Hero appeared in a simulated gale of wind. The monster appeared to be male, decked out in a blue and white armored flight suit. His face was covered by a helmet with a mirrored visor and on his back were two large mechanical wings. Each other wings had a powerful turbine propeller in them to provide lift to the Hero and let him soar.

Elemental Hero Stratos – WIND – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1800 ATK/300 DEF

“Now that Stratos has been summoned, his effect activates!” Jaden was on a roll and wasn’t inclined to stop with Alexis at risk. “I also chain the Quick Play Spell called Mask Change!” He played the Spell Card by sliding it into his Duel Disk. A hologram of the card appeared on the field and Stratos glowed as a tornado formed around him. “Stratos goes to the graveyard and I special summon Masked Hero Divine Wind!” The tornado scattered with a howl as a new Hero emerged. A man in a spandex suit of green and white appeared with sparks of lightning around him. His head was covered by a helmet with two red ‘eyes’ on it and his actual eyes covered by a visor. A white cape billowed behind him in the simulated breeze as he looked across the field at Titan.

Masked Hero Divine Wind – WIND – Level 8 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2700 ATK/1900 DEF

“Now I can add one ‘Hero’ Monster from my Deck to my hand via Stratos’ effect!” Jaden once more pulled his Deck from his Duel Disk and picked out a Monster. “I choose Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!” He showed the Effect Monster to Titan before adding it to his hand. “Now I activate Polymerization!” He would’ve slammed the card onto the field if they were playing analogue or ‘old school’ on tabletop. “I fuse Elemental Hero Shadow Mist in my hand with the Elemental Hero Solidman on my field to special summon Elemental Hero Sunriser!” Jaden summoned his newest Fusion Monster with a glare at Titan. A blinding light appeared from the hologram of the Polymerization card as another new Hero appeared. Wearing mostly red armor with blue and gold accents, a full helmet with horns on either side and glowing green eyes within, the look was finished off by the flowing blue cape behind the Hero.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2500 ATK/1200 DEF

“Sunriser’s effect activates!” Jaden informed his opponent. “For every different Attribute I have on the field, my Monsters get an extra 200 ATK, and I count two. Both of his Heroes glowed as they were powered up.

Masked Hero Divine Wind – WIND – Level 8 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3100 ATK/1900 DEF

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2900 ATK/1200 DEF

“Impressive.” Titan drawled at seeing the two powerful Monsters summoned on the first turn. “It would seem Duel Academy lives up to its reputation.”

“I’m not done!” Jaden denied the ‘Dark Duelist’ his trash talk. “Because my Solidman was sent to the graveyard by the effect of a Spell card, I can activate his graveyard effect! That lets me special summon one ‘Hero’ monster from my graveyard in Defense Position except for Solidman himself.” He took the card that popped out of his graveyard and placed it back on the field. “Welcome back, Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!” The Hero monster appeared in a black mist, revealing all black armor on a lithe form, long blue hair emerged from a black helmet with a white face. From the hips hung a long white cloth both front and back.

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1000 ATK/1500 DEF

“Now I can chain Shadow Mist’s effect too!” Jaden informed Titan. “When Shadow Mist is special summoned, I can add one ‘Hero’ Monster from my Deck to my hand except another Shadow Mist.” He searched his Deck a third time and chose the Monster he wanted. “I’m choosing a second Elemental Hero Stratos!” He showed the card to Titan before adding it to his hand.

He glanced between the Stratos and Alexis. This was the one he’d gotten from her during their trade. He could tell, because while he took good care of his cards, his Stratos showed faint signs of wear from how much he’d played it. The one he’d gotten from Alexis was nearly pristine as she’d put it in her binder and never used it.

“One last thing,” Jaden shot another glare at Titan. “Now that I have three Attributes on the field, all of my Monsters gain another 200 ATK.”

Masked Hero Divine Wind – WIND – Level 8 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3300 ATK/1900 DEF

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3100 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1600 ATK/1500 DEF

“With that, I’ll end my turn.” Jaden finished and the turn shifted over.

“How will you deal with that, Mr. Dark Duelist?” Drake muttered under his breath. His eyes scanned the cavern again. Something was off and the feeling was growing stronger. Hopefully Jaden wrapped this up soon.

“I’ll draw.” Titan drew for his turn and looked over his hand. “I’ll start by playing the Spell card Foolish Burial.” He set the card into his Duel Disk and it appeared on the field. The green card depicted a hand and forearm emerging from a freshly filled grave with a shovel clasped in hand. “This allows me to send one Monster from my Deck to the graveyard. He pulled his Deck out and went through it quickly. “I send my Archfiend Heiress to the graveyard.” Titan put the card into the grave. “Her effect activates now that she’s in the graveyard and it allows me to add one ‘Archfiend’ card from my Deck to my hand, except Archfiend Heiress.” He pulled his Deck out again and went through it.

“An Archfiend Deck, huh?” Jaden grimaced at the Archetype. It was known for graveyard effects and recursion of Monsters from the graveyard. They had a downside without their Field Spell, but a skilled player could get around that.

“I’ll choose my Archfiend General.” Titan showed Jaden the Effect Monster. “But he won’t be around for long. I activate his effect from the hand. I can send him to the graveyard to search my Deck for a ‘Pandemonium’ Field Spell card.” The trench coat-wearing man grinned as he slid the card he’d just searched into the graveyard and pulled his Deck from his Duel Disk again. He pulled out the Field Spell and showed it to Jaden before adding it to his hand. “Now for something that you might not expect.” Titan pulled a card from his hand with a grin. “I activate the effect of my Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss! As long as I control no Spell or Trap cards, I can special summon him to the field. I’ll choose Defense Position.” He placed the monster face-up on the field.

A scorching wave of flame spread across the field for a moment as the fiend appeared. It was a winged-demon with leathery skin, long knife-like claws, wearing a steel helmet with horns and a mane of white hair escaped from the back. It gave off a growling roar before assuming a defensive stance.

Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss – DARK – Level 3 – Fiend/Effect – 800 ATK/2000 DEF

“Now, I’ll activate my Pandemonium Field Spell.” Titan placed the Spell card into his Duel Disk and the surrounding changed. The entire cavern became a scene out of hell. Twisted formations of rock and bone emerged from the floor and walls while a red hue overtook everything. “Let’s bring out another Monster while I’m at it.” He grinned and placed another Monster on the field as his normal summon. “I summon Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror using his effect!”

A titanic being emerged from the ground, dwarfing all of the other Monsters on the field. It’s helmeted head nearly scraping the top of the cavern. It sat on a dark purple throne made of rock, metal, and bones. It was completely clad in similar dark purple armor, made of metal and bone, in its hand was a massive sword with a red blade. The burning red eyes of the fiend looked down upon the field with nothing but hatred.

Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror – DARK – Level 8 – Fiend/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

“By using his effect to summon him without tribute, his ATK and DEF are halved and he goes to the graveyard during the End Phase, so he won’t be around long.” Titan mocked Jaden, thinking he was rattling the teen. “But that’ll be more than enough.”

Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror – DARK – Level 8 – Fiend/Effect – 1500 ATK/1000 DEF

“Unfortunately, Scarm’s effect destroys him if there are any Monsters aside from ‘Burning Abyss’ Monsters on my field. So, he’ll be sent to the graveyard.” The fiend roared before exploding into flames. “Now I think I’ll activate my Archfiend Emperor’s secondary effect! By banishing an ‘Archfiend’ Monster from my graveyard, I can destroy one Monster on the field. And would you look at that, I have a few already.” Titan chuckled as he removed one of his Monsters from the graveyard and put it into the ‘banished’ slot on his Duel Disk. “I’ll destroy your Masked Hero Divine Wind!” He pointed at the strongest Hero on the field.

“Raaarrrgh!” The Archfiend Emperor bellowed out before Divine Wind was immolated in black flames and vanished from the field.

“Damn…” Jaden grimaced as he moved his Monster to the graveyard. With one last Attribute on the field, his Heroes ATK would go down.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2900 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1400 ATK/1500 DEF

“I’ll enter End Phase.” Titan declared and the titanic Archfiend Emperor exploded into black flames as it was sent to the graveyard by its own effect. “Now that my Archfiend Emperor has been sent to the graveyard outside of battle, Pandemonium activates and allows me to add one ‘Archfiend’ Monster to my hand, as long as it’s a lower level than the one that was destroyed!” He pulled his Deck out and searched it before choosing the Monster he wanted. “I’ll choose my Archfiend Commander.” He showed the Effect Monster to Jaden and then added it to his hand. “With that, I’ll end my turn.”

“I’ll draw!” Jaden pulled his next card and thought about what he wanted to do. Titan’s field was empty aside from his Pandemonium Field Spell. ‘I have enough ATK to finish him if I switch Shadow Mist to Attack Position.’ Deciding to make sure instead of assuming, Alexis was still in the coffin off to the side, he chose his play. “I’ll summon Elemental Hero Stratos!” He set the Monster on the field and in another simulated gale his new Stratos appeared. “With three Attributes back on the field, all of my Heroes are powered up!”

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3100 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1600 ATK/1500 DEF

Elemental Hero Stratos – WIND – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 2400 ATK/300 DEF

“Because I summoned Stratos, I can activate one of his effects!” Jaden declared as he pointed at the center of the Pandemonium Field Spell. “So, I’ll use Stratos’ effect to destroy as many Spell or Trap cards you control that’re equal to the number of Heroes that I control!”

“I chain the effect of my Dark Spirit of the Malice!” Titan countered as he held up an Effect Monster from his hand. “Whenever you activate a card or effect, I can send Dark Spirit of the Malice to the graveyard and then special summon a Level 8 Fiend Type Monster from my graveyard to the field!”

“Ah, shit!” Jaden let the curse slip out as he knew what Titan was bringing back.

“I send Dark Spirit of the Malice to the graveyard and special summon Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror!” He placed the Monster from his hand into the graveyard and pulled out the Archfiend before placing it on the field in Attack Position.

Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror – DARK – Level 8 – Fiend/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

“Stratos’ effect now resolves!” Jaden finished as Stratos’ turbine propellers whirred loudly before blasting twin cyclones at the Field Spell. The area shattered and disappeared as Titan placed the Spell card into his graveyard. Now, if he summoned more Archfiends, he’d have to pay their upkeep cost every Standby Phase. “I activate Monster Reborn!” Jaden placed the Spell card into his Duel Disk. The hologram appeared on the field as Jaden picked out which Monster that he wanted. “I special summon my Elemental Hero Solidman from the graveyard, in Defense Position!” In a flash of bright light, the silver shield-wielding Hero returned to the field and placed both of his shields in front of him.

Elemental Hero Solidman – EARTH – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1300 ATK/1100 DEF

“With another Attribute comes another powerup!” Jaden announced as all four of his Heroes glowed.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3300 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1800 ATK/1500 DEF

Elemental Hero Stratos – WIND – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 2600 ATK/300 DEF

Elemental Hero Solidman – EARTH – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 2100 ATK/1100 DEF

“I enter Battle Phase!” Jaden declared as he pointed at the Archfiend Emperor. “Sunriser, take him out!” The red armored Hero leapt up towards the titanic Monster’s face and blasted him with a ball of immensely bright light, shattering the fiend into particles.

Jaden – 4,000

Titan – 3,700

“Nrgh…” Titan grit his teeth at seeing his Monster destroyed. The powered up Stratos would take more than half his Life Points if he didn’t do something. ‘Thankfully, I do have something.’ He eyed a specific card in his hand.

“Stratos attacks you directly!” Jaden declared his next attack.

“I activate the effect of my Dark Spirit of the Denial!” Titan countered as he held up a Monster card from his hand. “When my opponent’s Monster attacks, I can send this Monster to the graveyard to special summon one Level 8 Fiend Type Monster to the field and change the attack target to it!”

“Damn it.” Jaden couldn’t have known about the card in his opponent’s hand, but he still felt stupid for walking into it. Alexis was counting on him to defeat this guy!

“I special summon Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror!” Titan declared with a wicked smile. He put the Monster from his hand into the graveyard and pulled out the Archfiend Emperor again. The immense Monster reappeared on the field again in a towering column of accursed black flames.

Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror – DARK – Level 8 – Fiend/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

Stratos couldn’t stop its attack, since the Dark Spirit of the Denial’s effect forced the attack target to switch. The Hero flew at the massive Archfiend only to be shredded by the gargantuan red-bladed sword the Archfiend Emperor swung at him.

Jaden – 3,600

Titan – 3,700

“I end my turn.” Jaden watched as his Heroes all lost 200 ATK with Stratos gone.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3100 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1600 ATK/1500 DEF

Elemental Hero Solidman – EARTH – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1900 ATK/1100 DEF

“Then I draw.” Titan drew his next card. “What’s the matter, boy? Does seeing the girl like that distract you?” The man in all black mocked and with a motion of his hand the coffin closed and was obscured in fog. “Let’s get rid of your distraction, shall we?”

“ALEXIS!!!” Jaden roared out as the coffin appeared to vanish.

“This is the consequences of a Shadow Game, Jaden Yuki. To lose everything with every Life Point you lose!” Titan held up his golden pyramid-shaped object as it glowed. “You’ll lose pieces of yourself with every loss of Life Points…you can see it already happening!” He motioned towards Jaden vaguely.

“What?” Jaden looked at Titan like he was nuts. Looking down at himself he saw nothing wrong.

What is that guy going on about? He’s not invoking any Shadow Magic from what I can tell. But the feeling is still building up regardless. What’s going on with this situation?’ Drake couldn’t figure out the disconnect between the lack of Shadow Magic being used and the building feeling of the same Magic. ‘Wait a minute…’ He took in Titan’s form again, the odd custom-made Duel Disk, the glowing Millennium Puzzle knock-off, and the constant fog spilling everywhere. “You Stage Magician fraud!” He decried the scam once it finally clicked. “Shadow Game, my ass! It’s all smoke and mirrors with you!”

“What?!” Titan nearly dropped the golden pyramid he was holding.

“Where’s the fog machines?!” Drake demanded with a glare at the man. “That glowing knock-off isn’t convincing either!”

“Wait, so he’s just been faking it this whole time?” Jaden looked between Drake and Titan. “Is that why I didn’t feel anything from all the weirdness going on?”

“It’s all stage tricks.” Drake confirmed and Titan backed up a step from the two teens. “Something is going on, but he’s certainly no Shadow Duelist!”

“That…that’s not true!” Titan denied the accusations, but even a child would’ve picked up on the unease that had crept into his voice.

“Hey! Let me out!” Alexis’ muffled voice could be heard, along with the repeated sound of wood being hit over and over again.

“Alexis!” Jaden smiled brightly at hearing her voice. “You fake!” He glared daggers at Titan.

“Move!” Alexis strained against the box she was in before the heavy lid finally moved. She nearly fell out of the propped up coffin-like prop and stumbled as her feet hit the ground. “What the hell is going on?” The Queen of Obelisk Blue demanded as he waved her hand to clear away some of the fog. “Jaden? Drake?” She looked between the two before her eyes fell on the man that had grabbed her.

“Shit…” Titan seemed to realize how much trouble he was in with three witnesses to his criminal actions. He was clearly looking for a way out of the chamber as he backed up another step.

That’s when it happened.

Drake’s eyes widened as he felt a pulse beneath his feet. The fog from the machines was unnaturally blown away. The strange, disjointed symbols on the floor began to glow. What he’d thought were merely statues around the perimeter of the cavern had yellow light glow within their snake-like jaws. Each snake statute fired a beam that met the others in the center of the formation of symbols on the floor. A wadjet, also known as the Eye of Horus, appeared where the lights met, glowing a brilliant gold.

“Shit!” Drake cursed loudly. He recognized what this chamber had been made into now! It was a damned Ritual Dueling Chamber like the pictures he’d seen from his father’s notes! The Shadow Magic and the Monster Spirits that the missing students had inadvertently summoned had been hiding within the symbols this whole time! They’d just been waiting for a duel to take place again so they could reach out to the Duelists as they battled against each other. “Get out of the circle!”

“What?!” Jaden was still stunned by what was happening.

“What is this?!” Titan cried out as he dropped his fake Millennium Puzzle to the ground.

“Jaden!” Alexis called out to her friend that had clearly been Dueling her abductor to try and save her.

Black smoke spiraled out of the center of the circle and encompassed the chamber. The smoke turned darker and darker, becoming black as pitch while sparks of lightning could be seen within. All four of them felt the shift as the shadows settled and physically took hold of the space. They were trapped in a pocket space of the Shadow Realm now. The only way to get out was to survive the game.

“What, what is this?” Titan looked around in terror.

“Jaden! Drake! What’s going on?!” Alexis questioned in confusion and panic. This wasn’t right…this whole place just felt wrong.

A strange sound began, like a cross between the sounds of beasts and the moaning of the dying. Strange creatures began to emerged from the shadows. They were semi-formed, like half-finished clay sculptures as they flailed and moved over each other like a wave. Quite a few of them looked like Token Monsters that could be summoned from card effects. The strange monsters quickly surrounded Titan as the man panicked and wailed.

“Get off! Stay away!” Titan tried to throw the spirits off of him, but they covered him like tar, sticking to him and swallowing him up.

“Kuri kuri!” Winged Kuriboh materialized in front of Jaden, giving off its version of a battle cry.

“Winged Kuriboh?!” Jaden blinked at seeing his Ka manifest itself fully without him doing anything.

“Kuri!” Winged Kuriboh cried out as it flew at the slimy gray creatures that were surrounding Jaden’s feet.

“Hhhlllggghhhlllnnn.” The creatures fled from the Ka in a rush, leaving the area around Jaden clear.

“What are these things?!” Alexis cried out as some of the gray forms stuck to her feet. She smacked at one, only to find her hand surrounded by its semi-solid form. “Get off!” Alexis tried to pry the creature off of her hand, but more of them landed on her. “No! Get away!” The blonde struggled against the slime-like spirits.

“Kuriboh, save her!” Jaden ordered his Ka and Kuriboh looked between his Master and the girl. As Jaden’s Ka, the boy’s life superseded all others, but he was being directly ordered to stop protecting Jaden to help the girl.

“Jaden?” Alexis looked towards him in confusion and some small bit of hope. Already her legs were covered and her arms and torso were halfway consumed.

“RED-EYES!!!” Drake bellowed and with a shrieking roar his Ka manifested. The slime-like spirits shot away from Drake like bullets. The Red-Eyes Black Dragon let smoke billow from its mouth as it dared any of the half-formed spirits to attack its Master. “Jaden, you’ll be consumed if Kuriboh stops protecting you!” Drake was already moving.

“I’m not leaving Alexis to those things!” Jaden shot back automatically, clearly no concern for his own wellbeing in this crazy situation.

“Then I’ll watch over her for you!” Drake declared to his student in Shadow Magic. He sent Red-Eyes soaring ahead of him and to Alexis. The black dragon’s roar sent the gray spirits fleeing back into the shadows. With a thud, Red-Eyes landed behind Alexis and stood protectively over her. Drake was next to them only a few moments later, his Ba surrounding him like an aura and scattering the slime-like spirits that tried to land on him.

“Drake…what the fuck is going on?” Alexis looked desperate for an answer to the unnaturalness she was experiencing.

“I’ll try and explain later.” Drake replied with a glance in her direction before he turned to face Jaden. “Jaden! You have to win the Duel to get us out of here! This is a Ritual Dueling Chamber! The rite demands there be a victor!”

“Yes…” Titan spoke, but not in his own voice. The man still had several of the gray spirits clinging to his body, but his eyes glowed a malevolent red. Around him a pool of the spirits writhed and roiled, as if they were waiting for something. “We shall continue the Duel.” Whatever had taken over Titan spoke through the man.

“What the hell are you?” Jaden questioned, but whatever it was refused to answer.

“I draw,” Titan spoke in another’s voice as he drew a card. “I play the Spell card Allure of Darkness.” The green card appeared on the field, depicting a black void with a Deck of Duel Monsters cards in the center, glowing with a dark-blue light. “I draw two cards,” The possessed man drew two more cards. “I banish Archfiend Heiress for cost.” The Effect Monster was placed into the banished slot of the Duel Disk. “I summon Archfiend Cavalry in Attack Position.” The card was placed on the Duel Disk.

From the writhing shadows a demonic knight in red armor appeared on horseback. The large lance it had appeared to be made of bone that was carved into a frill-like shape. The horse it rode upon was covered in maroon armor and was a deathly blue color. Its eyes glowed with an eerie ethereal light as it came to a stop on the field.

Archfiend Cavalry – DARK – Level 4 – Fiend/Effect – 1900 ATK/0 DEF

“I special summon Archfiend Commander via its effect.” The possessed Titan declared and set the Archfiend Monster on the field.

Once more, from the shadows surrounding them the demonic being walked forth. It was mostly a dark pink color, its flesh striated in odd ways. Its forearms, shins, and shoulders were covered in bone-like armor covered in spikes. On its head were two large horns and its eyes glowed a baleful blue color.

Archfiend Commander – DARK – Level 6 – Fiend/Effect – 2500 ATK/1200 DEF

“I destroy Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horrors for cost.” Titan’s possessed body declared. The towering Archfiend Emperor cried out as it exploded into ash and dust before it disappeared. “I chain the Dark Spirit of the Denial and the Dark Spirit of the Malice with their graveyard effects.” The possessing spirit pulled the first Effect Monster from his graveyard and put it into his hand. “Since a Level 8 Fiend Type Monster was sent to my graveyard outside of the damage step, I can recall both Dark Spirit of the Malice and Dark Spirit of the Denial to my hand.” The spirit possessed body explained as it placed the second Effect Monster into its hand. “I enter Battle Phase and have Archfiend Cavalry attack Elemental Hero Shadow Mist.”

“I activate Sunriser’s effect!” Jaden countered as Sunriser glowed. “Whenever an attack is declared involving another ‘Hero’ Monster I control, I can target one card on the field and destroy it! I choose your Archfiend Commander!”

“I activate the Dark Spirit of the Malice’s effect from my hand.” The possessed Titan discarded the Monster to the graveyard. “When you activate a card or an effect, I can send the Dark Spirit of the Malice to the graveyard to special summon one Level 8 Fiend Type Monster to the field, but its effects are negated.” The man pulled a familiar card from his graveyard again. “I special Summon Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horrors.” Another eruption of accursed black fire filled the area as the towering Monster and his throne reappeared on the field.

Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror – DARK – Level 8 – Fiend/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

Sunriser’s effect resolved next as the Hero Monster blasted the Archfiend Commander into dust. Then the Archfiend Cavalry could attack and destroy Shadow Mist. The black-clad Hero bursting apart into actual blood and gore before it disappeared entirely. With Shadow Mist gone another Attribute was lost and the power of Jaden’s Heroes decreased again.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2900 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Solidman – EARTH – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1700 ATK/1100 DEF

“Elemental Hero Shadow Mist’s effect activates now that its in the graveyard!” Jaden informed the being controlling Titan. “I can take one ‘Hero’ Monster from my Deck and add it to my hand!” He searched his Deck and found the one he thought would be the most help. “I choose Elemental Hero Blazeman!” He showed the Monster to his opponent, whatever it was, before adding it to his hand.

“It is still my Battle Phase.” The possessed Titan reminded before pointing at Sunriser. “Archfiend Emperor attacks Sunriser.”

“Raaarrrggghhh!” The towering monster hefted its gargantuan sword before slashing straight through Sunriser in a spray of blood of bone that vanished a second later.

Jaden – 3,500

Titan – 3,700

“I end my turn.” The possessing spirit passed the turn back to Jaden.

“I draw!” Jaden drew for his turn and grinned at what he got, but would save it for when he needed it. “I summon Elemental Hero Blazeman in Attack Position!” He placed the Monster on the field. In a flash of intense flames, the Hero appeared. Blazeman looked much like a Sentai Ranger from TV, with a spandex suit that was white and black, red armor over his chest, a matching red helmet that covered his face with white accents, and flames emerging from the back as he took a fighting stance.

Elemental Hero Blazeman – FIRE – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1200 ATK/1800 DEF

“Blazeman’s effect activates! I can add one Polymerization Spell card from my Deck to my hand!” Jaden searched for the spell before returning his Deck to his Duel Disk to be auto-shuffled. “I activate Polymerization and send the Elemental Woodsman in my hand, the Elemental Hero Solidman and Elemental Hero Blazeman on the field to the graveyard to special summon Elemental Hero Core!”

From the swirling vortex of the Polymerization card another new Hero emerged. He was decked out in a mostly white suit that was covered in white armor. The armor had orange orbs at multiple points on it. One on each pauldron, one over each knee, one on the back of each hand, one on top of the helmet, and the largest in the center of the chest. All of the orbs were connected by lines of the same color and the armor gave the Hero an overall robotic look.

Elemental Hero Core – EARTH – Level 9 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2700 ATK/2200 DEF

“Since Elemental Hero Solidman was sent to the graveyard by a Spell card, his effect activates and allows me to special summon another ‘Hero’ Monster in Defense Position from my graveyard.” He took the Hero he wanted out of the graveyard with a smile and placed it on the field. “I special summon Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!” The black-clad Hero reappeared from the shadows that surrounded them without a sound.

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1000 ATK/1500 DEF

“Since Elemental Hero Shadow Mist was special summoned, I can activate its effect too!” Jaden pulled his Deck from his Duel Disk again. “It allows me to take a ‘Change’ Quick Play spell from my Deck to my hand!” He pulled out the Spell card and showed it to the spirit possessing Titan. “Now I enter Battle Phase and have Elemental Hero Core destroy your Archfiend Cavalry!”

“Hyah!” Core blitzed the demonic knight and blasted straight through both horse and rider with a single powerful kick.

Jaden – 3,500

Titan – 2,900

“Now Core’s after battle effect activates!” Jaden pointed at the towering figure of the Archfiend Emperor. “If Core battles, after the Battle Phase I can target one Monster on the field and destroy it! I choose your Archfiend Emperor!”

“Nnnnnrrrraaaggghh!” The colossal fiend roared out as it exploded into ash and dust.

“I activate the graveyard effect of the Dark Spirit of the Malice and return it to my hand.” Titan’s possessed body spoke as it put the Effect Monster back into its hand.

“I end my turn.” Jaden passed the turn to the spirit, or whatever it was, and waited for what it would do.

“I draw,” The being spoke and drew a card. After looking over the cards for a moment the spirit did something surprising. “There’s nothing I can do…I pass the turn.” The turn was passed back to Jaden leaving the possessed Titan’s field completely empty.

“I draw,” Jaden narrowed his eyes at the spirit, he had a feeling that it was up to something. “I switch Shadow Mist into Attack Position.” The silent Hero took up a ready stance. “I enter Battle Phase and attack with Elemental Hero Core!” The Hero leapt forward to attack.

“I activate Dark Spirit of the Denial’s effect from my hand.” The possessed Titan declared, showing the Monster to Jaden before putting it into the graveyard. “When you attack, at the start of the Damage Step, I can target one Level 8 Fiend Type Monster in my graveyard and special summon it to the field, though its effects will be negated.”

“Just stay dead already.” Drake tsked at the Fiend Deck’s power of recursion. Red-Eyes hissed as they all knew what was coming again. Alexis had barely blinked since being protected by the black dragon. Her entire focus was on Jaden and the Duel.

“I special summon Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror.” The spirit pulled the card out of the graveyard once more and placed it on the field. The gargantuan demon and his throne reappeared from the shadows with a rumble.

Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror – DARK – Level 8 – Fiend/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

“Under the effect of Dark Spirit of the Denial, your Elemental Hero Core must attack Archfiend Emperor.” The giant fiend swung his equally immense sword through the attacking Hero and splattered him across the darkness. The Hero’s remains vanished a second later.

Jaden – 3,200

Titan – 2,900

“Geez, your Fiends are worse about coming back from the graveyard than Zombies!” Jaden huffed out as he stared up at the behemoth of a Fiend. “But Elemental Hero Core also has a graveyard effect!” He revealed with a smirk. “When Elemental Hero Core is destroyed by battle or card effect, I can target one Level 8 or lower ‘Elemental Hero’ Fusion Monster in my graveyard and special summon it, ignoring its normal summoning conditions. I choose Elemental Hero Sunriser!” He took the Hero Fusion from his graveyard and placed it on the field in attack position. The red armored Hero appeared in a bright flash of light and landed nimbly on the shadowy ground next to Shadow Mist.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2500 ATK/1200 DEF

“Sunriser’s effect also activates and for each Attribute on the field, all Monsters on my field get 200 ATK boost!”

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2900 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – DARK – Level 4 – Warrior/Effect – 1400 ATK/1500 DEF

“And just in case, I’ll activate Sunriser’s effect to search out a copy of Miracle Fusion and add it to my hand!” Jaden was going all in this time! He searched his Deck and took the Spell card into his hand quickly. “I enter Battle Phase! I attack Archfiend Emperor with Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!”

“Huh?” Alexis’ golden eyes widened at the move.

“Upon attack declaration involving another ‘Hero’ Monster I control, I activate my Sunriser’s effect.” Jaden grinned widely. “I can target one card on the field and destroy it!” He pointed at the Archfiend Emperor one last time. “I choose your Archfiend Emperor!” Sunriser took off and unleashed an immense beam of light to vaporize the Fiend from the field.

“I activate Dark Spirit of the Denial’s effect from the graveyard to return it to my hand.” The being possessing Titan spoke and pulled the Effect Monster out of the graveyard and back to his hand.

“That’s fine, because now my Shadow Mist’s attack goes through!” Jaden punched his fist forward. Shadow Mist vanished only to reappear striking Titan in the chest. The large man barely reacted expect for stumbling backwards from the hit.

Jaden – 3,200

Titan – 1,500

“Now I attack you directly with Sunriser for game!” He sent his newest Hero forward for the final blow. A blast of light engulfed Titan and sent him sprawling.

Jaden – 3,200

Titan – 0

“He won!” Alexis couldn’t have sounded more relieved if she tried. A bright beaming smile was on her face as she looked at Jaden.

“About time that damn fiend stayed dead.” Drake exhaled heavily.

“Ugh…” Titan groaned as a wispy black smoke escaped him and he collapsed. The rest of the gray sludge-like spirits quickly surrounded and engulfed him before sinking into the shadows.

“What the? Where did he go?” Jaden blinked at the vanished man.

“He lost the Shadow Game…his penalty is being consumed in the shadows.” Drake spoke up as he and Alexis moved over to Jaden. “We need to leave, but I’m going to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

“Kuri kuri!” Winged Kuriboh fluttered around their heads and then pointed to a hole in the shadows that was emitting a faint light.

“Is that the way out, buddy?” Jaden questioned and got a nod from the flying puff ball. Alexis and Jaden headed for the tear in the shadows and slipped through. The two found themselves back in the underground chamber and when they turned around a thick ball of shadows was all they saw.

“Red-Eyes…burn them all away.” Drake glared at the writhing mass of gray slime-like spirits. “Make sure none are left to every do this again.”

“RRRRRIIIIIIIIHHHHHH!!!” Red-Eyes Black Dragon roared out before its infamous orange ‘Inferno Fire Blast’ formed in its jaws and was launched into the mass of dark spirits. The goop was incinerated instantly and another fireball was launched into the mass, and then another, and another, more and more until not a single trace of the little monsters was left among the shadows. Drake leapt through the tear in space just as the hold the Shadow Realm had on the physical world slipped. Red-Eyes slipping back into his Deck box as a black and red orb a second later.

“Grab onto something!” Drake warned as the sphere of shadows destabilized. He followed his own advice by grabbing onto one of the snake-like statues. Jaden and Alexis copied him as the void of the Shadow Realm collapsed in on itself with a powerful suction. With a snap, the shadows disappeared entirely and the last of the Magic faded away.

If anyone had inspected the markings on the floor or the mouths of the statues, they’d notice that the stone had been scorched and partially melted, as if by some immense heat. Red-Eyes’ attacks had wiped out the multitudes of slime-like spirits, and that had translated over to the physical mediums that they’d been hiding in. This Ritual Chamber was now ruined. It wouldn’t be able to be used again without being completely rebuilt.

“Let’s not do that again, okay?” Drake looked at Jaden and then Alexis.

“I have so many questions.” Alexis looked at Jaden for a long moment before her eyes turned to Drake.

“We should probably leave before we try to explain things, right?” Jaden suggested, getting nods form Alexis and Drake. The three teens made their way back into the abandoned dorm proper and walked towards the front doors.

“Why do I suddenly feel so tired?” Alexis pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Shadow Realm exposure is a drain on the mind and soul.” Drake answered simply, saving deeper explanations for later.

“Why aren’t you two drained then?” Alexis nearly yawned. “You both were in there as long as I was. Jaden even Dueled the whole time.”

“Because we have protection.” Drake looked at her for a moment and Alexis recalled the Red-Eyes that he’d summoned to protect both of them. She turned her gaze to Jaden for a moment as she recalled that he’d nearly given up his only protection to try and save her from the shadows.

“Hey, Alexis, maybe you should take this?” Jaden had dashed over to the wall in the common area and picked up the picture of Atticus Rhodes. He held it out to the Obelisk Blue girl with a smile.

“Atticus…” Alexis gently took the photo of her brother into her hands. A smile made its way to her lips as she saw that familiar cocksure smile on her older brother’s face. He’d always been like that, so carefree and yet so reliable. “Thank you, Jaden.” Alexis smiled warmly at him for thinking of grabbing what was probably the last picture that had been taken of her brother before he vanished.

‘No problem.” Jaden returned her smile and the three teens walked out the broken doors.

None of them expected to be met with a bright camera flash. With spots in their eyes, they couldn’t tell who had taken the picture at first. At least not until they spoke.

“Got you both, you Slifer…slackers…Miss Rhodes, what are you doing here?!” Crowler cried out in alarm at seeing one of his top Obelisks breaking an expulsion level rule.

“Stop right there!” A woman called out loudly as dozens of uniformed people surrounded the area. “Campus Security! You three are coming with us!”

“Well…fuck.” Drake lamented as he saw just how serious the Academy was about the ‘No Trespassing’ rule for the abandoned dorm.

“Yeah…” Jaden exhaled heavily.

“Damn.” Alexis sighed as she saw the number of Campus Security. She was way too tired to deal with this right now.

-End Chapter-


Well, Titan was taken down, and taken by the shadows. You don’t fuck with Shadow Games!

Alexis was awake to see what happened this time around. She has many, many questions for Jaden and Drake.

Unfortunately, that all has to wait as all three were found coming out of the abandoned dorm by both Crowler and Campus Security.

Punishment is sure to follow.

Are the three Duelists going to be expelled before the first Promotional Exams of the year?!

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Will drake have some spot light soon?


He'll have his moments throughout the story. Things are already changing, so there will be plenty of time for many characters to have their moments.


So I've spent the past week binging most of your stuff from fanfiction, and this story and the one piece one are those i enjoy the most. Kinda wonder if jadens winged kuriboh will evolve, but with how finicky the lvl w.kuris are to use i doubt they will fit into his deck


Glad you enjoy the stories! In regards to Kuriboh, he won't evolve, not because Jaden doesn't get stronger or anything, but because of how Ba and Ka work. Forming your Ka from your Ba means that the Monster Spirit you create will grow stronger as you do. Bonding with an already existing Spirit doesn't allow for that, but on the flipside, it does allow that newly bonded Spirit to grow in overall power faster. This is because it isn't diverting any energy to growth and evolution, but solely to getting stronger.