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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! The time has come! Natsu vs Gajeel! Magma Dragon Slayer vs Iron Dragon Slayer! Which Dragon will reign supreme? Phantom Lord is definitely going to be down a Guild Hall, huh?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 29 – Magma Dragon vs Iron Dragon

“Rrrrrrrggghhh…” Natsu growled at Gajeel as the two glared at each other.

“Rrrrrrrggghhh…” Gajeel growled right back at the other Dragon Slayer.

In a blink the two had rocketed across the space between them. Fist met fist and a shockwave blasted across the room. The remaining Phantom Lord Mages cried out in terror at the force produced by a simple punch. Gajeel lashed out with a right kick and Natsu raised his leg to block. A left hook from Natsu guarded against by Gajeel right arm. The two Dragon slayers slammed their foreheads together with snarls. The force produced another shockwave through the massive room.

“I can’t even keep up!” One of the Phantom Lord members gaped at only seeing blurs as the two Dragon Slayers fought.

“Are they even using Magic?” Another Mage questioned since none of them had seen a spell fly yet.

“Fly!” Gajeel roared out and threw Natsu towards the opposite wall. Natsu flipped in the air and landed feet first, shattering the stone wall on impact.

“Gajeel!” Natsu launched himself at the Iron Dragon Slayer. Gajeel leapt away and Natsu’s fists shattered the stone floor where he’d been standing. “Get back here!” He rushed at the red-eyed Mage.

“You think I’m running from you?!” Gajeel mocked as he set his stance and blocked Natsu’s fist. A counter to the stomach landed the first blow of the fight. Gajeel grinned viciously as he headbutted his pink-haired opponent.

“Rah!” Natsu’s knee rocketed upwards into Gajeel’s stomach. The metal-studded man hacked from having the air forcefully driven from him. He was given no reprieve as Natsu slammed a left cross into his jaw and sent him staggering to the side. The stone floor cracked as Natsu launched himself at Gajeel and tackled the other Dragon Slayer into the wall. The reinforced stone and masonry cracked from the impact, falling away to reveal the steel framework beneath.

“Grah!” Gajeel slammed his elbow into Natsu’s back and then kicked him away. The Magma Dragon tore up more of the stone floor as he dug his fingers into the rock to stop his movement.

“Th-This can’t be real…” A Phantom Lord Mage dropped onto his ass when his legs gave out beneath him. Sure, everyone in Phantom Lord knew that Gajeel was strong. He was an S-Class Mage after all. But no one in the Guild, barring a select few, had ever seen the Iron Dragon Slayer fight for real.

“You guys should leave,” Happy spoke up from where he was sitting on the bar top nearby. The few remaining Phantom Lord Mages blinked at seeing the talking blue cat. None of them had noticed when the creature had arrived or how long he’d been there. “It’s dangerous here.”

“What the hell are you?” One Mage pointed at Happy in confusion.

“We can’t just leave; Master Jose gave us orders.” A different man shook his head.

“Are you with Fairy Tail?” The man on the floor questioned the cat.

“Are we done with the warm-up?” Natsu stood up straight with a few scuff marks on him.

“Why not?” Gajeel had a dark grin on his face. “Let’s go, Salamander!”

Both Dragon Slayers released their magic power and the entire building shook. Gajeel glowed with a green aura as his metal claws lengthened slightly. His body was covered with a grid-like pattern that quickly sprouted into literal steel scales like an Iron Dragon. Natsu was likewise covered in lava as his body took on the burning hot scales of a Magma Dragon. The pink-haired Mage’s body looking like a lava bed with black scales and a fiery orange glow between them.

“Th-They weren’t even serious yet?”

“That was all just testing each other?!”

“Magma Dragon’s…!” Natsu inhaled deeply.

“Iron Dragon’s…!” Gajeel copied his movement as he drew in as much air as possible.

“Oh boy…” Happy slipped behind the bar, just peeking over the top to keep an eye on the fight.

“Get down!” One Phantom Lord Mage yelled as they all dived to the floor.

ROAR!!!” Both Natsu and Gajeel threw their heads forward as they launched their breath attacks. A raging torrent of lava launched from Natsu’s mouth. A whirlwind of razor-sharp metal tore through the air from Gajeel’s maw. The two spells slammed into each other with force and the large room shattered. The floor cracked apart, the walls broke, revealing that even the steel frame was starting to bend from the force, even parts of the ceiling fell to the floor.

“Gehehe…looks like iron beats lava.” Gajeel mocked as he swiped his arm, scattering the molten rock on his body and surrounding him. His steel scales were blackened in some areas, and his body was letting off wisps of smoke, but he seemed fine over all. “I could bathe in your lava all day and not have to worry.” Natsu had several of Gajeel’s blades stuck into his body. “But look at you, torn to shreds by the iron blades of my breath.” He smirked at the other Dragon Slayer.

“Huh?” Natsu’s one word question was followed by revealing that all of the iron blades hadn’t pierced his skin, just the lava scales. The melted blades fell from Natsu’s body as slag onto the broken stone floor. A split-second later and the steel scales on Gajeel’s face cracked as a trickle of blood began to flow. “The power of a Magma Dragon destroys everything in its path!” Flames leapt from the lava scales all over Natsu’s body. “You better come at me with everything you’ve got, Black Steel…or I’ll shatter you into pieces!” He growled at the Iron Dragon Slayer.

“Big talk, trash!” Gajeel spat back as a green glow enveloped the damaged scales. Everyone watched as the steel scales repaired themselves back to perfect condition. “A little crack and you think you’ve accomplished something. I can repair my scales as long as I have magic power, dumbass!”

The two Dragon Slayers were quickly fighting up close and personal again. Fist met face, leg met leg, a headbutt was returned with another headbutt. It was all a blur to the panicking Phantom Lord Mages. Natsu drove his lava-coated fists into Gajeel’s torso over and over again. The steel scales were holding up, greatly reducing the damage that Gajeel was taking, but they were quickly scorched and blackened by the immense heat. The Iron Dragon Slayer wasn’t idle in this brawl. His sharp claws tore across the burning hot lava scales, sending molten rock flying through the air. Every punch, kick, knee, elbow, and counter slammed into Natsu with enough force to whip up a gale. Sparks of light could be seen as the two Dragon Slayers fought against each other.

“Iron Dragon’s Club!” Gajeel launched a spell as his arm transformed into a metal club and slammed into Natsu. The club lengthened rapidly sending Natsu skidding backwards along the floor. “Huh?” Gajeel growled as Natsu grabbed the extended club and then swung him into the nearest wall. He quickly let go of the spell and the metal retracted into his arm again.

“Magma Dragon’s Talon!” Natsu leapt into the air and fell like a meteor with his lava-coated leg. Gajeel practically cartwheeled out of the way, and the area he’d previously occupied exploded into fire and lava as Natsu impacted it.

“Iron Dragon’s Lance: Demon Logs!” Gajeel’s arm transformed again, becoming a sharp lance. The blade glowed before launching a barrage of spears at Natsu.

“Magma Dragon’s Spikes!” Natsu’s body glowed brightly with heat as large spikes of stone emerged from the lava scales. He charged through the spears with a roar. The spikes deflected the spears, sometimes being destroyed in the process, as Natsu closed the distance.

“Iron Dragon’s Sword!” Gajeel’s right leg transformed this time as he lashed out with a powerful kick. Natsu’s instincts roared out a warning and he ducked under the blade. The spikes that were in the path of the blade were sliced through like they were barely there. In the arc of Gajeel’s swing, even as far away as the opposite wall, the stone and metal were roughly cleaved through.

“So strong…” Happy’s eyes were wide at seeing the damage done even though the spell itself hadn’t made contact.

“Gehehe…what’s the matter Salamander?” Gajeel mocked as his leg turned back to normal and his right arm transformed into the Iron Dragon’s Sword. “Is my blade too sharp?”

“Magma Dragon’s Tephra Burst!” Natsu’s response was to collect all of the stone spikes he’d created with his last spell, and mix them with more lava before launching the ball straight into Gajeel’s chest.

“Gaaaah!” Gajeel hacked out from the sudden blow. He rocketed across the large room and smashed into the opposite wall. The following explosion of lava blew the damaged wall to pieces. Debris rained down from the large Guild Hall and the fighting on the shore briefly halted as everyone turned to stare at the sight.

“How’s that, you scrap-iron lizard?” Natsu growled as his lava scales heated up again, forming a heat haze around his body.

“Aaaagggh…you damn punk.” Gajeel hissed as he kicked some of the large debris off himself. His torso was cleared of scales and his skin was red from the heat of the spell he’d taken nearly point-blank. A green glow surrounded the damaged area as the metal scales quickly reformed. “I’m gonna tear you apart, Salamander!” He yanked out a beam of steel from the debris and bit a section out with his fangs. The grinding and crunching sound of his chewing made Happy cover his ears.

“You think you’re going to eat alone and power up?” Natsu scoffed at the Iron Dragon Slayer as he picked up some of the broken stone and bit into it. His fangs quickly crushed the rock to fragments as he ate.

“The hell?” Gajeel questioned between bites. “You’re a Magma Dragon, don’t you have to eat lava?”

“As a Magma Dragon, both fire and earth are mine to consume.” Natsu continued to chow down on the broken stones.

Both Dragon Slayers began to glow with an aura of magic power as they ate and replenished their energy. Some of the smaller injuries they’d taken also healed up, though the larger ones were left behind. Happy grimaced at the fact that Gajeel had plenty of metal he could eat to aid his recovery in this room. Natsu could’ve finished him off much easier if he was the only one that could consume his element to recover.

“No more games, Salamander, I’m taking you down.” Gajeel snarled as his replenished magic power glowed around him. “Iron Dragon’s Chain!” A large spiked chain with a heavy blade on the end formed from Gajeel’s lower back like a tail. The chain even moved around like it was an actual living part of Gajeel’s body. The Iron Dragon Slayer blitzed forward with the chain tail behind him.

“Bring it on, Gajeel!” Natsu roared in return as he met the charge head on. He blinked when his fist was dodged unnaturally, Gajeel seemingly floating in the air horizontally. “What?!” His answer was a slash across the chest by Gajeel’s blade. Lava flew through the air along with blood as Natsu staggered backwards.

“You seem surprised, Salamander.” Gajeel mocked while Natsu hissed at the pain of his injury. The other Dragon Slayer was hovering in the air with the heavy blade of his chain tail stabbed into the floor.

“What the hell are you doing?” Natsu grimaced as he covered his chest in lava scales again. The wound stung like hell, but the injury itself wasn’t that bad.

“I can use my chain to completely change my fighting, like this!” Gajeel launched forward and Natsu leapt back to dodged the two Iron Dragon Swords that Gajeel swiped at him. With a fanged grin, Gajeel’s chain tail slammed into Natsu from the left and knocked him across the area. Blood and lava flew from Natsu’s side as the bladed chain lashed through the defensive spell.

“Magma Dragon’s Roar!” Natsu bellowed as before the torrent of lava covered everything in Gajeel’s general direction. “Damn it.” He growled at seeing his attack had been dodged.

“You missed, Salamander!” Gajeel cackled as his chain tail was stabbed into the ceiling and had lifted him out of the line of fire. “But I won’t! Iron Dragon’s Roar!” The swirling vortex of blades raced towards Natsu at speed.

“Earth Dragon’s Rampart!” Natsu slammed his hands onto the floor and the stone flowed towards him like a wave. The rocks formed together into a massive wall multiple meters high and wide. The stone was a meter thick and reinforced by Natsu’s magic as well. The breath attack slammed into the defensive spell and carved into it deeply. But when the roar ended, the wall still held firm.

“You think you can hide behind that?!” Gajeel launched himself from the ceiling with a roar as he spun around. His chain tail glowed brightly with his magic as the huge bladed links grew more from his body, lengthening the chain. “Iron Dragon’s Tail Swipe!” The empowered chain smashed into the side of the earth wall and shattered the construct as it passed through it.

“Magma Dragon’s Erupting Fist!” Natsu emerged from the stone floor in a shower of rubble. His cocked back fist slammed into Gajeel’s hastily raised guard and exploded into column of rushing lava.

“Grrraaaaaggghhh!” Gajeel cried out as he felt his metal scales blasted apart again. His skin burned from the heat and he could smell his hair starting to burn too. He slammed into the opposite wall with enough force to destroy it entirely. More lava and debris rained down into the large lake below as Gajeel ground his teeth from the pain.

“Huh?” Natsu looked down when he felt something tighten around his right ankle. Seeing it was a thinner version of Gajeel’s chain tail, his eyes widened. He was yanked off his feet and swung through the air. He slammed into a different wall and then was dragged along it, tearing the surviving masonry apart in the process, before being slammed through the outside wall.

“Hah…hah…hah…” Gajeel was breathing heavily as he staggered out of the cooling lava. He disconnected his chain and formed a new one from his lower back again. This fight wasn’t over yet!

“About time.” Happy mumbled to himself as he saw the Phantom Lord Mages crawling out of the damaged building in terror. The ceiling was falling in, here and there. The walls were nearly destroyed, as was the floor, and everything that had once been in the room was destroyed completely, aside from part of the bar he was sitting on. “Come on, Natsu, I know you can win!” He called out to his friend.

“Of course…I will…” Natsu stated between haggard breaths. Fighting another Dragon Slayer all out was harder than any dragonkin. The Magma Dragon Slayer came back through the hole in the wall he’d been knocked through. “Let’s finish this…Gajeel!” Both of his fists glowed as more and more heat built up.

“You’re going down, Salamander!” Gajeel roared he launched the heavy blade on the end of his chain at Natsu. He was stunned when the other Dragon Salyer caught it. Natsu skidded back a few meters, his bare feet tearing up the stone beneath him. The metal of the chain quickly overheated, becoming soft and weak as Natsu tore the chain in two. With flames from his feet, he rocketed toward Gajeel with his superheated fists.

“Magma Dragon Chain Eruption!” Natsu incanted the spell while Gajeel’s red eyes widened at how much magic power he could feel gathered in the other Dragon Slayer’s fists.

“Iron Dragon’s Shield Wall!” Gajeel poured almost all of his magic into his spell. Both of his forearms transformed into large thick shields of dense iron. The Dragon Slayer layered them between himself and the incoming Natsu. No matter what spell Salamander hit them with, Gajeel knew his defense would hold up.

Natsu’s burning fists slammed into the first shield with a thunderous bang. His fist left a molten imprint in the iron. His second punch did the same, as did the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on. Natsu roared as he continued to wail on the defensive spell over and over again. Gajeel nearly cracked his teeth as he felt the force and heat burning against his transformed body. It was only a second later that he understood the spell’s name. All of the molten imprints of Natsu’s fists began to explode like erupting volcanoes one after another. The continuous eruptions began to overheat the iron. The metal began to crack, deform, and warp under the heat and pressure.

There was a sharp crack as Natsu punched through the second shield and slammed his fist into Gajeel’s face. The Magma Dragon Slayer grit his teeth through the pain and slammed his left fist into the other Mage’s face. He drilled Gajeel in the jaw with his right, before then whipping the Iron Dragon Slayer’s head to the opposite side with his left. The punched areas glowed with molten heat before exploding. Gajeel cried out in pain as his face practically exploded. His head hit the floor as Natsu dealt a few more powerful punches to him. After the series of explosions Natsu finally stopped as he heaved for breath.

“Aaa…kgh…hak…” Gajeel was breathing raggedly, but was still alive, even if his consciousness had faded. His clothing was burnt nearly to nothing by this point, only part of his pants surviving the onslaught. Natsu wasn’t much better; his own clothes having been shredded to scraps by Gajeel’s blades. Blood flowed from the injuries that the two Dragon Slayer had sustained in their fight.

“Hah…hah…don’t ever…mess with Fairy Tail…again.” Natsu told the defeated Gajeel. He ground his teeth as he felt the fractures in his hands from breaking through Gajeel’s shields. He’d never hit something that hard before in his life. As his body began to cool down, smoke wafting off his form, he threw his head back and roared out his victory. “RRRRRAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!” The sound easily carried out of the wrecked castle-like Guild and to everyone fighting on the shore of the lake.

-Fairy Tail-

“Man, that’s loud!” Jet covered his ears.

“What is it?” Laki questioned.

“A Dragon’s roar…” Levy grinned, even with her hands over her ears. “A victory roar.”

“Natsu!” Lucy cheered with a beautiful smile on her face.

“I’d say that just about wraps things up then.” Gildarts chuckled as he saw the morale start to drop among the remaining Phantom Lord Mages.

-Phantom Lord Guild Hall-

Natsu’s victory roar was the scene that Lisanna, Erza, Mira, and Cana entered the destroyed building to. All four of them were smiling at Natsu’s victory, even though he was clearly worse for wear. Their Mate had won and their more dragon-like instincts were thrilled that he’d done so.

“Natsu!” Happy flew over to his friend with a huge smile. “You did it!”

“Told you I would.” Natsu gave his best smile through the pain to his buddy.

“Natsu,” Lisanna smiled at him as the girls approached.

“Hey, Lisanna, Mira, Cana, Erza.” Natsu smiled at them too. He winced slightly when Lisanna gently took his left hand to inspect it. Mira was also looking him over worriedly. Cana and Erza, seeing Natsu slightly swaying on his feet, helped gently ease him to the floor to lay down.

“You’ve really made a mess this time, huh?” Mira smiled softly at her Mate. Her fingers ghosted over Natsu’s injured hand and the various bruises and cuts he’d gotten from Gajeel.

“You should see the other guy.” Natsu joked lightly.

It was true though. Gajeel was beaten, burned, and bleeding on the floor not too far away. The Iron Dragon Slayer wouldn’t be moving under his own power for a while. It would take incredibly powerful Healing Magic for that to happen. At best, he’d be up and about in a few days with a good potions regiment.

“Always going a bit overboard, aren’t you?” Erza gently moved some of his pink hair off his face.

“Yeah, that just about did it.” Natsu admitted with a heavy exhale. “Can’t even move right now.”

“Aye!” Happy laughed and Natsu smiled at the blue cat.

“We should probably move you before the whole places comes crashing down.” Cana teased lightly as the entirety of the Phantom Lord Guild Hall was breaking apart now. An all-out battle between two Dragon Slayers of Natsu and Gajeel’s caliber would yield no less destruction. “Wouldn’t want you getting crushed.” She laid a soft kiss on his forehead.

“Mira, can you make a stretcher with your Magic?” Lisanna looked at her older sister. “I don’t think we should move Natsu too much when he’s this injured.” Her blue eyes were filled with worry and concern for her Mate.

“No problem.” Mira assured as wood began to emerge from her hands and form into the requested item.

“Grab Gajeel too…” Natsu requested as he was carefully moved onto the wooden stretcher. “We shouldn’t leave him to die here.”

“Yes, you’re right.” Erza agreed, even as she shot a look at the unconscious Dragon Slayer.

“One more stretcher then.” Mira had a slight grimace on her beautiful face as she created the second stretcher. Gajeel was moved onto the board too before the four women picked up the stretchers and began heading out of the collapsing Guild Hall.

Unknown to the group was that someone else was collecting the beaten forms of the Element 3 and carrying them out of the destroyed Guild Hall. The masked Mage wouldn’t let his guildmates be responsible for their deaths. He’d drop them off on the shore of the lake where they could be found and handed over to the Rune Knights that were no doubt already on their way. The staff in his hand glowed slightly as he levitated the beaten and broken form of Sol through the air. The Earth Mage would probably make a full recovery…if given a lot of time.

-Top of Phantom Lord-

“Keh heh,” Jose let out a mirthless chuckle. “Those dragons can really go on a rampage.”

“You failed to factor the strength of my children into your schemes, Jose.” Makarov looked at his fellow Wizard Saint with disappointment.

“They’ve certainly destroyed my Guild Hall.” Jose acknowledged with a glare at the old man. “It only seems fair that I be allowed to do the same.” He held up his right arm, palm facing the open windows. A sphere of chilling Dark Magic formed and was launched like a cannon out of the window.

-Outside of Fairy Tail-


Everyone stopped what they were doing, Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord alike, as they saw an explosion of Dark Magic blast through the already damaged Fairy Tail Guild Hall. The building couldn’t handle the loss of more of its structural support and began to collapse.


“The Guild!”



The cries of the Fairy Tail Mages rang throughout the air as they watched their beloved home fall to pieces before their eyes. Even the Phantom Lord Mages could only stare in shock at the sudden destruction of the building.

“That petty bastard…” Gildarts glared up at the top of the falling apart mobile Guild. Only Jose would be so heartless as to destroy the Guild Hall just because Phantom Lord had lost the fight that he’d started. With a flex of his immense magical power, he saw the will to fight die out in the Phantom Lord Mages. “This ends now!” He intoned and his voice rang out over the battlefield.

“H-Holy…shit…” Lucy let the curse slip out as everyone felt the pressure of Gildarts’ magic power now. It was immense, so much so that it boggled the mind. ‘How can someone have so much Magic?!

-Makarov and Jose-

“There, I believe that makes us a little more even.” Jose gave a nasty grin towards Makarov.

“You foolish child…” Makarov shook his head at the petty actions of the Mage before him. “You could’ve done great things if you’d used your Magic for the good and betterment of the world.”

“What is this, a lecture?” Jose mocked with a sneer.

Makarov was surrounded by a golden glow as he brought even more of his Magic to bear. A ball of light glowed on the tip of his index finger as he moved it through the air. Spots and lines of light were left behind as the old man seemed to be tracing patterns. “A Guild has no physical form, Jose.” Makarov spoke as he continues to move his glowing finger through the air. “A Guild exists in the harmony between its members.”

“So, you really do want to cause a disaster?!” Jose was surrounded by a black aura of repulsive-feeling Magic. “I must admit, I’m glad for the opportunity to establish the order of superiority of the Wizard Saints!” The crumbling Guild Hall began to shake as the very air began to spiral around the area. Even outside, clouds were rapidly forming from the buildup of magic power as the two Wizard Saints prepared to fight.

“Everything is thanks to you, my children!” Makarov moved his glowing finger through the air in another specific pattern. “You did well!” He finished the movements and his hand, index finger still extended, stopped moving. “Take pride in the fact that you are Fairy Tail!” He declared as he pointed his glowing finger towards Jose. A beam of Light Magic pierced the other man’s shoulder in less than the time it took to blink. Jose’s eyes widened at Makarov getting the first spell off, but then grinned nastily as Makarov’s shoulder sprayed blood from the spell that Jose had countered with.

The battle between Wizard Saints was about to begin.

-End Chapter-


Magma Dragon roars in victory!

I hope you liked the battle and how I changed things up!

When I say I’m going to go a bit more in-depth into Magics, I mean even the stronger characters too! Gajeel can form a fully functional sword with a thought, and chains are infinitely simpler! Why didn’t he have any chain type constructs? Well now he does! He can use them for offense and mobility. Changing up his fighting style whenever he so chooses! His chain tail is like giving himself an extra limb to work with as well as range.

Now that the Element 3 is defeated, Gajeel is down, and Phantom Lord’s Guild Hall has fallen to pieces, it’s time for the Guild Leaders to battle!

Wizard Saints aren’t supposed to fight each other by Council mandate. The build up of so much magical power has consequences on the local area!

Is Makarov about to spank Jose like a misbehaving, unruly child?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



That was an awesome fight scene You powered them both up nicely and came up with some creative attacks there made for a real fun read

Thomas E Nellis

The battle was thrilling. Natsu and Gajeel were both much stronger than in canon. The battle between wizards wings sounds amazing. I think Gildarts is also about to barge in lol.


Happy that you enjoyed the battle! I do want to show the advancements and changes I've made in several of the characters.