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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Vivi’s ‘Coming of Age’ Ceremony is nigh! Time for her to give a speech to all of Alabasta! What’re the reactions to the new Bounties of the Straw Hats? Is Vivi making good progress with her new Devil Fruit?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 40 – Ceremony, Reactions, Decision

“Transponder Snail?” Luffy blinked at the snail being carried over to him by a servant of the royal palace. “Who is it?”

“Someone named Bon-chan, sir.” The servant set the tray that the Snail was lying on down before excusing themselves from the guest quarters.

“Bon-chan?” All of the Straw Hats looked confused at the unfamiliar name.

“Well, whatever, let’s take the call!” Luffy shrugged off the odd occurrence of a random call.

“What if this is some kind of set-up?” Zoro questioned, but Luffy had already picked up the receiver.

“Hello?! Hello?! It…is…ME!!!” The person on the other line declared with a laugh, the Transponder Snail mimicking the person’s facial expression.

“Ugh…” Sanji’s face immediately went slack.

“Hey! Is that you, Swan Guy?!” Luffy demanded of the caller. “What do you want?!”

“Oh! Is that you, Straw Hat?” Bon-chan replied with a chuckle. “You’re so strong! You surprised me!” The tone of the okama’s voice changed when he spoke again. “By the way, don’t call me ‘Mr. 2’…if the Marines intercept this call, then I’ll be in big trouble!”

“But…but you just said it yourself.” Chopper gaped at the man outing himself.

“Just tell us what you want.” Zoro said loud enough for the Transponder Snail to pick up.

“Right, well I’ve taken your ship!” Bon-chan informed the group.

“YOU’VE GOTTA BE JOKING!!!” The entire crew roared into the receiver.

“There is nowhere on this island that you can hide from me.” Luffy spoke in a tone that promised violence. “If you so much as scratch Merry, I’ll kill you.”

“Now, now, there’s no need for that!” Bon-chan was apparently shaking his head since the Transponder Snail was doing the same. “I’m aboard your ship right now. I moved it so that the Marines wouldn’t find it!” This gave the entire crew pause for a moment. “I thought we were friends.” The snail transmitted the okama’s laughter.

After a short discussion, in which Bon-chan revealed that he’d sailed the Going Merry further up the Sandora River to keep the Marines from finding it, the Straw Hats ended the call. They sat around the guest quarters musing over what to do with the new information. It was Sanji that finally broke the silence.

“Can we trust him?” The cook asked with an annoyed sigh.

“Well, we were friends when we first met, before we learned who he was.” Luffy hummed with his arms crossed.

“Knowing you, the both of you will be friends again the next time you meet.” Zoro shook his head at his captain.

“We have to meet him, don’t we?” Chopper stated their situation plainly.

“We don’t have much choice.” Mikita shrugged before punching her right fist into her left palm. “But if this is some kind of trap, we’ll beat him good!”

“You don’t have to worry about the Marines going that far up the Sandora River at least.” Vivi assured her friends with a smile. “They’d need father’s permission to sail into the interior of the island. He hasn’t allowed that, so the furthest they can go is Erumalu.”

“Well, that’s a relief at the very least.” Usopp sighed that the Going Merry was safe for now. He had very strong feelings attached to the ship that Kaya had given them.

-The Next Morning-

“Igaram, I’m going to become a Pirate Queen!” Vivi declared with a pistol in her right hand, a sword on her left hip, a captain’s coat over her shoulders, and the look finished off by a tri-pointed hat.

“Princess Vivi!” Igaram bolted upright in his bed with sweat on his face. “Huh?” He looked around, heard the birds chirping from the window, and then took a deep breath to steady himself. “It was just a dream?” The large man quickly hopped out of bed and ran towards Vivi’s chambers. He barged through the doors without even knocking. “Princess Vivi?!”

“Oh, Igaram, good morning.” Vivi greeted the Head of the Guard as she stood on a stool while Terracotta and another servant helped her put on her ceremonial dress. She was currently only covered by the underlayer, leaving much of her cleavage exposed. “Is something wrong? You’re sweating.”

“Now, now, Igaram!” Terracotta scolded her husband. “You can’t just barge in here without knocking! Princess Vivi is dressing!”

“Huh? Oh…er, yes…good morning.” Igaram seemed to finally realize that he’d overreacted to his dream.

“Yes.” Vivi smiled with a giggle. “Is there anything you needed?”

“Oh, um…nothing.” Igaram shook his head.

“Then get out!” Terracotta grabbed a few nearby objects and chucked them at her husband. The first item, some kind of jar, beaned the blonde man right in the forehead. Igaram fled as two more objects hit his back before he slammed the door closed behind him.

“Hmm, don’t you think it’s a bit tight, Terracotta?” Vivi asked a few minutes later.

“It’s perfect!” Terracotta assured her with a bright smile. “You look every inch the princess!” She checked over the fit of the underlayer before they moved onto the ceremonial dress itself. “The square is already packed.”

“Really?” Vivi blinked at the news. It was still so early.

“Your speech isn’t until ten o’clock, but the people are so eager.” Terracotta smiled with a light laugh. “But that’s understandable. They’ve been waiting two years for your ‘Coming of Age’ ceremony. Normally it would’ve been held when you turned sixteen.”

“Honestly, I don’t know what to say.” Vivi admitted as she was led over to a mirror so that her hair could be taken care of.

“You don’t have to say anything, dear.” Terracotta shook her head. “Just let the people see how you’ve grown. This ceremony is to celebrate your passing from child to adult.” She moved over to gather the ceremonial dress from the nearby hanger. “It means a great deal for his Majesty to do this now.”

“Your speech today will be broadcast all over the kingdom via Transponder Snail.” The servant woman smiled as she began to run a comb through Vivi’s blue hair.

-Palace Balcony-

“Igaram, I just received a report that the Marines have ships at every port.” Chaka informed the Head of the Guard seriously. “Since the King refuses to let them sail up the Sandora River, they’ve surrounded the island instead.”

“They can’t let this go, huh?” Igaram had a scowl on his face. He hated seeing the Straw Hats treated like common criminals. “We can’t directly fight the Marines without causing a whole storm of trouble though.” He sighed as they both looked out over the packed plaza.

-Vivi’s Room ~ Just Before the Ceremony-

“May I come in?” Cobra knocked on the door.

“Yes, please.” Vivi called back and Cobra entered the room.

“Oh my, it’s remarkable.” Cobra smiled brightly at his daughter. “For a moment I mistook you for your mother.” His late wife had truly passed on her looks to their daughter.

“Thank you, father.” Vivi smiled as she stood before him in the ceremonial dress. It was a slim, white dress of pure Alabastan silk. The dress left a bit of her cleavage exposed and was form-fitting to her curves. A pink cape-like garment was attached to her back with a golden necklace and the front of the white dress was covered by a similar pink cloth that was attached to a hoop on each of her hips. Her waist was adored with golden belts and she had golden hoop earrings as well as gold bands and rings on her wrists and fingers. The outfit was finished off with a gold and red ornament in her blue locks and low-heeled sandals.

“You said you wanted to speak to me about something?” Cobra smiled as he approached his daughter.

“Yes, father…no, papa.” Vivi switched from formal to familial with a smile and her brown eyes overflowing with warmth. Cobra couldn’t help but smile even more.

-Coming of Age Ceremony-

“Damn, the whole place is really packed.” Usopp looked out over the massive plaza of Alubarna. Chopper was almost in shock at how many people there were.

“Of course, with a princess like Vivi, this is only natural!” Sanji declared as if it was obvious.

“She’s definitely loved by the Kingdom.” Nami smiled as they waited for the ceremony to start.

“I hear that there’s going to be a huge celebration afterwards.” Mikita giggled at having seen the preparations taking place throughout the morning.

“Another party!” Luffy had his wide smile on his face as he looked forward to celebrating again.

“Looks like it’s starting.” Zoro noted as he saw two lines of soldiers flank a red carpeted pathway leading up to the prepared balcony.

The large doors opened as the soldiers stood at attention. Vivi walked out into the sun looking absolutely radiant. The princess strode forward with a smile for her people. When she reached the balcony, she gracefully ascended the short set of stairs and stood before the Transponder Snail microphone.

“It’s Princess Vivi!” Several people in the audience cried out happily at seeing the princess for the first time in years.


“Look how she’s grown!”

“Princess Vivi!”

It all started on that day…’ Vivi recalled the day that she and Igaram had left Alabasta to infiltrate Baroque Works. She smiled as she recalled the memory and what it had eventually led to. With that smile on her lips, she took up the microphone and began to speak. “I’ve been on an adventure.”


“Hey! The Princess is speaking!”

“I’ve waited so long for this!”

“She’s really alive! What a relief!”

The townspeople gathered around many sets of speakers to listen to their princess.


“The ceremony has started!”

“I’ve been here for two hours to make sure I didn’t miss it!”

The casino town had stopped all business to listen to Vivi’s speech.


“Koza! Koza! Hurry, it’s begun! Vivi is giving her speech!” Toh-Toh stuck his head through the window of his son’s room.

“The loud speakers are on full-blast, the whole town can hear.” Koza replied as he lay back with his arms behind his head with a grin. He’d come back to Yuba with hundreds of volunteers to help restore the oasis now that the civil war was over.


I hope the people don’t riot later.’ Cobra thought as he proudly watched his daughter give her speech.

“It was a journey across a sea of despair.” Vivi continued as she looked out over the plaza. “I left Alabasta and set sail across the vast, dark ocean. I visited unbelievably amazing islands. I saw creatures I’d never imagine and landscapes out of a dream.” She took a breath before continuing. “At times the sound of the ocean waves was soothing, gently enveloping me and easing my cares.” She felt her smile soften. “At other times it was harsh, mocking me and playing on my fears.” Warmth filled her eyes as her smile became affectionate. “But in the darkness of the storm, I encountered a little ship.”

Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats smiled or grinned.

“It gave me a push and said, ‘Don’t you see that light?’” Vivi spoke and some murmurings were heard in the vast crowd. “That strange little ship never lost its way, even in the dark. It would dance on the giant waves. It didn’t resist the tugs of the tides, but sailed ahead through the roughest headwinds.” She looked out over her people brightly. “And pointing forward, it said…‘Look, there’s the light!’ In time, historians will say that it’s just a legend. But for me, that was the truth.”

“What’s she talking about?” A man whispered to an older man next to him.

“It’s the untold story of her struggle.” The older man replied as he looked up at the princess.

“I love our Kingdom!” Vivi declared and the crowd cheered loudly in every part of the island. “So, I’ll do everything I can to bring Alabasta back to the way it was! Before the civil war that was instigated by those who sought to destroy it! The Alabasta that we all love!” She beamed and the whole island roared with cheer and hope for the future.

“She’s got a way with words, doesn’t she?” Nami smiled at the princess.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed with a wide grin.

-East Blue ~ Fuusha Village-

“Look at how much Luffy’s Bounty increased!” One villager exclaimed as he held up the Wanted Poster for others to see.

“Two-Hundred Million?!” Another villager gaped at the large amount. “We might actually get famous for being the birthplace of such a big name!”

“Shut up, all of you!” Mayor Woopslap yelled at the celebrating villagers. “There’s nothing good about a criminal coming from our village! He’s going to ruin our reputation!”

“Calm down Mayor.” Makino smiled softly as she handed him a drink. “Luffy still looks like he’s enjoying his adventure.” She giggled at the picture on the Wanted Poster.

“A pirate is a pirate! We don’t need to be known for setting a criminal loose into the world.” Woopslap grumbled before sipping his drink.

-Syrup Village-

“Aren’t you surprised, Miss Kaya?!” Pepper had a huge smile on his face.

“The Captain’s Bounty went up!” Carrot cheered.

“He’s already higher than any other pirate in the East Blue!” Onion nodded happily.

“Twenty-Five Million…oh my.” Kaya looked at the Wanted Poster as a small smile made its way to her lips.


“Well now…it seems someone has been causing just as much trouble out in the world as he used to in the restaurant.” Zeff chuckled before he held up the Wanted Poster for the rest of the chefs to see.

“Damn, Sanji!” Carne laughed at the increased price on the blonde’s head.

“I guess we can start introducing the restaurant as the former home of that idiot now, huh?” Patty slapped the table in front of him with a laugh. The rest of the cooks burst into laughter at the idea.

Little eggplant, already at Forty-Five Million and you’ve not even been gone for a year.’ Zeff looked at the picture with a grin.

-Shimotsuki Village-

“Sensei! Is it true that ‘Santōryū’ Roronoa Zoro used to be a student here?” One of the young boys at the dojo questioned as he and a few others looked at the Wanted Poster that had come with the paper a few days ago.

“Yes, but I don’t want any of you to look up to him.” Koushiro shook his head.

“What?!” All of the boys whined. “Come on, Sensei! Teach us how to be pirates!”

“I never taught anyone to be a pirate!” Koushiro denied while waving his hands in front of his body.

So, you’ve chosen this path to reach your shared dream, Zoro?’ Koushiro looked at the picture on Zoro’s Wanted Poster. With a bounty of Eighty-Million Beri, he was fast becoming a well-known pirate swordsman. The sword master’s eyes drifted to the white sword on Zoro’s hip for a long moment.

-Cocoyashi Village-

“Nami!” Genzo looked at the Wanted Poster again. “Thirty-Two Million?!” How could those bastard Marines put such a price on their Nami’s head?! She hadn’t committed any crime! ‘Okay…maybe a little thieving…and perhaps some assault if she was pressed…but that’s nothing!’ The surrogate father of the orangette wouldn’t change his mind.

“Are you still angry about the new Wanted Poster?” Nojiko asked as she walked into Genzo’s office with a sack of freshly-picked mikans. “Nami looks happy to me.” She smiled at her sister’s picture.

“Nojiko!” Genzo stood up from his chair. “I’ve told you that you shouldn’t carry heavy things! I can buy them in the market or come get them myself!” He fussed over the young woman.

“Relax,” Nojiko waved off as she sat down on the small sofa in his office. The tanned woman gently ran her hand over her slightly swollen stomach. “It wasn’t even heavy. I’m still a good amount of time from needing to be completely coddled. Even Dr. Nako says so.”

Her many trysts with Luffy in the aftermath of Arlong’s death had indeed borne fruit. She’d only started showing a bit ago, but she couldn’t be happier. Like many women of the Conomi Archipelago, Nojiko was pregnant with the first children that would be born in the last eight years in their home islands.

“Still…” Genzo fretted over his surrogate daughter. If he wasn’t friendly with that Straw Hat lad, he’d have seriously considered hunting the boy down after Nojiko’s pregnancy had been confirmed.

“You’re going to be a doting grandpa, aren’t you?” Nojiko laughed with a bright smile.

“…Maybe.” Genzo couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face at being called grandpa. He looked forward to the day the little bundle of joy came into their lives.

-Drum Island-

“Dalton…what’s the big idea calling for me out of the blue?” Kureha demanded as she got out of her sleigh. The large Lapahn pulling the sled still boggled Dalton’s mind considering the rabbit beasts were usually vicious.

“I thought you might want to see this.” Dalton smiled as he handed over the Wanted Poster.

“Chopper…” Kureha smiled as she saw the picture of her apprentice and surrogate son. “Got a price on your head immediately, didn’t you?” She cackled as she saw the Eighteen Million Beri reward.

“I can only imagine what he did to be given such a Bounty, but I’m glad to see he’s alright.” Dalton chuckled as Kureha continued to look at the poster.

“They at least got his profession right.” Kureha smiled widely before taking a swig of her bottle.

-An Island in the Grand Line-

“What the hell did you do, Luffy?!” Ace gawked at the increased price on his little brother’s head. After reading the paper the new Wanted Posters had come in, the Division Commander got his answer. “Oh…you killed Crocodile…eh, no real loss there.” He shrugged before looking through the new Wanted Posters for the rest of his brother’s crew.

-Revolutionary Army Ship-

“Oh damn…Luffy killed a Warlord.” Sabo blinked as he finished reading the article in the paper.

“He was heading to Alabasta, so Crocodile, right?” Koala asked for confirmation.

“Yep, apparently put a hole straight through his chest.” Sabo mentioned as he flipped to the next page of the paper. “He jumped from Sixty Million to Two-Hundred Million since the World Government claims it’s an attack on the balance of three powers by a Rookie.” The Ash Man shook his head at that, knowing it was more lies by the ones in charge.

-New World-

“My friends…it’s time to party!” Shanks called out loudly to his crew with a laugh. In his hand was Luffy’s new Wanted Poster. The Red Hair Pirates cheered loudly and quickly broke out the booze and food. It was time to celebrate Luffy’s craziness once again!

“Two-Hundred Million so soon?” Benn chuckled as he exhaled smoke from his cigarette. “Looks like he’s wanting to become a ‘great pirate’ and meet you sooner than we thought.”

“I’m so damn proud!” Yasopp was holding his son’s Wanted Poster with a wide grin. “My boy, following in his old man’s footsteps!” He tossed back a flagon in one go before cheering loudly. “Look at my boy, guys!”

“Still, taking down a Warlord like Crocodile in a desert…Luffy’s come a long way.” Roo laughed before biting into a leg of meat. “The World Government is even calling it an attack on the three powers!” He chortled as he recalled the line in the paper.

“Luffy’s chasing his Dream,” Shanks downed his first flagon of the celebration. “Can’t be any happier for him if I tried!” The captain slapped his knee and glanced at the Wanted Poster again. “May not have to wait too much longer before we end up meeting after all.”

The Red Hair Pirates partied the day and night away in celebration of the crazy young man they’d met so long ago.

-Alubarna Palace-

“How’s the Devil Fruit practice coming along, Vivi?” Mikita asked as the whole capital celebrated Vivi’s coming of age ceremony.

“Not too bad, but I have a lot of room for improvement.” Vivi acknowledged with a shrug. “Luffy says it might help to have a focus command, but I’m not sure what might help me just yet.”

“I’m sure you’ll get it soon enough.” Mikita assured her friend with a smile. “I couldn’t do much more than the very basics with my Fruit even after having it for years. Then Luffy turned me into a hand-to-hand monster in like a month! Kyahahaha!”

“Thank you, Mikita.” Vivi smiled at the blonde woman. She’d seen first hand just how fast Mikita had progressed with Luffy’s help. The princess was sure she’d get real control over her new power with Luffy’s instruction. Especially if she kept rewarding him like she did the first time.

“Oh? Someone’s blushing~” Nami gently tossed her arm over Vivi’s shoulders. “Thinking about Luffy, hmm?”

“Nami!” Vivi blushed at how loud the Navigator had said that.

“Lighten up, Vivi, it’s a party for you!” Nami giggled as she hugged the bluenette. A quick peck on the cheek saw Vivi maintaining her blush while Nami and Mikita laughed and hugged the princess between them.

Luffy was eating enough food for dozens of men during the party. Sanji was flirting while helping the female kitchen staff prepare more food. Terracotta was laughing along and promising she’d have a copy of plenty of Alabastan recipes and spices ready for him to take on the crew’s voyage. Zoro was drinking rounds of booze and snacking on whatever was in reach before Luffy could snatch it. Chopper and Usopp had sampled almost every foodstuff offered before jumping atop one of the walls and singing shanties while dancing. Cobra, Igaram, Pell, and Chaka could only laugh and enjoy the celebration with the fun-loving Straw Hats. It was good to be able to celebrate again after the last three years.

-Vivi’s Chambers ~ Night-

“Luffy~” Vivi mewled as she tilted her head to give her lover more access to her neck. She was straddling his lap as they kissed and made out. She could feel his hardness beneath her and rolled her hips into it with a breathy moan.

“She’s already so into it.” Nami grinned salaciously from nearby on the princess’ massive bed.

“Right?” Mikita giggled as her hands ran over Nami’s body and cupped her large tits.

“Ha…Luffy,” Vivi kissed his lips before pulling back a bit. “I need to tell you something.”

“What’s up?” Luffy cocked his head to the side at the sudden stopping of their intimacy.

“It’s about what happens now, since Alabasta is safe again.” Vivi looked into his eyes, her own filled with emotion. Both Nami and Mikita watched on silently, neither of them realizing that they were holding their breath.

“Oh yeah…” Luffy nodded, realizing that he’d kept his promise to Vivi and helped her save her country.

“Luffy, I…” Vivi seemed to be having a hard time with her words. “I love my country. This Kingdom has always been my home. I’m the Princess of Alabasta.” She looked into his eyes, hoping that he understood her feelings.

“I get it,” Luffy nodded his dark eyes looking into hers with affection and understanding. “It’s your choice, Vivi. No one will be mad, no matter what you choose.” His smile made Vivi’s heart thump in her chest.

“I’ve already talked with my father…” Vivi admitted as her eyes looked down.

Mikita pulled Nami into a hug from behind, both women hadn’t made a sound the whole time.

“Luffy…” Vivi looked up with a beautiful smile on her face. “I love you. Please, take me out to sea with you again!”

“Of course!” Luffy’s smile could’ve outshone the sun as he wrapped his arms around Vivi and pulled her into a kiss.

“Whew…” Nami and Mikita both exhaled heavily at Vivi’s words. The joy that bloomed inside of their hearts overflowing as they quickly crawled across the bed to the kissing couple.

“Luffy,” Vivi giggled as they separated for breath. She cooed when his hands found her ass and began to play with her cheeks. She wasn’t expecting Nami to capture her lips next! The princess’ eyes were wide as she and Nami shared a kiss.

“You worried us there for a minute, Vivi.” Nami grinned after breaking their lip lock.

“Nami…” Vivi blinked at her friend with a healthy blush on her cheeks.

“My turn~” Mikita turned Vivi’s chin to face her and then leaned in for a kiss of her own. “Welcome aboard, Vivi.” She giggled after pulling back.

“Mikita…” If Vivi’s cheeks got any redder they’d start turning purple.

“We’ll ease you into it, Vivi~” Nami purred into the princess’ ear. “If you want to.”

“Can I have Luffy first?” Vivi questioned cutely as Luffy hugged her close, their chests pressed flush against each other.

“Naughty princess…” Mikita teased before kissing the slightly younger woman’s cheek. “Let us know when you need to tag out.”

“One of us will take over satisfying Luffy,” Nami blew gently against Vivi’s ear making the bluenette shiver pleasantly. “While the other takes care of you~”

“Oh~” Vivi let out a little moan at the thought.

“Ready, Vivi?” Luffy asked, refocusing her attention.

“Yes…” Vivi agreed as her lips met his again. She began to roll her hips again, grinding against the hardness below her. “Love me, Luffy~”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled and Vivi moaned when he switched their positions easily. The princess was on her back on the large bed and she was quickly stripped, revealing her beautiful body to their eyes again. Luffy leaned over her form as he settled between her thighs. Vivi mewled as his length was laid atop her sex and still managed to lay on her tummy from his sheer size.

None of the four would be seen until later the next morning for a late breakfast.

-End Chapter-


Bon-chan has called! The Merry is safe!

But the Marines are surrounding Sandy Island! How will the Straw Hats escape?

Vivi’s Coming of Age Ceremony went perfectly and led to a full day of celebration for the entire Kingdom afterwards!

We got to see the reaction to the new Bounties of the Straw Hats! More celebration in the case of Shanks and crew! Ace writes Crocodile off without much concern. The man once challenged Whitebeard without even knowing Haki and got slapped out of the New World. He’s not worth caring about for the Second Division Commander. Sabo easily sees the World Government’s lies for what they are, but he’s proud of his little brother! We even got to see the homes of our nakama too!

Nojiko is indeed pregnant! Genzo is gonna be a grandpa!


No Nakama left behind!

More celebration for Luffy and his lovers! Mikita and Nami are going to show Vivi all the pleasures sharing a bed can bring…. *Hehehehehe~*

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and very entertaining chapter once again, loving the direction of the story to be sure

Jake Francis

Its awesome that Vivi joined but I'm hoping that the two best characters join as well. Heres to hoping Robin and Bon chan join as well!

Dragonborn King

Glad to see that Vivi will be joining. Seeing that she a princess made me think of another certain princess, Reiju. Will she show up earlier or around the same time as the canon?


Glad you liked it! No spoilers now! Plus, Reiju just appeared in Journey to Raftel! Can't get enough of the Lovely Poison Pink?

Ice fox

Is that a trick question? You can have never have enough of the lovely poison pink