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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Phantom vs Fairy Tail continues! With the Dragon Slayers on the hunt for the remaining Element 3, who is gonna fight who? We all know two Dragons that’re about to clash for sure! What of Makarov and Jose?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 28 – Element 3, Dragon Slayers, Saints

“So, this is the core of the Jupiter Canon, huh?” Cana mused as she looked at the massive Lacrima in the middle of the large room. It was directly in front of the barrel to the cannon that had tried to annihilate them all earlier too. Connected to the rest of the castle-like building by thick cables, the entire room was filled with machinery to power and operate the Jupiter Cannon.

Upon heading for the stationary Guild Hall in the lake, the Dragon Sisters had split up to hunt down their targets. Cana had been flown up to the Jupiter Cannon by Happy to take it down. Mira had charged straight through the front doors in her Satan Soul Form, knocking aside anyone that got in her way. Lisanna and Erza had gone the mid-route, smashing through a window on one of the upper floors to enter the massive Guild building of Phantom Lord.

“No one’s here?” Cana looked around the room curiously. There didn’t seem to be anyone in the room to operate the weapon or even guard it. “That can’t be right. It’s would be too easy to damage it if they left it unguarded.” She sniffed the air a few times, making use of her enhanced senses that came with being a Dragon Slayer. “Yeah, that figures.” Cana looked at the base of the massive lacrima just as a person stepped out from behind it.

“You plan to destroy the Jupiter Cannon?” Totomaru questioned the woman in front of him. “That isn’t going to happen.”

“So, which one are you again?” Cana hummed even as her magic began to flow. “The samurai get-up was for the Fire Mage of the Element Four, right?”

“I am Totomaru of the Great Flame,” Totomaru confirmed as he uncrossed his arms and prepared to fight. “You will fall by my hand, Fairy Tail Mage.”

“Right, right, the pretentious titles you guys have…” Cana sighed as four cards appeared, two in each hand. “Let me guess, you have complete mastery of Fire Magic and you’re so confident in it you have no other Magic at all, right?”

“No Magic, but I’m also adept with this sword.” Totomaru put his hand on the pommel of his sword.

“We’re not like you,” Cana stated coldly, her brown eyes narrowed into a harsh glare. “I won’t use my Dragon Slayer Magic and risk killing you by accident. My Card Magic will suffice.” The four cards in her hands began to glow.

“You think you can hold back against me?” Totomaru looked insulted as his hands were engulfed in flames. “I’m an S-Class Mage, the same rank as you!”

“Same rank, different levels of skill and power.” Cana let the four cards float into the air. They formed a four-point formation in front of her as the Card Mage incanted her first spell. “Reversed Magician, Chariot, Reversed World, Justice…”

“Burn!” Totomaru held up both hands. “Taikahō!” A massive pillar of swirling flames was launched from his hands at great speed towards Cana.

“Card Magic: Seal: Fire” Cana finished her incantation and the four cards each took on a different glowing light as a magical field was created between them. The cards quickly spread apart, widening the field into a wall between Cana and the incoming flames.

The swirling conflagration slammed into the barrier and Totomaru grinned. He knew that such a flimsy-looking magical shield wouldn’t be able to hold up against his spell. When his Taikahō spell suddenly swirled into the barrier and disappeared entirely, his jaw dropped. Cana didn’t look impressed by the large showing of Fire Magic. That was probably because she was used to seeing what Lisanna and Natsu could do with fire.

“Got anything else?” Cana let the taunt out without a care. She knew this guy’s type. A strong Mage, proud of his power, knowledge, and skill. When someone came along that could invalidate all of that, he’d react in one of two ways. Either he’d collapse and not be able to deal with the paradigm shift of all his Magic not working. Or he’d get angry and try and hit her with everything he had to prove that his skill and power were superior.

“I see…a type of Sealing Magic, is it?” Totomaru collected himself before seven flames, each a different color, appeared around him. “It seals away Fire Magic, but can it seal away multiple forms as well?” He questioned with a self-assured smirk. “Let’s see how you face my greatest spell! Rainbow Fire!” The seven fires spun into each other, forming a titanic hell storm of flames.

“Each one has a different effect, huh?” Cana noticed that the various fires were affecting whatever they touched in different ways. “Doesn’t matter though, it’s still fire.” She was proven right as the Rainbow Fire was absorbed and sealed just like the orange-yellow flames from the first spell.

“Th-That’s…impossible.” Totomaru gaped at seeing his Fire Mastery completely invalidated. “If Magic alone will not work…” He unsheathed his sword and ran his index finger along the back of the single-edge blade. The blade was coated in a red flame as Totomaru held his sword at the ready. “Then I’ll cut you down instead!”

“You’ll try.” Cana already had three cards in hand. “Lightning, Reversed Tower, Lovers…Thunderbolt’s Fate!” The three cards were stacked on top of each other and sparked with electricity. Bolts of lightning leapt from the cards, all of them headed for Totomaru.

“You’re not the only one that can deal with Magic.” Totomaru scoffed as he deflected the first lightning bolt with his flame-coated sword. The second met the same fate, before Totomaru swiped his hand through the air. “Uzu-en Kabe!” A swirling circle of violet flames appeared between Totomaru and the remaining lightning bolts. All of them blocked by the defensive spell. “My Vortex Flame Wall can block any form of Magic!” He boasted as the violet flames dispersed.

“The Prayer’s Fountain!” Cana grinned at actually getting some challenge from the Fire Mage. She tossed down a single blue card that had a stylized image of a fountain on it. The card glowed as it activated and powerful jets of water blasted out of it like firehoses.

“Tch!” Totomaru backstepped to avoid the high-pressured water blasts. “You think you’re the first to try Water Magic against me?” He moved his free hand in a quick pattern. “Blue Fire!” From his hand a large wave of blue flames doused the area. The water froze over near instantly and Cana raised an eyebrow at seeing Frost Fire for the first time.

“Icicle…” Cana tossed a card on top of all the newly made ice. The entire area glowed before the ice shattered and sharp icicles rushed Totomaru in a wide wave.

“What a waste of your Magic Power…” Totomaru’s mocking stopped mid-sentence as he realized that the lacrima that powered the Jupiter Cannon was behind him. This wide area spell would hit the immense target if he only defended himself! “Damn! Uzu-en Kabe!” The same violet flames swirled into existence, only this time they nearly separated the room in half. The mass barrage of icicles slammed into the shield and were destroyed.

Well…that worked out better than I thought.’ Cana grinned at making Totomaru cut off his line of sight. She tossed a dozen cards into the air and let them float near the ceiling.

“A nice try, but you can’t destroy the Jupiter Cannon while I’m still standing!” Totomaru declared as the violet flame scattered and disappeared. Unbeknownst to the Fire Mage, the dozen cards above him quickly stacked themselves on top of each other in stacks of three.

“Then I’ll have to put you down, won’t I?” Cana grinned as her hidden spell came together. “You do realize that I haven’t moved from my position since we started, right?” She pointed down at her feet and Totomaru’s eyes reflexively followed to look at where she was pointing. Cana nearly smirked as she saw the man’s eyes widen as his face went red in fury. ‘Dad was right, that does piss off proud Mages when you point it out.

“You dare mock me?!” Totomaru roared as the he pointed his sword at the Card Mage.

“I guess I do…” Cana shrugged, further riling up the already angry man. “Fate’s Storm.”

“I’ll kill…!” Totomaru’s threat was cut off as four blasts of lightning struck him simultaneously from the ceiling. The man screamed as the electricity flowed through him and sent his body into painful spasms. The spell stopped and Totomaru’s body let off black smoke as he collapsed forward onto the stone floor. The Fire Mage wouldn’t be getting up for a long while and the Element Four had now been reduced to the Element Two.

“Since I still have this…” Cana looked at the four cards that were still protecting her with the sealing barrier. “Might as well use it.” She grinned as she unsealed all of the Fire Magic that had been locked away by her spell. The tornado of Rainbow Fire and the orange-yellow Taikahō spell rushed towards the Jupiter Cannon’s huge lacrima and blasted it into fragments before slamming into the opposite wall and wrecking it too. “Thanks for your help.” She waved at the downed Totomaru before walking out of the room to meet up with her family. Her nose would lead the way, or her ears as she heard a large crash from below.

-First Floor-

“Non, non, non, non!” Sol chided as he appeared before Mira. “I’m afraid I can’t just let you run rampant in our Guild Hall, She-Devil!” He raised his hands and the stone corridor began to shake. “I must make up for my failure from last time, you see?”

“So, you’re the bastard that went after my little sister, huh?” Mira questioned as she cracked her knuckles, the sound especially loud when coming from her demonic hands. “Thanks for saving me the trouble of hunting you down.” Her Magic Power began to climb as a black aura formed around her Satan Soul form.

“Roche…!” Sol didn’t get to finish his spell. His face was palmed by Mira’s large demonic hand and the next thing he knew was being slammed through the brick wall at the other end of the corridor.

“Let me show you what happens to those that try and hurt my family.” Mira’s voice was cold even as her power spiked higher. She brought her right fist down on Sol’s face with a thunderous crash. The floor practically shattered beneath the Earth Mage from the force of the blow. His nose was instantly crushed and gushing blood. “Don’t think you can get off with just a single punch!” Mira’s voice was starting to turn into a growl through her Satan Soul form’s lips. “Evil Spark!” She incanted as blue lightning filled her palms and was forced into Sol’s almost unconscious body.

“Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!” Sol cried out as his body twisted and flailed from the spell.

“Get up!” Mira roared as she grabbed the downed man by the ankle and bodily swung him into the nearest wall. The stone shattered from the force and Mira whipped Sol into the opposite wall just as hard. She tossed the bloody man across the room they were now in before raising her left hand, palm facing the falling Sol. “Darkness Stream!” Multiple beams of Darkness Magic flew from Mira’s hand and struck Sol over and over again. The Earth Mage was quickly surrounded and enveloped by the spell before it exploded in a huge wave that rocked the castle-like building.

-Fourth Floor-

“It’s so sad…” Aria spoke as he faced down Erza and Lisanna in a large room near the front of the building. “I will be taking your heads first before moving on to the others that have infiltrated our Guild Hall.”

“You’re facing two of us alone, the odds are not in your favor.” Erza requipped into a dark-yellow, tribal-like robe that covered body. The neckline was topped with white fur along with a black hem underneath, and had short sleeves that end in a brown and yellow triangular pattern along the sleeves’ hem. A fur lined green sash sat just beneath her bust and the ends of the robe fanned out around her thighs. Erza’s forearms were wrapped in white bandages and her legs were covered in a pair of black pants and light, shin high boots. The armor was completed with a pair of wings appearing from beneath her crimson locks which were tied into a low ponytail. “Wind God Armor!” She brandished the Wind God’s Sword, an ornate broadsword that paired with the armor, at Aria.

“You’re supposed to be the strongest of the Element Four, we’re not going to go easy on you!” Lisanna ignited her entire body in a cloak of fire. The heat she was putting off was already making a wide heat haze around her.

“Against Erza Scarlet, I cannot hold myself back.” Aria pulled at the blindfold covering his eyes. “Wind God Armor will reduce the effectiveness of all air-based Magics by fifty percent if I recall.” His eyes snapped open and the air in the large room visibly warped as his Magic Power was released. “With assistance from the Fire Dragon Slayer as well, I’ll have to go all out and kill you both quickly!”

“How can you talk about taking lives so easily?!” Erza roared at Aria as she blurred forward to slash at the man. Aria distorted the air between them and deflected her swing. The arc of cutting wind that left her blade and created a clean line in the stone of the nearby wall was mildly surprising to the Phantom Lord Mage.

“Don’t you people have anyone you care about at all?!” Lisanna had moved in while Aria was fending off Erza. “Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist!” She put her full body-weight into the flaming punch only for a visible void in the air to appear and stop her attack.

“Your attacks will mean nothing in the face of my Open-Air Magic!” Aria claimed with a smile forming on his face. With his glowing eyes from unleashing his full Magic Power, he looked somewhat demented. “Zetsu!” A burst of air bullets was launched as Aria held up his palm towards the girls.

“Fire Dragon’s Burning Cloak!” Lisanna incanted as the cloak of flames she’d covered herself with burst into a flaring aura around her as blue flames began to mix into the normal yellow-orange. The air bullets barely made the intense flames waver before they were consumed.

Erza simply used her Wind God’s Sword to slice the Air Magic apart with ease. Every bullet was dispersed as she closed the distance with Aria. The head of the Element Four grimaced as his form wavered away into the air and disappeared. Both Erza and Lisanna sniffed the air before turning one-hundred-righty-degrees to face the reappearing Aria.

“I will deal with one of you immediately!” Aris declared as he brought his hands together and the air began to bend and distort into a sphere between his palms. “I’ll scatter your very Magic to the winds and leave you powerless! Open-Air Magic: Metsu!”

“Gale Slicer!” Erza took her broadsword into both hands and funneled her Magic into the weapon to activate its Wind Magic. With a helm splitter she launched an absolutely titanic arc of severing wind at Aria. The Magic scattering orb met the immense wind blade and broke it apart. The Metsu spell was used up in the clash between the spells much to Aria’s consternation.

“Fire Dragon’s Sword Horn!” Lisanna slammed into Aria like a flaming missile, knocking the air from his lungs and setting his mantle and cloak on fire.

“Arrrgghh!” Aria hacked as he dispersed into the air and reappeared on the other side of the large room. He tossed off his burning clothing and his top hat as well. He looked furious at taking an attack from a Mage that was ranked lower than himself. “I will not stand for this!” He roared out as he brought his hands together and focused his Magic. The very air in the room was all being drawn into the space between his palms. “I refuse to be defeated by the likes of you!” Lisanna felt like she was being directly addressed at this point. “I will cast the Open-Air spell of death: Zero! This Magic sucks up all life!”

Both Erza and Lisanna felt the pull on their bodies as the air was all drawn to the single point in Aria’s hands. Their bodies began to sting as the spell gained more and more strength. Erza’s armor was negating some of the effect of Aria’s spell, but Lisanna was grinding her teeth as she felt her body begin to hurt and her lungs started to burn. Both women shared a quick glance before they rushed towards Aria.

“Fall into the dead air!” Aria demanded as they approached.

“Wind God’s Sword: Vacuum Blade!” Erza suddenly blurred forward and Aria blinked as he lost sight of her. The Zero spell burst apart between his hands as a large gash opened up along Aria’s chest. Blood flew into the air from the laceration, but before the leader of the Element Four could fully register the attack Lisanna’s right hand grabbed his large face as much as possible.

“Fire Dragon’s Grip Strike!” Lisanna roared and a massive blast engulfed the area. Erza watched on, raising her free hand to shield her eyes from the light. Lisanna emerged from the thinning smoke with a grimace on her normally smiling face. Behind her, unconscious and severely burned, lay Aria. The man’s clothes were nearly gone and his face was blackened. He’d need Healing Magic to restore the damage that had been done to him. The Mage wouldn’t be waking up for a long time.

The Element Four had fallen.

-Top Floor of the Phantom Lord Guild Hall-

“My, My, Makarov, it has been a while.” Jose smirked as Makarov entered the Guild Hall through a large open window. The short Fairy Tail Master floated down until his feet were on the floor and he stood across from the other man.

“Jose…” Makarov rumbled out in a deep tone not befitting an old man of his stature. “What is the meaning of these brazen attacks against my Guild and my children?” He leveled a harsh glare at the younger man.

“You know why, Makarov.” Jose’s mocking smile turned into a sneer. “Phantom Lord has always been the best. We have the best Magic, the best Mages, and the most money in Fiore!” His Magic Power began to seep into the air around him. “But these past few years, Fairy Tail has seen a sudden increase in strength. The names of Laxus, Mirajane, Erza, Mystogan, Gildarts, Salamander…all of them have been heard even in my town!” Jose nearly spit at the mere thought. “Lately people have been talking, saying things like Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail are ‘The country’s two finest Guilds!’ I won’t stand for it! Not from an upstart Guild that used to be worthless!”

“These attacks have been to satiate your own ego?!” Makarov thundered as his own Magic Power began to rise.

“Ego? Not in the least!” Jose waved off the accusation. “We’re merely clarifying our superiority, once and for all!”

“For such a trivial reason, you attack us?!” Makarov took a step forward as a golden aura of power developed around him.

“I could never stand your Guild!” Jose’s body was shrouded in his own horrible Magic Power, a thick purple-black aura that reeked of death. “So, what if this fight was triggered by something small?” He gained a mocking grin even as he glared at the short old man. “Small, such as a request to return the daughter of the Heartfilia Corporation to her father.”

“Lucy?” Makarov blinked at the information.

“I could hardly believe it!” Jose suddenly raised his voice again. “The daughter of one of the country’s top industrialists had joined Fairy Tail?!” His sclera turned black as he brought forth the majority of his Magic Power. “How much power do you plan to take before you’ve had enough?!” He raised his hand and pointed at Makarov. “If you’re allowed to use the Heartfilia money unrestrained, then you’d certainly have great power at your beck and call! That is something I can never allow!”

“Your obsession with who is superior or inferior is pointless, Jose.” Makarov shook his head disappointedly at his fellow Wizard Saint.

“What did you just say…?” Jose snarled only to be cut off.

“Lucy has never once talked about her family to us.” Makarov informed the other Guild Master. “She works as a Mage to make her money just like the rest of my children.” He leveled a harsh stare at Jose. “If she was still in her father’s good graces enough to access her family’s wealth, then why would he illegally hire you to bring her back against her will?” The old man laid out the blatantly obvious hole in Jose’s logic.

“It matters not…” Jose shook his head. “I wasn’t planning on returning her right away. I’ll bleed the Heartfilia Corporation dry first. With that vast wealth I’ll never have to worry about Fairy Tail or the Council ever again!” He let a bolt of his Dark Magic lash at Makarov with a cruel smirk.

“Pitiful…” Makarov admonished Jose’s actions and plans. With a flex of his golden aura, the Dark Magic vanished entirely.

“My Magic…what did you…?” Jose stared at his hand for a moment before nearly snarling at Makarov.

“This has gone far enough, Jose!” Makarov’s aura grew brighter and the room began to shake and come apart from the sheer power.

“Are you out to cause a natural disaster, Makarov?” Jose demanded with a dark cackle as he pushed his own Magic Power to match the shorter man’s. Unexpected natural disasters were guaranteed to happen when two Mages of their caliber fought for real.

“If it’s for the sake of my family, then yes!” Makarov stated with finality as their auras clash against each other.

-Phantom Lord Guild Hall ~ Central Building-

The central building of the large Phantom Lord Guild Hall was where many of the day-to-day operations and gatherings happened. Hundreds of people could walk through it per day during the Guild’s usual affairs. It was built of iron, stone, and brick and was easily the most fortified structure of the Guild Hall. It was here that two Dragon Slayers stood across from each other. Near the edge of the massive chamber the two stood in were a handful of other Phantom Lord Mages. This group was meant to restrain Lucy once she was captured and brought into the Guild building. As that hadn’t happened yet, they were surprised when Gajeel landed in the room. Their jaws dropped when the infamous Salamander landed right after him.

“Gehehe…this has been a long time coming, Salamander.” Gajeel grinned widely, baring his fangs.

“Yeah, it has, Black Steel.” Natsu replied, glaring into the other Dragon Slayer’s slit-pupils.

“H-Hey…sh-should we be here?” One of the Phantom Lord Mages whispered to the others. Already the Magic Power pouring off of the two Dragon Slayers was heavy in the air.

“Master told us to wait here until the chick was captured.” Another of the Mages replied, though he was clearly eyeing the door.

“We’re not gonna be able to restrain anyone if we die.” A different Mage spoke up.

“If two Dragon Slayers fight, we’ll get caught up in the crossfire!” A fourth man with his back already pressed against the wall mentioned. He was edging his way towards the closest exit even as his guildmates watched him.

“Let’s settle this, Salamander.” Gajeel took a stance as his Magic Power spiked.

“Bring it on!” Natsu growled back as he dropped into his own stance in response. The Magic Power he was exuding was making the air waver from the heat.

“The sky isn’t big enough for two dragons!” Gajeel’s human hands formed metal claws from his fingertips.

“Then I’ll knock you out of it!” Natsu’s body began to drip molten lava onto the ground, anything that wasn’t metal instantly burned. The parts that were metal slowly heated up and began to soften. The stone and masonry began to tremble under Natsu’s Magic.

“That’s big talk coming from a dormant volcano lizard.” Gajeel mocked Natsu’s power.

“You’re one to talk, you scrap-iron lizard.” Natsu shot back and both flared their Magic Power more.

“Fuck this!” The Phantom Lord Mage that had been edging towards the exit bolted as the wave of hot air hit the group. He damn near pissed himself in his haste to get away from the coming battle. He’d take his chances fighting against Fairy Tail or even Master Jose’s punishment for disobeying orders! At least he’d be alive!

The two Dragon Slayers leapt at each other in a flash. Fist met fist and a shockwave shook the large building. The remaining Phantom Lord Mages staggered from the pressure and stared in shock and terror as the two Dragons in Human skin went at each other.

-End Chapter-


Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!

Element Four Roll Call!

Juvia – Absent

Sol – Beaten Horribly

Totomaru – Beaten and left unconscious on the floor

Aria – Scorched and not waking up any time soon

So, yeah, for being S-Class they weren’t made of the same stuff as Fairy Tail’s S-Class. Except maybe Juvia, but she’s not here right now.

Makarov vs Jose is approaching! Will the local area survive it?

The battle that I’m sure most of you have been waiting for is also coming!

Natsu vs Gajeel! Magma Dragon vs Iron Dragon! Who will prevail?!

I’m pretty sure we all know their battleground won’t!

How will the battle between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord end?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Esteban Gonzalez

The chosen one has answered our prayers!!!


Woo-hoo, I've been dying to see an update for this story! You definitely didn't disappoint, Kai! So with the exception of Lisanna, it looks like my predictions were correct! I think Cana vs. Totomaru would have to be my favorite fight in the chapter! Cana really got to show off her stuff! Her not using her Dragon Slayer Magic was a bit surprising, as I didn't think her element was too dangerous to use against people. And she also didn't even need to use her Crash Magic, either! I loved how she was able to predict what he'd do, and her fighting like her dad (i.e. not moving from her spot as she attacked and defended) really made me laugh! Holy cow, Mirajane really just went and demolished Sol! Didn't even wait for him to fight back, just straight up destroyed him! :rofl: Definitely didn't expect Erza to have this armor so soon. Guess she's really been grinding! It was so cool seeing Lisanna take down Aria after Erza gave her that opening! He won't be happy about that when he wakes up! Finally coming to an end with two impending confrontations! Jose continues to show how high his stupidity can climb as he finally reveals why he attacked Fairy Tail! He probably didn't want to acknowledge Makarov's point cause he'd realize how idiotic it would make him look. That part about natural disasters forming unexpectedly from two Wizard Saints going all out was quite interesting! I could even see it as canon! Meanwhile, Natsu and Gajeel are squaring up for their own showdown! My money's on Natsu winning, obviously, but I'm sure Gajeel will surprise us in the fight! Meanwhile, the Phantom Mage who ran off is clearly the smartest person in the room, since it should have been obvious from the moment Gildarts revealed himself that Phantom Lord wasn't gonna get their hands on Lucy. Can't wait to see what's going to happen in the next chapter!


I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, Sparky! All of the fighting! Yeah, Cana is truly her father's daughter, right? Yes, the runner is indeed the smart one! If he's smart enough, perhaps he'll just keep running until he leaves Magnolia entirely and finds a new Guild?