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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Vivi has the Suna Suna no Mi! This requires some thought…how fast can she get a handle on a Logia Fruit? Luffy will help, of course. There’s also the awakening of Haki for the soldiers to still do. Not to mention Vivi’s ‘Coming of Age’ Ceremony I coming up too.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 39 – Logia, Haki, Teaching

“H-How…?” Vivi stared at her hands in disbelief. Her normally blemish-free skin was like sand. Actual sand fell from her hands as she watched in shock.

“That’s Crocodile’s power…” Igaram was stunned as he stared at Vivi’s hands.

“When did you eat a Devil Fruit, Vivi?” Luffy blinked at his newest lover.

“I…I didn’t…” Vivi shook her head slowly.

“You had to have though...” Mikita spoke up next. “That’s clearly a Devil Fruit.”

“Did you eat anything that tasted horrible recently?” Luffy recalled when he and his brothers had eaten their Devil Fruits. “Something that tasted so bad you almost felt like throwing up?”

“I didn’t eat anything…” Vivi trailed off and she recalled that exact feeling yesterday. “The juice…”

“Juice? What juice, Princess Vivi?” Igaram was starting to fret over her.

“The Cactus Melon juice I had yesterday.” Vivi looked at Igaram. “I’d never had it before, but it was made in the kitchens. It was pulpy and tasted horrible, but I drank part of it before the taste registered.”

“I knew Devil Fruits reappeared after the user died…but so fast and so close to where the user was killed? That’s unheard of.” Mikita shook her head slightly in confusion.

“What am I going to do about this?” Vivi held up her hands that had finally stopped pouring sand, but remained the texture of it.

“I’ll help you, Vivi.” Luffy smiled at her warmly as he took her hands in his. The sand turned back into her normal hands at his touch and Vivi returned his smile with one of her own. “Learning how not to turn into lightning was my first lesson ever.” He grinned at how much effort and time his grandpa had spent with the three boys on controlling their Devil Fruits before Kuzan had arrived at Dawn Island.

“Thank you, Luffy.” Vivi’s eyes were warm with her gratefulness and affection. A look that was partially missed by all but Nami and Mikita. Both women simply shared a quick little smirk between them.

“We must inform the King of this!” Igaram finally shook himself from his shock.

“Yes, we should.” Vivi was quick to agree and both headed for the throne room. Luffy followed along, after a quick nudge from Nami.

It didn’t take the group of three long to reach the throne room. After announcing themselves, plus Luffy, both Vivi and Igaram began to explain the situation to Cobra. The king was more than a little surprised by what had happened. Vivi somehow had come into the possession of Crocodile’s Suna Suna no Mi. While anyone on the Grand Line could tell you that Devil Fruits eventually reappeared after the death of the user, seeing one in the hands of another person in less than a week was ludicrous!

“We’ll need to see if Chaka can assist you with gaining control of your Devil Fruit.” Cobra looked thoughtful with his hand on his chin. “A Logia is a different type, but we don’t want any accidents to happen.”

“I’ll teach her.” Luffy shrugged as he stood beside Vivi. “I learned how to control my Logia a long time ago.” He held up his right arm and everything from the elbow to his fingertips turned into electricity. The sparking was completely contained, his limb still maintaining its shape perfectly despite being a volatile element now.

“How kind of you,” Cobra smiled at the young man. He seemed to continue to find more reasons to like the Pirate Captain. “As Vivi’s father, I’d like to thank you personally for helping her.”

“It’s no problem.” Luffy waved off with a chuckle. He and Vivi caught each other’s eyes and smiled. “Oh yeah,” Luffy pounded his right fist into his left palm. “You wanted me to awaken Haki in the guards and soldiers, right?”

“Ah, yes, that is true.” Cobra nodded with a small grin. “I can have them all gathered in…” He was cut off by a knock on the throne room doors.

“Royal Guardsman Pell to see you, your Majesty.” One of the guards announced and Vivi’s head whipped around so fast that the end of her ponytail brushed against Luffy’s face. He chuckled at the feeling as he turned to look at the doorway.

“Your Majesty, I have returned to your side.” Pell kneeled after taking only a few steps into the throne room. He looked a lot better than when Luffy had brought him into Alubarna. For only being unconscious for a couple of days, he seemed to have recovered very well.

“Rise, Pell, you have done Alabasta a great service.” Cobra smiled at the Royal Guardsman. Pell rose to his feet and was just in time to almost catch Vivi as she nearly threw herself at him.

“Pell!” Vivi hugged him tightly, happy tears in the corner of her eyes.

“It’s good to see you again, Princess Vivi.” Pell returned the hug with a warm smile. “I apologize for worrying you.”

“No, it’s fine…” Vivi wiped her eyes. “You were doing your duty to Alabasta, how could anyone be upset about that?” She gave him a watery smile full of relief and joy.

“It is good to see you well again, Pell.” Igaram smiled at his friend happily. The Head of the Guard couldn’t have been more pleased to see Pell awake and moving about again.

“You’ve recovered remarkably quickly, Pell.” Chaka smiled as he walked over after getting a nod from Cobra. “I didn’t think even a Zoan Fruit user could heal that fast.” He would know, being the user of the Inu Inu no Mi – Model: Jackal.

“Yes, even the doctors in the Royal Infirmary are shocked by how fast I’ve healed from my injuries.” Pell agreed as he patted himself down a bit. “I don’t recall ever recovering from injury like this before.”

“A blessing then.” Chaka smiled and patted Pell’s shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, old friend.”

“It’s good to be back, Chaka.” Pell chuckled as both Royal Guardsmen walked across the throne room to take their places on the right and left of the king. Cobra looked happy to have his right and left sides covered once more. As they had been for years by Chaka and Pell.

“You were saying something about gathering the guards and soldiers?” Luffy reminded after the happy atmosphere had settled a little. Vivi was at his side once more with a bright smile.

“Yes, I was.” Cobra chuckled and turned to look at Igaram. “Igaram, gather the guards and soldiers in the main training grounds.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Igaram bowed to the king before turning and heading for the door. It was his duty to mobilize the guards and soldiers within the palace after all. It was good to be getting back to his proper duties once more. In the large man’s eyes this was a sure sign of the return of normalcy to Alabasta.

“I’d like to be there as well,” Cobra looked at Luffy. “Perhaps even I could benefit from Haki?”

“Sure thing,” Luffy didn’t mind and the beaming smile he got from Vivi only cemented the decision. “Can we get a snack on the way?” He rubbed his stomach which gave a low growl.

“Of course,” Vivi giggled at him. “We’ll stop by and see Miss Terracotta in the kitchens on the way.” Luffy was quickly beaming at the large snack that the Head Chef would no doubt give him.

“Be on your way, you two.” Cobra gave them a proper dismissal. A formality if ever there was one, but it was part of the court traditions of Alabasta. Vivi bowed to her father, she tugged on Luffy’s vest and the pirate bowed a second later. They left a moment later and Luffy followed Vivi towards the kitchens with a wide grin.

On the way to the kitchens, in an out of the way corridor, Vivi spun to face Luffy with a smile. Luffy cocked his head to the side at the sudden stop. The Princess happily pressed herself into Luffy’s chest and her smile turned into a little grin. Her eyes were full of desire as she leaned in to capture his lips. Luffy’s hands quickly found her hips as he kissed her back. The two deepened their lip lock and got more heated in no time. Sadly, it didn’t get to last long. Luffy’s Observation picked up on someone headed their way. He pulled back and informed Vivi of the approaching person. The two shared a quick kiss before separating and walking side-by-side.

“Oh, Princess.” The servant stopped and bowed as Vivi and Luffy passed. The woman was given a smile from Vivi and returned it. Once the Princess and the pirate had rounded the corner the servant returned to her work.


“Ah, Princess, and the captain!” Terracotta greeted them both with a bright smile. “I’ll bet you’re hungry again, eh?” She shot a knowing look at Luffy.

“Yep!” Luffy grinned back and Terracotta laughed happily as she quickly had one of the tables in the kitchen loaded with food. “Ooh!” Luffy’s eye sparkled at the many dishes placed before him so quickly.

“Dig in, young man, your appetite is a thing of wonder for a chef like me!” Terracotta praised the pirate.

“You want some, Vivi?” Luffy questioned the bluenette.

“I might have a little.” Vivi nodded as they both sat down together.

“Time to eat!” Luffy cheered and began to take helpings from every plate available. Vivi smiled as she picked out a few things for herself and made her plate.

“This is all I want.” Vivi grinned as she said the words to let Luffy know that he could have the rest. The Princess tucked in and giggled as she watched as plate after plate of food quickly disappeared into Luffy’s seemingly bottomless stomach.

-Palace ~ Main Training Ground-

“That’s a lot of people.” Luffy commented as he looked at the rows and rows of lightly armored soldiers.

“I rounded up every soldier and guard in the palace.” Igaram nodded to him. “We still have more in Alubarna and across the island, but this should be a good start.”

“Indeed, you’ve done well in such a short time as always, Igaram.” Cobra thanked his Head of the Guard.

“You’re too kind, my King.” Igaram accepted the praise with a humble smile.

“About three-hundred in total.” Pell counted off the lines quickly. “That seems accurate.”

“All of them have been checked for the Baroque Works mark as well. These are loyal soldiers and guards.” Chaka confirmed getting a nod from Cobra in thanks.

“It’ll be easier if you guys stand in front of them.” Luffy stated simply as he saw the range he’d need to cover with his Haki. Cobra, Pell, Chaka, Igaram, and all four members of the Kicking Claw Force headed over to stand in front of the lines of soldiers. “Alright!” Luffy called out loudly to make sure he was heard by all of the soldiers. “Try not to pass out no matter what, okay?!”

“Pass out?” Cobra heard a guard directly behind him question in confusion.

Luffy’s face became focused and all sound seemingly faded away from everyone in front of him. A wave of forced passed through the training grounds in an instant. A large amount of the soldiers dropped instantly, some nearly foaming at the mouth. Others remained standing even as their legs nearly gave out from under them. An immense weight was suddenly on their bodies and a pressure was building up in their heads.

It’s insane…this is Conqueror’s Haki?!’ Cobra questioned in his mind. He felt sweat pouring from his body. His head was pounding and he could hear his heartbeat like distant thunder. His entire body shook in instinctual fear as the pressure grew heavier on him. As if he was being buried under the shifting sands of the desert. ‘I cannot fall...I must never fall! If I fall my people are leaderless, I must protect them! I am the King of Alabasta!’ Cobra pushed back as much as he could against the force that was trying to crush him.

In an instant it was gone.

Cobra inhaled sharply at the sudden lack of pressure. Igaram hit his knees next to him. Pell and Chaka were both breathing heavily, their eyes wide. The Kicking Claw Force were in various states of collapse. Brahm was on his ass, but still awake. Barrel had sweat running down his face and body. Arrow had been forced to one knee. Hyota had both hands on his knees, but looked the least affected of the four.

“Only about a third…” Vivi looked out over the soldiers and guards that were still conscious. That was still one-hundred that should now have access to Haki. It was a good start for the Alabastan Army.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed as he saw how many were still standing. “Not bad you guys! That was more than I expected!” He turned to face Vivi with a wide smile. “I see where you got your Conqueror’s Haki from now!”

“Conqueror’s…” Vivi trailed off before her eyes widened and she looked towards her father. She was rushing over to her father so quickly that Luffy couldn’t help but chuckle as he followed along at a slower pace.

“Father!” Vivi gently placed her hand on her father’s shoulders. She knew what it was like to stand before Luffy’s Conqueror’s Haki. Her father made need a moment to recollect himself.

“That…that was…more than I expected.” Cobra breathed in and out a few times before standing straight again. He smiled at Vivi to assure her that he was okay.

“It’s rather overwhelming.” Vivi agreed with a gentle laugh. “There is something surprising though.” Seeing her father’s curious look the Princess continued. “Luffy says you have Conqueror’s Haki too.”

“I do?” Cobra blinked at his daughter. He’d felt so small, absolutely sure that he’d be crushed despite his defiance of it. Could he possibly have the same ability that he’d just experienced firsthand? It seemed impossible in the face of what he’d been shown only moments ago.

“Yeah, you pushed back and resisted my Conqueror’s Haki.” Luffy smiled at the King. “You can’t fight Conqueror’s like that without having your own.”

“As expected of our King.” Chaka chuckled after getting his bearings.

“True,” Pell agreed with a small laugh. “His Majesty has always been a true and fair Ruler.”

“To wield such power…” Cobra looked deep in thought for a long moment. “It must be used with care. It would be so easy to abuse it.”

“I’ll show you how to use it, but it’ll take time and a lot of effort to learn how to project it at will like I did.” Luffy offered to the King with a simple shrug.

“Once King Cobra get’s control of his Haki, he could awaken it in the rest of the soldiers and guards himself.” Igaram nodded as he thought about the future.

“Right, I should probably have my crew help you guys get started on the basics later today, or tomorrow morning.” Luffy looked like he’d just recalled that and got a deadpan stare from everyone except Vivi. She just laughed beautifully and brought smiles to the faces of all that heard her.


The palace training ground was filled with the sounds of training. Zoro, Sanji, and Mikita were putting fifty of the soldiers through intense physical training and sparring to help them along in their development of Armament Haki. The other fifty were on the other side of the palace, within the gardens as they were guided through meditation by Nami, Usopp, and Chopper. Only through calming themselves and listening to their surroundings would their Observation Haki develop. The two groups would switch after an hour or so. Even King Cobra was within the gardens, meditating as he’d learned to do as a young man during his training to become King.

Luffy and Vivi were out in the ruins that resided just outside of Alubarna’s southwest gate. Under the shade of one of the still partially standing structures, Luffy began to help Vivi with her new Devil Fruit. The Princess was determined to learn to control this power and use it to help others, rather than destroy as Crocodile had done.

“Logia are weird.” Luffy stated simply. Vivi blinked at the simple comment. “Each one reacts differently than the others. When me and my brothers got ours, we could only learn the most basic things about them at the same time. Each of our Fruits was different in how it responded to our control beyond the simplest of things. Ace’s wanted to spread and consume everything. Sabo’s was a weird in-between of solid and intangible. Mine doesn’t work well if I try and block its flow.”

“I think I understand.” Vivi went over Luffy’s words. “I need to figure out the characteristics of my element to use the power.”

“Yeah, that.” Luffy pointed at her with a grin. Vivi giggled at him behind her hand. “That’s why we’re out here in the desert. You have sand all around you. It should be easier to get a feel for your Devil Fruit when you’re already surrounded by the element it produces.”

“Alright, I’ll try.” Vivi nodded resolutely. She sat down and ran her fingers through the sand. The grains were cool from being shaded for a while. She let them run through her fingers and watched them fall. With a sigh she kicked off her sandals and buried her feet in the sand. With a deep breath she focused and tried to move the sand with her will. The grains stayed still as they were want to do without the wind blowing them around. Luffy watched over her attempts to call up her Devil Fruit without judgement. He’d sucked with his at first too. It was several minutes later before he spoke up when he saw Vivi getting frustrated.

“Hey, Vivi, relax.” Luffy sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. The bluenette sighed before leaning back into Luffy with a slight pout on her beautiful face. “You’ll figure it out.” He stated with complete faith in her.

“Luffy,” Vivi couldn’t help but smile a bit. He was such a goof sometimes, but he was so supportive and reassuring. How could she not like him? “I’m just trying to move the sand, but I’m not getting anywhere.”

“Then don’t move it.” Luffy shrugged as he held her. “You’re a Logia, you can do a lot more than just move sand around.”

“You’re right…” Vivi smiled as she lay her head back on his shoulder. “Let’s try this out.” She held up her hands and tried to recall the feeling she’d had in the morning. After a few moments of nothing happening, she frowned a little. “Huh, I guess that’s not what caused it.” She looked at her hands and tried to understand sand better. She’d lived her whole life on Sandy Island, it wasn’t like she wasn’t familiar with it. Sand moved about because of the wind and always fell if something below shifted or moved. “Ah!” Vivi perked up as her hands took on the color of sand. Her fingers fell into grains and then her hands, wrists, and finally her forearms. “I did it!”

“Shishishishi! Good job, Vivi.” Luffy laughed as he hugged her.

“Shifting…it’s all about how the sand moves.” Vivi murmured and a moment later she fell into a pile of sand in Luffy’s arms.

“Vivi?” Luffy blinked before he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind. The ‘voice’ he heard was full of joy and love and was undeniably Vivi’s.

“Yes, Luffy?” Vivi giggled as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

“Shishishishi…” Luffy chuckled before gently pulling her back into his lap and kissing her. “You figured out a full body change a lot faster than I did.” He praised her with another kiss.

“I think I might know how to produce sand too.” Vivi informed him as she held out her left arm and her hand turned to sand again. From her wrist poured more sand in a seemingly endless trickle. It wasn’t a lot, but it was sand that Vivi was producing with her Devil Fruit. “I just need to get used to it before I can make more at once.”

“Crocodile molded the sand and hardened it too, so that’s an ability that you have as well.” Luffy mentioned and Vivi looked curiously at the sand pouring from her transformed hand.

“Hmm…I’ll have to practice a lot to make this useful.” Vivi reformed her hand and flexed her fingers.

“To get us used to using our Devil Fruits, my grandpa through rocks at us to force us to get better and faster at shifting. We could do something similar.” Luffy suggested and Vivi looked alarmed for a second. The look was replaced a moment later with a devious little grin that looked adorable on Vivi’s features.

“How about a game?” Vivi asked and Luffy grinned.

“What kind of game?” Luffy inquired as Vivi’s hands cupped his cheeks.

“We’ll play tag.” Vivi stated with a grin. “If you catch me, you get a prize.”

“Prize? Like what?” Luffy was very interested by the look he saw in Vivi’s eyes.

“I was thinking…” Vivi leaned into his ear. “That I could suck your cock~” She purred while blowing on his ear. She giggled when Luffy tightened his hold on her for a second. Mikita and Nami were right, it was fun to be a little naughty every now and then.

“Deal!” Luffy had a wide grin as he looked at Vivi.

“You haven’t heard the rules yet though.” Vivi tapped his nose with her fingertip.

“Rules?” Luffy knew how to play tag. The rules were simple.

“Uh-huh…” Vivi loved his confused look. “First rule, you don’t get to use your Devil Fruit.”

“Okay.” Luffy shrugged, he shouldn’t need it to catch Vivi anyway.

“Second rule, no Haki.” Vivi stuck her tongue out playfully. “You have to catch me faster than I can shift between my body and sand.”

“Hmm…” Luffy leaned in to look her in the eye. Then he pecked her lips. “Okay!”

“Alright then, GO!” Vivi burst apart into sand and disappeared.

“I’ll catch you!” Luffy declared with his fists raised in the air. He took off after the trailing clouds of sand quickly.

The game lasted a while with the limits that were placed on Luffy. Not using his Haki meant he had to find Vivi by his normal senses. He also couldn’t touch her if she shifted into sand. It made actually catching her much more difficult as she started getting used to the Suna Suna no Mi. Luffy almost had her once, only to end up covered in sand as Vivi dispersed and he went headfirst into a small dune.

“Kyah!” Vivi cried out dramatically as Luffy’s hand grabbed her shoulder. The captain had come flying in from her blind spot and managed to surprise her.

“Got ya!” Luffy cheered as he wrapped his other arm around her waist.

“Oh no~!” Vivi jokingly cried out in dismay. She pulled his lips to hers with a giggle. “Whatever will you do with a defenseless princess like me?”

“I can think of something.” Luffy grinned widely as he realized that they were farther into the old ruins where no one could see them. A quick check with his Haki revealed no one in the area for kilometers, except the city itself, of course. In the shade of the old stonework, Luffy grinned as Vivi undid his shorts and pulled them down along with his boxers.

“Mmm…” Vivi licked her lips at seeing Luffy’s length again. She pushed him to sit on a nearby old stone bench. Once he was sitting, she sank to her knees between his legs. “I got a few tips from Mikita and Nami, but this is still my first time with oral. I’ll do my best.” She kissed the head of his cock and Luffy hummed as his right hand gently took hold of her ponytail.

“Vivi.” Luffy exhaled as the Princess kissed her way down his length. She flattened her tongue against the underside of his dick before licking all the way back up to the head. She grinned naughtily at him before swirling her tongue around the tip. She teased him a little until she felt the hand on her ponytail urge her forward a little.

“Let me reward you, Luffy~” Vivi breathed out before parting her lips and taking in the first third of his cock.

“Hmm!” Luffy groaned as Vivi took him into her mouth for the first time. Her tongue was flattened against the underside of his length as she bobbed her head back and forth slowly.

Vivi was thankful for the tips that Nami and Mikita had given her now. She wasn’t taking it too fast and messing up her first attempt. Plus, the way that Luffy was reacting meant she must be doing well so far. She pulled back, making sure to suck in her cheeks a little to increase the stimulation. When she only had the tip left, she pushed forward again. This time she took him to the halfway point. She moved her head back and forth along his cock, feeling the tip just barely touching her throat. With a deep breath, she went further.

“Gakh!” Vivi gagged slightly as the head was pushed into her throat.

“Vivi…” Luffy let out a pleased groan at the feeling of her hot mouth.

“Mmm…mmh…gkh…” Vivi gently eased off before bobbing her head again. Every few bobs she descended further again until she felt Luffy enter her throat. After getting used to the feeling a little bit, Vivi pulled back until only the head was between her lips again. She caught Luffy’s eyes and the two shared a smoldering look of desire. Then she descended and kept going until she couldn’t take more. “Gagkh!” Vivi gagged and she felt her eyes water as she took almost all of Luffy into her mouth and throat. She held herself there for a long moment before pulling back so that she could breathe. “Hah…hah…hah…” Vivi panted once she freed Luffy’s cock from her lips.

“Damn.” Luffy was breathing harder now too. Vivi felt a little bit of pride at seeing him like this.

“More?” Vivi questioned rhetorically with a sexy grin. Her answer was Luffy’s hand on her ponytail pushing her forward. Another deep breath and Vivi took him back into her mouth and throat. She let Luffy set the pace, feeling his hold on her was kind of a turn-on. “Gakh…mmph…mmh…gagkh…” Vivi hummed and gagged a little as she started getting used to taking Luffy so deep. When she felt him start to buck slightly, she knew what to expect thanks to Mikita and Nami.

“Vivi…I’m…” Luffy was close and was going to warn her. But Vivi was apparently aware as she pushed forward and her lips wrapped around the base of his length. Luffy groaned her name as he let go and crashed over the edge. The feeling of Vivi’s tight throat swallowing down his seed coaxed even more from Luffy in a prolonged release.

“Pah!” Vivi pulled off his cock with a deep inhale. Her eyes were watery and her face was flushed, but she happily opened her mouth to show him she’d swallowed everything. “Hah…Luffy…” She panted as she slowly caught her breath.

“Vivi…you’re amazing.” Luffy grinned down at her. Nami and Mikita had definitely helped her out, that was the only explanation. The pirate grinned as he stood up, his half-hard length lying on Vivi’s beautiful features for a long moment before he tucked himself away.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your reward, Luffy.” Vivi grinned at him as he helped her to her feet. “Woah!” She yelped when Luffy swept her off her feet and into a bridal carry. “Luffy?”

“I have to return the favor!” Luffy declared with a wide smile and Vivi felt herself tremble in pleasure just from the look in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile. The couple vanished from the old ruins in a spark, heading for the palace for some alone time.

Nami and Mikita would be the first to find them. The pirate women dragging both off to the women’s baths for their own relaxation.

-End Chapter-


Naughty Vivi! Where did our innocent Princess go?! Was she corrupted by Nami and Mikita?!

The answer is yes!

When they’re alone, Vivi is happy to show Luffy her naughty side!

Vivi is learning to use the Suna Suna no Mi! Her familiarity with the element is helping her along. Not to mention being a decade older than Luffy was when he got the Goro Goro no Mi definitely helps.

Luffy has awakened the Haki of the King, Igaram, Pell, Chaka, the Kicking Claw Force, and one-hundred soldiers of the Alabastan Army. That should certainly be a good start!

Cobra has Conqueror’s too?! It must run in the family!

Now some basic training and Vivi’s ‘Coming of Age’ Ceremony before the Straw Hats leave Alabasta for the next island that the Log Pose points too!

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another very fun and highly entertaining chapter

Christian Jeffress

I wonder if any abilities from avatar the last Airbender can be used, in regards to earth, bending, or even that sonar like sense that Toph has, paired with observation Haki.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Lovely chapter Kairo. Nice to see our wonderful cerulean haired sand princess is getting a hold of her powers.


Glad you liked it, Tristan! Vivi being familiar with sand and also a decade older when she got her powers means she can learn about them faster. Also, we all love Naughty Vivi moments! *Hehehehe~*


Very Nice Kai


exsalent chapter like it a lot keep on making more

Clark Kent

Nice chapter! I’ve always wanted to see how someone else would use the sand fruit, and getting to read a lemon on top of that was just awesome.


The Chapter is awesome but curious why did you give Vivi a devil fruit?


I really took my time getting around to this :haha:. Anyways, review time! To no one's surprise, Luffy will be helping Vivi to control her new DF! He has a lot of experience with that, after all! Speaking of which, makes me wonder how he's going to react when he sees into Kuzan again. Pell recovered suspiciously quickly... no doubt thanks to the temporary Awakening from Akuma. Not entirely the blessing they all think it is... But hey, at least Pell is back! Finally time for Luffy to awaken Haki in the soldiers! It's only natural most of them wouldn't be able to withstand it. I both was and wasn't surprised when Cobra was revealed to have Conqueror's Haki! On the one hand, this is the first story I've seen that gave Cobra Haki, let alone Conqueror's Haki. But on the other hand, he has always had a very commanding presence, and like Luffy said, it explains where Vivi got hers from! I was a little surprised to see Sanji helping soldiers on the Armament Haki side of things since his affinity is in Observation. Guess it's cause he's more versed in physical combat than the other three. On that note, which one does Chopper have an affinity for? All the Luffy/Vivi moments were really adorable (until it got naughty :kek:)! I enjoyed watching him teach her how to use her powers! The game was a nice touch to get her more used to her powers, as well as show off her naughty side~! We're getting closer and closer to the Straw Hats' departure, where we'll finally see Robin joining the crew! Looking forward to seeing that happen!


Who said it was a temporary Awakening? Yep, the Conqueror's is strong in Vivi's family! Sanji is a physical monster, so he's best suited for training the fledgling Armament Haki of the soldiers. Chopper's affinity is to Observation given his animal heritage. Glad you liked the training and the naughty! *Hehehehe~* Soon enough, soon enough! Glad that you enjoyed it, Sparky!