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Here we go again friends and fans! Another One Piece Plot Bunny!

One more ‘Different Devil Fruit Luffy’ story idea and this time we have another OP Mythical Zoan! I know all three ideas have been Mythical Zoans so far, but I promise that I have both Paramecia and Logia Fruits in the queue!

This idea came about because of Dragon Mythology of the East! Seiryū isn’t the only Dragon of note, after all! China has Dragon Gods of its own! This particular one is the Black Dragon God of Lake Baikal. The Dragon God of the North and the Essence of Winter.

I hope everyone reading this enjoys! It’s time for there to be another Dragon in the sky!


Mythical Zoan – Uo Uo no Mi - Model: Hēilóng

Mythical Zoan – Fish Fish Fruit - Model: Dark/Mysterious Dragon

“Stupid Grandpa…” Monkey D. Luffy, a rather rambunctious child of seven-years-old with black hair and dark eyes, pouted as he trudged through the forest of Mt. Corvo. His grandpa had brought him here after Shanks and his crew had sailed away for the last time. After the incident with the bandits, and Shanks somehow knocking out the Lord of the Coast with just a glare, the captain of the Red Hair Pirates had bid Luffy and Fuusha Village farewell. The man had left his precious straw hat with Luffy with the promise that the boy would return it when he became a great pirate. It was a promise between men!

Currently, Luffy was walking through the forests after being rejected by Ace again. The older boy didn’t seem to want anything to do with him. All Luffy wanted was to be friends! He didn’t have to be such jerk about it! As he made his way through the forest he eventually came upon his destination, a swath of fruit-bearing trees in the woods. He preferred meat, by a lot, but Makino, Dadan, and even his grandpa had said that he should eat other things too. Luffy trusted Makino to know things like that, so he’d come here to stuff his face with fruit.

“Time to eat!” Luffy smiled as he climbed up the nearest tree and took one of the ripe-looking fruits from the branches. He began eating, his free hand already reaching for a second fruit before he’d even finished the first.

Almost an hour later and Luffy was patting his stomach with a grin. It wasn’t as good as meat, but food was food. He checked the tree he was in for any more fruits, and not seeing any more, turned his gaze to the next tree he had yet to touch. Luffy easily leapt over to the new tree and looked for more fruit. He was confused when he did spot one though, it looked nothing like all the others he’d eaten today. With childish curiosity, Luffy picked the weird-looking fruit and held it up to his eyes to examine it. The fruit was spherical and slightly oblong in shape, sort of resembling a pinecone. Its black exterior gave it the appearance of having overlapping scales. On each ‘scale’ was a small, dark-indigo oval in the middle that had a spiral at the bottom, while the outer portions of each ‘scale’ were jet-black. On the top, the fruit had bluish leaves and two identical, yet separate, oddly curled stems, one being brown and the other a shade of green.

“What a weird fruit.” Luffy remarked as he looked it over. “I’ve never seen one like this before.” The small swirl marks on the fruit kinda reminded him of the fruit Shanks had in the chest at Makino’s. He’d almost eaten it, thinking it was dessert, before Shanks knocked it out of his hand and stuffed it back in the chest. He remembered that Shanks called it a Devil Fruit. According to the captain, it would grant the one that ate it an ability of some kind, but at the cost of never being able to swim again. “Is this one of those Devil Fruit things?” Luffy looked the strange fruit over again. His seemingly bottomless stomach rumbled a little and that was all the incentive Luffy needed. “I guess I get to find out what one tastes like now!” The ability might even make not being able to swim worth it, but that was at the back of the boy’s mind compared to his stomach. He chomped down on the fruit and chewed it. The absolutely foul taste that followed had Luffy choking down the bite in his mouth before gagging and hacking. “Yuck!” He threw the half-eaten Devil Fruit aside.

Deciding that he’d try and figure out what ability he might have, Luffy jumped down form the tree. He walked through the forest back towards Dadan’s house while trying to get something to happen. Being that he had no idea what he was doing, it wouldn’t surprise anyone that he hadn’t managed to use his new ability by the time he returned to the bandits’ house.

“LUFFY!!!” Dadan’s loud voice rang out the second the young boy stepped through the door. “I KNOW YOU ATE ALL OF THE MEAT WE…were…going to…dry…” The large woman trailed off as Garp’s grandson had jumped nearly a meter into the air in shock from her yelling. What had stopped her tirade, however, was the fact that Luffy was now a four meter long, black scaled lizard!

“What the hell?!” All of the bandits cried out in shock at the sudden change.

“What’s all the noise?” Ace walked out of one of the rooms with a bleary gaze. He’d clearly been taking a nap and been awoken by the ruckus. His sleepy eyes found the long lizard in the house and blinked at the straw hat on its head. “Did the brat get eaten by a lizard?”

“I’m not a brat!” The lizard yelled back and Ace blinked at the familiar voice.

“Huh?!” Ace nearly gaped at hearing Luffy’s voice from the long reptile. “Why’re you a black lizard?”

“I’m a black lizard?” Luffy looked behind him, much easier with his serpentine neck, and just stared for a long moment. “I’M A LIZARD!!!” The panic that followed in the Dadan Clan’s hideout was immense. It took several minutes for everyone to calm down enough for the short Dogra, Dadan’s second-in-command, to notice Luffy’s complete features in his new form.

“I don’t think you’re just a lizard, Luffy.” Dogra adjusted his hat as he approached the transformed boy. “You’ve got the four limbs, the antler-like horns, the fur going down your back, even the two long whiskers…I think you’re one of those Eastern Dragons from the myths and stories.”

“I’m a dragon?” Luffy blinked at Dogra.

“He’s a dragon?” Everyone else in the house gaped.

“Cool!” Luffy beamed, as much as a Dragon could anyway. A gurgling sound was heard and Luffy twisted his long neck around to look at his body. “When’s dinner? I’m hungry.” He looked at Dadan expectantly.

“What?!” Dadan face-faulted, along with all the other bandits

-Three Weeks Later-

“LUFFY!!!” Marine Vice Admiral, Monkey D. Garp’s voice boomed over Fuusha Village as soon as his ship docked. The older man leapt off the bow of the ship and landed on solid ground easily. He’d been anxious ever since he’d gotten the call from Dadan. Luffy had apparently eaten a Devil Fruit he’d found in the forest. That could be good or bad depending on the ability. The fact that he was a black eastern dragon nearly made Garp drink through an entire ship’s worth of alcohol. That was the same, or at least similar, Devil Fruit that Kaido had! He absolutely couldn’t leave his grandson to try and figure this out on his own. No matter what he said, Monkey D. Garp valued his family more than anything else in the world. It was the main reason he’d never even attempted to go after his Revolutionary of a son, Monkey D. Dragon.

“Hi grandpa!” Luffy, in his normal human form, waved from his place beside Makino. Over the last three weeks he’d gained enough knowhow to control his transformations at the very least. Ace was on Makino’s opposite side with his usual scowl.

“You fool boy!” Garp marched up to his grandson and lifted him up by the front of his t-shirt. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” He was doing his best not to shake Luffy too much, no matter how he’d like to throttle the boy for this situation.

“I ate a Devil Fruit…didn’t Dadan tell you?” Luffy asked blankly and Garp deadpanned. Makino giggled behind her hand and even Ace cracked a grin.

“You little idiot…” Garp exhaled heavily. “I hope you’re prepared, brat! I’ve taken a long vacation and we’ll be spending all of it making sure you have control of this power, you understand me?” Left out was the fact that his vacation had been approved almost entirely through an argument with Fleet Admiral Sengoku over the Transponder Snail after Garp had already left Marineford.

“Okay, I need to get stronger anyway.” Luffy grinned widely. “I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” He proclaimed his dream loudly for all to hear. It had been his dream ever since he and Shanks had parted ways.

“LIKE HELL YOU WILL, BRAT!!!” Garp roared before clocking Luffy over the head with his patented ‘Fist of Love’. He’d been beyond frustrated the first time that he’d heard Luffy say that when he’d come to Dawn Island to leave the boy with Dadan. ‘Damn that Red Hair…’ Garp growled in his mind.

“OW! Grandpa you jerk!” Luffy grabbed his head and tried to kick his grandpa.

“No grandson of mine is going to become a pirate, you hear me?!” Garp was shaking Luffy now, even as he ignored the kicks that were reaching his chest.

“I will so!” Luffy argued right back and half of Fuusha Village watched on with smiles or laughter as the Monkey D. Family inadvertently provided entertainment once again.

-Barren Island ~ East of Fuusha Village-

“Why’re we way out here, grandpa?” Luffy looked around the mostly rocky island. It was far enough away from Fuusha Village that he could only see Dawn Island as a small spot on the horizon.

“I know enough about a fruit similar to yours that I wouldn’t dare try and train you anywhere that other people are.” Garp answered as he thought of everything that he knew Kaido’s Devil Fruit could do. As the ‘Hero of the Marines’ Garp was well acquainted with what one of the Emperors of the Sea was capable of. “We’ll start off with seeing how your transformations look. After that we’ll work on the other abilities.”

“Other abilities?” Luffy tilted his head to the said in confusion.

“Your form is an eastern dragon, you’ll have multiple abilities because of that.” Garp explained and Luffy perked up as his curiosity was peaked. “Breath attacks, wind manipulation, summoning storms, and you’re Beast Form will only continue to grow larger and larger as you age.”

“Really?!” Luffy’s eyes were practically sparkling and Garp smacked his head, making Luffy hit the ground face first.

“This isn’t anything to be excited about, brat!” Garp bellowed at his grandson. “If you lost control of your Devil Fruit powers you could wipe out the village in a matter of minutes!”

“OW! Grandpa!” Luffy shot back up with a growl of his own.

“Now, listen and try to learn, brat! If you can’t get your ability under control then you’re not going to be able to live with anyone without potentially hurting or killing them! Do you want to be alone for the rest of your life?!” Garp looked Luffy dead in the eye and saw his grandson’s eyes widen.

“That would be so boring!” Luffy exclaimed and Garp almost smacked him upside the head. At the very least Luffy seemed to be taking his words to heart.

The next few days were spent getting Luffy used to transforming. An unusual fact of Mythical Zoan Fruits was their ability to perform partial transformations and occasionally conjure some aspect of their Beast Form even without transforming. Luffy had learned fairly quickly, as this was an entirely physical learning experience which he excelled in. Transforming just his arms into scaled and clawed versions was the first partial transformation he’d mastered. His Hybrid Form was easy enough and Luffy liked that it made fighting his grandpa easier.

Unfortunately, the special powers afforded to him via his Devil Fruit were harder to figure out for the boy. He could make odd flames that floated around and he could even touch them like they were solid. But they didn’t burn anything, they were barely warm to the touch. His control over wind was spotty at best. A gentle breeze sometimes and other times a powerful gale. He’d completely lost control once and summoned a storm. Lightning had repeatedly struck the empty island as tornadoes formed. Garp had knocked him unconscious to stop the power fueling the raging storm.

“Hah!!!” Luffy exhaled in his Hybrid Form, trying once again to figure out his breath attack. To the stunned look of Garp, and Luffy’s own confusion, ethereal blue and white flames had poured from his mouth. The most surprising thing was that the temperature had plummeted noticeably as the strange fire washed over a small area. The rock and sparse grasses had frozen over in thick ice instead of being burnt.

“That…that wasn’t what I was expecting.” Garp admitted as he and Luffy looked over the frozen area.

“Mystery fire.” Luffy crossed his arms and nodded, as if that explained everything. Garp facepalmed at his dope of a grandson.

-A Week Later-

“What do you mean you figured out how to fly?” Garp questioned Luffy confused. They’d been trying to replicate Kaido’s flight ability for days already.

“It’s the weird fire cloud things…” Luffy explained as he conjured them up. “They hold things up and move them around, but not very fast.” Luffy wrapped a spiral of the odd cloud-like fire around his legs and hovered in the air, barely moving forward. “But if I move on them, it’s faster!” Luffy demonstrated by stepping on one of the conjured flames and then another. Garp watched as Luffy ran through the air for a while with the flame clouds as footholds.

“Well, I’ll be…you do have a brain in that thick skull!” Garp laughed loudly slapping his knee. Luffy transformed into his Dragon Form and gripped the fire clouds with his four legs. He charged through the air at his grandpa and Garp only laughed louder as he stopped the charge with one hand. With a grin, the old man grabbed Luffy’s antler-like horns and shoulder tossed Luffy into the ground.

-Two Months Later-

“Well, I can’t put off returning to Marine Headquarters any longer.” Garp grumbled a little at not being able to continue training up his grandson. He’d smack that pirate nonsense out of the boy’s head if he could have more time. “Luffy, you keep practicing your abilities, but be careful…you know what could happen if you don’t.” Grandfather and grandson shared a look and Luffy nodded in agreement. He didn’t want to be alone for his whole life, that would be so boring!

“We’ll take care of him.” Makino nodded to the Vice Admiral with her hand gently resting on Luffy’s head.

“I’ll be back in a few more months, Luffy. We’ll continue your training then.” Garp stated with finality. He wouldn’t hear any back sass from Luffy over this.

“Okay.” Luffy shrugged and Garp sighed at the carefree attitude. It was at least preferable to the boy being a carbon copy of his father. With a nod to Makino, Garp turned and boarded his ship in a single leap. The large Marine ship slowly left the harbor and sailed off towards the horizon.

“Would you like something to eat, Luffy?” Makino asked, already knowing the answer.

“Meat, please!” Luffy cheered and Makino giggled brightly as she walked with the boy towards her bar.

Over the next ten years, Luffy’s life changed as he grew up. He’d made friends with Ace after a little more time. The older boy thought his Dragon powers could be useful and Luffy, being Luffy, had eventually made a friend out of Ace. He’d met Sabo not long after that and the trio had gone on to cause all sorts of trouble throughout the Goa Kingdom. Sabo’s father, a Noble of Goa Kingdom had tried to steal Sabo back by hiring paying the Bluejam Pirates. That hadn’t ended well for them when Luffy had transformed, his Dragon Form, now at a length of six meters, had terrified most of the pirates. When he’d opened his jaws and bathed them in the ethereal flames, the screaming had been cut off almost instantly. The pirates had been entombed in ice and Sabo’s father was running for his life with frost covering half of his body. They never saw the man again.

Ace and Sabo had turned in the Bounties of two of the pirates, Bluejam himself and Porchemy. The three boys had stashed the Beri away in their hidden treasure hoard in the forest. The three boys had shared Sake cups only a week later, becoming brothers. It was a warm moment full of laughter for all three of them. Their trio would continue to cause trouble in Goa Kingdom until the burning of Grey Terminal. The visit of a Celestial Dragon had prompted the Nobles of Goa to burn the landfill completely to ‘look better’ for the World Noble. Luffy had been confused when there was no actual dragon and the guy turned out to be just a weirdo wearing a bubble over his head. Of course, the instant the Celestial Dragon had left, Goa Kingdom returned to tossing their trash into the old landfill and Grey Terminal was quickly being filled with garbage again.

Ace and Sabo had taken their share of the treasure stash when they’d set out to sea at seventeen. Both young men laughing as they parted ways with their little brother and each other. They promised to be looking out for news about Luffy in three years. Luffy, not crying by the way, even though Ace and Sabo would say he was, had waved them both off along with all of Fuusha Village. The three years between Ace and Sabo’s departure and Luffy’s own had been filled with Luffy continuing to practice with his Devil Fruit and looking out for information in his brothers. Ace had become a pirate and the captain of his own crew, the Spade Pirates. A starting Bounty of 55,000,000 Beri had made Luffy laugh. Sabo’s only contact had been letters every now and then. The young man had only said he’d found a group of people that shared his ideals and that he’d joined up with them. Luffy was confused, but still looked forward to the day he’d see his brothers again.

A strange thing had happened over the last decade on Dawn Island though. It hadn’t been noticeable at first, but every year, winter seemed to come a little earlier and last a little longer. Four years into this and winter on Dawn Island was always filled with snow and a biting chill. Six years on and Dawn Island never saw less than four months of winter. By the ninth year, blizzards occurred in the long winters and no one could figure out why winter had become so harsh over the last years. It was only after Luffy set sail that winter seemingly returned to normal, as if the past decade had never happened.

-Months Later ~ Long Ring Long Land-

“You have grown into quite the lovely lady…haven’t you, Nico Robin?” The tall man in the white suit asked and Robin fell backwards in shock.

“You know this guy, Robin?” Luffy stepped between the unknown man and his nakama.

“He’s…Marine Admiral Aokiji.” Robin stated, her voice shaking.

“Admiral?!” Sanji stared at the black-haired man with the eye mask resting on his forehead. “That’s like the highest rank in the Marines!”

“In all of the Marine organization, only three people hold the Title of Admiral. Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji. They’re known as the ‘Ultimate Military Force’ among all the officers. They’re only outranked by Fleet Admiral Sengoku.” Robin explained from her spot on the grass. She hadn’t taken her eyes off the Admiral for a split second.

“What is someone like that doing here?!” Chopper questioned in a panic.

“Shouldn’t he be at Marine Headquarters or something?!” Usopp demanded while pointing at the Admiral. “Just go away!”

“Oh my, there’s quite a few beautiful and curvy ladies here.” Aokiji leaned down slightly to look at Nami and Nojiko. “Are you two free tonight?”

“How dare you, jerk?!” Sanji roared with sharp teeth. “I’ll kill you!”

“We’re both taken.” Nojiko spoke up while Nami just leaned back from the Admiral a bit.

“Just hold on a minute, guys.” Aokiji held up his hands in front of him. “Did you even hear what I said?” He sighed as he looked over the pirates. “I’m just out for a stroll. Don’t get so upset.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Besides, you guys are…ah…I forgot…well, never mind.”

“You forgot what you were gonna say?!” Both Sanji and Usopp yelled at the Marine.

“What’s with this guy?” Usopp turned to look at Robin while pointing at Aokiji. “Robin, are you sure you’ve got the right guy? How could someone like him be an Admiral?”

“Hey now, never judge a person by their looks alone.” Aokiji admonished with a slow drawl. “My motto in the Marines is…Lazy Justice.”

“Yeah, we figured as much!” Usopp and Sanji barked at the lazy man.

“Anyway…let’s…oh man, sorry.” Aokiji kneeled down before lying on his side. “Standing for too long makes me tired.”

“Weren’t you the one sleeping while standing up though?” Usopp muttered at the odd man.

“Anyway, I don’t at all intend to try and capture you, so don’t worry.” Aokiji yawned slightly. “I just came to verify Nico Robin’s whereabouts after she disappeared from Alabasta.” He looked at the Straw Hats again. “As I expected, she’s been with you.”

“He really is a lazy guy.” Sanji ground his cigarette between his teeth.

“I figure I should at least report it to Headquarters. Since you’ve added a new member with a price on her head, your crews’ total Bounty goes up to…Captain plus swordsman…plus the others…then Nico Robin’s…” He looked to be trying to figure out the new total in his head. “Aw screw it, some big ass number.” The Admiral gave up.

“Just do the damn math.” Zoro deadpanned at the lazy man.

“So, is it a fight you want after all?” Luffy still stood between Robin and Aokiji.

“Hah~” Aokiji moved into a sitting position with a heavy sigh. “You’re just like your grandfather, Monkey D. Luffy.”

“Grandpa…oh right…Admiral, you definitely know my grandpa then.” Luffy nodded at his realization.

“I owe a debt to your grandfather…from a long time ago.” Aokiji spoke with a slow drawl. “I came here to confirm where Nico Robin was…and to get a look at you.” The Pirate and the Marine locked eyes for a long moment, an intense stare down held between the two men. “After seeing you up close, maybe it would be better to deal with you now?” Luffy slightly narrowed his eyes while the rest of the crew prepared for combat. “The government still doesn’t think you’re much of a threat…but just from seeing you all, I can tell you’re going to become a problem in the future.”

“Doesn’t mince words when he gets serious, does he?” Nami remarked as she kept her eyes on Aokiji. Beside her, Nojiko was ready to fight.

“Although your crew is small…a group like you…is bound to become a real threat in time.” Aokiji looked at each member in turn. “I know all the details, from your first Bounties…all of your exploits…and just how quickly your strength has grown.” Even though the man didn’t change his position, still sitting on the grass, the air had clearly changed. Tension was slowly building up between them. “I’ve faced many ruthless pirates over the years…and you guys are starting to scare me.”

“I thought you were just out for a stroll?” Usopp hissed at the Marine, never taking his sights off the tall man.

“One specific reason you seem so dangerous…is you… Nico Robin.” Aokiji looked at the ravenette behind Luffy. “The amount of a Bounty doesn’t reflect combat strength, but the danger they pose to the government. That’s why a Bounty was placed on your head…even though you were only eight-years-old.” Robin said nothing, but a lone bead of seat formed on her brow. “You were just a child, but what a survivor you were. Betraying people and escaping unharmed. People took you in, and you used them.” He shot a harsh look at Robin. “With that cunning, you survived in the underworld…and now you’ve hidden yourself in this crew.”

“Hey!” Sanji barked at the Marine. “I don’t like what you’re saying. What do you have against Robin?!”

“I don’t have anything against her,” Aokiji shook his head minutely. “If I have any connection to her…it’s that I once let her get away. But that was a long time ago.” He looked over the group again. “You’ll find out soon enough. It won’t be long before you all realize what a troublesome woman she really is.”

“You son of a…” Sanji looked like he was about to attack the Admiral for his words.

“Here’s the proof,” Aokiji stood up slowly. “Every organization that Nico Robin has been associated with to date…has fallen.” He looked directly into Robin’s eyes. “Yet she always survives…I wonder why, Nico Robin?” Robin flinched slightly from the piercing gaze and question.

“Are you done?” Luffy spoke up and stared the Admiral down. “We don’t care about the past.” He walked the short distance over to Robin and helped her to her feet. “I don’t care where’s she’s from.” He kicked off his sandals. “I don’t care what she’s done.” He placed his treasured straw hat on Robin’s head, smiling at her with that same grin he always did. “She’s my nakama now,” He turned to glare fiercely at Aokiji. “She’s, my Robin!”

Am I blushing?’ Robin wondered even as she felt her cheeks grow warm. Nami and Nojiko both had knowing little grins on their lips.

“You and me, right now.” Luffy challenged the Admiral, making it a one-on-one fight.

“L-Luffy don’t…” Robin reached out to him.

“You guys, head back to the ship…this is gonna get dangerous.” Luffy turned to smile at his crew.

“You heard the Captain.” Zoro took his hands off his swords. Sanji tsked but dropped his stance. Nami and Nojiko were quick to walk over to Luffy and kiss him one after the other. The sisters then took one of Robin’s arms each and began to lead her back towards the Going Merry.

“Uh…Luffy are you sure about this?” Usopp asked as he looked between Aokiji and his friend. Chopper was also looking nervous as he stood next to Usopp.

“Yeah, it’ll be fine.” Luffy grinned at his gunman and doctor. “This’ll be the first time I have to go all out since I set out to sea.” Usopp saw the confidence in Luffy’s eyes and he nodded. The gunman quickly led Chopper away as fast as they could run.

“Well, damn.” Aokiji sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “If it’s one-on-one then I can’t touch the rest of the crew without breaking my word.” The lanky man didn’t seem very concerned though.

“Don’t worry about it…” Luffy transformed into his Hybrid Form. His body stood almost even with Aokiji’s considerable height now. Covered in pitch-dark scales with antler-like horns growing from his head. His legs had changed their structure and his feet were now sharp talons. Both of his arms were muscled and his fingers ended in wicked claws. A long, powerful tail formed and waved slowly behind Luffy to complete the transformation. “I’ll be enough.”

“I suppose it’ll be good to finish off the other dragon besides Kaido…” Aokiji’s body began to frost over and become ice as he activated his own Devil Fruit. “Before you grow into as big a monster as he is.” And hadn’t that been one hell of a day?

The blaring sirens at Marineford after a confirmed report of Kaido’s Dragon Form being sighted in East Blue of all places. All three Admirals had been called into an emergency meeting and the whole island was abuzz with preparations. It was only when a picture had been sent through the Fax Snail that the panic had lessened. The black dragon in the picture was clearly not Kaido. But that had led to even more speculation and some panic that another Mythical Zoan Fruit of the same caliber had appeared. It was only when Garp had spoken up, claiming the Dragon was his grandson, that the alert had been cancelled. Garp, privately, had received a full dressing down for not reporting the Devil Fruit his grandson had eaten. Had the Marines or Government known, the boy would’ve been conscripted into service. Fighting a beast like Kaido with a similar beast would’ve given more hope to the World Government of taking the Emperor down. As it stood, Monkey D. Luffy had become a Pirate and now the Marines and World Government had two dragons to deal with.

The fight started in the blink of an eye. Aokiji’s body shattered into mere snow as Luffy rushed him and his claws tore through the Admiral’s body. Before the man could reform, his body was again shattered by a powerful whip of Luffy’s long tail. The next attack was caught, Aokiji’s hand gripping Luffy’s wrist harshly. The Marine quickly wrapped his free arm around Luffy as best he could.

“Ice Time…” Aokiji intoned and the temperature plummeted deep into the negatives near instantly. Luffy’s transformed body froze over completely in seconds. ‘If only Kaido was this easy.’ He thought with a sigh that came out a wisp of frosted air.

“You’re funny.” Luffy laughed as all the ice covering him fell off like powder snow. Aokiji only had a split-second to blink before a powerful gale of slicing winds tore him to pieces and the land behind him was carved into a chasm. “Using ice on me…” Luffy shook his head. “That’s not going to work.”

“What the hell are you?” Aokiji had quickly reformed from the unexpected attack.

“According to Robin, my Devil Fruit’s proper name would be the Uo Uo no Mi – Model: Hēilóng, the Black Dragon God and Essence of Winter.” Luffy grinned at the Marine with fangs and sharp teeth showing. “Let’s see how you like it. Glacial Breath!” From Luffy’s mouth a powerful wave of the ethereal blue-white fire was blasted forth. It covered Aokiji and iced him over near instantly, along with everything in his general direction.

Well…this is different.’ Aokiji thought from within his icy prison. The shoe really was on the other foot now. He wouldn’t die in here, not from the cold at the very least. But he was so used to enemies that knew of his powers either trying to run as fast as they could, or trying to douse him in flames. A flexing of his Devil Fruit snuffed out every single attempt to use fire against him so far. To actually be frozen instead was a new experience. He grew ice spikes from his own body and shattered the ice surrounding him. “Hah…you really are going to be a pain, aren’t you?”

“Cleaving Wind.” Luffy slashed his claws through the air, sending sickle-like blades tearing through the air, ground, and Aokiji himself.

“Ice Saber.” Aokiji appeared behind Luffy in a blur and swung the blade of ice at his back.The blade shattered against the scales and Aokiji dodged around the powerful tail that destroyed whatever it hit. “Ice Block: Partisan!” Three partisans were formed in the air before being launched at Luffy. This time around, he’d imbued them with a bit of Armament Haki to test the defenses of the dragon scales.

“That won’t work.” Luffy shattered two of the ice weapons while the third shattered like spun glass against his scales. There wasn’t a mark on the young man.

“Total immunity…or just incredibly durable?” Aokiji wondered aloud as he leapt backwards from Luffy’s claws. “Let’s find out.” A spear of dark-blue ice formed in Aokiji’s right hand. With the strongest throw he could perform, he sent the Haki-infused weapon flying at the Dragon Hybrid Form.

“Got it!” Luffy actually caught the speeding ice spear with both of his clawed hands. The force sent him skidding backwards, tearing up the ground under his taloned feet. The tip of the spear touched his chest and tried to penetrate his scales. Luffy actually grinned widely when he felt some slightly painful pressure on his chest from the attack. The instant the dark-blue ice spear lost momentum, it shattered into fragments that would only be good for ice cubes. “Hey…I actually felt that a bit!” He had a wide grin on his face as he looked at the Admiral.

“You’ve gotta be joking…” Aokiji stared incredulously at the Rookie Pirate. He’d killed pirates with much higher Bounties than Luffy’s with that attack. Hell, he usually used it to cripple pirate ships so they couldn’t escape. To see a person just catch it and then laugh it off was a first, and not a pleasant one.

“I think they’re far enough away now.” Luffy grinned at Aokiji. “I’m going to go all out for a bit.” Aokiji grimaced as Luffy’s body rapidly grew. The twisting and spiraling motion as his immense Dragon Form took to the sky was an unwelcome sight. “RAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” Luffy’s roar was deafening and shook the air. Clouds rapidly began to form in the sky and darken. It was hard to guess at Luffy’s full size considering that he was arcing and winding through the air. The Admiral estimated at least four-hundred meters though.

“Hey now…I might think you’re actually trying to kill me here.” Aokiji looked up at the Dragon in the sky. The odd flames around its limbs were very reminiscent of Kaido’s too. The sky was pitch-black now and lightning and thunder began to shake the heavens. A few bolts struck the ground in succession and Aokiji grimaced. The winds began to wail as they picked up speed. Faster and faster, they blew around the island until tornadoes began to form.

“Dragon Twister!” Luffy’s roaring voice could be heard even over the screaming winds and the air-shaking thunder. The multiple tornadoes touched down onto the island and began to tear everything apart.

Aokiji covered the area he was in in a thick dome of ice, then another layer beneath it of denser ice, followed by a third and even denser layer, again and again until he had only a little room to move. “If that doesn’t stop what’s coming then I’d better be prepared.” With that his entire body turned to ice as he went fully intangible. He felt the land shake as Luffy unleashed his power upon the island.

“Thinks he can hide behind that?” Luffy eyed the ice fortress below.

With another roar he directed the storm he’d whipped up at the huge structure. The lightning began to strike the ice over and over again in rapid succession. The tornadoes moved towards the small glacier and were quickly tearing it apart. Luffy inhaled before firing off a blast of severing winds down at the shattering construct. The glacier was quickly being reduced to powder and scattered away by the wind. Luffy didn’t stop though, he razed the land that Aokiji had stood upon. Canyons formed as the earth was ripped asunder. Fires began from the seemingly never-ending lightning strikes, only to be instantly snuffed out by the same storm. The once solid ground was practically dust being whipped through the screaming winds before Luffy stopped his attack. “That should be enough.” Luffy flew over the area that he’d last seen Aokiji in. With a growl, the ethereal blue-white fire filled his jaws and he blasted a circle around the devastated area from above. Towering walls of ice, like multiple glaciers, formed under the power of his icy breath. Once Luffy was satisfied that he’d cut off the area from the outside entirely, he then used the flame clouds to fly his way towards the Going Merry, which he could just see on the horizon.

“Well…if I weren’t a Logia…I’d be severely injured or dead right about now.” Aokiji exhaled a frosted breath as he reformed from the tiny fragments of ice left on the powdered earth. “Screw worrying about him becoming a monster like Kaido, he already is one.” He looked around the titanic glacier he found himself in the center of. Only this small space remained inside and the Admiral could admit that he was impressed as a fellow ice power user. Either he was going to have to dig under the glacier, tunneling through frozen dirt, or he was going to have to split his way through it with his own ice. “Damn…” He sighed as he weighed his options. “Which one would require less effort?”

-Going Merry-

“Luffy’s coming!” Usopp called out as he watched the approach of the massive black dragon that was his Captain.

“Luffy!” Chopper cheered happily.

“You think he killed the guy?” Zoro cocked an eyebrow.

“I doubt it, he was an Admiral.” Sanji flicked his lighter and lit up a new cigarette.

“Luffy…” Robin watched as the immense eastern dragon circled the ship a few times. The black dragon spiraled down towards the deck and the second it touched the wood it began to rapidly shrink. Luffy laughed once he’d returned to human form.

“That was fun!” Luffy had a wide grin on his face. “If our powers had been different, that might’ve been bad though.” He wasn’t one to ignore the fact that Aokiji had managed to make him feel pain with ice. He’d never been harmed by much of anything, much less his own element. An Admiral really was powerful.

“Luffy!” Nami and Nojiko both hugged him tightly. A kiss was placed on each cheek by one of the sisters and Luffy hugged them both.

“Luffy…” Robin walked forward and gently pulled his treasured hat off her head. With a real smile, the first that Luffy could recall Robin giving anyone directly, she placed the straw hat back on his head. “Thank you.”

“Shishishishi…no problem, Robin.” Luffy smiled brightly at her.

“Luffy…” Nami whispered and Luffy looked at her. The orangette smiled saucily at him before motioning with her head towards Robin.

“You said it, right?” Nojiko had a teasing smile on her lips. “She’s your Robin.”

“Robin?” Luffy looked at the beautiful ravenette and actually caught a hint of a blush on the woman’s tanned cheeks.

“Luffy.” Robin looked into his eyes for a long moment.

“Alright,” Luffy nodded as his arms slipped from Nami and Nojiko’s waists and he crossed the short distance between himself and Robin. “My Robin…” He gently placed his hands on her hips as he smiled at her.

“Yours…” Robin agreed with a warm and genuine smile. She leaned in and captured Luffy’s lips. She let out a quiet hum of pleasure when his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her flush against his muscled body. Their kiss deepened and neither of them heard Sanji’s cry of dismay.

“It’s not fair!” Sanji had tears pouring down his face as he pounded his fists on the deck. “Damn, shitty, Captain! How does he keep doing it?! Robin-chwan!”

“Shush, Sanji!” Nami snapped at him, not wanting the mood to be broken for Robin and Luffy. Nojiko rolled her eyes playfully at the overreacting cook.

“Luffy…” Robin was breathing heavily once their lips separated. The two gently rested their foreheads against each other. “Your room.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

“Sure,” Luffy grinned as he picked her up, the Archaeologist wrapping her long legs around his waist while his hands cupped her heart-shaped ass. He carried her towards the Captain’s Quarters with a smile as Robin began to kiss his neck. The sound of the door closing was heard and Sanji went to pout in the nearest corner.

“That’s another ‘sister’ for us.” Nami giggled and Nojiko laughed before pulling Nami into a hug.

“How many ‘sisters’ do you want?” Nojiko teased her little sister.

“Enough to satisfy Luffy in a single night?” Nami’s naughty grin would make lesser men pass out.

“We’re gonna need a bigger ship then.” Nojiko’s own smile practically dripped with sin.

“We can all HEAR YOU!” Usopp spoke loudly to remind the sisters that the rest of the crew was still present. Chopper was already covering his face in embarrassment, though he was doing it wrong and both of his eyes could still be seen.

“Lovebirds…” Zoro shook his head as he made his way towards the kitchen. He could use some booze after meeting an Admiral.

“Robin-chwan…” Sanji was making circles on the floor with the tip of his index finger. A dark cloud was hanging over the cook’s head.

“Hmm…how long do you think we should wait before checking on them?” Nojiko questioned as she and Nami walked towards the helm.

“Give Robin at least an hour,” Nami snickered as they made their way up the stairs. “Then we’ll see if she needs one of us to tag in.” Both sisters nearly collapsed into laughter as they opened the door so that Nami could set their course for the next island.

-End Chapter-


Damn! That’s a powerful Devil Fruit! Dragon Gods are no joke!

We see Luffy has clearly been causing a stir since the moment he set out from Dawn Island! When you send Marineford into a panic because they think Kaido is in the East Blue, you know you’re gonna keep causing trouble!

Keep throwing more snow and ice at Winter! We’ll beat it that way!

The proper names for the Black Dragon God of Lake Baikal are Ao Shun (敖順) or Ao Ming (敖明). As the Essence of Winter, ice doesn’t work on him normally. Even Haki-imbued ice isn’t guaranteed to actually work. Luffy and Aokiji are a bad match up. Aokiji because he can’t really harm Luffy. And Luffy because without Haki he can’t actually injure Aokiji.

But Luffy can learn Haki! Aokiji can’t negate the Hēilóng Devil Fruit’s ice immunity. So, it’s really only a matter of time before it becomes just an unfair match up for Aokiji in the end.

Also, both Nami AND Nojiko? Luffy is a lucky young man! Add Robin to that and he’s gonna make every man he meets jealous! *Cackles*

The Straw Hats are gonna need a bigger ship if Nami and Nojiko have their way! *Perverted giggling*

Let me know what you thought with a review!

Until next time, later!



Really great plot bunny, it's one I hope gets turned into a story later on.


We'll see, we'll see! Already got Sun Wukong going though, so it'd have to be a while.

El Pirato

Nice bunny. Imagine Luffy with an Oil-Oil Logia Fruit


I have before. But the oil we are familiar with is a pretty processed material. That would make it a Paramecia/Special Paramecia.

Sin Hunter

Great idea and an awesome devil fruit power. I don’t know if I suggested it to you already but have you considered a Luffy with a Bird-Bird fruit? Specifically the thunderbird model?


If we ever talked about it, I've forgotten, sorry. That is an interesting idea though. Show Marco that he isn't the only special birdy.

Donald Bagwell

Can’t wait to see if we get more, Ps I have a funny idea. What if someone tells Luffy the “Carp jumped over a waterfall” myth, and he decided to go over a nearby waterfall for shits and giggles and just finds an actual “carp” devil fruit


I have plenty of Different Devil Fruits in the queue. I just need time to write them.

Clark Kent

Loved it! Aokiji's fruit is such an awesome one that combining it with dragon powers is really exciting in its possibilities. If you ever do expand this one, I think it would be fun to just continue from where it leaves off. The plot for One Piece is so long now that I'm not sure it's always necessary to start at the beginning. Do you have any thoughts on that?


Glad you liked it! But while One Piece IS a long Series, you kinda have to start from the beginning of the story, otherwise you can't adequately explain all of the changes you made. No one will understand how you got to where you are. Flashbacks are all well and good, but they're not the same as actually reading a story.


I like it this one and I'm going to slaughter the name of the monkey man one that journey to Rafael I'm enjoying that one looking forward to different twists on Luffy I like it.


Happy that you enjoyed it! Plenty of ideas left and Journey to Raftel seems to be getting popular too! Look forward to future updates!

Ice fox

1st great story second I will admit I was surprised to see a blue haired sister and not a blue haired princess after all dragons LOVE princesses

sebastian contreras acuña

Very good story as always kairo hopefully one day we will see it in the main ones but for now I will be waiting for updates of luffy sun wukong and familia Myth my current favorite of your stories

XxxKDDarkxxX boss

Great one shot,when will the bleach story be updated,or is it on hiatus


That's Western Dragons. Luffy is an Eastern Dragon. Also, this is only a Bunny...if it becomes a full story in the far future...well, I can make Nami and Nojiko have already started expanding their number of new 'sisters' if I want to. *Hehehehe~*


Thanks! As for Force of Souls, it's updated solely by Tier Rewards. So, if the winner of the Random Monthly Drawing chooses it, then it's updated. Likewise, if it wins the vote on any of the Update Polls, then it's updated. Or if one of the Secretaries of Defense choose it for their Tier Reward, then it'll be updated.

Ant Franklin

My guy this one should definitely be made into a full series. Just the fact that Lucy with his nonchalant attitude and basic understanding of how everything in the world works and happy go lucky mentality through everything Aokiji wanted to do off. This is gold

Tsaume Gsovansle

amazing devil fruit, a great concept but not so overpowered that makes luffy actually unbeatable, if they met akainu or kizaru, for example, luffy would be really in a bad place. Even so that devil fruit is so reaking cool


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, Luffy is OP...up to a point. There's plenty of people that're still stronger than him. Continued growth, like learning Haki, will eventually put Luffy on the same power level as Kaido, if not beyond.


that was a good one i hope you make it to a full story

Bryton Smith

Please make this a full story! I have issues finding good one piece different devil fruit stories. Keep up the good work


I have plenty more Bunnies to look forward to. As for more proper OP stories, that'll be a while, we have both Logia Brothers and Journey to Raftel already.

Javier saravia

This would be amazing as a full story not many out their where luffy is a dragon


Glad you like it! We'll see in the future whether or not it becomes a story.


I have to agree with both Javier and bryton this is an amazing idea and would make a great story plz write this one when you get the chance