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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! The Finals are here! It’s a Cinnamon Roll fight! How will Izuku and Momo duke it out? Well, it won’t be that crap showing that Horikoshi gave Momo in Canon, that’s for damn sure!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 22 – Finals

“Here we go, Sports Fans! The time you’ve all been waiting for has arrived!” Present Mic declared over the speakers. “It’s the Final Round of the First Year Sports Festival!” The audience roared and cheered at the announcement. “We’ve got two super competitors for you! From Hero Course Class 1-A, the Student Representative and all-around powerhouse, Midoriya Izuku!”

“I guess I’m starting to get used to this.” Izuku muttered as he walked towards the ring under the flashes of hundreds of cameras.

“Facing him is Hero Course Class 1-A’s Vice Representative and a Recommendation Student, the Lady of Creation, Yaoyorozu Momo!” Present Mic introduced Momo next.

“Is it really necessary to introduce the students in multiple matches?” Momo wondered even as she focused on the ring and Izuku. She did her best to ignore the cameras flashing and the dozens and dozens of TV Cameras filming her approach.

“Are both of you ready?” Midnight questioned both of them, looking between the two finalists.

“Yes, Miss Midnight!” Momo nodded as she prepared for the match by unzipping her uniform top and rolling up the sleeves.

“Yes, ma’am!” Izuku already knew which Quirks he would need to compile and activate the second the match started.

“Final Round, begin the match!” Midnight cracked her whip and both Izuku and Momo sprang into action as the crowd roared in excitement.

‘Mental Boost’, ‘Enhance Function’, ‘Efficiency’ Izuku boosted his cognitive abilities so that he could react faster and activate as many of his Quirks as necessary. This proved to be a wise decision as Momo opened with a startlingly quick creation.

I can’t let him think!’ Momo created a cylinder from her arm and fired it as soon as the trigger formed. Three shots flew at Izuku in a blur, but the verdette created a Barrier to take the hits.

“Capture Foam?” Izuku blinked as the three spheres splattered against his Barrier only to rapidly expand and solidify. ‘Efficiency’, ‘Kinetic Boost’, ‘Force Multiplier’, ‘Amplification’, ‘Air Compression’, ‘Force Projection’ Izuku boosted himself and his Quirks further and raised his hand in Momo’s direction. “Air Cannon!” A powerful gale of wind blasted across the ring, taking the Capture Foam far out of bounds.

“I figured you’d go for a ring out, Izuku!” Momo had dodged the Air Cannon by simply creating a metal pole from her left palm and letting it push her aside. The speed of her creating had greatly risen during their practice and she put it to good use. She threw the long pole at Izuku like a spear to distract him even as her back glowed with her Quirk out of sight.

“Really?” Izuku simply angled his body and let the impromptu spear fly past him and out of bounds. ‘Warp Gate’ He activated the Quirk and beneath Momo’s feet a swirling black void opened up.

“I knew it!” Momo grinned as she flew into the air with a small jetpack she’d created.

“MY BABY!!!” Mei’s cry of delight could be heard throughout the stadium.

“Clever.” Izuku smiled up at Momo before opening a new Warp Gate as his girlfriend rained cylinders down on him from above. A smaller swirling gate opened on the far side of the field to release the cylinders. They exploded into a mix of flashbangs and tear gas.

“The volley back and forth is amazingly fast-paced!” Present Mic exclaimed from the booth.

“They know each other’s Quirks well and have countermeasures in place.” Aizawa droned out as he watched the match. “This could come down to a war of attrition.”

“Holy crap…” Kaminari gaped at the match between Izuku and Momo. “Were they always this strong?”

“That’s what I was thinking too.” Kirishima agreed as he kept up with the match.

“Yaomomo is doing awesome!” Mina pumped her fist.

“It’s like watching during our practice sessions.” Tsuyu mentioned as she followed the back and forth.

“No kidding, those two are still testing each other too.” Camie’s eyes darted back and forth as she watched Izuku and Momo go at it.

“I hope they don’t go too far though. I don’t want them to get hurt.” Ochako worried a little for her boyfriend and…girlfriend? She wasn’t sure how to classify her relationship with the other girls yet, aside from close friends.

“This is just ‘testing each other’?” Sero looked at Camie incredulously.

They weren’t the only group surprised as Class 1-B were all staring, or in some cases outright gaping at what they were witnessing.

“They’re still First Years like us, right?” Awase blinked at the first couple of seconds of the match.

“That’s nuts.” Kaibara shook his head.

“Damn, girl knows how to use her Quirk.” Setsuna mentioned as they saw Momo take to the air.

“I’m not sure which of us could’ve taken them on, shroom.” Kinoko, a short brunette from Class 1-B mentioned. Her unique eyes were trying to keep up with the two in the ring.

“We’ve got some work to do.” Itsuka clenched her fist as a challenging grin formed on her lips.

Back down in the ring, the match continued at the same pace.

‘Fire Breath’, ‘Gas Manipulation’, ‘Temperature Fluctuation’ Izuku compiled the Quirks while deactivating Warp Gate but keeping all of his Boosting Quirks active. He breathed out a large fireball at the airborne Momo and quickly followed it up with another aimed at where he believed she’d move to.

“I see…” Momo was rapidly predicting Izuku’s moves and flew down at an angle instead of her knee jerk reaction to fly away from the fireballs. She truly had come a long way in her ability to react and predict since she ad her friends had started practicing together. The light of her Quirk covered both of her arms as she dived and from the light a thick, black smoke spewed forth to cover the area of the ring that Izuku was in.

“She’s trying to blind him.” Kyoka noticed from the student seating area.

“It won’t work.” Sato shook his head. He could see a way out for Izuku already. No way one of the smartest guys in their class didn’t figure it out.

Inside the smokescreen Izuku dropped into a Warp Gate he made below his feet. He emerged from a second gate just in front of Midnight’s umpire platform. The Pro Hero blinked at the sudden portal. Izuku emerged from it and held out both hands to either side of him. ‘Attraction of Small Objects’ he activated his mother’s Quirk and felt the boosts take effect on it. Every small pebble or piece of dirt within the field suddenly floated towards Izuku en masse.

“What is he doing?” Momo knew her jetpack wouldn’t last much longer. The fuel she’d been able to make while creating it wasn’t much.

“Momo!” Izuku smiled up at her. “Catch!” A swirling, black abyss appeared in front of each of Izuku’s hands and the mass of small debris was seemingly sucked into the void. Momo only had a second to react as a third portal opened behind and slightly above her. From the darkness the debris fired out like buckshot.

Momo dived low with the jetpack to avoid the attack. She pulled a riot shield from her stomach just as the jetpack died. With nothing else to defend herself with, Momo hunkered down behind her shield as it was pelted with the pebbles and dirt. She wasn’t idle in her defense though. A police taser formed in her off hand and she fired it at Izuku. The two nodes bounced harmlessly off a small Barrier that was less than a square meter in size.

“Out you go.” Izuku opened a Warp Gate underneath Momo again.

Momo grit her teeth as she saw the mist-like portal open beneath her. The barrage had stopped, so she created another pole from her palm to push her away from the void below her. She refused to lose via ring out if she could help it! A small container was created in her right hand almost instantly and she tossed it at Izuku as hard as she could before her feet even touched the ground.

“Fast.” Izuku raised a larger Barrier and the container slammed into it. The weak material burst open and liquid splashed everywhere around Izuku. “What is this?” He blinked, not being able to identify the liquid.

“Move Izuku!” Momo warned him as she tossed what appeared to be a Molotov cocktail at him. Izuku’s eyes widened when he realized that he was surrounded by an accelerant of some kind. The flaming bottle smashed into the soaked ring and a massive fireball engulfed almost a quarter of the fighting area.

“MOMO!!!” Camie, Ochako, and Tsuyu were on their feet and yelling worriedly at what they’d seen their friend do.

“I’ve got to hurry.” Momo focused on her Quirk as both her stomach and back glowed. She knew for an absolute fact that Izuku wouldn’t be injured ort slowed down for long by her fire bomb tactic. A few small drones emerged from her body. They whirred to life and began to fly up into the air a few seconds later. Following their programming, the drones began circling the ring.

“Geez, Momo!” Izuku emerged from a Warp gate at the far side of the ring. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to kill me.”

“Never kill, just distract.” Momo grinned as her arms glowed and another thick smokescreen covered her location. “Watch out, Izuku.”

“Huh?” Izuku wondered what she meant until a pellet hit him in the back. “Ow!” The hell?” He felt the pellet stick to him and begin to expand. “Capture Foam?” He quickly reached behind him and brushed the expanding foam off his back before it could harden. “Where did that come from?” He didn’t get an answer as Momo had taken the short time he was distracted to rush to the other side of the ring. She needed distance and some time to make her next creations.

“Just stall him for a bit, capture is also acceptable.” Momo spoke to her autonomous drones under her breath. She couldn’t relay orders to them since she’d made them in a hurry and with only basic instructions. Her next creations would give Izuku nowhere he could go for respite. Her entire torso began to glow as she concentrated on her creation.

“Ow!” Izuku quickly brushed off the Capture Foam pellet that had struck his leg. “What the heck? How is she doing this?” Izuku looked around, but the smoke from the fading fire bomb and Momo’s last smokescreen was still hanging in the air. He raised a dome-shaped Barrier over himself and blinked when three pellets hit the green field simultaneously. The Capture Foam began to expand and when it stopped and solidified, the area it covered had a diameter of at least sixty centimeters.

“What will Midoriya do now?!” Present Mic hyped up the audience even more. “He’s forced into a defensive position by Yaoyorozu’s ingenuity! Can he recover his momentum?!”

“She’s playing it smart and dividing his focus.” Aizawa stated seriously. “Midoriya has many responses to most situations. But even the best Heroes can’t prepare for everything.”

“Just a little more…” Momo was breathing heavily as another creation emerged and was placed on the floor. The small device whirred to life and moved across the ring like a Roomba.

“What in the world did she make?” Izuku was still under his Barrier as it was repeatedly shot with Capture Foam pellets from all angles. His dome would soon be fully-encased at this rate.

“Go Yaomomo!” Toru cheered for the girl as she watched the match. It was hard to believe that it was only now entering the third minute!

“She’s got him pinned at the moment and she’s still making things.” Shoji noted of Momo’s strategy. “What contingency is she coming up with?”

“Midoriya is full of tricks,” Tokoyami replied. “It would be foolish to assume he’s beaten until he’s been rendered unconscious or forced out of bounds.”

“Alright, I think I’ve got it.” Izuku murmured to himself as he opened a Warp Gate and dropped his Barrier. The partial dome of Capture Foam was left behind. Izuku emerged high in the air over the ring, but still within the stadium. A quick use of a boosted Platform and he stood in the air while observing the ring.

A whirring sound began to get louder and Izuku grinned when his suspicion was proved correct. Four drones were flying towards him. All of them were fairly small as drones went. But they were also carrying the small cannisters that had been firing the Capture Foam pellets at him.

“Clever Momo, very clever.” Izuku praised her since she’d never shown this to any of them during practice. She’d purposefully saved this for if she had to go against him at some point. He was actually impressed that she’d devised such a counter to his multiple Quirks. “Splitting my focus is something I need to work on.” Izuku sighed even as the drones got in range and fired more pellets at him.

Izuku let go of the Platform and fell through the air. The crowd gasped at the freefalling student only to blink when a Warp Gate appeared in his path. The freckled teen disappeared into the black mists and a second portal appeared behind one of the drones. A bullet of air shattered the machine and sent its scrap raining down onto the ring. Another two bullets took out the drones closest to Izuku’s position as he stood on another Platform. The fourth and final drone fired multiple pellets at Izuku, following its basic instructions. Izuku opened a Warp Gate between them and one directly above the drone. The pellets entered into the first portal and smashed into the drone as they exited the second. The expanding foam quickly stalled the rotors and the drone plummeted out of the air to smash just outside of the ring.

“Now that those are taken care of, what’s your next move, Momo?” Izuku wondered as he noticed that while he was dealing with the drones, a large smokescreen was once more covering a good part of the ring. “I feel like this is a trap.” He mumbled as he saw only a few clear spots available. Without much option, Izuku warped to one of the corners so that he could stop wasting his energy on Platforms.

“Firing!” Izuku heard almost as soon as he stepped onto the ring. The boom that went off was familiar and Izuku only had a split second to activate a Quirk. ‘Durability Up’ was boosted by his still active Boosting Quirks and the rubber pellets bounced off his body and left little welts on his skin.

“Ow!” Izuku grimaced and sent well-wishes to Iida for taking these things full force. “There…” Izuku pinpointed where he’d heard Momo’s voice from and fired an air bullet into the smoke. The particulates parted slightly as they were displaced, but no call of exclamation came. He’d missed. “Alright then,” Izuku fired a barrage of air bullets into the smoke. The billowing cloud was pushed back from the air disruption and Izuku was able to see more of the ring. But he still hadn’t managed to land a hit on Momo.

“Not quite, Izuku!” Momo’s voice came from a different area and Izuku launched a quick salvo of six air bullets into the smokescreen. He quickly followed after them to try and take Momo by surprise.

“What the?” Izuku blinked when he saw a small wireless speaker on top of a Roomba-like machine.

“Got you.” Momo’s voice came from the speaker and then the Roomba look-a-like exploded.

“Gah!” Izuku was thrown backwards as pink smoke filled the air. He hit the floor and rolled back to his feet. “Was that one of the mines from the Obstacle Race?!”

“A close approximation.” Momo’s voice was behind him and Izuku turned to see a second Roomba mine. It also detonated almost point blank and sent Izuku reeling. More pink smoke filled the air, but it was much thinner than the fading smokescreen.

“Hey! We can finally start to see some more of the action!” Present Mic cheered as the audience had been forced to stare at the black smokescreen for the last minute and change. “Midoriya seems to be struggling!”

“You can concede whenever you wish, Izuku.” Momo’s voice came from his left and Izuku blasted an air bullet at the machine. It detonated from the impacted and Izuku stumbled back a few steps. His foot stepped on another of the devices and he went sprawling as it detonated too.

“Incredible! Yaoyorozu somehow figured out our recipe for non-lethal mines! What a genius!” Present Mic praised the girl in his normal, loud volume.

“So, I ‘ve noticed!” Izuku grumbled as he heard the approach of another Roomba mine. He fell into a Warp Gate to escape and reappeared in the air again. “Sorry Momo, but I’m gonna need to end it with this one.” Izuku remarked as he stood on a Platform and felt the eyes of the stadium on him. He deactivated all of his Quirks, aside from Platform, so that he could focus on properly compiling this combination. ‘Air Compression’, ‘Gas Manipulation’, ‘Efficiency’, ‘Kinetic Boost’, ‘Force Multiplier’, ‘Energy Burn’, ‘Force Projection’, ‘Amplification’.

“What in the world is Midoriya up too?” Present Mic questioned as he raised his sunglasses while looking at the airborne teen.

The rest of the audience also murmured with their own questions. It was only when they saw the air start to visibly warp within Izuku’s hands did the noise from the crowd began to build. The green-eyed teen focused as he compressed more and more air into a small space. A sphere of white was beginning to appear in his hands as the air was forced into such density that it became visible.

“Wait…that’s the attack he used at the USJ!” Tsuyu’s eyes went wide as she recalled the power behind that attack.

“The one that you said got you out of the Flood Zone?” Ochako looked towards the frog-like girl briefly before returning her gaze to Izuku.

“Yes…it’s too powerful to use like this though!” Tsuyu shook her head. “The shockwave alone might seriously injure Momo!”

“Izuku wouldn’t let winning blind him to that though, right?” Camie stared at Izuku as he built up his attack.

“Aero Shock Cannon!” Izuku aimed the white ball of air just aside from the ring and fired. The shot blurred through the air and pierced the ground before anyone could process the movement. The dirt and grass seemingly warped as the pressure was released deep beneath the ground. The ring cracked apart and Midnight held onto her platform for dear life while Cementoss raised a wall of concrete to hold back the pressure wave. The smokescreen that had mostly faded was blown away instantly. Momo was staggering as the ring broke apart under her feet and the wind became a roaring gale. Dirt was thrown upwards into the air as the shockwave finished detonating and the ring was once more obscured.

“WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH YOUR CLASS?!” Present Mic yelled at Aizawa as everyone in the stadium tried to recover from what they’d just witnessed.

“IZUKU!!!” Ochako, Tsuyu, and Camie screamed at the power their boyfriend had just unleashed against Momo.

“What the hell…?” Monoma nearly fell out of his chair as he and most of Class 1-B just gaped at the power that Izuku had unleashed.

“Yeah…I’m just about…done now…” Izuku panted as he made a small Warp Gate and returned to the shattered ring.

“Midnight…what’s Yaoyorozu’s status?” Aizawa called over the stadium speakers.

“I’m…still here.” Momo declared as the dust began to subside. The ravenette was forcing herself to sit up on one of the shattered pieces of the ring. She was clearly exhausted and injured from the attack that Izuku had unleashed. Her eyes showed nothing but determination to continue though.

“You’re amazing, Momo…” Izuku praised his girlfriend with a tired smile. He started hopping across the broken remnants of the ring to get to her.

“I’m not…going down…without a fight.” Momo declared as she forced herself to her feet. She threw a right straight punch at Izuku the second he was in range.

“Whoa,” Izuku jerked to the side and nearly got vertigo as his body started to register the absolutely massive drop his energy had just taken. He reached out to grab Momo and try to nullify her Quirk.

“No,” Momo denied as she pivoted on her heel and threw a kick at him. Izuku grunted as he blocked the kick as he best as his tired body could. He looked into Momo’s eyes and he saw the instant realization hit her.

‘Paralyze Glare’ Izuku activated the Quirk, feeling the strain even the brief activation caused his whole body. “Really?” He would’ve laughed if he wasn’t so tired.

“Really…” Momo grinned even as her breath grew ragged. She’d created a pair of mirrored sunglasses directly from her face to block the Quirk. She threw another combo of punches and Izuku blocked two before the third hit him in the face. As he reeled back from the blow, he lashed out and snatched Momo’s wrist.

“Got you…” Izuku nullified her Quirk and Momo struggled to pull her arm free. The two exhausted teens struggled against each other for a bit. They sank to their knees as they tried to pin one another. Izuku did the only thing he could think of and used his body weight. The verdette practically threw himself on top of his girlfriend and pinned her to the broken fragment of the ring.

“Izu…ku…” Momo’s face was red from a mixture of exertion and shyness as everyone in the stadium saw Izuku laying on top of her.

“Yaoyorozu, can you move?” Midnight called out after several seconds.

“…No ma’am.” Momo admitted after a few more seconds. She was tired like she’d never been before. Her injuries weren’t helping either.

“Yaoyorozu is unable to continue! The winner of the Finals is Midoriya!” Midnight declared and the massive screens around the stadium changed to show Izuku’s face with the word ‘Winner’ beneath. The crowd burst into raucous applause for the winner of the First Year Sports Festival.

“I really hope they give us time to rest before the closing ceremony…” Izuku rolled to Momo’s side with a heavy sigh.

“That would be nice.” Momo agreed as she worked to bring her heartrate and breathing under control. “Thank you, Izuku.”

“For what?” Izuku turned his head to look at her curiously.

“For going all out.” Momo explained while giving him a small smile. “You didn’t hold back because I was your girlfriend. You treated me like a competitor and gave it your absolute best.”

“You didn’t give me much choice, Momo.” Izuku smiled back at her. “Don’t sell yourself short, you did absolutely amazing.”

“Thank you.” Momo’s smile widened even as her cheek flushed pink.

“Do you two need help to get to Recovery Girl?” Midnight was at the students’ sides and checking them over.

“I’ll get us there.” Izuku sat up and then kneeled beside Momo. He gently took her into his arms and stood up.

“Izuku!” Momo was now blushing so much her face was red. Izuku was carrying her away from the broken ring in a classic Princess Carry. The fact that they were on National Television didn’t seem to bother the freckled teen one bit. Momo buried her face into his chest when she saw the cameras start to flash wildly.

“Such passion!” Midnight squealed as she watched Izuku carry Momo off so gently. “I can’t take it!”

Izuku had no way of knowing that he was about to get an earful from three of his girlfriends. Nor had he recalled that his own parents were watching the Sports Festival. At the Midoriya Home, Hisashi was smiling widely as he watched Izuku carry Momo off the field. Inko was overjoyed, a brand-new fountain of tears pouring form her eyes, as she saw her son with a beautiful young lady.

Both parents shared a look with each other before smiling. They’d need to talk to Izuku about his girlfriend. If they were serious, then perhaps they’d be visiting the girl’s parents in the next year or so.

-An Unknown Location-

“Hahahahaha!” All For One laughed loudly, unconcerned with the pain such an action was causing his weakened body. “More like me than you know!” The ancient Villain had a wide, maniacal grin on his scarred and disfigured face. The boy wielded that much power when he chose to! If he wasn’t so set on playing Hero then he’d be a prime candidate for his forces. “That kind of power can only truly shine under the freedom I would offer. A pity you waste your gift from our bloodline on being another cog in the Hero Society.”

The injured Villain Mastermind wore a dark smile as he chuckled quietly in his life support chair. Perhaps a meeting with the boy was due in the future? It would be quite interesting to see the descendant of a line of his family that he’d not even known existed. But first, the boy would need to survive what would come next.

“It is always good to let the fruit ripen properly, isn’t it, Mother?” All For One murmured darkly as he traced the tip of his index finger over the name ‘Shigaraki Megumi’ on the genealogy papers next to him. She did always try and teach him and Yoichi peaceful hobbies like gardening as they grew up. It seemed fitting to use one of her little lessons to refer to her many times great grandson.

-End Chapter-


Cinnamon Rolls can throw down! Damn!

Momo shows off the versatility of her Quirk! She knows Izuku and had a plan in mind should she face him! Drones bitches!

Also weaponized Roombas! Kek!

And finally…the mystery of Shigaraki Megumi is revealed!

All For One and Yoichi’s Mother!

She fled from the monster her eldest child had become and disappeared in the chaos of the Dark Ages. Only to fall in love again and start a new family far away from the worst parts of the country. Add in almost two centuries and you get a family line so far removed from where it started that no one would ever suspect any connection.

Will Izuku ever find out about this? Or will he remain blissfully unaware?

Can a certain pair of Cinnamon Rolls avoid their parents trying to meet each other? Probably not…though the adorable flustered looks will be great when they eventually have to explain their relationship.

We all know what’s coming next!

Just how will Internships go?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Great chapter I knew the throwdown between izuku and momo would be awesome but was even better then I expected


Happy to hear that! I wanted to show off both of them as best as I could.

Clark Kent

Thanks for the great chapter! It's so nice reading an author that wouldn't throw a curve ball and have Momo win just to change things up. Sadly, many stories I've come across make the MC lose when they shouldn't just to surprise the reader. You're one of the best at balancing challenges against an OP character in a believable way.


Glad you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for the compliment too! It can be a challenge to balance out Powerful Characters and their challenges throughout a story. I'm glad I'm doing alright with this one so far.

Damion D

I love how you balance your pacing I your story's and izumo is adorable


Thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it! Yes! IzuMomo is much adorable! Two Cinnamon Rolls being in love and all cute together!

Randy Burns

Poor Momo never gets to shine in canon, good to see someone gets her worth!


Absolutely! If Horikoshi isn't going to give her the respect and attention she deserves, I most certainly will!