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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Familia Myth: Journey to Hero! Bell tells Hestia about Ais’ offer to train him. Ais returns to the Loki Familia home wearing Bell’s jacket. That should get some questions asked! Hestia discovers that the book Bell borrowed is a Grimoire and Bell panics at the price of said book. Lili and Bell continue to explore deeper into the Dungeon as Bell grows stronger too. Will the Supporter’s situation lead to things going as they did in Canon?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 8 – Investigation, Feelings, Growth

“Hestia, I’m back and I have amazing news!” Bell called out as he entered their home.

“Already?” Hestia poked her head out of the dining room doorway. “That was faster than I expected. Dinner is almost ready though.”

“My Magic is pretty simple, just like you thought.” Bell shrugged as he followed her into the kitchen and enjoyed the pleasant smells of Hestia’s cooking. “It’s basically a ranged blast of fire. I was able to take out Goblins with it easily enough.”

“That’s good,” Hestia smiled warmly at him. “It covers your ranged weakness as an Adventurer.”

“That’s what I thought too.” Bell agreed with a chuckle. “I can only use it five times in succession though. I hit Mind Down after that.”

“Mind Down…are you okay?!” Hestia was suddenly inspecting Bell from every angle, worrying that he’d been hurt.

“I’m fine, Hestia.” Bell assured her while taking her hands in his. “When I lost consciousness, Ais Wallenstein was returning from her own day in the Dungeon. She watched over me until I woke up. But then the amazing thing happened! She offered to teach me how to fight properly!”

“What…?” Hestia blinked at the news and the excitement in Bell’s voice. His red eyes were practically sparkling too. “Just like that?”

“I was really shocked by her offer too.” Bell admitted with a nod.

“This isn’t a favor from Loki or anything, is it?” Hestia asked and Bell shook his head.

“Miss Wallenstein didn’t mention Goddess Loki at all. This just seems to be her own offer.” Bell recalled the agreement he had with the Kenki.

“I guess that’s fine then.” Hestia checked on her cooking for a moment. “As long as we don’t end up owing Loki a favor, then I’m all for you getting some professional training. Anything to make sure you stay alive, Bell.” She graced him with that beautiful smile that made his heart feel warm.

“Thank you, Hestia.” Bell wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her cheek.

“Bell~” Hestia giggled as she enjoyed his affection.

-Loki Familia Home-

“I’m home.” Ais announced as she entered the main lounge of the large castle-like building.

“Ais!” Tiona smiled brightly at her friend.

“Miss Ais!” An Elf girl named Lefiya beamed at the swordswoman. She had long light-orange hair, round dark blue eyes, and the pointy ears natural to her Race. She wore a rosette pink cape on top of a white shirt and pink corset dress with a purple bow at the collar.

“What’s with the jacket?” Tione was seemingly the first to notice the brown jacket with the black square over the right shoulder. Both Tiona and Lefiya perked up at seeing the unfamiliar garment on Ais.

“My dress was damaged in the Dungeon.” Ais informed her friends. “…Bell was polite and offered me his jacket to cover up.” Her hands ran over the simple cloth with a small smile on her lips. Both Tiona and Tione shot each other a look before teasing grins formed on their faces.

“B-Bell?!” Lefiya stuttered out. “Who is that?!” The Elf looked a mix between angry and on the verge of pouting.

“The one from the Minotaur Incident…and the Hostess with Bete.” Ais answered Lefiya’s question.

“Oh?” Tione sidled up to Ais’ left with a mischievous smile. “Already wearing his clothes?”

“You move fast, Ais.” Tiona wrapped her arms around Ais’ right arm with a teasing grin.

“…Huh?” Ais titled her head cutely at the Amazon Sisters’ teasing.

“Mmm…” Lefiya pouted as her mind made up a scenario of what happened in the Dungeon. It was far from what actually happened.

“I’m going to change.” Ais informed and Tiona let go of the blonde’s arm.

Ais made her way upstairs to her room and once the door was closed, she began to disrobe. She pulled off Bell’s jacket, a soft smile on her lips as she held it for a moment. Ais carefully folded it and set it aside so that she could return it when they met up for their first lesson. Her armor came off next, piece by piece, followed by her thigh-high boots. She sighed at her ruined dress and was glad she had extras. She picked out a simple sundress that she wore around the Familia Home from her wardrobe and slipped it on. She headed back down to the lounge as she thought about what to try and teach Bell.

“Ais, what’s got you thinking so much?” Finn asked as he and Riveria were playing chess at a table next to the couch that Ais was sitting at. “Is there something troubling you?”

“My, this is quite odd.” Riveria mentioned, her deep green eyes looking at Ais gently. “If there is something, I’d like to hear about it as well.”

“What would you two do to teach an Adventurer?” Ais questioned as she held her legs close to her body, her arms wrapped around her shins.

“…An unusual question as well.” Riveria mentioned, having never heard Ais ask such a thing before.

“Hmm. But an interesting one at that.” Finn smiled as he moved one of his pieces on the chessboard before giving Ais is full attention.

“What, what?” Tiona popped up and leaned against the back of the couch Ais was sitting on. The Amazon had a smile on her face and a curious look in her eyes.

“Tiona,” Ais greeted her friend.

“Ais, what’s this out of the blue?” Tione rested her arms on the back of the couch on Ais’ opposite side. Her gaze was a mix of amused and curious.

“Tione,” Ais looked at the other Amazon sister.

“Teach? Somebody lower than ya?” Bete threw himself onto the couch across from the one Ais was sitting on. “Tryin’ to teach small fry is a waste of time. Don’t be stupid.”

“Bete…” Ais’ face remained blank at the werewolf’s arrival. “What would you all do?” She asked the group as a whole.

“I would assign them nothing but intense meditation.” Riveria replied as she moved one of her pieces on the chessboard. “Step one is to know oneself.”

“Baptism of fire, all the way!” Tiona clenched her fist with a cheer, a large smile on her face.

“Sparring maybe?” Tione thought for a moment. “Tear them to shreds and throw them around.”

“Isn’t that the same as what I said?” Tiona deadpanned at her sister. Tione just grinned at Tiona with a small chuckle.

“Bottom feeders belong at the bottom.” Bete waved off. “There’s no point in tryin’ to teach them anything while they’re weak.”

“How philosophical of you, Bete.” Tione gave the werewolf a flat look.

“Hah, he probably thinks he sounds cool.” Tiona scoffed at her fellow executive.

“I’ll bite you in half, woman!” Bete growled at the Amazons.

“Well, putting aside why you’ve been thinking about this Ais…” Finn gave the young woman a smile. “Got a feeling we’d be here a while…” The captain muttered under his breath. “When an Adventurer has to take risks, what they need is someone by their side to cheer them on, I believe.”

“…Thank you, Finn.” Ais nodded to the Prum in understanding.

“You know, Ais~” Tiona leaned over the back of the couch with a grin. “It seems like you’re having some fun.”

“Fun…?” Ais titled her head slightly, looking into Tiona’s eyes.

“You only have two modes outside of the Dungeon,” Tiona explained her viewpoint. “Spacing out or training. Nothing else.” Her eyes closed as a bright smile appeared on her face. “But now, you’re thinking about things, making plans, trying something new…you look like you’re having fun.”

“You think so?” Ais blinked at the simple and straightforward revelation.

“Yep!” Tiona nodded happily. “You’re definitely having fun!”

“…I see.” Ais thought about her offer to train Bell in combat. How she felt when he agreed. A small and gentle smile graced her lips. Tiona and Tione both noticed the look and leaned over the couch to wrap Ais in a soft hug. It was no secret that the twins took to Ais as if she was their third sister. Riveria and Finn both smiled warmly at the sight before resuming their game.

-Hestia Familia Home ~ The Next Morning-

It was just after breakfast and Bell was donning his armor and gear for the day. Hestia hadn’t had time to look over the old book that Bell had borrowed from Syr last night, so she picked it up to look at it before he left. She noticed the oddness of the old book. The lack of a Title anywhere, no author name, as she flipped it open her eyes widened.

“All the pages…they’re blank?” Hestia flipped through more and more of the pages. The further she got into the book the more it felt like a cold weight was settling into her stomach. The Goddess began to tremble slightly as she realized just what Bell had read last night and where his Magic had come from.

“Hestia? Are you alright?” Bell blinked as he saw his lover sitting on the coach with the book he’d borrowed and trembling.

“B-Bell…th-this book…it’s a Grimoire!” Hestia held up the blank book with a look of shock.

“A Grimoire?” Bell wasn’t familiar with the term, but it sounded important.

“Simply put, it’s a book that forces the reader to acquire Magic.” Hestia explained just what Bell had read. “Only someone that has mastered the Developmental Abilities Mage and Mystery can create one of these.” She saw Bell’s eyes light up with realization. “This explains where your Magic came from…where did you say you got this book?”

“I borrowed it from a friend’s bar…she said someone had left it there.” Bell was starting to worry that he’d screwed up. He swallowed audibly before he spoke next. “Don’t tell me…it’s really valuable, isn’t it?”

“At least as much as the highest quality weapons from the Hephaestus Familia…maybe more.” Hestia didn’t look at him as she spoke. Bell felt like something cracked in his head when he heard the price. “By the way…it only works one time.” Bell sank into the couch as he felt doom and gloom settle on him. “After someone reads it, the Grimoire becomes nothing more than a heavy paper weight.”

What have I done…?’ Bell lamented as he put his head in his hands. ‘Did I just put us another 100,000,000 Valis further in debt?!

“Listen, Bell…” Hestia closed the used Grimoire and set it on the coffee table. “You met the book’s owner by chance and returned it to them before reading it. Even if there’s a mistake, the Grimoire was used before you had it…that’s how this happened.”

“Why’re you trying to pull a fast one, Goddess?!” Bell exclaimed at the outright lie Hestia had constructed. “That’s wrong!”

“The world is not all sunshine and flowers, Bell!” Hestia declared loudly. “There are many, many dark things!”

“Never mind that…” Bell stood up from the couch and picked up the used Grimoire. “I’m going to return this book to the bar and explain everything.”

“Bell, don’t!” Hestia grabbed his hand firmly. “You’re being too honest! This world is even more unpredictable than the Gods!”

“Don’t try and sound wise at a time like this!” Bell gaped at Hestia. “Sorry, but it’s too late to hide anything! All I can do now is bow down and apologize!” He pulled his hand from her grip and rushed out of the door with the used Grimoire in hand.

-Hostess of Fertility-

“Miss Syr! Miss Syr!” Bell slammed the door to the tavern open, startling a couple of the waitresses. “Is Miss Syr here?!”

“Good morning, Bell.” Syr smiled at him as she trotted over to the door. “Is something wrong?”

“M-Miss Syr…” Bell held up the book. “This! It was a Grimoire! I didn’t know and I read it!”

“…Well…that’s a very sticky situation you’re in…Mr. Cranel.” Syr turned her head and looked away from him.

“Hey! This is your problem too, you know?!” Bell exclaimed as he held the book towards her.

“What? I have no connection at all!” Syr hid behind the tray she had in her hands. Her gray eyes were practically sparkling as she put on her best cute look.

“Although that’s a cute face…” Bell admitted with a flat look. “You’re the one that lent me the book in the first place!” He reminded her of her involvement.

The book was snatched out of Bell’s hand by Mia. “You’re hittin’ a nerve, boy! Barging into my tavern at the crack of dawn!”

“M-Mama Mia…” Bell’s eyes went wide at the Dwarf Woman’s sudden appearance.

“Yeah…this is a Grimoire alright.” Mia flipped through the blank pages. “But it’s been read, too late now. Boy, pay it no mind, you hear?” She closed the book with finality.

“Eh? B-But…” Bell gaped at the disregard for the situation.

“This thing…it was just left lying on a table. The idiot that forgot it is at fault here.” Mia waved off as she held the book in one hand.

“Even if you hadn’t read it, Bell…I’m sure another Adventurer would’ve claimed that it was theirs as soon as they realized what it was.” Syr spoke up with a logical scenario.

“That’s how it is.” Mia informed Bell with surety. “The owner accepted this outcome the moment they let this out of their sight. It’s useless to worry about it. Be happy that you got something and move on.”

“Umm…but…” Bell really wondered if this was okay.

“Real men don’t brood over nothin’! Go crawl the Dungeon or something!” Mia bellowed at him.

“Yes ma’am!” Bell straightened up and nearly flinched from the sudden volume. Mia huffed and turned to head into the back. “She yelled at me…” He looked at Syr for a second before the waitress giggled at him. “Sorry to make so much noise…I’ll be going.”

“Do not worry about it, Mr. Cranel.” Ryu shook her head as she came out from the back. Bell smiled brightly at the Elf woman and was gifted with a small smile in return.

“One moment, Bell.” Syr spoke up as she pulled two small lunchboxes from behind the bar. “I made two this time, one for you and one for your Supporter.” She smiled at him fondly. “Would you be willing to take them?”

“Of course, thank you, Miss Syr.” Bell accepted the two lunches with a happy smile.

“Good luck today.” Syr wished him well, her cheeks tinted slightly pink.

“We hope to see you again soon, Mr. Cranel.” Ryu gave him a short bow and Bell returned it.

“Thanks! I’ll see you later!” Bell was all smiles as he left the Hostess of Fertility and headed towards the Blue Pharmacy. If he hurried, he’d still be able to get some Potions before his time to meet Lili.

-Blue Pharmacy-

“To prevent Mind Down after using Magic, this Mind Restoring Potion is necessary.” Naaza explained as she held up a vial with a light-orange colored liquid in it. The Chienthrope woman’s fluffy ears flicked and Bell’s eyes followed them. “If you buy now, I’ll throw in these two Low Potions as well, all for only 9,000 Valis.” Bell’s eyes widened at the price. “No one knows what will happen in the Dungeon. Being prepared for any kind of misfortune…isn’t that what the best Adventurers do?”

“The best Adventurers…” Bell mumbled to himself. “Miss Naaza, I’ll buy them.” He pulled out his money pouch.

“All too easy…” Naaza giggled lightly. “Thanks Bell, love you~” She teased as the transaction was made and she briefly tussled his white hair with her left hand.

“Yes, Miss Naaza…” Bell sighed as he allowed her to play Big Sister to him. He didn’t really mind though. Naaza was kind to him and had even offered advice on occasion from her experience as an Adventurer. She was practically his surrogate older sister at this point.

As Bell was heading towards his normal meeting spot with Lili, he overheard raised voices. Looking towards the commotion he spotted Lili surrounded by a group of men. His natural protectiveness kicked in when one of the Adventurers yelled at Lili harshly.

“Enough! Hand it over!” A thuggish-looking man barked at Lili.

“As usual…Lili gave you everything!” Lili raised her voice to be heard over the group. “Lili has given her Familia all the money she has! There isn’t a single Valis left!”

Members of Soma Familia?’ Bell recognized the sigil of the Familia after Lili had described it to him. “Lili!” He made to head towards her, but a hand dropped onto his shoulder from behind.

“Hey.” A semi-familiar voice spoke up and Bell turned to look at the man. “You’re that kid from back then.”

This guy…he’s the one from the backstreet.’ Bell remembered the man he’d stood up against to protect the Prum girl.

“I got a question for you, are you working with the runt?” The older Adventurer asked with a sneer.

“You mean Lili?” Bell questioned as he turned to face the man fully. For some reason, he didn’t feel remotely worried in the man’s presence. It was as if he knew the man wasn’t a threat if they came to blows.

“I don’t care what her name is.” The man waved off before a smirk covered his face. “You’re gonna help me out, you see. We’re gonna snatch that runt!”

“What?” Bell flinched at the man’s words and tone. Neither of them noticed that Lili had been left by her Familia members. She had noticed them from halfway down the street thanks to Bell’s distinctive hair.

“I’m not askin’ ya to do it for free.” The man explained. “We’ll squeeze her dry and split the loot.”

“Why would you say something like that?” Bell questioned as his fists clenched.

“Huh? This is where you say ‘Yes’.” The older Adventurer looked genuinely confused by Bell’s question. “Use your brain. That’s just a Supporter! Doesn’t do jack, completely useless! Wring her dry while you can and then ditch the rest.” He explained with a dark look on his face. He never saw Bell’s fist until it was slamming into his cheek. He hit the ground with a cry of pain and stared up into Bell’s furious gaze.

“Not a chance in hell!” Bell growled at the man. “Lili is my friend!” He watched as the man picked himself up off the ground. “If you ever think about doing anything to Lili…I’ll break your jaw next time!”

“Damn punk…” The Adventurer held his bruised cheek as he stormed off. That rabbit-looking teen wasn’t the same scared kid that he’d met before. What the hell had happened in such a short time?!

Bell watched the older guy walk off until he disappeared around a corner on the other side of the large plaza.

“Master Bell…?” Lili spoke up and Bell turned around to face her.

“Lili!” Bell suddenly remembered what he’d been doing before. “Everything’s fine…he said some bad things and I lost my cool for a second. You seemed like you were tangled up in something too, are you okay? Any injuries?”

“So, you saw that…” Lili sighed as her hands tightened on the straps to her large pack. “Please don’t worry, Master Bell. Lili is just fine, see?” She spread her arms wide, though the beige cloak still hid her body so he couldn’t have seen anything beneath it anyway.

One thing he could notice, however, was the swell of Lili’s breasts. For a Prum, she was rather blessed physically and Bell was often glad she wore her cloak so he didn’t accidentally stare. The clothing Lili wore under her cloak was rather revealing due to the small size and general wear it sported from use.

“Lili…those guys…” Bell wasn’t sure how to broach the topic of her Familia’s actions.

“Let’s head for the Dungeon, Master Bell!” Lili spoke as she headed towards the Guild building. “Since Lili didn’t work yesterday, she’ll be counting on your efforts today!” As she walked ahead of Bell, Lili sighed. “It looks like the time has come…” She mumbled quietly; her eyes downcast as she walked.

-High Class Item Shop-

“Huh…?” Eina blinked at the price tag on the protective case that housed a single bottle. “Wha?! Soma Wine costs 60,000 Valis! Even though it’s just wine?! It’s more expensive than all of Bell’s equipment put together!” She couldn’t be more shocked if she tried. ‘I came here to try and find out more about Soma Familia for Bell…but I couldn’t buy this and still eat! It’s more than my rent!

“Eina?” A voice the Half-Elf hadn’t heard in quite a while called out to her.

“L-Lady Riveria?!” Eina stumbled over the first word as she looked at the beautiful High Elf. She was a friend of her mother Aina, and had been around occasionally as Eina had grown up.

“So, it is you, it’s been a long time.” Riveria smiled at Eina. “You’ve become very beautiful since we last met. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“Thank you, my Lady!” Eina felt a happy tremor throughout her body at the compliment. “Such high praise is an honor that…”

“Stop talking like that.” Riveria cut her off with a shake of her head. “This isn’t the Elven homeland, after all.”

“But, my Lady…you are a High Elf, so I should…” Eina worried a bit as she was taught from a young age how to speak to Elven Nobility.

“I’m not asking you to forget everything.” Riveria smiled at the younger woman. “Only not to go overboard.” Eina nodded with a small smile. “So, what brings you here today? I’m looking for some items, myself.”

“Ah, yes…you see…” Eina tried to explain what she was doing in a high-end shop like this one. ‘A Guild employee investigating a specific Familia…that would not look good. I shouldn’t bring up Soma Familia carelessly.’ The Half-Elf thought before speaking again. “Well…actually…a friend recommended that I try this wine.” She looked towards the locked case where the bottle was sitting.

“Ah, Soma Wine, there are many in my Familia who adore it.” Riveria mentioned as her green eyes looked over the singular bottle.

“Umm…Lady Riveria, do people that like this wine become dependent or act a little strange?” Eina asked carefully to try and glean some information.

“I have yet to see anyone lose touch with reality. Why do you ask?” Riveria questioned the brunette.

“Once I heard that Soma Familia makes this wine…I had some reservations.” Eina spoke her cover story. “I’ve seen how the members of Soma Familia act while at work…and I was wondering if their wine had something to do with it. Lady Riveria…do you know anything about them?”

“Indeed, even I’ve heard that many members of that Familia act rather coldly.” Riveria held her chin with her index finger and thumb. “…Hm.” Riveria closed her right eye and gazed at Eina with only her left. A sure sign that the High Elf suspected something.

Oh no, I went too far…’ Eina tried not to stiffen up and give away that she was fishing for information.

“Ah well…I’m afraid I don’t have any information about that Familia.” Riveria gave a light shake of her head.

“I see…sorry to ask such a thing.” Eina apologized, the tips of her long, pointed ears turning slightly red in embarrassment.

“However,” Riveria spoke up and Eina blinked. “I do know someone that might know more. Would you accompany me to my Familia’s home?”

“Huh?” Eina was surprised by the sudden invite. “Yes, I suppose so.” She followed Riveria out of the shop after the verdette woman bought the sole bottle of Soma Wine. The High Elf flagged a taxi wagon and the two were quickly taken to the Loki Familia home.

-Loki Familia Home ~ Main Lounge-

“Welcome home, Riveria.” Ais greeted the verdette Elf woman. She was sitting in a cushy chair at one of the round tables. She had her feet on the seat, her arms resting atop her knees, and a small smile graced her face. It was clear that the Kenki was in a good mood today.

“Yes Ais, I have returned.” Riveria smiled back at the golden eyed teen.

“Who is…this person?” Ais looked at Eina curiously.

“She is like a member of my family.” Riveria replied and grinned when Eina blushed cutely at the introduction.

“Um…my name is Eina Tulle.” Eina introduced herself to the Kenki.

“Ais Wallenstein.” Ais still had the small smile on her lips and Eina felt her heart beat strongly at the cute look.

“Um, Lady Riveria.” Eina whispered to the High Elf that was uncorking the wine bottle. “Miss Wallenstein seems to be in a very good mood.” She noticed that Ais was barely paying attention to her surroundings.

“Heh heh heh…” Riveria let out a small but melodious laugh. “Oh, it seems a boy she’s been interested in for a while has agreed to train with her in the mornings.”

“Oh…that’s cute…” Eina couldn’t help the small smile that formed on her lips. Looking back over to the happy blonde, Eina wondered just what kind of young man had caught the Kenki’s attention.

With a pop the cork came free of the bottle. Riveria poured a wine glass full. The scent was powerful, but pleasant. It spread out and tickled the nose of anyone that smelled it. The wine was already tempting before even tasting it.

“Such a refreshing scent!” Eina was amazed at the mere smell.

“Indeed.” Riveria agreed with a nod and a grin. “I am accustomed to it, but it still has the same effect every time.”

“Um…Lady Riveria…you said that someone might have information?” Eina tried to refocus on the reason she’d come here.

“Worry not. She will come to us, once she smells the wine.” Riveria gently pushed the full wine glass towards Eina. “Until then, why not try a little?”

“Oh, thank you.” Eina delicately picked up the wine glass and brought it to her lips. The pleasant aroma of the wine enveloped her as she took her first sip. “Oh my…!” She couldn’t help but exclaim as her tongue was nearly overwhelmed. ‘It’s so sweet my tongue is going numb. And yet, it has a smooth, almost melting texture. The aftertaste is so fresh, my mind is fluttering…this is too good!

A sudden clamor broke Eina from her stupor and she looked towards the doorway.

“That smell…that’s Soma, isn’t it?!” Loki slid to a stop from her run. The Goddess was quickly skipping over to their table with a bright smile. “Ahh! I knew it!”

“Goddess Loki…” Eina’s eyes went wide as she realized who Riveria had been talking about.

“Did you get me a present, Riveria?!” Loki pulled out the only free chair at the table and sat down. “You devoted child, you!” The red-haired Goddess was practically sparkling.

“I made the purchase…but it was her idea.” Riveria motioned to Eina.

“It is an honor to meet you, my name is Eina Tulle.” Eina introduced herself formally.

“Relax.” Loki waved off the formality with a grin. “But that uniform…” Loki’s red eyes were revealed as she took in Eina’s work clothes. “The Guild paying me a visit? Isn’t the Guild suppose to be all neutral and stuff? What’re you here for?” The Goddess inquired with a mischievous look on her face.

“It’s not like that!” Eina shook her head. Perhaps she should’ve changed before going out to try and investigate Soma Familia.

“This girl is my guest. I won’t allow this slander.” Riveria gave a firm look towards the Goddess.

“What’s that? Riveria’s guest?” Loki put her hands together as she apologized. “Sorry about that. Got the wrong idea, there.”

“N-No…pay it no mind.” Eina accepted the apology instantly.

“So, little Eina~” Loki grinned as she took a wine glass and the bottle of Soma in hand. “You bringing me my favorite…” She poured herself a glass of the wine. “Means you’ve got something to ask me, right?” It wouldn’t be the first time a Deity had been given an offering for their knowledge, after all. Loki was well-known to have quite a few secrets to her name.

“I’d like to hear any information about Soma Familia.” Eina requested politely.

“Soma, eh?” Loki raised an eyebrow before downing almost her entire glass. “Haaa~” She giggled slightly at the good wine. “Not on the best of terms with that idiot Soma myself…but if that’s okay with you, then sure, I’ll spill beans.” The grin on her face truly lived up to her Goddess of Mischief and Mayhem title. “What do you wanna hear?”

“Do you know the reason behind the strange behavior of Soma Familia members?” Eina asked the Goddess plainly.

“You cut right to the point, don’t ya?” Loki tilted her head. “But how to explain it?” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “You know me, I love me some wine. Gettin’ drunk off my ass, pukin’, and then soberin’ up to do it all over again. It was an endless cycle until I ran into this little beauty!” She raised her glass and the wine that was still at the bottom. “It was like fate! Love at first sip! I went all over Orario buying up as much Soma as I could! That’s when I learned a little secret.” She leaned forward, Eina doing the same without even realizing it. “This wine is the rejected stuff.” She tapped the bottle on the table.

“Eh…a failure?!” Eina couldn’t believe something so amazing could be considered flawed.

“Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” Loki grinned at the Half-Elf. “A flavor this good…defective? Then what about the successes? I went directly to Soma myself. Practically begged him to let me taste the ‘good stuff’, told him I’d pay whatever he wanted.” She finished off her glass. “He refused and I never got to taste the Divine Wine. Stingy jerk.” She refilled her glass with a pout on her face. “But he did tell me a few things while we were chatting.”

“Like what?” Eina questioned, enraptured by the Goddess’ tale.

“That idiot never wanted to lead a Familia at all.” Loki shook her head. “The God Soma only has one thing in that thick skull of his. Not barbaric or evil, just a pure love for his passion. That idiot made his Familia solely to support his hobby…making wine. His Domain dominates his thoughts and takes up all of his time. Since it ain’t cheap, he rewards the members that bring in the most money.”

“It can’t be…you mean the…” Eina realized where Loki was going with her story.

“Yep, the ‘Good’ Soma.” Loki grinned at the brunette. “The children over there aren’t worshipping Soma. It’s the wine they’re after!”

“I see. He uses the perfected wine as a prize to motivate his followers.” Riveria spoke after hearing the story.

“The only ones getting the prize are the members who fill their quota. It’s a competition.” Loki nodded to her Familia’s Vice-Captain.

That’s it then. The reason that Soma Familia members are so obsessed with money. They want to drink the perfected wine. They’re thirsty!’ Eina now had the answer she’d sought.

“It has to be some kind of drug.” Riveria looked at the bottle of failed Soma on the table.

“Much different than this.” Loki smirked as she swirled the wine in her glass for a moment. “It moves you. Shakes you to your core. You wanna take another sip, but…the euphoria always fades. You’re only walking on air for a short time.” Eina gulped at the power that kind of wine must have over people. “To get to the point. An idiot God’s management of the Familia built to support his hobby…the appeal of the Divine Wine…his followers’ thirst for the perfected wine. Mix all of that together and you get that crazy Familia.” Loki set down her wine glass and interlaced her fingers. “Little Eina~”

“Y-Yes?” Eina gave Loki her undivided attention.

“If you’ve got a friend involved with those guys…it might be a good idea to let them know…you know?” Loki’s eyes were open, but narrowed, focusing solely on Eina as a knowing smirk spread across the Goddess’ lips. “I don’t think it’ll be serious…but there might be some trouble.” Eina now believed that she was seeing the Goddess Loki’s true nature for the first time. Mischief and Mayhem incarnate, a true force of chaos and change to prevent a world of stagnation.

“…I’ll keep that advice in mind.” Eina nodded to the Goddess. ‘Bell…please be okay until I see you again.

-Dungeon ~ Seventh Floor-

“Come on!” Bell sliced through a Killer Ant with the Hestia Knife. He skipped back to avoid a pincer maneuver from two more of the ant Monsters. He sheathed his Hephaestus knife and raised his left hand, palm facing the ants. “Firebolt!” The blaze of flames filled his hand for a split second before rocketing towards the Killer Ants. Both ants were engulfed and screeched as they burned. They fell silent in a moment and collapsed dead right after.

“That was amazing, Master Bell!” Lili cheered for him as she approached now that the Monsters had all been slain. “You gained Magic?”

“Yeah…it just sort of happened…” Bell sheathed the Hestia Knife and rubbed the back of his head. It was probably better not to mention exactly how he’d acquired his new Magic. ‘That’s my first Firebolt today. I have four more shots before I’ll need the Magic Potion.’ He made sure to keep track of his number of casts. Bell wasn’t sure how much his Magic stat needed to grow before he gained another shot, but he wouldn’t risk it in the Dungeon.

“It’ll just be a minute, Master Bell!” Lili moved over to the seven dead Killer Ants. She pulled out her knife to start harvesting the Magic Stones. She set her pack down and bent over to look at the charred ants.

Don’t stare!’ Bell tore his eyes away from Lili’s rear. The beige cloak covered her, but it didn’t do much to hide her bottom when she bent over like that. ‘What am I thinking recently? I have Hestia and Eina! I need to get my hormones in check.’ He sighed while keeping lookout for Lili in case any more Monsters were born or showed up.

How much longer can this last?’ Lili wondered as she extracted another Magic Stone. She placed it with the others without even taking a few for herself. This would’ve been the time that she started fleecing the Party she was with as she worked. But Bell…he’d been so different. He treated her well, fed her, always split the Valis from the Exchange fifty-fifty with her. He was even concerned after seeing her being hassled by her Familia. She’d even seen him punch that Adventurer, Ged, in the face. ‘Did he not tell Master Bell about Lili’s Magic or her thieving? Or did Master Bell simply not believe him and lashed out at Ged?’ Her heart beat strongly in her chest as her cheeks darkened when she thought of that. Lili shook her head a second later. ‘Don’t think like that! He’s no different than the others! He’s just waiting until Lili isn’t useful anymore!’ But her heart still wondered if that was really true. Or if, just maybe, she’d finally found someone to be with. Someone that would end the loneliness she’d felt for so very long.

-That Night ~ Hestia Familia Home-

“You’re Magic grew pretty well for only having it since yesterday, Bell.” Hestia mentioned as she watched his Excelia strengthen his Falna. He was growing just as fast as ever too. She placed a blank paper on his back and circled it with her index finger. The updated Status transferred over to the paper and Hestia moved off of Bell’s waist.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – E 492 > D 532

Defense – F 363 > F 391

Utility – D 504 > D 556

Agility – C 611 > C 668

Magic – I 0 > I 54





Dual Wield – Significantly increases Strength and Utility when wielding a weapon in each hand.


“Wow…231 points…” Bell could only stare at the number. Sure, he and Lili had started in on the Seventh Floor now. The Monsters were also becoming more numerous too. But an increase like this was still one of his highest so far. If his Magic kept growing like this, he’d be passing into the H Rank by the next day or two. ‘Tomorrow is my first day of training with Miss Ais too. I’ll give my all to improving under her lessons!’ He was determined to improve! He would give everything he could to be stronger and be able to stand beside those Top-Class Adventurers.

He had no way of knowing that his drive and desire were fueling Liaris Freese and making his growth increase proportionally.

A knock on the front door got his and Hestia’s attention. The Goddess was closer and walked over to the door. Opening it, she was greeted with the sight of a worried Eina. Hestia didn’t even wait for the Half-Elf to speak before she pulled her inside, shut the door, and then hugged the taller woman.

“Eina?” Bell blinked as he stood up from the couch, still shirtless. “What’s wrong?”

“Bell…I found out about Soma Familia for you.” Eina attempted a smile, but it fell short of her usual beautiful one. “I wanted to tell you as soon as I could.”

“Let’s sit down.” Hestia guided Eina towards the couch.

The three sat down, Eina between Hestia and Bell. The Half-Elf could admit to be flustered at being pressed against Bell’s bare torso. Not that she’d move, of course. She might be flustered and blushing, but she very much enjoyed the feeling of his body against her own. Once she’d calmed down a little, she began to speak. Eina told them of everything she’d learned about the Soma Familia. How the God Soma wasn’t really concerned with the actions of his followers. How the desperation for the Divine Wine drove the Soma Familia members to obsess over money to the point they’d even go after each other. By the time she was done, Eina was leaning against Bell as he held her.

“What the hell, Soma?” Hestia shook her head, her long twin tails following the motion. “How can you let your children devolve into a bunch of violent alcoholics?”

“I’m worried that Miss Arde may be planning something against you, Bell.” Eina murmured as she laid her head on his shoulder.

“I think Lili is trying to leave her Familia.” Bell spoke up as he gently rubbed Eina’s back. “She hasn’t done anything suspicious so far. None of my things have gone missing at all. She’s also a good Supporter. She seems to be the one getting bullied and extorted by her own Familia too.”

“Bell, what’re you thinking?” Hestia knew that look in his ruby-red eyes.

“Hestia…Goddess…would you consider taking Lili into our Familia?” Bell requested and Hestia’s sapphire-blue eyes looked deeply into his gaze. She seemed to be searching for something for a moment. With a sigh and a smile blooming on her face, Hestia spoke.

“If you trust her, Bell, then I’ll welcome her into our Familia.” Hestia agreed and Bell beamed at her. “But that means she’ll need to Convert and that will require Soma’s cooperation.”

“Yeah…I’m not sure that Soma just allows his followers to leave.” Bell admitted with a sad sigh. “I’m sure Lili would’ve left a long time ago if she could.”

“You let me worry about that, Bell.” Hestia gave him a grin. “I’ll figure out a way to convince Soma…even if I have to be a little rough.” Her grin became a threatening smile as the Goddess rubbed the back of her right hand with her left palm. “Just warm up the Divine Backhand…”

“Hestia?” Bell had never seen his lover like this before.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Bell!” Hestia was back to her normal self and both Eina and Bell blinked at the sudden shift. “Eina, how about you stay with us tonight?”

“I…well…tomorrow is my day off.” Eina thought about it. “But…I don’t have any clothes to wear to bed or change into.”

“No worries, you can borrow a few of mine.” Hestia waved off the concern. “Let’s take a bath.” She took Eina’s hands in hers and pulled the Half-Elf from the couch. “Bell, could you make some tea? We’ll be back in just a bit.”

“…Okay.” Bell blinked but stood up and headed for the kitchen.

When Hestia and Eina returned from their bath, Bell nearly gaped. Hestia was in one of her normal nightgowns. But Eina was also wearing one of them and the height difference was allowing Bell to see quite a bit. Eina’s cheeks were red as she kept her hands on the hem of the white nightgown. This kept her modesty, but still left her thighs and legs exposed.

“Beautiful…” Bell breathed out and Eina quickly invented a new shade of red on her face.

“I told you~’ Hestia teased the Half-Elf. “You’re beautiful, Eina.”

“Bell…” Eina had a hard time meeting his eyes. “Um…would…could I…” She didn’t seem capable of finishing her sentence.

“Eina will be sharing our bed tonight, Bell.” Hestia informed her lover so that Eina wouldn’t continue stumbling over her words. “Just sleeping, nothing too intimate just yet.”

“Hestia!” Eina nearly whined at the Goddess.

“O-Okay then…” Bell was really trying not to smile like an idiot right now. Eina flushed scarlet at his acceptance but readily accepted his hug when he walked over and wrapped his arms around her.

The three of them lay in bed a short time later. Bell with Hestia on his right and Eina on his left. A kiss was shared between Hestia and Bell. The Bell captured Eina’s lips. Between kisses, hands began to explore. Eina squeaked when Bell’s hand gently rested on her butt. Hestia giggled when Bell’s right hand began to play with her own bottom. Eina hummed pleasantly once she got used to it and her own hand drifted over Bell’s chest and abs. It didn’t go any further than that before all three fell asleep. But Eina and Bell were both happy that they’d progressed their relationship a little further.

“Love you Bell~” Hestia kissed Bell’s sleeping cheek. “Love you too, Eina.” She leaned over Bell’s chest and placed a gentle kiss on the Half-Elf’s cheek too. Hestia snuggled up close to Bell and drifted off to sleep shortly afterwards.

-End Chapter-


Ais returns home and gets a little teasing from Tiona and Tione. That’s cute!

Bell reacts protectively when Ged talks about harming Lili. That man had better watch his mouth!

Eina discovers the truth about Soma Familia! She warns Bell immediately, of course. But Bell is certain that Lili isn’t one of the violent Soma Familia members.

Lili is also having her doubts. Is Bell really not like all of the other Adventurers that she’s known before? Could he really be someone that will end her years of loneliness?

Will she be annoyed or flustered when she finds out that Bell occasionally checks her out?

Eina and Bell deepen their relationship a bit more too! They’re so adorable!

Training begins bright and early tomorrow morning! Bell better be ready for what Ais will put him through!

What’s next for the rabbit-like Adventurer that wants to be a Hero?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you think with a review!

Until next time, later!


Ant Franklin

I can’t wait for Bell to face the Minotaur again because I want to see your interpretation of it that seems really interesting


Indeed! Just let Hestia get her Divine Backhand warmed up! You all gonna learn today!

Clark Kent

This has become my favorite story of yours. I'm looking forward to how Lili's freedom arc will be different with her as a potential love interest. Thanks again for the chapter!


I love every chapter of this and can’t wait to see early strong bell when the climax of this arc hit to see what happens


Let's just say that Kanu, the Raccoon Man that steals Lili's money, isn't going to get away with it! Bell is going to do his best Stewie Griffin "Where's the money?!" impression with the Raccoon bastard!


Glad you like it! Yeah, a Bell that has even MORE time to train with Ais is definitely going to get stronger! Not to mention make some headway with his Harem! Also, the big surprise from his first Level Up is also going to change things too! Look forward to it!

SHE Superheroine Encyclopedia

Lili joining the Hestia Familia early would be a great event. But, I still want to see her over come the divine wine. That was he biggest feat and really brought her along. After she beat the wine, she really jumped up in abilities even getting to Level 2. Plus, it made Soma realize what was going on with his 'Familia' and did a 180. Plus, I would love to see a duel between Bell and Zanis. Like it'd be cool in my opinion. Don't get me wrong. I loved how Naaza and Welf went to town on him. But, I like to think that Bell would go even more to town on Zanis especially after he learned what he was planning to do to Lili.


Things are definitely going to be different! Look forward to future updates!


Great work! ^^

sebastian contreras acuña

Definitely this became my favorite of your stories, I hope that chapters continue to arrive and I look forward to seeing how you take what comes next


Thank you for the praise, it's very much appreciated! Look forward to things continuing to change as we go forward in the story! I haven't even gotten to some of the bigger changes yet!


Quite enjoyed the latest chapter and i'm looking forward to how you plan to change things around i'm a huge fan of the xenos change btw c:


Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, it makes A LOT more sense to me that Ouranos would figure out a way to bring the Xenos to the surface safely by himself. He's a Primordial God, there's no way he shouldn't be able to figure this out. Bell has enough on his plate without having to go through the Hell of the Xenos Arc.

Aedan C

Oh man, this story is developing incredibly! The way it goes in a direction that's both familiar and different makes it so much more exciting. Looking forward to how you resolve Lily's arc!


Thanks! I'm happy you're enjoying it! Things will definitely continue to change throughout the story as it goes on. Look forward to how things continue to change!

Mr. Khaos

Thanks for the chapter lol, I'm curious on how you're going to advance with Lili.


You know I had a great idea if you have lilie overcome the wine she should be a skill since changes causes skill to appear since it a big change in her and it was a feat that impressed the gods

Alonso moreno zirate

jajajaja Zeus will be proud of his grandson and his future harem, but I have a doubt you will also put the sword oratory events (and if it is canon) and a duel of luck vs cunning (bell vs loki) in a card game.


Zeus be very proud indeed! Not really going to focus on Sword Oratoria much at all. Bell vs Loki in a card game? Is it strip poker? XD


I can imagine Loki yelling what the hell is this rabbits luck