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It's that time again Support Soldiers and Support Officers!

Time to drag out the Randomizer and see who gets to decide on an Update this month!

With new Support Soldiers and Support Officers in the running every month there's no telling who will be chosen! So, let's run this thing!

Around and around it goes! What name will the Randomizer choose?

Annnnd...there it is!

The Random Monthly Drawing winner for February 2022 is...*drum roll*...Support Soldier Clark Kent!

Congratulations Support Soldier Clark Kent! I'll be in contact with you shortly about your Tier Reward!

For now, we'll put the Randomizer away until next month! Who will win next time? Only Fate and Chance know! It could be any of our Support Soldiers or Support Officers!


John Balman

Just a mild manner reporter nothing to see move along

Clark Kent

Exactly! By the way, where is the nearest telephone booth?