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Sorry, to inform you all of this, friends and fans. But my roommate brought COVID into our house after sharing food with a sick friend when he and his other friends went out to a local pizza joint.

The last few days I've been trying to maintain my health, but I end up sleeping several hours of the day away. This is drastically slowing down my writing speed and I apologize.

I'm hopeful that my symptoms will go away soon, and I can get back to work. Until then, I can only apologize for the delay.

Thank you for your understanding.


XxxKDDarkxxX boss

Take your time I hope you feel better soon


Take all the time you need man. We can wait. Your health is far more important

Mr. Finch

Sorry to hear your sick, hope you get better soon


Take your time and feel better. No rush.


Your good man, just get your health in line and do what you need to. Your health should come before all other things


Get well


Get well, your health is more important than writing anything.


Get well

Aedan C

Take all the time you need, pal. Your health is most important. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a boost to your health <3

Ant Franklin

I hope you get better soon, but take all the time you need and do not rush recovery that just leads to relapse in health


We are all plenty willing to wait. Just focus on healing up. It does nobody any good if you make your condition worse by trying to work through sickness

Sin Hunter

I just got finished with my own bout of Covid, friend. You’ll be absolutely miserable for the first three or so days and it’ll just fade away after. Keep hydrated and eat plenty no matter how wonky your tastebuds get.


Oh Kai, I'm sorry to hear that. My mom had COVID recently, and she finally recovered the other day. I hope you get better soon.


It's fine mate honestly just take a break if you need one

Ruan Ribeiro

I understand you, my wife and I are doctors and we are in isolation because she tested positive. I recommend is a good rest, drink plenty of fluids, eat fruits, vegetables, salad and any type of meat you can. Have a good meal at least 3 times a day. I can also recommend a walking , in your room, about 10 times from one wall to another, just to keep your body moving, which helps a lot. Get well dude


Get well soon, i understand you, i got covid on 15 days after new year as a slip from my sister and i spend 4 or 5 days sleeping most of it, lucky only got a day of fever but the coughing is bad enough to give a sore throat


No problem man you just recover I've had covid twice I know that it sucks.


Take your time and recover. We greatly enjoy your stories and wish for you to be in good health. so waiting for you to get better so is no problem at all.


Its alright I hope you get better

Clark Kent

Don't stress about it. Hope you feel better.


Do your best to maintain your health that is what is most important we can wait for your writing when you get better

sebastian contreras acuña

Recover kairo when you are better here we will be waiting as always for your stories (if it is the danmachi even better)

El Pirato

take your time to get well. hopefully you're vaxxed


Take your time and get a lot of vitamin d. It should help a little.


I know how you feel went to a friend house and end up with covid. You should stay quarantine for at least a week or 5 days. Hope you recover and and hear from you soon.

Calvin Morris

Get better soon. God Bless You.


Take your time get better and don't worry about it. We all understand


God dammit covid 19 you take everything I love don't worry brother get better


Get well soon!

Brody Meech

Take car of yourself just concentrate on getting better we can wait on your stories.

Sebastian Pineda

All good take care of yourself and once you make a 100% recovery let us know your health takes a priority after all


Take all the time you need, your health is a greater priority then any story.

Mr. Khaos

Danm, I hope you're getting plenty of rest and fluids. Take care of yourself please.

John McCormick

Get well soon. Your health is more important than your writing stories. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and get Adequate rest. I am just recovering from Covid too so I know how it is.


You sick fuck

Christian Jeffress

Hope your health improves soon, it always sucks being sick.


bro I'm sorry to hear that man hope you feel better son bro


Hope you feel better soon, make sure to get plenty of rest.


I hope you feel better Kai.

Ty'Ree Gary

Get well soon bro, I hope y’all have a quick recovery


Please get well soon.

Saiko no Kami

Honestly, I'd rather you live... so it's okay if you're late, as long as you get better.