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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Tonks and the Black Family Lawyer are coming for a certain someone! Harry has materials to test and Runic Sequences to figure out. Someone also ponders on the state of things and the changes that move throughout the world in secret.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 48 – Legal Action, Crystals, and Stirrings

“Madam Dolores Umbridge?” A Wizard in expensive dark-gray robes spoke up from behind the squat Witch. He was a slightly older man, even by Magical standards, as denoted by his salt and pepper hair and beard. Beside him stood Tonks in her red Auror robes and acting as his escort through the Ministry today.

“Can I help you?” Umbridge questioned in a sweet tone that was so fake many that heard it winced.

“I’m hear to serve you these legal documents on behalf of my client, Lord Sirius Orion Black.” The Wizard handed the woman in lurid pink robes a folder.

“What’s this?” Umbridge took the folder into her stubby fingers and opened it. Tonks barely smothered a wicked grin when the toad-like woman’s eyes widened at what she was reading. “A Restraining Order?!”

“Yes, Madam Umbridge, your harassment of my client’s Godson ends here and now.” The Black Family Lawyer stated firmly, his dark eyes boring into the squat woman. “A stack of rather alarming letters was handed over to the Aurors not long ago. All of them from you and addressed to Harry Potter. Most of them hinting that should Mr. Potter not accept working for the Ministry, that misfortune may befall him. The later letters were not so subtle and could easily be construed as threats. You are to cease all contact with Harry James Potter or be held in breach of this Restraining Order.”

“I…I…How dare…I am the Senior Undersecretary for the Minister of Magic!” Umbridge’s face turned an ugly purple color as she glared at the lawyer.

No one threatens my Harry, you toad-faced bint!’ Tonks thought vindictively as she watched Umbridge rant and stomp her feet.

Tonks had been beyond shocked when Harry had handed over a stack of letters from Umbridge of all people. The Auror had only needed to read through a couple for her annoyance to turn into anger. After reading through all of them, she’d had half a mind to pay the Senior Undersecretary a little visit herself. But Sirius had gotten the Black Family Lawyer involved and legal proceedings had followed. It was annoying that it had taken as long as it had, but Tonks was only too happy to see the results.

“You’ve been served the documents, Madam Umbridge, good day.” The Law Wizard turned on his heel and headed for the lifts. He was followed by Tonks as was her duty, while she hid a smile at the still ranting Umbridge. The whole of the Ministry had seen her getting served the Restraining Order, it’d be in the Prophet by tomorrow without a doubt.

-Hogwarts ~ That Afternoon-

“So, it’s done then?” Harry grinned at Tonks through the Communications Mirror.

“Yep, you should’ve seen the toad’s face!” Tonks laughed at the memory. “Serves her right for harassing you like that.”

“Thank you for taking care of this, Tonks, you and Sirius both.” Harry gave her a warm and affectionate smile.

“I was just doing my job, Harry.” Tonks returned his warm smile with her own. Her hair and eyes both phasing through soft pastel colors one after another as her heart filled with warmth. “It was your idea to hand over those letters to me as an Auror that made this a potential criminal issue. Sirius was freely able to act and the courts couldn’t deny that Umbridge was in the wrong.”

“I’d thought of handing them over to Fudge when he came to inspect Aethereum, but seeing her there made me decide against it.” Harry shook his head, slightly swaying his hair. Maybe he should look into getting a haircut soon. “The letters probably would’ve disappeared by the time they returned to the Ministry.”

“Knowing Umbridge, that’s a fairly good assumption.” Tonks grimaced at the rumors about the unpleasant woman. Her hair and eyes going to a dark-orange color to denote her annoyance.

“At least she’s not going to be sending me anymore letters.” Harry grinned at Tonks through the mirror.

“If she does, just tell Sirius, then he’ll tell the Black Family Lawyer. After that, it becomes a criminal issue for us Aurors.” Tonks’ grin was downright predatory.

“It’s good to have a girlfriend that’s also an Auror.” Harry teased and Tonks, maturely, stuck her tongue out at him.

“Don’t you start thinking you can break the law, Mister.” Tonks glared at him without any heat in her gaze. “I’ll bring you in too. Give you the full standard protocol here at the Ministry. A cell and everything!”

“Is it a private cell?” Harry cocked an eyebrow. “Would we have a private one-on-one questioning together?”

“Your teenager is showing again, Harrikins.” Tonks rolled her eyes at her boyfriend playfully.

“There’s no way you can see that!” Harry made a show of looking down at himself and Tonks cracked up.

“Oh Harry, I think Sirius has been an influence on you.” Tonks laughed at his joking.

“Just an influence? Not a bad influence?” Harry looked at her with a grin.

“Oh no, I’m sure this is you, Sirius just showed you how to make jokes about it.” Tonks waved off with a smattering of chuckles.

“Fair enough.” Harry shrugged and the two devolved into laughter again.

“These mirrors are the best thing you’ve figured out so far, Harry.” Tonks praised him with a genuine smile full of love. “Being able to see and talk to you like this whenever is amazing.”

“I feel the same way, Nym.” Harry shared the feeling with her. “I really missed having you and Penny around. They may not be Artifacts, but these mirrors give me something that none of my Artifacts can.”

“Sweet talker.” Tonks jibed playfully, the radiant smile on her lips making Harry’s heart flutter a bit. “So, what nerd project do you have going on now?”

“Way to break the mood, Nym…” Harry deadpanned at the Metamorph. Tonks’ bubbly laughter still made him smile though.

“You’re a nerd, but you’re my nerd.” Tonks chuckled, her eyes alight with mirth.

“Well…I’ve hit an unfortunate stumbling point in the Communication Mirror Hub project.” Harry informed her with a sigh.

“What’s the problem?” Tonks questioned curiously. “I sorta helped with the first issue…would smashing the hub potentially help this time too?” She snickered behind her hand.

“Unfortunately, not this time around.” Harry snorted with a shake of his head. “I was looking more deeply into Runecraft in relation to crystals and gems. It turns out that I’m going to have to learn a good amount about Gemology and gem cutting to make any headway. Facets are important as is the quality of the gem or crystal in question when it comes to applying Runes. I was hoping that this would be a slightly easier project once I figured out how to make the Communication Mirrors work. I should’ve known better.” He sighed heavily at all the new information he’d have to go over. The only good point was that the knowledge could be useful in a few future endeavors that he’d tossed around in his head before.

“You’ll figure it out, Harry, I know you will.” Tonks encouraged him with a warm and loving smile. “There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re going to make something truly amazing from this.”

“When did you get so good at reassuring people?” Harry smiled back at his girlfriend.

“I’ve always been good at it.” Tonks declared with a faux pompous tone and her nose in the air.

“Well, thank you for the encouragement, Nym.” Harry chuckled along with her antics.

“I could always cheer you up a different way…” Tonks trailed off leadingly. “These mirrors would make it so easy too.”

“What’s that?” Harry tilted his head slightly in confusion.

“Like this,” Tonks gave a naughty grin as she held the mirror further from herself. Harry went from only being able to see her face to being able to see her face and chest. With the same grin on her face, Tonks reached for the hem of her Weird Sisters t-shirt and pulled the garment upwards. The cotton caught on the underside of Tonks’ large breasts making the pair bounce when they escaped the shirt.

“Nice…” Harry’s eye zeroed in on Tonks’ tits while the Metamorph winked at him.

“See? It’s already working.” Tonks teased her boyfriend before bouncing on her heels a couple of times. The movement made her girls bounce around and Harry looked like he wanted to come through the mirror to get to her.

“Best. Invention. Ever.” Harry chuckled as he watched Tonks show off for him.

“Do you want them smaller?” Tonks morphed her breasts back to the C-Cups she usually kept them as. “Or maybe you’re a Boob Guy and want them even bigger?” Harry swallowed reflexively as her tits grew to large F-Cups before his eyes. “Hmm? What do you think, Harry~?” She used her free hand to play with her massive mammaries for his viewing pleasure.

“Amazing.” Harry could admit to being a bit mesmerized by the site of his girlfriend showing off her talents for him.

“Keep praising me, Harry. You know I enjoy it~” Tonks grinned salaciously at him. “Maybe you have something to show me too?”

“Perhaps…” Harry admitted before setting the mirror on the desk. If Tonks wanted to play over the mirrors, Harry wasn’t going to deny her!

“I really do spoil you too much, Harry.” Tonks played with her nipples and cooed at him.

“You’re too sexy, Love.” Harry rumbled as he pulled himself free of his pants.

The pair would spend the next hour ‘playing’ over the mirrors together. Fleur had an eyebrow raised when she saw the small grin on Harry’s lips when she came to collect him for dinner. It wasn’t until after dinner that she found out just what he and Tonks had done with the Communication Mirrors that afternoon. Needless to say, Fleur was very interested in trying it out herself. Harry was all for the idea, but did admit he preferred having her in his arms much more. When Fleur mentioned that she wanted to be there the next time he and Tonks played, Harry felt the hairs all over his body stand on end. Fleur’s giggling laughter at his wide smile was totally worth it.

-Hogwarts Library ~ Next Day-

“Harry?” Hermione blinked as she sat down at the table with him. “What’s that book you’ve got?”

“Just something new I need to learn about for my Artifice.” Harry smiled as he tilted the book up so that Hermine could see the cover and title.

“The Magic of Gems and Crystals?” Hermione didn’t sound impressed by the title. “That almost sounds like the hokey New Age stuff my parents have mentioned before.”

“Unlike those people that believe certain crystals and gems have some kind of magical or special property by themselves, I know of actual Magical Gems and Crystals. The only problem is that I need to know much more about them before I can use them to their utmost potential.” Harry chuckled as he flipped to the next page in the large book.

“It sounds like it could be expensive.” Hermione mentioned as she set up her books, quill, and parchment. “My father bought my mother an emerald bracelet for her birthday, since it’s her birthstone, and it was rather pricey.”

“Yeah…” Harry sighed even as he read more. “Non-Magical gems and crystals can be worth a lot. The much, much rarer Magical Gems and Crystals cost enough to make me flinch, honestly.”

“I’m sure whatever you make will be amazing though, Harry.” Hermione gave him a smile as she opened her first book.

“Thank you, Hermione.” Harry smiled back before returning to his reading. ‘If only you knew what I was planning to do with Magical Quartz.’ He suppressed his chuckles before flipping to the next page.

-Akhmim ~ Egypt-

“So, they continue on their path?” An old Wizard, far older than any other currently alive, asked of a young man dressed in simple clothing. The man would blend into a crowd without trying given his average looks and plain clothes.

“Yes, Master, they show no signs in deviating from their work.” The younger man replied with a short bow.

“I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything less.” The old Wizard acknowledged as he gazed at the golden ring on his finger. It was set with a blood-red stone that seemed to be both smooth and yet full of striations. It was almost as if the stone was in a near constant state of flux, changing just slightly every time one looked at it. “After so many centuries, it seems the work will be completed.”

“Yes, Master, I have confirmed with Prima that the ones in Greece are also approaching completion.” The plain man informed the old Wizard.

“You’ve done well, Novus.” The ancient man acknowledged the much younger one. “Any news of the young boy? I’m curious if he’s done anything else to shake things up again.”

“Nothing in the past while, Master.” Novus shook his head.

“I’m sure he won’t be silent for too much longer.” The aged Wizard chuckled, his wrinkles pulling upwards as he smiled. “When he became the youngest Artificer in history, I felt a need to offer my congratulations and express my hopes for his future. It has been far too long since my attention was captured so thoroughly. Not since young Flamel completed the Magnum Opus himself.” He stroked his long, white beard with amusement. “Such an interesting creation and system he set up. Not the first, of course, but far better than the last several attempts.” He picked up a Test Frame from the small table beside his comfortable chair.

“Master Zosimos,” A woman with a simple beauty spoke as she entered the room with a bow. “I bring news from the Americas.”

“What are they doing, Tima?” Zosimos asked of the woman. “Are their projects also proceeding at pace with the others?”

“Yes, they seem to be nearing the end of their works.” Tima nodded to her Master. “It appears to be just as you predicted. They’re all planning to act in turn.”

“Haaa…” Zosimos sighed heavily at the news. “I do understand where they’re coming from. I’ve lived through most of what their ancestors suffered through. But I have no better alternatives to offer them to try an persuade them from this path. I had hoped that the Non-Magical would change their ways as they increased their knowledge and understanding. Alas, that has not come to pass.”

“Shall we intervene, Master?” Novus questioned the ancient Wizard.

“No…they’ve been given centuries to change and have mostly gotten worse.” Zosimos shook his head sadly. His eyes seemed to look afar, as if they could see something far from the here and now. “Perhaps this is the only way to move forward. Humanity has long needed large, world changing events to move forward. This may simply be necessary, even if events do not go as they believe they will.”

“Yes, Master.” Novus bowed along with Tima.

“Rest now, my creations, we must be ready to do what we can in the coming times.” Zosimos dismissed the two. Both gave another short bow and left without a word. His homunculi had been with him for the last few centuries. They knew their tasks and when to carry them out. The ancient Wizard held the Test Frame in hand with a slight smile as he passed his mana into it.

2,148,244 was displayed after almost a full minute by the Test Frame before the talisman cracked and burnt out entirely.

“I will act to ensure that Humanity survives, no matter what their actions may bring about. It may be the last act of my very long life, but I will ensure the survival of as many as possible.” Zosimos placed the broken talisman back on the small table with a quiet sigh.

-Izumo, Shimane, Japan-

“This does not bold well.” An older man in traditional clothing sighed after finishing a Divination.

“This ‘Great Change’ is coming?” An equally old woman asked from behind him.

“Yes, there doesn’t seem to be much that can be done to stop it.” The old man shook his head slightly. “We must be prepared. A perilous time is approaching the world at large.”

“Will you be strong enough?” The old woman inquired of the man.

“I will have to be, it is not yet time for him to inherit the position and responsibilities of Family Head.” The man stated firmly. If only the world wasn’t on the verge of this ‘Great Change’. He could’ve happily spent his days training and teaching his grandson until he passed on the position of Family Head to the boy. Now it seemed it would be up to him to ensure their Family survived the coming storm.

“Then we shall continue the preparations.” The old woman stood up from her sitting position on the tatami. “Our Family has survived since the Heian Period. What’s one more disaster?” She smoothed out her traditional robes and moved towards the door.

“I fear this will be a disaster unlike anything the world has seen before.” The old man mumbled under his breath as he looked at the Divination he’d performed. With one last sigh he turned to follow his wife out of the room.

-Hogwarts ~ Hidden Workshop-

“Magical Gem Cutting?” Fleur cocked an eyebrow at Harry’s current reading material. “Should we be expecting rings soon, Harry?”

“You know what I’m reading this for, you minx.” Harry gave her a flat look. The slight upturn of his lips kind of ruined the look though.

“Are you saying you don’t want to put a ring on each of us?” Fleur teased him with a gleam in her beautiful blue eyes.

“I’ll get around to it…” Harry chuckled at the pout Fleur gave him. “You’ll just have to wait a couple more years until my Majority is all.”

“I suppose so, a pity.” Fleur smiled happily at him. “I want to keep you forever as soon as possible.”

“The feeling is mutual, Love, trust me.” Harry returned her smile with one of his own.

“Do you really believe Sirius is going to propose to Marlie?” Fleur loved weddings. She’d grown up going to many of them for her extended Veela family.

“Remus seems to think so,” Harry shrugged as he flipped a page in his book. “They’ve been seeing each other for a good while now too. I wouldn’t be surprised if he popped the question.”

“Sirius is a good man. Marlie is a wonderful woman. They make each other happy too.” Fleur gushed at the potential for an engagement in the near future. “Just think Harry, you could become a Godparent or perhaps a favored Older Brother for any children they might have.”

“I’ll look forward to it.” Harry laughed as he marked his page and closed the book. “But for now, you are far too excited to even pretend to study. How about a walk around the lake?” He stood from his desk and stretched his arms over his head.

“I’d like that.” Fleur stood from her transfigured chair as well.

The couple left the hidden workshop arm-in-arm. They made their way through the castle without issue and were soon outside. While spring had technically come to Scotland, it wouldn’t be truly warmer until mid to late April. A simple Warming Charm kept away any chills as Harry and Fleur headed for the lake. They were only about halfway there when they saw something that got their attention.

“What are they doing now?” Harry blinked, seeing multiple people from the Ministry moving around the Quidditch Pitch.

“Possibly something for the Third Task?” Fleur guessed, also confused.

“Shall we take a little peek, my dear?” Harry grinned at Fleur mischievously.

“Why not?” Fleur grinned right back, her eyes alight with interest.

With barely a thought, both of them were invisible and heading towards the Quidditch Pitch. They silenced their steps as they approached the area to further conceal their presence. It was almost laughably easy to simply walk onto the field and see what was going on. Dozens of Ministry workers were placing what looked to be small hedges in the dirt. Judging by how widespread the plants were placed and the rather intricate pattern it didn’t take long to figure out what was being made.

“A maze?” Fleur didn’t sound impressed as she whispered to Harry. “Do they really think something so simple would stop any competent Witch or Wizard?”

“It’s the Ministry, so it’s a possibility.” Harry shrugged even though he was invisible. “Perhaps they mean to fill it full of beasts and Magical Shenanigans?”

“I would hope they were doing something more than just a hedge maze at least.” Fleur remarked as they watched more of the obviously magical hedges be planted.

The couple watched the progress for another minute or two before heading out of the Quidditch Pitch. Once they arrived at the lake, they removed the invisibility and silencing charms. The two enjoyed their stroll, arm-in-arm, around the lake as they guessed at what the Third Task would entail within the hedge maze they’d seen being planted.

-Flint Manor-

“You’ve done well, Barty, Lucius.” Voldemort praised his top two Death Eaters, that were outside of Azkaban at any rate. “Already you’ve brought me thirty new followers.” His red-eyes swept over the assembled Wizards that Lucius and Barty had already collected from the bottom of society. These fools were down on their luck and looked to blame anyone else for their circumstances. Some of them probably descended from old Pureblood Houses that had fallen in the last few decades. “To you thirty, I welcome you. That you would raise your wands in my service is a wise choice. I will see to it that all of my followers have their place and purpose in the world I will create. A world for Wizards. One not hiding from the Muggle filth, but ruling over them as we should!”

His declaration was met with cheers from the assembled group. Truly, they were so easy to manipulate that it was almost sickening.

“If you wish to pledge your service and loyalty to me, step forward and accept my Mark.” Voldemort spoke in a cool hiss as he let his Magic seep into the air around him. This minor showing of power awed more Witches and Wizards than he could remember. It was always successful in getting the fools to agree to obey.

“Yes, My Lord.” All of the gathered Wizards kneeled before the Dark Lord and held out their bare left arms.

“We shall begin then.” Voldemort intoned as he approached the first of the kneeling Wizards.

He’s giving them the Dark Mark? So soon? That was a reward in the last war. Given only to those that had proved their worth to the Dark Lord.’ Lucius thought to himself as he watched the first Wizard grimace in pain as the Dark Mark was placed upon his skin. This vast deviation from the Dark Lord’s first rise back in the Seventies was confusing Lucius. It was also a cause for concern for the wary Malfoy Family Head. He had survived through the last war thanks to his caution and suspicion. He’d keep a close eye on the changes happening around the Dark Lord.

“These fools don’t realize how truly blessed they are.” Barty mumbled quietly as he watched the second kneeling man accept his Master’s Mark. His tongue flicked out in the tic that Lucius had grown accustomed to in the time he’d known the man.

Perhaps they are not as blessed as you think?’ Lucius kept his musings private. They were both aware that those who displeased the Dark Lord were often killed. The dumb muscle that Lucius collected probably wouldn’t make it to the end of the year. ‘Or does the Dark Lord have something else planned for them entirely?’ The Malfoy Patriarch wondered as the next Wizard accepted the Dark Mark. It would not be the first time that someone Voldemort recruited was used for a single task or purpose before they disappeared.

Twenty-one will be necessary for the first ritual.’ Voldemort mused as he gave another of the fools his Mark. He was pleased to have that number already met. But he needed far more for what he was planning. He needed enough to sacrifice to bring about an unstoppable force under his command. ‘These dimwitted ones can at least be gophers to collect the materials I need before they serve their true purpose.

The Dark Lord carried on giving out his Dark Mark to the less than impressive Wizards one after another while plotting out his true intentions.

-End Chapter-


The stirrings around the world are growing.

Many pieces are coming together all at once.

We finally know who sent Harry the letter after he became the youngest Artificer in history! I assure you he’s the oldest living Wizard in the world! You have to be pretty old to call Nicholas Flamel ‘young’ right? You can even look up his name if you wish to find out who Zosimos is!

Harry and Tonks may have just had the very first Mirror Call Sex…hehehe!

Harry and Fleur have snuck a peek at what the Third Task entails.

Voldemort is continuing his plans as he marks his new followers. The coming clash may be too much for the Magical World to sweep under the rug.

Will Harry and Family still get to go to Japan this summer?

Is Sirius going to propose to Marlie Reed?

What about Harry’s early O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 19,918

Tonks – 15,462

Penelope – 13,246

Fleur – 14,128

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Absolutely incredible chapter with really awesome undertones, and Zosimos might as well be a minor god of magic lol. Honestly, another fantastic chapter.


My my my, lots of interesting plot threads and progression. Nice work!


Oooh I can’t wait to see what happens. It seems there going to be a lot of chaos but maybe also a lot if opportunities as well.


Wonder if lab grown crystals would be of any use or if their artificial creation would render them useless for magic.


Chaos is indeed incoming. What is the 'Great Change' that has so many worried? Find out next time on Dragon Ball...I mean, Artificer Legacy! P.S. It won't really be next chapter, but we'll get there.

Hannibal St.Michael

I get the feeling 'The Great Change' might be the permanent outing of Magic. Great chapter, hard to believe this is only Harry's fourth year in school. Are you going for epic length?


I wonder if the mirrors can handle “group” calling. I can imagine some fun happening in a four-way ;) call.


Part of me wonders if this great change might include a magical pulse which knocks out all technology.


I would lean more towards maybe everyone gets magic, but Earth might get taxed from pumping that much magic out(?). If everyone does get magic, then i bet accidental magic will be a huge problem. I also wonder if accidental magic can snowball into each other and cause a "natural" magic disaster. A tornado of sorts, just juiced on magic.


Another fun chapter little fluff little foreshadowing this continues to be one of your best stories which is a high bar cause like all of them are good


I can’t remember if I mentioned this but will harry try to combine creature craft with his own method of artefact making?

Creature of Grimm

you are building up a lot of suspense these last few chapters. because everyone seems to be taking a guess on what is going to happen, i will have a go too, though there isn't really enough information yet to know for sure. going on what Aeonstorm said about a 'Pulse', i will guess something similar in that it will knock out the Muggle Tec around the world and send them back into a sort of 'Dark Age' like state, maybe mixed with 'old gods' being woken up/manifested and being able to influence the world in there own lands.