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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with another chapter of Arch Mage, the Path of Magic! The story of Harry dealing with the Mountain Toll spreads throughout Hogwarts! The Professors can’t ignore such astounding Magical prowess. What could that lead to for our young Spellcrafter?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 5 – Hierarchies and Titles

-Friday, November 1st-

The Hogwarts Staff were gathered in a meeting the day after the Troll Incident. All of them were in the Headmaster’s Office, which seemed to always have just enough space for everyone. There had already been much discussion about the previous night’s incident and many ideas had been passed around about how a Mountain Troll of all creatures had gotten into the castle. The closest mountains to Hogwarts were many, many kilometers away and the Troll had no reason to wander so far from its natural habitat.

“Albus, about Mr. Potter, we can’t continue to ignore the boy’s prodigious talent and prowess with Magic.” Flitwick spoke up during a lull in the discussion. “The story of Mr. Potter dealing with the Troll is already spreading among the students.”

“Filius has a point, Albus.” McGonagall agreed as she too looked at the Headmaster. “The boy doesn’t need a wand, his scores in practical assignments are always perfect, and his essays on Magic are almost enlightening to read, as harsh as they are on some of the spells we teach in class. The only area Mr. Potter seems to struggle with is memorizing names and dates of historical events.”

This was followed by agreements from Professor Sprout and Professor Quirrel, stuttered out in Quirrel’s case. Snape was the only one not to praise the boy. Binns may or may not have, but the Ghost Professor never appeared for these meetings. With how he taught History of Magic, it was doubtful that he’d remember any one student in particular.

“Are you suggesting that we skip Mr. Potter ahead and make him a Second or even Third Year student?” Dumbledore questioned his Staff, his eyes inquisitive and alight with curiosity.

“I’m not sure he’d accept it, to be honest.” Flitwick considered what he knew of his student. “Miss Granger seems to be his closest friend. He may not wish to leave her behind.”

“Potter…” Snape nearly sneered, but muffled himself to avoid another confrontation with Dumbledore.

“Did you have something to add, Severus?” Dumbledore looked over at the Potions Professor after hearing him mumble something.

“No, Headmaster, just thinking to myself.” Snape shook his head and the conversation resumed without him.

-Great Hall ~ Lunch Time-

“Everyone is looking at you, Harry.” Hermione pointed out as they ate at the Ravenclaw table.

“They probably heard about the Troll.” Harry shrugged unconcerned. He’d grown fairly used to his peers staring at him since he’d come to Hogwarts.

“I think you’ll probably get an award for special services to the school.” Hermione smiled at him brightly. “You’ll have your name in the trophy case in the main hall.”

“That’s nice, I guess.” Harry shrugged, not really interested in such things. He took a sip of his drink before speaking again. “But I didn’t do it for an award or anything. I trapped it because it was a threat to everyone. It was just the right thing to do.”

“Doing it without thought of a reward makes you more deserving of an award, Harry.” Hermione chuckled at her friend.

“I suppose.” Harry replied before taking another bite of his lunch.

“There he is!” Someone spoke up from behind Harry and Hermione. The voice denoted them as a male.

“Harry Potter, Troll Slayer!” Another voice, nearly identical to the first, followed after.

When Harry and Hermione turned to look at who had spoken, they were greeted by the sight of the infamous Weasley Twins, Fred and George. The two older students, upon noticing they had Harry’s attention, gave deep, overly dramatic bows. When they stood up straight again, they both had a mischievous smile on their faces.

“Can I help you?” Harry questioned the two well-known pranksters. “Also, I didn’t slay the Troll. Headmaster Dumbledore knocked it out and it was removed from the castle. It’s being relocated back to the mountains as far as I’m aware.”

“Ah, but that story isn’t as exciting!” The Twin on the left declared with a laugh.

“Quite right, brother of mine, the tale of an ickle Firstie besting a Troll needs more impact!” The Twin on the right nodded in agreement.

“Which one of you is which, please?” Hermione was looking back and forth between the Twins, trying to determine who was who.

“Gred Weasley, at your service.” ‘Gred’ gestured to himself with a smile.

“Forge Weasley, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” ‘Forge’ grinned with his hand on his chest.

“Yeah…no.” Harry closed his eyes and held up his right hand, index finger extended. “Principle…Identity, Aspect…Name, refined to George Weasley.”

“What’re you doing?” ‘Forge’ questioned the First Year.

“You’re acting a little off there, Harrikins.” ‘Gred’ almost took a step back from the black-haired boy.

“He’s making a spell.” Hermione informed the duo without taking her eyes off the process. She’d been waiting to observe this again since the first time she’d seen it.

“You can’t just make a spell.” ‘Forge’ shook his head at the girl.

A glowing white light appeared just above Harry’s extended index finger. He opened his green-eyes with a small smile as the little ball of light floated over to ‘Gred’ and changed to a green color. Almost everyone in the Great Hall (including the Professors) watched on in curiosity as Harry created a spell as easily as most Wizards and Witches cast a Lumos Charm.

“George Weasley,” Harry pointed at ‘Gred’ before turning his hand and pointing at ‘Forge’ “Fred Weasley.”

“How?!” George balked at the First Year.

“That’s impossible!” Fred followed his brother’s shock.

“Identity cannot be changed,” Harry explained to the two stunned Third Years. “It is given to you by the ones that name you. You solidify it by accepting your name as you grow up and considering it yours. Even if you pretend to be someone else, you’re still you. You can’t lie to your Magic or to your core identity.”

“Blimey…” Fred stared at Harry in shock.

“That’s mental…” George wasn’t any better than his twin.

“My new Identification spell uses the Principle of Identity and the Aspect of Names to identify a person by their name, their true identity.” Harry filled in the twins, Hermione, and everyone close enough to hear him. It was only after he finished speaking that Harry realized that the entire Great Hall was completely silent.

“Harry…?” Hermione’s eyes were alight with intrigue and Harry realized that he was in for another round of answering his friend’s questions, just like last night.

“Yes, Hermione?” Harry tilted his head just slightly as he willingly opened the door to the flood he knew lay behind it.

“What if someone’s memory was altered completely and they believed themselves to be someone else?” Hermione’s first question was one that Harry expected.

“Even if you believe that you’re someone else, your Identity doesn’t really change.” Harry shook his head. “Identity is made up of the name you’re given and then your acceptance and possession of it. Even if you don’t remember it anymore, it is already part of you, it cannot be changed.”

“What about inanimate objects?” Hermione leaned forward slightly. “They have names, but only because they’re given them by other beings. The language even changes the name from one to the next.”

“That’s a different Aspect derived from the Principle of Identity, Hermione.” Harry smiled back at how interested Hermione was in the current topic. “The Aspect in question would be Naming; rather than Name. We give names to objects to remember them and categorize them for our own use. After all, if someone told you to bring them ‘Grey Stone’ what type of stone would you bring them?”

“I would need more information than just its color.” Hermione answered easily.

“Exactly, you’d need the stone’s information, that’s where Naming comes in. If I want granite, then I ask for it by the name it was given. The stone has no ability to be concerned or to care about what it is called across the multitudes of languages. Its Name is all of them as long as the person using an Identifying Charm knows what they’re looking for.” Harry informed his friend with a smile.

“Could you go deeper into an object then? Could you find out everything it’s made out of?” Hermione asked intrigued.

“If you refine the spell further, then yes.” Harry chuckled. “You could specifically search for the individual names given to every element that an object is made up of if you really wanted to. But that might be a bit overkill if you just want to know what an object is. Its constituent parts are probably more than enough information.”

“Probably.” Hermione agreed with a small laugh.

“A fascinating lesson, Mr. Potter.” Dumbledore spoke up and everyone realized that the Headmaster had left the Head Table and made his way down to the Ravenclaw table. “But as lunch is almost over, it may be best to finish your meals and prepare for your afternoon classes.” The old man chuckled as the majority of the students turned back towards their food and hurriedly ate.

“I didn’t mean to cause any delay, Headmaster.” Harry shook his head.

“It’s quite alright, Mr. Potter.” Dumbledore assured the boy. “It was an interesting lesson on Identifying Charms and their function at the very least.”

“Thank you, sir.” Harry grinned before turning back to his food. The Headmaster went back to the Head Table with a small smile on his face.

“Quite the insightful student, isn’t he?” Flitwick grinned at Dumbledore when the old man sat back down.

“Yes, very much so, to see one so young with such an understanding of Magic is quite impressive.” Dumbledore agreed.

“Impressive?” Septima Vector -the Arithmancy Professor- looked at the Headmaster disbelievingly. “He just created a spell in mere moments without going through any of the proper steps! That’s beyond amazing, that’s nearly ridiculous!”

“Mr. Potter might be even more of a prodigy than we thought.” McGonagall murmured after what she’d just witnessed.

Lunch finished with the sounds of conversations as normal. The only difference this time was that almost every single conversation was about Harry and what he’d just done.

-After Classes-

“Hmm,” Harry was half in thought and half focusing on the broom beneath him as he flew around the Quidditch Pitch. Flying was one of his favorite things and he often felt free in the air. His mind was wandering to the broom and how it kept him in the air and followed his direction. He’d done in-depth study into brooms to try and puzzle out self-flight. So far, not much of the Magic in use on brooms would be applicable to a person. Very specific Magic was once again holding Wizards and Witches back as they never moved beyond what worked. “Float was a good spell, even if it isn’t a true Flight spell. But I need to be able to direct my own movement in the air. Humans aren’t meant to fly naturally and that makes leaving the ground under our own power harder, even with Magic. Our innate place is on the ground. Our Magic has a hard time with flight because of our acceptance of this natural fact. Going against one’s Nature isn’t so easily remedied it would seem.”

“How’re you doing that?” A Second Year girl questioned him as she flew alongside the First Year.

“Doing what?” Harry wondered as he looked at the Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, Cho Chang.

“Flying on your broom while standing, of course!” Cho motioned at him.

Indeed, Harry was standing sideways on his broom. He was riding it much like a Muggle surfboard as he flew through the air. Not at all proper riding form and it should’ve made his control over the broom nearly non-existent. Yet Harry was flying without issue at all and while only half-focusing on the task.

“I’m just directing it with my Magic and intent. It’s the same thing you’re doing. I’m just standing up while I do it.” Harry replied as they both turned left to continue their lap of the pitch.

“But the broom’s Charms don’t work as well if you’re not sitting on it.” Cho disagreed, even though Harry was clearly having no problems.

“Maybe not, but that’s no reason to just do the same thing that everyone else has been doing since flying on brooms first became a thing.” Harry shrugged as he sent the school broom down in a steep dive before putting his weight on his back foot and sending the old broom back up to where it was level with Cho’s again. “It’s more interesting to try out new things for yourself.”

“I think you might be a little crazy, Harry.” Cho laughed at her housemate.

“Perhaps…” Harry joked as he started swaying the broom beneath his feet back and forth. “I just like flying. I’d like to do it under my own Magic someday.”

“Good luck with that.” Cho shook her head as they flew along. “Many Witches and Wizards have tried over the years, but the only ones that ever succeeded never told anyone how they did it.”

“I get wanting to keep certain Magics out of the hands of those not prepared for them,” Harry looked mildly annoyed. “But keeping flight to yourself until the knowledge is lost seems like such a waste.”

“Looks like the rest of the Team is here,” Cho pointed out the other members of the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team walking onto the field. All six of them had their brooms over their shoulders. “Could I persuade you to let us have the field, Harry?”

“Sure, sure, I wouldn’t want to get in the way. I don’t have much interest in Quidditch myself, but I know a lot of the other students do.” Harry replied lackadaisically. “Nice chatting with you, Cho.” He leaned forward a bit and the old school broom dipped into a slow dive as he headed for the ground.

“What the heck, Potter?” Roger Davies -the Vice-Captain- blinked at Harry’s method of flying the school broom.

“I’m just getting out of the way.” Harry waved to the players as he flew past them, his broom less than a meter off the ground. “Don’t mind me.” He flew off and slowed as he neared the exit of the pitch. The First Year hopped off the slowed broom and called it to his hand with a thought. He was gone a few seconds later.

“You think he’d be interested in joining the Team next year?” The Captain questioned with a laugh.

“Afraid not,” Cho had flown down and was sitting on her broom in the air next to her teammates. “Harry doesn’t seem to have any interest in Quidditch. Apparently, he just enjoys flying in his own odd way.”

“Odd is right.” Roger shook his head at how Harry was standing on the old, school broom in flight.

-Saturday, November 2nd-

“Harry, look at this!” Hermione moved an open book over to Harry’s side of their library table.

“What am I supposed to be looking at?” Harry questioned as he got to the end of the paragraph he was reading and looked at the book Hermione was trying to show him.

“Titles, Harry, I was curious about Headmaster Dumbledore’s ‘Grand Sorcerer’ Title from the Hogwarts Acceptance Letter. I decided to do a little digging since I’m caught up on my homework.” Hermione explained as her finger pointed to the top of the left hand page of the book. There, in an elegant script, were the words ‘Titles of Prestige and Power; the Hierarchy of Wizards and Witches’.

“Huh, what’s this about?” Harry started to read over the page carefully.

According to the book, there were Titles given to Witches and Wizards that had done remarkable things. It seemed to be fairly straight-forward over all. There were normal Wizards and Witches and if they did something noteworthy they could earn the Title of Sorcerer. Apparently, the most common way to gain the Sorcerer Title was to attain a Magical Mastery. But as the Title of Professor was considered to be more prestigious, especially in relation to ancient schools like Hogwarts, most of their Professors wouldn’t sign any letter with their Sorcerer Title. It explained why McGonagall didn’t add the Title and went with Deputy Headmistress on the acceptance letters instead.

Beyond Sorcerer was High Sorcerer, this denoted someone that had accomplished something beyond what most Wizards and Witches would be capable of. Whether that was the creation of a new Branch of Magic, or the discovery of something monumental to the Magical World. It seemed that there were far fewer High Sorcerers than there was Sorcerers. This was also the highest Title that could be awarded by a singular Nation among the ICW.

Past the High Sorcerer was Dumbledore’s Title of Grand Sorcerer. This Title seemed reserved for those that had many great accomplishments in their life. From what he knew of Dumbledore, the old man had studied Alchemy with Nicholas Flamel, worked on the Twelve Uses of Dragon Blood, was an accomplished Scholar with multiple Masteries, one of the most celebrated Duelists to ever spend time on the circuit, and had defeated the Dark Lord Grindelwald back in the Forties. This Title was awarded by the ICW itself as the receiver had been recognized as benefiting the whole of Magical Society. That said a lot that Dumbledore had been awarded the Title of Grand Sorcerer and not one of the two Titles above it.

The second highest Title was Mage, a Master of the Magical Arts, a Witch or Wizard that delved into the mysteries of Magic and often discovered new Branches to study. A list of accomplishments was necessary to be awarded the Title as well. Power, Knowledge, Skill, Discovery, etc. all were necessary to be recognized with the Title of Mage.

The highest Title listed was Arch Mage. To receive this particular Title the majority of the ICW had to be in agreement that the recipient was the greatest Magic User in the world. Harry couldn’t remember ever reading about an Arch Mage before, so perhaps there hadn’t been a recipient yet?

I wonder if old Merlin would’ve been considered for it, if the ICW had existed that long ago.’ Harry mused as he finished reading the page.

“Isn’t it interesting, Harry?” Hermione smiled at him. “Imagine doing something so amazing that you got a Title for it! Your name would surely go down in history. You’d probably get mentioned in all sorts of History books!” Her brown-eyes took on a faraway look as she seemed to daydream for a few moments. “High Sorceress Granger doesn’t quite roll off the tongue though. Hermione Granger, High Sorceress doesn’t sound too bad though.”

“Why stop at High Sorceress?” Harry questioned with a grin. “I’m sure you could equal Dumbledore’s Grand Sorcerer at the very least.”

“I’d rather not battle a Dark Lord that was helping propagate a World War if I can help it, Harry.” Hermione gave him an unamused look.

“But think of the challenge, Hermione.” Harry teased with a quiet chuckle. If they were too loud Madam Pince would surely come around to usher them out of the library.

“There are some challenges that you shouldn’t go looking for, you know?” Hermione shook her head with a small grin.

“Maybe…” Harry snickered and Hermione rolled her eyes at him playfully.

The Titles were certainly interesting. Harry would freely admit to being mildly interested in them. Maybe they could be self-imposed challenges to test his prowess with over time? He’d certainly achieve a Magical Mastery, or three, in the future. So Sorcerer was practically a foregone conclusion. Earning the High Sorcerer Title and then the Grand Sorcerer Title would be more difficult. But it would be something interesting to do with his time. The fact that these Titles fit in with his lifelong desire to study and understand the mysteries of Magic was a big part of him caring about them at all though.

-Night ~ Harry’s Dorm Room-

“I could probably earn a Magical Mastery with just practical Magic in Charms, Transfiguration, or Defense Against the Dark Arts. But that would require Sirius’ help with the forms and dealing with the Wizarding Examination Authority of the Ministry.” Harry was lying in his bed as he went over his thoughts in hushed tones. “Maybe I should ask Sirius to sign me up for the Junior Dueling Circuit this summer? It could be fun and it would give me some presence in the Dueling Circles. You need a lot of different accomplishments to become a High Sorcerer and especially a Grand Sorcerer.”

Neither of those two Titles was his actual goal though. No, Harry had his eyes set on the highest Title there was. Arch Mage, the greatest Magic User in the world. That was a Title that Harry could appreciate.

“Now I just have to earn it.” Harry chuckled to himself before getting comfortable and closing his eyes. He had plenty of time to work on his goals, but right now was time for sleep.

-Late Night ~ Quirrel’s Chambers-

“Fool…” Hissed a voice filled with anger and contempt.

“M-Master…I-I’m sorry…I did not mean to offend you!” Quirrel stuttered and stumbled over his words as pain lanced through his body.

“Giving praise to that child is an affront to me!” The voice rasped out as Quirrel twitched and jerked in pain.

“I-I thought it the best way to keep my cover here, My Lord!” Quirrel pleaded with the voice and he sagged in relief when the pain stopped.

“You are lucky that my strength is still weakened at the moment.” The voice threatened the Professor. “I’d keep reminding you of my displeasure otherwise.”

“I’m s-sorry, Master.” Quirrel practically whimpered as he sat down heavily on the edge of his bed.

“Enough of your sniveling!” The voice snapped at the man. “What protections have you discovered on the stone?”

“M-My Lord, I know of all but Severus’ and Dumbledore’s protections!” Quirrel answered the voice. “All of them are within my capabilities to circumvent, barring the beast that Hagrid lent to Dumbledore.”

“Then find out what the final two protections are and loosen that half-wit’s tongue.” The voice hissed out its demands.

“Y-Yes, My Lord, it shall be done!” Quirrel promised before collapsing backwards onto his bed and passing out.

-Hogwarts Library ~ November 4th-

“What’re you reading, Harry?” Hermione looked at the odd tome Harry had brought back from the shelves while they did their homework together.

“I’m trying to find things that’re considered impossible to do with Magic.” Harry replied as he flipped a page in the book.

“Can I ask why?” Hermione questioned, wondering just what her friend was up to.

“You can.” Harry grinned without looking up from the book.

“Harry…” Hermione looked less than amused, though there was a slight giggle in her tone. It was nice to finally have a friend to chat with and even enjoy lame jokes together. “Why are you looking up things that’re impossible to do with Magic?”

“So that I can do them, of course.” Harry looked up at her with a chuckle.

“But if they’re impossible, then how’re you going to do them?” Hermione inquired with one of her eyebrows raised.

“Wandless Magic is supposed to be difficult and almost impossible, but I do that easily enough.” Harry reminded his friend with an amused smile.

“Yes, but Wandless Magic is still possible, you just happen to be incredibly good with it.” Hermione countered. “Things that’re impossible with Magic have probably been tried by dozens or even hundreds of people throughout history.”

“Maybe they just weren’t doing these impossible things correctly?” Harry flipped another page in the book. “Not to brag, but I do understand Magic pretty well.”

“I won’t deny that,” Hermione shook her head, her bushy brunette locks swaying from the motion. “But I hope you aren’t planning to delve into anything illegal at the very least.”

“Of course not,” Harry waved off the concern. “Do you know what my Aunt Andromeda would do to me if she found out I was doing something illegal?” Hermione shook her head at the rhetorical question. She knew a bit about Harry’s family from their friendly chats as they got to know each other. But apparently, his aunt was the disciplinarian of the family if his words were anything to go by.

“I know that self-flight is considered impossible.” Hermione mentioned as she remembered her frantic reading before their first Flying Lesson. “Even Witches and Wizards that were claimed to have figured it out have many detractors claiming they were using some kind of Enchanted Object to fly.”

“Exactly,” Harry smiled at her. “I’m already on the path to self-flight, but I want to figure out other things too.”

“Is this about getting a Title?” Hermione giggled behind her hand at him. “Harry, you don’t have to rush or anything. There’s plenty of time to earn a Title. We’re still First Years.”

“Ah, but my own curiosity won’t be sated unless I try myself!” Harry chuckled and Hermione found herself smiling. “There’s also making fully-functional clones of yourself that’s supposed to be impossible. Immortality too, but living forever sounds more like a curse to be honest. I have no interest in trying to learn Necromancy and revive the dead either.”

“I would hope not.” Hermione gave him an odd look at the mention of Necromancy.

“Huh, supposedly strengthening oneself isn’t possible either?” Harry read a bit more on the supposed impossibility. “The body can’t be made stronger or more resistant with Magic, beyond what the physical form allows. Re’em Blood has strengthening effects, but it doesn’t last long and the side-effects are severe if you keep using it.”

“Harry, please don’t try and make yourself into a Magical Superman.” Hermione looked him in the eyes as she tried to convey her worry.

“You’re lucky I grew up with Uncle Ted, or I’d have no idea who you were talking about.” Harry snickered and Hermione almost pouted at him.

“I’m not going to do something ridiculous like trying to use an Engorgement Charm on my muscles or anything.” Harry assured Hermione with a smile. “But I don’t believe that this is truly impossible. The body is the first focus you have for Magic. Surely there’s a way to enhance it with your own Magic.”

“You’re going to end up in the Hospital Wing a lot this year, aren’t you?” Hermione deadpanned and Harry looked at her in faux shock.

“Hermione! How could you have so little faith in me?” Harry asked in an overly dramatic manner, his hand over his heart.

“Uh huh…” Hermione tried to keep her expression flat, but in a moment her lips twitched upwards and she burst into quiet giggles at him.

Harry joined her in laughter as they both tried to keep it down. It was great to have a true friend. Both First Years thought this at the same time, but didn’t say anything about it. They were just happy to have a friend that understood them and was willing to encourage them.

-End Chapter-


Harry has learned about Titles and this story’s title now makes a bit more sense, right?

Oh our Spellcrafter has some goals to work towards now on his pursuit of the mysteries of Magic!

Where will Harry’s study and research lead him?

Hermione has her own ideas as well. Perhaps she’ll admit that books don’t have all the answers and ask Harry.

One has to be willing to throw away their preconceptions if they truly wish to learn!

Harry also flies on a broom weird! Standing on the broom and riding it through the air like a surfboard just because.

How will the Professors move forward with such a prodigious student in Hogwarts?

Will Harry get into the Junior Dueling Circuit this summer?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Don't know how many times I had reread this story, but, I would like to see in the future one-time a small part from McGonagall or Flitwick perspective when they read Harry's Essay on Magic. Flitwick would probably jump up and down in joy while McGonagall would wave her hand in her own face to breath. Keep on the wonderful job

John Balman

I'm now waiting for him to claim a unused room classroom to use for his research and teachers to slowly start allowing him to self-study lol

Joshua Naugle

I love this story. It is my favorite story of yours I think. I wish you updated it more.

Michał W

You know... Junior Duelling Circuit is a good place to meet Fleur :D


Third Year Harry: *Self Studies* Professors: "At this point, we don't really have anything left to teach him..." Sirius: "Nerrrrrrrd!" Harry: "Lightning." *Zaps Sirius*


Glad you liked it, Tristan! We'll slowly pick up the pace through this year. The summer will be a bit of fun with Junior Dueling League. Then Second Year Shenanigans and Third Year Shenanigans. And finally we get to the Year everyone likes the most, apparently! Kek!


It updates via Tier Rewards, so if it isn't requested then it isn't updated.


That would have to be an International Junior Dueling League. But I'm always glad to see a fellow Fleur fan!

Michael Mendoza

Thanks for the story. I’d love to see him in the dueling circuit!

Hannibal St.Michael

Thanks for the update and the story. You have a spell crafting Harry story. A magical blacksmith Harry story. Is there any plans for a Beast Tamer type Harry?

Paul Wenzel

Thanks for the update, easily my favorite story of yours next to Artificer ^^


Glad you liked the chapter! I'm afraid I don't have a Beast Tamer story planned or anything. Creature!Harry, Artificer Harry, and Spellcrafter Harry were pretty much all of my ideas. Leonthrope is done, Artificer is progressing, and now Spellcrafter is getting going.


Happy to hear it! Both of these stories still have quite a ways to go!

Christian Jeffress

Thank you very much for another awesome chapter. Absolutely loving this highly entertaining and imaginative story, and very much excited to see future chapters for it. Though, random thought for me lol, if you ever decide to do another Harry Potter creature story, it might be fun to add a sci-fi twist. What I had in mind was a Harry Potter/Xenomorph hybrid story, with Harry Potter either using accidental magic to bond together with one during a young age confrontation, the Dursleys giving him over for experimentation, or encountering an old body kept in the black family manner, considering they have been around for quite a long time. It would be fun to see those highly predatory instinct’s tempered by Harry Potter’s own kindness. It might might even be fun to add other sci-fi concepts later in the story, after building up a foundation of magic early in the story. Things like Stargate SG one universe, the predators, and so on. Whatever you think he would have fun riding. Like I said, more of a random idea that popped in my head. Anyway, thank you very much for another fantastic chapter, for another really awesome and entertaining story, and looking forward to the future of the story. Hopefully you have a great weekend, and an enjoyable week.

Mr. Khaos

I'm terribly confused on his ambition, he wants to learn all magic but won't touch "dark" magic? Then he should stop now. If he's going to only go at it half heartedly then he should just stop now and work towards a desk job or something.

Mr. Khaos

Great story though.


*Laughs in Plans* Oh, my friend, I never said he wouldn't LEARN it all. I simply said he wouldn't use it. Having morals and standards doesn't make you less of a person after all.

Mr. Khaos

One can learn most "dark" magic and even practice it without losing thier morals I believe, it's when they start sacrificing others is when thier morals are lost.

Mr. Khaos

That's very subjective lol, torture is ok if you need time sensitive information and you know what you're doing.


Even CIA interrogators say that torture is the least effective method of getting the truth.