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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Sun Wukong Luffy! Luffy is going to turn in Alvida and her crew for the Bounty! Handing over the ship might also net him some extra cash as well. But, will the narcissistic, egomaniac of a Marine Captain make this a problem?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 2 – Collecting a Bounty, Shells Town

“Mmm~” Nami stretched as she woke up the morning after teaming up with Luffy. The beautiful orangette had taken the Captain’s Quarters as they were the cleanest on the ship. She’d opened all of the windows to air it out though. The stench of perfumes had almost made her eyes water. She headed over to the large bathroom to shower and start her day. Everything in the Captain’s Quarters was large, to fit with Alvida’s size no doubt, but that didn’t matter to Nami as she toweled off. Slipping on her clothes, she glared hatefully at the tattoo on her left shoulder before pulling on her shirt.

“Morning Nami!” One of the Luffy clones called out from the Crow’s Nest.

“Morning, where’s the original Luffy?” Nami asked curiously. The clones were ridiculously useful for taking care of the ship overnight. She didn’t have to get up in the middle of the night to check that they hadn’t drifted off course or anything. They didn’t have to worry about being attacked while they slept either. The clones seemingly didn’t require sleep, even though they could do so.

“In the Galley, he’s eating breakfast.” The clone informed her. She thought she saw a pout on the clone’s face and couldn’t help but giggle. Even though they didn’t need food, Luffy’s clones were still Luffy and desired to stuff their faces.

“Thank you.” Nami waved to the clone before heading for the Galley to get something to eat herself.

“Good Morning, Nami!” Luffy beamed at her after swallowing a mouthful of food.

“How much have you eaten, you glutton?!” Nami yelled at the ridiculous amount of bones, barren boxes, and empty sacks of food around the straw-hatted young man.

“Don’t worry, there’s plenty left!” Luffy pointed towards the door to the storeroom.

“I would hope so,” Nami shook her head at him. “This ship is supposed to be able to sustain all of the crew after all.”

“Speaking of, I had one of my clones give all of the pirates water this morning.” Luffy mentioned after another bite of food. “They’re all too scared to put up much resistance, but Alvida is loud. If you go down to the brig for any reason be prepared for that.”

“I’ll leave handling the pirates to you, thanks.” Nami replied as she gathered up some fruit, bread, and dried meat from the storeroom.

“Okay.” Luffy shrugged as he went back to eating.

After breakfast, Nami checked that they were still on course for Shells Town. Seeing they were and that Luffy’s clones could at least maintain a course made her smile. By her estimation, the treasure they’d collected would be worth just over 14,000,000 Beri. Adding Alvida’s Bounty on top of that made it around 19,000,000 Beri. If she didn’t have to split it, she’d be very close to her goal, finally.

“But I’m not dumb enough to try and cross Luffy.” Nami noticed the clones moving about the ship out of her peripheral vision. Trying to lie and trick a man that could know for sure that you were doing so with just a glance wasn’t smart. Not to mention she couldn’t hope to fight him and win. Still, a fifty-fifty split of this haul would get her 9,500,000 Beri closer to her goal.

“Hey Nami?” The original Luffy called out to her as he emerged from the washroom after a shower of his own. “How much do you think this ship is worth?”

“This pirate ship?” Nami raised an eyebrow at the question. “Well, it’s a Barque,” She noted the three masts. “If it was brand new it’d probably be worth about Fifty or Sixty Million. Seeing that it’s a pirate ship though, it’d probably go for a lot less, why?”

“If you turn over a Pirate’s ship, the Marines will give you a bonus for it.” Luffy informed her with a grin. “At least that’s what grandpa told me. It was something about repainting them with Marine colors or selling them at auction.”

“Really?” Nami blinked at the information. She wasn’t really a fighter except as a last resort. She’d never attempted Bounty Hunting to make the 100,000,000 Beri she needed. But knowing that turning in this pink monstrosity would net her even more Beri made her smile. “Do you know how much the bonus is?”

“No clue,” Luffy shook his head with a grin. Nami felt her eye twitch slightly. “It’d probably be something low though. The Marines aren’t as interested in the ships so much as the Pirates that sail them.”

“I wonder…” Nami ran through what could be considered a low value for the ship they were sailing. After detracting value for age and the fact that it was a pirate vessel, then guessing at a bonus of about ten percent. “Maybe another Five Million Beri, if we’re lucky?”

“Guess we’ll find out?” Luffy shrugged it off as he jumped up to the Crow’s Nest in a single leap. He switched places with the clone up there and relaxed.

Shells Town came into view a couple hours later. The two of them quickly packed up all the valuables on the ship. Nami noted that Luffy placed the barrel with his own possessions off to the side of the rest. Her curiosity wondered what was in that barrel. Was it money, mementos, or maybe weapons?

They docked the ship into the port and paid the Dock Master the regular fee. Nami noted that the price was a bit higher than it would be normally for an island of this size, but since Luffy paid for it she didn’t speak up. While Nami secured their valuables onto a cart she’d been able to rent from a stall next to the docks, Luffy began dragging out the tied up pirates. Alvida was the only one shackled in irons, while the rest of her crew had their arms bound by strong rope. The townsfolk quickly made space for the young man and his obvious prisoners.

“Damn you, Straw Hat! I’ll get you for this!” Alvida threatened for the umpteenth time.

“Shut up already!” Luffy rubbed his ear with a grimace. “You don’t have to be conscious for me to cash in your Bounty you know?”

“You little shit!” Alvida cursed only to shriek when the wind from Luffy’s fist buffeted her face. The black-haired youth’s fist had stopped dead mere centimeters from her face.

“Now shut up.” Luffy stared at her with the promise that his next punch wouldn’t be pulled. With absolute silence the Alvida Pirates followed along behind Luffy and Nami as they headed for the Marine Base.

“Who’s that?” Nami wondered as they were let into the base by the Marines on gate duty. The man she was asking about was tied to a T-post in the yard. Green-hair, white t-shirt, black pants and boots, the most notable thing about him was the green haramaki around his waist.

“Roronoa Zoro, an infamous Bounty Hunter.” The Marine leading them answered the beautiful woman’s question with amorous eyes. “He struck down the pet of the Captain’s son and was arrested.”

“Why would he kill someone’s pet?” Luffy blinked at the random act of violence.

“Well…to be fair…Helmeppo’s pet was actually a wolf.” The Marine sighed heavily. “It wasn’t tame at all. Even some of us had been bitten by the thing.”

“Who the hell keeps a wild animal as a pet?!” Nami gaped at the sheer stupidity as they entered the tower that made up the center of the base.

“Bounty Collection!” The Marine saluted the man sitting behind the front desk. “The Alvida Pirates and their ship are being turned over to our authority!”

“Hmm,” The other Marine stood up and picked up a stack of Wanted Posters off his desk. “Just a second…” He flipped through it as he stared at the pudgy face of the rotund woman in shackles. “There you are.” He compared the photo to Alvida’s face for a moment before nodding. “It’s Alvida alright; take them all to the holding cells.”

“Yes sir!” The Marines, several of which had seemingly popped out of the woodwork at the man’s orders, saluted as they surrounded the Pirates and started moving them down a hallway.

“Now, let’s get your money sorted out.” The Marine nodded to Luffy and Nami. “We’ll have to assess the ship to determine the bonus for it, but that shouldn’t take more than an hour or two.”

“Belay that, Commander Ripper!” A muscular man with tanned skin, blonde hair, and a steel jaw etched with the word Möwe ordered. This tall man had to be just short of three meters in height. Like most Marine officers, he wore a large, ornate overcoat, though this one was completely sleeveless. His pants bore a striped pattern reminiscent of Marine bases and battleships. On his feet were well-made, black leather boots. The thing that caught everyone’s attention when looking at the man was the large axe that had replaced his right hand, the handle of which apparently went through his forearm and emerged from his elbow region.

“Captain Morgan, sir!” Commander Ripper snapped off a salute. “These Bounty Hunters have turned in a Wanted Criminal. We can’t legally refuse to pay them, sir.”

“You can’t backtalk my Dad like that!” A blonde man with oval-shaped hair and a cleft chin appeared from behind the Marine Captain. He wore a gaudy purple suit and had a smug look on his face.

“Shut up, Helmeppo.” Morgan glared at who was apparently his son.

“Yes, Daddy.” Helmeppo slapped his hands over his mouth.

“I am the highest authority in this base, am I not, Commander?” Morgan glared down at his subordinate. “If I say we aren’t paying them, then we’re not paying them, am I clear?!”

“Sir, that’s in clear violation of the law!” Commander Ripper replied, even though his body shook in fear as Morgan hefted up his axe arm. “As Marines we are to follow the law to the letter!”

“I am in charge here!” Morgan roared as veins began to bulge along his forehead. “I am great! Not you! Rank means everything! If you disobey my orders then you’re a traitor!” He hefted his axe hand high, preparing to bring it down on the lower-ranked Officer.

“Oh no you didn’t…” Luffy didn’t look pleased and Nami blinked at the sharpness of his glare at the Marine Captain. “You’re not gonna pay me what you owe me?”

“I’ll deal with you next!” Morgan threatened as he glared right back.

The next instant and Morgan was gone. Three walls had large holes in them behind the desk where Commander Ripper had previously been seated. Ripper, Helmeppo, and Nami all took a second to process that Luffy was now standing where Morgan had been only a moment before.

“Daddy?!” Helmeppo cried out in shock at what had just happened.

“Luffy!” Nami cried out at the Devil Fruit user slugging a Marine Captain in the face.

Outside a small girl named Rika was forcing her handmade rice balls onto Zoro. The green-haired swordsman almost gagged at how sweet they were. The young girl had clearly substituted salt for sugar. But after nine days without food, even the renowned Roronoa Zoro wouldn’t turn down what he was being practically force fed. The sudden racket from within the base made Zoro cock an eyebrow, it sounded like a fight.

“Run home, girl…” Zoro focused on where the sound was coming from. “Something’s not right.” The little girl quickly ran back to the rope she’d used to get over the wall to make her escape. The look in the swordsman’s eyes had been far too serious for her to doubt him.

Back inside the base, Morgan was tossing broken bits of wall and rubble off his body as he stood up. His metal jaw was dented and his whole head radiated pain. His fury was the only thing keeping him standing at the moment. He stomped through the wreckage and emerged back into the lobby of the base with a furious snarl. He’d kill that little shit!

“Oh, you’re still conscious. I guess you’re tougher than you look.” Luffy wasn’t bothered by the hulking mountain of muscle that was rapidly approaching him.

“Die!” Morgan brought his axe down on the straw-hatted man.

In the next instant a horrible cracking sound was heard. Morgan’s axe was racking the tiled floor of the lobby, but it was his forearm that was the center of attention. The limb was bent at an odd angle. Bone and wood were poking out of the man’s skin from the compound fracture.

“AAAARRRRGGHHH!!!” Morgan howled in agony at the damage done to his arm.

No one had actually seen Luffy’s left arm come up and knock away Morgan’s strike, but with his arm still raised, it was obvious what had happened. The next strike was still a blur, but at least everyone could see what happened. Luffy’s foot lashed out in a textbook high kick. His foot caught Morgan on the chin, nearly shattering the metal jaw, and rocketed the corrupt Marine through the stone ceiling and into the ceiling of the second floor. The large man’s head was stuck in the stone work of the ceiling and his body dangled limply.

Naturally all the noise had brought the entirety of the base’s Marine running with their rifles and sabers. All of the Marines gaped in awe of what they saw of their Captain. Nami was running through a dozen scenarios to get herself out of this situation, most of which involved scapegoating Luffy, the actual culprit.

“Arrest that man!” Helmeppo demanded as he pointed at Luffy. The man-child had snot running form his nose and tears in his eyes at what he’d just witnessed.

“You have no authority here, civilian!” Ripper barked and all of the Marines looked to their second-in-command for instruction. “Remove Morgan from the ceiling and clap him in irons! Helmeppo too! His abuse of his father’s authority will not protect him from his criminal actions any longer!”

“What?! You can’t do that! I’ll tell my Daddy on…” Helmeppo trailed off as he realized he couldn’t make his go to threat any more. He was quickly subdued and shackled.

In the next several minutes, minutes that Nami spent wondering what the hell she was witnessing, the Marines had shackled their Captain and dragged him off to the same detention block they’d just thrown the Alvida Pirates into. Commander Ripper had fully taken control of the Marines and the base in short order. The man was barking for the only Transponder Snail in the base to be brought to him at once so that he could make a proper report for the first time in over a year.

“So…am I going to get that Bounty?” Luffy spoke up curiously and Ripper stopped what he was doing.

“Yes, of course, sir. I’m terribly sorry this incident had to happen.” Ripper apologized with a bow. “Captain Morgan has been a bane to this base and to Shells Town since he was put in command two years ago after his promotion.”

“So he was corrupt?” Nami breathed out a sigh of relieve that this wasn’t going to end with Luffy or her being labelled as outlaws.

“Very much so, I’m afraid.” Ripper pulled the brim of his Marine-issued cap down to cover his eyes in shame. “We should’ve stood up to him sooner, but we’ve seen what dissent brought us and shamefully fell in-line.”

“Well, that’s good then.” Luffy chuckled lightly. “At least now I don’t have to worry about a lecture from Grandpa the next time I see him.” He put his hands behind his head with a grin and didn’t elaborate further.

“Let’s get your payment settled, sir.” Ripper gave a smile of his own to Luffy. “I’ll have some of my best men inspect the ship you’re turning over to determine the bonus to be paid on it.”

In the next few minutes Five Million Beri was handed over to Luffy. The boy placed it all into the barrel with the rest of his possessions. Nami wanted to say something about her share, but after seeing how easily Luffy had dispatched the hulking Captain Morgan, she held her tongue. She’d bring it up later after they were done here.

“Could you let Zoro go?” Luffy asked Ripper after he stashed the money away. “Seems like he was arrested for nothing to me.”

“None of us wanted to arrest him,” Ripper sighed heavily. “Petty Officer Hart!”

“Yes, sir!” A brunette Marine in the standard uniform ran over and saluted.

“Go with these two and release Roronoa Zoro, let him use the shower facilities and get some food in him too. Gods above know we’ve practically tortured the man with our inaction.” Ripper ordered his subordinate.

“Yes, Commander!” Hart nodded and motioned for Luffy and Nami to follow him.

“Who the hell are you?” Zoro questioned the pair that was with the Marine. He was surprised when the Marine began untying the ropes binding him to the post.

“We’re the ones that just got you released.” Luffy grinned at the swordsman. “Even I’ve heard of the Bounty Hunter Roronoa Zoro before. You’re supposed to be a pretty strong swordsman, right?”

“What about it?” Zoro questioned as he stood up to his full height for the first time in days. He battled with a sense of vertigo for a moment as he tried to maintain his balance.

“How about you join my crew?” Luffy grinned at the taller man.

“Crew? You some kind of Pirate?” Zoro questioned as he stretched and rolled his shoulders.

“Nope, I want you to join my Adventuring Crew!” Luffy declared with a wide smile.

“The hell are you on about?” Zoro now looked confused as Petty Officer Hart led the three of them towards the base’s shower facilities.

Over the next two hours, Zoro was bathed, fed, and had his swords returned to him. While he was eating, Luffy and Nami taking the free lunch when offered, he was filled in on what Luffy’s crew was all about.

“That just sounds like Bounty Hunting with extra steps.” Zoro chuckled at the self-proclaimed Adventurer.

“I told you that Bounty Hunting is part of it.” Luffy shrugged as he ate through his fourth helping of food.

“Well, sorry, but I’ve got my own Dream to follow, I don’t have time to play Adventurer.” Zoro turned down the offer.

“Dream you say?” Luffy’s eyes were practically sparkling. “What’s your Dream, Zoro?”

“I’m going to become the Greatest Swordsman in the World!” Zoro declared without an ounce of doubt.

“That’s awesome!” Luffy was looking at Zoro with a huge smile.

“Um…not to eavesdrop…but you do know who the current Best Swordsman in the World is, right?” A Marine at the table next to theirs stared at Zoro as if he was insane.

“Dracule ‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk, I’m not stupid.” Zoro grunted out at the Marine.

“Well, you do know he’s a Grand Line Pirate, right? He’s one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! You’re not going to find him sailing around the East Blue! We’re called the ‘Weakest Sea’ for a reason.” The Marine shook his head at the swordsman.

“Tch,” Zoro flinched slightly at the Marine’s comment. “I’ll figure it out!”

“You don’t know how to navigate, do you?” Nami deadpanned and Zoro flinched again. “Oh for the love of…” She palmed her face at the ineptitude of some people.

“Join my crew, Zoro!” Luffy offered again. “We’ll sail the ocean to the very end of the Grand Line if we have to! I want to live my Dream and help my nakama achieve theirs!”

“That’s nice and all…” Zoro smirked at Luffy. “But do you know how to navigate?”

“Not that well,” Luffy admitted without a care. “But we have the best Navigator in East Blue on our crew!” He wrapped his left arm around Nami’s shoulders and pulled her into a side hug.

“Hey! I never said I was going to join permanently!” Nami protested as she pushed against Luffy’s side to try and escape his hug.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed as he let Nami go.

“Ah…” Zoro rubbed his head strongly before exhaling heavily. “Look I’ll join up, but…” His gaze sharpened and Luffy met it unflinchingly. “If you ever get in the way of my Dream, then I’ll cut you down, understand?”

“Sure thing!” Luffy grinned at the swordsman.

“As long as we’re clear, Captain.” Zoro chuckled before taking a swig of booze straight from the bottle next to him.

“Yes! New nakama!” Luffy’s fists shot into the air as he laughed loudly.

“Why am I in charge of making sure these two don’t get lost?” Nami pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. Luffy was lucky that partnering up with him was proving to be so lucrative!

The next stop after lunch had been to an exchange office, a place where treasure and other valuables could be brought and exchanged for Beri. Nami and Luffy had been one of their largest customers in years as they exchanged the treasure from Alvida’s stash for Beri. Nami’s eyes looked like Beri Symbols as they were handed the money. Luffy split it fifty/fifty with her without prompting, much to Nami’s shock. He’d simply chuckled at her stunned expression while stashing his half in the barrel he’d been carrying his possessions in.

“There you three are!” A Marine ran up to them out of breath. “I’ve been sent to bring you to Commander Ripper. The inspection of the ship you turned in has been completed.”

“What’re we waiting for?!” Nami had the Beri Symbol eyes again as she practically dragged Luffy and Zoro along. The inspection being complete meant that there was more Beri waiting to be collected!

“Greedy woman!” Zoro snapped at the Navigator.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled as he let himself be dragged along.

The three crewmates were at the Marine docks where the Alvida Pirates’ ship had been moored by the Marines sent to inspect it. Commander Ripper handed over another Four Million Beri for the ship and offered them a small vessel as thanks for freeing the island from Captain Morgan’s tyranny.

“New boat!” Luffy whooped as he jumped into the small boat. He placed his barrel of possessions next to the cabin door.

It was not more than a fishing vessel honestly. A single small mast with a square sail, small cabin that slept two, a rudimentary bathroom on the back of the same cabin, and a storage compartment below the floor of the cabin that Ripper was kind enough to have filled with food and fresh water for their trip.

“Once again, we can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.” Ripper gave them a salute. “I wish you safe travels on your voyage!”

“Thanks!” Luffy was all smiles as Zoro unfurled the sail. “Set sail!”

“To where?” Nami questioned since Luffy didn’t seem to have any set destination in mind.

“Adventure!” Luffy stood at the bow of the ship dramatically.

“Adventure isn’t a heading, Luffy!” Nami face-palmed at the straw-hatted man.

“Umm, if you have no particular destination, there is a small island due south west of here. There’s a town on the island called Orange Town where you can resupply. From there, if you’re looking for a larger ship of your own, you could sail towards the Gecko Islands. It’s a fairly large archipelago, so you should be able to purchase a ship without issue.” Commander Ripper offered the trio a course and heading.

“Sounds good to me!” Luffy decided instantly with a grin.

“It’s as good a heading as any.” Zoro shrugged as he leaned against the edge of the boat.

“Hah…” Nami sighed but decided to just go with it. “Alright, I’ll set the heading for south west.” In short order the Navigator had their heading set and Luffy untied the boat from the dock.

“Later, Shells Town!” Luffy waved at the island as the sail caught the wind and the boat picked up speed through the water.

About an hour later and the trio were chatting and getting to know each other better. Zoro told them of how he’d chased a pirate out to sea from his home island and had been unable to find his way back. His reputation as a ruthless Bounty Hunter had just come from him needing money to survive. Naturally that had caused both Luffy and Nami to burst into laughter that the fearsome Roronoa Zoro had simply gotten lost and sailed around because of it. Zoro had yelled at them to shut up with his face red in embarrassment.

“If I get lost I just fly up high and try to spot an island.” Luffy shrugged.

“Huh?” Zoro gave him an incredulous look at the statement.

“Oh yeah,” Luffy pounded his fist into his opposite palm. “I didn’t tell you, I ate a Devil Fruit!” He unwound his tail from his waist and waved it at Zoro.

“The hell? I thought those were just stories?” Zoro blinked at the monkey-like tail.

“Apparently not, I’ve seen what he can do.” Nami shook her head in bemusement. “His Fruit is ridiculous!”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled as his tail wrapped around Nami’s waist lazily.

“Keep your tail to yourself, mister!” Nami flicked Luffy’s cheek and the Sun Wukong Man removed his tail with another laugh.

“So you’re like a monkey or something?” Zoro noted of the appendage.

“I ate the Saru Saru no Mi – Model: Sun Wukong; so I’m a Sun Wukong Man.” Luffy replied as if that explained everything.

“The hell is that?” Zoro questioned his new Captain.

“You’ve never read ‘Journey to the West’ I take it?” Nami lounged against the side of the boat next to Luffy.

“Not much of a reader, so no.” Zoro answered with a shrug.

“I’ll show you!” Luffy sprang to his feet and began a small demonstration. After seeing some of the abilities, Zoro was left gaping in shock. “Now let’s fly!” A golden cloud formed beneath Luffy’s feet. He grabbed Zoro before they shot off into the sky at high speed!

“LUFFY!” Zoro yelled as they flew higher and higher. “What the hell, you moron!” They stopped and Zoro took in the view from almost a kilometer up in the sky.

“Cool, huh?” Luffy snickered before Zoro slapped him upside the head.

“Warn me before you do that next time, dumbass!” Zoro roared at Luffy with sharp teeth. He settled down after a moment and really looked out across the vast expanse of the ocean. “It’s a nice view, but let’s head back to the boat, I’m not drunk enough to deal with all the crazy shit you can do.”

“Sure thing,” Luffy grinned mischievously before they plummeted out of the air.

“YOU JACKASS!!!” Zoro yelled at the wildly laughing Luffy.

When they landed back on the boat, Luffy had a black eye, much to Nami’s amusement. She’d seen his little prank and felt he’d earned his punishment.

“I need a drink…” Zoro grabbed a bottle and took a deep swig from it as he went back to reclining against the edge of the boat. “What the hell did I get myself into?”

“I’ve asked myself that at least a dozen times since I met Luffy.” Nami commiserated with Zoro and his shock.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy took their barbs with a laugh, his eye already healed up. He was happy to have nakama to go on adventures with!

-End Chapter-


Chapter 2 complete!

A bit of a different take on Shells Town since Luffy isn’t a pirate!

Morgan is still an asshole though! Helmeppo is still a Daddy’s Boy man-child too!

Now they’ve gotten some more cash and are heading for Orange Town!

I wonder; who could be there?

Methinks that the adventure might continue to go awry from Canon after what has already changed.

What’s next for our crew of Adventurers?

Keep reading to find out!

Until next time, later!



You're welcome for the name. Bitch

Evgeniy Kazanin

Hello. Thanks for story, but please, add tag "Journey to Raftel" in chapter 1.


Kai I don't see chapter 1 to this.

El Pirato

Love it. Do you plan on publishing this at 3 chapters or 5?


I'm do happy this got a the green light to continue, but this had me thing how will the group take Robin wanting to join since she has a bounty. Also What will happen if she get caught by Cp9 and they have to fight the World government. Anyway I'll always excited to read your stories.


Oh don't you worry~ Breaking Canon over my knee is fast becoming my specialty! Robin will be part of the Crew! It is INEVITABLE!!!

Brody Meech

That was great I'm happy this has finally been made into a story


I'm so glad to see you continue this story


It got 25% of the vote by itself, so I figured that was more than enough support to continue it!

Clark Kent

Awesome chapter! And I love the fact that he's neither Pirate nor Marine. I've never come across that premise in One Piece fanfiction before.


Glad you liked it! Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a Bounty Hunter/Treasure Hunter Luffy before either! It's refreshing to change things up! Plus, this is the truest path to being Free! You're not a Marine, duty-bound to follow all orders. But you're not a Pirate, a criminal and outlaw that probably can't even approach some islands without your ship being fired upon! You're a Free Man able to go where you want and do what you want without anyone coming after you for it! I'll probably do something similar in at least one of my other Bunnies too!

Michael Mendoza

I love the premise of this story! Keep it going please.


Love the story. Curious as to what the pairing is will it be harem.


You know it's gonna be a Harem. I love the One Piece Ladies too much! lol


You can replace sanji with reiju for the crew when they reach the baratie restaurant where they encounter don kreig.


I could, that wouldn't even be that hard. Reiju is a lovely woman too. *Hehehehehe~*


Yep it would simple to have reiju be the one ran away from the vinsmokes ( I think that’s the name) and meets head chef Zeff.

Creature of Grimm

if you wanted, you could have both Sanji and Reiju. she would have a descent doctor until they get chopper with her Poison thin. (was never sure if that was a Devil Fruit or not. it would be funny to see her having to try and stop her brother being an idiot around women.

Randy Burns

Congratulations on your pre-cognitive powers. You knew Luffy's secret before anyone.