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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! The day has come, June Seventeenth, a day that means something very important to the Kurosaki Family. While paying their respects; does something happen? Does a face from the past return? Will the rain fall be sad and morose, or can it have a different meaning?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 10 – Grand Fisher

If I were rain,
That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch,
Could I join two hearts as well?

It was the end of another day of after school training for the foursome. It had been just over two weeks since Ichigo had slain the Huge Hollow and things had settled into a more normal routine. Or at least as normal as life for a Substitute Shinigami could be at any rate. Ichigo walked Tatsuki and Orihime home, leaving both with warm kisses on their lips as he said goodnight. Rukia had given her own kisses to both of her girlfriends as well. It had simply become normal for her to do so over the last few weeks. On the way to the Kurosaki clinic, the duo talked over their recent training.

“Mōretsu Kyūryū still makes a mess whenever I use it,” Ichigo looked at his palm before clenching it. “I’m having a hard time controlling just how much water it produces.”

“Of the lower numbered Kidō it is one that requires greater control to use effectively.” Rukia agreed as they walked hand-in-hand. “It’s a powerful blast of water that can be narrowed and focused or let loose as a wide area attack. It gives you versatility, but control is the only way to make use of it.” She’d had an easier time learning the Hadō than Ichigo had. She had decades of experience in controlling her Reiryoku though, so it was to be expected.

“Once I get this down, I think it’ll pair really well with the Tsuzuri Raiden.” Ichigo knew that water conducted electricity and soaking an area would make dodging the Tsuzuri Raiden a much harder task for any average Hollow.

“Now you’re putting together combinations of Kidō,” Rukia smiled at her boyfriend. “We’ll make a proficient Kidō user out of you yet.” Ichigo gave a playful scoff as he gently squeezed her hand. “It pairs well with my Shikai too. I’m surprised at myself for never considering learning it before now.”

“Shikai, the Zanpakutō release, you said yours was an Ice and Snow Type, right?” Ichigo looked thoughtful. “I wonder what mine is?”

“You’ll learn in time, Ichigo.” Rukia smiled gently at him. “It usually takes months or years for a Shinigami to learn their Zanpakutō’s name. Even the most prodigious Shinigami usually take half a year to learn Shikai.”

“What’s the name of your Zanpakutō, Rukia?” Ichigo looked into her violet-eyes curiously. The interest in her Zanpakutō, in a part of her soul, made Rukia smile at Ichigo warmly.

“Sode no Shirayuki is my Zanpakutō’s name.” Rukia walked a little closer to Ichigo, gently laying her head on his arm. Their height difference made laying her head on his shoulder impossible. “It is a pure white Zanpakutō and considered one of the most beautiful Zanpakutō in all of Soul Society.”

“It’s a part of you, how could it not be beautiful?” Ichigo grinned as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

“Flatterer,” Rukia smiled happily as the Kurosaki Clinic came into view.

“Rukia-chan! Welcome to our home again!” Isshin welcomed the Shinigami woman into his home in his expected over-the-top manner. He noticed Ichigo’s eyebrow twitch while Rukia gave a polite bow and her thanks.

“Thank you for having me again, Kurosaki-san.” Rukia rose from her short bow with a small smile. She had been over for dinner on a few occasions now and the Kurosaki Family had taken to her quite well. Yuzu would’ve called her Onee-chan if she knew that Rukia was a part of her older brother’s relationship with Tatsuki and Orihime. Both the orangette and the ravenette already had the affectionate title from the younger twin.

Dinner was a warm affair with conversation and closeness that always brought a smile to Rukia’s face. It reminded her of her own family situation in Soul Society. The Kuchiki kept up a stoic and aloof mask in front of outsiders, but were more open and warm with family in private. She wondered how Byakuya was doing at the moment. Ever since she’d been adopted into the Kuchiki Family at her late sister’s request, the man had been cool and strict with her in public while calm and warmer in private. Such was the way of the Kuchiki Clan, one of the Five Noble Houses of Soul Society.

Rukia bid everyone farewell after dinner and left to return to her home that didn’t exist. After a lap of the block she was helped into Ichigo’s room through the window. The two kissed gently as Ichigo held her after pulling her up. Rukia enjoyed the embrace and the closeness as she always did and the two set about taking care of their nightly routines. Rukia had become very proficient at sneaking between Ichigo’s bedroom and the bathroom to take her showers. She did wonder if Karin hadn’t noticed her before though. The older of the twins gave her a strange look whenever she had dinner with them recently.

“Ichigo?” Rukia noted her Substitute staring at his calendar as she closed and locked the bedroom door behind her.

“Hey, Rukia, do you think I could take tomorrow off?” Ichigo asked softly as he turned away from the calendar. “There’s something my family needs to do.” The pain she saw behind his eyes made Rukia want to say ‘Yes’ immediately, but there were no ‘days off’ for Shinigami in the living world.

“You’re free to do what you want, Ichigo,” Rukia spoke gently. “But if an order comes in, then as my Substitute you’ll need to fulfill them.”

“I see,” Ichigo accepted with a sigh. “I’ll hope for a quiet day tomorrow then.”

“What has you so sad, Ichigo?” Rukia wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and rested her forehead against his back.

“Tomorrow is the anniversary of my mother’s passing.” Ichigo told her quietly and Rukia’s eyes widened at the new information.

“Oh,” Rukia hugged him tighter to convey her sympathy to him for his loss. She knew what it was like to lose a family member. Her heart still ached when she thought back to her late sister, Hisana. “I’m…not sure what to say.”

“You’re not going to ask me anything?” Ichigo let her hold him as they stood in the middle of his bedroom.

“Would you answer if I did?” Rukia questioned softly. “It’s your past. But it’s a deep, jagged wound on your heart.” She continued to hold him, letting him know she cared. “I don’t know how to ask about it without drudging up your pain and rubbing salt in that wound.” She tightened her arms around him. “So I’ll wait. When you feel like talking…when you want to tell me…I’ll listen.”

“Thank you, Rukia.” Ichigo released a heavy sigh as he sat on the edge of his bed and pulled Rukia into his arms. He just held her close while laying his head atop hers. She leaned into his embrace offering her silent, emotional support. Rukia held Ichigo close that night, gently running her fingers through his orange hair as he slept.

-Karakura Cemetery ~ June 17th-

“Alright! It’s time for the annual Kurosaki Family tombstone dominoes tournament!” Isshin exclaimed loudly while clapping his hands over his head. He’d do anything to prevent his children from becoming morose as they visited their mother’s grave. “A full two and a half hours of tombstone dominoes and embarrassing family fun! First match: Ichigo vs Me!” He cheered even as Karin gave him an annoyed look from her spot in front of the grave and Yuzu scolded him for being too loud. “Losers have to be the winner’s slave for a week!”

“Damn it, Goat chin…” Ichigo shook his head at his father’s antics. Out of the corner of his eye he noted Rukia on top of the large wall that held the upper portion of the cemetery. She was wearing a simple, white and blue sundress that she’d bought a while back and a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun out of her eyes. Over her shoulder was a small purse to carry a few supplies. She’d come along in case any orders came in. But she was respecting the family’s privacy and letting them pay their respects in peace. If all went well they’d have no reason to ever know that she was there.

Ichigo stood before his mother’s grave with a melancholic look on his face. He knew his family didn’t blame him for her death, but he still felt responsible. She’d died trying to protect him. He still heard her screaming for him sometimes. After her funeral he’d asked his father why he didn’t blame him, the response he’d gotten had been what kept him from withdrawing into himself and rejecting any close bonds throughout his formative years.


“Wh-why don’t you blame me?” The nine-year-old Ichigo questioned his father after coming back home from the funeral. He couldn’t get over the fact that his mother was gone.

“Why should I blame you?” Isshin questioned his son, a look of understanding on his face.

“Huh?” The young boy wiped at his eyes.

“Masaki would be mad at me if I did that.” Isshin gave Ichigo a soft smile. “It’s not your fault that she died, Ichigo. Be proud, like me, that the woman I loved, your mother, gave her life to protect you.” He pulled his son into a warm hug. “It’ll make her happy on the other side if you live a good life here.”

“A good life?” Ichigo looked up at his father with watery eyes.

“Live a good long life, Ichigo.” Isshin smiled at the boy, his dark eyes warm with affection for his son. “Make friends, fall in love, go bald, and pass on long after I do. And if you can…die laughing. I’m not sure I’d be able to face your mother otherwise. So don’t sulk, you’re too young to live with a burden on your shoulders.”

“Dad…” Ichigo hugged his father and cried out his pain and loss into his chest.

“You’ll be alright, Ichigo, I promise.” Isshin held his son close. He’d do everything in his power to make sure that was true. No matter what it took.

-End Flashback-

Isshin let his children walk around the cemetery while he lit up a cigarette and stood in front of his wife’s grave. He quietly spoke about all of the latest happenings with the family. How Yuzu and Karin were doing in school, how Ichigo had awakened to his Shinigami Heritage. Anything and everything was spoken about as he had that single cigarette, remembering the only time Masaki had ever said he looked cool.

In a different part of the cemetery Karin was comforting Yuzu. The blonde twin was quietly crying for their mother whom they only had vague memories of from being so young when she passed. After Yuzu’s crying had become only sniffles, the two stood up together. It was then that Karin noticed what appeared to be a young girl standing at the edge of a cliff that overlooked the whole cemetery.

“What’s she doing over there?” Karin questioned as she looked at the girl.

“Huh? Where?” Yuzu blinked, not seeing what her slightly older twin saw.

Yuzu can’t see her…then it must be a ghost.’ Karin quickly figured out what was going on. “Wait here.” She told Yuzu as she headed for the ghost near the cliff edge.

“Karin?” Yuzu blinked as Karin walked up the steps and headed for the cliff.

“Why’re you staring off the cliff like that?” Karin questioned the ghost girl in the white dress-like garment. “If something’s troubling you there’s a priest that lives just down the hill.”

“You can see me?” The ghost girl questioned without looking at Karin.

“Yes. I’m one of them.” Karin held her index finger over her mouth in the universal sign of ‘be quiet’. “But keep it to yourself, it’s embarrassing.”

“You can hear me, too…” The ghost spoke.

“Unfortunately.” Karin replied flatly.

“How…lovely…” The ghost girl finally turned to face Karin. “How…tasty you look!” The ghost declared even as a blurry form, large and hulking, appeared behind her.

“Karin? What’s wrong? Dad’s going to start blowing one of his whistles if we don’t head back.” Yuzu called out to her sister as she walked over.

“Don’t come over here!” Karin yelled at Yuzu even as she stared at the ghost girl and the thing behind her. “What are you? What’s that thing behind you?” She could see it more clearly now. It was a large, fur-covered beast with a mask, teeth showing like a bizarre mockery of a skull.

“Oh? You can see that too?” The ghost girl questioned with a sinister tone. “You’re really gifted!”

In a different part of the cemetery Ichigo suddenly felt a chill shoot down his back. The presence of a Hollow! The Reiatsu suddenly appearing was heavy, not to the same degree as the Huge Hollow had been, but it was far stronger than any other regular Hollow he’d ever faced before. He bolted towards the area he felt the pressure coming from.

Rukia had been a good distance away from the Kurosaki Family, to let them mourn in peace. But she stilled when she felt the unmistakable presence of a Hollow. She quickly reached into the purse she’d brought and pulled out her Soul Pager. Not seeing any orders, but clearly feeling the presence of a Hollow, she bolted down the nearby stairs towards the source of the Reiatsu. It was only a moment later that the Soul Pager went off.

“Damn it, the order came late!” Rukia practically growled as she rushed down the stairs three at a time. She saw Ichigo bolting up the same stairs at an even faster pace and in sync they both turned down the same pathway that led deeper into the large cemetery.

“Follow behind!” Ichigo called out as he popped a Gikon into his mouth and his Shinigami Form emerged from his body as Pupples took over. The Gikon did as instructed, slowing its pace to let Ichigo and Rukia make distance between them.

The duo of Shinigami bolted up a set of stairs only to see a horrifying sight. Yuzu was suspended in the air, choking as a tentacle strangled her. The tentacle came from a hole in the mask of a large, fur-covered Hollow. This same Hollow was crushing Karin beneath its clawed, rodent-like foot. Ichigo saw red, not even noticing the ghost girl next to the Hollow harming his little sisters. With a roar he blurred forward and sliced off the tentacle holding Yuzu.

“RAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!” The Hollow howled at the sudden pain.

Ichigo caught Yuzu’s falling form gently and noticed that the Hollow had retreated several paces, thereby freeing Karin too. He quickly gathered both of his sisters and leapt backwards away from the Hollow. Such sudden exposure to his unleashed Reiatsu had knocked both of his spiritually aware sisters unconscious and Ichigo was quick to hand them over to Rukia. The petite Shinigami woman cradled both of the girls that were almost as tall as she was in her arms and retreated carefully, her eyes never leaving the Hollow.

“You!” Ichigo pointed his Zanpakutō at the ghost girl that he’d just noticed. “That was you by the river that day! Six years ago! What’re you doing here?! Why are you with a Hollow?!”

“Six years? That’s a long time. I don’t remember. But you’ve seen me before?” The ghost girl asked the Shinigami facing her.

“Yes! Who are you?! Start talking?!” Ichigo felt his Reiatsu increase as he barely held back his rage. His Zanpakutō was almost humming from the amount of Reiryoku flowing through it.

“Well…that’s not too complicated, boy.” The girl stated even as her hair parted and her skin seemed to slip off her skull, revealing a large hole on top of the exposed area.

“What the hell are you?” Ichigo questioned in disgust at the disturbing sight.

“Incredible. You actually saw me and lived…” The strange ghost chuckled while still looking at Ichigo. “You’re lucky.” The girl seemed to peel away from her own skeleton as a fleshy tentacle emerged from the hole in the skull and stretched out to connect with a matching hole on top of the Hollow’s head, just above its mask. What now appeared hanging from the Hollow’s head was a mockery of a skeleton and fishing lure combined, what had once been the ‘skin’ of the girl was merely hanging from the end like cloth.

“What the hell?” Ichigo had never seen such a thing before. Never had a Hollow possessed such an odd ability before. Not even Shrieker’s living bombs had been as disturbing as what the Substitute had just witnessed.

“But your luck’s run out, boy! You’ve seen me…twice! I have to eat your soul!” The Hollow declared with a demented lilt in its voice.

“Grand Fisher,” Rukia spoke up from behind him.

Ichigo glanced at her. He noted that Pupples had taken Yuzu and Karin into his arms and was vacating the area completely. That was good. The Gikon would take them back to their father and they could all leave while he dealt with this Hollow.

“That’s his designation.” Rukia continued as she stared down the infamous Hollow. “The decoy that sprouts from his head disguises itself as a person. When someone sees it…well, he only goes after those with strong Reiryoku. He’s managed to outwit, outrun, or outfight the Shinigami for fifty-four years.”

“What a day, so many that can see me, even a Shinigami too.” Grand Fisher chuckled to himself maliciously. “Will it all fit in my belly?”

It uses a decoy to lure in people that can see ghosts?’ Ichigo’s grip on his Zanpakutō tightened. ‘Then that day…the girl I tried to save was his decoy. I fell for his trap…’ He ground his teeth as it all came together in his head. ‘This Hollow…this monster…he’s the one that killed her!’ He blurred forward and swung with all his might at the Hollow’s mask.

“Too slow, boy!” Grand Fisher had leapt over the attack entirely. The right clawed hand stretched unnaturally long and rocketed towards Ichigo.

Ichigo deflected the claw with his Zanpakutō noticing the blood that was flying from the limb as it ground against his blade. Grand Fisher didn’t seem to care as he launched himself into the air and his fur began to writhe around as if it was a mass of snakes. The fur rushed Ichigo and started to engulf him, proving that the Hollow’s entire body was malleable to ridiculous degrees.

“Ichigo!” Rukia raised her hand to use Kidō.

“Don’t!” Ichigo roared as a swing of his blade severed the mass of fur from Grand Fisher’s body. “Rukia, please, stay out of this one…it’s personal.” He ground out as his Reiryoku flared and the Reiatsu blanketed the area.

“Oh?” Grand Fisher’s glowing eyes narrowed behind his mask. “You’re a bit stronger than the other Shinigami I’ve dealt with.”

“I’ll be watching, Ichigo,” Rukia moved back to observe from a distance. “I will step in if necessary. I won’t let you die.”

Ichigo didn’t respond, he blurred forward again, faster than before and hacked off the front limb that Grand Fisher had raised to protect his mask. The Hollow leapt away and Ichigo watched as its weird fur wrapped around the stump only to reform a brand new claw. He chased after the Hollow as it rushed through the trees. The Hollow’s fat, rodent-like body didn’t seem to hamper its speed at all. Ichigo slashed another tendril of fur as Grand Fisher lashed out at him. Every bit of its fur was like another limb, just waiting to attack.

“Damn it!” Ichigo grimaced as he slashed through more of the green-brown fur only for both sides to twist around and strike at him. He felt the shallow cuts as they formed on his face and his left arm.

“Too slow, boy!” Grand Fisher had swerved around a tree to take Ichigo’s back. A trio of fur tendrils barreled into Ichigo. Two were blocked by his slightly longer than average Zanpakutō, while the third cut into his right side. “You’ll never beat me by running around flailing your sword!”

“Die!” Ichigo swung his Zanpakutō upwards to cleave Grand Fisher’s mask in two.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a little reckless?” Grand Fisher caught the blade and didn’t even flinch when it cut into his rodent-like hand. “You’ve thrown away your focus for rage, you’ve got no discipline!” From the hand that grasped the Zanpakutō, long talons emerged and speared into Ichigo’s body.

“Shit!” Ichigo bit out as he felt two claws stabbing into his shoulders and one in his chest. He was in too much pain to notice as arrow-shaped marks began to run up the claws from his body and into Grand Fisher’s.

“Reckless…” Grand Fisher mocked the teen as he yanked his talons from within Ichigo’s body. Blood flew through the air as Ichigo staggered forward. “Far too reckless, boy!” The Hollow chuckled darkly at the Shinigami’s pain. “You played right into my hands. Giving into anger, abandoning reason, you’re young, impetuous, and you anger easily. That anger blinds you and dulls that sword.” The old Hollow taunted as his lure came forward and reformed into the young girl it had been before. Grand Fisher wrapped his clawed hand around the head of his lure and a strange sound was heard. “It’s over now, boy. You were far too green to have challenged me.” When the hand let go of the lure the face had changed and Ichigo’s eyes widened.

“Mom…?” Ichigo breathed out in shock at seeing his mother’s face again.

“You seem surprised…” Grand Fisher chuckled darkly. “I really don’t remember what happened six years ago. I didn’t lie about that. But I was able to recreate your mother. From the expression on your face…I’d say you’re upset!” The Hollow cackled at the shock, pain, regret, and longing on Ichigo’s face.

“You son of a…” Ichigo ground out at the Hollow.

“Didn’t you notice?” Grand Fisher questioned as he held up his left hand. “I attacked you with this hand only. The claws of the left hand probe into the memories of any spiritual being to find the one thing they can’t bear to harm.” He held up his right hand next. “Then the right hand recreates that image. Even the most ruthless Shinigami has a weakness. That’s a given. This is how I’ve dealt with every Shinigami that’s come after me so far. For you, that weakness is your sweet, dead mommy…” The wicked cackling as the old Hollow mocked and taunted Ichigo was like grinding glass into an open wound for the teen.

“Isn’t she…Ichigo?” The lure spoke with his mother’s voice and expression, just as he remembered them.

Off to the side, a good distance from the fight, Rukia tightly gripped onto her left arm. She was squeezing the limb so tightly it was sure to bruise. She was fighting everything within her not to rush into the fray and help Ichigo. This situation was bringing up her own painful memories. The memories of the night she’d lost the first person in Squad Thirteen to treat her like a regular person. The man that had become like an older brother to her. She knew she could help Ichigo slay Grand Fisher. But would he ever accept that? Would he ever forgive her for taking his chance to avenge his mother from him?

What about his Honor?’ She heard her Captain’s voice in her head, just like that horrible night. ‘If you help him now, his life may be saved, but his Honor will never recover. Listen and remember this well. There are two kinds of battle.  Every time we engage in battle we are faced with this question: Am I…fighting to preserve life…or to preserve my Honor?

Yes…Ichigo’s Honor is at stake.’ Rukia shook as she forced herself to remain where she was. ‘I…have to let him fight this one alone.’ The Shinigami woman watched on as Ichigo and Grand Fisher faced each other down. “Stay out of it…stay out of it…stay out of it…” She repeated like a mantra even though she wanted nothing more than to save the one she loved.

“Y-you…sick, Disgusting, BASTARD!!!” Ichigo howled out as his Reiryoku exploded off his body and his Reiatsu slammed down on the area like an immense weight. “How DARE you defile her memory!” Ichigo’s Zanpakutō flashed upwards and cleaved the lure in half, erasing the mockery of his mother.

“What?!” Grand Fisher exclaimed in shock and not a small amount of fear. “How?! You can’t hurt her! My claws never fail!”

“You’ll never desecrate her memory again!” Ichigo roared out as his raised sword was surrounded by a gale of wind. “Hadō #18: Kaze Kiru!” Ichigo slashed downwards and a massive blade of wind nearly bisected Grand Fisher.

The old Hollow barely had time to jerk to the side to avoid having his mask cleaved in two. But now he was in a perilous position. His body had been severed, even striking right next to his Hollow Hole, the true center of his main body. He hacked up a fountain of blood as the injury was registered by his body. Even his ability to regenerate was barley helping. His fur tendrils were reaching for his severed body, but he was losing too much blood too fast. His lure was already destroyed, so he couldn’t even make an escape into his secondary body. The old Hollow started to panic as it became clear that this brat, this Shinigami that he’d been mocking for his inexperience, was about to kill him. He tried to crawl away, willing to leave behind a large portion of his body in order to try and survive with what he had left.

He didn’t get far at all.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Ichigo spat out as his rage blinded him to everything but the Hollow that had killed his mother. Briefly noticing Grand Fisher’s fur trying to knit itself together to stop the massive bleeding, Ichigo’s rage spiked again. “I’m going to destroy you so completely that you’ll never be able to pull yourself back together!” He raised his left hand into the air with both his index and middle finger extended. His Reiryoku flared even higher and his Reiatsu became suffocating for the wounded Hollow.

“What’s he doing?” Rukia felt the air become heavy as Ichigo held his hand aloft. She’d never seen him take this stance before; it wasn’t anything she’d taught him.

“Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny. Grow numb and flicker. Disrupt sleep.” Ichigo began to chant as he poured all of his Reiryoku into the Hadō.

“Ichigo!” Rukia screamed at what he was attempting. It was beyond foolishness, this was practically suicide! “Stop it!” She rushed forward, even as her Gigai struggled under the Reiatsu.

“Crawling queen of iron. Eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite. Repulse. Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness. Hadō #90: KUROHITSUGI!!!

A pitch-black box formed around Grand Fisher. It was so dark it seemingly absorbed light. When the box was fully formed a cube of darkness sat on the forested hill. Rukia slowed her approach at seeing the box of black Reishi made manifest. Then she felt it. The box sprouted jagged bolts, mockeries of blades, and Rukia staggered two steps forward as the gravity of the Hadō pulled in everything. The air was vibrating as the Kurohitsugi fulfilled its task of reducing everything within its confines into nothing. There was a localized tremor in the ground, much like a small earthquake as the Hadō spell went off. Rukia could only stare in shock at what she was witnessing. The black box dispersed like a mirage, fading away as if it had never been there.

“Rest easy, Mom, you’re free now.” Ichigo mumbled as he saw the multitudes of tiny blue souls rise up from the center of compacted earth where the Kurohitsugi had been cast. He vaguely noted at least eight different souls, all much larger than the others were, also drifting away before the Konsō sent them on to the Soul Society.

“Ichigo…” Rukia muttered as she stared at her Substitute in shock.

“Hey, Rukia…” Ichigo was bleeding from his wounds, but he had a smile on his face. “Thanks for not interfering…I needed to do that on my own.” His Reiatsu vanished and Rukia blinked at the sudden lack of pressure. Ichigo sheathed his Zanpakutō carefully as he remained standing.

Why do I feel so warm?’ Rukia wondered even as she felt heat rising to her cheeks when Ichigo smiled at her. She approached her boyfriend and just managed to catch him as he fell forward unconscious. “Ichigo!”

“Thanks…Rukia.” Ichigo breathed out as Rukia sank down to the ground and held him.

“You reckless fool…” Rukia gently turned him over so he was resting on his back and using her lap as a pillow. “You could’ve died.” Her hands glowed with a pale-green light as she used what little Kaidō she knew to heal up the hole in his chest first. “Thank you, Ichigo…thank you for staying alive.” She leaned down and placed a kiss onto his forehead gently. A gentle rain began to fall from the clouds that had gathered over the course of the battle. She paid it no mind as she healed Ichigo, glad that the one she loved was safe and alive.

All over town, people noticed the remaining sunlight was interacting with the rain.

A brilliant rainbow was seen over Karakura Town that day.

This June Seventeenth marked the end of years of pain and began a new time in the life of Kurosaki Ichigo and his family.

-End Chapter-


Grand Fisher pissed off the wrong Shinigami!

Ichigo didn’t have a good time, but he’s alive and he avenged his mother.

That burden on his shoulders is gone now. The one he never spoke about but bore silently for six years.

He even successfully cast Kurohitsugi! Sure it wasn’t the complete version, even with the chant, but it was still a Kurohitsugi!

Me thinks Ichigo got very lucky with that Kidō and perhaps has an affinity for that spell in particular? Who knows?

Rukia was certainly impressed! Even though that was partially smothered by her worry for Ichigo.

What happens next for our Substitute Shinigami and his girlfriends?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Ice fox

My only complaint for this chapter is It Was too short

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Not even a soul left to be sent to Hell once you get put in Black Coffin and get destroyed. Bye Grand Fisher. No one will miss you. This was a wonderful chapter Kairo.


Glad you liked it, Tristan! Also, Grand Fisher was a bastard, but his soul wasn't Hell worthy, not even in Canon. If it had been, then I would've written in the Gates of Hell appearing again.


What rank would you give ichigo if he was a member of soul society right now out of curiosity also this was satisfying


He'd be a Seated Officer. Somewhere between 10th and 15th probably. I've VASTLY restructured the Power Scale in this fic. In Canon regular Hollows became a joke that were wiped out in mass like insect before bug spray. In this story they're a legitimate threat to any unseated Shinigami, and even to some Seated Officers depending on their unique abilities. Naturally that means Huge Hollows, Gillians, Adjuchas, and Vasto Lorde are also all rebalanced to fit in with this new dynamic. Yes, that also includes Arrancar. Shinigami have also been rebalanced to fit. Certain characters that we all know may be different, in a good way, when it comes to their power. Spamming Bankai for every single fight won't be a thing in this fic, at least for a decent chunk of Shinigami characters.

Akai Kensei

*dark chuckle* Wonderful, simply wonderful. Well worth the wait also. Reading Ichigo taking out Grand Fisher on his own so early in his time as a Shinigami makes me feel all warm and tingly inside lol. Well done on the chapter. When Ichigo took a stance Rukia hadn't taught him and his Reiatsu started spiking I thought for sure he was going to blow Rukia's expectations away and awaken his Shikai, especially given the earlier conversation on it, but using Kurohitsugi was somehow even better. Love the chapter, love the fic, love your work. I eagerly await the next update.

avery Arp

Waited so long, not disappointed.


Glad to meet or exceed your expectations! Blame the Tier Rewards! No one used one for it for the last two months! It's not my fault this time! XD

avery Arp

I would go up but can't afford it.


No worries, my friend! Take care of yourself first and foremost! That's much more important than any Pledge to any Patreon Creator.


*claps* thank you for the wonderful chapter. personally think kubo handled grand fisher wrong. should have been ichigo to finish off grand fisher for the closure. much like what you did. keep up the good work.


I'm happy you liked it! If it keeps getting Tier Rewards then I'll keep updating it! Eventually it'll probably be added to the Main Rotation once I finish another story.


Yeah take that Grand fisher what makes it so frustrating Kai is that in the live action movie version they did have Ichigo kill Grand Fisher but in the anime he doesn't that is such a slap in the face and I'm glad you fixed it. This is a awesome story.


Glad you liked the chapter! Grand Fisher wasn't escaping an Ichigo that had actual training!