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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! The matches continue! How will they play out? Does anyone stand a chance of stopping Izuku and his Quirk?

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 15 – Todoroki vs Toga, Round Three

“From the left tunnel comes the Ice Cold recommendation student and one of the powerhouses of Class 1-A! It’s Todoroki Shoto!” Present Mic announced and the crowd applauded and cheered, though with a notable drop from previous matches. It seemed no one had forgotten Todoroki’s accident of almost dropping a glacier on the stands.

The heterochromatic teen walked towards the ring with a focused look on his face. Everyone hoped he wouldn’t be making the same mistake twice with his powerful Quirk.

“From the right tunnel, it’s the blonde that showed some great Hand-to-Hand skills last round, Toga Himiko!” Mic exclaimed, while once more praising Toga’s skills from her match against Ochako.

“Hehehe~” Toga giggled as she walked forward. “Just need to keep to the left is all.”

“Are both of you ready to begin?” Midnight questioned as she looked between the two teenagers.

“Yes.” Todoroki stated plainly, his eyes locked onto his opponent.

“Yep!” Toga grinned as she surreptitiously made her first move ahead of the actual match.

“You may begin!” Midnight started the match with a crack of her whip as the crowd cheered.

“I’ll finish this quick-” Todoroki was cut off as he jerked his head to the side to avoid the sneaker flying at his face.

Toga dashed across the ring as Todoroki’s eyes were focused on her shoe. With his instinctive reaction to the incoming object, his focus narrowed to the flying sneaker and he lost sight of her for an instant. When he dodged her preemptive attack, Toga shimmied her opposite foot out of her other shoe and kicked it towards Todoroki again.

“Stop that.” Todoroki wasted no time when the second sneaker came into his perception after dodging the first. Frost appeared from his breath and the flying footwear was encased in a short pillar of ice that rose up from the floor.

“Gotcha.” Toga grinned as Todoroki had done exactly what she thought he’d do, rely on his Quirk. The Hybrid Quirk user didn’t seem to realize that he’d cut off his own line of sight and once again lost track of Toga. But he was about to learn!

“Wha-?” Todoroki only had half an instant to react when Toga dashed around his ice pillar on his left side. He didn’t even consider using the Fire half of his Quirk at all and it cost him.

Toga’s leg came up in a low kick that slammed into Todoroki’s left knee. The joint buckled from the force and Toga quickly latched onto her classmate’s left arm and with a textbook hip toss had him on the floor. She held onto his arm and wrenched it painfully behind his back into a hold. Todoroki grunted in pan as his arm popped before a punch slammed into the back of his head.

“Toga rushes Todoroki and succeeds in putting him on the floor!” Present Mic yelled loudly as the crowd roared and cheered at the unexpected result. “Now she’s raining down punches on his poor skull! Is he even conscious after that many blows?!”

“Her Quirk wasn’t applicable to the situation, but like a true Hero she figured out a way to deal with her opponent.” Aizawa was giving praise in his own -mostly flat- way. “Tricking the eye isn’t too hard if you know how. Her hand-to-hand is also far better than most of her classmates. Forcing your opponent to play to your strengths is much more logical than fighting on their terms.”

“Get off!” Todoroki growled after what had to be the fifth or sixth punch to his head. He’d been stunned by the quick actions of Toga and ended up on the floor before he’d known it. The punches slamming into his head over and over again left him dazed and Toga’s right leg was pinning his right arm to the floor.

Unfortunately for the blonde, any contact with Todoroki’s right side was too much.

Ice seemingly exploded from Todoroki and Toga’s position. Great sheets of frost rose upwards from the ring as the red and white-haired teen flexed his Quirk to free himself. With a blast of cold air the crystalline formations stopped growing and a light, frosted mist hung in the air over the ring.

“Toga is unable to continue!” Midnight called out after a moment for the mist to clear. The blonde girl was suspended partially inside one of the pillars of ice. She was conscious, but shivering heavily from the cold. Todoroki made it to his feet and cradled his abused head with his right hand. “Todoroki advances to the next round.”

Before anyone else could speak a green and blue blur slammed down onto the grass just outside the ring. Izuku rushed up the short steps and stood before the pillar of ice trapping his girlfriend. A wave of heat was pumped directly into the ice as Izuku placed his hand on the construct. The ice began to lose cohesion as it heated up. Then it became like slush and Toga slid down into Izuku’s outstretched arms.

“H-Hey I-Izu-Izukun…” Toga’s shivering and chattering teeth made it hard for her to talk.

“You were amazing, Himiko-chan.” Izuku praised her with a bright smile that she adored. He practically wrapped his girlfriend in warmth with his Quirk as he carried her out of the ring in a classic Bridal Carry. “You almost had him, even without your Quirk!”

“Ehehehehe~” Toga giggled as she snuggled into her boyfriend’s warmth. She’d made a good showing against one of the favorites to win the Sports Festival, so she was happy with her placement. Sure, she’d have liked to knock Todoroki out and advance further, but being carried in Izuku’s strong arms while he warmed her up was equally good in her eyes.

Todoroki was sent to see Recovery Girl for the multiple blows he took the back of the head. With the sheets and pillars of ice covering the ring it appeared the next match would have to be postponed for a bit. Toga was okay with this outcome as she was sitting in Izuku’s lap being cuddled. All the while her friends either giggled with her or blushed at her and Izuku’s closeness.

After a few minutes though, the Number Two Pro Hero, Endeavor, simply walked out onto the field without being asked or technically even allowed. The red-haired, flame-covered man stepped into the frozen ring. In an instant there was nothing but intense flames. The fire roared as Endeavor flared his Quirk for just a few moments. When the flames wavered into nothing there wasn’t a trace of moisture left on the ring. The Pro Hero simply turned and left the field the same way he’d entered without a word.

“Well…” Present Mic seemed just as stunned as everyone else in the arena at the unexpected help of the Flame Hero. “With some help from the Number Two Pro Hero, Endeavor, we will now resume the matches!”

“Good luck, Izukun!” Toga kissed his lips in front of their class again.

“Thank you, Himiko-chan.” Izuku smiled as their lips separated. He gently picked her up from his lap and placed her in the seat next to his. Standing up he noted that Bakugo had already left at some point. The green-eyed teen quickly left Class 1-A’s seating area and headed down towards the field. He only had a couple of minutes before Present Mic would start the next match.

“Starting our first match of the third round, we have the Sun Man of Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku!” Present Mic announced as Izuku walked out of his tunnel and towards the ring.

“Beat him down, Izukun!” Toga yelled out from the stands with a wicked grin on her face. There was no love lost between her and Bakugo.

“Facing him is the Explosive powerhouse with an attitude, Bakugo Katsuki!” Present Mic hollered as Bakugo made his way to the ring with a scowl.

“Are you boys ready?” Midnight checked with both teens.

“Ready.” Izuku nodded as he bulked up and heat began to pour off his body.

“Let’s get this over with!” Bakugo’s hands crackled with small explosions.

“Begin!” Midnight cracked her whip.

It was over almost instantly.

Whether this was a long time coming, after years of bad blood between the two boys, or perhaps Izuku was in a bad mood from seeing Toga frozen in the last match. It could even be the simple fact that Toga had told him to. But Izuku didn’t waste any time with Bakugo.

“Die!” Bakugo blasted forward towards the one he’d called Deku since they were practically toddlers.

He was met with silence and a fist to his face.

Izuku had blurred forward and slammed his fist into Bakugo’s face without hesitation. The physical strength, backed up by the blast of Pyrokinetic flames screaming off Izuku’s right arm like jet thrusters, rocked Bakugo’s body. The ash-blonde’s sight faded to black even as his body rag-dolled through the air and landed on the grass outside the ring.

In took three full seconds before anybody reacted.

“That was awesome, Izukun!” Toga laughed loudly as she cheered for her boyfriend.

“…Bakugo, is out of bounds…Midoriya is the winner.” Midnight pointed her whip towards the already shrinking Izuku. The Modern Hero Art History teacher seemed to still be processing the near instant match.

“I…that…that has to be the fastest match we’ve ever seen at the Sports Festival.” Present Mic was notably subdued as his voice came from the speakers in the arena.

-Midoriya Home-

“I feel like this was a long time coming…” Hisashi held Inko comfortingly.

“Izuku…” Inko sniffled, she hated seeing her son upset in anyway. But maybe this was needed for the two boys to put the past behind them?

-Bakugo Home-

“You cocky little idiot…” Bakugo Mitsuki sighed at her son’s instant defeat. Maybe this would get her hotheaded punk to finally pull his head out of his own ass? Not like Aldera Junior High had done anything about his behavior.

“He’s not going to be in a good mood when he gets home,” Bakugo Masaru shook his head gently. “I’ll have a talk with him tonight.”

“No…we’ll have a talk with him.” Mitsuki shook her head as she took her husband’s hand. “We both know he’ll be fuming at being knocked out in one punch, but it’s high time he learned that the world doesn’t revolve around him and his Quirk.”

-U.A. First Year Sports Festival Stadium-

Bakugo was carefully carted away by the medical robots towards Recovery Girl’s temporary office. The red-eyed teen would wake up in a few minutes after treatment. His own Quirk made him resistant to both shockwaves and heat, so he’d taken a bit less damage from Izuku’s punch than most people would have. Not that he’d be happy with the results of the match regardless.

“Well…after that lightning fast match, we’ll move on to the second match of the Third Round!” Present Mic tried to get the crowd over their shock and back into the excitement from earlier.

“That Midoriya boy shows promise…” Endeavor muttered to himself as he waited for his son’s next match.

“From the right tunnel once again, comes the Icy powerhouse of Class 1-A! It’s Todoroki Shoto!” Present Mic hadn’t been expecting to call the teen back out so soon. It wouldn’t have been possible without Recovery Girl’s Quirk. The elderly woman truly was the backbone of U.A. High.

Todoroki approached the ring to applause and cheers, though there was definitely and undercurrent of murmuring and questions if one listened closely.

“From the left tunnel, it’s the by the book Speedster, Iida Tenya!” Present Mic introduced as Iida walked towards the ring with a neutral and controlled expression.

“Alright, are you both ready to begin?” Midnight checked with the two teens.

“Ready, ma’am.” Iida nodded to their teacher.

“Yes.” Todoroki kept his eyes on Iida. The recommended student was clearly focused on the match at hand. It seemed he’d had enough surprises during his matches after Toga’s pummeling of his head.

“Begin!” Midnight snapped her whip and Iida blitzed forward in a blur.

Todoroki instantly froze the entire ring floor and Iida slipped on the ice. As the speedster fell from the loss of traction, the next wave of ice and frost barreled towards him. Thinking Quickly, Iida fired his engines and did a mid-air backflip over the attack meant to encase him. Landing on the ice he struggled to maintain his balance for a second before dropping into a runner’s starting position.

“Recipro Burst!” Iida called out as blue flames burst from the exhaust pipes on the back of his legs. The second son of the Iida Family disappeared and Todoroki was bum-rushed.

Ice emerged behind where Todoroki used to be, along the edge of the ring and the teens reappeared as Todoroki’s back slammed into the hastily made wall. He coughed and wheezed from having the wind knocked out of him, but he’d stopped himself from being shoved out of bounds. Iida had no other moves to use while on the slick ice covering the ring floor and Todoroki placed his right hand on Iida’s shoulder. Frost covered the bespectacled teen rapidly and grew thicker and thicker to encase him. His engines guttered out and stalled as his Recipro Burst ended. In mere moments Iida was fully encased in ice except for his face.

“Iida is immobilized, Todoroki is the winner!” Midnight declared as she saw the state of the two students. Todoroki slipped out of the frozen Iida’s hold and placed his left hand on his classmate to start thawing him out.

“It was a gamble that almost payed off,” Aizawa remarked of Iida’s use of his trump card. “Todoroki would’ve been the first one out of bounds if he had been a fraction of a second later in forming the ice wall behind his position.”

“I didn’t even see him move! That speed was insane!” Present Mic hollered and the crowd seemed to agree as cheers and applause rang out for the match. “We’ll take a short break before we proceed to the Final Match of the Tournament!”

Izuku and Todoroki spent this break in their respective prep rooms. There was much talk among the spectators about the outcome of the upcoming match. The previous showing of Izuku being able to near instantly melt Todoroki’s glacier earlier didn’t inspire much confidence for the son of Endeavor.

“You think it’ll just be a repeat of their match during our first combat class?” Toga questioned the class as a whole.

“It is possible…” Momo acknowledged the possibility. “Midoriya’s Quirk practically nullifies Todoroki’s.”

“I’d put my money on Midoriya in this match.” Sato commented with a short nod.

“Todoroki is strong, but Midoriya’s Quirk is like trying to fight the sun.” Jiro mentioned thoughtfully.

“Yeah, it’s kinda hard to come up with a strategy to beat that kind of heat.” Kirishima agreed while wondering if he could do anything against it with his Quirk.

“Well, we’re about to find out.” Mina pointed out as the speakers around the arena clicked back on.

“Are you ready, Sports Festival fans?!” Present Mic cheered and the crowd responded loudly. “It’s time for the final match of the tournament and it’s going to be a clash of the Elements! Fire vs Ice! Which one will come out on top?!”

Izuku and Todoroki both walked out of their respective tunnels as the crowd cheered and roared. The two powerhouse students stepped into the ring at the same time and stared each other down. The tension inside the ring began to increase instantly.

“Midoriya, are you ready?” Midnight looked towards the freckled boy.

“Yes.” Izuku nodded without taking his eyes off of Todoroki.

“Todoroki, are you ready?” Midnight turned to face the heterochromatic teen.

“Yes.” Todoroki also didn’t look away from Izuku.

“Alright, both competitors are ready!” Midnight declared as the crowd cheered in anticipation. “Let the final match, BEGIN!” She cracked her whip and the temperature went insane!

A glacier was sent towards Izuku instantly even as a massive ball of fire and heat exploded off the rapidly growing teen. The two forces collided and a shockwave was released from the thermal shock. The glacier fractured from the sudden temperature shift while the flame and heat roared loudly as the temperature began to spike.

“I will defeat you!” Todoroki declared as he pushed his Quirk further. The ring itself began to crack as it froze over. The wave of frost continued off the ring and froze over the grass around it on Todoroki’s side.

“You’re welcome to try!” Izuku’s deeper voice replied as his body exuded an insane amount of heat and fire. “Tell me if this seems familiar, Todoroki.” Izuku held his right hand above his head, palm up as an intense fireball swirled to life just above his skin. “Midday Sun!”

The small ball of intense flames began to rapidly expand. It grew larger and larger as the heat it generated continued to climb. The sphere of flames was soon half the size of Todoroki’s glacier, if it had still been there of course. The ice had long since melted and the water evaporated away under the intense heat of the micro-sun. The temperature continued to climb even as Todoroki summoned another massive wave of ice.

“What is that?!” Present Mic cried out as everyone witnessed the formation of what appeared to be a miniature star in the ring! “Even in the booth I’m starting to feel the heat!”

“Your ice will be nothing but slush before it reaches me, Todoroki.” Izuku stared hard at his fellow Hybrid Quirk user. To prove his point he walked through a wave of rapidly melting and evaporating slush. “Your Quirk isn’t suited to temperatures like this.”

“I refuse to lose to a Quirk like his!” Todoroki focused and a large ice construct was formed behind him. It was similar to a battering ram and Izuku stalked closer towards Todoroki even as he watched layer upon layer of ice freeze over each other to make the implement. The instant it was done Todoroki launched the frigid battering ram towards Izuku.

“Did you forget that Pyrokinesis is only part of my Quirk?” Izuku punched the flying battering ram with a good amount of his strength. The construct of ice, even layered as it was, shattered like spun glass into particulates of frost that near instantly evaporated. “I’m winning this match, Todoroki, I made a promise.” What went unsaid was that Izuku was still a little angry at what Todoroki had done to Toga in their match.

The heat continued to increase as Izuku maintained his Midday Sun. People in the audience were sweating heavily, some outright panting as the air rippled in an intense heat haze. Many of the Pro Heroes had removed parts of their costumes to help them cool off. Not that it was doing much as the temperature continued to climb. Midnight and Cementoss were sheltering under a concrete bunker that the concrete wielding Hero had made. The thick walls would keep them safe for a while at least.

“How can you be doing this?!” Todoroki panted as even with his ice, he was sweating savagely. Being directly under the Midday Sun was like an inferno bearing down on your body. “No Pyrokinetic should be capable of maintaining this!” He blinked and wiped the sweat from his eyes as he noticed the cement ring liquefying under Izuku’s feet as the other teen walked towards him. Every step turned the concrete into molten rock. The entire ring behind Izuku was already lost as he continued his approach.

“I told you before that this is the result of almost ten years of hard work, Todoroki.” Izuku answered his classmate as he continued his advance. Already he could see the other boy’s skin turning red as it slowly began to burn even with his heat resistance. “Concede or I’ll defeat you by force.”

“I refuse…to lose…to a Quirk…like-” Todoroki was cut off as Izuku blitzed forward and punched Todoroki in the face. The troubled Half-Cold, Half-Hot user felt his feet leave the ground. He experienced the weightlessness of reaching the apex of his launch via Izuku’s fist and then briefly felt gravity reassert its hold on him as his vision faded out and the heat began to lessen. He hit the grass outside of the ring unconscious as the Midday Sun quickly dwindled away to nothing.

“Whatever problems you have with Fire Quirks are going to hinder you in your Hero career, Todoroki.” Izuku looked down at the unconscious teen. “You can’t hate every Fire Quirk, especially not when you have one yourself. You won’t be any kind of Hero by rejecting half of yourself.”

“Todoroki is unconscious and out of bounds!” Midnight called out as she came out of the concrete bunker that she and Cementoss had been sheltering under. “The winner of the Sports Festival Tournament is Midoriya Izuku!”

It took a second for the applause to start, but once it did there was no stopping it! Cheers, yells, and calls rang out for the verdette as he walked off the half-melted ring before he began to shrink back down. Both Midnight and Cementoss stared at what was left of the ring after Izuku and Todoroki’s match. The portion that wasn’t melted was cracked and damaged from instantly freezing over. If this hadn’t been the final match, Cementoss would have needed to remake the entire ring before the next match would’ve been able to start!

“Midoriya’s power is absolutely insane, isn’t it?” Midnight questioned rhetorically.

“Indeed it is.” Cementoss answered anyway with a shake of his blocky head.

“There you have it!” Present Mic yelled loudly -making Aizawa grimace at the noise- “Midoriya Izuku is this year’s Sports Festival winner! Make some noise for the Sun Hero!” If it was even possible, the crowd got louder in their cheering and applause for Izuku.

None could match Toga screaming herself hoarse though!

-Midoriya Home-

“IZUKU!!!” Inko was a fountain of happy tears as she watched her baby win the Sports Festival.

“You did it, Izu! That’s my Hero!” Hisashi couldn’t have been prouder of his son. He held Inko closely and provided her tissues as she happily bawled over their son’s success. The Midoriya Family was definitely celebrating tonight!

-Sports Festival Stadium-

“Shoto…” Endeavor shook his head at his stubborn son. “If you’d have practiced with your left side your heat resistance would be much higher. You can’t keep limiting yourself like this…a Hero can’t half do their job.” He understood why his son resented his left side, why Shoto resented him. But he’d be damned if his son stepped into the world of Heroics half-cocked and even less prepared. “You’ll see, Shoto, you’ll see where resentment leads a person.” With that Endeavor turned away and headed for the exit. He had a couple of Internship Offers to fill out.

-Medal Ceremony-

Izuku stood on the First Place platform staring out into a sea of cameras as the media was allowed to get closer for the ceremony. On the Second Place platform was Todoroki who looked conflicted and deep in thought. Standing on the Third Place platform was an oddly quiet Bakugo. Izuku was curious as to where Iida was though. The bespectacled boy should be standing beside Bakugo on the Third Place platform.

“Now for the Medals!” Midnight spoke loudly into her microphone. “Presenting them this year is…you know who!”

I AM…” The familiar voice of the Number One Hero rang out from the top of the arena as he leapt towards the platforms. The excitement of the media spiked as the man landed on the ground before the top finishers of this year’s First Year Sports Festival. “HERE...with the Medals!” All Might declared as he rose to his full height with his signature smile on his face.

“It’s All Might!” Midnight called out with a grin after seeing the blonde man’s entrance.

“The First Years are really something this year! Even All Might came to watch!” One Pro Hero noted as All Might walked up to the Third Place platform with the Bronze Medal.

“You have great strength, young Bakugo!” All Might placed the Bronze Medal on the strangely quiet teen. “But no Hero can do everything alone. Learn from both success as well as defeat and you’ll go far.”

“Right…” Bakugo stared at his Bronze Medal contemplatively.

“Young Todoroki, your matches were excellent!” All Might praised the red and white-haired boy. “But you’ll never get to where you want to be if you reject who you are. Your Quirk is yours, not anyone else’s. Become the Hero you wish to be with your Quirk.” He encouraged the teen quietly as Todoroki’s eyes widened at the Number One Hero’s words. The Silver Medal sat around his neck mostly ignored.

“Young Midoriya, you were quiet the spectacle today!” All Might smiled widely at the verdette while placing the Gold Medal around his neck. “With the hard work you’ve clearly put into your Quirk I’m sure you’ll go far in the Hero World! The future is looking very bright!”

“Thank you, All Might!” Izuku was trying really hard not to either nerd out or panic with all of the cameras focused on him and All Might. If he used his Quirk this wouldn’t be a problem, but he had to get used to this without relying on his Quirk’s effect on his mental state.

“These are your winners!” All Might declared to the crowd and the mass of media cameras. “But hold on, everyone! Everyone here today has the potential to be standing up here! We all witnessed it! Competition! Encouragement! Pushing each other to climb higher and higher! The students of today we’ll become the Heroes of tomorrow! In that spirit, let’s have one final cheer!”

The crowd was abuzz with energy as they all prepared to say the famous motto of U.A. High!

“Everyone say it with me!” All Might shouted out as he raised his arm, his index finger pointing into the air. “One, two, and…”

PLUS ULTRA!!!” The entire stadium roared and thundering applause rang out.

I’m glad they drowned me out now…’ All Might hadn’t been heard saying ‘Thank you for your hard work!’ instead of ‘Plus Ultra’ due to the sheer volume of the crowd.

That would’ve been awkward.

-End Chapter-


BOOM! The Sports Festival is done!

Toga did pretty well against Todoroki, all things considered!

She even got to be Bridal Carried while snuggling up to Izuku!

It’s a good day for Toga!

Bakugo got one-shot by an Izuku that stopped holding back for a moment.

Maybe such an overwhelming loss will truly help the punk mature and realize the world doesn’t revolve around him? Let’s hope for the best, right?

Todoroki’s Quirk just isn’t that great of a matchup against Izuku’s, huh? Both showed off impressive power, but our Sun Hero is just in another league all his own!

Next comes the Internships! What will happen?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Toga definitely put up a good fight, thanks for another great chapter.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Wonderfully done. Poor, poor Todoroki......You can't paint all Fire Quirks with the same brush just because they remind you of Endeavor.


Very true! Especially your own! That's some twisted Logic right there! But he got the motivational speech from All Might himself! Toga did pretty well too!


Todoroki: "I will win effortlessly!" Everyone: "I'm about to end this man's whole career."


Yeah...thereabouts. No "Todoroki is the most powerful EVAH!" in my fics, thank you very much!


Was kinda hoping to see shoto use his flames in their match mostly to see how Izuku would deal with them but still a good chapter looking forward to seeing where this story goes the way you rushed through this arc (not in a bad way just you did it quickly) makes it seem like you got plans for the next parts that your excited for or something like that


Izuku is basically immune to fire and heat, Shoto's fire would've done nothing. I have plans, but this story isn't going to follow the direct Canon storyline. I've changed things up for a reason after all!

Joseph Matuska

Hopefully mineta gets replaced with shinso he deserves to be in 1A more then the grape head