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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Ace and Luffy meet up! A reunion of brothers! What kind of trouble can Fire and Lightning get up to with both Marines and the Baroque Works Billions on their trail?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 29 – Ace, Marines, Billions

“I won’t ask again,” Smoker growled as his Devil Fruit powers began to fill the –now deserted- restaurant with thick, white smoke. “Turn yourself in, Portgas D. Ace.”

“Not gonna happen,” Ace chuckled as the heat inside the restaurant continued to rise. He noticed a short flash of blue-white light through the doorway. The nostalgic ‘Voice’ that he felt brought a wide smile to his face. “Well, it looks like he found me.”

“What the hell are you talk-” Smoker was cut off as he felt a hand on his shoulder for a fraction of a second. The next thing he knew he was rocketing backwards out of the restaurant and down the street. He’d been tossed as if he weighed nothing! He hadn’t even seen who’d thrown him! He was able to disperse into smoke before he hit anyone or anything. He reformed with rage etched onto his face and charged back towards the restaurant.

“Ace!” Luffy yelled happily at seeing his big brother for the first time in three years.

“Luffy!” Ace laughed at his little brother.

“I didn’t expect to run into you until the other half of the Grand Line!” Luffy grinned widely. “What’re you doing in Alabasta?”

“I was in Paradise and decided to see if I could catch up to you while I was looking for a certain someone.” Ace explained with a grin of his own.

-Nanohana ~ Outskirts-

“They’re beautiful!” Nami grinned at the outfits that the women of the crew had changed into. “I love these clothes.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have sent Sanji to shop for us?” Vivi sweat-dropped while looking over the clothes they were wearing. “We’re not exactly going to blend in with the common people. These are dancer’s outfits.”

Indeed they were, colored in navy-blue for Nami, a royal-purple for Vivi and a red and gold pattern for Mikita. The outfits had cleavage-bearing tops that left all of the midriff exposed, showing off the trim stomachs and thin waists of the women while accentuating their bountiful bosoms. The light and airy ankle-length dresses were mostly white and meant to sway and rise at the slightest of movement. The outfits were finished off by thin, long, and flowing robe-like tops that didn’t have enough material to block the view of their bodies.

“I think we look good, kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed as she twirled a little in her outfit.

“What do you mean, Vivi?” Sanji was ecstatic with hearts for eyes. “Dancers are common people too. No one will suspect a thing!”

“Just let him have this one, Vivi.” Mikita chuckled as she pulled the princess into a one-armed side hug.

“The women look great, but…” Sanji held back a snicker as he looked over the men of the crew. “You guys don’t look like pirates anymore…you look like thieves!”

“And you don’t?” Zoro cocked an eyebrow at the Chef while taking a bite off a leg of some local animal. The food they’d gotten in the port city was good at least.

“You okay there, Chopper?” Usopp questioned the reindeer Doctor.

“My nose feels like it’s going to fall off!” Chopper complained lying on his back and holding his nose.

“It’s no surprise,” Vivi mentioned looking at the blue-nosed reindeer. “Your nose is very sensitive and Nanohana is famous for its perfumes.”

“Perfumes?” Chopper questioned as he tried to block out the strong smells he was picking up.

“Some of them are very potent.” Vivi informed the suffering Doctor.

“Like this?” Nami teased as she spritzed herself with some pleasant-smelling perfume Sanji had brought back with their new clothes.

“Ack! Stop!” Chopper yelled at the orangette.

“Ah…I’m falling into the dungeon of love!” Sanji swooned with heart-shaped eyes.

“What a fool.” Zoro sniped at the blonde cook before taking a swig of booze straight from a bottle.

“What was that?!” Sanji lost the heart-shaped eyes and gained a mouth filled with fangs instead.

“So, we have all the supplies we need to cross the desert.” Usopp mentioned as he took stock of everything that had been bought and gathered. “Where are we headed, Vivi?”

“First of all, we have to stop the rebels, before they bathe this land in blood.” Vivi looked somber, but her eyes were filled with an unbreakable will to protect her homeland. “We’re going to the rebels’ base to find their leader. It’s located in an oasis known as Yuba. Going to Yuba requires us to cross-”

“What the hell?” Nami blinked as everyone in the group stopped dead for a second. “You all felt that too, right?”

“Kind of hard not too…” Mikita turned to look in the direction the two immense ‘Voices’ had appeared in. “Luffy and someone else.”

“There’s someone besides them too, a lot of them…” Usopp looked like he was focusing hard on his Observation to discern what was going on.

“What is he doing now?” Sanji exhaled a puff of smoke with a sigh.

“I won’t let you get away!” Smoker roared as the commotion came into sight for the hiding Straw Hats. The Captain from Loguetown was chasing after Luffy and another young man that they all assumed must be Ace. Behind the Marine Captain were a huge number of Marine sailors with rifles.

“Didn’t I tell you to walk away already?” Ace yelled back at the chasing Marine.

“White Fist!” Smoker answered with an attack, his fist blasting forward like a rocket, propelled by his Moku Moku no Mi powers.

“Give it up.” Ace smacked away the fist with ease and Smoker bit into his cigars at the shock of pain that he felt from the blow.

How the hell are they hitting me?’ Smoker wondered as he pulled his fist back and his body fully reformed.

“We don’t want to mess this place up, Smokey,” Luffy mentioned as the two brothers stared down the force of Marines. “So could you just leave us alone?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Smoker shouted at the pirates in front of them.

“Luffy, go meet up with your crew and head out to wherever you’re going,” Ace grinned at his little brother. “I’ll meet up with you once these guys can’t interfere.”

“Sure thing,” Luffy grinned at Ace. “See you later! Shishishishi!” In a flash of blue-white light -that left everyone who looked at it blinking for a few seconds- Luffy was gone.

“Straw Hat!” Smoker roared only for flames to erupted from Ace’s feet and encircle all of the Marines in the time it took them to blink. The flames rose higher and higher until they made an impassable barrier. The entire Marine contingent was trapped in the swirling flames.

“You guys just calm down and stay there,” Ace chuckled at the Marines, how they were able to hear him so clearly over the roar of the swirling flames none of them knew. “We don’t want any trouble here.” Much like Luffy, Ace’s body wavered like fire and then seemingly disappeared in a heat haze.

“To the ship!” Luffy declared as soon as he zapped back into the hidden area behind an old stone wall that his crew was using to hide.

“What’s going on?” Vivi questioned as she saw the towering flames rise above the buildings.

“Ace is keeping the Marines busy, so we need to head to the ship!” Luffy declared as he scooped up two large barrels full of water and started to run.

“You heard the Captain.” Zoro jumped to his feet, threw a large bag of supplies over his shoulder, and took off after Luffy.

“Let’s head out!” Nami declared as everyone began to grab the purchased supplies.

“Come on Karoo!” Vivi called to her giant duck.

“Quack!” Karoo responded. The large duck was already secured with a large barrel strapped to his back.

“Wait, are we leaving the island?!” Usopp questioned in confusion as he hauled a sack of supplies over his left shoulder.

“No, we’re going to sail the ship up the river and into the interior of the island!” Vivi explained to the Gunman. “The desert lies beyond that! We only stopped in Nanohana to get supplies for crossing the desert!”

Once all of the Straw Hats reached their ship they quickly loaded up their supplies. Vivi unstrapped the large barrel from Karoo’s back and handed it off to Sanji, who twirled away with hearts for eyes. With a serious look in her brown-eyes Vivi spoke to her friend and mount.

“Karoo, I have an important mission for you.” Vivi told the duck.

“Quack!” Karoo raised a wing into a salute.

“Go straight to Alubarna and give this letter to my father.” Vivi explained as she tucked a letter into Karoo’s bag. “It contains evidence of Crocodile’s plot against Alabasta with Baroque Works. Everything that Igaram and I discovered is recorded here.” She gently stroked Karoo’s yellow feathers. “It will let my father know that I’m alive and that I’ve returned to Alabasta with powerful allies. Can you do it? You’ll have to cross the desert alone.”

“Quack!” Karoo gave another salute to Vivi. The large duck looked determined to fulfill her orders.

“Remember to drink your water conservatively while crossing the desert,” Vivi reminded her friend. “Don’t drink it all at once, but don’t wait so long that you’re already dehydrated.” She fastened a smaller barrel with a straw around Karoo’s neck. “Let my father know that there is hope for this kingdom!”

“QUACK!” Karoo radiated determination and dedication as he took off towards Alubarna. Only the large duck stopped dead fifty paces away and took a large sip from his water barrel.

“Drink it conservatively!” Vivi had sharp fangs in her mouth and a tick mark over her right eye at Karoo already drinking from his limited supply. Karoo bolted after his drink and kicked up a dust cloud as his speed increased. In mere moments the Super Sonic Duck was only a small dust cloud nearing the horizon.

“Let’s set sail, Vivi!” Luffy called out to the bluenette with a large grin.

“Coming!” Vivi returned the smile as she rushed up the gangplank. In short order the Going Merry was sailing along the coast from Nanohana towards the Sandora River and the desert beyond that which would take them to Yuba.

“After seeing Sabo, I’m not surprised that your other brother is such a big name.” Zoro remarked as the Going Merry headed up the large river.

“Ace and Sabo are both three years older than me,” Luffy informed his crew, barring Nami who already knew. “So they both left Dawn Island three years before I did.”

“So all three of you ate of the Devil Fruit, huh?” Sanji noted as he lit up a cigarette.

“We all ate our Fruits at the same time, on the same day.” Luffy shrugged and chuckled at the shocked looks on most of the crews’ faces. “Even though we all got our Fruits at the same time, I could never beat Ace in a fight. He’s a tough guy.”

“I guess the big brother of a beast is an even bigger beast.” Usopp commented with a contemplative look on his face.

“Yeah, I was a lot weaker back then,” Luffy laughed at the memories. “I’m sure I can beat him now though!”

“Who…” A voice called and the Straw Hats noted the man from before leaping upwards from a small boat. “Can you beat?” Ace landed on the railing of the Going Merry next to Luffy.

“Ace!” Luffy laughed as he welcomed his brother aboard his ship.

“Greetings, all.” Ace bowed his head to the Straw Hat crew. “Thanks for looking after my little brother.”

“What’re you doing in Alabasta, Ace?” Luffy questioned his older brother. He was happy to see him, of course, but he knew Ace was a New World pirate and had very little need to come to this side of the Grand Line.

“I’m looking to settle a matter of business,” Ace shrugged even though his eyes hardened noticeably when he spoke. “I also wanted to see you, since we were in the same area.”

“Ah.” Luffy pounded the bottom of his fist into the opposite palm.

“So…” Ace grinned at Luffy. “How about joining the Whitebeard Pirates, Luffy? Your friends can come too, of course.”

“No thanks.” Luffy denied instantly with a laugh.

“Yeah, I figured, just thought I’d ask.” Ace laughed the refusal off easily.

“Hey…” Luffy leaned closer to Ace with his eyes squinted as he examined his older brother’s arm tattoo. “Didn’t you say you were going to get the letter of our first names on your arm? Why is it ‘ASCE’ and not ‘ASLE’?”

“Hmm?” Ace glanced at his tattoo with a grin. “That’s because I used your nickname from when we were kids.”

“Nickname?” Nami tilted her head curiously.

“Crybaby Luffy!” Ace laughed loudly while Luffy looked less than amused.

“Crybaby?” Zoro looked crossed between amused and confused.

“Shut up, I didn’t cry that much.” Luffy grumbled at Ace.

“Only when you lost to me and Sabo, which was all the time.” Ace ribbed his little brother.

“You want to go right now?!” Luffy challenged with a raised fist.

“If we did, then we’d destroy your ship, you idiot.” Ace shook his head only to cock an eyebrow when Luffy brought over an empty barrel and placed it between them. When Luffy placed his right elbow on the barrel in the classic arm wrestling position Ace grinned.

“Ready?” Luffy asked as Ace stepped forward and placed his own elbow on the barrel.

“If you’re ready to lose again.” Ace smirked as he and Luffy grasped hands.

“Go!” Luffy declared and both brothers put their strength behind their arms.

The rest of the Straw Hats watched on curiously as the brothers’ arm wrestled. Ace and Luffy stared each other dead in the eyes as they struggled against each other. Luffy pushed Ace’s arm back a bare few millimeters before Ace moved Luffy’s arm back the same amount. The two went back and forth like this over and over until -with a crack- the barrel gave way under the strength of the brothers.

“Crap,” Luffy grimaced as he looked at the shattered barrel. “I guess it’s a draw.”

“You’ve gotten a little tougher Luffy,” Ace chuckled at him. “I almost had to get serious.”

“You were totally serious!” Luffy retorted with a pointed look.

“I was barely trying!” Ace denied as they glared at each other.

“Liar!” Luffy pointed at Ace.

“Prove it!” Ace smirked at him.

“They’re definitely brothers…” Mikita shook her head at the stubbornness of the two.

“Why don’t you two sit down and talk, I’ll make some tea.” Sanji offered from where he was sitting on the steps leading to the upper deck.

“There’s no need,” Ace waved the Chef off. “My business here is done.”

“Won’t the Navy be coming after us now that they know we’re here?” Chopper questioned the group as a whole.

“Not for a little while,” Ace answered what he thought was a member of the Mink Tribe. “I used my Mera Mera no Mi to trap them. My ‘Flame Fence’ takes a while to burn out when I make it that high.”


“Damn that ‘Fire Fist’!” Smoker growled as the towering flames continued to swirl around them. He let out his smoke to crash into the walls of fire and the two stalemated. Smoker would not be deterred though and began to spin his smoke in the opposite direction that the flames were rotating. Slowly, but surely, the flames began to slow and shrink without their creator there to strengthen them.

-Going Merry-

“Here, Luffy, take this.” Ace tossed his little brother a folded up piece of paper.

“What is it?” Luffy caught the paper and unfolded it. “It’s blank?”

“That’s a Vivre Card,” Ace explained. “If you place it down, it’ll slowly head for the one that it was made for.”

“Huh?” Luffy held out his palm with the paper on top. To the surprise of the whole crew the paper began to slowly inch its way towards Ace, regardless of the swaying of the ship or the gentle breeze.

“Hold onto it and it’ll ensure that we meet again.” Ace smiled at his little brother. “Having a little brother like you makes a big brother worry.” He looked towards the crew and smiled brightly at them. “I bet he gives you plenty of grief, but could you take care of him?”

“Sure thing.” Nami agreed as she sidled up to Luffy and took his hand in hers with a warm grin.

“Of course.” Mikita wrapped her arm around Luffy’s unoccupied arm with a soft smile.

“Well, look who went and became a man while I wasn’t looking.” Ace chuckled good-naturedly at his brother having two lovers already.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled at his lovers’ affections.

“Well I should head out.” Ace mentioned as he stood up on the railing and then jumped down to his own boat. It looked to be a heavily modified skiff, with paddles and some type of engine. It was almost as if someone had crossed a skiff with a boat meant for racing.

“You’re leaving already?” Luffy asked with a noticeable drop in his mood. “Stay for a bit, we haven’t seen each other in three years.”

“Sorry, I’m in a hurry.” Ace apologized as he untied the line connecting his boat from the Going Merry. “I’m on the trail of a major outlaw right now. He’s taken to calling himself ‘Blackbeard’ recently. He used to belong to Whitebeard’s Second Division; he was one of my subordinates. But he went and committed the worst crime possible for a Pirate. He killed a crewmate and jumped ship.”

All of the Straw Hats either glared or went wide-eyed at what this ‘Blackbeard’ had done.

“As his Commander, I’m responsible.” Ace finished stowing the line away in a compartment within the sleek boat. “Honestly, if I wasn’t trying to track him down, I wouldn’t even be in this half of the Grand Line.” He gave Luffy a smile before he continued. “The next time we meet will be on the high seas, Luffy!”

“See you later, Ace!” Luffy waved his older brother off with a matching smile.

From Ace’s feet flames appeared and were sent into the engine at the back of his boat. The paddles began to turn rapidly as the skiff was blasted forward at a good speed. Ace was able to freely control the modified boat with just his Devil Fruit power alone. He’d had years of practice with it after all.

“Guys!” Usopp called out loudly while pointing to five ships -each larger than the Going Merry- that were rapidly approaching their position. The flags and sails proudly declaring them part of Baroque Works.

“That’s the Billions!” Mikita exclaimed as she saw the five ships. “There are at least fifty of them, maybe more!”

“Enemies?” Ace remarked as he saw the five ships sailing towards him.

“This’ll be over quick.” Luffy looked completely unconcerned as the Straw Hats prepared for a naval battle. The crew paused in their haste to look at their nonchalant Captain.

Ace smirked as he increased the speed of his Striker and with a powerful jump, sent the modified skiff under the waves. He leapt through the air and even turned his legs into fire to propel himself over the tops of the five ships. Bullets from rifles and side arms blasted through the flames to no effect. The Striker emerged from under the waves a split second before Ace landed on it. The skiff had no momentum left from its submarine voyage, but Ace didn’t need anything but for it to float. He cocked back his right arm, the limb quickly turning into a raging inferno, and then threw a straight punch towards the line of Baroque Works ships.

“Hiken!” Ace declared as a massive torrent of flames slammed into the first ship with force. The first ship shattered and the powerful flames quickly blasted through the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth one after another. In a matter of moments all that was left of the Baroque Works Billions and their ships was flaming wreckage floating on the ocean. Not a single soul escaped the blaze; all of the Billions were gone.

“Holy shit…” Chopper actually muttered out a curse at seeing Ace wipe out the Baroque Works forces so easily. His only experience with Logia Devil Fruits was Luffy and his titanic display back on Drum Island. He’d never seen Luffy use his Fruit in combat as Ace had just done.

“See you on the high seas, Luffy.” Ace pushed up the brim of his orange hat with a smirk. With the threat dealt with, Ace channeled his Mera Mera no Mi back into the Striker’s engine and the modified skiff sped off quickly. His specialized boat could out-speed most other vessels on the seas so long as he gave it enough fire. He was quickly only a mere dot on the horizon for those on the Going Merry.

As the Straw Hats sailed towards the Sandora River, Vivi walked up to Luffy with a set of clothes in her arms. The princess smiled at the Captain as she presented the garments to him. Luffy took them curiously and looked to the brown-eyed girl for explanation.

“I want you to wear these, Luffy.” Vivi grinned at him.

“Why? They look kinda thick.” Luffy noted as he felt the fabric. “I’m not really affected but hot and cold because of my Devil Fruit.”

“The clothes are meant to be thick like that,” Vivi explained to the Captain. “It can get over one-hundred-twenty degrees in the desert during the day. Even if you don’t have to worry about the heat, your skin will still burn from the sun.”

“Why aren’t you girls covering up your skin then?” Luffy looked between Vivi, Nami, and Mikita in their revealing dancer’s outfits.

“We’ll be covered up too.” Nami assured her lover while navigating.

“I’m not about to let my skin burn if I can help it.” Mikita mentioned as she gave him a flirty wink.

“What?! You’ll be covered up?!” Sanji cried out in shock and dismay.

“Of course, we’d be in real trouble under the desert sun if we didn’t.” Vivi stated flatly while looking at Sanji deadpan.

“I think we just reached the edge of the island!” Chopper called out from where he was looking out over the bow of the ship.

“No, this isn’t the edge of the island.” Vivi shook her head as she moved to stand beside Chopper. “This is the bank of the Sandora River. If you look way over there you can see the opposite bank.” She pointed across the large expanse of water to the other riverbank.

“Oh wow!” Chopper had never seen such a massive river in his life!

“I drew a rough map of this region,” Vivi placed a map into Nami’s hands with a smile. “If we sail up the Sandora River, we’ll come to the north tributary. We can sail west through it to get to Erumalu. From there we cross the desert to Yuba and find the rebels.” Nami nodded along as she quickly memorized the map and the directions they’d need to take.

“So do we just beat up the leader of the rebels?” Luffy questioned Vivi curiously.

“NO!” Vivi looked at Luffy pleadingly. “I want to stop the senseless violence and bloodshed, not cause more of it.”

“You said there were around seven-hundred-thousand rebels, right?” Zoro looked at the princess. “Do you really think we can stop that many?”

“It’s not a matter of stopping them by force,” Vivi looked down with sadness. “When we get to Yuba, you’ll understand just what Baroque Works has done to this country. You’ll see how the people of Alabasta have suffered.”

“Vivi…” Nami’s heart went out to her friend. The bluenette’s situation brought back a lot of memories of growing up under Arlong’s rule.

“I’ll stop them!” Vivi declared even as she gripped her dress so tightly her knuckles turned white. “I’ll stop this senseless violence! I won’t let Baroque Works hurt this country anymore!

“Well said, Vivi!” Luffy wrapped his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a side-hug. “Let’s head for Yupa!” The Captain raised his fist with a grin.

“That’s Yuba, Luffy.” Vivi corrected him with a smile as she laid her head on his shoulder from her emotional outburst.

-Rainbase ~ Rain Dinners-

“The plan goes into action in just two more days,” Crocodile stated with his back to his partner. “Yet the Unluckies have disappeared, Mr. 5 has been killed, Miss Valentine has turned traitor, Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek have vanished, and Marines have shown up in Nanohana. Have any other arrangements fallen apart?” He looked over his shoulder at Miss All-Sunday.

“The rest of the arrangements have been made,” Miss All-Sunday informed coolly. “There are one-hundred-fifty Billions stationed in Nanohana awaiting orders. The Officer Agents that haven’t vanished will all gather at eight o’ clock tonight at the Spider’s Café.”

“At least something is going right.” Crocodile sneered as he looked into the large pond filled with Bananawani. He would not be set back or stopped in his plans. Alabasta would fall so that he could attain a power far greater than any mere nation. Anyone that stood in his way would be dealt with, no matter who they were. Pluton would be his!

-End Chapter-


Well now, that was mostly the same, yet a bit different too!

Crocodile is moving forward with his plans, despite the losses Baroque Works has experienced.

I wonder if he knows that fifty of his one-hundred-fifty Billions in Nanohana are dead now. I kinda doubt it or he’d probably be raging a bit.

The route is planned and the Straw Hats are headed for Yuba!

How will that go?

Luffy might just get even MORE pissed off at Crocodile once he sees what’s become of Alabasta.

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

I forgot to leave a comment on this one LOL, thanks for the chapter


Glad you enjoyed it! Now...how much more will I flip Canon on its head?


I really enjoyed this chapter, it was reading the reunion between brothers but also the skill the Ace has now. I also wonder since your filling Canon there one thing that should have be Canon but didn't. The death of Pell, seriously it took a heart felt moment that would have teached Vivi that not everyone makes it. Not saying you have to do it, just exicted for your take on this Kai. Continue being awesome


“I’m not really affected but hot and cold because of my Devil Fruit.” I believe you meant "by hot and cold"

Michael Mendoza

Amazing chapter. Was looking forward to the meeting between Ace and Luffy and you made it as awesome as expected!

John Balman

haha, brothers, Chopper Cursing, Ladies are ready for the Captain cabin... wait is that a third one showing interest lol are we going to have pirate princess joining mahahaha. Please make sure a certain black-bearded darkness user get fire fist of justice this time around. looking forward to next update!!


Ace: "Prepare yourself for a hot fisting!" Blackbeard: "A hot...what?" Ace: "You heard me!" *Ignites arm* Blackbeard: "Can I just surrender instead? Please?"

Thomas E Nellis

That was amazing. I can’t wait to see what happens next!


Glad you enjoyed it! I have a humorous moment planned for the next chapter too!