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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Sailing towards Alabasta! Going to be hunting down a Warlord soon enough! But sailing takes some time, so might as well make the most of it!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 27 – Sailing for Alabasta

“You’re doing much better, Mikita.” Chopper declared with a smile to the platinum-blonde woman as he finished checking her over. It was the second day since they’d set out from Drum Island for Sandy Island and five days in total since Mikita had started taking her antibiotic for the Kestia bite.

“I’m just glad I don’t feel like shit anymore.” Mikita grinned at their reindeer Doctor. “Am I finally able to join in on the training again, Doctor Chopper?”

“You haven’t had a fever since we left Drum, your condition has definitely improved,” Chopper nodded before standing up on his stool to get right in Mikita’s face. “But you’re not finished with your treatment! No full training!” It would seem the years Chopper had spent living and learning under Kureha had left their mark. When it came to treatment and care, Chopper was unrelenting on the regiments he prescribed. “You can do some light training, practice your Devil Fruit with Luffy and stuff. Don’t even attempt to do the full regiment that Luffy has all of us do!”

“Yes, Doctor Chopper.” Mikita giggled at the reindeer. Chopper sat down on his stool again with a happy smile at her acceptance.

Mikita left the new ‘Medical Bay’ on the going Merry with a grin while stretching her arms above her head. The Bay had initially been the Drying Room for the women’s underthings. But Nami, Mikita, and Vivi had all agreed it was better to have a room dedicated to treatment on the ship. They’d furnished it with all of the things Chopper had brought with him. There was a desk, stool, two small cots, a bookshelf, and a neat little wooden chest with a multitude of different small drawers that were each labelled with the name of what they contained. The chest was mostly filled with medicinal herbs, but some of them had finished medicines in them that Chopper had made into pills, powders, topical creams, or syrups. The Straw Hats were looking much, much better on medical treatment than they had been before Drum Island; even if the Medical Bay was a little cramped with all the stuff in it.

Though I guess we didn’t technically give up the Drying Room.’ Mikita smiled to herself as she remembered the argument Usopp and Nami had when the orangette had stated that his workshop would be their new Drying Room. A strong wallop to the top of the Gunman’s head and he’d moved out with a grumble about ‘violent women’.

To make it up to Usopp; Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper had let him take over the entire back corner of the Men’s Quarters to make into a small workshop. Usopp’s bed was in the back anyway, and it wasn’t as if they didn’t have the space. Now Usopp had a work table, chair, and was using one of the unused nightstands as storage for his materials. He even had a porthole to the side of his work area that he could open to let in fresh air while he was working. All in all the long-nosed teen was happy with his new set-up. This was especially true since it kept Nami from just barging in to ask about the progress of the weapon that Usopp was working on.

“Mikita, did Chopper say you’re better?” Luffy asked as he saw the blonde emerge from below deck into the warm sunlight.

“Getting better,” Mikita gave him a smile. “I can do light training now and Chopper says I can practice with you on my Devil Fruit.”

“Great!” Luffy smiled widely at the good news.

“So…you want to start now?” Mikita asked with a small smile.

“Let’s go!” Luffy cheered as he raced up the stairs to the upper deck and the open back deck of the ship.

“Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed at Luffy’s exuberance as she followed at a more sedate pace.

When she got to the rear deck, she found Luffy doing some quick stretches and rolling his shoulders. Thankful that she was already in workout clothes -a sports bra and shorts- Mikita went through a few stretches herself. Once they were limbered up, Luffy began to bounce just a little on his toes. With a grin he motioned her forward. Mikita put her game face on. Focusing on her Observation as she’d been taught she felt her Devil Fruit power out and reduced her weight as she sprang forward.

Luffy grinned as Mikita nearly blurred forward and he back-stepped to avoid the right hook that would have impacted his jaw. Mikita spun in the air with her reduced weight before lashing out with a roundhouse kick. Luffy limbo-ed underneath the long leg easily. He knew what Mikita was going for. She’d gotten pretty good at adjusting her weight on the fly. That long, soft-looking leg would weigh somewhere close to a metric ton when it hit and while he could deal with that, he’d rather not.

“Try this!” Mikita practically floated down to the deck on the leg she’d just kicked with before launching a high kick at Luffy’s chin. The Captain leaned back and watched with a smile as the weight of her leg, combined with the speed of her kick, lifted her entire body a few meters into the air. “I’ll get you!” She declared as her weight shifted and she dropped a vicious axe kick down on Luffy.

“Easy now, don’t want to damage the ship.” Luffy grinned as he caught her kick and bent his knees to absorb the force. The Armament Haki he clad his body in helping to dispel the rest of the force. He held her leg with both hands and Mikita felt his slightly rough hands along her skin. “Are you okay, Mikita? Your face is turning red.”

“No it isn’t!” Mikita denied as she brought her other leg around and tried to knee Luffy. He let go of her leg to practically swat away her knee and she floated to the deck. She bum-rushed her Captain and changed her weight just as she jumped forward to tackle him.

“Gotcha!” Luffy caught her charge and slid back over a meter from the weight and speed she hit him with. His hands rested on her shoulders and Luffy spun her into the air, even with her increased weight. Mikita struck out with a back fist only for her wrist to be caught and she was pulled into a bear hug.

“Hey!” Mikita struggled against the hold, flailing her legs a few times. “No fair!” She altered her weight again, making her body only a kilo while both her legs went up to five metric tons. The shift briefly upset Luffy’s balance and Mikita slammed the back of her head into his face.

“Ow!” Luffy blinked at the sudden pain and Mikita slipped from his arms as she reduced her weight and yanked his hands from around her body.

Taking advantage of Luffy’s distraction, Mikita launched a five ton mule kick straight backwards into Luffy’s stomach. Luffy, proving his near Mastery of basic Haki application, shifted his stance, pivoted on his heel and dodged the attack without looking like he even tried. With a quick movement, his foot hit her standing leg and knocked it out from under her. Mikita proved their training with her Devil Fruit hadn’t been a waste when she instantaneously dropped her full body to a single kilo, placed her hands on the deck and then wind-milled her legs into Luffy, shifting both to about five-hundred kilos each just before impact.

Luffy blocked the two kicks with his right arm even as he skidded sideways about a meter from the force. Mikita landed easily but pouted at Luffy as she rubbed her legs. They were a bit sore from slamming into Luffy’s arm. The black-haired Captain grinned at her and she couldn’t help but return it.

“I swear; your Haki is something else, Captain.” Mikita shook her head. “My Devil Fruit makes my body able to handle whatever force I put on it through shifting my weight. I can fall from great heights at max weight, slam into the ground, leave a crater behind and walk away whistling without a problem. But kicking your Armament is enough to hurt. It’s ridiculous.” She gave him a mock pout and Luffy chuckled at her.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy accepted her praise with a laugh. “You’ll be able to do that too, if you keep practicing your Haki.”

“Sounds good to me, kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed along with Luffy. “But I get the feeling that you’re still not really trying very hard in these spars.”

“Maybe.” Luffy shrugged with a grin. “I haven’t had to use Hardening yet.”

“Hardening?” Mikita blinked at the term. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she watched Luffy’s fist and forearm turn a jet-black color instantly.

“Hardening.” Luffy nodded to his black arm before it faded away just as fast as it appeared.

“The hell?!” Mikita moved forward and grabbed his arm. She moved it around, ran her fingers and hands over it, and looked at it from every angle she could. “How the heck did you do that? Your arm just turned jet-black out of nowhere!”

“Haki.” Luffy had a grin on his face as he gave the shortest answer possible.

“Uh huh…” Mikita deadpanned at her Captain. “Any further explanation you’d like to go into?”

“Not really.” Luffy snickered at Mikita’s flat look.

“Well…” Nami’s voice came from behind Mikita. “Aren’t you two getting close~” The orangette had one of her delicate brows raised at the two of them. Mikita blinked at the sudden appearance of the orangette before realizing that her hands were still subconsciously running over Luffy’s arm. She withdrew her hands instantly and faced Nami fully.

“Sorry, it wasn’t… I mean… I didn’t mean…” Mikita was struggling to explain how close she was to Luffy, caressing his arm even, to Nami. The Navigator was Luffy’s woman! This must look like Mikita was trying to make a move on Luffy!

“Oh hush.” Nami shushed the blonde and Mikita stopped talking to look down at the deck. “Are you two done with your spar, Luffy?” She asked her Lover with a soft smile.

“Yeah, Chopper said only light training, so we could probably stop here for now.” Luffy nodded with a thoughtful look as he remembered what Mikita said earlier.

“Alright then, Mikita come with me.” Nami all but ordered before she kissed Luffy’s cheek and walked towards the stairs. Mikita gave a quick nod to Luffy before she followed after Nami.

The two women walked down the stairs and stopped by the door to the Women’s Quarters. Nami opened the door without a word and motioned Mikita inside. The blonde, still worried about what was going to happen, entered the room without a sound. Nami entered behind her and closed the door. Mikita flinched slightly when she heard the lock click behind her. Nami went and sat on her bed and then had Mikita sit next to her with a look.

“Nami, I’m sorry, that wasn’t…” Mikita tried to explain but Nami cut her off.

“Shhh~” Nami shushed the blonde again. “I know what that was, I know what I saw.” Mikita wanted to shake her head in denial, wanted to say that it wasn’t what it looked like. “You like Luffy, I can tell.” Mikita felt her traitorous cheeks warm against her will. “But I’m his Lover, his woman. You know that.”

“Yes.” Mikita nodded with her head down, staring at the blanket beneath them.

“I get it,” Nami admitted with a nod, her arms crossed beneath her large bosom. “He’s a great guy and cares for his nakama above all else. He has a tender side that you wouldn’t expect and when you see it, when you have it directed at you, it’s hard not to start liking him.”

“Yeah…” Mikita gave a small nod, still not looking up.

“That being said,” Nami uncrossed her arms, placing her right hand on the bed between them while her left hand moved up and her index finger gently touched under Mikita’s chin. The orangette made the blonde look her in the eye with the barest of touch. “He comes at a price.”

“Price?” Mikita blinked at Nami. She knew of her nakama’s love of treasure and money, but this didn’t seem like what she was talking about.

“Mhmm, price.” Nami developed a rather seductive grin. “You see, we’re a package deal, you can’t have one without the other~” She leaned in closer to Mikita.

“Nami?” Mikita gasped before her lips were caught by the orangette’s. The two shared a gentle kiss and Mikita felt like she’d just reduced her weight from max to only a single kilo as the tension in the room fell away entirely. The blonde leaned in a little to return the lip lock and the duo of loveliness pulled apart a moment later.

“Now that you know the price,” Nami licked her lips and Mikita inhaled sharply at the sight. “How about we introduce you to Luffy, tonight?” She gently trailed her soft fingers up Mikita’s exposed stomach, making the blonde hum pleasantly.

“Tonight?” Mikita was surprised at how soon Nami wanted to include her. “Isn’t that a bit fast?”

“Is it?” Nami teased as her fingers trailed over Mikita’s breasts in the sports bra. “We’re Pirates, we don’t really care about social norms much~” Her fingers snuck under the edge of the garment and dipped into Mikita’s cleavage.

“Nami~” Mikita gave a playful whine at the orangette’s roaming hand.

“So?” Nami teased as she leaned in closer, pressing their bodies together. “What do you say? Do you want to become Luffy’s woman too~?” She breathed against the other woman’s ear before her lips kissed it softly.

“Yes.” Mikita admitted as she wrapped her arms around Nami and fell back onto the Navigator’s bed. The two giggled lightly before their eyes met. They moved in to catch each other’s lips again. Hands wandered a bit, Mikita returning Nami’s previous touches with her own. The Navigator had some truly impressive tits and Mikita felt her fingers sink into them a bit even through Nami’s shirt and bra.

“Save it for tonight~” Nami purred at Mikita before giving the blonde’s nice ass a swat. Mikita yelped cutely before flipping Nami’s skirt up and groping both of the brown-eyed woman’s fantastic cheeks. “Naughty girl~” Nami giggled as she delivered another playful swat to Mikita’s bottom.

The two pulled themselves away from each other after another minute and fixed themselves up. They shared a kiss again before leaving the Women’s Quarters and going about their day. Lunch would be ready soon and everyone on the Going Merry looked forward to each meal. Mikita was planning to make something special for dessert tonight. It was a good night for celebration in her opinion.

I’m looking forward to it~’ Mikita licked her lips before heading towards the kitchen. She had some baking to do.

That night on the Going Merry was rather festive as the crew celebrated Mikita’s continuous recovery. When everything had been eaten, Mikita brought out the chocolate cake she’d made. Chopper’s eyes were sparkling brightly at seeing the large cake, his sweet tooth already rejoicing. Everyone ate and enjoyed the dessert with gusto, even Zoro who wasn’t normally a fan of sweets.

Vivi took her shower first that night and was in bed a little early. Mikita and Nami smiled at the sleeping princess before leaving for the Captain’s Quarters. They both took a quick shower together, getting just a little frisky with each other. When Luffy, who had just entered his quarters, spotted Mikita coming out of the bathroom with Nami he blinked in confusion.

“Is this why you wanted me to shower right after dinner, Nami?” Luffy looked between the two women, both clad only in towels.

“Yep~” Nami gave him a sexy smile that promised a night of pleasure. “Mikita wants to be your woman too, Luffy~” She sauntered up to her Lover with her hips swaying and the towel barely holding onto her voluptuous form. “Do you want her to be your Lover too~?” She breathed hotly into his ear as she pressed herself against him. Luffy tilted Nami’s head up slightly so they could kiss. When they broke apart he looked at Mikita.

“Is that what you want, Mikita?” Luffy tilted his head slightly even as his arms wrapped around Nami and his hands found her barely covered ass. “You want to be my Lover like Nami?”

“Yes… Luffy~ I really like you, so much~” Mikita gave him a beautiful smile, her green eyes shining as she dropped her towel, letting Luffy see all of her.

“Wow~” Luffy rumbled and Nami grinned naughtily as she felt his reaction to Mikita’s reveal.

Mikita was a beauty herself. Bright eyes, soft, blonde hair, a pretty face, a wonderfully bouncy bosom, thin waist leading to wide hips, a great ass, long legs with soft thighs. Standing at one-hundred-seventy-three centimeters, she was tall for an average woman, but that only made her curves stand out even more.

“Like what you see, Captain~?” Mikita leaned forward and let her girls bounce before his eyes. She wasn’t as stacked as Nami -the orangette was practically unfair- but she had fairly large breasts herself. She was proud of them and her fat ass. She’d turned more heads than she could ever hope to count.

“I can feel that he does~” Nami giggled as she kissed Luffy’s neck. “Go get her, Luffy~”

“Luffy?!” Mikita yelped as she was scooped up into his arms and carried to the bed.

“Mikita~” Luffy smiled at her, a deep, smoldering desire in his dark eyes as he looked at her. He leaned down and she tilted her head up. Their lips met for the first time and Mikita moaned into the kiss.

The two were all over each other in short order once Luffy deposited Mikita onto the large bed. Hands roaming, lips meeting, and the passion was rising. Mikita wrapped her arms around Luffy’s neck as she devoured his lips. Their tongues entwined and danced together as she pressed herself against him. Luffy’s hands weren’t idle as they explore Mikita’s body, cupping her thighs, then her ass, trailing up her sides and leaving electric sensation dancing across her skin. When Luffy finally cupped her tits Mikita broke their kiss to cry out in pleasure.

“Ahhhh~” Mikita moaned throatily as she felt her breasts being played with. She panted as Luffy continued to please her, tiny pinpricks of pleasure that spiked like shocks when he began to tease her nipples. Luffy upped the ante by kissing her neck before descending and capturing a nipple with his mouth. Mikita tossed her head back as a lewd mewl passed her lips.

“Mmm, you look so hot right now~” Nami panted as she met Mikita’s gaze. The Navigator was running her hands over her body while watching Luffy play with Mikita. When Luffy switched to Mikita’s other nipple the blonde moaned again only to find her opened mouth covered by Nami’s. The orangette’s tongue was quickly invading her mouth. The women kissed deeply, enjoying each other even as Luffy lavished pleasure onto Mikita’s body.

“Mmph… mmm…” Mikita’s muffled moans were mixed with the sounds of Nami’s own pleasure. This only increased further when Luffy’s free hand that wasn’t fondling her tits, dropped down and found her soaked sex. “Mhmmph!” Mikita bucked into Luffy’s hand even as Nami held her shoulders down and separated their lips to breathe.

“Mikita, you’re soaked.” Luffy rumbled out as he played with her pussy even sending a slight little shock to her sensitive sex. Mikita bucked again at the stimulation and looked into the eyes of her devil of a Captain. He couldn’t be anything else for teasing her like that!

“Luffy~ Please~!” Mikita begged as she rolled her hips against his hand.

“Okay~” Luffy agreed before he slipped a few fingers into her. He showed how much practice he got with Nami when Mikita screamed in joy as her whole body shook. She’d have woken everyone on the ship if Nami hadn’t captured her mouth again. The beautiful Navigator swallowed her rapturous cries of pleasure into their kiss.

Nami wasn’t done yet as her hands found Mikita’s breasts and began to play. The blonde was mewling and moaning at the multiple stimulations. She cooed when Nami teased her nipples and nearly screamed again when Luffy changed up his pace and kissed her stomach. She couldn’t control her hips as they continuously rolled into Luffy’s fingers. She was practically thrashing in the bed as her Lovers continued to pleasure her beyond anything she’d ever felt.

“MMMPH!!!” Mikita squealed as she slammed her hips upwards as she felt a spark into her sensitive nerves. For his part Luffy only smiled at bringing Mikita to climax again. Kissing her stomach even as she shook and Nami kissed her deeply to muffle the sounds. When Mikita’s orgasm tapered off and her ass fell back to the bed, she had a dazed look in her eyes.

“You’re not done yet, right~?” Nami purred into Mikita’s ear before kissing the woman’s cheek. “You haven’t even pleased Luffy yet~”

“Luffy~?” Mikita looked blearily at her Captain and let out a needy moan when she saw him pull off his shorts and boxers. She really wanted that! Her legs spread almost by instinct as she offered herself to him. He was going to spoil her with a cock like that. She couldn’t wait!

“So eager, you naughty girl~” Nami teased hotly as she gently nibbled Mikita’s ear. “Get ready.”

“Mikita, are you ready?” Luffy wanted to make sure, Nami told him to ask so that Mikita had a chance to refuse if she didn’t want to go further.

“Yes~” Mikita wouldn’t be denied as she held out her arms to Luffy. “Give it to me, Luffy~” Luffy leaned forward, lining himself up while wrapping his arms around Mikita. The blonde threw her arms over Luffy’s shoulders as the first jolt of pleasure hit her as his head met her soaked lips.

“Oh fuck~” Nami moaned as she watched Luffy fill Mikita in one long, continuous thrust. She couldn’t believe how turned on this was making her. Luffy wasn’t sleeping tonight until he put her into the same state as Mikita!

“Luffy! Luffy! Luffy!” Mikita latched onto her Lover as he bottomed out inside of her. She was so full! Her brain kept blanking out as her body adjusted to his size. He hadn’t even started moving yet!

“You’re so tight~” Luffy breathed into her ear before finding her lips and kissing her deeply. Mikita returned everything he gave her to the best of her ability, even as stars danced in her vision when Luffy began to move.

Mikita thrashed on the bed as their pace increased further. Sweat matted her blonde locks to her forehead as she clutched onto her Captain and did her best to match his pace. She wanted this! Needed this! She’d never experienced anything close to this kind of pleasure! Luffy just kept going, pounding her into the mattress as she moaned into his mouth. She couldn’t think. Nothing mattered but this pleasure! She rolled her hips and bucked into Luffy’s thrusts to get him as deep as possible inside her.

Luffy swelled inside her tight heat and Mikita clawed at his back as her vision began to fade in and out. Luffy claimed her lips just as he slammed into her deepest spot. She nearly blacked-out from the force of the orgasm that slammed into her as she instinctively locked her legs around Luffy’s hips and felt his hot seed fill her to the brim! A spark of electricity leapt from Luffy’s body and stimulated Mikita into an even stronger orgasm as she bit his shoulder to muffle her screams of ecstasy. After almost a full minute, Mikita collapsed bonelessly onto the mattress. She had the most ‘out of it’ look on her face, though the nearly delirious smile was all the proof needed to know Mikita had just seen heaven.

“Luffy~” Nami moaned as she played with her tits. Her legs spread to show off her dripping sex.

Luffy grinned at Nami as he slowly pulled himself from Mikita’s depths. The blonde moaned from the stimulation to her hyper-sensitive sex. Nami’s eyes were locked onto the cock of her Lover as it was finally pulled free of their new Lover. Nami hummed in need as she saw some of Luffy’s seed spilling out of Mikita’s well-fucked sex.

“Ready Nami?” Luffy was already pulling her into his lap even as he asked his Lover the question.

“Fuck yes~” Nami kissed him while straddling him. She reached down to guide his still hard length inside her soaked heat. She threw her head back and moaned as she sank down, taking Luffy’s entire length inside her again. Their lips met again, tongues dancing in each other’s mouths as Luffy took hold of Nami’s fat ass and began to bounce her up and down on his cock. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Nami was reduced to a single word as she wrapped her arms around Luffy’s neck. She pressed herself against him and found his lips over and over again as he thrust up into her.

Mikita’s mind cleared up a while later and she grinned at the pleasant tingle throughout her body. Hearing the sounds of coupling she turned her head to find Nami -face down, ass up- practically screaming into the pillow she’d bit into to muffle her cries of pleasure. The smack that rang out each time Luffy bottomed out inside of the orangette was the sound she’d heard. Watching Luffy’s hips practically smack Nami’s fat ass was incredible, he never stopped thrusting inside of her. Suddenly, Luffy’s pace sped up as his hands gripped Nami’s hips and he began to really let loose. Nami let out another muffled scream as her whole body shook from a powerful orgasm. Watching Luffy pull out of Nami -copious amounts of his seed pouring from the woman- sparked another wave of desire in Mikita. But she wasn’t even sure she could move her legs just yet.

“Mikita…” Nami panted with her eyes seemingly unfocused as she gazed in the blonde’s general direction. “Tag in… I need… To rest…” The orangette took deep breaths to get herself back under control even as her legs became like jelly and extended to let Nami lay flat on the bed.

“What?” Mikita blinked at the almost unconscious Nami.

“Mikita, you’re awake.” Luffy beamed at her and she couldn’t help but return the smile. “Nami’s tired, are you up for another round?”

“How many times did you and Nami go?” Mikita stalled for time as she tried to see if she could move properly yet.

“Four times.” Luffy answered with a grin. Mikita blinked in shock at how many times Luffy had gone after sending her into near unconsciousness. Weren’t guys supposed to calm down after they went a round or two?

That grin looks really sexy right now though~’ Mikita admitted to herself. “Alright, Captain~” She purred while beckoning him over to her.

“Great!” Luffy smiled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Mikita hummed pleasurably into their lip lock as Luffy pulled her into his lap much as he had done to Nami.

“Ooh~” Mikita mewled as she sank down onto Luffy’s cock. “Luffy~ I don’t think I can move my legs well enough for this position.”

“I’ll do the moving then.” Luffy smiled at her as he palmed her ass cheeks and lifted her up until just the head remained within her. Then he brought her down while thrusting upwards!

“Fuck~!” Mikita let out the lewdest moan she’d ever heard herself make. The woman could only mewl, coo, and moan out her pleasure as she placed her hands on Luffy’s shoulders for stability. She saw his eyes locked on her bouncing tits and giggled, this turned into another sinfully lewd noise as he moved forward and captured one of her bouncing breasts with his mouth and practically sucked and licked her sensitive nipple and areola into submission instantly.

“His record before I couldn’t go anymore is eight rounds.” Nami spoke up. She was still lying prone on the bed. The Navigator had a satisfied smile on her lips and a devilish look in her eyes. “You joining us really helps me out.”

“Eight?!” Mikita looked back at Luffy with wide eyes.

“I can go longer, no problem!” Luffy insisted with a wide smile. As if to prove his point he bounced her faster. That made thinking straight a lot harder for her.

“Thanks a bunch, Mikita~” Nami grinned as Luffy picked up his pace and Mikita’s vocabulary went out the window as she clung onto their Lover.

We’re…gonna need…more women!’ Mikita was even panting in her own thoughts as Luffy continued to heap pleasure onto her. She and Nami would both be exhausted if they tried to satisfy Luffy by themselves!

Unbeknownst to the three in the Captain’s Quarters of the Going Merry, a few women across the ocean suddenly sneezed all at once.

-End Chapter-


Some training! Some talking and coming to an arrangement!

Some naughty times!

Mikita has officially become part of the relationship! Nami is a devious little devil, isn’t she?

Luffy’s crazy endurance and stamina shines through in every form of physical activity, apparently! Those poor, lucky women!

I bet the ones that sneezed felt a pleasant shiver go down their backs too! *Hehehehe~*

Soon the Straw Hats will dock in Alabasta! Whom will they meet when they arrive? There’s a certain someone that Luffy hasn’t seen in a while!

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Another great chapter with a 10 out of 10 lemon. Out of curiosity, does he have a technique similar to his original incarnations Gattling gun or the equivalent to. Ranma’s (Ranma 1/2) Kachū Tenshin Amaguriken?

John Balman

The idea of the woman all agreeing that the stud is just to much a stud not to share while unrealistic, is strangle amusingly in this case.


When sex is involved Anime Logic becomes Hentai Logic. Now, I could give a Psychological run down on why this type of thing would probably be common in the One Piece World, but that's kinda tedious and I'd rather not bother if I don't have to. So let's just go with Hentai Logic.

Michael Mendoza

I give this chapter two thumbs up!

Ice fox

I mean I'm all for hearing your Thoughts on that that's always interesting to me But I just kinda person I am I guess I generally like world building and people's thoughts on The world building both their own worlds and other people's worlds


The simplified version is Robin's backstory. From the time she was 8 to when she joined the Straw Hats at 28, she ran and hid under the cover and protection of one Criminal Group or another. She eventually worked her way up to being under a Warlord's protection. This was all because she was wanted and had a Bounty on her head. When you choose the life of Piracy, you want to sail under a strong Captain that can ensure your safety if for some reason you can't ensure your own. This would be true for both men and women. But as most Pirate Captains that we've seen have been male, by a very wide margin at that, it stands to reason that a female Pirate would desire to gain the affections of a Captain to ensure greater protection. This is just from a purely Psychological basis. It would be a decision that no one, man or woman, would give a lot of thought to, it's just something that makes sense to them based on the Nature and Reality of the World they were born into.

Ice fox

And that is 1 of the reasons I like to hear good Writers thoughts On world building Both on your own works and someone else's cause they put so much thought into the intricacies That makes it a living breathing place

Thomas E Nellis

Absolutely fantastic! I loved it.


When will you upload the next chapter


Four or Five different stories still need updates before I get back to this one.


Got a nice Devil Fruit idea for fic, whether it's OC or another Luffy. The Crash-Crash/Pulverize-Pulverize Fruit. Remember Fairy Tail's Gildarts' Crash Magic? Imagine that, but as a Devil Fruit. Second to Whitebeard's Gura Gura No Mi in destructive capability, but so much easier to misfire it. XD Meaning, ya got to be extra careful like Gildarts, otherwise you'd be destroying everything with the slightest flick. Sounds fun, no?


Good chapter! Loved the lemon too! But considering that "women across the sneezed at once" thing, while Vivi was also in the Going Merry...does that mean she's not gonna be in the harem? ; n;

The Great Sage Equal to Heaven

I cannot wait for the next chapter😆😆😆. Author what would be the average time before this story get updated?Keep up the good work👍👍