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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! With the Calvary Battle done, it’s time to move onto the One on One matches of the final round! Who is paired with whom?

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 12 – One on One

“Time’s up!” Present Mic announced loudly as Team Toga once again descended to the ground.

“Winner!” Toga raised both hands into the air with double ‘victory’ signs. They hadn’t even been touched the whole match! The combination of Ochako’s Zero Gravity, Mei’s Jetpack and Hover Soles, and Izuku’s Pyrokinesis had seen them safely in the air for most of the fifteen minute match.

“That’s the end of the Cavalry Battle!” Mic declared as the crowd cheered loudly. Everyone had enjoyed the dynamic and surprising second round of the Sports Festival. “Now we’ll take a look at the top four teams right away! These will be the teams whose members will participate in the third round!” The giant screens around the stadium lit up, displaying the rankings of the various teams. “In the first place, with over ten million points, managing to keep the highest valued headband for the entire time, we have Team Toga! Make some noise for the team that got through the entire round even with the biggest target on their back!”

The crowd roared, many of them impressed that the team had not only managed to keep the ten million head band, but also at the ingenuity and strategy they’d displayed. Their plan had worked flawlessly and kept them well out of harm’s way for most of the match. The only time they’d been cornered, they’d simply flown out of the trap without issue. The team had made great use of all their available skills and resources and it showed.

“Woo! I knew we’d make it! Hugs!” Toga laughed as she was let down when their ‘horse’ came apart. She hugged Izuku first, reveling in her boyfriend’s warmth as he returned the hug. Then she pulled both Ochako and Mei into a group hug.

“Success is great!” Mei had a manic smile. “But I need to check on my baby!” With a quick spin of Toga’s body the Jetpack was pulled off of her. Mei happily started inspecting the device with a smile. Toga blinked at how fast and easily the pinkette had managed to get the Gear off of her.

“I’m glad our plan worked!” Ochako was beaming at her teammates in joy.

“You three were awesome!” Izuku praised with a wide smile. “We couldn’t have done it without you three.”

“Yes! My babies were on full display to the entire world!” Mei declared as she switched to inspecting her Hover Soles. Her calculated risk of teaming up with the first place student had paid off wonderfully! The ten million head band had been the target of everyone and their team had been on screen throughout the match because of it. She could practically feel the interest of the Investors and Support Gear companies!

“I was a little worried when Todoroki surrounded us in that big box of ice.” Ochako admitted with a sigh as they all relaxed while looking at the displays to see the other three teams that had passed.

“In second place, Team Mineta!” Mic announced as the name appeared on the screen.

“They ignored the ten million head band entirely and focused on collecting the head bands of as many other teams as possible instead.” Aizawa pointed out the second place team’s strategy. “It was a logical and well-reasoned response to all of the focus being on Team Toga.”

Team Mineta all looked pleased by their success. Aoyama was posing for the multitudes of media cameras that were flashing, wanting pictures of the second place team. Tokoyami merely had his arms crossed and his eyes closed as he enjoyed their success. Mineta was hopping up and down while cheering excitedly at moving on to the third round.

“Almost there,” Shinso exhaled as he gave a neutral look to the crowd and all of the cameras. “Just one more round.”

“In third place, Team Bakugo!” Mic declared and the team appeared on the giant screen below Team Mineta.

“Ah, well. I guess third place isn't too bad. All's well that ends well, and all of that.” Mina shrugged while glad that her team had advanced to the third round of the Festival.

“Yeah, you're right, no reason to complain.” Sero agreed with a nod as he rolled his right shoulder. Carrying Bakugo around while running all over the place trying to catch Team Toga hadn’t been easy.

“Maybe... but do you two think that's how he feels?” Kirishima whispered to the other two while pointing at the nearly growling Bakugo.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it…” Bakugo raged under his breath at losing out to Izuku’s team and that purple pervert’s team too! Small crackles of his Quirk were sparking of his palms in his frustration.

“In fourth place, we have Team Todoroki!” Mic revealed the final team to make it to the third round.

“I’m so sorry, everyone! I should have used my trump card when we had Team Toga surrounded!” Iida apologized to his team mates with a deep bow.

“Don't be so hard on yourself, Iida.” Momo shook her head at the blue-haired boy. “We didn’t expect them to be able to pull off that maneuver more than once.” Truly the intelligent ravenette was still a little stunned that not only had Team Toga been able to use their flight trick more than once, but that they’d been able to maintain it for the majority of the match. It had quite effectively removed them from contention.

“Yeah, don't sweat it.” Kaminari reassured the uptight teen. “We made it in without losing our head band. So it’s all good, right?”

“There you have it!” Midnight called out to everyone in the stadium. “These are the sixteen students that will advance to the final round!” With a crack of her whip the screens changed to a list of the competitors.

[Third Round]

Midoriya Izuku

Toga Himiko

Uraraka Ochako

Hatsume Mei

Mineta Minoru

Tokoyami Fumikage

Aoyama Yuga

Shinso Hitoshi

Bakugo Katsuki

Kirishima Eijiro

Ashido Mina

Sero Hanta

Todoroki Shoto

Yaoyorozu Momo

Iida Tenya

Kaminari Denki

[Third Round]

“Now, I am sure everyone could use a break! With that being said we’ll be pausing the festival for a two hour lunch break! When we come back it’ll be straight into the third round! See you all in a bit! Hit the restrooms, grab some food, buy some merch, all proceeds go to the school!” Mic informed the public as the crowd began to stand up from their seats to take advantage of the break.

“Don’t pressure them to buy things.” Aizawa was heard over the speakers.

“I’m not pressuring, it’s a suggestion!” Mic chuckled at his co-host.

“Whatever…” Aizawa replied dully just before the speakers clicked off.

“Hey, let's go grab some food, Shota.” Mic grinned at the thought of food.

“Go get it yourself, Hizashi. I'm taking a nap.” Aizawa replied as he climbed into his sleeping bag and turned to face the wall.

“What? Come on, how many naps do you need?” Mic questioned his friend while nudging him with his boot.

-Lunch Break-

“Ah~” Toga smiled as she fed Izuku a piece of grilled fish. The verdette teen happily ate the morsel as he continued to write down the various Quirks he’d seen today in his notebook.

“Hmm, I wonder if they’ll explain their Quirks a bit more if I ask them?” Izuku wondered aloud as he finished writing down the Quirk of another 1-B student, this one being the girl with the vine-like hair. He was incredibly curious about Class 1-B’s Quirks.

“Maybe if you ask them politely?” Toga giggled as she took a bite of food herself, with the same chopsticks. Indirect kiss!

“You two are so adorable you might give us all diabetes.” Toru gushed at the couple.

“Right?” Mina giggled as well. “Sugary sweet!”

Toga playfully stuck out her tongue at her friends while Izuku chuckled sheepishly.

“I heard they’re having some recreational events before the third round for everyone that wants to participate.” Jiro informed everyone between bites of her lunch.

“I wonder what they are?” Ochako looked curious about the ‘just for fun’ events.

“They couldn’t be anything too crazy.” Tsuyu considered with her index finger on her chin as she thought. “It’s only supposed to be a breather before the third round after all.”

“I’m sure a teacher will tell us if any of them are important or required.” Momo reasoned as she sipped her drink. “As it stands, they sound entirely optional.”

Unknown to the girls, two certain classmates of theirs had overheard their conversation. Both of the boys got bright looks in their eyes before looking at each other with grins. They quickly walked off while planning in hushed whispers.

-After Lunch-

“We’re back, Sports Festival fans! Now that lunch is over, it’s time to reveal this year’s final event! But, before that happens, there’s good news for all of you who did not make it to the third round!” Mic announced as the stadium was filled once again by the crowd. “This is not just a Sports Festival for the few! So, we have prepared multiple recreational games where everyone can participate! We’ve even flown in professional cheerleaders from the States to liven things up!”

A team of women in orange cheerleading outfits were on the field, pom-poms in hand and waving to the crowd. The cheers rose up loudly for the women, especially from the men in the crowd.After a moment, however, near silence suddenly descended upon the stadium out of nowhere.

“Huh?” Mic blinked up in the announcer’s booth. He even raised up his trademark sunglasses to make sure he was seeing correctly.

“What are those girls doing?” Aizawa questioned blankly at what he was seeing. He felt a slight twitch start in his left eye. He knew something was up about this situation.

The current center of attention turned out to be the seven girls from Class 1-A, all of them dressed in matching orange cheerleader uniforms like the American professionals. The only difference being the ‘U.A.’ on the front of the teens’ tops. All seven of the girls had flat looks as they realized they’d been tricked.

“1-A what’s going on? What kind of fan-service is this?” Mic cried out in shock at what the seven students were wearing. The uniforms were just midriff-bearing tops with no sleeves and loose, flowing miniskirts. The outfits certainly showed quite a bit of skin and almost every male student in attendance among the First Years was enjoying the display; some of them much more discreetly than others.

As all of the girls started to turn red from a mixture of embarrassment and anger, Mineta and Kaminari gave each other thumbs up. There was a perverted grin on both of their faces as well. The two of them had gone to their female classmates and convinced them that they had to wear the uniforms for a cheer led by the American Professionals. They’d even dropped Aizawa’s name to make it more convincing, just so they could see the girls wearing the sexy uniforms.

“Kaminari!” Momo yelled at the blonde, both angry and mortified. “You tricked us?!”

“Mineta!” Jiro roared at the short teen. Her jacks were practically lashing the air in her fury. She viciously threw her own pair of pom-poms on the ground while crossing her arms over her chest.

“Ugh, why did I let those two trick me?” Momo sank to her knees and moped. “I even used my Quirk to make these outfits...”

“Hey, lighten up, Yaomomo! It isn’t the end of the world.” Ochako tried to comfort her friend.

“Yeah, these uniforms are doing something good, for me at least.” Toga giggled as she waved playfully at Izuku. The verdette waved back with a lop-sided smile. “Izukun seems to like me in this outfit! If you don’t mind I’d like to keep it. I’ll wear it on special occasions for Izuku.” The blonde girl covered her red cheeks with her pom-poms at the thought.

“You can keep it…” Momo’s whole face was now red for an entirely different reason. She wasn’t the only one either as the other girls were covering their blushing cheeks and just staring at Toga.

“Well,” Toru cleared her throat with a small cough. “There’s still some time left before the last event begins, and it would be even more embarrassing if things got tense. Let's just do it anyway!” Toru exclaimed as she got into the moment and the cheerleader uniform.

“What? No!” Jiro shook her head in refusal. She was already embarrassed!

“Toru, you really like this, huh?” Tsuyu questioned the invisible girl curiously.

“Mineta, Kaminari,” Aizawa’s bone-chilling voice came from the speakers. Even the crowd flinched at the man’s tone. “We’ll be having a discussion about this prank of yours as soon as the third round is over, do you understand?” Both teens immediately locked up and nodded, the cameras connected to the large screens focusing on the two boys letting everyone see their response.

“Oh man…we’re screwed.” Kaminari looked blue in the face at what Aizawa was going to do to them.

“It was just a prank, no one got hurt…” Mineta mumbled, but it was clear the short teen was trying to convince himself more than anything. Sweat poured down his face in miniature rivers as he imagined their future punishment.

While the students that wanted to play the recreational games did so. The professional cheerleaders hyped up the crowd during the downtime. Cementoss was making the ring for the third round during this time.

“Okay... it's pretty much done now.” Cementoss remarked as he as he used his Quirk to create the ring for the upcoming matches. It was a full thirty-by-thirty square raised about sixty centimeters off the ground. He just had to make sure it was nice and level and he’d be satisfied. He was a bit of a stickler for his creations that weren’t used in the line of duty.

“Thank you for your work, Cementoss.” Midnight thanked her fellow teacher and Pro Hero. Cementoss gave her a nod as he made himself a seat a bit away from the ring. He had a feeling he’d have to repair it at least a few times for this bunch of students.

“Hey, everyone! Are you ready to rumble?” Mic called out over the speakers. The resounding roar was a clear answer. Everyone was ready for the third round to finally begin. “A lot has happened today, but now it has come to this! A serious battle where you can only depend on yourself! Here, you have no teammates or comrades! It's a fan favorite! The classic one-on-one tournament! Heroes have to be able to face what comes at them, whenever it comes at them! Skill, Knowledge, Experience, Perseverance, and sheer Determination, use them all to your advantage in this round!” Mic kept the excitement building as the crowd was practically rumbling now.

Izuku was waiting in the tunnel that led to the newly made ring. He stretched and prepared himself for his match. Being the first match of the third round was unexpected, but he’d deal with it. The small bubbling of nerves instantly vanished as Izuku exhaled and readied himself. He had this; he was going to win this match.

“Let’s get started with the first match!” Mic called out to the stadium and the cheers of the crowd. “For match number one, coming out of the right tunnel, we have the Fiery Powerhouse of Hero Course Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku!” Mic introduced as Izuku made his way towards the ring and walked up the short set of stairs to stand in the ring proper. Nearly all of his classmates were cheering for him from their box.

“GO IZUKUN!!!” Toga yelled so loud that she could actually be heard over the crowd for an instant.

“Coming in from the left tunnel, it’s the High-Voltage Man himself, also from Hero Course Class 1-A, Kaminari Denki!” Mic introduced Izuku’s opponent. Kaminari walked into the ring with a grin and stood across from Izuku.

“Here are the rules!" Midnight stepped onto her umpire box. “In order to win, you must either, force your opponent out of bounds, immobilize them, have them give up, or have them unable to continue! If I declare the match is over, then it’s over, no back talk! We have Recovery Girl on standby, so injuries can be taken care of. Now, show us an entertaining match!”

“I will be here to stop any fight if things go too far.” Cementoss spoke up from his chair, giving both teens a steely gaze. “Do not make me restrain you, alright?”

“Yes sir.” Izuku nodded to Cementoss.

“Yes sir.” Kaminari agreed as he got ready for the match.

“Are you ready?” Mic cheered and the crowd roared in response. The excitement in the air was palpable!

“Begin!” Midnight cracked her whip to start the match.

“Indiscriminate Shock: 1.3 Million Volts!” Kaminari was awash in a brilliantly shower of electricity as he pushed his Quirk to the max to try and defeat Izuku instantly. He knew he’d lose if Izuku was given time to use his Quirk.

“Kaminari, come on, we went over this during training.” Izuku sighed at the action of his classmate. The second he’d seen Kaminari sparking like that he’d leapt vertically into the air. His Body Enhancement Quirk was a Mutant Type, meaning it was always active. He could make this nearly fifteen meter vertical leap fairly easily. He didn’t have to tap into his Pyrokinesis and bulk up to perform superhuman physical feats like this.

“Eh?!” Kaminari blinked in shock as his electricity washed over the ring that he now stood alone in. “Oh crap…” He realized he’d been read too late and felt his cognitive functions dip. “Yay…” The blonde mumbled as the kickback from his Quirk took its toll.

“Come on Kaminari; let’s get you to Recovery Girl.” Izuku landed back on the ring with a sigh. He placed his left hand on the blonde’s back and easily ushered him out of bounds.

“Kaminari is out of bounds!” Midnight declared into her mic. “The winner is Izuku Midoriya!” The crowd applauded at the short match while dozens of Pro Heroes commented on the two teens.

“He wanted to win in one shot and it came back to bite him.” A female Pro Hero remarked on the quick match. The Hero’s costume consisted of a sleeveless navy blue shirt with a high collar that was buttoned up all the way to her chin, puffed shorts with a green and orange pinstripe design, and a corset adorned with yellow smiley-face pins, dipping down in a shallow U-shape in the center. Below that, she wore a white V-shaped belt, and on her hands, she had padded yellow gloves with golden plates over her knuckles and lower fingers, which extend in orange-striped tubes down her forearms, with thick metal cylinders acting as wrist-guards over the top. She also wears an orange bandana and a white hygiene mask with a circular smiley-face protrusion on either side.

“The Midoriya kid has some impressive physicality even when he’s not bulked up like he was in the Obstacle Race.” A male Pro Hero noted about Izuku as the verdette passed Kaminari into the care of the stretcher robots. For his Hero costume, he wore a white mask with four holes in a square formation, all of which resembled gun muzzles with slight barrel stems protruding from their sides, the only exception, for some reason, being the bottom left one, which instead just has the appearance of a regular circle. He wore a partial bodysuit of a dark grayish-cyan color, only covering the lower portion of his torso, his arms from the shoulders down and the palms of his hands. A padded combat vest sat over this, around the sides of his chest, and was kept in place by two straps that connect his mask and shoulders. He also sported plain brown pants and short black boots, as well as his signature revolver chamber-shaped silver bracers and the spikes on his knuckles.

“Well, that was a bit faster than we thought…” Mic mentioned while Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose.

“We’ve gone over that multiple times already.” Aizawa sighed as he’d have to make sure the lesson to not make yourself a liability stuck the next time they went over it in class.

“Well, no time like the present, let’s move right along into the next match!” Mic cheered and started building the crowd back up. “For the second match, coming out of the right tunnel, we have the Dark Horse of General Studies Course Class 1-C, Shinso Hitoshi!” Mic introduced as Shinso made his way into the ring.

“I won’t fail, not this time.” Shinso whispered to himself as he waited for his opponent.

“Coming in from the left tunnel, it’s the Short Grape with the sticky Quirk, from Hero Course Class 1-A, Mineta Minoru!” Mic introduced Mineta to the crowd. Mineta waved to the crowd as she made his way to the ring. He knew how Shinso’s Quirk worked, he felt like he’d gotten a lucky draw for this round.

“Are you ready for another match?” Mic questioned and the crowd cheered loudly for the next match.

“Begin!” Midnight cracked her whip and the match began!

“Take this!” Mineta immediately started tossing his Pop Off balls at Shinso.

“Limited range and your aim sucks.” Shinso easily weaved around the projectiles coming at him and then he was on the move to close the distance. “That’s why you spam them every time; you’re just hoping to hit something.” Far be it from Shinso to not talk smack to try and get a rise out of his opponents. If they responded at all to his taunts then he’d ensnare them with his Quirk.

Mineta locked his jaw to not retort and continued to toss his Pop Off balls at Shinso while also laying down a field of the purple orbs between him and the taller teen. He wouldn’t let Shinso get close! If he covered the entire ring with his Pop Off balls then the Brainwash Quirk User wouldn’t have anywhere left to escape!

“You’re a one trick pony and you know it.” Shinso baited just before he performed an impressive leap than had him land just beside Mineta. The short teen’s eyes widened in shock at the distance Shinso had covered in that jump. He whipped his arm around to hit the other purplette with the ball in his hand. Shinso grabbed his wrist and stopped the attempt cold.

“So strong…” Mineta bit out at not being able to move his captured arm. He tried to grab a Pop Off ball with his free left hand, but Shinso’s knee slamming into his unprotected right side stopped that plan. Mineta felt the sharp pain of the blow radiate out from his side.

“Got you.” Shinso declared as he spun the off-balance Mineta around and grabbed his other arm. He forced the shorter teen’s arms behind his back in a textbook police hold. With his arms restrained, Mineta couldn’t use his Quirk at all. Shinso had observed his three teammates in the Cavalry Battle closely. Mineta’s short stature and weaker body meant that he couldn’t out muscle Shinso. “Come with me real quick.” Shinso hefted Mineta upright and then off the ring floor entirely.

“Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Stop! Stop!” Mineta tried to struggle, flailing his legs as Shinso held him suspended in the air. One of the General Studies student’s hands had an iron grip on Mineta’s wrists behind the short teen’s back. The other was around his waist holding him off the ground.

“No, I’m getting into the Hero Course.” Shinso denied the struggling Mineta. Had he not put in all the extra time and effort to work on his physicality both before and after the Entrance Exam, he’d have never been able to manhandle the flailing Mineta like this. With a toss, Shinso had Mineta falling out of bounds, much to the Hero Course student’s dismay.

“Mineta is out of bounds!” Midnight declared for all to hear. “The winner is Shinso Hitoshi!” The roar of the crowd actually brought a small smile to Shinso’s face.

“You’re doing it, Shinso!” One of his General Studies classmates called out to him encouragingly.

“Keep it up, dude! Show those guys what General Studies can do!” Another guy yelled down to Shinso from the stands.

“I don’t believe he used his Quirk at all. That’s interesting.” A gray-haired Pro Hero commented thoughtfully as he watched Shinso leave through the same tunnel he’d emerged from. The Hero’s costume had the appearance of a traditional ninja. He wore a blue mask that covered his mouth, tied at the back of his head with red string. He had a red shinobi shozoku underneath a blue robe. His arms were covered in a thin, dark cloth that was tucked into his white forearm sleeves. There were red straps attached to both his belt and his blue robe that extend outward. He also had a gold mask attached to his shoulder and sported a signature red scarf that featured a white patch attached to the front of it. The rather famous Hero finished his costume with blue socks and yellow zori sandals.

“A longer match this time and the Dark Horse has shown quite the aptitude!” Mic nearly used his Quirk by accident from seeing the match. It wasn’t often a General Studies student defeated a Hero Course student in the Sports Festival like this. “How far will Shinso go in this tournament?”

“Hmm, he took advantage of knowing his opponent’s Quirk and his opponent’s stature.” Aizawa commented replaying the match in his head. “He’s clearly put in effort to not require his Quirk to win.”

“That was actually some good commentary, buddy.” Mic covered his microphone and gave Aizawa a grin. “Why don’t you do that more often?”

“Shut up.” Aizawa gave Mic a flat stare. The blonde only smirked at his friend in response.

-End Chapter-


Well alright! Looks like things are a changing in this Sports Festival!

Kaminari vs Izuku wasn’t much of a match with Kaminari going all out from the get go.

Shinso vs Mineta was longer but with his hands pinned, Mineta can’t really use his Quirk much at all.

Kaminari and Mineta are in trouble for their prank once the Sports Festival is over. Embarrassing your fellow classmates on National television doesn’t look good for U.A. and punishment is most definitely deserved.

What are the next matches? Who will advance?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another awesome and very entertaining chapter, definitely very fun.

Michael Mendoza

Thanks for the awesome chapter! As always the fluff between Toga and Izuku is awesome!


Fun chapter in enjoying the more Badass version of Shinso I look forward to seeing where you go with that

Thomas E Nellis

I loved it. I can’t wait to see what else Shinso can do now. Epic chapter. Please don’t destroy Kaminari too hard he is a pretty good guy just he lets people sway him into helping them too easily.


Same prank, same punishment. Nothing too horrible, but both are in trouble.