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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Let’s relax after that Gym Battle! Azure Town has a nice beach, why not enjoy it?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 29 – Relaxing Azure Beach

“It’s so pretty!” Misty gushed as she and Ash stood at the edge of Azure Beach together.

The couple had decided to spend one more day in Azure Town after Ash’s victory at the Gym. Hearing good things about the beach and with the weather being great, they had quickly decided to relax on the beach today. Dozens of other people had apparently had the same idea too. The beach was lively today and had everything from Pokémon playing in the sand and surf, people relaxing on the beach or swimming, there were even several stalls for various foods and drinks along the break wall that they were currently standing on.

“It is.” Ash agreed as he took in the picturesque scene. The blue ocean, the white sand, the bright and clear sky, the smell of the sea air, it was all picture perfect for the Pallet Town teen. The two made their way down the stairs hand in hand.

“Beach Umbrella, you two?” A lady behind a small counter that was under a shade-giving awning smiled at the couple. “Just five-hundred PokéYen until you leave the beach.”

“Sure thing.” Ash nodded to the lady as he pulled out his wallet and handed the lady the appropriate bill.

“Thank you, sir.” The lady smiled at Ash as she put the money into the till. “Please choose whichever umbrella you like.” She motioned to the many beach umbrellas that were off to the side of her counter.

“How about this one?” Misty smiled as she picked up a blue and white beach umbrella.

“Works for me.” Ash grinned as he took it from her and carried it. Misty already had their beach bag, technically her beach bag that she was sharing with him, and he wanted to help out.

“Just return the umbrella when you leave.” The lady gave them a short bow as the couple headed off to look for a spot.

Finding a spot clear of other beach goers they set up their beach umbrella. Misty pulled out two beach towels from her bag and spread them out. Opening the umbrella created a nice shady circle beneath it. Ash was already dressed for the beach, wearing only a pair of dark-green swim trunks and a white tank top. Misty had opted to wear her swimsuit beneath her clothes for their walk to the beach from the Pokémon Center.

Misty kicked off her flip-flops and pulled her yellow t-shirt over her head, revealing a navy-blue bikini top that hugged her breasts and revealed a bit of cleavage. She tossed her t-shirt onto her towel before undoing the button on her jean shorts and hooking her thumbs into the sides of the waistband. In a smooth motion she pulled the denim shorts down her legs and stepped out of them. Her matching navy-blue bikini bottoms were revealed and Ash sucked in a quick breath at the sight. Was it him or was more of her amazing ass on display in this swimsuit than before?

“Well, at least I don’t have to ask your opinion on my swimsuit.” Misty giggled as Ash snapped out of his staring. “Shirt off, Ash, I want eye candy too.” She winked at him.

“Fair is fair.” Ash chuckled with a shrug. He pulled his tank top over his head and tossed it onto his beach towel. He smirked at Misty when he heard her hum appreciatively while her eyes devoured his revealed skin. He kicked off his own flip-flops and stretched as the sun warmed his skin.

“Get my back?” Misty asked with a smile as she pulled out a bottle of sunscreen and laid down on her beach towel facedown.

“Yes please~” Ash teased as he picked up the bottle and got a decent amount of the lotion on his hands. He gently ran his hands over Misty’s shoulders and neck first, giving a light pseudo-massage. Misty hummed appreciatively at his ministrations before he moved down to her back. “Just gonna get under here too.” He chuckled as his hands went under the strap of her bikini top.

“Careful, Mister, wouldn’t want it coming off in front of all these people.” Misty turned her head and opened one eye to look at her boyfriend.

“Maybe if we had the beach to ourselves?” Ash chuckled and Misty gave a small snort at his joke.

“Maybe~” Misty teased right back as he moved down and started on her legs. “Mmm~” She purred as Ash’s hands worked her thighs and then down to her calves. He even lifted her feet one by one and took care of them two.

“All done.” Ash smiled at his girlfriend. “Unless you want me to do the front too?”

“You wish.” Misty shook her head as she took the sunscreen and began to cover the rest of her skin. Once she was finished she turned a downright seductive look on her boyfriend. “Lay down, your turn.”

“Massage away.” Ash stuck out his tongue before flopping backwards onto his towel and then rolling over onto his stomach. “Ssssshhhhh!” He let out a short hiss as Misty poured a line of the cool lotion directly across his back. The contrast had been a sudden shock.

“Was that too much?” Misty questioned as her soft hands began to spread the sunscreen across his back and shoulders.

“Nope.” Ash murmured as he relaxed. Misty’s hands felt amazing on his back. The couple enjoyed the short moment between them as Misty made sure to cover all of Ash’s skin.

“Flip.” Misty instructed.

“Okay.” Ash did so without resistance and Misty applied more sunscreen to his chest. Her hands glided over his chest and stomach and Ash hummed pleasantly at her touch. All too soon, for him anyway, Misty was done.

“We have to wait ten minutes for it to be waterproof.” Misty informed Ash as they looked out towards the ocean. “You up for some sunbathing?”

“Sure thing.” Ash nodded as he sat up and adjusted the umbrella. Now only their heads would be in the shade while their bodies could soak up some sun.

The warm sun felt great and after five minutes the two flipped over onto their backs to let the sun even them out. It was as they were relaxing that the two over heard some other beach goers. Misty’s lips twitched upwards into a smirk and a side-glance at Ash showed an amused grin.

“Damn~” A guy, probably only a year or two older than Ash exclaimed behind his hand. He’d just caught sight of Misty and apparently liked what he saw.

“Mhmm~” The girl, about the same age, that he was walking with grinned as her own eyes looked Ash over.

“I think we have admirers.” Ash chuckled while the other couple walked further down the beach.

“I guess we do look pretty good together.” Misty remarked in a faux haughty tone.

“You look good regardless.” Ash turned to face her with a grin.

“Flatterer.” Misty giggled at him.

The two stood up a couple minutes later and headed for the ocean. Misty smiled beautifully as she stepped into the surf and the water covered her feet. Ash sighed as the cool water submerged his legs up to the shin as the waves rolled in and out. The couple waded further and further into the ocean until they were treading water together. With an unspoken agreement the two ducked under the waves and used their Aura to protect their eyes. Opening their eyes in the salty ocean posed no problem for the Aura Users and they happily swam together while looking at the sea bottom.

A few Shellder were half-buried in the silt and sand. Magikarp were swimming by, some of the younger ones rather clumsily at that. Misty grinned as she saw a few small Horsea, along with a watchful Seadra, flitting about in the seaweed covered rocks along the bottom of the sea. A Krabby was walking sideways over some of the rocks and scooping up things from the stone. Whenever it found something edible it popped the food into its mouth before looking for more. The two Aura Users swam further along the rather lush, sea plant-covered area. The natural physical enhancement of Aura use allowed them to swim faster and easier than most people. Misty held out her hand to stop Ash as she came to a sharp stop herself.

Look.’ Misty pointed to get her intentions across. Their entwined Auras made that even easier.

What’s wrong?’ Ash questioned before seeing what had caused Misty to stop their swimming.

It was a sea-dwelling Pokémon with a spherical body and a flat, paddle-shaped tail. The upper half of its body was a dark-teal color and the lower half was a very light-yellow. Its tail was tall and thin with a dark-teal outline, light-yellow inside, and two dark-teal dots in the center. Its eyes were just above the line that separated the dark-teal upper portion and the light-yellow lower portion. Below its eyes were round pink lips and all around its body were sharp, conical spikes.

A Qwilfish.’ Ash blinked at the Water/Poison Type as it slowly swam ahead of them.

They’re dangerous when they feel threatened. Let’s just let this one pass while we get some air.’ Misty pointed towards the surface to emphasize her thoughts on the matter.

The couple swam for the surface and took a deep breath when they emerged into the air. Looking around to see just how far they’d swam out, they saw that the beach was still fairly close. They weren’t even out far enough for the larger waves to form.

“Peli?” A Pelipper squawked at the two of them from where it was floating on the waves a bit further away. The Water/Flying Type seemed curious about their presence more than anything else.

“Sorry if we surprised you, Pelipper.” Misty smiled at the Pokémon.

“Didn’t mean to startle you, buddy.” Ash apologized with a grin.

“Per.” Pelipper replied as it continued to float lazily.

“Race you back, Ash!” Misty laughed as she splashed her boyfriend and then swam away.

“No fair!” Ash sputtered out before swimming after her. Unfortunately, Misty was a natural swimmer and her Aura use with water was more proficient than Ash’s. She was happily walking up the beach towards their towels while Ash was just getting out of the water.

“What kept you?” Misty grinned cheekily as Ash walked up to their towels and umbrella.

“Uh huh.” Ash looked unamused before he leaned forward and captured her lips.

“Mmm~” Misty hummed into their kiss before they broke away.

“Want to get something to snack on?” Ash asked with a smug grin.

“Alright.” Misty had her own grin to match her boyfriend’s.

Walking along the row of various stands and stalls selling food of multiple types, the couple debated on what sounded good. It all smelled great, there was a good variety and best of all it was affordable. As they walked the length of the stands and stalls to find out all of their options the couple found the antics of the local Wingull population amusing. The Water/Flying Types would happily snatch up any food that fell on the sand. They were attentive to, dozens of the mostly white sea birds could be seen perched around the food stalls just waiting.

“Remoraid Shioyaki! Fresh grilled!” One vendor called out as he placed some of the grilled fish on sticks at his stand.

“Octillery Takoyaki! Eight for five hundred PokéYen!” Another man at the stall next to his exclaimed. The two looked remarkably similar and both Ash and Misty thought the two might be brothers.

“Shellder Yaki-asari, with butter and soy sauce! Hot off the grill!” A woman called out from a stand slightly further down.

“Freshly made Onigiri!” A different stall called out.

“Soda! Ice cold beer!” A different stand had a lovely young lady in a black bikini calling out to the beach goers.

“Cool off with our shaved ice!” A young couple called out even as a small line was already in front of their stand.

“Seems pretty competitive here.” Ash chuckled as he looked at all of the options.

“No kidding.” Misty agreed as she was trying to decide what to get. “What if we each got something from a different stand or two and then split it?”

“I like the way you think, Misty.” Ash smiled at her before pecking her cheek.

“Glad to hear it,” Misty beamed at him. “I’ll grab the Takoyaki, and the Shioyaki.”

“Then I’ll get the Yaki-asari, Onigiri, and two sodas for us?” Ash asked to make sure that’s what Misty wanted.

“Then we can finish off with shaved ice when we’re done.” Misty agreed and the two parted to make their purchases.

Standing in line didn’t take very long as the stall owners were obviously pros at their business. The customers ordered and were served in less than a minute in most cases. Misty happily payed the five hundred PokéYen for the Octillery Takoyaki at the first stall. It only cost two hundred PokéYen a piece for two skewers of Remoraid Shioyaki.

Ash got two orders of the Shellder Yaki-asari, a set of six Kombu Onigiri, and then wrangled two sodas into his off-hand. With a grin at the soon to be meal, he searched for the distinctive orange hair of his girlfriend. Spotting her at a table in the shade of a large awning set up for the beach goers, he made his way over. The two spread out the food and grinned at the wonderful smells as they began to dig in.

“I’m always amazed at how much Remoraid shrink when you grill them.” Ash mentioned as he held up his skewer of Shioyaki before taking the first bite and enjoying the grilled, salted fish.

“They have a lot of water weight,” Misty mentioned as she picked up her own skewer. “I was shocked the first time I had Remoraid Shioyaki too.” The orangette bit into the fish and let out a pleased hum at the taste.

“Washing it down with ice cold soda is great.” Ash sighed happily as he sipped from the glass bottle. Misty agreed as she drank from her own bottle.

“Takoyaki is great~” Misty gushed as she tried one of the Octillery Takoyaki balls. “They really know what they’re doing here. It’s delicious!”

“The chewiness is good, the sauce is nice too.” Ash swallowed his first Takoyaki and reached for another. “You gotta have seafood at the beach.”

“This is Violet’s favorite way to cook Shellder back home.” Misty sighed at the fond memories that the tasty Yaki-asari brought up. The butter and soy sauce really brought out the flavor. Ash couldn’t respond with his mouthful but nodded his agreement.

“Mmm,” Ash sighed at the taste of the Kombu Onigiri. The sea salt was a nice touch. Misty wholeheartedly agreed as she finished off her first rice ball and took a sip from her soda.

“I’m stuffed~” Misty let out a sigh as they shared a shaved ice, watermelon flavored, between them.

“That’ll definitely hold us over until dinner.” Ash patted his stomach with a pleased grin.

“Wanna take a walk along the beach to burn off some of those calories?” Misty asked as they were tossing their garbage into the provided bins.

“Yep.” Ash smiled as he took her hand in his.

The couple walked along the beach happily. The weather was still beautiful and the further they got from the main area of the beach the more Pokémon they saw. Along some rocky parts of the shore Misty couldn’t help but drag Ash along as she got closer to watch the group of Slowpoke that she’d seen. The pink, slow-witted Pokémon took a few seconds to react to the couple’s presence. Misty could only giggle at the Water/Psychic Types.

“Poke~” The closest Slowpoke yawned after about five seconds of them being within arms-length of it.

“They’re fishing.” Ash noted as he saw almost every Slowpoke in the small group had their tails in the water.

“Yep,” Misty nodded as she looked over the Pokémon. “Slowpoke are omnivores, so they fish to catch their meat. On occasion one snags a Shellder and evolves into Slowbro.”

“I’d heard of that in school,” Ash looked thoughtful for a moment. “But then why do they also evolve when trained properly?”

“It’s still a bit of a mystery.” Misty gently pet the Slowpoke in front of her. “One of the newer theories is that it’s a specific kind of Shellder that induces a natural evolution. Something like a sub-species that we’ve yet to be able to identify. While training them up makes them evolve and develop their shells through the evolutionary process, those shells only look like the natural Shellder version. In the natural method the Shellder becomes a symbiotic lifeform that can’t be removed from the Slowbro without dying.”

“The Pokémon world really is still full of mysteries, isn’t it?” Ash smiled as he saw the Slowpoke enjoying Misty’s petting.

“Yeah,” Misty smiled at the Water/Psychic Type fondly.

“Poke?” The Slowpoke Misty was petting blinked before pulling its tail out of the water. On the end of the tail was a flailing Magikarp, though obviously a young one based on its smaller size. The Slowpoke pulled its catch up onto the rock and then held it down with its front legs. All of which looked almost slow-motion compared to an average creature.

“We’ll let you enjoy your meal in peace, Slowpoke.” Misty smiled at the pink Pokémon as she and Ash turned and walked away.

“Hmm, what else should we do?” Ash mused as they walked back down the beach hand in hand.

“Surfing?” Misty eyed him with a grin.

“I didn’t see a single surfboard on the beach?” Ash gave her a confused look.

“They don’t need surfboards here.” Misty shook her head. “Not when they have Mantine.” She pointed out to the further part of the ocean where the larger waves were.

“Huh?” Ash looked out, even used his Aura to boost his sight a bit, until he spotted what she was talking about. Some people were indeed riding on the backs of large Mantine across the waves.

“Mantine surfing is really big in Alola, but it’s got its fans around most any warm place with ocean access and good waves.” Misty informed her boyfriend with a smile. “Want to try it?”

“I’m up for it.” Ash grinned back. It looked like fun!

It took the couple several minutes to get to the area where the Mantine where kept. Seeing the large Water/Flying Types floating around or in some cases leaping out of the water for their own amusement was neat. A little bit of waiting in line later and the two had on life jackets and each of them was wearing a wristband with a number on it. The number matched the number of a Mantine and with the help of an attendant they each found their Mantine partner. From there it was just a matter of letting the Mantine swim them out to the surfing spot.

“Ash? Misty?” A familiar voice questioned as the two lined up with the other surfers to get their shot at crossing one of the large waves.

“Jack?” Ash blinked at seeing the Gym Leader on the back of a Mantine just a bit ahead of their pair.

“Trying out Mantine Surfing, huh?” Jack chuckled as she switched places with the guy between them, letting the other young man go ahead of him. “It’s a blast!”

“I didn’t know you were into Mantine Surfing.” Misty tilted her head at the black-haired, tanned man. He certainly looked different in just a life jacket and wave-patterned trunks. His hair was soaked, so he’d probably been out here for a while.

“Who do you think raised all of these Mantine?” Jack grinned at the orangette. “I love all Flying Types, even the ones that live mostly in the ocean! Mantyke are great fun to train. They’re full of energy and when given proper instruction they make great aquatic Ride Pokémon too.”

“So you’re the one that taught them all of those trick commands we saw at the registration area?” Ash asked the Gym Leader.

“That was me!” Jack laughed as the line moved forward some more. “It makes the surfing more fun when you can call out tricks for the Mantine to perform while you ride on their backs.”

“Jack, you’re up!” The man standing atop another Mantine called out.

“Coming!” Jack waved as he urged his Mantine forward. “See you two on the other end of the waves!” With that he took a stance on the back of his Mantine and the duo took off. The Mantine scaled the incoming wave easily. Jack and his Mantine crested and then spun in the air before sliding back down the wave. The Gym Leader was soon out of sight as he continued to surf up and down the wave, occasionally cresting to do more tricks.

“Next!” The man standing on the Mantine called and Misty took her place on the back of her Mantine. “Alright, pretty lady, you’re ready to go in three, two, one, go!”

“Let’s go Mantine!” Misty called out as her Mantine surged forward and scaled the large wave. “Gorebyss Spiral!” The Mantine shot upwards and crested the wave, with three full-body rolls to the left the Mantine splashed down onto the wave and rode it downwards. “This is awesome!” Misty cheered as she directed Mantine back up the wave. With greater speed this time Mantine crested the wave and Misty called out another trick. “Starmie 720!”

“Tine!” Mantine cried out as it performed a right roll, then a left roll, then another right roll, all before doing a backflip and then rocketing back down the wave.

“You’re amazing, Mantine!” Misty praised with joyous laughter.

“Hey, bro, that your girlfriend?” The man monitoring the line to surf asked Ash with a grin.

“Yeah, that’s Misty.” Ash smiled widely even as Misty became almost a dot along the wave.

“Good job, bro, she’s fire!” The man gave Ash thumbs up with a grin. Ash chuckled along with the older guy as he waited for his turn. “Alright my man, you’re good to go in three, two, one, go!”

“Woohoo!” Ash urged Mantine forward and the Water/Flying Type took off along the new wave. “Huntail Spiral!” He called out his first trick.

“Man!” Mantine called out as it crested the wave and did three full-body right rolls before sliding down the wave smoothly.

“That was awesome!” Ash cheered Mantine on. “Let’s pick up some speed and try another one!” Mantine followed instructions and powered up the wave even faster this time. Just as they blasted off the top of the wave, Ash called out the next trick. “Over-the-Gyarados!” Mantine rolled right, then back flipped, then a left roll, and then finished the move with a front flip before they hit the top of the wave again and blasted down it at speed. The spray of the ocean water soaked Ash completely and he was laughing happily the whole time.

“So how was it?” Jack laughed as Ash was coming into the return area on his Mantine.

“That was awesome!” Ash cheered as he gave Mantine praise for its skills. “Do they do this in other places around Kanto?”

“At Fuchsia Beach and at Cinnabar Island so far.” Jack informed with a wide grin. “Those two places have some of the best waves in Kanto.”

“I’d totally be up for doing this again!” Misty beamed at Ash. She noticed how his eyes ran up and down her soaked form for a moment before he agreed that they should do this again.

“You can go around three times before you have to switch Mantine so they can get some rest. It’s one of the best experiences around if you ask me.” Jack grinned at the two teens.

“I’m up for it!” Ash declared with his eyes practically shining.

“Heck yeah!” Misty raised her hand into the air as she urged her Mantine back towards the starting area.

The couple spent the next few hours Mantine Surfing before returning to the Pokémon Center for the evening to check up on their Pokémon and have dinner.

-End Chapter-


A nice relaxing day at the beach for our lovebirds!

Ash’s Pokémon are being pampered for their recent victory for the whole day too!

What’s our next destination after Azure Town?

We’ll be stopping in Cerulean for a quick break, but then is it on to Saffron City or do we skip it and head for Vermillion?

We still have to stop by Cyanteal Town too! Ash is going to be judged on his worthiness to be gifted a Dragon type Pokémon by the Gym Leader, Tatsuya.

Where oh where will Ash and Misty travel next?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Bubblebeam, Scald

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!