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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! Time for a Team-based event! How will the massive powerhouse that is Izuku handle such an event? We already know at least one member of his team though, right?

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 11 – Cavalry Battle

As the rest of the students completed the Obstacle Race, it was revealed that only the top forty-two students would move on to the next round of the Sports Festival. Looking around at the ones that had made the cut revealed the General Studies guy with purple hair that had declared war on Class 1-A, the pinkette from the Support Course, and all forty of the Hero Course students. Mineta practically collapsed as he came in forty-second place.

Toga’s sharp ears picked up conversation among some of the Business Course students that were observing the Obstacle Race. She grinned when she heard what they were saying. She fully agreed with them, after all.

“So, what do you think?” One Business Course student asked the other two beside him.

“Midoriya's stock is going to climb really fast after that showing.” The middle teen stated with his hand on his chin.

“That's certainly true. His Quirk looks to be quite powerful! With such a display of power, enough to destroy one of the Zero Pointers in one move, not to mention his speed, reaction time, and judgement, he’s certain to climb the Rankings quickly. If you took on his Agency's management, how would you market him?” The third teen questioned the other two curiously.

“He practically markets himself, doesn’t he?” The first teen smirked at the other two. “Power, Speed, Judgement, he’s practically Top Ten Hero material already.”

“He is slightly above average in looks. You could go at marketing from that angle too. With his Quirk causing him to bulk up further when it’s active, you could even do two different types of marketing when it comes to looks. You could open doors for his Agency and bring in lucrative merchandising deals like that.” The middle teen mused thoughtfully.

“He’s obviously in a relationship too,” The teen on the left commented, observing Izuku and Toga holding on to one another. “Everyone likes a Top Hero that’s also Family-oriented. It’s the wholesome angle that makes people smile. You could definitely boost his popularity even further that way.”

Even the Business Course can see how perfect me and Izu are together~.’ Toga grinned happily as she leaned against her boyfriend.

While the Business Course students participated in the Festival, for the higher years it was less about trying to win and more about cultivating their professional instincts. Things like selling merchandise or doing marketing simulations during the Festival were common. It was all about getting good enough to promote and market the Heroes of tomorrow.

“Now that we have our Top Forty-Two we can start the next round! It is unfortunate that not everyone can make it in, but we have to cut the numbers! The next competition begins soon, and the press will be all over it! Give it your all students!” Mic announced to the crowd.

“Now, let’s discover the second round event!” Midnight cracked her whip as the wheel on the display began to spin rapidly. Everyone watched on as the wheel spun. The sudden stop revealed the event and everybody was quick to read it.

[Cavalry Battle]

“A cavalry battle? Aw man, my Quirk isn’t very good for those…” Kaminari mumbled despondently. He was better at crowd control. If he had to worry about teammates, then he’d have to limit his Quirk usage by a lot.

“Since it's not an individual event, how is it going to work?” Tsuyu questioned curiously, unknowingly voicing the thoughts of several others.

“Allow me to explain! The participants may form teams of two to four people, as they wish! It’s basically the same as a standard cavalry battle,” Midnight explained the upcoming event as a screen showed an image of Thirteen holding up All Might as the horse rider with Present Mic and Snipe supporting him from behind. “The main difference being that based on the results of the first game, each person will be assigned a point value!”

“So, we’re just racking up points like at the Entrance Exam? That's easy enough.” Kirishima nodded along with Midnight’s explanation.

“That means each team is worth different points depending on who is on the team.” Jiro noted as she listened on.

“I get it!” Mina beamed with her fists in the air.

“I am still talking! Weren't you taught not to interrupt someone when they’re speaking?” Midnight violently cracked her whip, glaring at all of the talking students. “But, yes, that is completely correct! The points assigned start at five for the student in forty-second place, and then go up by five from there. That means the forty-first place is ten points and fortieth place is fifteen points.”

“Okay, then simple math. Since I was first place, that’s five multiplied by forty-two, meaning that I have two-hundred-ten points.” Izuku quickly calculated out his score as the first place finisher of the Obstacle Race.

“Not quite, Midoriya! You see, there is one exception to this rule. The point value assigned to first place is... TEN MILLION!” Midnight gave Izuku a sadistic smirk while pointing her whip at him.

Izuku suddenly felt all eyes turn to him and focus intently. In his mind’s eyes everyone had turned into shadow-like silhouettes with bright red-eyes. He felt a tinge of nervousness at being the target of literally everyone else. Then he felt Toga squeeze his hand and the nerves vanished entirely. He looked at his girlfriend and received a bright smile in return. They would face this together.

“That means as long as you have the ten million head band, you automatically win.” Someone said just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“That's right! It’s survival of the fittest, where even those at the bottom can overthrow the ones at the top!” Midnight declared with a wide grin.

“So, it’s everyone versus me and Himiko-chan? Ha! Bring it on! We won't go down without a fight!” Izuku smirked at the other forty participants. Toga gave them all a slasher smile as well and several people flinched back from the pair.

“You’ll have fifteen minutes to form your teams and strategize, use them well!” Midnight informed the teens before a timer appeared on the large screens around the stadium. It started to countdown and many people quickly rushed from the stands to go to the bathroom or to grab some snacks from the concession stands. All proceeds went to U.A. and helped fund the school after all.

“Ochako-chan!” Toga skipped over to the brunette with a devious smile. “You’re coming with us!” She grabbed the other girl’s hand and started guiding her towards Izuku.

“Huh? What? Toga-chan!” Ochako flailed slightly as she was brought over to Izuku.

While Toga was securing Ochako, Izuku was accosted by a different girl.

“Hehehe! Just as I thought, this is great! You stand out really well!” Mei grinned as she hovered over to Izuku on her Hover Soles. Izuku actually flinched backwards as he turned to face the girl only to find her inside his personal space.

“Can I help you?” Izuku asked the pinkette curiously while leaning back from her.

“Team up with me, Mr. Ten Million!” Mei grinned manically at the tall boy.

“Who are you?” Izuku questioned as the girl hovered in place. The pinkette laughed as she stepped back and pulled her steampunk-styled goggles up. Izuku could now see her eyes, which had unique yellow irises with what appeared to be a cross-hair naturally formed in them. ‘It must be part of her Quirk.’ He mused and kinda wanted to ask her about it.

“Me? I'm Hatsume Mei, from the Support Course, and the one that can take you to victory!” Mei declared with a wide grin and a thumbs up.

“And how’s that?” Izuku raised an eyebrow at the energetic pinkette.

“I don't know you beyond those delicious ten million points you've got, but you've got to let me use your position!” Mei once again got into his personal space.

“At least you’re honest about why you want to team up with me...” Izuku blinked at the Support Course student.

“Of course! If I wasn’t then you'd have no reason to trust me! Plus, if I team up with you, then I'll inevitably become part of the team everyone's going to be watching the most, right?” Mei grinned widely at Izuku.

“That’s probably right.” Izuku acknowledged and watched the girl’s eyes gleam.

“Well, then, when that happens, all of my super cute babies will be seen by all the big Support Gear companies! That's free publicity for me and for what I can do, do you understand that?” Mei was once again very close to his face.

Much to Izuku’s relief, Toga had returned with Ochako at about this time. His girlfriend didn’t look very amused by how close Mei was to her boyfriend. She grabbed the pinkette by the scruff of her shirt and pulled her about two meters away from Izuku. The Hover Soles made this very easy for the blonde. When she had Mei far enough away from Izuku, Toga glared into the other girl’s eyes.

“Who’re you and why are you so close to Izukun?” Toga demanded of the other girl. This led to Mei introducing herself again and both Toga and Ochako were slightly taken aback by the girl’s manic personality.

“The Support Course develops the equipment that helps you Heroes use your Quirks to the max, and I have tons of babies, so I'm sure that I have something you are going to like! Oh, I see this one's caught your eye, hmm?” Mei smiled widely as she picked up what appeared to be a jetpack. “I made this baby based on some Hero’s gear, but I added my own original twist to it to make it work a lot better!”

“Wait, are you talking about the Buster Hero, Air Jet? I like him, too!” Izuku smiled at Mei. Toga couldn’t stop the grin that formed on her face. Izuku was going to start fanboying over Heroes again.

“You do?” Mei tilted her head at him.

“Yeah, his agency is close to my home, so I went on a tour a few years ago.” Izuku smiled brightly. That had been a good day for the Hero Fanboy!

“That’s nice. By the way, my Quirk is Zoom, which allows me to see things at five kilometers away or teeny tiny things while I build my babies! Useful, right?” Mei gave a brief rundown of her Quirk to her teammates.

“That’s an interesting Quirk.” Izuku agreed and really wished he had his notebook to jot it down.

“But this isn’t the only baby I have!” Mei pulled out a whole case of different items to show her team. “Any of them that you pick will benefit you greatly!” Mei promised with pride in her eyes.

“Huh, I think I have a plan thanks to this.” Izuku mumbled as he looked over the devices that Mei had available. “Huddle up.” The four of them quickly gathered around to listen to Izuku’s idea.

The loud buzzing sound of the timer going off filled the stadium. Everyone in the stands quickly refocused on the stadium floor. All of the teams had formed and several of them were clearly eyeing Izuku’s team.

“Time’s up! The fifteen minutes to gather your team and strategize are over! Now, let’s get the cavalry battle started!" Midnight announced to the students and the crowd. She was going to have to focus for this event. Refereeing an event with twelve teams of teenagers ready to fight each other was no simple task.

“Hey, hey, come on, wake up, Eraser! The second round is about to start!” Present Mic shook the dozing Aizawa awake. “It's now time for the cavalry battle to begin! We have twelve teams lined up on the field!” He exclaimed to whip the crowd up. Mic was a consummate showman.

“Hmmm... There are some interesting teams out there.” Aizawa commented as he took a few seconds to look at the teams.

“Now, raise those battle cries! It’s time for the bloody battle!” Present Mic declared and the crowd roared in excitement.

“You’re exaggerating. I doubt that there will be that much bloodshed.” Aizawa gave a side glance at his old friend. Mic ignored him entirely as he continued to fan the flames of the cheering crowd’s excitement.

“Here are the teams!” Mic called out as the screens around the stadium flipped to show the names of each team and its members.

As everyone read the team names, many were shocked when they saw the name of the team at the top of the list. This was supposed to be the team with the most points. In this case, it should be Izuku’s team. But that wasn’t the name on the screen.

“What the?” Several people blinked as they looked at the team name.

[Team Toga]

Everyone had expected Izuku, as the winner of the first event, to become a rider in the cavalry battle. But Izuku had chosen to become the front horseman, with Ochako on the left, Mei on the right, and Toga as the rider.

“Damn, Deku! Running away from me?!” Bakugo was gritting his teeth at the decision that Izuku had made. He had been one of the people that expected Izuku to be the rider. How was he supposed to take on that damn nerd if he wasn’t the rider?!

“Tie on the head band anywhere from neck up,” Toga hummed as she sat atop her team with a wild grin on her face. “One knot, double knot, triple knot, quadruple knot, quintuple knot and done!” The blonde was pleased with her handy work. Her head band was now more like a choker around her neck. Even if someone got a hold of it, they wouldn’t be able to just pull it off.

“ALL RIGHT! Every team is ready to begin! I'm not going to ask if you're ready or not!" Present Mic yelled loudly stirring up the audience as they eagerly anticipated the beginning of the Sports Festival’s second round. “Now, let's go! The countdown to the brutal bloody showdown begins!”

"You're exaggerating again,” Aizawa drawled as the countdown began.

As the timer ticked down, Izuku looked back to his teammates, confirming they were all ready. They each nodded, and Mei had a wide grin on her face.

“This is going to be so great! Everyone is going to see my babies in action!” Mei gushed happily. Her Hover Soles were on Ochako’s feet and her Jetpack was on Toga’s back. As soon as the cavalry battle started they’d be off!

“I’m ready.” Ochako nodded as she touched Mei, Izuku, and Toga. A pink glow briefly surrounded each of them as her Quirk took effect.

“THREE!” Mic began the countdown.

“TWO!” Midnight called out.

“ONE!” The entire stadium roared!

Izuku smirked as his body bulked up and heat began to exude from him. Not nearly to the level he could take it, of course. He wouldn’t want to endanger his teammates after all.

“BEGIN!” Midnight yelled as she snapped her whip with a loud crack.

The eleven other teams all rushed Team Toga in unison. But what else would be expected? Having the ten million head band was an instant win. Every team wanted it. Now it was only a matter of which of them would get it.

“Everyone's gunning for the ten million points right off the bat!” Mic exclaimed loudly as everyone watched the rush.

“Midoriya, I'll be taking those points, thank you very much!” Toru declared from her place as rider on her own team. The invisible girl was going topless to try and obscure her body. The fact that the headband was still completely visible kind of made that tactic fail though.

“All within expectations!” Mei laughed at the other teams rushing towards them.

“Hover Soles on!” Ochako started floating off the ground by a few centimeters. As the only one with any weight on her team, she would use the Support Gear to assist with mobility while keeping everyone else weightless.

“Jetpack, go!” Toga exclaimed with her right hand raised and her index finger pointing towards the sky. She clicked the control in her left hand and the mostly weightless team flew into the air!

“What the?!” Many students cried out in shock.

“They can fly?” Kaminari cried out from Todoroki’s team.

“Woohoo!” Toga whooped with joy as her team flew high into the air.

“Aren’t my babies amazing?” Mei was practically sparkling as she saw all of the attention their team -and by extension her babies- were getting from the stands.

“They’re awesome!” Toga declared with a smile at the pinkette. She cut off the jetpack’s power when Izuku tapped her leg. With careful control of his flames, he matched the output of the Hover Soles that Ochako was wearing. The nearly weightless team began a slow, controlled descent from over a hundred meters in the air.

“It looks like the plan is working, Midoriya.” Ochako smiled as she looked down at the stadium. “We’re too high up for anyone else to reach us.”

“Once we’re in range they’ll start gunning for us again,” Izuku turned to look at the brunette with a grin. “So we’ll have to be prepared for that.”

“Don’t you worry; my babies can handle that too!” Mei almost cackled as she handed two gun-like items to Toga and one to Ochako. The pinkette took one for herself too. “Capture Net Guns! If any of the other teams have reach or members that can fly, we can tangle them up in one shot!”

“Your babies are awesome Mei!” Toga grinned wickedly as she looked over the two Capture Items in her hands.

“This plan wouldn’t work without Ochako’s Quirk either.” Izuku praised the Zero Gravity Quirk user.

“It’s no problem.” Ochako smile brightly at her team. “I think we’ll be in range soon though.”

Sure enough the first place team was floating back into the stadium and two specific teams both took notice. Todoroki glared at Team Toga as he directed Iida towards where the group would land. Bakugo didn’t even wait for that. As soon as he determined that Izuku was within his Quirk’s effective range for flight, he launched himself into the air.

“DEKU!!!” Bakugo roared as he blasted his way through the air towards Team Toga.

“Nope!” Toga grinned darkly as she aimed one of her Capture Net Guns at the asshole, as she thought of him. “Bye-bye!” She pulled the trigger and the round rocketed towards Bakugo.

“What the hell?!” Bakugo roared as the round exploded into a red net in front of him. Before the net could ensnare him he let off a powerful blast to tear through it. “Get that shit out of here!” He roared only to see three more rounds coming at him.

He blasted himself upwards to dodge the first net, juked to the side with a large blast to avoid the second, and then stopped his explosions entirely and entered free fall to dodge the third. He had dodge all of the nets, but at the cost of moderating his Quirk for flight. With a snarl he used lighter blasts to slow his descent so that Sero could grab him with his Quirk and reel him in.

“Would you at least warn us before you do that!” Sero yelled at Bakugo. “If you fall too far away you’ll hit the ground before I can reel you in!”

“He’s right!” Mina declared with a huff. “You’ll get all of us disqualified if you touch the ground, you know!”

“Bakugo, you’ve got to chill, bro!” Kirishima tried to stop Bakugo from exploding verbally against his own teammates. “I know you want the ten million head band, but if you get disqualified it won’t matter.”

“Damn it.” Bakugo seethed as he urged Kirishima after Team Toga.

“Midoriya, I’ll be taking that head band.” Todoroki stated coolly as his team raced towards Team Toga with Iida as their front man.

“So you say, Todoroki!” Izuku replied with a look in his eyes that made Todoroki glare at the verdette. That look just screamed that Izuku had no doubt that he could keep Todoroki away.

With a swing of his right arm, Todoroki sent a wave of frost towards Team Toga. The cold was met with a wall of fire that swept over the field. The opposing forces clashed but the heat of the flames won out. Only steam remained of the ice that Todoroki’s Quirk had formed. With a grimace Todoroki prepared to wall off any escape routes and prevent other teams from interfering. Walls of thick ice surrounded the two teams in seconds. A loud string of curses, followed by explosions, let everyone inside know just how Bakugo felt about being blocked out.

“Iida, can you get us close fast enough to snag the head band?” Todoroki questioned his front man.

“I have a move that I’ve been saving, it’ll only last for ten seconds and after that I’ll be useless.” Iida mentioned to his team leader. “If we use it with this much time remaining I don’t believe we’ll be able to protect the ten million points.”

“I’ll handle it.” Todoroki stated as he breathed out frosted breath. “Just get us close enough.”

The plan didn’t even begin before a wall of flames rose between the two teams. Team Toga rocketed back into the air, escaping the box of ice walls and was far out of reach once again before anyone could do anything about it. Todoroki almost snarled at seeing Izuku’s team escape. It was Momo that brought up a good point.

“How’re we going to get out of these walls you’ve made, Todoroki?” Momo questioned the two-toned rider of their team. Everyone in Class 1-A knew that Todoroki had something against using the left side of his body, the Fire Quirk that it held. No one wanted to pry too much, but if he didn’t melt the walls with his left side, then Team Todoroki was functionally out of the Cavalry Battle.


An explosion blasted a whole through the wall of ice behind them as Bakugo finally forced his way through the barrier. The ash-blonde looked royally pissed off as his eyes scanned the inside for any sign of Team Toga. Not seeing them, Bakugo glared harshly at Team Todoroki.

“Where the hell is Deku?!” Bakugo demanded of the other team, his palms crackled with small explosions.

“His team flew out of here a second ago.” Kaminari replied and everyone saw a vein bulge out on Bakugo’s forehead.

“He what?!” Bakugo yelled so loudly most of the other teens flinched at the harsh sound. “Turn around Kirishima! We’re going after Deku! Hurry up!”

“Alright, you don’t have to yell.” Kirishima turned their group around and headed back out of the ice walls.

“On the bright side, this does get us out of the trap you made.” Kaminari tried to look on the bright side. Todoroki’s cold look as he urged Iida out of the hole in the ice wall dimmed even Kaminari’s usually upbeat attitude.

Unbeknownst to the two teams chasing after Team Toga, another team was rather stealthily making their way around the battlefield and snatching head bands. The team was a very unlikely one, but the rider on top wasn’t the one in control. That job went to the purple-haired teen on the back right.

“Another one down.” Shinso grinned as Mineta -their rider- tied another head band onto his head. The lower half of the short teen’s face couldn’t be seen anymore with how many they had.

“I must admit, this is going very well.” Tokoyami -the front man- commented as they jogged away from another trapped team.

“Truly magnifique!” Aoyama grinned while sparkles seemed to dance around the blonde.

“I wish you’d stop controlling me!” Mineta complained to Shinso.

“If you’d stick to the plan and stop perving out, then I wouldn’t have to.” Shinso snapped back to the short boy. “Now put your head down again. Your stature makes it really easy for you to hide behind Tokoyami’s Quirk.” Mineta pouted but did as told.

“Leave defense to me!” Dark Shadow cawed with its arms spread wide.

I’m going to get into the Hero Course, no matter what it takes!’ Shinso thought to himself as the time continued to tick down. The combination of his Brainwash, Mineta’s Pop Off, Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow, and Aoyama’s Navel Laser let them trap opposing teams, make them hand over their own headbands, defend against attacks, and keep other teams at a distance when necessary. It was the best strategy that Shinso could come up with after only seeing their Quirks during the Obstacle Race.

The simple fact was, that of the initial twelve teams, only five still had head bands at all. That proved that their strategy was effective. They would be in second place easily. Shinso had pushed himself mentally and physically through the ringer nearly every single day since he’d failed the Hero Course Entrance Exam. He worked out, practiced parkour, weight trained, studied everything he could think of that would be useful to a Hero, from strategy and tactics all the way to critical thinking and investigative reasoning. He wouldn’t fail again!

I refuse to give up on my dream!’ Shinso thought as they jogged away from the remaining battles.

-End Chapter-


You just can’t stop Team Toga! They can fucking fly!

Todoroki should have made a dome! But Izuku probably would have just melted a hole through it almost instantly.

What’s this now? A Shinso that actually tried to improve himself? He worked harder and harder to improve after his failure! That’s the kind of grit and determination a real Hero needs! But will it be enough?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



I wonder how Shinso will fare with who he faces if it izuku I wonder how sunshine will react

Michael Mendoza

Thanks for the chapter! This is my favorite of your stories just because of the Izuku+Toga fluffiness!

Thomas E Nellis

Fantastic! I loved it. I can’t wait to see who else took training seriously.