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I don't know if this is just because we've grown so much recently or something big happened that I'm not aware of, but we have $272.95 in Declined Pledges this month.

Even though I know most of it, if not nearly all of it, will go through in the next few days, this is the largest amount and number of Declines the group has had in the 2.5 years that we've been together!

Almost makes a guy's heart jump out of his chest!

I'll be running the Monthly Random Drawing tomorrow! Look forward to it Soldiers and Officers!



wait so there was a decline in patreons? i’m confused

John Balman

Same, did people stop sub. ? Or did transaction just not go through ?


That sucks and hope the people are ok. We're still in the process of covid and I hope everyone doing ok.


Is it the usual beginning of the month drop or something more serious.


Hopefully everything is okay:(


You know. I usually sign up and decline like all the time. I pledged 20dollars for just 2 days and declined before 1 juni. Why? Because i will be busy this month and wont have time to read. Might as well pledge im juli when i have more time.


I want everyone in our group to make sure that their own Finances are secure before they Pledge even a cent. My Patrons' wellbeing means more to me than any Pledge amount.


I'm familiar with this practice too. I expect it now days. Just the number of Declines was much larger than usual. Maybe we're just getting way bigger than I realized and this will be our new normal now?

Gage Ostrander

Just a wild a** guess here, but it might be because of the wait between updates on a particular story. You have a decent amount of them, but some people like me are only reading one or two of them which leeds to a lengthy wait between updates. The people who left may have decided they just don't want to wait and pay for the wait.


That's perfectly fine, I've had several that have done that very thing. But for me, writing only a single story would lead to burnout on said story, or my brain would become so cluttered with ideas that I'd be unable to write for the story anyway.

Blizzard Burn

It's probably covid this is my 3rd time on leave so could be

Shawn Carroll

Mine is because my card died and my bank was being really prickish about giving me a new card.


Sorry to hear about that, Support Captain Carroll. I'm glad to see they finally got you a new card though. It sucks not having your card available.