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Hey friends and fans! It looks like I might actually have some free time near the end of the month!

So should I write up the next One Piece Plot Bunny? If so, which one?

It's been a while since I posted the first one, so I'm wondering if it's not time to write up another, you know?

Let me know what you One Piece Fans think!


For some reason the site won't let me end the Poll or delete it... Whatever, it's closed and Hebi Hebi no Mi - Model: Yamata no Orochi won with 45% of the votes!



As I might have a little free time at the end of the month, should I write up the next One Piece Plot Bunny?If so, which one?

Vote Now! [Hebi Hebi no Mi - Model: Yamata no Orochi] [Kage Kage no Mi] [Shio Shio no Mi(Salt Salt Fruti)] [Ibi Ibi no Mi(Decay Decay Fruit)]



Decay decay fruit!

David Zimmerle

Definitely voting for the salt fruit since I have never seen anything like it done. I've seen plenty of heat/fire and kage fruits, and at least one with the yamata no orochi. Decay I haven't seen although I did read one with a death type fruit which I believe would have somewhat similar powers so the Salt one would be something completely new to me.


40 votes so far on the Poll, and Kage Kage no Mi is now tied with Hebi Hebi no Mi.


Would it be considered sea salt automatically? That's the big question i think. Can the user change its properties? It would be like free, basic level armament Haki. Beyond the obvious question, there is a lot you could do with salt, depending how far you go with it.


It would be any form of natural salt, sea salt, rock salt, whatever. There is a lot you can do with salt, indeed! People really seem to like Mythical Zoans though, Orochi is winning pretty well now. That'll be a fun Bunny to write.


both are fine with me tbh. The Orochi's fruit was completely wasted and just shoe-horned in bcoz, well, it's in his name.


I would go go with the hebi hebi fruit


I also voted for the hebi hebi fruit

Thomas E Nellis

Why pop up polls lol. The traditional polls were too strong weren’t they?


These Polls are easier to make. Plus I can let a select few friends have access if I want.