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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! After reuniting multiple times, is Erza finally ready to meet Lucy? The Celestial Spirit Mage is going to be all embarrassed, so cute!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 18 – Scarlet and Blonde, Eisenwald

“Are you sure it’s okay?” Lucy asked as she walked with Cana and Mira back to the Dragon’s Den. The tremors of Natsu and Erza’s reuniting had ended a while back, but Lucy knew what had happened where they were headed and she was a little flustered by what she might see.

“It’ll be fine, Lucy.” Mira gave her a grin. “We sent Lisanna ahead to make sure they’re both decent.”

“Besides, you wanted to meet Erza, right?” Cana tilted her head while giving Lucy a knowing smile.

“I do, but they were just…you know…” Lucy mumbled out bashfully.

“You’re so cute, Lucy!” Cana laughed as she put her left arm around Lucy’s shoulders.

“If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to head back right now, Lucy.” Mira gave her an understanding smile.

“Thanks Mira,” Lucy returned the smile but made no move to alter their course. “I think I’ll be okay though.”

“That’s the spirit!” Cana pulled Lucy into a side-hug. “Let’s get home.”

Lucy couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips at that. The Dragon’s Den was already considered her home by everyone that lived there. Natsu, Lisanna, Mira, and Cana had all welcomed her completely and she felt a sense of belonging among them. She’d be lying if she said she was even still looking for a place of her own. She loved living with the Dragon Slayers. It was the sense of Family that she’d lost after her mother had died. She cherished it and wanted to have it forever.

“Fair warning though,” Mira giggled as they emerged from the forest pathway and into the clearing their home sat in. “Erza has no qualms about what she calls ‘skinship’ among Guild mates. So she’ll probably try to bathe with you tonight.”

“We’ll at least keep her from bringing Natsu along.” Cana assured Lucy with a gentle grin.

“I’m sorry if I’ve been keeping you all from that.” Lucy apologized, again, for what she perceived as being in the way. It was a fairly constant worry of hers, even if she was constantly reassured that she wasn’t stopping them from doing anything.

“None of that, Lucy, you know we don’t see it that way at all.” Mira shook her head and ‘booped’ Lucy’s nose gently with her index finger. Lucy scrunched up her nose cutely and both Cana and Mira cooed at the blonde.

Making their way inside the house, the trio was greeted to the sight of Natsu sitting on the couch, bare-chested, with Erza cuddled up to his left side and Lisanna cuddled up to his right. His left arm was over Erza’s shoulders while his right arm was wrapped around Lisanna’s shoulders. Mira let out an ‘aww’ as she saw the cute scene and happily made her way over to kiss Natsu and snuggle her little sister.

“So cute…” Lucy mumbled and Cana agreed with her. The brunette ushered Lucy further into the house and closed the front door behind them.

“Hey Mira,” Natsu greeted the elder Strauss sister after their lips separated. “Welcome home Cana, Lucy.” Natsu gave them a warm smile as he tilted his head back on the couch so he could see them.

“Good to be home.” Cana grinned as she sidled up to the back of the couch and captured Natsu’s lips for herself. The two made out for a moment before pulling away, a strand of saliva breaking showing everyone just how deep their kiss had been.

“So you’re Lucy,” Erza poked her head up as Lucy made her way in front of the couch. “It’s wonderful to meet you, I’m Erza.” The redhead smiled brightly at the Celestial Spirit Mage.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Erza.” Lucy gave a short bow to the other woman. “I’m Lucy, a new Guild Member to Fairy Tail.”

“I’m told you’re our house guest.” Erza tilted her head, which Lucy found cute.

“Yes,” Lucy nodded with a bright smile. “Natsu, Cana, Mira, and Lisanna have been very welcoming and kind to me.”

“I’m glad.” Erza beamed at her Mate and Dragon Sisters. “I look forward to getting to know you better, Lucy.”

“Me too, Erza.” Lucy returned the bright smile.

“Are you still looking for a place of your own, Lucy?” Erza questioned curiously.

“Oh, well…” Lucy rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish chuckle. “I’ve kinda put that on hold… Natsu, Mira, Lisanna, and Cana have made me feel so welcome that I’ve not been looking recently.”

“That’s excellent,” Erza nodded with a pleased look on her face. “You’ll be staying here then.” Lucy blinked at the finality of Erza’s tone. “This will be your home in Magnolia for as long as you want it.”

“Oh,” Lucy’s felt a smile break out on her face even as happy tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “Thank you, Erza. I really appreciate it.”

“Come here,” Cana whispered gently as she pulled Lucy into her arms and guided her to the couch. The blonde was sat on Natsu’s lap and then the pinkette’s arms gently wrapped around her back as he pulled her into a warm hug. Cana leaned against Lucy’s back, enveloping the other girl in her own hug. Lisanna, Mira, and Erza all joined in and it became a large group hug with Lucy at the center.

“Thank you.” Lucy felt a happy tear fall from her eye as she buried her face into Natsu’s bare-chest.

“Welcome home, Lucy.” Natsu repeated his early greeting as he held the brown-eyed young woman. She snuggled closer, her arms tentatively wrapping around Natsu’s back. When all she got from her action was murmurs of approval and acceptance, Lucy tightened her hug and laid her head on Natsu’s shoulder with a happy smile. This was home. This was where she was meant to be. Lucy was sure of that now.

The group hug or Cuddle Pile as it had become, lasted for a good long while. No one wanted to leave the comfortable embrace they were sharing. The feelings of love and acceptance were so strong that Lucy would have happily stayed right where she was for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, certain things, like hunger, meant that the Cuddle Pile had to let go of each other eventually. As the women stood up and Lucy left Natsu’s lap her hand was taken by a grinning Erza.

“Let’s take a bath.” Erza’s grin was infectious as Lucy found herself agreeing with a grin of her own. “Natsu, come with us.” The redhead looked at her Mate with love.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Erza, Lucy isn’t with Natsu like that.” Lisanna shook her head at the Requip Mage.

“Huh?” Erza’s eyes were wide as she blinked at Lisanna. It looked as if the scarlet-haired woman hadn’t even considered that a possibility.

“She’s been our guest this whole time,” Mira informed her friendly rival. “But she and Natsu haven’t made any moves on each other. Natsu and Lucy don’t bathe together.”

“They both probably want to though.” Cana teased and broke into snickering when Lucy’s cheeks went a bright red. The blonde looking at the floor a moment later after her brown-eyes met Natsu’s warm amber-eyes. The Magma Dragon Slayer giving the blonde a gentle smile had the young woman flustered.

“There’s nothing wrong with ‘skinship’ between guild mates though.” Erza blinked as she looked back and forth between Lucy and Natsu.

“That’s your opinion, Erza.” Lisanna giggled at her Dragon Sister. “Not everyone else agrees.”

“Hmm…” Erza looked like she was halfway between thinking and pouting at this information.

“You all can take your bath first.” Natsu smiled at his Mates and Lucy. “I’ll get in after you all are done.”

“Aww… I wanted to bathe with both of you.” Erza was now pouting in full.

“Down Erza,” Mira pulled the redhead into a hug. “We can’t make Lucy uncomfortable like that.”

“Towel…” Lucy mumbled out with pink cheeks.

“What?” Cana asked not quite able to make out what she’d said. It had been mumbled under Lucy’s breath and even Dragon Slayer hearing couldn’t make out what was said.

“If Natsu wears a towel, I’m fine with it.” Lucy poked her index fingers together shyly as she raised her eyes to gauge the group’s reaction.

Erza’s eyes were sparkling with joy. Mira was giving her a knowing look. Cana winked at the blonde. Lisanna wore a bright smile and was starting to bounce on her heels a little in excitement. Natsu blinked at her for a second before beaming at Lucy. The Celestial Spirit Mage could have sworn that smile was brighter than the sun!

“Excellent!” Erza beamed as she took Lucy’s hand and led her to the changing room. They were followed by the other women while Natsu would wait until they were done changing before following. Lucy was easing her way into their Family at her own pace. There was no need to push her any further.

Lucy had to admit to being slightly jealous of Erza’s mastery of Requip Magic. The redhead hadn’t even made sure the door was closed behind them before she glowed and her naked body was revealed. The blonde felt her eyes run over Erza’s body unbidden. She was physically beautiful without a doubt. With an ample bosom that equaled Lucy’s own girls. The thin waist and wide, flaring hips gave her a near perfect hourglass-figure. Her toned thighs and long legs were amazing and when she turned around the ass that Lucy got an eyeful of was mesmerizing.

“Wow…” Lucy breathed out as she slowly stripped off her own clothing.

“Right?” Mira giggled as she removed her shirt.

“You’re very lovely yourself, Lucy.” Erza smiled at the blonde when Lucy removed the last of her clothing and stood naked before the other woman. “Now, let’s get clean!” Lucy was almost dragged through the opaque glass door and sat on one of the shower stools. Erza was a meticulous washer and Lucy felt the other woman’s hands run over her entire body. She didn’t say anything when Erza copped a feel of her breasts while mumbling ‘skinship’ quietly.

Lucy returned the favor as she washed Erza. Running her hands up and down Erza’s back, feeling the strong muscles hidden under soft skin. Lucy pressed her own tits against Erza’s back as she reached around to start washing the redhead’s breasts. She wasn’t expecting the pleased little moan Erza let out though. Her cheeks were warmer now and not just from the water.

After the ladies finished washing, Lucy wrapped a towel around her body as they headed for the hot spring. She sighed and relaxed as she slipped into the hot spring next to Erza. As long as she and Natsu were both covered by towels, Lucy felt good about taking this step and showing Natsu she was interested. She’d known the Dragon Slayers for about three weeks now. She didn’t think she was moving too fast, covered-bathing wasn’t much different from going swimming together after all.

Her resolve was put to the test a short time later as Natsu entered the hot spring with nothing but a towel around his hips. Her eyes raced up and down the pinkette’s toned muscular form, committing his body to memory. Her eyes lingered on the scars he’d gained over his time as a Mage. There was one on his neck, one on his left side, and a few smaller ones, faded but still noticeable if you looked, along his arms. Lucy found herself staring, but she couldn’t look away. This was the body of a Mage that had spent years on Quests and had attained the S-Class Ranking. The fact that it was Natsu’s body just made it that much more appealing to Lucy.

“You okay Lucy?” Natsu asked as he stepped into the spring.

“Yes, I’m fine!” Lucy almost yelped at being caught staring. She heard the giggles of the other women and flushed.

“She just likes what she sees is all, Natsu.” Cana chuckled while giving Lucy a look.

“Can’t blame her.” Lisanna teased gently while giving Lucy a grin.

“Nope.” Mira shook her head playfully and Lucy relaxed a bit. The playfulness was something she had gotten used to and even enjoyed now days.

“Natsu is very handsome.” Erza agreed as she took in her Mate’s form.

“Love you all too.” Natsu grinned as he moved to sit down. But he was stopped by Erza and pulled over to where she and Lucy were sitting.

“Sit with us, Natsu.” Erza grinned as she leaned against him.

“Alright.” Natsu agreed easily, kissing the top of Erza’s head and making the Earth Dragon Slayer smile happily. “Hope that’s okay with you, Lucy.”

“Yes, I don’t mind.” Lucy had a small smile on her lips as she sat next to Natsu in nothing but a towel. The blonde noticed Natsu’s gaze lazily drifting over each of his Mates. When his gaze got to her she felt her body-confidence spike a little as his eyes met hers before drifting down to her cleavage. The towel was big enough to cover everything, but it left a lot of cleavage for Natsu to enjoy. His eyes returned to hers and she gave him a soft grin.

“Lucy.” Natsu smiled at the blonde as he extended his right arm and placed it softly over her shoulders. He’d already done the same with Erza and the other woman was watching their interaction with a smile.

“Natsu.” Lucy looked over to Cana, Lisanna, and Mira to gauge their reactions. What she saw alleviated any worries. Cana was smiling at her, the brunette’s warm chocolate-eyes showing nothing but encouragement and affection. Mira and Lisanna both had sparkles in their beautiful blue-eyes and were practically egging her on. With this level of approval Lucy could only smile beautifully at them as she gently laid her head on Natsu’s shoulder.

After a relaxing bath, the family sat down for dinner. Lucy went wide-eyed at seeing Natsu produce rock with his Magic, only for Erza to eat the rocks as if they were dinner rolls! Her teeth hurt just watching that! The redhead seemed to find them absolutely delicious though. Wearing a robe to dinner was fairly common in the Dragon’s Den. But this was the first night that Lucy wore it in the same fashion as the rest of the women, her cleavage on display for the enjoyment of everyone just like the other girls. She’d caught a few glances from Cana, Mira, Lisanna, and Erza. She caught Natsu looking a few times and on the third time gave him a little wink.

The rest of the evening was spent chatting with Erza and getting to know the redhead better. Learning that Erza rarely used her Dragon Slayer Magic on Quests had been surprising for Lucy. With such powerful Magic at her disposal, the blonde thought Erza would use it fairly often. The redhead’s explanation made sense though. This was Magic that could kill a Dragon! If it was used on regular people or even most Mages without careful control it could kill them. Mira and Cana also refrained from using their Dragon Slayer Magic on Quests that didn’t involve Dragonkin. Cana usually preferred Divination Type Quests, while Mira’s Satan Soul Take-Over could deal with just about anything or anyone she came across. Lisanna used her Dragon Slayer Magic more often, but her Animal Soul Take-Over was far more useful for scouting and even granted her flight.

As she lay in her bed that night, Lucy couldn’t help but ponder what kind of Dragon Slayer she would be. This was followed by her face practically glowing red as she flipped over and covered her head with her pillow. She knew what the Dragon Soul Ritual entailed after all!


“Good morning Lucy~” Cana chirped at the blonde from the breakfast table. The brunette had a bright smile on her face and was almost glowing.

“Good morning Cana.” Lucy smiled at the Card Mage. “You look wonderful today.” She told the radiant brunette.

“She probably had time with Natsu last night.” Happy snickered from where he was eating a fish on the kitchen counter. Lucy felt her cheeks go red at the innuendo. Without missing a beat, a card appeared between Cana’s left index and middle fingers and she casually tossed it at the blue cat. The smile had never left her face the whole time. Happy yelped as he slammed backwards onto the counter to avoid the card which sparked as it hit the earthen wall behind the cat.

“Breakfast should be ready soon.” Cana informed as if she hadn’t just thrown a magic card at Happy. “And before you wonder too long, yes.” The brunette gave Lucy a naughty grin and a wink.

“Cana!” Lucy’s hands covered her red cheeks as she sat down at the table.

Natsu was the last to come down from upstairs. The Magma Dragon Slayer had a pleased grin on his face that matched Cana’s. As was normal for the family, Natsu greeted each of his Mates with a kiss. When he got to Lucy she was stunned that he didn’t even bat an eye as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. Her right hand cupped her cheek that had been kissed as a happy smile formed on her lips. It was just a cheek kiss, compared to the on the lips kisses he’d given his Mates, but it showed a progression of their relationship that made warmth bubble up in Lucy’s chest.

-Fairy Tail Guild Hall-

“Dispelling a Curse on a cane? That’s not really in my skillset.” Lucy looked over the Quests on the board to find herself a new job. “Find a lost heirloom ring? Maybe if I had Cana’s help. Exterminate a Volcano Devil?!” Lucy gaped at the Quest before seeing the ‘A’ in the corner of it. The blonde exhaled in relief that such a Quest wouldn’t be considered a D-Rank.

“Looking for work Lucy?” Levy smiled at her friend and fellow reader. The two had struck up a friendship in Lucy’s first week at the Guild. They had similar taste in literature and had bonded over it. Levy was also much more experienced as a Guild Mage. The petite bluenette was an A-Class Mage and was hopeful to be selected the next time the S-Class Trials were held.

“Yeah, I’d like to complete enough D-Rank Quests to rank up to C-Class soon.” Lucy smiled at her friend. She’d completed a few D-Rank Quests since the whole Everlue Incident. Mostly small things like gathering Quests out in the forests for rare herbs useful for Potions and Elixirs. Her only combat related Quest had been to subdue a Feathered Imp. They were mischievous when small, but became outright hostile when they got bigger. They also developed offensive Magic when they got strong enough. She and Cancer had been able to take their target out together without any real injuries.

“You’ll get there Lucy, there’s no rush.” Levy assured her friend with a smile.

“Hey, is the Master in?” Gray questioned loudly as he walked into the Guild Hall.

“He’s at the regular meeting Gray.” Mira spoke up from where she and Lisanna were helping out behind the bar.

“Damn, I overheard something that I’m pretty sure wasn’t good and I wanted to ask Master about it.” Gray sighed as he took on a thoughtful look. “Mira, have you ever heard of a Magic called Lullaby? From what I overheard it was sealed away and the guys after it mentioned the name Erigor. I can’t remember where I heard that name though.”

“Erigor?” Levy looked at Gray with a concerned face. “Erigor ‘The Shinigami’? He was the Eisenwald Guild’s Ace before they violated the Council’s ban on Assassination Quests. The Master was arrested six years ago and the Guild was ordered to disband. They went underground and became a Dark Guild instead though.”

“Well, shit…” Gray exhaled heavily. “Thanks for the info Levy, should’ve known I could just ask you.” He chuckled as Levy waved him off. “What the hell kind of Magic did they try to unseal though?”

“I’m not sure, Lullaby sounds like a Type of Magic meant to put someone to sleep.” Levy had a thoughtful look on her face. “I don’t know why a form of Sleep Magic would be sealed away though. It’s a pretty common Magic after all.”

“Hmm, maybe it’s supposed to be a synonym or a different meaning from the standard usage?” Lucy guessed as she took on a thinking pose. “Synonyms for sleep… Rest, slumber, nap, snooze, doze… None of them strike me as anything you’d want to seal away for being harmful.”

“Lullaby is a type of song, maybe it’s a chant? Or maybe an instrument that plays music?” Levy and Lucy were putting their heads together to try and come up with something plausible.

“Wait… An instrument that plays music… Sealed away… Lullaby? The song of sleep… Eternal sleep?” Lucy’s hand covered her mouth as horror filled her eyes. She knew that legend! One of the many legends depicting the most Evil Mage to have ever lived! Black Mage Zeref!

“Lucy? Are you okay?” Levy questioned her friend with concern. “You’re white as a sheet all of a sudden.”

“Lullaby, the cursed flute, all who hear its song are sent into the eternal sleep, death. It’s one of the Legends of the Black Mage!” Lucy exclaimed, her brown-eyes wide with panic.

“Oh shit…” Gray’s knuckles popped from how hard his fists were clenching. If only he’d known those guys were from Eisenwald! He’d have taken them down right then and there!

“Let’s calm down.” Lisanna broke into the conversation. “We don’t know if this is actually what they’re after. Getting panicked won’t help anyone. Let’s use the Communication Lacrima and call the Guild Master Meeting Building. We’ll ask Master Makarov about this and see what he says.” The short-haired Strauss sister smiled as Gray, Levy, Lucy, and Mira all relaxed a bit.

“That’s my little sister!” Mira hugged Lisanna close. “Always calm and thinking things through.”

Lisanna quickly went and retrieved the Communication Lacrima and brought it to the bar. Just as Mira was about to activate the device, it flickered on by itself. The crystal orb glowed a myriad of colors, as if it was having trouble connecting, before the image resolved itself and a man’s face could be seen.

“Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Is this the Fairy Tail Guild?!” The man seemed like he was trying to maintain calm, but some urgency was bleeding into his tone.

“Yes, this is the Fairy Tail Guild, who is this?” Mira took over the call as the highest-ranking Mage.

“This is Captain Bauland of Fiore Knight Squadron Thirty-Six! We’re stationed at Oshibana Town. A Dark Guild, Eisenwald, has taken over the train station! We don’t know what they’re after but we’ve stopped all rail travel on the line to keep civilians safe. They wiped out the majority of the Knight Squadron when we went in to try and subdue them. I’m calling you because we need Mage assistance! Fairy Tail is the closest Mage Guild to here, can you help us?” The man explained the situation and all five of the Mages that were gathered around the Lacrima went stone-faced.

“Those guys said three days.” Gray growled lowly his fist pressed against the bar top. “It hasn’t even been two yet!”

“Captain Bauland, we need to set your broken arm, sir.” Was heard through the Lacrima from someone out of the devices view.

“Worry about my arm after we get the civilians clear of the station! Coordinate with the local police and establish a barricade around the area!” Bauland ordered what was most likely one of his remaining subordinates.

“Fairy Tail can assist you, Captain! We’ll send some of our strongest Mages right away!” Mira answered the Knight’s question.

“Excellent, the trains are shut down though, probably why they picked this line, it ends at Clover Town, but that gives them a large amount of railway to work with. How fast can you get here without train service?” Bauland questioned the platinum-haired woman.

“We have flight capability here, so we’ll be there as soon as possible.” Mira responded and the Knight’s eyes widen briefly before he nodded to them.

“Thank you for your assistance! A reward will be provided for services rendered by the Kingdom!” Bauland gave a salute, even though he grimaced from his injuries. The Lacrima flickered before going blank and inactive again.

“Natsu, Erza, Cana!” Mira called out to her Mate and Dragon Sisters. “We have an Emergency Request!” All three Dragon Slayers bolted up from their chairs, Natsu’s falling backwards entirely.

It was time to go to work.

-End Chapter-


Fluffy progress! Yay!

Eisenwald doing something a bit different from Canon. What the hell?

What’re those guys up to? Kageyama said three days! It hasn’t even been two full days yet! What’s going on?

Well, time for the Mages of Fairy Tail to go to work!

Dark Guild beat down incoming! But what of Lullaby itself?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


John Balman

Hehe Lucy is already concidering here dragon element hehe and the special action required hahaha


Glad you liked it, Tristan! What is going on with the timeline though? Well, with this many S-Class Mages I don't think Eisenwald has much of a chance.


Great chapter, Lucy and Ezra getting touchy “ wolf whistle” and I like how you are progressing Lucy into the family gives it more depth then just she a stranger one minute and then boom she is in 100% the next.


Glad you liked it! Yeah, relationships take time. But they're more satisfying that way!

Thomas E Nellis

The sweet romance, the epicness, the memes, the magic, it’s all real. Lol. Loved the chapter!

Jake Francis

With Mira going on the quest are we going to get Satan Soul Lullaby?