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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another Force of Souls Chapter! Ichigo, Rukia, Tatsuki, and Orihime continue to practice. Rukia gets more comfortable in her new relationship. The foursome makes a startling discovery and things change far more from Canon because of it! They may need some help.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 7 – Relationship and Discovery

Two weeks.

Two weeks of her new relationship and Kuchiki Rukia could say without hesitation that she was as happier than she’d ever been!

Orihime and Tatsuki were loving and accepting, helping her ease into the new experience. Rukia had never expected to find such warmth and joy in simple actions like hugs or gently holding hands. The warmth was always the same, no matter if she was with Ichigo, Tatsuki, Orihime, or all three. Relaxing together, holding each other, soft caresses and gentle affections had a way of easing Rukia’s heart that she’d never experienced before. Going out on simple dates with Ichigo around Karakura, hand in hand, was a new favorite of the petite Shinigami. Enjoying time with Orihime and Tatsuki was easy and came so naturally that Rukia often ended up snuggled with her two girlfriends without even realizing it.

With a small smile Rukia prepared for bed. Ichigo had finished his nightly meditation to further his Reiryoku Control and was now taking a shower. The late spring had become warmer recently and Rukia felt her cheeks warm slightly at her decision for the night. She put on one of Ichigo’s T-shirts, the garment so large on her it covered all the way down to her upper thighs. Aside from her panties, this was what she’d be sleeping in tonight.

“Hey Rukia…” Ichigo trailed off as he closed and locked his bedroom door behind him. His eyes took in the sight of Rukia wearing his T-shirt and nothing else, from what he could see. The orange-haired teen stood still as he looked the ravenette over. Rukia knew her cheeks were red, but she couldn’t help but be pleased by Ichigo’s look.

“Yes, Ichigo?” Rukia questioned with a small smile.

“What?” Ichigo blinked as he finally pulled his eyes away from Rukia’s bare legs.

“You sounded like you were about to ask me something when you came in, I was just curious what it was.” Rukia elaborated as she gave him a soft smile.

“Oh, uh, right.” Ichigo shook himself as he walked closer to his girlfriend. “I was going to ask, since it’s getting warmer now and full pajamas would be too hot, if you minded me going shirtless at night?”

“That’s fine, Ichigo.” Rukia gave him a grin. “I see you already like what I’ll be wearing to bed.”

“Very much,” Ichigo grinned at her, pulling her close and kissing her. The two kissed for a few moments, soft and slow, sharing their love and affection with each other. When they pulled away, Ichigo couldn’t help but quip. “Is that all you’re wearing?”

“You’re not getting that far yet, Mister.” Rukia gave him a playful glare as she pulled up the hem of the T-shirt and showed him the horizontal-striped panties she was wearing for a moment. Ichigo, like any teen male that had just been shown his girlfriend’s panties for the first time, completely focused on the new exposure for the short time Rukia let him look.

“Acceptable.” Ichigo smiled warmly at Rukia before pulling off his shirt and tossing it onto the back of his desk chair. Now it was Rukia’s turn to drink in the sight of her boyfriend’s body. Ichigo had always been in good shape since she’d met him. But with his near constant training over the last month and a half he’d become a bit more toned and muscular. The violet-eyed woman was all too happy to run her gaze all over Ichigo’s exposed skin.

“Time for bed.” Rukia took Ichigo’s hand and led him the few short steps to the bed. She crawled in first, feeling Ichigo’s eyes on her panty-clad bottom. Ichigo slid in after her and the two pressed themselves together.

“Good night, Rukia.” Ichigo murmured as he leaned down to capture her lips again.

“Good night, Ichigo.” Rukia hummed happily when they broke their kiss. She buried her face against his bare chest and welcomed the warmth. Listening to his heartbeat lulled her to sleep quickly.

-The Next Day-

It was after school and tomorrow was their day off. Ichigo would be happy about this, if he wasn’t currently fighting off his third Hollow of the day! The Hollow this time had multiple bone-like plates covering a good amount of its body. The monkey-like form matched the mask on its face and Ichigo really wanted to slay this thing and be done with it!

“Damn it!” Ichigo growled as the monkey-like Hollow deflected a blow from his Zanpakutō with its bone plates. The Hollow was agile and its speed was annoying. Ichigo was putting his two weeks of Hohō training to good use to avoid all five limbs, counting the prehensile tail, of the Hollow.

“Raaaarrrrrgggghhh!” The monkey-like Hollow howled as it lunged for Ichigo again. Ichigo pivoted around its swipe, side-stepped the tail swing, and then back-stepped to avoid the second clawed hand.

“Bakudō Number Four: Hainawa!” Rukia called from behind the Hollow. With a shriek the monkey Hollow found its arms and tail bound to its torso by the bright yellow Reishi rope. “Now, Ichigo!”

“Disappear!” Ichigo exclaimed as he split the Hollow’s mask horizontally with an Agitowari strike. With a final wail, the Hollow dissolved into Reishi and three small souls were sent away via the automatic Konsō of the Zanpakutō.

“It’s been a busy day.” Rukia exhaled from her use of Bakudō.

“I really hope this isn’t going to become the norm from now on.” Ichigo huffed as he sheathed his Zanpakutō and caught his breath. One Hollow during first period in the morning, the second Hollow just after lunch, and this one right as school let out for the day! Ichigo was sick of them already!

“Let’s go meet Orihime and Tatsuki at Matsukura. I’m sure they’re worried.” Rukia smiled as she climbed onto Ichigo’s back. This felt much more intimate now that they were dating, or courting as it was still called in the Soul Society.

“Yeah, I hate worrying them like this; three in one day is new for them too.” Ichigo lamented as he leapt onto the nearest rooftop and headed for the abandoned hospital. “I’ve never fought a nimble Hollow like that one before. The slow, stupid ones are much easier.”

“Hollows come in thousands of forms and each can have natural advantages and disadvantages based on those forms. That’s not taking into account ones with unique abilities like Shrieker had.” Rukia informed as she held onto his shoulders as they traveled.

“I’ll have to get better then.” Ichigo decided as he leapt from one rooftop to another.

“Your speed has improved, Ichigo.” Rukia praised her boyfriend. “We might be able to get to Shunpo soon.”

“I’ll keep practicing.” Ichigo chuckled as he closed in on the old hospital.

When the duo arrived they were both glomped by a bubbly orangette. Ichigo and Rukia returned Orihime’s hug as Tatsuki inspected both of them for any injuries. After assurances that they were fine, hugs all around, and some sweet, gentle kisses to soothe each other, training began once again. Ichigo would never get tired of seeing his girlfriends in yoga pants and sports bras. There was so little left to the imagination, just enough to be tantalizing.

A couple of hours later and the group were sitting down for a break before they headed to Orihime’s for showers and some time to relax together. Tatsuki had prepared some protein-rich sandwiches for the group along with electrolyte replenishing sports drinks. As everyone ate and cooled off, Orihime noticed two small candies in the bottom of the small bag that Tatsuki had brought the food in. With a smile she picked them up and tapped Tatsuki on the shoulder. The ravenette turned to face her girlfriend and saw her holding out a candy to her. Assuming Orihime had brought them herself, Tatsuki smiled as she took the little candy ball. The two popped the candies into their mouths but swallowed immediately at the bland taste.

“About time!” A certain black cat, that may or may not have sneakily snuck said candies into the bag in the first place, grinned from on top of the hospital. The black cat had been watching their practice since they’d first arrived after all. Patience was never the feline’s strongest suit when there were pranks to play.

Tatsuki and Orihime blinked as a sudden feeling of movement struck them. Blinking the duo realized that they were now looking at their own bodies from behind! Ichigo and Rukia had turned at the sudden increase in Reiatsu behind them and stared, mouths agape, at what they were seeing.

Tatsuki stood behind her body clad in a slightly modified Shihakushō. The hakama only came down to mid-shin and she had modified tabi, with open-heeled and open-toe, on her feet going up to the bottom of her shortened hakama. The same zori sandals that Ichigo and Rukia had in their Shinigami Forms were also on her feet. On her lower back, sheathed through her modified Shihakushō top, was a Wakizashi-style Zanpakutō. The tsuka had burnt-orange ito wrappings, while the tsuba was still an oval it had a line of metal that bowed out on either side to form a ‘D’ shaped hole. The only other ornamentation was two dashes, almost like brush strokes, on either end. The dash close to the blade was noticeably shorter than the one near the edge of the tsuba.

Orihime was similarly staring at her own body in shock. Her Shihakushō was the same as Ichigo and Rukia’s, including the tabi socks and zori sandals. On her hip was a Kodachi-style Zanpakutō. Ichigo wasn’t an expert on swords, but he did remember that the kodachi was light and well-suited for defense because of its length being less than a standard katana. Why he still remembered that old bit of trivia he didn’t know. The tsuka had lighter orange ito wrappings, very similar to Ichigo’s hair color in fact. The tsuba was circular with a design nearly identical to her hair pins, a six-pointed flower, on the metal.

“T-Tatsuki, Ori-Orihime?!” Rukia cried out in shock at seeing her new girlfriends as Shinigami!

“Wh-What happened?!” Ichigo was on his feet and checking both of them over. Their bodies were awake and simply sitting on the blanket. It was clear both had somehow ingested Gikon and now the artificial souls were awaiting instructions.

“I have now idea…” Tatsuki looked herself over in shock.

“Does this mean I can learn Kidō now?” Orihime’s bright, bubbly question lowered the tension of the situation dramatically. Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Rukia all turned to look at the smiling airhead with stunned faces.

“Orihime… I envy your ability to roll with things…” Tatsuki sighed as she pulled her girlfriend into a hug. Orihime happily returned it.

“How… How could this happen? I only transferred my power to Ichigo…” Rukia started mumbling under her breath as she held her head in her hands.

“Wait… The day after I became a Shinigami…” Ichigo covered his mouth with his right hand as he took on a thoughtful look. “I didn’t have any control of my Reiryoku… We… We slept together… Did I…did I cause this?”

“It… Could it? What the hell…” Rukia looked up at Ichigo and then between him and Orihime and Tatsuki. “With your amount of Reiryoku… Completely uncontrolled… Both Orihime and Tatsuki already had fairly high Reiryoku for Humans… Oh dear god…”

“Ichigo… Did you fuck Shinigami powers into us?” Tatsuki flat out asked as she and Orihime finished looking over themselves and then turned their gazes onto their boyfriend.

“I… I… Maybe?” Ichigo looked like he was about to collapse from shock and confusion.

Unheard by any of them was the laughter of a certain talking feline on top of the hospital roof.

“What do we do now?” Tatsuki turned to the still stunned Rukia. “What did you do to help Ichigo when this happened?”

“I don’t know how to use a sword.” Orihime spoke up as she placed her left hand on her Zanpakutō.

“Alright, let’s all just take a breath.” Rukia inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly. Everyone copied her and after a few deep breaths calm returned to the foursome. “This, I’ve never even heard of such a ludicrous situation, but it’s happened and there are things that must be done to get Tatsuki and Orihime ready.” The petite Shinigami woman sighed as she looked over her girlfriends. ‘There’s someone we need to visit for this.”

“Hat n’ Clogs?” Ichigo guessed and Rukia nodded with a serious look on her face.

“You remember what he asked me the last time we stopped to buy supplies, right?” Rukia questioned her boyfriend. Ichigo thought back and after a few seconds his eyes widened.

“That son of a bitch knew!” Ichigo growled and clenched his fists.

“Um, could one of you tell us who you’re talking about?” Tatsuki asked as Orihime was running her hands over her Shihakushō with a smile.

“I’ll tell you on the way there, have your Gikon pack up your things and follow behind us. We’re going to a place called Urahara Shoten.” Rukia gave Tatsuki a smile to reassure the Martial Artist turned Shinigami. Inside she was highly annoyed, bordering on angry, from Urahara not telling them outright about Orihime and Tatsuki becoming Shinigami.

“I guess I should warn Kisuke that he’s about to have visitors.” The black cat on the hospital roof mused. “Or would it be more fun to let it be a surprise?”

-Urahara Shoten-

“The sign says closed.” Orihime pointed to the sign in question as the foursome, plus the three Gikon-controlled bodies of the Humans, stood outside of the shop.

“It’s locked too.” Rukia grimaced as she tried the door.

“Like hell it is!” Ichigo practically snarled as he kicked in the door with his right leg. “Hat n’ Clogs! Get your ass out here!” The Substitute Shinigami roared as he stomped into the interior of the shop.

In the back of the shop Urahara looked less than amused at the laughing form of the black cat. He, Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu were sitting down and having dinner when he sensed the approaching Reiatsu of Ichigo and Rukia, plus two less familiar Reiatsu signatures that he believed to be Ichigo’s girlfriends.

“Did they just kick down our door?!” Jinta jumped to his feet and raised his fist while looking towards the front of the shop.

“Ha... I’m going to be the one that has to repair that, aren’t I?” Tessai sighed as he placed his bowl and chopsticks down.

“He sounds really angry.” Ururu commented as she moved to hide behind Tessai.

“You could’ve warned me, you know that, right?” Urahara looked pointedly at the still chuckling black cat.

“I considered it.” The black feline nodded before meeting Urahara’s eyes again. “But this seemed much more entertaining!”

“Well...” Urahara sighed as he stood up from the low table. “I guess I should go see our guests.”

As soon as Urahara opened the door that led from the back of the building and into the shop proper, he had to duck to avoid one of his own candy displays beaning him in the head. The shopkeeper held up his hands in a placating gesture. But neither Rukia nor Ichigo were placated and Rukia looked like she was deciding what to throw next. Ichigo looked half a second away from charging the bucket hat-wearing man and beating him with his bare fists.

“Explain, now!” Rukia demanded with a fierce glare as she motioned to Tatsuki and Orihime and their Shinigami state.

“You say one word besides an explanation and I’m beating the answers out of you, Hat n’ Clogs!” Ichigo threatened the man, the teen starting to lose control of his Reiryoku and exerting his Reiatsu upon the shop.

“Ma, ma…” Urahara held up his hands. “I’ll tell you how I knew, but it’s really not that much of a story.”

“Speak.” Rukia was putting all of her many years of learning to be a Noble to use. Her tone was sharp, commanding respect and obedience, and her violet eyes were cold as she looked at the blonde man.

“I am very old, Kuchiki-san,” Urahara pulled out his folding paper fan. “It’s very easy to sense when two new Shinigami Reiatsu signatures appear in so close by.”

“Why didn’t you tell us back then?” Ichigo growled even as Tatsuki and Orihime took one of his hands each. “Why ask us about Asauchi instead of just telling us?”

“I figured you’d notice soon enough.” Urahara answered flippantly. If Orihime and Tatsuki hadn’t had a hold of Ichigo’s arms the teen probably would have charged the shopkeeper. “I didn’t expect it to take you two weeks though.”

“I will murder you.” Ichigo rumbled as he glared death at the green-clad man.

“Asauchi, now.” Rukia’s ice cold tone made a shiver run down everyone’s backs. Even Jinta and Ururu who were still hiding in the other room trembled.

“Of course, of course.” Urahara nodded and the door to the back of the shop opened a moment later to reveal Tessai. The large, burly man held an Asauchi in each hand. He stepped forward and gave a polite bow to both Tatsuki and Orihime before handing them each an Asauchi.

“What’s this?” Tatsuki questioned as she accepted the plain-looking katana.

“Um, I already have a sword and I don’t know how to use it.” Orihime spoke up as she held the katana while looking back and forth between her kodachi and the Asauchi.

“Those are the physical base of all True Zanpakutō.” Rukia turned and gave her girlfriends a calm smile. “They’ll become your real Zanpakutō in a bit. I’ll do everything in my power to teach you both Zanjutsu as well.” Both Orihime and Tatsuki smiled at Rukia in response as they held the Asauchi.

“For two Asauchi, that’ll be…” Urahara trailed off as both Ichigo and Rukia glared a thousand deaths at the man.

“You won’t get a single Kan you damn fool!” Rukia’s words carried a biting chill as she stared the shopkeeper down.

“You keep a secret like this and expect to be paid?” Ichigo ground out as he took a step closer to the man. “I should beat the hell from you for not telling us!”

“Hey now, those are incredibly hard to get! I can’t just let you walk out of here with them!” Urahara implored the two angry Shinigami. “I’ll offer you a discount if it’ll help make up for keeping the secret though.”

“You’ll get nothing except me ratting you out if you don’t be silent.” Rukia threatened and Urahara became serious instantly. “I don’t know what kind of deal you had to have made with my Captain to operate in District 3600, but I know who you are, Urahara Kisuke.”

“Geez…” Urahara sighed heavily. “Twist a man’s arm, why don’t you?” With a mere look Rukia, Tatsuki, Orihime, and Ichigo nearly hit the floor. The weight of the shopkeeper’s Reiatsu was immense, like a car had just been placed on each of their backs. “I don’t like to get violent if I can help it. But, to avoid trouble I’ll give you the Asauchi. So what’s say we call it even and continue our partnership as shopkeeper and customer, huh?” The Reiatsu disappeared as if it had never been there and all four of the younger Shinigami breathed heavily for a moment.

“What the hell are you?” Ichigo asked with wide eyes as he looked at Urahara.

“I’m sure Kuchiki-san can fill you in on all the details that she knows at a later time, Kurosaki-kun.” Urahara’s fan was back out and covering the lower half of his face again.

“It’s fine, Ichigo.” Rukia stated as she stood up to her full height again. “We’ve got what we came for. Taking care of Orihime and Tatsuki is much more important right now.”

“Right.” Ichigo shot another suspicious look at Urahara as he turned and walked back to his girlfriends. Both Tatsuki and Orihime were slightly shaking from the feeling of Reiatsu and Ichigo pulled them into his arms. The foursome left shortly afterwards and Tessai set about sealing up the broken door while Urahara sat down and sighed.

“Well that went about as well as expected.” The black cat chuckled as it came to sit next to Urahara.

“You could have made it a lot easier on me, you know that, right?” Urahara glanced at the cat out of the corner of his eye.

“This was far more amusing.” The cat just radiated smugness as its tail flicked back and forth.

“If you had any money I’d make you pay for my door.” Urahara grumbled as he watched Tessai work.

“I’d pay Tessai, since he’s the one that’s actually doing the work.” The cat snarked back at the blonde man.

“Thank you, Yoruichi-sama.” Tessai nodded to the cat.

“Hey, whose side are you on Tessai?” Urahara looked between the large man and the cat sitting next to him.

-Orihime’s Apartment-

“What the hell is going on in Karakura?” Ichigo questioned the ceiling as he lay back on the floor, back in his own body again. Rukia had just explained what she knew of Urahara Kisuke to her boyfriend and two girlfriends. All three of the teens were confused, shocked, and slightly worried.

“For him to be here though, means that he and my own Captain must have struck a deal.” Rukia reminded the three. “Captain Ukitake isn’t one to cavort with criminals; which means that he must strongly doubt Urahara’s guilt.”

“I’m not sure if that’s good or bad at this point.” Tatsuki sighed at all of the information she had just absorbed about the strange shopkeeper and a one hundred year old incident from the Soul Society.

“I just want cuddles.” Orihime mentioned as she snuggled up with Ichigo on the floor. Ichigo instantly pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. Tatsuki moved over and took Ichigo’s other side as the three of them held each other.

“I am sorry to spring so much information on you all at once.” Rukia apologized to the three teens. “For now it shouldn’t matter. Instead let’s focus on making those Asauchi your own.”

“Right, you mentioned something about that.” Tatsuki murmured from her place curled up with Ichigo.

“Will it let me learn Kidō?” Orihime peeked at Rukia from where her face was buried in Ichigo’s chest. Ichigo’s chuckles brought a smile to the orangette girl.

“It should help with your Reiryoku Control at least a little bit, Orihime.” Rukia smiled warmly at her girlfriend.

“Okay!” Orihime bounced up and picked up the Asauchi she’d been given by Tessai.

“So, how does this work?” Tatsuki asked as she picked up her own Asauchi and looked it over.

“It’ll be much easier if you’re in your Shinigami forms.” Rukia smiled as she pulled on her Gokon Tekkō. Ichigo gently caught the unconscious forms of his girlfriends as they were pushed out of their bodies by Rukia.

From there both Orihime and Tatsuki used their previous experience with Reiryoku Control to start feeding as much of their power into their own Asauchi as possible. Rukia, thanks to her experience, noticed that Orihime had incredibly precise control of her Reiryoku while in Shinigami form. Almost every last bit of the orangette’s Reiryoku flowed directly into the Asauchi without waste. Tatsuki had more over all Reiryoku, but slightly less control as her power overflowed a bit from her Asauchi. When both teens started getting tired and felt slightly light-headed from the use of so much of their reserves, Rukia had them stop.

“Did we do it?” Orihime yawned as she looked at the unchanged Asauchi.

“It didn’t change.” Tatsuki noted as she hid her own yawn behind her hand.

“It doesn’t have to change immediately.” Rukia smiled softly at her girlfriends. “But your false Zanpakutō have disappeared, so you should be well on your way.”

Both Orihime and Tatsuki looked down at where their Zanpakutō used to be only to see empty air. Ichigo congratulated them on doing better than he’d done on directing their Reiryoku into their Asauchi. With that done, everybody began to take showers and prepare for dinner. Ichigo, even as angry as he had been at Urahara, had already called his dad and let him know that he was eating at Orihime’s tonight. Rukia had blushed cutely when Tatsuki had tempted Ichigo to shower with her. That blush only intensified as Orihime declared that she wanted to join if they were going to do that.

Dinner was a more light-hearted affair. Orihime was prevented from making a more interesting dish, as the bubbly orangette called her recipes. Group cuddling took place as the foursome watched TV together. Rukia didn’t get some of the shows, but she enjoyed the experience regardless. Naturally, as teens are want to do, this closeness and relaxation led to hands wandering and kisses being shared.

“Ichigo~” Rukia let out a moan as her boyfriend nibbled on her neck gently. The violet-eyed woman’s lips were captured by Tatsuki as Orihime was being held close to Ichigo and her large breasts were toyed with by the Substitute Shinigami.

“Kiss her, Hime-chan~” Tatsuki panted as she relinquished Rukia’s lips. Orihime happily leaned forward to kiss Rukia herself. Meanwhile Tatsuki coaxed Ichigo from Rukia’s neck and captured his lips. They deepened their kiss quickly and Tatsuki pressed herself against her boyfriend when she felt his hand take hold of her right ass cheek.

“Rukia~” Orihime mewled as she and the ravenette separated, a small strand of saliva connecting their lips for a brief moment.

“Orihime~” Rukia’s half-lidded eyes smoldered as she gently touched one of Orihime’s large tits. The orangette was very encouraging as she let the petite woman explore her bosom.

The foursome pulled apart a bit later. Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Orihime didn’t want to push Rukia too far too soon after all. So they reined in their lusts for each other and calmed down. Rukia still had a dopey smile on her face though. Who knew that having you breasts played with or your ass squeezed and fondled could be so pleasurable. She wasn't sure who touched what when, but she wouldn’t change it for anything. Had the foursome not calmed down when they did, it was very likely that shirts and bras would have been tossed aside for more contact.

“We’ll work on some Kidō tomorrow, Hime-chan~” Rukia blissfully murmured into the orangette’s hair as she held the other girl close.

“Yay!” Orihime pulled Rukia closer and snuggled into her chest more.

“I’m more interested in seeing if I can kick your butt in Hakuda while in Shinigami form.” Tatsuki breathed into Ichigo’s ear before nibbling it.

“You wish.” Ichigo gave her an unseen grin as his hand found her ass again and gave it a small swat. Tatsuki only moaned hotly into her boyfriend’s ear at his actions.

It was a surprise to absolutely no one that Ichigo came home way passed his normal curfew that night.

After dealing with his dad’s lecture about his tardiness, Ichigo had retreated to his room and helped Rukia in through the window. The two quickly changed into sleepwear; Ichigo facing one direction while Rukia faced the other for privacy. It was a small step forward in their relationship, but an important one. The two gave each other a soft good night kiss as they held each other close and drifted off.

-End Chapter-


Well! Well, well, well, now! Isn’t THIS different? Orihime and Tatsuki are Shinigami! I think that officially flips Canon on its head entirely now!

What Shinigami Arts will they excel in? What about their Zanpakutō?

Hmm, I wonder if this will make a certain Shinigami hating someone pop a blood vessel.

Can Rukia successfully teach three new Shinigami by herself? Does Squad Twelve pay enough attention to pick up on this new development?

With three Shinigami that love her, will Rukia be cured by the Almighty Cuddle Pile? Or will Ichigo have to give her the same treatment as Tatsuki and Orihime? *Perverted Giggling*

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Captain Amurco

The lemon was plot relevant!


God I love this story and makes me wonder what the girls shika going to be and if your going to change Ichigo’s shiki and banki.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

For Tatsuki, I can see her specializing in Hakuda and have a fire based Zanpakuto. For Orihime, I imagine she'd specialize in Kaido and Bakudo and have a defensive type Zanpakuto. But this is just thoughts, and this is your fic. This was a cute chapter regardless. Also, typical Yoruichi, always doing this for her own personal amusement. Poor Kisuke.......


You'll see in the future if you were right or wrong. Glad you liked the chapter! Cute was definitely one of the things I was going for. Yes, the Thunder Kitty will always enjoy her own amusements! Kisuke, well, we all know what he did. So he can suffer a broken door and having to give away two Asauchi.


Man really love this story. I'm so hype for the soul society. Also Hope you can give Chad some more significant fight. He is a cool character that got horrible side line like Tatsuki. So sad honestly.


But it's your story so you do you. Either way I'm going to continue reading


I'm kind of hoping he fucks Rukia's powers back into her. lol Anyway I can't wait for the next chapter so keep up the good work!


So question, haven't actually read a single chapter of this new series yet, but what's the planned harem considering on FFN it shows Rukia, Orihime and Tatsuki in the tags? I'm voicing this concern because of what is said on your FFN profile when it comes to pairings for Ichigo because it seems you ship every single girl with the guy. Well..barring Quincies.


Check the tags on AO3 for more than four characters, which is FFNet's limit. To answer your question: A Harem of 5 - Orihime, Tatsuki, Rukia, Yoruichi, and Kukaku.

Thomas E Nellis

Behold the almighty cuddle pile only surpassed by the foursome of bodaciousness. Kisuke knows not the powers he tempts. Ichigo will remember this power flex and will dab on Hat N Cogs even harder when he gets his bankai and instantly dwarfs Hat N Cogs reitsu lol


Ichigo and Kisuke, both in Bankai, keep trying to one up each other in Reiatsu Yoruichi: "You two can have your dick-measuring contest later, we have places to be!" Ichigo: "Do you have to call it that?" Yoruichi: "I call 'em like I see 'em, Husband of mine."


Hope this gets more updates. It’s been hard finding good bleach fanfiction lately.


This one is updated via Tier Rewards at the moment. But it's still been updated every month since the first chapter came out, so it definitely has fans!


I can’t wait for byakuya to find out his sister is in a harem