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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! Time for the Sports Festival to get underway! What is the same? What is different? Time to prepare students! It might soon be time for Toga to show off her Quirk to the world and start proving people wrong!

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 9 – The U.A. Sports Festival

The bell had just rung to signal the end of the day's last class. As Class 1-A packed up their things over the next minutes only a few noticed a muffled sound coming from the hallway outside. When Ochako opened the door to leave, she was met by a corridor full of other students.

“Why the heck are you all here?!” Ochako exclaimed seeing the horde of students just staring at her and the rest of 1-A through the open door.

“Do you all have some kind of business with our class?” Iida questioned the large group.

“Why’re you blocking our doorway? Are you trying to hold us hostage?” Mineta demanded of the group.

“They're scouting out the competition, idiots.” Bakugo sneered as he walked up to the door. “We’re the class that got attacked by real Villains. They want to see us with their own eyes.”

A few students of Class 1-A showed annoyance with Bakugo’s normal abrasive attitude. Ochako frowned, Mineta pointed right at Bakugo while gaping at the rudeness. Izuku shook his head at the ash-blonde while Toga rolled her eyes at the jackass, as she thought of him.

“Well, at least now you all know what a future Pro looks like.” Bakugo stated straight to the faces of their fellow year mates. “Now move it extras!”

‘Really?’ Izuku figured Bakugo’s attitude was permanent now days; the Explosion Quirk User was always going to be like this.

“You can’t just go around calling people 'extras' just because you don't know who they are, Bakugo!” Iida admonished the red-eyed teen while chopping the air with his right arm.

“So this is Class 1-A?” A purple-haired male student questioned as he made his way through the crowd. “I heard you guys survived a real Villain attack. But you just sound like an ass.” The teen continued as he finally got to the front of the crowd. “Is everyone in the Hero Course delusional, or is it just you?”

“Huh?!” Bakugo growled as a vein became visible on his forehead. Several of the 1-A students were shaking their heads and trying to wave the new person off before he made Bakugo explode.

“How sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs.” The guy rubbed the back of his head, his wild, purple hair moving slightly from the motion. “I wanted to be in the Hero Course, but like many others here I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life.” Bakugo seemed to be getting angry as the other teen continued to speak. “I didn’t cut it the first time around, but now I have another chance. If any of us do well in the Sports Festival, the teachers can decide to move us to the Hero Course. That means they’d have to transfer people out to make room.” A few of the members of Class 1-A stiffened up at that reminder.

“Tsk!” Bakugo looked a few seconds away from snapping entirely.

“Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I’m here to let you know that if you don’t bring your very best, I’ll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war.” The teen stated plainly and clearly. “I didn’t put in all the extra work both before and after the Entrance Exams to lose to anyone that’s not serious about being a Hero.”

‘Where’d this guy even come from?!’ Was the thought running through most of Class 1-A’s minds.

“Hey! I’m from Class 1-B! We heard you guys were attacked by some Villains! I wanted to see what was up, but you’re just a bunch of punks that think you’re better than us?!” Another new guy yelled as he pushed his way forward. He had long, chin-length, messy gray hair and black eyes which were tilted slightly inwards. Each eye had very thick, jagged, tan-colored eyelashes that almost seemed to surround them when the teen’s eyes were opened. He didn’t appear to have any noticeable eyebrows, though, much like Kirishima, he had sharp, pointed teeth.

‘Damn it, everyone is going to hate our class now!’ Several of the Class 1-A students screamed internally.

“That’s a rather brash claim to make, isn’t it?” Izuku stepped forward, with Toga beside him. “When did any of us say we thought we were better than you, exactly?”

“Huh?” The silver-haired loudmouth looked at Izuku blankly.

“You said we all thought we were better than your class, right?” Izuku looked the other teen dead in the eye as he spoke. “I’m curious as to how you came to that conclusion, considering none of us has said anything except for Bakugo being his normal, abrasive self.”

“Uh, well, I…” The other teen fumbled a bit kicking up whispers and muttering from the crowd. The purple-haired teen that declared war was looking at Izuku with a raised eyebrow.

“You jumped to conclusions and made up your own mind.” Toga spoke for the Class 1-B student. She’d dealt with plenty of people doing that when they learned what her Quirk was.

“I, um, yeah…” The other teen looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head. “Look that was my bad. I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I’m Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from Class 1-B, I wanted to come see Class 1-A but I lost my cool after hearing the blonde guy run his mouth.”

“It’s fine, Bakugo has a way of pissing off everyone around him when he opens his mouth.” Toga chuckled mirthlessly.

“Fuck off!” Bakugo shouted back as he stomped off through the crowd.

“Oh no, I made him upset.” Toga over-acted, badly, like she cared and Izuku placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

“Huh, so maybe you aren’t all full of yourselves after all.” The purple-haired guy spoke up with a sigh. “Still, my declaration of war still stands. I will get into the Hero Course. One of those forty seats is going to be mine by the festival’s end.” With that he turned and walked away and the crowd of students began to disperse.

“Well, that was…different.” Ochako mentioned and the tension in Class 1-A began to fade away as the students picked up their bags and left the room to head home.

“This Sports Festival is going to be fun.” Toga giggled as she and Izuku walked towards the train station hand in hand.

“I’m looking forward to the competition.” Izuku agreed as they walked. Maybe there would be other students that could challenge him? That would be great! Izuku needed some good training partners to push himself against so that he could continue to improve.

The next two weeks were spent taking every opportunity to train for almost every student that was in the Hero Course, or wanted to get into said Course. The school’s gym and track facilities saw a sharp uptick in use, though this happened every year around this time, so the Teachers all got a chuckle out of it. Except Aizawa, he just rolled his eyes and went back to his current information gathering.

Under Nezu’s recommendation, Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri had been brought into the League of Villains case. As the hyper-intelligent chimera had suspected, all three Pros had been shocked, horrified, and then down right furiouswhen they’d seen the results of Kurogiri’s DNA Tests. The three had immediately gone through everything that was known so far and started getting in touch with their various contacts.

Aizawa, as an Underground Hero, had several more contacts that watched over the back alley deals and other crimes that most Pros rarely saw. The type of crime and the kind of criminals that stayed hidden and never brought attention to themselves. So far the Erasure Hero hadn’t found any leads that went anywhere. There was no talk of anyone going missing, no whispers of strange drugs or offers of Quirk Enhancement going around. It was odd; those were the types of things that usually led to scummy, illegal underground operations for people desperate to strengthen their Quirks. Aizawa had busted a fair number of them himself during his career. Usually Trigger rings or some other Quirk Enhancing drug that someone had tried to cook up.

Nezu and Detective Tsukauchi had both been discreetly looking into Doctors, both active and retired, that fit the profile of skills they’d built up with Recovery Girl’s assistance. At the moment none of the people they’d looked into had any connection to the League that they could find. The Detective’s Polygraph Quirk was put to use often during the course of their investigation so far. They still had more than half the list to go so they were hopeful to get a solid lead. But if they didn’t, Nezu was already making backup plans and looking into other routes of investigation to find the truth.

-U.A. Gym Facility-

“Too slow, Izu!” Toga laughed as she landed a punch against her boyfriend’s left side. Had Toga been fighting with her preferred knives that would have been a debilitating stab wound.

“You’re evasion and speed, have both definitely improved, Himiko-chan.” Izuku praised the blonde as they sparred on one of the large padded spaces that U.A. had in their Gym Facilities.

“I haven’t even taken your form for a boost either!” Toga giggled as she swayed around a punch, kick, punch, punch, kick combo. One of her favorite battle tactics was to use some of the energy that her Quirk turned blood into for transformation and take on Izuku’s form. Even without being able to use his Quirks, her boyfriend was still impressively strong and fit. The added ‘freak out’ factor of seeing a teen girl suddenly turn into a muscular male teen and gain almost fifteen centimeters in height was also tactically advantageous as well as funny, in Toga’s opinion.

“Well, at least the gym uniform is unisex…” Izuku sighed as he blocked a kick and upset Toga’s balance. He’d seen himself wearing Toga’s clothes more times than he’d care to admit, honestly. Toga thought it was hilarious to walk around in his form wearing a skirt and a cute top. He wasn’t as much of a fan.

“We have to wear the gym uniform while we participate in the Sport’s Festival, so I’ll be able to use my Quirk more freely too, since everyone is wearing the same outfit.” Toga remarked as she rolled and then skipped up to her feet before retaking her stance.

“You’re going to do amazing, Himiko-chan.” Izuku assured as he closed the distance and engaged.

“I’ll do my best, but you can’t help me out, Izuku-kun!” Toga shook her head as she ducked and weaved around his strikes. The blonde’s footwork was a thing of beauty. “The Sports Festival is a competition, so we’ll be competing against each other.”

“I’ll remember.” Izuku promised as he caught her arm.

“Good.” Toga used his hold on her arm to jump up and land a double kick to his stomach. The blow didn’t do much, but it did loosen his grip enough for her to escape.

“Man, those two are really going all out.” Toru marveled as she and the other girls took a break.

“Toga even sparred with you and me before this.” Mina shook her head before taking a drink from her water bottle.

“She plans to spar with me afterwards too!” Ochako looked on amazed as Toga and Izuku continued on with their spar.

“Her stamina is something to be admired.” Momo agreed as she and Kyouka sat next to each other.

“Well, we’ll just have to improve our own stamina then.” Tsuyu stated with her index finger on her cheek.

“I’m all for that.” Kyouka breathed out as she got her heartrate under control. “Training with you guys is showing me that I’ve neglected my physical training a bit too much.”

“Oh, he caught her.” Mina noticed Izuku catch Toga in a bear hug.

“How’s she going to get out of this one?” Ochako leaned forward to watch.

“By kissing him, apparently!” Toru burst into giggles as the group watched Toga’s lips meet Izuku’s. The couple quickly forgot about their spar as they kissed.

Many cheeks went bright red as the girls of Class 1-A watched on.

-Beginning of the Sports Festival-

“Man... I really wanted to wear my costume,” Mina complained as the whole class was in their designated waiting room. Everyone was wearing the standard U.A. gym uniform for the festival.

“It’s to keep things fair, Mina,” Momo reminded the pinkette. “The other classes don't have costumes, so gym uniforms level the playing field, so to speak. Not counting each individual’s advantage from their Quirk.”

“I wonder what the first round is gonna be this year?” Sato pondered aloud as he distracted himself so that nerves wouldn’t build up. “The anticipation of not knowing is the worst.”

“It doesn’t matter what comes. We must face down whatever the organizers have set up to challenge us.” Tokoyami replied with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

“He’s right, we have to show that we can handle whatever comes our way like real Heroes.” Shoji agreed with Tokoyami as he sat at one of the tables.

“Is everybody ready? We’ll be entering the stadium soon.” Iida announced as he watched the clock. One by one the class stood up and prepared to head out to the field. It was time to prove their worth as future Heroes. However, Todoroki approached Izuku who was quietly talking with Toga.

“Midoriya.” The red and white haired teen spoke up. Izuku turned to look at his classmate while everyone else watched the two most powerful students in their class talk.

“What’s up, Todoroki?” Izuku questioned as he looked at the ice and fire user. He was still kind of bummed that Todoroki wouldn’t practice Pyrokinesis with him.

“Looking at things objectively, you and I are the strongest people in this room, right now. You are probably a bit stronger than me,” Todoroki stated bluntly, not caring about the rest of the class clearly hearing their conversation.

Bakugo bristled at the slight and looked half a second away from yelling at Todoroki.

“What about it?” Izuku quirked his eyebrow at the other teen’s words. Todoroki had barely said two words to him since their match during All Might’s class.

“Regardless of your power,” Todoroki continued to stare at Izuku. “I am going to beat you.”

Everyone else in the room was rather shocked at the bold statement, particularly when it came so suddenly from one of the quietest members of their class.

“Didn’t see this coming at all.” Kaminari blinked, looking back and forth between Izuku and Todoroki. Some of the other students looked uneasy at this sudden declaration. Toga looked like she was debating whether to slap Todoroki or laugh in his face.

“Hey, hey, hey! Why are you trying to pick a fight now of all times? We’re about to begin the Festival!” Kirishima tried to ease the tension that was building in the room.

“I welcome the competition, Todoroki.” Izuku grinned at the two-toned boy. “But you seem to be forgetting that you have far more competition than just me. If you let your focus rest solely on me, any one of them could pass you by in this festival.”

Every student in the room perked up at this indirect pep talk from the strongest member of their class. Except Bakugo that just quietly muttered about murdering them all in the festival and winning the whole thing. Mineta, who was the closest to the Explosion Quirk user, slid away from him a quickly.

“That response was so manly, Midoriya!” Kirishima fist pumped excitedly. There was a wide smile on his face.

“It’s time to go! Everyone, let’s make our way to the field in an orderly fashion!” Iida declared as he marched to the door and left the room.

“He’s always so stiff!” Mina laughed brightly and the remaining tension in the room vanished as Toga joined in the laughter.

“HEEEEEEEY!” Present Mic shouted from the booth, causing the crowd to cheer loudly. “Make some noise, sports fans! Get those cameras prepped media hordes! This year we’re bringing you some of the hottest performances in Sports Festival History, guaranteed! I’ve only got one question before we start this show! Are you ready?! Let me hear you make some noise as our students make their way to the big stage!”

“How did I get roped into this?” Aizawa grumbled from his seat next to Present Mic.

“Time to welcome our students to the field!” Mic announced loudly as the first years began to emerge from the tunnel and onto the field. “Going in alphabetical order we start with our two Hero Course classes! Give it up for Class 1-A and Class 1-B!”

The crowd exploded into cheers as Class 1-A appeared along with Class 1-B. After the news of the attack on the USJ broke, people had wondered how an attack by so many Villains had been stopped by only two teachers and a single student. If the rumors were to be believed, of course.

“Damn, this place is completely packed!” Sero mentioned at seeing the massive crowd and all of the cameras flashing.

“Next up we have the students that keep U.A. High as one of the top three Academic Scoring High Schools in Japan every year! They’re our General Studies Classes 1-C, 1-D and 1-E! Look out Hero Course! Some of them are looking to take your place in one of those forty seats!” Present Mic hyped up the ground while praising the General Studies students for their hard work. Izuku briefly noticed a few of the students start walking a bit taller at the Pro’s words.

“Some of our Hero Course students could learn a thing or two about grades from them.” Aizawa spoke and a few of the Hero Course students from both classes flinched slightly.

“Now we have our talented students that produce the Gear that gets things done! Support Course Classes 1-F, 1-G and 1-H! Make some noise!” Mic shouted as the Support Course students, some of them with their own self-made Gear on, walked onto the field.

“Anyone that wants to go Pro needs to make connections with Support Gear Designers. Quality Gear can be the deciding factor in the field.” Aizawa remarked and several of the Support Course students grinned.

“And last, but certainly not least, the ones who learn the ins and outs of our economy and how to market the Heroes and their causes! Business Course Classes 1-I, 1-J, and 1-K! If you want to be an independent Pro you better make some friends here, Hero Course students!” Present Mic declared loudly as the crowd’s energy kept building. The Business Course students smiled and chuckled at the Pro’s statements. He wasn’t wrong though. Any Pro that hoped to go independent in the Main Stream of the Hero industry better have some good Marketing and Representation. Many Pros that became so-called Eternal Sidekicks did so because they failed to cultivate good working relationships with Representation Firms.

“Huh, that was actually a pretty fair introduction for all Courses.” A brunette girl from the General Studies Course mentioned just loud enough for Izuku to catch.

With all of the first years gathered in the middle of the field, a loud crack caught their attention. From up on the stage appeared Midnight in all her voluptuous glory. Almost every man in the audience grinned or smiled at the beautiful Pro.

“It’s time for the Opening Speech!” Midnight announced into the microphone with a grin.

“Please welcome this year's chief umpire for the First Year Tournament, the R-Rated Hero, Midnight!” Present Mic presented to the cheers of the crowd, especially the male section.

“What about the principal?” One of the attendees asked another.

“He's always at the third year stage, every year!” The guy next to him answered back, not taking his eyes off Midnight.

“Someone might want to talk to Miss Midnight about what she’s wearing.” Kirishima mentioned with his cheeks slightly red.

“Yeah, that costume should definitely come with a warning label.” Kaminari agreed even though he hadn’t taken his eye off the Pro since she appeared. Teenage hormones were a powerful thing!

“Is that really appropriate apparel for a High School Sports Festival?” Tokoyami questioned as the Pro prepared to start the Festival properly.

A few of Class 1-A noticed Mineta giving a very enthusiastic thumbs up. He was also staring hard at Midnight as if trying to grope her with his eyes.

“Silence, everyone!” Midnight yelled, whipping the air to get everyone's attention. “For the Student Pledge we have Midoriya Izuku of Class 1-A!”

Every eye turned to the verdette teenager. Izuku knew this was because he had scored the highest during the Entrance Exam. So this was at least expected. Toga nudged him forward and Izuku gave her a warm smile. As he walked towards the stage he heard the murmuring of the crowd. As he headed to the microphone, Midnight gave him a gentle nod of support.

“I’m pleased to be representing my fellow first year students.” Izuku gave a nod to the crowd of students on the field. “I know that some of you aren’t really into this event, while others of you are gunning for one of the forty seats in the Hero Course. To both groups I say this, let’s have some fun! But to those that are after one of our seats, a different message. Bring your best! We earned our seats in the Entrance Exam, if you wish to take them from us; then earn your seat here and now at the Sports Festival! We all welcome the competition! Let’s all push each other higher towards our goal of being Heroes!”

The crowd exploded into raucous applause at the short speech! Cheering and cries of motivation rang out from the crowd. Midnight squealed and hugged herself from the ‘youthful passion’ as she called it. Even all of the first year students began to clap for Izuku’s words. With a short bow, Izuku walked back down the stairs towards his class and his girlfriend.

“What a Pledge! If that hasn’t roused your spirit and fired you up, you must already be dead!” Present Mic blasted out through the speakers. “With that awesome Pledge and the spirit of competition blazing, let’s reveal our first event for this year’s Sports Festival!”

“Get your foot off the desk.” Aizawa’s voice was barely heard as the crowd continued to roar and cheer.

“Time to find out the first game of the Festival!” Midnight cried out as a display lit up behind her and began spinning through options. “This is when our students start experiencing the pressure for the first time! This year’s first event is…”

The display stopped on the words ‘Obstacle Race’.

“An Obstacle Race!” Midnight cracked her whip while giving a somewhat sadistic smile.

“Here we go!” Present Mic yelled loudly while all the students looked on at their first event.

Now the Sports Festival had started for real!

-End Chapter-


Sports Festival, start! Woohoo! Time to see how Izuku and Toga do here! Will Toga finally show off her Quirk? How will the Pros react to Izuku’s insane power?

If things get too heated, who can step in to stop it?

Also, what did Shinso mean when he mentioned extra work before and after the Entrance Exam? Did something different happen this time around? What Exam Group was Shinso in, anyway? Maybe that had something to do with it?

Will someone earn a spot in the Hero Course?

Will someone lose their spot in the Hero Course?

How will the Sports Festival affect the ones that view it?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Awesome chapter Kai! Keep up the good work!


I'm interested to see if you actually drop someone from the Hero Course

Joe Wood

very well done

Joe Wood

like i said though this is my drug now so keep the supply comming


This particular story or all of my writing? I can promise more of the writing coming faster than I can promise another chapter of this specific story. Don't want to hit burnout after all.

John Balman

Was almost expected to see the of the chapter be the end of the race LoL but this was good to ! The stamina conversation I was almost expecting to hear toga saw we partner particle alot every night LoL

Michael Mendoza

Thanks for the chapter. I always love all the Toga+Izuku fluff in this story.