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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Time to hit the road once more! Route 24 is long and leads to Azure Town! But it’s a pretty busy Route too! Plenty of Trainers make their way along the Route every day!

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 26 – Route 24

“So this is my PokéGear number, you can call me anytime, mom.” Ash smile as he talked into his new phone.

“That’s wonderful, Ash,” Delia’s warm voice came from the phone. “I’ll be sure to keep you updated on my pregnancy. You can also call if you just want to talk, of course.

“Well yeah,” Ash chuckled into the phone. “I have the house phone, your cell, dad’s cell, and the restaurant’s phone number to get in touch. I won’t be a stranger.”

“I’m glad,” Delia’s smile could be heard through the PokéGear. Ash couldn’t help but smile as well. The two chatted a bit more before hanging up. Putting his PokéGear in the hip holster he’d bought with it, Ash turned to face Misty with a smile.

“Ready to head out, Misty?” Ash questioned his girlfriend, a warm smile on his face.

“I’m ready to go.” Misty smiled back. The two were in the living room of the Cerulean Gym’s living area. They’d finished breakfast a bit ago and Ash and Misty had both been setting up their new PokéGears.

The couple had both chosen the same PokéGear model called ‘Trainer’s Choice’. The cell phone was durable, waterproof, and had good battery life. It was perfect for the travelling Trainer and could hold up to the elements as well as accidents. For such durability it was lacking a few of the more modern features. It had video call capability, but it was at lower resolution and only one-to-one. Unlike the X-Transceiver that could do four-way, high definition, video calls. But the PokéGear did come with a built-in GPS function which was very handy for not getting lost.

“Make sure you two stop by and stay with us on your way back.” Daisy pulled both of them into a gentle hug. Misty and Ash both returned the blonde’s hug with chuckles.

“We will, Daisy.” Ash promised with a grin.

“Great!” Daisy beamed at the couple.

“Be safe you two.” Lily hugged Misty and then Ash.

“We will.” Misty assured her pinkette sister.

“Oh, who am I going to tease without you lovebirds around?” Violet giggled as she hugged both of them.

“I’m sure you’ll find someone…” Misty rolled her eyes at the bluenette.

“But you two are more fun!” Violet playfully pouted at the two of them. Ash chuckled at her before he and Misty grabbed their packs and headed out of the Gym together.

“Come on out!” Ash and Misty released their Gogoats. Both large Grass Types bleated as they shook their bodies and enjoyed the warm sun. The couple spent a few minutes strapping their packs onto the back of the seats. The new saddles were most definitely a step up from what they’d had when their Ride Pokémon were Skiddo. With a foot in the stirrups that were attached to their saddles, both Ash and Misty pulled themselves up onto their Gogoats’ backs. After getting comfortable in the new saddles, the full backrests making that much easier, the two Trainers set off for the north exit of Cerulean City.

The trip wasn’t long, being that the Cerulean Gym was in the north central part of the city. The Gogoat brothers proved their increased speed, even walking, as Misty and Ash saw the approaching arch that signified the edge of Cerulean City. Once they cleared the arch Ash glanced at Misty with a grin. The orangette smirked and on an unspoken signal both urged their Ride Pokémon forward in an impromptu race! Both of their Gogoat bleated happily as they dashed forward. It was nice to get to run full speed every now and then!

The pseudo race ended several minutes later and the couple enjoyed a more leisurely ride. Route Twenty Four was always pretty heavily traveled. It would be good to look for a few battles to help train their younger Pokémon. Misty had Spheal with her for training while Ash had Phanpy and Teddiursa. Not too long after they’d switched to a more leisurely pace did a challenger appear!

“Hey, guy on the Goat Pokémon, do you want to battle?!” A Trainer asked from where he was sitting on the side of the road under the shade of a large beach umbrella. The teen was obviously a newer Trainer, but he seemed confident. He was probably a Rookie Level that had just won his first Badge recently.

“Sure thing!” Ash replied as he and Misty brought their Ride Pokémon to a halt. Ash hopped down off of Gogoat’s back and pulled a Pokéball off his belt. “My name’s Ash. Does a one on one sound good to you?”

“That works for me!” The other guy nodded as he pulled a Pokéball off his belt. “My name’s Tim.” The other Trainer introduced himself. “Raticate, let’s go!” From his Pokéball emerge the common brown and beige Rodent Pokémon. The four whiskers were flared out and the brown fur on its back was raised in aggression. Raticate clicked its large teeth together as it whipped its tail behind it.

“Raticate!” Raticate cried out, clearly ready for battle.

“Phanpy, you’re up!” Ash tossed his Pokéball and released the Ground Type onto the field.

“Phan!” Phanpy trumpeted as the little blue elephant eyed his opponent.

“Begin!” Misty declared since she was acting as the referee for the match.

“Raticate use Quick Attack!” Tim called out as soon as the match started.

“Rat!” Raticate blitzed forward, a streak of white light flaring behind it.

“Phanpy Defense Curl into Rollout!” Ash countered as Phanpy rolled into a ball and a red glow overtook its body for a moment. Phanpy’s Defense raised a stage before the blue elephant rocketed forward in a roll.

“Raticate, dodge!” Tim cried out. Unfortunately the speed of the two approaching attacks made that impossible. Raticate slammed into the rolling Phanpy and was easily knocked aside by the spinning Ground Type.

“Keep up the pressure, Phanpy!” Ash instructed and the rotating elephant turned and increased his speed towards his opponent.

“Raticate, slow it down with Scary Face!” Tim yelled.

‘Why?’Both Ash and Misty wondered to themselves at the same time.

“Cate!” Raticate snarled as its eyes glowed a malevolent red and it barred it’s fangs at the rolling Phanpy. All it got for its attempt was an even faster and more powerful Rollout Attack slamming into it and sending the Normal Type flying.

“What? Why didn’t it work? It should have slowed way down!” Tim seemed confused and Ash figured he’d explain.

“Scary Face only works if your opponent sees it.” Ash called over to Tim. “Phanpy can’t see when it uses Rollout; it tracks its opponent by smell with its trunk.”

“What?!” Tim looked like he’d not considered that before. “Raticate, make it flinch with Hyper Fang!” Raticate pushed itself up and launched at the even faster Phanpy. Unfortunately for the Rodent Pokémon, Phanpy was now too fast and had built up too much power. Phanpy slammed into Raticate with enough power to put the evolved Pokémon out of the battle. Raticate bounced across the dirt and laid still, its eyes swirled out in unconsciousness.

“Raticate is unable to battle!” Misty announced before pointing towards Ash. “The winner is Phanpy!”

“Great job, Phanpy!” Ash congratulated his Ground Type.

Phanpy had come out of his Rollout and trumpeted in victory. The small Pokémon seemed to notice something in the grass nearby and picked it up with its trunk. The little blue elephant happily rushed over to Ash to deliver the item it had found and for pets and praise. Ash didn’t disappoint as he lavished praise on Phanpy.

“What’ve you got there, Phanpy?” Ash questioned as Phanpy dropped what it held with its trunk in Ash’s hand. Looking at the item for a second Ash brushed off some of the dirt and quickly realized what it was. “A Great Ball? Huh, someone must have dropped it a while back. Good find, Phanpy, your Pickup Ability found something good!”

“Py!” Phanpy enjoyed the pets and praise happily.

“Take a break, buddy, we might be battling a few more times today.” Ash grinned as he held up Phanpy’s Pokéball.

“Phan!” Phanpy seemed happy about that fact as he was recalled into his Pokéball in a beam of red light. Ash shrunk and placed Phanpy’s Pokéball back on his belt while brushing off the rest of the dirt from the shrunken Great Ball. Expanding it and opening the device revealed that it was empty and useable.

“Free Great Ball, I’ll take it.” Ash chuckled as he went to meet Tim to get his winnings.

“Well, not my best battle, but you earned this.” Tim chuckled as he held out two hundred PokéYen to Ash.

“Thanks,” Ash smiled as he took the bills and placed them in his wallet. “Just remember that Scary Face requires eye contact. Moves like Rollout also need to be stopped quickly or they get too strong to deal with.”

“I’ll remember that, for sure!” Tim nodded as the two shook hands. With that Tim returned to the shade beneath his umbrella and got out some recovery items. It seemed the other Trainer would be treating his Pokémon personally.

“Ready to keep moving?” Misty asked with a grin from atop her Gogoat.

“I’m ready.” Ash nodded after getting back in the saddle of his Ride Pokémon. The two trotted further up the Route and enjoyed the nice weather.

It was about fifteen minutes later when another person called out to them. This time it was a girl, she looked like a Beginner Level. She’d probably only started her Journey recently. When the two stopped, Misty was the one that spoke to the girl.

“Can we help you?” Misty inquired and the girl nodded with a small grin.

“I was hoping for a battle?” She requested. “I started my journey last week and I’m hoping to get some more experience for my Pokémon on the way to Cerulean.”

“I have a young Pokémon that could use a good battle too.” Misty smiled at the girl. “What’s your name?”

“Haley,” Haley introduced herself. Her brunette hair was long, down passed her shoulders. Wearing a white shirt and blue shorts, she had a brown pack on her back as well.

“Alright, I’m Misty. Do you want to have a one on one battle?” Misty asked as she dismounted her Gogoat and turned to face the younger teen.

“That sounds good,” Haley agreed with a nod. “I only have three Pokémon on my Team right now. It’s probably a good idea to have one of them at full health while traveling.”

“That is a good idea.” Misty nodded to the newer Trainer. Haley seemed to remember her lessons well at the very least. It was standard practice to keep one of your Pokémon at full health while traveling in case of emergency. You didn’t want to run into a pack of carnivorous Pokémon with a beaten and exhausted Team after all.

The two girls made their way off to the side of the main Route with Ash following. He’d act as referee this time since Haley was travelling by herself it seemed. Misty and Haley separated a good distance and then Misty picked her Pokéball.

“Spheal, come on out!” Misty released her newest Pokémon in a flash of bright light.

“Spheal!” Spheal clapped happily at being brought out.

“A Water Type, then the best choice would be…” Haley picked one of her three Pokéballs and enlarged it. “Oddish you’re up!” From the white light emerged the Grass/Poison Type. It’s blue body supported by two small legs, the wide, green leave on top of its round body.

“Odd!” Oddish chirped happily as it shook its leaves.

“First move is yours, Haley!” Misty offered and the newer Trainer smiled at the orangette.

“Thanks Misty!” Haley called back. “Okay Oddish, start with Absorb!”

“Dish!” Oddish cried out as small, green energy tendril left its leaves and headed for Spheal.

“Roll to dodge!” Misty called and Spheal happily rolled out of the way of the Grass Type attack. His round body easily moving over the short grass a small distance before Spheal righted himself again. “Powder Snow!”

“Sphe!” Spheal opened his mouth and launched the chilling snow at Oddish.

“An Ice Type attack?!” Haley looked surprised for a second. “Oddish dodge!” The Grass/Poison Type used its short legs to scramble out of the way just in time; the Ice Type attack missing only by a short margin. “Good job, Oddish!”

“Powder Snow, again!” Misty instructed and Spheal launched the snow attack at his opponent.

“Block it with your new move, Oddish use Acid!” Haley called and Oddish seemed to vibrate before spraying a purple liquid from its mouth. The two attacks collided and stalemated.

“Water Gun, barrage it!” Misty called and Spheal seemed to inflate slightly before launching a stream of water at Oddish.

“Watch out!” Haley called out and Oddish ran to the side to avoid the attack. The attacks kept coming though as Spheal launched a second Water Gun. Oddish barely dodge that attack. The third consecutive Water Gun slammed into the Grass/Poison Type and sent it tumbling.

“Powder Snow!” Misty went in for the finish. Spheal exhaled the snow-based attack and Oddish was covered in the frigid material.

“Odd!” Oddish cried out as it flailed from the damage it took from the super effective attack. Its flailing stopped however when it was iced over and froze completely!

“Oh no, Oddish!” Haley cried out in panic at seeing her frozen Pokémon.

“Oddish is unable to battle, Spheal wins!” Ash called out even as all three Trainers rushed towards the frozen Pokémon. Spheal rolled after Misty, hoping for praise at winning.

“Oddish! Oddish, don’t worry, I’ll get you out!” Haley cried out as she smacked the ice with her hands. It was clear the younger Trainer was panicking.

“Haley! Haley, it’s okay!” Misty grabbed the younger teen’s hands in both of hers. “We’ll fix Oddish right up, don’t worry.” Haley looked at Misty with wide eyes and Misty gave her a gentle smile. “It’s nothing major, Oddish will be fine.”

“She will?” Haley looked at her frozen Pokémon and then noticed Ash pull out a bottle. The words ‘Ice Heal’ on the label made Haley exhale in relief. She’d completely forgotten about the common item in her panic.

“Oddish will be fine.” Ash reassured the Beginner Level as he sprayed the Ice Heal on the frozen Pokémon. The ice surrounding Oddish began to let off vapor as the spray touched it. Rivulets of water began to flow off the ice as it rapidly melted. In a short moment Oddish, still unconscious, was lying in a small puddle of water.

“Oddish!” Haley picked up her Pokémon and hugged it gently. “Sorry about that, I didn’t know how to react to the barrage and then you got frozen and I panicked.” She apologized to her Grass/Poison Type.

“Odd…” Oddish blearily woke up and gave a weak smile to her Trainer.

“Let’s get you a Potion, Oddish, then you can sit and enjoy the sun for a while.” Haley smiled at her Pokémon as she pulled a Potion out of her bag.

“Dish.” Oddish gave its equivalent of a nod and let Haley apply the Potion. The injuries Oddish had sustained quickly vanished and the Grass/Poison Type spread out her leaves to absorb the warm rays of the sun.

“Thank you for the battle and the Ice Heal.” Haley smiled at Misty and Ash. The brunette pulled out a one hundred PokéYen bill from her purse and handed it to Misty.

“Thank you for helping Spheal get used to battling.” Misty returned the thanks as she placed the money into her pocketbook.

“Are you going to be alright, Haley?” Ash asked the Beginner Level Trainer.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine now.” Haley smiled as she pulled out another Pokéball and released the Pokémon inside. When the flash of white light cleared the Pokémon was revealed. With brown and beige feathers it was easy to place this common Pokémon.

“Pidgey!” Pidgey called out while flapping its wings. Ash and Misty could tell this particular Pokémon was much stronger than Haley’s Oddish. Not quite ready to evolve, but well on its way.

“This is my Starter. I got her from Gym Leader Jack in Azure Town.” Haley smiled as she pet Pidgey’s head softly. “As a Breeder, Jack helps Beginner Level Trainers from Azure Town by providing them with well-raised Flying Type Pokémon. With her here I shouldn’t have to worry about any of the wild Pokémon in this area.”

“She does look strong.” Misty complimented and Pidgey puffed up in pride.

“Thank you, she works hard.” Haley returned to petting Pidgey while Oddish relaxed in the sun. The trio said their goodbyes shortly after that and both Ash and Misty got back into the saddles of their Gogoats. The couple headed off with one last wave to Haley and continued their journey.

-Early Evening-

“Well, we didn’t cover as much distance as we initially thought.” Ash mused with as he and Misty looked at the sky, the sun just starting to set.

“To be fair, we did stop for quite a few battles today.” Misty grinned at him.

It was true that the well-traveled Route had yielded no shortage of Trainers looking for battles. Ash had battled nine more times since his first one against Tim. Misty had enjoyed another seven battles of her own. Most of the Trainers they’d battled had been Beginners or Rookies, all of them traveling between Cerulean City and Azure Town looking to claim their first or second Badge. It had provided great training for Phanpy, Spheal, and Teddiursa, the three youngest members of their Teams. Unfortunately, it looked like all their battling had put them further behind in their travels than they’d anticipated. So they’d be camping out for the night on the edge of the Route.

“Eh, it’s not like we’re in some big rush.” Ash shrugged as they rode along for a bit further. “I still have over nine months before the Indigo League and I already have three Badges. I’d like to battle and earn ten or twelve before the League, but eight is the only requirement.”

“True enough, let’s find a nice spot and start setting up camp.” Misty grinned at him as they rode further north. It wasn’t long before a sound made its way to their ears. It sounded like someone singing? The couple noticed something approaching from the opposite direction and wondered what it was for a moment. The fading light of day made it difficult to discern for a few seconds.

“Oh, it’s a trailer.” Ash blinked as he figured out what was approaching them.

“I’m a transporter of the wastelands~” The singing became clearer as they got closer. They noticed a large, green Pokémon pulling the trailer and a man holding the reins as he sat on the coachman’s seat.

“Is that a Meganium?” Misty asked as the Pokémon came into clear view. It had the four legs, the tail, the long neck, the flower around said neck, and the two small antennae on top of its head. Yeah, that was definitely a Meganium! The fully evolved form of the Johto Grass Type Starter, Chikorita!

“Oh? Good evening!” The singing man seemed to notice them and gave a wave. Misty and Ash waved back to the man and the three of them came to a stop near each other.

“Evening.” Ash nodded to the man, he looked about twenty-ish. The man had short, dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, some stubble on his chin, and was wearing casual clothes, a t-shirt and baggy cargo pants.

“Here I was just about to stop and set up for the night and I run into two traveling Trainers. I’m Henry and I operate a one man shipping service.” Henry introduced himself with a smile.

“Ash Ketchum, I’m a League Trainer.” Ash introduced himself.

“Misty Waterflower, I’m a Tournament Circuit Trainer.” Misty nodded to the older man.

“Well, Ash and Misty, would you care to join me for dinner this evening? Meals are more fun when you have more people.” Henry asked with a chuckle.

“Meganium!” Meganium gave its equivalent of a smile at the others.

“I guess, we can offer food and help cook.” Misty looked over at Ash.

“I’m cool with that.” Ash smiled at her.

“Wonderful!” Henry grinned happily. “Just let me get the trailer on the side of the road here.” With that Meganium started moving forward and pulled the trailer to the edge of the Route. The group’s campsite was only a short walk away from the stream that ran along Route Twenty Four. The gentle sounds of the flowing water were a soothing backdrop to the evening as the sky turned a myriad of colors.

“What would you prefer, Henry, Tauros Beef or Mareep Mutton?” Misty asked as she looked over their meat options. She’d frozen them both with her Aura earlier that day and now the meat was just thawed and ready for cooking.

“Hmm, haven’t had mutton in a while, let’s go with that!” Henry chose as Ash started the fire and put the kettle on to boil for their tea. “I have a charcoal grill in the trailer’s storage space; just let me get it out.” The older guy headed around the back of the trailer to fetch the grill.

“Should we do kebabs, maybe?” Ash questioned as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. “We have the vegetables, just need to prep them.”

“Mmm, that does sound good.” Misty turned her head and kissed Ash’s cheek.

“You lovebirds have a good idea there.” Henry chuckled as he came back with the grill and a bag of charcoal. As he set up the grill and Misty prepped the meat, Ash set about slicing vegetables.

“Let’s see… Spicy Glaze, or Soy Sauce, or maybe the Teriyaki?” Henry mused as he looked over three different sauce bottles. “Any of them would be good for some kebabs.”

In short order the mutton and vegetables were prepared and Henry provided disposable skewers for the kebabs. The man happily grilled while chatting with the two teens. Ash And Misty let their Pokémon out to feed them and let them play for a while. Henry only had three other Pokémon besides Meganium. The man let out a Jolteon, an Azumarill, and a Noctowl and set about feeding them and letting them play with Ash and Misty’s Pokémon. As the three Trainers sat down to enjoy their meal together conversation resumed.

“So you run your own shipping service?” Ash asked and Henry nodded while he chewed his food.

“Yeah, I became a Trainer because I love Pokémon.” Henry explained after he swallowed his mouthful. “We battle on occasion, take part in local tournaments here and there, but mostly we work together to deliver shipments that require more care than what you can expect from the Postal Service.”

“That’s why you have the trailer; it’s a camper and gives you enough space to store your shipments, right?” Misty asked before taking a sip of her tea.

“You got it,” Henry nodded with a laugh. “I modified this baby myself!” He patted the side of the camper trailer. “I have water storage and filtration, Jolteon can easily charge up the battery bank, and with Meganium as the ‘engine’ we get where we need to go.”

“How large is your operation area?” Ash questioned after he swallowed his previous bite.

“We cover Celadon City, Saffron City, Vermilion City, Cerulean City, and Azure Town as our main areas. We also cover the small villages in between the bigger settlements too.” Henry replied as he took a drink. “Good tea.”

“Pardon me for asking, but you’re from Johto, right? That’s how you have a Meganium?” Misty asked and Henry nodded to the orangette. “Don’t you miss your family while you’re working over here in Kanto?”

“Seeing the family isn’t much of a problem,” Henry shook his head. “I just head over to Saffron City then hop on the Magnet Train and in a few hours I’m in Goldenrod City. From there it’s only about a two day ride to get home. In fact I’m heading that way now after completing my last delivery to Azure Town. Going to see the folks and give my little brother a hard time.” He chuckled a bit at his plans.

“Sounds like you have it all figured out.” Ash chuckled along with him.

“Yeah, I’m only twenty. I’m not in a hurry to get married just yet.” Henry shrugged as he looked up at the stars. “Living and working like this is always what I wanted to do. Whenever I want to hang out with people I just head to a City or Town and live it up for a while. There are lots of pretty girls in the city after all!” He chuckled while giving Ash and Misty a knowing nod. Misty smiled as she leaned her head on Ash’s shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Going to heckle my little brother from time to time is also fun.”

“Why heckle him?” Misty raised an eyebrow.

“That’s part of a big brother’s responsibilities!” Henry laughed as he slapped his knee. “He thought he was a hot shot Trainer. Then he misses the Silver Conference last year because he got wrecked by both Jasmine and Pryce. He came home and thought about what he lacked for three months and missed the Conference. I ribbed him good for that, but he did get his head on straight from it. He’s going for his eighth Badge soon and I want to be there whether he succeeds or not. Even though I mess with him, he’s still my little brother, you know?”

“I bet he knows that too.” Ash nodded and Henry gave him a soft smile.

“Feel free to use the shower in the camper you two.” Henry motioned towards the open door.

“Wouldn’t that drain your water tank? We couldn’t do that.” Misty shook her head.

“It’s fine, Azumarill filled it up for me before we left Azure Town. I didn’t skimp on the filtration system either, that thing can turn a can of soda into pure water! You two are practically guests, so feel free to use the bathroom and everything. Heck I’ll pull out the TV and we can pop in a movie before bed!”

“Well, as long as you’re alright with it.” Ash agreed and Misty nodded too.

The teens took turns using the camper’s shower and bathroom. They both changed into comfortable loungewear for the movie while Henry made popcorn. The TV was brought out and Henry showed them his collection of movies. They ended up choosing an animated film, ‘Princess Mononoke’ a movie about ancient times when Humans and Pokémon were often at odds with one another when it came to Human expansion and the habitats of Pokémon. The fact that the movie didn’t outright make anyone the ‘bad guy’ was always a favorite part for Ash. It was a good night and both Ash and Misty easily fell asleep in their tent, cuddled up together. Henry had closed the door of the camper and climbed into bed not long after.

-End Chapter-


Some travelling, some battling, and meeting a new person that’s a different type of Trainer. Not a bad day overall! A nice slow chapter between battles and the next Gym Challenge! How will Ash fair against the Flying Type Gym Leader, Jack?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Sorry I didn't post my oc I was still reeling from the pandemic and losing my job so I'll still enjoy your stories Kai.


That's cool, I'm just glad you're okay. I prefer everyone be in good health more than anything.

Brody Meech

That was great can't wait for the next chapter


Great chapter! Though I'm still weirded out by the fact people eat pokemon and pokemon eat one another.


But that's Canon... It's in the Pokedex in-game, it's in the Manga, and it's mentioned in the anime. Where else is their meat coming from? Also, why wouldn't Pokemon prey on each other? They're animals. Intelligent up to a point, but still animals.


Oh I know i wasn't knocking you for it but just the thought of eating mareep, one of my favorite pokemon, saddens me.


Oh I would devour a wooloo, freaking mareep ripoff




LOL KEK!!! You know you can reply to previous messages, right? You don't have to make a new comment every time... Silly Aaron...

Ice fox

Okay my complaint is quite simple you had the perfect chance do I have a cameo from my favorite zoids character you even had half the song and you didn't make it a girl what the hell


Henry is a Moonbay fan as well! She's awesome! Honestly, surprised anyone got that reference! Thank you!

Ice fox

I love zoids it was 1 of my favourite Childhood shows. ~Just driving along singing my song~