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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Little Garden! Time to meet some giants! There is also another pair of Officer Agents from Baroque Works too. In this version, another pair of guests head to the island that’s stuck in the prehistoric days too!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 21 – Little Garden

Luffy was practically bouncing from his special seat atop Merry’s figurehead. The Lightning Man could see the island on the horizon getting bigger and bigger. Their second island on the Grand Line was getting closer! He couldn’t wait to explore and see what it was like!

“Yep, that's definitely the island the Log Pose is pointing towards.” Nami confirmed as she lined up the needle of the Log Pose with her eye. “Does either of you two know anything about this island, Vivi, Mikita? What was it called?”

“It’s called Little Garden, Nami,” Vivi replied to the navigator, “I know it’s supposed to be a fairly dangerous island. According to stories, most crews that sail here don’t come back.”

“There are plenty of islands with stories like that in the Grand Line though,” Mikita shrugged at the ominous tales. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

“Then it's a mystery island!” Luffy’s grin only got bigger as they sailed closer, “I sense adventure!”

“Of course you’d say something like that.” Usopp sighed from up in the crow’s nest. Having a fearless Captain could fray the nerves of a normal man!

The Straw Hats sailed closer and closer, as details about the island of Little Garden became clearer. It seemed to be tropical, or perhaps sub-tropical in nature. So the island was probably a Summer Island considering this fact. The dense jungle came into clear view as they sailed the Merry into a large river that connected to the ocean.

“Why in the world would anyone name this place Little Garden?” Vivi pondered aloud while she blinked at the scenery, “Just look at this place. It's a giant overgrown jungle! There's nothing ‘little’ about it!” As they sailed further inland the crew could hear the sounds of the animals that made the jungle their home. Another point against calling this island Little Garden came in the fact that most of the trees grew higher than the Going Merry’s main mast!

“You're right, everything here seems to be gigantic! I’m having trouble identifying any of the plants and trees either.” Nami noted as her eyes looked over a strangely short tree with what appeared to be palm leaves on it. Well, if palm leaves had large spikes along their edges at any rate!

“We'll have to stock up on provisions before we leave.” Sanji mentioned, taking a drag of his cigarette, “We have more crew members now, Luffy’s bottomless pit of a stomach isn’t going anywhere, and we didn’t get a chance to restock at Whiskey Peak.”

A loud shriek tore through the air. None of them had ever heard anything light it before. Mikita and Vivi cringed at the sound while Usopp looked around wearily from his post in the crow’s nest.

“What the hell was that?!” Nami demanded as she tried to see through the dense canopy.

“A bird?” Sanji guessed, even though he’d never heard such a shriek in his life.

“Hey guys, look at those weird lizards,” Luffy pointed to the creatures climbing up some trees near the edge of the river, “They have feathers! That’s so weird!”

A loud rumble was heard, as if the island was shaking slightly, before a blast went off that made most of the crew flinch at the unexpected noise.

“Was that a volcano? What kind of island is this?” Mikita demanded, already looking around to see if debris from an eruption was going to start raining down on their heads.

“It's an island untouched by time…” Nami mumbled out, just loud enough for the crew to hear her, “This is a literal prehistoric island.”

“Prehistoric?” Usopp frowned as he mulled over the word, then his eyes bugged out as he shouted down to the navigator, “You mean like dinosaurs?!” Usopp pulled his rile and held it at the ready. The gunman wasn’t taking any chances with dinosaurs!

“Sanji! I need a Pirate Lunchbox!" Luffy called out, the Lightning Man was practically vibrating as he looked over the jungle. “Adventure, adventure, adventure!” He sang, off-key, as he bounced on his special seat.

“Right, right, calm down,” Sanji exhaled the smoke from his cigarette before he walked into the kitchen.

“Luffy! Are you sure about this?!” Usopp called out to his Captain, “Look at that giant tiger!” The gunman gestured to the large beast. The tiger then collapsed, dead, revealing a large portion of its back missing. It was as if something even more massive had taken a bite out of it! “What the hell can do that to a tiger that big?!”

“Huh, the ones back home were that size, or bigger.” Luffy shrugged without a care.

Right… Luffy is from Dawn Island.’ Usopp exhaled heavily, the gunman already knew there was no talking his Captain out of his plans for ‘adventure’ now.

“Anybody else want to come?” Luffy looked around at his nakama with a wide grin.

“Why not?” Nami smiled back at her lover, “Not like there's anything on this island that can threaten you.”

“I think I'll come too. Carue can keep us safe.” Vivi smiled as she hopped onto Carue, who was suddenly started trembling. “If I just sit around I'll probably do nothing but worry. This will hopefully keep my mind off of my troubles until the Log Pose resets.”

“I’ll help watch the ship.” Mikita volunteered, even as she pulled out a lounge chair and sat down.

“Well, I'm not going to lay here and wait.” Zoro stretched and a satisfying ‘pop’ was heard. With a yawn he followed Luffy, Nami, and Vivi off the ship. “I'm going to take a walk.”

“Wait a minute Zoro!” Sanji yelled out, making the swordsman stop. “We need to try and replenish our food stores. If you see anything out there that’s edible, bring it back here.”

“Yeah sure,” Zoro gave a careless wave over his shoulder. “I'll hunt a beast that you could never take down.”

“Wait a damn minute!” Sanji's foot stomped onto the Going Merry's railing. “Those’re fighting words. You really think you can hunt a bigger beast than I can?”

“Of course I can.” Zoro stood there with a smirk on his face.

“It’s a challenge then!” Sanji snarled, a vein throbbing on his forehead. “Let's see who can hunt the biggest and best tasting beast on the island.”

“It looks like it’s just the two of us then.” Mikita giggled as she relaxed on the lounge chair. Usopp sighed and nodded in agreement as he kept an eye out from the crow’s nest.

-With Luffy, Nami, Vivi, and Carue-

“Wow, this squid has a shell on it!” Luffy picked the aquatic creature out of river they were walking along. His eyes roamed over the odd, prehistoric creature.

“That’s called an ammonite, right?” Vivi was also inspecting the, supposedly extinct, animal.

“Yeah, but ammonites died out a long time ago though.” Nami mentioned as they looked at the flailing tentacles and the hard shell. Sensing the distress of the creature Luffy placed it back into the river and let it swim away. With a grin Luffy turned his head to the much larger ‘Voice’ he felt moving slowly towards them. Suddenly, Carue began frantically quacking drawing Nami and Vivi’s attention. “That's a dinosaur.” Nami blinked her voice flat as she craned her neck to see the head at the top of the long neck.

“Is it even possible for an island so untouched by time to exist?! Even on the Grand Line, that's not possible, right?” Vivi shook her head, her eyes wide. “I know some islands have advanced technology, while others are still in the tribal ages… but these creatures died out millions of years ago!”

“And he's climbing it.” Nami giggled while shaking her head at Luffy’s antics. Vivi stared up at him stunned, unable to formulate words at the pirate’s actions. “How's the view up there, Luffy?” The orangette laughed as she called out to her lover.

“This island is so awesome!” Luffy shouted down from his perch atop the sauropod’s head. “There are huge caves and I can see the volcanoes!”

“Be careful Luffy! That is a dinosaur! Who knows how it’ll react?” Vivi yelled up to him.

“Let him get it out of his system. Once he gets bored up there we’ll continue looking around.” Nami grinned, watching Luffy look this way and that while sitting on top of the dinosaur’s head.

“Hmm?” Luffy perked up and disappeared in a spark from the top of the sauropod’s head. He reappeared near instantly standing in front of Nami and Vivi. Nami picked up on the fact that Luffy was putting himself between her, Vivi, and whatever had caused him to react like this. Her shock staff was fluidly assembled in record time.

In a flash of steel the great dinosaur’s head was cleaved off its neck in a single swing. Vivi’s eyes bugged out and her jaw dropped. Carue was frozen in place, still as a statue from terror. Nami’s eyes widened as she looked up at the one that had slain the sauropod.

“Gegyagyagyagya! Got a good one today!” The giant laughed as he rested his sword over his shoulder. He had a long, dark beard that reached his navel. He wore a war helmet, brown pants and leather boots with an armored belly warmer. He had a dark-purple cape on, which Luffy thought was cool. The sword resting on his shoulder was a massive longsword with a straight blade that completely dwarfed the Going Merry.

“You're huge!” Luffy laughed loudly as he looked up at the giant. “Are you human?! Do you want to join my crew?!”

Nami and Vivi both face-palmed in unison without even realizing it. Vivi turned to Carue, only to find that her duck had collapsed and was foaming at the mouth in sheer terror. Vivi was quickly at his side and trying to wake him back up.

“Gegyagyagyagya! I'm the giant, Dorry! I’m the greatest warrior to ever come from Elbaf!” The giant laughed loudly as he responded to the human. “You're all invited to my home! I haven't had a guest in ages! Let's have a feast, shall we?!”

-The Going Merry-

“So… have you got any sake? What about rum? Maybe some grog? Can you hear me, little guys?” The large, bearded giant questioned the stunned Usopp and Mikita.

“Well, you’re the Grand Line veteran here, what should we do?” Usopp whispered to Mikita, never taking his eyes off the giant.

“Yes, we do! We have a few barrels left!” Mikita forced a bright smile at the giant.

“That’s it?! That’s your plan?!” Usopp questioned her at her, still not breaking his gaze from the giant.

“Are you going to tell him ‘no’, Usopp?” Mikita shot back, glaring at Usopp out of the corner of her eye.

“Gabababababa! You little humans are funny!” The rotund giant laughed. He had a wide, blonde beard that fanned out from his chin and was dressed in a dark-red shirt, with white ruffs of fur on the top and bottom hem. He had various leather armor pieces covering him, his legs were covered by burnt orange pants with vertical black stripes, and he even had a navy-blue cape. He wore a red, horned helmet on his head and a wide grin on his lips. “GababaARGH!”

Usopp and Mikita nearly screamed in terror when the giant suddenly yelled loudly. They both glanced behind the giant and saw a large Tyrannosaurus biting the giant's rump! The giant turned his head, his eyes shadowed by his helmet. The carnivorous dinosaur suddenly seemed to realize the danger it was in. But it was already too late. In a movement they almost couldn't follow, the giant whipped around, and his massive axe cleaved the Tyrannosaurus’ head off in a flash.

“Aaaaahhhhh!” Mikita and Usopp couldn’t hold back their screams of fear this time!

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The giant raised his axe in triumph of his kill. “Behold little humans, I am the mightiest warrior to come from Elbaf! Broggy!” Broggy’s voice was like thunder, reverberating through the jungle. He hefted the Tyrannosaur’s decapitated head in his left hand. “We have plenty of meat and you guys have booze!” Broggy grinned widely at the two of them. “Let's have ourselves a feast! Gabababababa!”

-Broggy’s Cave-

“And, we’re finished!” Broggy grinned at the cooked dinosaur meat. “Help yourselves, guys!” The blonde giant hefted one of the massive legs and bit right into it.

“…I'm not hungry.” Usopp lied, fairly certain that the giant was just trying to fatten them up after seeing the skulls and other human bones lying around the place.

“Don't waste food. Sanji would kick your ass. Hell, I’ll kick your ass.” Mikita threatened the gunman. While she specialized in sweets, she was also a competent cook and abhorred wasting food. With a deep breath to steady herself she deftly cut a good-sized piece of the dinosaur meat off the large slab Broggy had cooked. The giant had even salted it, so it was at least more than just cooked meat. She placed it on a large leaf she’d pulled off a short tree and prepared herself for her first taste of dinosaur meat.

“Alright, alright, I get it. You sea cooks are all the same.” Usopp mumbled, as he cut himself off a piece of meat and placed it on his own large, thick leaf. 'Please don't eat humans…’ Usopp pleaded in his mind.

“This is great!” They exclaimed in unison after their first bites.

“Luffy would love this!” Usopp stated as he took another bite.

“It’s very tender! Who would have thought dinosaur would be anything but tough?” Mikita smiled as she cut her piece into smaller bite-sized bits so she could eat easier. “Is this sea salt you used?”

“Gabababababa!” Broggy laughed, slapping his knee. “Yeah, this meat is second only to Sea King! A pinch of sea salt really brings out the flavor! I hewed out some bowls from the mountains and used them to boil seawater and gather salt. There was a reason my friend and I chose this island.”

“Luffy mentioned eating Sea King once. He said his grandpa caught it on the way to their home island. Is Sea King really that delicious?” Usopp questioned the giant as he ate. He was slowly becoming more comfortable despite his earlier fear.

“Aye, it’s some good eating.” Broggy gained a fond smile, seemingly reminiscing. “Oh I’d love to fish one of them up. It's been so long…” He had a wistful look for a brief moment. “Sea King practically melts in your mouth even when lightly prepared. It can make a great meal just by cooking it over an open flame with a little salt. Unfortunately,” Broggy glared over towards the sea on one side of the island. “With that damn fish swimming around this island, none of the Sea Kings will come close.”

“You mentioned a friend? Is there another giant from Elbaf here with you?” Mikita asked after she swallowed her food. “How long have you been here?”

“That's right!” Broggy grinned as he turned to face them. “As for how long we've been here…” He paused for a moment, seemingly counting in his head. Usopp and Mikita leaned forward their curiosity peaked, as it took Broggy a moment. “It's been one hundred years.”

-Dorry’s Cave-

“It's so good!” Luffy exclaimed as he devoured a large chunk of the sauropod meat that Dorry had cooked up. Even Nami and Vivi were happily eating the dinosaur meat that they’d place on large leaves as makeshift plates. For his part, Luffy was literally climbing on a large piece of the dinosaur meat and tearing chunks off to eat. He’d made an impressive dent in the large piece already!

“We've got to stock the Merry with as much dinosaur meat as possible!” Luffy declared, with a bright smile on his face. “Hey, Dorry, do you guys have one of those Eternal Poses to Little Garden? I’d love to come back and eat more dinosaur meat whenever we get the chance!” Nami and Vivi both giggled at the totally ‘Luffy’ statement.

“I'm afraid not, little guy.” Dorry laughed loudly. “Most people seem to try and avoid this island at all costs!” He held up his massive hand. “This Pirate Lunchbox of yours was pretty damn good too. We don’t have much in the way of seasonings on this island. The flavors were great after so long!”

“Of course, it is!” Luffy laughed along with Dorry. “My chef made that lunch. If you said it was bad, I would’ve had to kick your ass. Shishishi!”

“Kick my ass, you say?” Nami and Vivi visibly flinched at the giant's suddenly dark tone. Then he immediately wiped the trepidation away by laughing loudly. “You’re a funny human! Gegyagyagyagya!”

“They're like old friends already.” Vivi shook her head and smiled at the pair. “Luffy could make friends with almost anyone, huh?”

“That’s Luffy for you.” Nami giggled, before pulling the bluenette into a side-hug. “Give him some time and I’m sure he can be more than friends with just about any woman too~” Nami teased the princess with a Cheshire grin.

“N-Nami!” Vivi yelped in shock, a blush filling her cheeks as Nami giggled at her.

“Say, Dorry, how long does it take the Log Pose to record this island anyway?” Nami questioned as she took a moment to stop teasing Vivi.

“Just a year.” Dorry shrugged as he took a large bite of meat. All three humans immediately felt a weight fall on their shoulders.

“A year!” Luffy exclaimed in shock. “We can’t stay here for a year! We have stuff to do!”

“You can try looking for an unbroken Log Pose and see if one of them has reset. We haven’t had any visitors on this island in over a year, so if you can find an unbroken Pose, then you should be fine.” Dorry offered as he ate.

“What happens when you do get visitors?” Vivi inquired as she’d noticed the human bones scattered here and there across the island.

“Most of them die.” Dorry admitted, taking a large drink of water from a stone bowl. “Some die from the weather, others from the forest and animals, and some…” He looked down at the three of them with a serious gaze. “Some die because they attack us.” Nami and Vivi held each other as they shivered in fear. Luffy was still stuffing his face and didn’t seem to see a problem with Dorry’s statement.

“Hey Dorry, why aren't you and your friend in this Elbaf place?” Luffy asked as he finished off another portion of meat.

“Ah, home. It's been so long.” Dorry chuckled, a wide grin on his face. “I wonder if any of them still remember us.” Dorry, seeing he had the humans’ attention, continued. “Elbaf is deep in the Grand Line… beyond the Red Line in fact.” He leaned forward a bit as he spoke. “You see, on Elbaf there is a certain custom that must be followed. When there is a dispute between two giants and neither side will give any ground, we leave it to our God to decide who is right. The two will engage in combat until one side is declared the victor!”

“But we've already been at this for a hundred years! And nothing has been settled!” Dorry cracked up, laughing loudly at the length of time they’d been at it.

“A HUNDRED YEARS?!” Vivi blurted out in shock. “But why?!”

“Gegyagyagyagya! A hundred years is nothing to us.” Dorry waved off her incredulous look. “Our lifespans are three times longer than a puny human’s.”

“But what's the point after all this time?! Do you two really want to kill each other that much?!” Vivi couldn’t help but ask the giant. The very idea of fighting someone that long was impossible for the gentle princess to understand. “What was the dispute even about? What kind of argument breeds such hatred that it keeps you hacking away at each other for an entire century?!”

“Hatred?” Dorry blinked at her in confusion. “I don't hate him at all. He's my oldest friend.” Vivi could only slump to her knees, completely stunned at such a revelation. Nami placed a hand on Vivi’s shoulder as she knelt beside the bluenette.

“I don't really get it myself, Vivi.” Nami shook her head. “I think it’s more a ‘man’ thing.” She smiled at the princess while motioning in Luffy and Dorry's direction. “But this is what makes those guys who they are.”

“Damn right.” Luffy nodded with a grin matching Dorry's on his face. “This battle isn’t about hate or anything stupid like that. It's about honor.”

“You get it, little guy!” Dorry laughed, before looking over as the center volcano on the island erupted. “Well, that's my cue. I guess I’d better get going.” Luffy grabbed the two girls, each of them now sitting on one of his arms. He leapt up into the trees, following Dorry as he picked up his sword and slung it over his shoulder before walking off. “Miss Vivi,” Dorry turned to look at the princess. “The reason for our dispute… IS LONG FORGOTTEN!” The equally huge shadow of Broggy appeared through the forest on the opposite side of a massive clearing. The two giants met with a clash that caused a massive wave of displaced air!

“Don't you long for home, Dorry?!” Broggy roared as he deflected a slash with his shield and then kicked his friend in the chest. The size and power of the two giants shook the ground. Luffy immediately picked up on the Haki behind their blows.

“All the more reason to defeat you, my friend!” Dorry merely took a single step back from the kick to the chest. He parried Broggy’s axe with his own shield and spun, looking to take Bogy’s head off with his longsword.

Broggy ducked under the slash and jumped back. Dorry had just found his footing when Broggy leapt into the air with his axe raised over his head. Dorry was the one to leap back as Broggy slammed his axe into the dirt, a massive scar opening up in the very earth, while a large plume of dirt was thrown into the air. Dorry jabbed his sword forward, Broggy pivoted out of the line of the thrust. The force of the attack kept travelling however and parted a large section of the forest.

Broggy swiped at his friend with a one-armed swing of his axe. A massive clanging rang through the air as Dorry deflected the blow with his helmet. Luffy’s eyes briefly spotting the top of the helmet turning black for an instant to deflect the blow. He supposed it made sense for two warriors as old as these to have mastered Haki to this level.

“This is amazing! The smallest blunder could mean instant death!” Usopp, still at Broggy’s home, was staring at the fight. His entire body was trembling. Terror, amazement, worry, awe, pride, so many emotions flooding his system as he watched on.

Mikita stared at the battle as well. Each clash sending a gale of displaced air at the platinum-blonde. This was insane! How could two people, even if they were giants, cause so much damage in a one-on-one battle? Is this what the other half of the Grand Line was like? She wouldn’t be able to do anything to someone as strong as this! She’d been fairly confident in her power for years; when she was made an Officer Agent in Baroque Works she’d felt very confident in her strength. Her encounter with her new Captain and now seeing this battle between the giants, it really drove home how small her strength was.

“This… this is the greatest fight I've ever seen.” Usopp breathed out. Not even any of the crazy shit he’d seen Luffy do could match this! Luffy had so outmatched even the toughest of his prior opponents that their ‘battles’ were one-sided beatings. An evenly matched fight like this… this was a battle. This is what he wanted to become!

“This fight is crazy. They've been going at each other like this for a hundred years? How have they kept going for so long?” Mikita wondered aloud, her eyes still locked on the fight.

“That doesn't matter to them!” Usopp shook his head, his eyes never straying from the battle. “This is a true battle between men! They’ve each raised a flag in their hearts! Defeat means their flag falls! Neither of them will ever let that happen! They’ll protect it forever! That flag means more to them than their very lives!”

Mikita couldn’t say that Usopp was wrong; even if she didn’t understand the point of fighting over and over again, day after day, for a century. This battle meant more to Broggy and Dorry than their lives. She could understand that much. There weren’t many warriors who’d choose death before the loss of their honor these days. She could understand why this fight was so inspiring to Usopp.

"This is it… this is what I always dreamed of being! A proud warrior! A man that holds his honor close and never lets it go!" Usopp declared with passion. The young gunman had never been more inspired in his life!

“So you want to be a giant?” Mikita teased with a knowing smirk.

“DID YOU EVEN LISTEN TO ANYTHING I JUST SAID?!” Usopp snapped at her, shark-like teeth seemingly appearing in his mouth.

“Kyahaha!” Mikita laughed loudly at his response. But when Usopp declared his desire to see Elbaf a moment later, she couldn’t help but grin. ‘I think he just found where his Dream lies. Good for you, Usopp.

The titanic battle was winding down as both Dorry and Broggy lost their weapons. The final clash ended with each of them slamming their bucklers into the other's face! “73,466 battles…” They both collapsed to the ground, which shook slightly from the impact. “73,466 draws.”

“Shishishi! That was so awesome!” Luffy cheered loudly. He landed with Nami and Vivi in his arms beside Usopp and Mikita. The platinum-blonde saw the redness on Vivi’s cheeks and smirked slightly. There was teasing to be done! “You guys are strong! Can I spar with you too?”

“Luffy, no...” Nami pinched the bridge of her nose. Vivi just stared at him, deadpan.

“Oh, you must be little Usopp’s Captain.” Broggy grinned at Luffy as the two giants sat up. “You want to spar eh?”

“Don’t you two ever take a break?” Vivi questioned the two warriors. “After a hundred years of fighting each other, are you sure you’ll be able to break the stalemate?”

“Ugh, another hundred years on this rock?” Dorry shook his head with a mirthless chuckle. “Wouldn't that be awful? I've wanted some Sea King for decades, though. Of course with the damn Island Eater swimming around, the Sea Kings won’t come close.” He grumbled, glaring off towards the opposite side of the island.

“I don’t recall us ever taking a break since we decided that the center volcano would be our signal.” Broggy admitted with a thoughtful look on his face as he ran his fingers through his beard.

“Broggy has the better memory between us,” Dorry chortled lightly. “If he says we haven’t then we probably haven’t. But seeing as even he can't remember what our initial fight was about, maybe his memory isn’t so great? Gegyagyagyagya!”

“Ooh! Why don't we have a giant party then? I'll go gather the rest of the crew!” Luffy suggested with a gleam in his eyes as he thought about eating even more dinosaur meat!

“We have to find both Sanji and Zoro, right?" Vivi asked Luffy. “They were having a hunting contest, remember?”

“Hunting contest…” Dorry and Broggy both cocked their heads to the side slightly. They looked at one another, before grinning widely, slight chuckles beginning to bubble up from their massive frames.

“Observation~” Luffy chuckled as he tapped his right temple. Vivi’s eyes widened at the reminder of just how far away Luffy could sense other people. He’d demonstrated that before when he sensed that Igaram was alive. “I’ll check the whole island all at once!”

“That battle was amazing, Master Broggy!” Usopp congratulated the blonde giant. “You were awesome too, Master Dorry!” He bowed slightly to the long-bearded giant.

“Master?” Nami raised one of her delicate eyebrows at the gunman’s wording.

“Kyahaha, these two inspired him with their battle. He says he wants to go to Elbaf now.” Mikita informed them all.

“That sounds like an adventure to me! Put it on the list, Nami!” Luffy grinned widely, bouncing in place in his excitement.

“Noted.” Nami giggled at her lover.

“Anyway, Mr. Dorry, Mr. Broggy… would you two be willing to have a truce for the party?” Vivi smiled up at the two chuckling giants.

“Of course!” Dorry grinned, before his chuckles became full-blown laughter. “Thanks to you little guys we actually remembered what our fight was about!”

“Gabababababa!” Broggy burst into matching laughter. “It was a hunting contest, much like the one your two crewmates are apparently having!” All three women of the crew face-palmed at this revelation. Broggy chuckled and pointed behind him at the massive caves the giants called their homes. “Those are their skulls!”

“EHHHHHHHHHH?!” Everyone gaped at the massive skulls that they’d believed to be mountains and cliffs!

“What kind of Sea Kings did you drag in?!” Nami demanded, her mind barely able to wrap around the sheer enormity of the two giants’ century-old catches!

“You guys are awesome! Are you sure you don't want to join my crew?" Luffy asked both of the giants with his hand raised above his head.

“They wouldn't even fit on the ship!” Nami, Vivi, and Mikita yelled at him with shark teeth on full display. The two giants could only laugh in response to the small human!

-A Ship Approaching Little Garden from the East-

“Ugh, I can’t believe this.” A black-haired man wearing a blue and white, vertical-striped shirt and white trousers complained to his silent partner. “No one has heard from the Unluckies in almost a week and now we have to rely on the back up mail system. Now the boss wants us to check out everyone that could potentially kill the Unluckies and find out what’s going on. This is a waste of my talents.”

“…” His partner didn’t respond to his complaints. She simply sat on the deck of their small ship and painted.  She was a teenager with a more childish appearance, with relatively large eyes and circles of blush on her cheeks. She was also fairly short in stature and wore her dark red hair tied in twin braids. Her outfit was a wide-brimmed pink hat with a green band, a dark blue T-shirt with the word ‘GOLDEN’ written on it in pink, a sky blue cloud-patterned button-down shirt, a maroon-colored overalls skirt with the top folded down, blue striped stockings, and big red shoes with white cuffs and white soles. This was Miss Goldenweek, partner to Mr. Three.

“We we’re supposed to meet up with Mr. Five and Miss Valentine after they finished eliminating the traitors. But Little Garden is the only island a Log Pose points to from Cactus Island. We’ll do a quick check before moving on to the surrounding islands. We have the Eternal Poses for most of them, right?” Mr. Three questioned.

“Yes.” Miss Goldenweek nodded as she continued to paint.

“Good, let’s get this over with.” Mr. Three huffed as they sailed towards the island on the horizon.

-On a Ship Following Mr. Three’s-

“They’re heading for Little Garden.” A woman confirmed as they followed the ship of the man currently going by the alias of Mr. Three. But his actual name was Galdino, also known as ‘Loan Shark’, with a Twenty-Four Million Beri Bounty on his head.

“Not a place most people would go.” A man replied as he watched the dot that was the ship on the horizon. “Regardless, we just need to catch up with them.” A small smile made its way onto the man’s face.

“You’re smiling,” The woman noted with a grin of her own. “Are you happy to finally get this mission accomplished?”

“That, and for some reason I’m feeling kind of nostalgic.” The man replied as they sailed after the ship they were chasing.

“Any reason why?” The woman questioned curiously.

“Nope, but somethings telling me it’ll be fun!” The man grinned widely as he adjusted his black top hat.

-End Chapter-


Dorry! Broggy! Battles of honor! Usopp inspired! What an island Little Garden is!

But now some unwelcome guests are approaching! What will the Straw Hats do against Mr. Three and Miss Goldenweek?

Also…someone else is following Mr. Three! Someone that just so happens to wear a black top hat! Just who could this person be? Cackles

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Nice chapter.


Hmm....Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek....It'd be funny if they joined the crew too, especially since Mr. 3 becomes friends with Luffy anyway. Hehehe.

John Balman

I could hear the ending Bum Bum BUUUUM at the end lol

Thomas E Nellis

Lol I can see the romantic scene now. Sanji sees another pretty girl. My captain doesn’t get this one! Solos Mr 3 just to ensure that Golden is his. Kills 70 dinos and makes a prehistoric feast just for her. Anyway, I loved the chapter.


Glad you liked it, Thomas! I told you guys, Sanji is going to live up the 'Chivalrous Pervert' title until he finds himself a woman, then he'll devote himself to her. Which of the many lovely ladies of One Piece will that be? You'll have to wait and see!

Thomas E Nellis

Alright alternate meme. Zoro sees a woman that uses pointed objects to fight. He must take an apprentice and teach her his style allowing her to use the 3 paint brush fighting style to pone enemies with her fruit.

Thomas E Nellis

All of these have been a clever ruse to distract everyone while Usop goes after one of the few females that has blushes on her face like he has on his and can give him infinite ammo. He then tells her he is the lord of the straw hat pirate fleet and the champion of this island and slain all but the two remaining giants. He then flexes his nonexistent muscles and Golden looks at him and says and sees that Usop is just like her an artist trying to fit in with an organization of combatants.