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I hope everyone has enjoyed the Pokemon News that came out today!

Here I am, posting the 25th Chapter on the 25th Anniversary! It would be really impressive if I had planned this out for the last few months or something. But no only last month did the idea come to me.

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! With his Third Badge secured, Ash and Misty now start their preparations to leave Cerulean City. Things to buy and stock up on, but there’s one last thing that needs to happen before they can leave. Grace has been patient enough, time for a Rival Battle!

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

Make sure to thank the patrons that make these stories possible by checking out the Patron Plaque on my profile!

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 25 – Rival, Preparations

“Morning, Ash.” Misty murmured as she snuggled into her boyfriend’s warmth.

“Morning, Misty.” Ash returned as he pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. The two were still lying in bed together and lazing about. Neither of them really wanted to get up right now. Both of them were perfectly content to continue holding each other close.

Alas, time continues to move forward, and both teens needed to get up and start the day eventually. With reluctant sighs they let go of each other and got out of bed. Ash admired Misty’s naked form and Misty did the same. Misty’s ruffled hair from sleep made her adorable in Ash’s eyes. He chuckled lightly as he pulled Misty into a kiss. Misty hummed in contentment as she pressed her body against his. When they separated the couple gently rested their foreheads against each other.

“I love you, Misty.” Ash smiled warmly at his girlfriend.

“I love you too, Ash.” Misty returned a beautiful smile on her lips.

The two got some clothes for the day and threw on some loose pajamas to make their way to separate bathrooms. Both of them knew if they got in the shower together they wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off of each other. They’d already lazed in bed longer than normal, so it was best to hurry up with showers and join Lily, Daisy, and Violet for the breakfast they could smell cooking. A short time later, both Ash and Misty walked into the kitchen together with warm smiles on their faces. Ash was in a black t-shirt and his blue jacket, his legs covered by khaki cargo pants. Misty was wearing navy blue cotton shorts that stopped at mid-thigh and a tank top that had the colorful markings of a Milotic printed on it.

“Good morning, you lovebirds~” Daisy teased the couple as they sat down.

“Morning, Daisy.” Misty returned the greeting as she and Ash sat down.

“Breakfast will be ready soon!” Lily called out from the stove where she was cooking.

“Thanks for cooking, Lily!” Ash thanked the pinkette with a grin.

“So, are you going to get your rank up taken care of after breakfast, Ash?” Violet asked as she walked into the kitchen. She’d just finished feeding the Pokémon for the morning and set about washing her hands for breakfast.

“Yeah, I’ll take care of that while rotating my team a bit.” Ash nodded as he thought about who to bring over. “Pikachu and Lucario could definitely use some down time.”

“Then we’ll need to head over to the Breeders’ Association and buy Gogoat a new saddle. Not to mention stock up on stuff for the road.” Misty mused as she rested her left cheek in her left palm, her elbow on the table holding her head up as she considered what they’d need. “It’s a decent trip all the way up to Azure Town.”

“That’s true,” Daisy agreed with her youngest sister. “Route Twenty Four is fairly long. With Gogoat and Skiddo you could probably still make the trip in a day though.”

“Breakfast time!” Lily announced with a bright smile. “Eat up!” The pinkette set down a few dishes with Violet’s help. Breakfast today consisted of dashimaki eggs, steamed rice and veggies, miso soup, and a lightly-grilled fish fillet.

“This looks great, Lily.” Misty praised her sister as she picked up her chopsticks.

“I decided to go a bit traditional this morning.” Lily chuckled as she sat down with her family to eat.

“What kind of fish?” Ash asked as he breathed in the wonderful aroma.

“Barboach,” Lily answered after she swallowed her food. “They’re good grilled, but they’re probably best in a soup. Really brings out the flavor when they simmer with the other ingredients.”

“Nice,” Ash commented as he took a piece off his fillet and tried it. A light hint of salt and herbs hit his tongue and he enjoyed the flavor. “We don’t get Barboach much in Pallet Town. We have an ocean full of Magikarp though, and you can sometimes find Krabby and Shellder on the beach. Mom makes a special butter sauce to go with them that’s just, mmm~” Ash smiled as he reminisced about beach cookouts with his mom and dad; Gary, Daisy, their parents, Professor Oak, Leaf and her parents joining in too. Good memories all around.

“Sounds tasty.” Violet smiled as she ate. “Shellder are good with butter and a dash of soy sauce. That’s how I prefer them anyway. Get them hot over a fire and once the shell pops open you add the butter and soy sauce.”

“Dad fought a Kingler once.” Ash chuckled as he remembered the incident during the summer of his first year of Junior High. “He was scouring the beach for some Krabby, for a little beach grilling with me and mom. What he finds is a good-sized Kingler charging out of the water at him!”

“Oh my!” Daisy held her hand over her mouth as she giggled.

“Yeah, dad had to do some dodging and he managed to toss Kingler away once he caught the big claw. But then he sent out his Machamp.” Ash grinned. “The Kingler was tasty though. Dad and I were stuffed afterwards!”

“Kingler can make for good eating,” Misty smiled as she ate. “Boil them, steam them, grill them up, as long as you don’t go overboard, the flavor is great.”

“What did you do with the shell and leftover meat?” Lily asked curiously. There was just some meat you couldn’t get off of a crustacean sometimes.

“We tossed them into the ocean for other Pokémon, of course.” Ash replied simply. It was common practice, and considered respectful, to return the remains you didn’t, or couldn’t, use back to the area the Pokémon came from. The other wild Pokémon could easily make meals out of it. Not to mention the inedible portions were broken down and returned to the soil or sea to promote the growth of microscopic life, like plankton, or nourished the bacteria in the soil that grasses and other plants fed off of. That fed smaller Pokémon, which in turn fed larger species. The food chain and the cycle of life continued on in this manner without interruption.

“That’s good.” Lily smiled at her future little brother-in-law. “I’m sure the wild Pokémon enjoyed the easy meal.”

The five of them finished their meal with more small talk and enjoyed their morning together. When the dishes were placed in the dishwasher to be cleaned Ash and Misty headed out of the Gym, hand in hand. The couple took a leisurely stroll through the city towards the Pokémon Center. When they arrived they headed for the desk.

“Good morning, how may I help you today?” Nurse Joy smiled at the two teens. As always she looked calm and kind, the gentle tone of her voice soothing and pleasant.

“I’d like my Pokémon checked over.” Ash informed the nurse as he set his Pokéballs on the provided tray. Pikachu hopped off his shoulder and sat on the tray directly. “We had a Gym battle yesterday and I want to make sure they’re all okay. We did most of the treatment already, but it never hurts to be sure.”

“Of course, we’ll give them a thorough checkup and make sure they’re all in good health.” Nurse Joy smiled at him. She scratched Pikachu behind the ears, getting a pleased sound from the Electric Type, before she picked up the tray and handed it over to a Chansey to take into the back. “Is there anything else you need today?”

“I’d like to get my Trainer Level updated too.” Ash grinned as he pulled out his Badge Case and opened it to reveal his three Badges.

“Not a problem,” Nurse Joy gave a short bow. “Let me just get the scanner.” With that she walked a few steps away and opened a drawer. She pulled out a device that looked similar to a barcode scanner. Walking back over she used the device to scan the Boulder Badge, the Metal Badge, and his new Cascade Badge. Each Badge made the device beep and flash a green light. “These are all legitimate. I’ll just need your Trainer Card to match them and then we’ll update your Level.”

“Yes ma’am.” Ash pulled out his Pokédex and handed the device to Nurse Joy.

“Oh, you have a Pokédex. You must be well trusted by a Professor.” Nurse Joy complimented him with a smile. She wirelessly synced the Pokédex with her computer and typed on the keyboard for a bit. After a moment she hit one last button and then turned to face Ash and Misty again. “It’ll take a little while for your new Trainer Card to be made, I’ll call you over the intercom when it’s complete.”

“Thank you, Nurse Joy.” Ash gave a short bow and the pinkette nurse waved him off with a kind smile. The couple headed over to the Trainer’s Lounge Area to wait.

They weren’t expecting to see Grace Thrall sitting in one of the chairs facing the entryway, looking like she was waiting for them. The blonde’s eyes focused on them immediately and a smirk formed on her lips. With a quick bounce, she skipped up onto her feet and approached the couple. She stopped a bit in front of them before she spoke.

“I figured you’d come here today.” Grace stated, obviously pleased that she’d predicted their actions. “I think I’ve been patient enough. Misty Waterflower, I challenge you to a battle!”

“You’re on!” Misty accepted and Ash smiled at the fire in Misty’s tone. His girlfriend was ready for battle! This would be a good match!

“Follow me to one of the training fields then!” Grace stated, her tone indicating that she didn’t think she could lose. The Special Aura prodigy put her hand into the pockets of her black trench coat and walked towards the back of the Pokémon Center. Misty and Ash followed after her without missing a step. “How’s a one on one match sound for our first battle?”

“Fine by me.” Misty agreed with a nod, her green eyes alight with competitive spirit.

Once the trio exited the back door of the Pokémon Center, they were greeted with the standard battlefields that every Center had for practice matches. Grace was quick to head for the far end of the nearest battlefield. Misty headed for the closer end and took her place in the box. Grace entered her box and pulled her right hand out of her pocket, a Pokéball already in her grasp. Misty’s hand drifted across the Pokéballs on her belt before stopping on one and taking it in hand.

“Kadabra, let’s win!” Grace called out as she revealed her Pokémon. In the flash of white light, the Psi Pokémon appeared. Mostly yellow with a large tail, a mustache on its face, a star on its forehead, its torso was covered in what looked like brown armor, and it held its trademark spoon in its right hand.

“Kadabra.” Kadabra, called out as it stood at the ready.

“Skiddo, come on out!” Misty tossed her Pokéball and released the Grass Type in its own flash of light.

“Ski!” Skiddo dragged its front right hoof through the dirt as he eyed his newest opponent.

“Begin!” Ash announced, acting as the referee for the match.

“Kadabra Reflect!” Grace called out quickly.

“Ra!” Kadabra raised its spoon, the utensil glowing a bright blue, an off-white aura enveloped Kadabra, shielding it from Physical attacks for a while.

“Skiddo, Leech Seed!” Misty called her first move as Kadabra was setting up its Reflect. Skiddo fired off the parasitic seed. It landed without Grace so much as trying to dodge.

“That won’t work!” Grace stated with a smirk.

“What?!” Misty blinked as the Leech Seed simply fell off of Kadabra without sprouting. “How?!”

“Psybeam!” Grace called her first attack. Kadabra pointed its spoon at Skiddo and a multicolored beam of energy raced towards the Goat Pokémon.

“Dodge, then Bulldoze!” Misty instructed and Skiddo dashed out of the way of the Psychic attack. The goat Pokémon reared up and slammed its front hooves into the dirt. The ground shook, tremors racing through the dirt and toppling Kadabra. A blue glow covered the Psychic Type as its Speed was lowered. “Seed Bomb!” Skiddo gathered his energy before launching the hard seed at the downed Kadabra like a cannon.

“Teleport!” Grace reacted instantly and Kadabra vanished before the attack could land. The dirt of the battlefield was thrown into the air from the missed attack. “Disable!”

“Kada!” Kadabra reappeared, pointing its spoon at Skiddo from his left side. A black aura surrounded the Grass Type, locking away Seed Bomb for a while.

“Razor Leaf!” Misty went for an area of effect attack. Skiddo launched the barrage of leaves at the Psychic Type. The spinning leaves covering a wide area as they rapidly closed in on Kadabra.

“Teleport!” Grace grinned as Kadabra vanished.

“Growth!” Misty called out, her own grin on her face. Skiddo bleated as he was surrounded by a red aura. Both his Attack and Special Attack boosted by one stage. “It takes a second or two for Kadabra to complete its Teleport. That’s more than enough time to boost our stats!”

“Damn it.” Grace grumbled as Kadabra reappeared on the edge of the battlefield. “Signal Beam!” Kadabra launched the multicolored beam at Skiddo without hesitation.

“Dodge!” Misty called and Skiddo leapt away from the beam’s trajectory.

“Maintain and sweep!” Grace upped the ante and Kadabra continued the beam and followed Skiddo with the super effective attack!

“Bulldoze!” Misty went for a mutual damage strategy and Skiddo slammed his hooves into the dirt sending out the shockwave through the soil.

“Skid!” Skiddo cried out as the Bug Type move hit and sent him to the dirt.

“Ka!” Kadabra also toppled as the Bulldoze tremor hit and upset its footing. The blue glow surrounded Kadabra again to show its Speed had dropped another stage.

“Synthesis, Razor Leaf!” Misty doubled her moves and Skiddo glowed green as he got back to his feet, his injuries healing. With a cry the Goat Pokémon sent the wide barrage of leaves across the field.

“Teleport!” Grace called and Kadabra disappeared from its prone position in the dirt.

‘Where is it?’ Misty wondered, pressing her Aura sense as hard as she could for the faintest hint of the Psychic Type’s whereabouts. ‘There!’ She felt a buildup of Psychic Aura to Skiddo’s right.

“Vine Whip to your right, Skiddo!” Misty called out and Skiddo heeded her without question. Two vines were launched from Skiddo’s leafy pelt and struck Kadabra right as it reappeared. “Wrap it up!” Misty instructed and the two vines wrapped around Kadabra’s waist and left arm. “No more Teleporting for you!”

“But you can’t escape now either!” Grace exclaimed with a grin of excitement! This was the most fun she’d had in a battle in weeks! “Signal Beam!” Kadabra pointed its spoon at Skiddo and fired the super effective attack.

“Take Down!” Misty gave the call. Skiddo charged forward a bright glow surrounding his body.

The Signal Beam slammed into Skiddo, almost making him stumble. The Goat Pokémon powered on, even as it felt the pain of the attack. Through the smoke of the blast he charged and when he broke free of the cloud Kadabra was right there! Skiddo rammed the Psychic Type with its full power! He carried the Psi Pokémon on his head and horns for several feet before stopping. Kadabra went flying off and hit the ground rolling as Skiddo removed his Vine Whip. When Kadabra stopped moving everyone waited a moment. All three Aura Users knew the call before Ash even raised his hand.

“Kadabra is unable to battle! Skiddo wins!” Ash pointed to the tired Grass Type.

“You did it, Skiddo! Great job!” Misty praised him and Skiddo bleated happily.

“Sloppy Grace, that was sloppy.” Grace grimaced to herself. “You forgot to renew Reflect! Of course Kadabra can’t take a Take Down without support! Especially not after two Bulldoze attacks! Not to mention Skiddo had a boost from Growth! I need to pay more attention and not assume!” Her self-admonishment done, Grace lifted her Pokéball and recalled Kadabra. “You did great, Kadabra, this loss was my fault. I’ll get better, I promise.”

“That was a good match, Grace.” Misty called out to the blonde teen.

“You’re pretty good.” Grace admitted with a small huff. “But I’ll win next time!”

“But you had fun, right?” Misty grinned at the girl that proclaimed to be her Rival.

“Best battle I’ve had in weeks.” Grace admitted with a small smile of her own.

“Skiddo!” Skiddo bleated loudly, gaining everyone’s attention. The Grass Type was covered in a bright white light.

“You’re evolving!” Misty exclaimed in joy! Skiddo’s body morphed as it glowed; getting bigger and bigger, the horns the most noticeable as they grew longer, then curved backwards over the Goat Pokémon’s head. When the light dispersed the large form of a Gogoat stood on the battlefield.

“Gogoat!” Gogoat called out as he shook himself from his evolution. Misty was quickly at the evolved Pokémon’s side and hugging the large Goat Pokémon as best she could.

“You’re amazing, Gogoat!” Misty gushed as she praised her Pokémon and gave him pats and scratches. Gogoat bleated happily, enjoying the affection as she nuzzled Misty in response.

“I still don’t get why Leech Seed didn’t work.” Ash commented as he walked over and gave Gogoat some congratulatory pats. “The only move you’d used was Reflect and it doesn’t stop moves like Leech Seed from working.”

“That’s because my Kadabra’s Ability is Magic Guard.” Grace informed the pair of Trainers. “Only direct attacks can damage him.”

“So that’s what it was.” Misty looked thoughtful as she continued to rub Gogoat’s head. “That’s a pretty rare Ability, no wonder I didn’t think about it.”

“Kadabra is pretty great.” Grace nodded her head; there was an oh-so-pleased smirk on her face. “Like I said, we’ll win next time.”

“We’ll see about that!” Misty fired back, both girls gazing at each other challengingly.

“Ash Ketchum to the front desk, please!” The speaker on the wall blared and Ash looked up with a smile.

“Time to go.” Misty grinned as Ash beamed at her. “My winnings?” She looked at Grace with a cocked eyebrow, a small smirk on her lips.

“Yeah, yeah,” Grace rolled her eyes as she reached into her trench coat and pulled out a black and purple pocketbook. She pulled four bills out of it and handed them to Misty. “There you go, four hundred PokéYen.”

“Thank you.” Misty smiled as she pulled out her own pocketbook and added the bills to it.

“Well we both need to get our Pokémon treated.” Grace shrugged as she headed towards the doors first and headed through them without a backwards glance.

“Gogoat, you did amazing! Return!” Misty recalled her Grass Type into his Pokéball and returned it to her belt. “Let’s go.” She smiled at Ash and he entwined their fingers as the couple headed for the doors and into the Center.

“We’ll have to buy two new saddles now.” Ash commented as they headed down the hallway towards the lobby.

“So we do.” Misty hummed happily as they enjoyed their entwined Auras. Happiness was radiating from both of them and made for a very positive feedback loop! They arrived in the lobby and quickly made their way over to the desk.

“Your Pokémon are in good condition, Mr. Ketchum, though I recommend Pikachu and Lucario refrain from battles for a few more days.” Nurse Joy smiled as Pikachu leapt from the tray and hopped back onto Ash’s shoulder.

“That’s the plan, right buddy?” Ash chuckled as he petted Pikachu, getting happy coos from the Electric Type.

“Your Trainer Card has also been updated.” Nurse Joy handed him his new Trainer Card. The red was now blue, indicating that Ash was now an Adept Level Trainer. He could only smile happily at this physical proof of his progress.

“Happy?” Misty smiled as she leaned her head on his unoccupied shoulder.

“Yep,” Ash wrapped his arm around her waist. “I’ll rotate my team and then we can head for the Breeders’ Association to get our Gogoats fitted for new saddles.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Misty agreed as they walked over to the transport machines.

It didn’t take long to contact Professor Oak. The Professor had profusely thanked Ash for the Suicune footage. Ash and Misty both felt their cheeks turn red at the amount of praise and thanks being sent their way. Once the Professor had calmed down; Ash was able to make his transfers. Lucario and Pikachu were transferred to Oak’s Lab for a few days of rest and relaxation. In exchange Ash brought over Butterfree and Phanpy for training.

“See you later, Professor!” Ash waved to the video screen. “Be good Pikachu!” He smiled at his Electric Type that had been released from his Pokéball as soon as the transfer to Oak’s Lab had been completed. Pikachu still hated being inside the Pokéball.

“Pikapi!” Pikachu waved bye as the call ended and the screen went black.

“Alright, ready to head out?” Ash questioned Misty as they stood up from their chairs.

“Yeah, let’s go get the saddle fitting done.” Misty smiled as they took each other’s hand and walked out of the Pokémon Center.

It was a pleasantly warm day and the couple enjoyed the sights and sounds of Cerulean together. Misty pointed areas she was familiar with and shops they might want to explore before they left the City for Azure Town in the coming days. Ash made note of one store in particular to stop at on their way back from the Breeders’ Association. But they could deal with one thing at a time for now. The couple spotted the large building with the Breeders’ Association Logo on it. The building was sleek and modern. Windows everywhere to let in natural light, and the steel framework was immaculately clean. They walked up to the automatic doors and entered the building without trouble.

“Welcome to the Cerulean Breeders’ Association, how may I help you today?” An older lady, probably mid-thirties, with auburn hair and kind brown eyes asked the couple from behind the front desk.

“Our Ride Pokémon recently evolved and we need to get them fitted with new saddles.” Misty explained and the woman nodded as she typed on her keyboard for a moment.

“That does tend to happen with some species of Ride Pokémon.” She chuckled as her eyes looked over the screen. “I’ll call Zoe; she’ll be able to help you with the proper fitting.”

“Thank you very much, ma’am.” Ash thanked the receptionist who only smiled at the polite teen. A few moments later and a new woman appeared in the lobby.

“Are you two the ones needing a new fitting?” The woman asked the duo. She was probably in her early twenties, with chestnut hair and green eyes. She wore a modified jumpsuit with the Breeders’ Association Logo on it.

“We are; you’re Zoe?” Misty replied and Zoe nodded to them with a smile.

“That’s me!” Zoe chirped cheerfully. “Follow me and we’ll head to the fitting stables.” Ash and Misty fell into step with the woman as they headed down a hallway. “So, what species are your Ride Pokémon?”

“We have a pair of Gogoats.” Ash informed the woman as they walked. He noticed Zoe had a bit of a fast pace. ‘Probably comes with the job.’ He reasoned to himself.

“Ooh! You don’t see those around here very often!” Zoe exclaimed, seemingly happy at the uncommon Pokémon. The trio passed through a large set of swinging doors and emerged into a clean stable with various saddles lined up on the walls. “You can let them out of their Pokéballs now.” Zoe informed Misty and Ash with a smile.

“Right.” Misty nodded as she and Ash held up their Pokéballs. In a duo of flashes two larger than average Gogoats appeared in the stable.

“Oh my~” Zoe slowly walked up to the large Goat Pokémon. “You two are bigger than average, aren’t you?” She smiled as she let both Gogoats sniff her hands and accept her near them. When both of the Ride Pokémon had accepted Zoe’s presence easily, she pulled a measuring tape from the pocket of her jumpsuit. “Just talk to them and keep them calm, it shouldn’t take too long to get them measured.”

Ash and Misty happily petted and scratched their Gogoats behind their ears. Telling them how good they were for letting Zoe get their measurements and letting the large Goat Pokémon nuzzle them affectionately in return. Zoe was quite the professional as it only took her a few minutes to get the measurements she needed. The chestnut-haired woman smiled as she went over to one wall and browsed it for a moment. She pulled a saddle down and then moved back over to Ash’s Gogoat.

“This should be nice and comfortable for Gogoat.” Zoe smiled as she patted the Grass Type’s side. “Let’s try it on to make sure.” With Ash’s help the saddle was fitted to Gogoat and secured. “Take a little walk around the stable Gogoat; let’s see how you like it!” She encouraged and Ash chuckled as Gogoat almost pranced around the large, open area.

“I think he likes it.” Misty giggled as she patted her Gogoat. Said Goat Pokémon was curiously watching his brother trot around with the larger saddle on his back.

“I thought he might like that model.” Zoe nodded as she stopped the Grass type gently and began to undo the saddle from him. “It’s got a nice padding on the interior that reduces friction and pulling. Really helps the Pokémon’s comfort! It also has a full back rest and a rack on the back of the seat to secure your pack to. It’s not bad for standard model.”

“How much?” Ash questioned as he watched Zoe hang up the saddle in its place on the wall.

“Twenty-Five Thousand PokéYen.” Zoe replied and Ash blinked at the price. It wasn’t horrible, but he didn’t realize how pricey the items could be.

“I’ll take one then, with my winnings from the Cerulean Gym, plus the Ecology Job, I have more than enough.” Ash agreed.

“Make that two.” Misty smiled as she stood next to Ash.

“Sure thing!” Zoe nodded as she went to the back of the stable to fetch two new saddles. In short order the new saddles were fitted to both of the Gogoat brothers. Letting them walk around to get used to the feeling and make any adjustment necessary only took about twenty minutes. When Zoe handed them a tablet with a card swipe attachment they both got out their debit cards. Ash swiped his first, deducting the balance from his account. Misty was next, and she nodded when the transaction was complete. “Thank you for your business.” Zoe smiled at the duo while they recalled their Gogoat into their Pokéballs.

“Thanks for making it so easy.” Misty thanked the woman.

“It went a lot faster than I expected.” Ash nodded, happy with how smooth and professional the trip had been.

“Just doing my job.” Zoe chuckled as she led them back to the lobby. The couple headed out the automatic doors to continue their preparations for leaving Cerulean City.

“There’s one store I want to stop by on the way back.” Ash informed Misty as they walked down the sidewalk hand in hand again.

“What’s that, Ash?” Misty had a content smile on her face as she walked with her boyfriend.

“That one.” Ash pointed to the store in question as they approached it.

“Pokémon Cellular?” Misty tilted her head before she perked up. “Right, you wanted to get a cellphone to keep in contact with your mom during her pregnancy.”

“Yep!” Ash beamed at her as they headed for the store. It might be pricey, but Ash wanted to keep in contact with his mom during his travels.

“Well then, let’s see what they have!” Misty pumped her fist as they sped up their walk.

-End Chapter-


Rival Battle, win! New evolution! Ash is officially an Adept Level Trainer now! We also got a warm little family moment with the Waterflower Sisters. Getting new gear for their continued travels! We’re moving right along on this journey! Next destination, Azure Town! What will happen on the journey to the Flying Type Gym there?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Gogoat – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

A lovely chapter as always Kairo. You never cease to entertain me when you put out a new update.


*Happy Kai Noises* Glad you liked it, Tristan! Yeah, need a bit of a cool down Chapter or two, it's been a slew of battles recently.


Happy to hear that! Sometimes it's nice to take it a little slower, right?

Thomas E Nellis

That was pretty awesome lol. I can’t wait to see how much faster they are with their new mounts.


Ash: "Hmm, hey Gogoat, what's you're top speed right now?" Gogoat: *Bolts forward* Ash: "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!"