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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Whiskey Peak! How will the Straw Hats handle the situations that arise? Will things change or stay the same?

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You MAY notice a joke from Primordial Vortex’s Fic ‘Supernova’ in this chapter! It makes me giggle and I have permission to use it!

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 19 – Miss All-Sunday,

The Going Merry sailed out of Whiskey Peak’s port. Vivi was hugging the large duck; apparently he was called Carue, and petting his feathers. The princess was still clearly shaken up about what had happened to Igaram. Luffy was using his Observation in conjunction with his Devil Fruit, a useful trick he’d learned over time, and keeping an eye out for any other enemies.

“What do you mean we're leaving already, you shitty Captain?!” Sanji demanded, barely restraining himself from throttling Luffy. “This town is amazing! We should stay longer! This is the Grand Line! Who knows when we'll get a chance to relax and unwind again! Did you see how many pretty girls there were?!”

Nami’s eye twitched as she walked up behind Sanji, she reared back her fist and slammed it into the chef’s head! The orangette wailed on the blonde for a moment and left him bruised, bleeding, and with comically large lumps on his head. Vivi and Mikita both gaped as they witnessed what Nami could do to the men of the crew.

“I gave you the benefit of the doubt, Sanji! Way to disappoint! I can't believe you actuallyfell for that obvious trap!” Nami berated the chef. Even while beaten and being yelled at, he still had a heart-shaped eye for Nami! When the orangette turned her gaze on Usopp, the Gunman was already climbing up to the crow’s nest to keep watch. So at the very least, Usopp realized the situation and was taking his position right away. Nami exhaled and calmed herself down; she needed to get more information. Turning to their new nakama and new shipmate she started asking questions. “Alright, aside from that, what can we expect out of Baroque Works, you two? How many agents do you think they might send after us?”

“There are around two thousand Baroque Works members as far as I know. Within these waters, there are other ‘trap towns’ made up of around one hundred to one-hundred-fifty Bounty Hunters. We might even warrant a thousand of them sent after us!” Vivi answered the Navigator, her voice steady as she conveyed the possible threat.

“I'm not so sure.” Mikita shook her head, “Just think about it. All of the plans are centered at Alabasta. It wouldn’t make sense to move half of Baroque Works’ manpower away from there. Until the Unluckies inform the Boss of what’s going on, there would be no reason to issue such orders, would there?” She looked contemplative.

“Who’re the Unluckies?” Zoro blinked, he had no idea.

“That’s right! Usopp shot them down!” Vivi’s eyes brightened up. “Without the main communicators for in-organization espionage, we should have plenty of time to keep Sir Crocodile in the dark!”

“EEEEEHHHHH?!” Was the response from everybody, barring Luffy, as they all turned bugged-out eyes on the princess!

“Oh no!” Vivi clapped her hands over her mouth. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! It just slipped out!”

“A Warlord?!” Mikita screamed as she held her head in panic! “Mr. Zero is Sir Crocodile of the Seven Warlords?!”

“I’m sorry!” Vivi bowed in apology.

“Eh, it’s fine.” Luffy shrugged, making everyone turn to face him. “We’d have probably run afoul of one of them eventually anyway.”

“Knowing Luffy, he’s probably right.” Nami sighed, her hand on her forehead. “Besides, we already agreed to take Vivi back home. But I’m so going to get some damn good compensation for this!”

“If it happens, it happens.” Zoro shrugged, a Warlord would make a good challenge to see how his strength was progressing!

“Geez, why couldn’t we have avoided Warlords for a while?” Usopp lamented from up in the crow’s nest. “Seriously, Luffy, only you could have made a Warlord our enemy by the very first island in the Grand Line!”

“Shishishi!” Luffy laughed while Usopp pointed at him.

“By the way…” Sanji spoke up, his injuries from Nami seemingly gone, “Who is this lovely lady?!” The chef twirled over to Mikita with a smile and heart-shaped eyes! Mikita took a half-step back from the man that was suddenly in her personal space.

“That’s Mikita, she’s our new nakama!” Luffy smiled widely at the platinum-blonde. Mikita felt herself smile back automatically at her new Captain.

“I knew you were a good Captain!” Sanji praised Luffy, who blinked at his sudden shift in mood from almost cursing him out a while ago.

“Hmm?” Luffy made a noise and Nami, the closest to him, looked at her Lover curiously. “The curly-hair guy, he’s alive. I couldn’t sense him for a bit; maybe he was unconscious?”

“Igaram is alive?!” Vivi was suddenly in front of Luffy, her hands grabbing at his vest while she was practically pressed against him. “He survived that massive explosion?”

“Um, yeah, if Igaram is the guy with the super-rolled hair.” Luffy nodded to the bluenette. Vivi’s eyes watered, tears of relief nearly flooding from them. She buried her face into Luffy’s chest as her happy tears fell. Luffy patted her back gently and Nami smiled at him. After a bit Vivi pulled back, her cheeks red from a mixture of her tears and her embarrassment of having clung to Luffy like that. Clearing her eyes she turned to look out over the ship, mostly to ease the awkwardness she felt.

“Oh, there's going to be fog up ahead!” They were heading towards a large fog bank as they sailed further along. “It's always foggy around here near the dawn.” Vivi informed them.

“I’ll take care of it.” Nami assured the princess as she moved to guide the Going Merry through the dense mist. A few minutes of cautious sailing by Nami, and they were past the danger.

“By the way…” Luffy’s voice had a teasing quality to it that made Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji flinch. “We have a visitor.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder to point at a woman sitting on the railing overlooking the lower deck. “She was able to board the ship, walk up the steps, and then sit down without any of you noticing her. That means you need more awareness.” All of the crew, barring Mikita, who was new, and Vivi, who didn’t know what he was talking about, suddenly looked a bit blue in the face. “I’m upping your Observation training!” He smiled at his nakama. None of them returned his smile at all!

“M-Miss All-Sunday…” Mikita stuttered out as she looked at the tanned woman. She was a beautiful, dark-haired woman with clear blue eyes. She had long limbs and even sitting down, it was clear that she was tall; probably taller than any of the crew, actually. She wore a purple corset which exposed her cleavage since it was only held together at the front by strings, and had a matching skirt with white tassels along the bottom. On her left arm was a white-and-black armband with the letter 'N' on the golden medallion at the center. It also had white tassels surrounding the bottom. She wore a pair of matching, low-heeled boots on her feet. Completing her outfit was a matching, purple cowgirl hat. She had a thin, well-defined nose, and currently wore an expression of amusement on her face.

“How are we this morning, Miss Valentine?” Miss All-Sunday’s amused expression didn't change as she held back a light giggle over the trembling, former Officer Agent. “Should I take this to be your resignation from Baroque Works?”

“Well… It does seem that way.” Mikita was clearly forcing a smile, trying to project confidence she didn't really feel. She glanced towards Luffy, seeing the bright smile on his face as he looked at her increased her resolve. “Yeah, I’m out. Tell the Boss. Mark me for death. Whatever you have to do! I’m a Pirate now!” She declared with conviction to her former superior.

“Alright then.” Miss All-Sunday kept her amused grin.

“Wait, she’s Miss All-Sunday?” Nami looked curious and amused herself. “Does that mean there’s a regular Miss Sunday too? Or did you guys just run out of holidays?" Miss All-Sunday's grin widened slightly at the spunky orangette.

“Sir Crocodile didn’t put very much thought into his organization’s naming scheme, I’m afraid.” Miss All-Sunday remarked. The woman glanced around the Going Merry, taking in the faces of the crew. “This is a lovely ship you have.”

“Thank you.” Nami grinned while taking the lead on the conversation with their supposed enemy. Luffy looked far too amused at their chat so far to stop them. “Love your outfit by the way. Purple is definitely a good color on you. I have a similar outfit myself, in blue though.” That got a blink of surprise from the tall woman. Nami had to hold back a chuckle. “I’ll go ahead and guess that you're Crocodile's partner?”

“That's right.” Miss All-Sunday confirmed indifferently. “I take it the man that noticed me coming aboard is the Captain?”

“Yep,” Nami chirped with a smile. “Monkey D. Luffy, the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates!” The orangette gestured to her Lover with a grin. Luffy played along and removed his straw hat, before giving Miss All-Sunday a full bow. The overly dramatic flourish of the gesture made the amused grin on her pretty face widen a bit more. Luffy chuckled as he straightened up and placed his hat back on his head.

“What are you doing here, Miss All-Sunday?!” Vivi growled at the woman, clearly she wasn’t a fan of the lackadaisical nature of the conversation. “We know you allowed us to follow you to learn Crocodile's identity! Why did you tell him we knew?! What's your game?!”

“Game?” Miss All-Sunday chuckled lightly. “Why, I just had to help you. Such an enticing story, is it not? A princess goes undercover to save her country! It’s like something out of a novel.” Luffy blinked at the mood shift of the conversation. Was everyone in the Grand Line dishonest with themselves? “It really is too bad you're bound to fail.”

“Don't you dare underestimate us!” Vivi grit her teeth, reaching for her weapons of choice, her two Peacock Slashers.

“Please don't point such dangerous things at me.” The tanned woman sighed. In an instant both of Vivi’s weapons were knocked from her hands and landed on the deck. No one had seen what had happened, except Luffy, and the rest of the crew started reaching for weapons.

“A Devil Fruit!” Vivi gasped as she gazed up at Miss All-Sunday.

“But what kind?” Nami questioned as she fluidly assembled her staff.

“Don't get excited.” Miss All-Sunday smiled calmly at the group. “I'm not here on assignment. There's no reason for us to fight. But I must admit; I was curious to meet the man with the highest starting bounty to ever come from the East Blue.” Her blue eyes turned their full attention onto Luffy. “I must confess myself a little disenchanted though. You haven't said much, Monkey D. Luffy.”

Luffy’s hand shot up and clasped something faster than most of the crew could follow. Everyone gasped when they noticed Luffy’s hand was holding a hand that was sprouting from his own shoulder! Luffy’s other hand short up just as fast; and now the Captain was holding two identical hands in his own. Blinking, the crew watched as a third hand and forearm formed from Luffy’s back, much slower than before, and reached for his head. Luffy's hat was lifted off his head, and gently tossed towards Miss All-Sunday. It spun through the air towards the ravenette woman. She caught the brim of his hat carefully and placed it on top of her own cowgirl hat. She was expertly masking the shock of seeing this rookie able to not only notice her power, but stop it twice. This was especially surprising when she was using it so subtly.

“Well that’s just not fair, I only have two hands.” Luffy remarked while the crew just blinked. In the time it had taken them to blink, Luffy was now sitting next to Miss All-Sunday! He released one of her Devil Fruit created hands and took back his straw hat. Once it was back on his head he smiled happily. “You have soft skin.” He complimented the woman he was now sitting next to.

“Thank you.” Miss All-Sunday accepted the compliment; even as she struggled harshly to not let her shock show on her face. She had never been overwhelmed by speed or strength. Not a single time, since she had embraced life as an outlaw. She had often claimed that neither of those qualities mattered against her, owing to her own strengths. She'd dealt with dozens of opponents, all of whom she had been able to beat, despite said advantages. Even a few carnivorous Zoan over the years hadn’t been match for her. She'd trained her reflexes and perception as high as she could get them in the last two decades.

But she didn’t even see him move.

A tiny bead of sweat ran down the back of her neck as she came to terms with how ridiculously fast Luffy was. Not even the CP9 agents she'd seen so long ago could move that fast! With years of practice, she had her calm, unbothered smile back on her face. “Hmm, perhaps I was a bit abrupt in saying you were bound to fail, Princess.”

“Only my nakama can touch my hat.” Luffy informed her with a smile. “So don’t do that again, okay?”

“I see; my apologies then.” Miss All-Sunday turned to face him. “I had no idea it was so important to you.”

“It’s fine.” Luffy grinned, “What's your name?”

“Hmm?” Miss All-Sunday’s smile widened a little. “You already know my name.”

“I meant your real name.” Luffy deadpanned. “I don’t really care about that codename stuff.” Her eyebrow quirked up a bit and her amused smile widened a fraction. “I'm pretty sure you don't care about it much either.”

“Oh?” Miss All-Sunday looked at Luffy for a long moment. This was certainly a differentsituation she had found herself in. The smiling face on his Wanted Poster apparently belied a person that had a natural instinct for figuring people out. This was much different than how she’d imagined her little visit would be going. But that left her with the all-important question.

What to do now?

Simply letting them sail onwards wasn't the worst idea. The island they were headed toward was a known deathtrap. Hundreds, if not thousands, of various types of crews had met their end at Little Garden throughout the ages. This pirate crew would most-likely follow the same path. Maybe? Perhaps not though, those crews had to find their way to Little Garden somehow. There was bound to be a working Log Pose somewhere on the island that had reset long ago. If this crew was lucky, they could probably find one. That left a lot to Fate and Chance. Something she’d stopped doing quite a long time ago.

She recalled their Wanted Posters. Luffy’s Bounty was Sixty Million, The orangette’s was Sixteen Million, the swordsman’s was Twenty Five Million, the blonde’s was Twenty Million, and the long-nosed gunman’s bounty stood at Fifteen Million Beri. All in all their combined Bounty eclipsed Crocodile’s Eighty One Million. But that was back when Crocodile had joined the Warlords. It had been close to eight years since then. Not to mention the Sand Logia tended to play his cards close to his chest. If the World Government had known everythingthat Crocodile was capable of, and everything he’d done, she was certain his bounty would be well over One Hundred Million, maybe even higher than that.

‘It is also Crocodile’s position as one of the Seven Warlords that keeps me out of the World Government’s sight.’ She mused to herself. Under the Warlord System, the Warlord had their Bounty frozen, this also applied to their subordinates. Any member of a Warlord’s crew was also left un-scrutinized. It was this protection that had kept her from being discovered for the last couple of years. Without a powerful, recognized protector, she’d be back on the run again. She’d had more than enough of that life already.

“You're not wrong, Monkey D. Luffy.” Miss All-Sunday responded with a shrug. Vivi's eyes widened at the admission from the woman. “Why’re you so surprised, Princess? Did you think I would have let you follow me if I was truly dedicated to Crocodile’s cause?”

“B-but…” Vivi took a moment to process this new information. “But why then?!” She demanded. “Why are you helping him to destroy my kingdom?!”

“He has information I need.” Miss All-Sunday informed the bluenette coolly. “Along with resources and protection. I have my own goals to accomplish. It was merely bad luck that those goals coincided with Crocodile's own.”

“What the hell are you after then? I thought you joined him to be his queen!” Vivi nearly spat at the tanned woman.

“Please never say something so revolting again.” Miss All-Sunday couldn't entirely hold back the look of disgust on her face. There were things that even she couldn’t maintain her calm about. An aura that promised death engulfed her form. “Ever.”

“Y-Yes, ma’am!” Vivi was trembling, while using Sanji as a human shield. The chef seemed perfectly happy about this, however!

“So, what is it that you want?” Luffy asked while snickering at Vivi's antics. “I noticed we haven’t gotten your name yet either…” The death aura vanished as if it had never been there; her grin becoming amused again.

“Oh, you seem to have quite the interest in me, Captain.” Miss All-Sunday mentioned coyly. She uncrossed her legs before crossing them again, her right leg now over her left. Maybe Monkey D. Luffy still had a common weakness that she could exploit if necessary.

“You're interesting.” Luffy shrugged. “But, just like Vivi was when we met her, you’re not being honest with us…or yourself.”

“I amtechnically your enemy,” Miss All-Sunday reminded him. “Isn’t it expected of me to be dishonest with you?” She noticed his gaze hadn’t left her eyes during her little attempt to tease him. It seemed seduction might not be the weakness she’d thought it would be.

“Eh, I guess?” Luffy nonchalantly replied. “Just know I’m coming for Crocodile; if you aren’t my enemy or Vivi’s, then you’re fine.”

“Luffy…” Vivi murmured, her hand covering her mouth, as she felt warm tears in the corners of her eyes.

“I assure you, Captain, my goals are entirely different from Crocodile’s.” Miss All-Sunday grinned at him. “His are far more…violent, than my own.”

“Good to know.” Luffy chuckled as he slid off the railing and landed on the deck below. Miss All-Sunday copied him, noticing once again that he didn’t try and catch a peek. He didn’t seem the type to be completely uninterested. An iron will, perhaps? The duo walked over to the edge of the ship; spotting the ‘voice’ that Luffy had noticed when Miss All-Sunday had showed up. It turned out to be a giant turtle! “Do you need help down?” He asked the woman beside him. Makino had taught them that it was polite to offer girls help with things.

“Thank you, Captain, but I’ll be fine.” Miss All-Sunday gave him a brief smile, one that seemed a bit more genuine than the others. She leapt over the edge and landed easily on the back of the large turtle. “I do hope you survive your journey to Alabasta, Monkey D. Luffy, I’m sure you’ll make things very…interesting.”

“Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled with his wide grin in place.

“Miss All-Sunday?” Nami called out to the tall beauty. She looked up, locking eyes with the orangette woman. “If you want to seduce my Lover, you’ll have to get to know him first.” The orangette grinned salaciously. “And be a lot more direct!” Nami gently took Luffy’s chin and turned him to face her. Their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss, that quickly involved tongues before she pulled away; a small strand of saliva connecting their lips for a moment before it broke. “Be seeing you!” She waved while giving the ravenette a wink. She pulled Luffy after her and they disappeared from her sight.

“Very interesting indeed.” Miss All-Sunday chuckled to herself as she directed Banchi towards Alabasta with the Eternal Pose she had.

On the Going Merry, Sanji was sulking slightly, as he did when he was reminded of Luffy and Nami’s relationship. Once Miss All-Sunday’s ‘voice’ had vanished from Luffy’s Observation range, the boosted one he got from using his Devil Fruit, he turned to face their two new shipmates.

“It seems we’re in the clear for now.” Luffy informed everyone. “You can relax now, Usopp, good work.” Vivi and Valerie glanced at the Gunman up in the crow’s nest. The young man’s shoulders sagged as he exhaled heavily. Had he been ready to shoot Miss All-Sunday that whole time?!

“You never gave the signal that she was a threat, so I was just waiting.” Usopp called down to Luffy. “Man, my shoulders are stiff.” He rolled his shoulders a few times to work any kinks out before they could fully form.

“Now, let’s get you two settled, and then we’ll celebrate Mikita joining the crew!” Luffy cheered, receiving cheers of agreement in return. Nami took over from there, taking Mikita and Vivi to the women’s quarters. Luffy smiled as he quickly took his special seat on Merry’s figure head. Sanji practically danced towards the kitchen, he was on an all-time high at having two lovely ladies joining them on their voyage! Zoro took rounds to check the rigging and make sure no changes were needed. They should still be in Cactus Island’s stable climate for a while, but they’d all learned that it was better to be prepared when it came to the Grand Line’s weather.

-Women’s Quarters-

“Alright, Vivi, you know how this works already.” Nami smiled at the bluenette. “You can have the same bunk as last time.”

“Thank you, Nami.” Vivi smiled back at her new friend. She walked over to the bunk she’d slept in on their trip to Cactus Island and sat on the bed. It was still soft, comfortable, and so relaxing.

“Now, Mikita, choose either of the other two unoccupied bunks and it’ll be yours. The one in the far back is mine, though I don’t use it too much.” Nami giggled a bit at the end. She outright laughed when she noticed both Vivi’s and Mikita’s cheeks turning a bright red.

“I’ll just take the one across from yours then.” Mikita decided as she sat on the bed directly across from Nami’s.

“Alright then, this is the accordion wall,” Nami pulled the wall out a bit to show her new nakama. “Whenever you want some privacy, just pull it closed and you can latch it in place.” Mikita observed the mechanism and nodded in understanding after seeing it once.

“Gonna have to do laundry every day.” Mikita noted as she realized that she’d left her only few spare changes of clothes on the small ship that she and Mr. Five had traveled to Cactus Island on. “That’ll be a pain.”

“I didn’t even think about that.” Vivi remarked, her brown eyes wide in realization. Looking down at her, now only, outfit made her sigh.

“I’m not going to leave my nakama to suffer.” Nami shook her head with a smile. “We’re all pretty close in size, you can borrow a few things from my wardrobe until we get to an island with some stores.”

“Thank you, Nami!” Mikita skipped up off the bed and hugged her new nakama tightly. Nami laughed as she returned the hug.

“Thank you for the help, Nami.” Vivi smiled only to let out a cute ‘eep’ when she was pulled into the current hug. The bluenette couldn’t help but laugh after a moment though. The Straw Hats truly were good people.

A short time later and the celebration for new nakama began in full!

Luffy was stuffing his face. Sanji was ‘noodling’ about the deck checking on Nami, Mikita, and Vivi. Zoro was drinking and eating far enough away from Luffy to keep all his food. Usopp was singing random shanties from the crow’s nest. Vivi was laughing along with the Gunman’s antics along with Mikita. Nami was happily enjoying the food and some booze while nestled up to Luffy. It was getting into the late night hours when the party started to wind down.

“Let me show you guys my thanks!” Mikita smiled brightly at her new crew. She made her way into the kitchen and Sanji was more than happy to show her where everything was. “Is this the only kind of chocolate you guys have?” She questioned the chef.

“At the moment, yes; I’ll make sure to buy whatever your heart desires when we land on a civilized island next time, Miki-chwan~!” Sanji promised with hearts for eyes.

“Calm down a bit, you spaz! Kyahaha!” Mikita laughed at Sanji’s antics as she set about her own cooking. Several minutes later she walked out of the kitchen with a tray. On the tray were slices of mikan from Nami’s trees, all of them drizzled with a chocolate sauce. “Come and get them!” She smiled at her nakama.

“Ooh!” Luffy picked one of the slices up and popped it into his mouth. Chewing he let the flavors blend on his tongue. “That’s good!” He exclaimed and Mikita’s face burst into a beaming smile! “I didn’t know you could mix chocolate and fruit!”

“Just takes the right kind of know-how!” Mikita giggled as Nami took one of the slices. The orangette Navigator savored the flavor of the mikan and the mingling taste of the chocolate drizzle.

“Mikita,” Nami started and Mikita felt her back straighten involuntarily. Had she messed up?! Did Nami not like the dessert?! “I think I love you!” Nami beamed at the platinum-blonde. Mikita let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding at Nami’s vocal approval.

“Kyahaha! Eat up! There’s plenty more!” Mikita announced joyfully! It was wonderful to have real nakama for the first time in so very long! The rest of the crew came to try the dessert and each gave their approval one after another! The platinum-blonde pirate had to hold back happy tears!

“Alright everybody!” Luffy announced loudly. “Let’s get to bed, Mikita and Vivi you’re not on rotation tonight, so get your rest! You’ll need it! Training begins bright and early tomorrow!”

“Training…” Vivi muttered, a bit of blue on her face.

“What’s wrong with training?” Mikita questioned as they made their way back to the women’s quarters. They’d both get a nice warm shower before bed and really enjoy those soft mattresses!

“You haven’t seenwhat they call training…” Vivi shivered and Mikita’s eyes widened at the princess’ reaction. How bad was this going to be?!

“Tomorrow Luffy will get you both to the starting line~” Nami sing-songed as she walked passed them towards the Captain’s Quarters. “Sleep well!” She waved at them before heading up the stairs to the upper deck.

“The hell does the ‘starting line’ mean?” Mikita asked Vivi.

“No idea,” Vivi shook her head, her blue locks gently moving back and forth. “But I’m not sure I’m going to like it…”

-End Chapter-


Convincing Robin and securing Mikita

“Oh, you seem to have quite the interest in me, Captain.” Miss All-Sunday mentioned coyly. She uncrossed her legs before crossing them again, her right leg now over her left. Maybe Monkey D. Luffy still had a common weakness that she could exploit if necessary.

“You're interesting.” Luffy shrugged. “But, just like Vivi was when we met her, you’re not being honest with us…or yourself.”

“I’m sure you could make her honest, Luffy~” Nami grinned as she wrapped an arm around Mikita’s shoulders and walked towards her Lover and Miss All-Sunday. “You could probably get her real name out of her too~”

“Oh?” Miss All-Sunday cocked an eyebrow at the confident orangette. “How would he do that?”

“Luffy…” Nami grinned as she hopped up to the railing and whispered into his ear.

“Hmm?” Luffy blinked as he listened. “Are you sure, Nami?”

“Absolutely!” Nami grinned at him.

“Alright then.” Luffy grinned widely.

“Mikita, can you walk up the stairs to the upper deck, please?” Nami smiled at their new nakama.

“Umm, okay…” Mikita nodded as she walked up the stairs.

“Come with us!” Luffy smiled brightly at Miss All-Sunday.

“What?” Miss All-Sunday blinked at the request.

“Come with us!” Luffy repeated. “Be our nakama!”

“What?!” Vivi yelled out.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible, Captain.” Miss All-Sunday shook her head.

“Not with that attitude it’s not!” Nami laughed as she walked passed Mikita and towards the Captain’s quarters.

“I don’t follow?” Miss All-Sunday blinked in confusion.

“You’ll see!” Luffy promised with a grin. Then he proceeded to pick her up off the railing and gently toss her over his shoulder. He was walking towards Mikita before Robin had fully comprehended her new position!

“Captain?” Mikita blinked at Luffy as he approached her with Miss All-Sunday over his left shoulder.

“You too, Mikita!” Luffy laughed as he gently hoisted the platinum-blond over his right shoulder. “Nami’s idea!” He quickly carried them both towards his room.

“Wait a minute!” Miss All-Sunday began to struggle a bit. “Put me down! I’ll use force if I have to!” She threatened.

Her threat might have had a bit more bite, if she hadn’t made it only after Luffy had taken her through the door that Nami was holding open for them. The orangette quickly followed them in and locked the door behind her! Soon enough some rather…naughty…sounds were coming from the Captain’s quarters!

Luffy and Nami had quickly secured Mikita’s love and loyalty! They even managed to find out Miss All-Sunday’s name was actually Nico Robin! Though that took a bit longer! Getting her to become their nakama like Mikita had taken until almost sunrise!

Thus began the Harem of the future Pirate King!

-End Omake-


Luffy and crew have met Miss All-Sunday! Mikita has become a Straw Hat! It’s been a good day! So of course they have to party! Now they’re heading for Little Garden! How will the story play out with these changes? Will the Straw Hats have another unexpected visitor on the Island? Yes, in Mr. Three and Miss Goldenweek. Also ‘Yes’ in two other surprise arrivals!

Who are they? Well, maybe if you knew what Miss Goldenweek’s name and epithet were you could puzzle it out? Or you could just read the title of the story again and think about that! *Cackles in foreshadow teasing* How much will really change?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

I actually look forward to Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek. I like their characters. Also, I wish Goldenweek got more screentime because her powers are AWESOME.


Amazing chapter! Not sure if I like the omake though...but yes, I am happy Miss Valentine/Mikita has joined the Straw Hats! I wonder who the fourth girl on the crew will be...will it be Vivi? Probably not. Camie? Nah. Margaret? Hopefully. I forget what other girls there were in the first half of the Grand Line... Hrm.


You may not like what becomes of Mr. 3, I've been 'back and forth'-ing whether to let him live or take him out. Still not 100% sure yet.


Hey now, just because there are four beds, doesn't mean there will be four female crewmates. The ship wasn't built with the Straw Hats in mind after all. Glad you liked it though! Mikita is going to be fun to work with her powers! You didn't like the Omake? Why not? It was fun!

John Balman

omg THAT OMAKE HAHAHAAHAHAH looking forward to Luffy continuing to train his crew using the Monkey Method of tough love lol


Glad you like it! The Omake was fun! I'm sure almost a full 24 hours of 'loving' would convince most people, right? Lol