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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! Another battle! This time we get to see Toga’s skills!

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 5 – Combat Continues, Toga vs Sato

Toga smiled as she and Izuku held hands while they watched their classmates spar with each other. So far no one had even come close to matching what Izuku and Todoroki had done in the first match. Some of the other matches had been quick, while others had dragged out a bit.

Match B had been Iida vs Aoyama. The blonde teen had fired his laser at the speedster multiple times, but not a single blast had touched Iida. The match ended with a punishing, high-speed kick from Iida that folded Aoyama over his leg. Iida had apologized profusely to the almost unconscious blonde when All Might had called in the Medic Units to take Aoyama to Recovery Girl.

Match C had dragged on for a while. Kirishima vs Bakugo had seen the screaming bomber actually meet someone that could stand up to his Explosion Quirk. Kirishima had managed to sock Bakugo in the jaw one good time by punching through the smoke the explosion caused! This led to a back-and-forth match of offense vs defense. Bakugo had more raw power and better mobility, but Kirishima’s Quirk was so tough it mostly negated Bakugo’s force. Toga giggled every time Izuku pulled out his notebook to jot down new observations about his classmates’ Quirks.

Match D was short and sweet. Kaminari vs Koda had ended with the larger teen twitching on the ground. Though it was obvious Koda had never been in a fight a day in his life. The large teen was rather pacifistic and had no real form. Kaminari had ducked a couple of wild punches then touched Koda; the teen had twitched and let out a shriek from the voltage passing through him before collapsing.

Match E had been Sero vs Mina, two mid to long-range fighters. Mina had displayed an incredible level of acrobatics and flexibility dodging Sero’s tape. The black-haired boy also had pretty good evasion, quickly dodging every blob of acid Mina chucked at him. At the end of the several minute-long bout; Mina had managed to pull the win by striking Sero’s elbows with her acid. The fact that both teens were breathing heavily from all the running and evading showed just how hard it had been for them. Sero had been alright after a few moments of wiping the acidic substance of his skin, with Mina’s help.

Match F had been Mineta vs Tokoyami, the short teen hadn’t seemed perturbed by their bird-headed classmate when he’d matched lots with him. That quickly changed when, just a second after the match started, a shadowy beast had emerged from under Tokoyami’s cloak and blitzed Mineta! A large, clawed hand slammed the purple-headed boy into the ground and held him completely immobile. After thirty seconds, All Might had called the match in Tokoyami’s favor. Toga had stifled herself as she’d broken into full-on laughter at how fast Izuku was writing down Tokoyami’s Quirk!

Match G had been Momo vs Shoji. The large teen proved his own impressive strength by snapping the first bolo-like restraints Momo had used on him. The voluptuous teen had to make a quick retreat when Shoji rushed her! The masked teen’s multiple fists had left an imprint in the ground when he’d missed a strike only he could pull off! During her retreat Momo’s stomach had glowed and a wave of caltrops had fallen onto the dirt between her and Shoji. The tall teen had staggered as he forced himself to stop his charge and avoid stepping on the sharp implements.

With some time to think, Momo had created a few items quickly. The ravenette had barely had time to finish her creations buy the time Shoji had rushed around her caltrops and was on her again. Momo dodged the multiple limbs Shoji struck at her with before slamming two of her creations on the ground. A huge blast of smoke obscured everyone’s vision as what were apparently smoke bombs went off. They all heard a cry of surprised pain before Momo staggered out of the smoke cradling her right arm. Already a large bruise was forming on the limb. Shoji strode out of the spoke with multiple large ears at the end of his Dupli-Arms Quirk.

“You heard me.” Momo stated and Shoji nodded as the ears reformed into fists. The silver-haired teen moved forward to continue the match, but he took a taser shot to the chest for his trouble. As Shoji collapsed to the ground, his body twitching, Momo revealed the final object she’d made to be a police-style taser gun.

All Might called the match in Momo’s victory and the two combatants left the field. Shoji stating he was fine as he gently rubbed the area the nodes had struck him.

Match H was Toga’s and she was going up against Sato, one of the largest guys in their class. The two made their way out onto the field together and Sato, in his yellow costume, gave her a nod. Toga grinned at the larger teen and All Might began the match. Sato grabbed a container and dumped the contents in his mouth. Toga observed carefully to discern what his Quirk was. A habit she’d picked up from Izuku instead of rushing in to try and attack first.

Sato’s muscles began to expand and bulk up; the yellow costume getting tighter over his frame as he obviously increased his strength. It was sort of similar to Izuku’s Quirk, but Toga had a feeling the strength increase was nowhere near as much as her boyfriend’s. Sato rushed forward, fist cocked back for a devastating punch, and Toga pivoted on her heel to dodge the blow. With her opponent slightly off-balance, Toga kicked his ankle, hard, Sato went down and collided with the dirt.

Toga pulled her knives and leapt onto his back. Sato started to struggle, until he felt the metal near his neck. The brunette teen broke out into a sweat at the knives held to his throat. When Toga giggled at his face, Sato was reminded of a slasher film he’d seen once. Midoriya’s girlfriend was freaking scary when she wanted to be!

“I think I win, yeah?” Toga asked rhetorically, the knives held stable, not touching him, but also not giving Sato any room to retaliate.

“Y-yeah, good m-match.” Sato agreed and Toga removed her knives and hopped off of his back. With a smile she re-sheathed her blades. Sato got off the ground as they heard All Might call the match in Toga’s favor.

“You should watch your punches.” Toga smiled at her opponent as they walked back towards the group. “You put your full weight behind your first punch and upset your balance. It was pretty easy to topple you when you’d already done half the work for me.”

“Yeah, a rush-down strategy didn’t work in my favor at all.” Sato rubbed the back of his head. “Maybe a counterpunch strategy would have worked better?”

“We can try next time we’re paired up.” Toga grinned at him. Sato nodded as he chuckled along.

“That was great, Himiko-chan.” Izuku praised his girlfriend as he pulled her into a hug. Toga smiled beautifully as she snuggled into his arms.

“Thanks, Izu-kun.” Toga hugged him back. The two turned to observe the second-to-last match.

Match I was Toru vs Jiro, Izuku was pretty sure Jiro had a distinct advantage in this match up. He was proven right when Jiro, the moment the match started, plugged her jacks into her boots and blasted the area Toru stood in with soundwaves. The invisible girl had cried out at the attack and her gloved hands came up to her ears to try and block out the noise. With Toru incapacitated, Jiro had unplugged one of her jacks and sent it zipping across the space between them. The invisible girl seemed to jolt from the soundwaves Jiro blasted directly into her body. The match was quickly called in Jiro’s victory. The rocker helped her friend back to her feet and they walked back to the group together.

Match J was the final pairing and it pitted Ochako against Tsuyu. The two took their places on the field across from each other. All Might began the match and Ochako immediately had to jump to the side to avoid Tsuyu’s long tongue. Tsuyu demonstrated a good handle on mid-range combat. Ochako was doing everything in her power to not get caught, while Tsuyu was merely staying mostly in the same place and launching her tongue. Eventually Ochako rushed her friend and Tsuyu took the opportunity provided. The frog-like girl’s long tongue struck Ochako like a punch. The brunette staggered for a second, but it was all revealed to be part of her plan when she grabbed Tsuyu’s tongue. A pink glow covered the tongue and Tsuyu herself. With a battle cry Ochako jerked the, now weightless, Tsuyu and tossed her by the extended tongue; Tsuyu ribbited in shock as she was whipped through the air.

Ochako let go, but didn’t expect Tsuyu’s tongue to wrap around her arm. While she might currently be weightless, that didn’t affect her ability to generate force! Tsuyu reeled in her weightless body and as Ochako was panicking, and failing to get the frog girl’s tongue off her arm, she struck. The highly developed legs of Tsuyu slammed into Ochako’s torso. The powerful muscles uncoiled and shot the brunette teen backwards across the field. Ochako bounced off the ground once before rolling to a stop. Tsuyu used her Quirk’s ability to cling to surfaces to attach her back to the ground.

Ochako shakily stood up, the wind clearly knocked out of her. Tsuyu prepared for another round, but Ochako threw up onto the ground and All Might called the match. The Number One Hero was near instantly at Ochako’s side and checking up on the girl. A minute later and Ochako was recovered enough to release her Quirk. Tsuyu hopped over in a single leap to check on her friend. The two seemed to speak for a moment, but no one except All Might was close enough to hear them. Everything seemed to be okay though as Tsuyu helped Ochako walk back to the group. Both girls seemed alright, for the most part, when they got back to everyone else.

“Ochako-chan, are you alright?” Toga asked her friend. The brunette smiled, even as she gingerly rubbed her lower chest.

“I’m alright, Toga-chan.” Ochako confirmed with a smile. “Tsu-chan just surprised me with that maneuver. I’ll be alright.”

“That’s good.” Toga smiled brightly as she gently pulled Ochako into a soft hug. The brunette flushed cutely for a moment, but smiled as she returned the hug. They pulled away with grins as All Might got the classes’ attention.

“Excellent work today, students!” All Might gave them his signature smile. “I saw some good work out there! I’ll give some quick advice before I dismiss you all, so listen up!” Every student straightened up a bit as they focused on their teacher.

“Critique from All Might…!” Izuku looked like he might just start vibrating from how excited he was! Toga took his hand with a muffled giggle.

“I’ll start with the match we just saw!” All Might nodded to Ochako and Tsuyu. “Both of you made good use of your Quirks. Each of you was able to surprise your opponent and take advantage of their lapse of concentration.” All Might gave the two of them thumbs up. Both Tsuyu and Ochako smiled at the praise. “But, knowing how someone else might turn your Quirk against you is an important part of Hero work! Young Asui exemplified this when she made use of her weightless state to deliver the finishing blow!” Everyone, barring Bakugo, gave applause for the frog girl’s success. Tsuyu ribbited happily, even with a blush on her face.

“Great job, Tsu!” Toga hugged her friend. Tsuyu blushed slightly darker, but returned the hug with a bright smile.

“In the first match, Young Midoriya showed excellent control of his Quirk. He nearly nullified his opponent’s Quirk and then took advantage of that fact to end the fight quickly. Keep that in mind as you train students; collateral damage is something Heroes try and avoid as much as possible!” All Might gave praise while also imparting another lesson. Izuku looked like he might pass out from a direct compliment from All Might.

“That’s my Izu-kun~” Toga smiled brightly as she held onto his arm.

“Young Iida,” All Might directed his gaze to the glasses-wearing teen, Iida stood ramrod straight at being addressed. “You made excellent use of your Quirk and the mobility it gives you! You defeated your opponent in a single blow and that’s impressive! Rendering a Villain unable to continue threatening others quickly is the hallmark of a good Frontline Hero!”

“Thank you, sensei!” Iida actually saluted All Might at the praise.

“Young Bakugo and Young Kirishima!” All Might smiled at the pair. Kirishima looked excited, while Bakugo tried to hide his interest. “You both fought well! However, Bakugo, you must tone down that language. Screaming expletives is not the best look for a Hero.” Bakugo huffed and turned his head away a bit. “Young Kirishima, your Quirk is excellent and lets you take hits; but don’t let your mobility fall to the wayside. Just because you can take a hit, doesn’t mean you always should!”

“Yes sir!” Kirishima nodded to All Might with a grin.

“Young Koda, Young Kaminari, your match was over quickly.” All Might nodded to the pair. Kaminari looked pleased as it was basically praise for him. Koda looked down, either ashamed or just embarrassed. “Young Koda, we’ll work on your forms to help you make use of your strength along with your Quirk in the future! Kaminari, we’ll refine your control over your Quirk, I noticed you seemed a little off after you used it on your opponent.” Kaminari rubbed the back of his head at the mention of his control.

“Yes sir.” Kaminari replied while the shy Koda just nodded.

“Young Sero, Young Ashido; a most excellent match for demonstrating mid-range combat, well done!” All Might congratulated the two. Both smiled at the praise from their teacher. “Mobility is an important part of ranged combat and I’m glad to see you both have made use of it. We’ll work on Quirk Control and endurance in the coming classes!”

“Yes sir!” Sero grinned; happy he’d made a good impression.

“Sure thing, sensei!” Mina bounced on her heels. The pinkette was all smiles.

“Young Mineta and Young Tokoyami, your match was also rather short.” All Might mentioned. Mineta slumped a bit at the reminder of his instant defeat. “Do not lament, Mineta, we’ll work on your reaction speed and mobility during these classes! Tokoyami, we’ll be looking into new ways to utilize your Quirk. While it is definitely strong, over-reliance on one’s Quirk can make a Hero into a one-trick pony. That isn’t enough to make it in the field, eventually someone will figure out how to get around your Quirk.”

“Of course, sensei.” Tokoyami nodded to the critique. He knew he had a ways to go with both controlling Dark Shadow and fully utilizing his Quirk.

“Young Yaoyorozu and Young Shoji, both of you made excellent use of your Quirks out there!” All Might gave praise to both of them. Shoji nodded his thanks and Momo gave a bright smile. “Some mobility training would help both of you. We’ll also work on your quick thinking skills Yaoyorozu. In a Villain situation you will not always have time to think and formulate a plan. Even if you do, no plan survives first contact with the enemy, as they say; so we’ll put you threw fast-paced scenarios in the future to work on your response time under pressure.”

“Yes sensei, I’ll do my best!” Momo nodded; both of her fists raised up to her chest and a look of determination on her face.

“Young Jiro and Young Hagakure,” All Might nodded to both girls. “You had a quick match, a bit one-sided because of the incompatibility of your Quirks. We’ll work on overcoming such things, Hagakure!”

“Yes, sensei.” Toru replied; clearly a little put out.

“I’ll also be recommending that Midnight help you with a Costume Redesign.” All Might informed her. Toru seemed to perk up at this, though it was hard to tell with the invisibility. “With your Quirk and the advancements that have been made in mimetic materials and Quirk-compatible Fibers over the last several years, I’m sure we can get you a much more practical costume.”

“Yes sir!” Toru’s bubbly voice returned as she pumped her fist into the air.

“This has been a good first class!” All Might’s signature smile beamed at the students again. “I’ve gotten an idea of where each of you stands and can plan our lessons around what we need to work on! Make sure you keep giving it your all, students! We’ll constantly be striving to go Plus Ultra in this class, so look sharp!”

“Yes sensei!” Class 1-A chorused while they gave short bows to All Might.

“Now, watch how a Hero leaves like he has somewhere he needs to be!” All Might laughed before dashing off so fast he was out of sight before most of them could blink!

“Aw man, I’m never going to be that fast!” Sato lamented as they class started heading for the locker rooms to shower and change.

“No kidding!” Kirishima remarked. “That’s so freaking manly!”

As the guys quickly showered off the sweat of training and changed back into their uniforms; conversation naturally broke out. Some were chatting about how they did today, while others were making small talk. It wasn’t until he was buttoning up his uniform shirt that Izuku was fully pulled into the conversations.

“Hey, Midoriya, what was that crazy move you used during your match?” Kaminari questioned the verdette. “You made a freaking mini-sun that so hot we were all sweating!”

“Yeah, Yaoyorozu made a digital thermometer and according to her the temperature went from twenty-one degrees Celsius all the way to thirty-six degrees Celsius! Your match didn’t even take that long! It was insane!” Sero exclaimed. None of the guys noticed Bakugo’s scowl worsen as he heard their praise for Izuku.

“I call it ‘Midday Sun’; it’s an AOE move that should be able to subdue multiple Villains at the same time because of the heat it produces. Not every Villain is going to be fire resistant, so I don’t want to be horribly burning people every time I fight a Villain.” Izuku explained his move to his new friends.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” Sato nodded as he got his tie on. “Excessive force is a good way to end your own Hero Career early.”

“Not to mention that no Hero wants to accidentally kill someone.” Tokoyami spoke up. “A Hero’s main goal is the resolution of a situation or incident with no loss of life.”

“Exactly.” Shoji agreed as he fixed his tie and put on his jacket. “Frontline Heroes need to be strong, no one argues that, but restraint and control should always be at the forefront of their minds.”

-Girls’ Locker Room-

“Man…” Toru sighed as she fastened her skirt. “I didn’t do very well today, did I?’

“It was just a bad match up, Toru.” Kyouka assured her friend as she pulled on her tie. “You’ll get better with practice.”

“Yeah, Toru-chan, this class is all about getting better, right?” Ochako smiled at the invisible girl.

“Plus, All Might is going to have Midnight-sensei help you redesign your costume. I’m sure that’ll help out too.” Mina hugged her invisible friend.

“I can help you with your hand-to-hand if you want, Toru-chan!” Toga offered with a smile. “Stealthy girls like us have to be able to handle ourselves, right?”

“You girls are the best!” Toru quickly tried to pull all seven girls of Class 1-A into a group hug. After the impromptu hug-fest was over Toga pulled on her shoes and checked her phone. With a grin, which was quickly noticed by Mina, Toga bounced slightly.

“Oh? What’s got you so happy, Toga-chan?” Mina teased the blonde.

“Izuku sent me a text saying he’d meet me in the classroom to grab our bags.” Toga smiled happily at her phone. “We’re going to a crepes shop we noticed a few days back. It’s a little after-school date!”

“That’s so cute~!” Toru gushed as she danced around.

“I wish you a good time, Toga.” Momo smiled at the excited blonde.

“Have fun.” Kyouka grinned, though her cheeks were noticeably pink.

“Let us know how the crepes are too!” Ochako giggled, she liked sweet things!

“Will do!” Toga laughed as she quickly left the locker room and jogged, almost ran, through the halls to get to 1-A’s room.

A few minutes later and Toga was approaching the room. With a grin she threw open the door and skipped into their homeroom. Izuku was waiting there and smiled brightly when he saw her. Toga nearly glomped him as she rushed forward into his arms.

“Excited, Himiko-chan?” Izuku chuckled as he hugged his girlfriend.

“Yep!” Toga pecked his cheek. She quickly grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. Izuku offered her his hand and they left the classroom together. They walked through U.A.’s halls, across the front campus, and passed the U.A. Barrier with smiles on their faces.

The couple took a train to the next station and disembarked. Walking down the street they quickly found the crepe shop and entered. They were seated and given menus quickly. Toga happily looked at all the options along with Izuku. Toga eventually decided on a strawberry and chocolate crepe while Izuku got a blueberry crepe. While they waited for their treats they made idle talk. Mostly about their first Heroics class and what they expected for tomorrow.

“One strawberry and chocolate, and one blueberry.” The waitress, a young woman with a Quirk that apparently let her feely control the color of her hair, if the ever changing locks were any indication, smiled at the teens. “You two are a cute couple.” She commented with a giggle. Toga beamed at the woman and Izuku blushed slightly.

“Thank you…” Izuku’s cheeks were warm, which made Toga giggle at him. The waitress left and the two took their first bites.

“Mmm~” Toga cooed as she ate. “It’s great~”

“Sweet, but not too sweet, I like it.” Izuku agreed with her as he enjoyed his crepe.

A few bites later and Toga offered Izuku a bite of her crepe in exchange for a bite of his. The couple happily took a bite from each other’s crepe, mixing the flavors of each treat a bit. Izuku noticed a bit of whipped cream on the corner of Toga’s mouth. He tapped the same spot on his face and Toga blinked in realization. Izuku jolted slightly when he felt something brush his leg. He swiftly realized it was Toga’s foot! The little minx had apparently gotten her shoe off and was now rubbing up and down his leg with her sock-clad foot.

“Himiko-chan!” Izuku’s face was fully red now!

“You can’t get mad at a girl with cream on her face, now can you?” Toga giggled as she ran her foot up to his inner thigh before pulling back.

“You’re an evil little minx, aren’t you?” Izuku mumbled before he took a large bite of his crepe.

“You know me so well, Izu-kun~” Toga teased, the tip of her tongue poking out from between her lips.

“Not in public, Himiko-chan.” Izuku reminded her with a shake of his head.

“Boo~” Toga playfully pouted, puffing up her cheeks cutely.

“I’ve spoiled you too much, haven’t I?” Izuku smiled fondly at her.

“Completely rotten!” Toga agreed with a giggle as she leaned over and stole another bite of his crepe.

“Hey!” Izuku pulled his crepe away from his playful girlfriend.

From over by the entrance to the back their waitress watched the cute couple with a giggle. They were absolutely adorable! She noticed a few of her co-workers thought the same as they’d glance at the couple before looking away with soft smiles.

Izuku and Toga paid for their crepes before heading for home. Toga was wrapped around Izuku’s arm again, and Izuku had a warm smile on his face. The couple got on their train and sat next to each other; Toga’s head on Izuku’s shoulder and Izuku lightly resting his head on top of hers. Both of them were content and looking forward to their future classes and becoming Heroes.

-End Chapter-


Toga handles herself easily! You can be the brawniest guy and she’ll just wait for you to make a mistake! She’s a hand-to-hand fighter, with a damn good grasp of knife-handling too!

We got to see the rest of the matches, so that was fun! Then Izuku and Toga were adorable together again! I’m really having fun with the cute moments between these two lovebirds!

What awaits them on the next day at U.A.?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another very fun and entertaining chapter


Nice chapter

Thomas E Nellis

I loved the chapter! I can’t wait to see the way everyone trains now. After these match ups.

Blizzard Burn

keep up the amazing work


Did you like the fact that All Might behaved like a teacher? Will the UA Staff actually instruct and help their students progress BEFORE they're forced to use their nonexistent training against Villains?


Will do! One more update for this story this month, look forward to it!


I can't believe you've made me even REMOTELY like Toga in your fic, considering how much I hate her for how insane she is in canon. At least she isn't insane here, and is...*nice,* for the most part. Impressive feat you've achieved, heh. 😅