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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Well, it’s Easter Break for Harry. Sirius and his Godson are making a little trip to the Welsh Dragon Reserve! Harry wants a very specific set of Dragon Bones!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 29 – The Welsh Dragon Reserve

Harry sat alone in his compartment on the Hogwarts Express. He was headed back to Wood End Cottage for the Easter Break. He’d mirror called Sirius and explained what he wanted to accomplish over the short break. His Godfather had thought the day trip together would be fun and had readily agreed to take Harry. The Dragon Reserve in Wales was home to nearly the entire population of Common Welsh Green Dragons in the world. When the large beasts got too old, or the population in the Reserve too high, they were farmed for the materials they could make; be it Scales, Hide, Bones, Blood, Horns, etc. Harry was very much looking forward to the trip.

To pass the time on the trip, Harry was reading an advanced book on Arithmancy and Spellcraft. He made notes in a separate journal from all of his others as he read. Looking deeper into Spellcraft was interesting to say the least. He’d seen how Penny and Tonks both crafted their own spells. Fleur had written to him about her own Spellcraft and Harry was very interested to see her Manteau de Cendre whenever they had the chance to meet up again; hopefully soon after school let out for the summer.

“Interesting…” Harry mumbled as he read over the tome and took notes on the creation of Shield Charms. Tonks’ ‘Cube’ spell made six, inverted, Shield Charms that became a cube when cast. It was a wonderful spell for capture and detainment, very fitting for an Auror. Looking into various types of Shield Charms, Harry was wondering the limits of said protective Magic. There were shields for physical objects, shields for spells and magical effects, and advanced shields that could do both. Harry noted that there were no shields that could be cast and then left for any length of time. He supposed that made some sense though. The Charms were sustained by the caster, without them they faded away. Long term protections without constant maintenance fell under the Branch of Magic that was Warding.

As he read and made notes an idea began to form in the Artificer’s mind. Taking detailed notes on the formation of shield spells, and the complexity of shields that could block both physical and magical attacks, Harry nodded as he wrote. He stopped writing for a moment to open his Magical Bag and look through it for a specific book he’d brought along. Finding ‘Advanced Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling II’, Harry pulled it out before flipping to a marked page. The chapter in question was Size in Relation to Magic, and Harry quickly pulled the advanced Arithmancy tome close again. It was also open to a marked page, though in this case it was about a specific type of Spellcraft; Construct Magic.

“This is going to take some time…” Harry grinned to himself in amusement. Really, what project or idea of his didn’t take time? But getting his idea noted down should kill most of the train ride back to London.

When the Hogwarts Express pulled into Platform Nine and Three-Quarters in the late afternoon, bordering on early evening hours, Harry stepped off the train with his Magical Bag slung over his shoulder and a pleased smile on his face. Though he was pleased with getting his spell idea written out; he was a bit less pleased about the fact that the current notes and formulae took up a full thirty-two pages by themselves!

“Harry!” Sirius exclaimed as he saw his Godson.

“Sirius!” Harry chuckled as he was pulled into a hug from his Godfather.

“How’ve you been, you haven’t been working too hard, I hope?” Sirius chuckled as they walked towards the Floo.

“About normal, articulated metal is still difficult, but I’m progressing.” Harry shrugged as they found an empty Floo Fireplace and grabbed some Floo Powder. In a flash of green flames the duo arrived to Wood End Cottage. Tayla was overjoyed to see Harry again and informed both of them that dinner would be ready in the next hour. Harry and Sirius spent time chatting and catching up in person, rather than through mirror calls.

“So, any progress on your many projects?” Sirius questioned with a grin. Harry always had something going on and Sirius was amazed that the teen could keep so many things going at the same time.

“Yes, the Spell Ward Guards are basically done, though until I can make actual gauntlets they’re still prototypes.” Harry informed him. “The Mana Bane Chain works now, but it could definitely use more fine-tuning. The motions of the Control Sequence are still rough and simple. I’m hopeful to finally have a breakthrough with my own Flying Item after our trip tomorrow. I really believe that what’s stalling me is that none of the materials that I’ve been using has any connection to flight. I thought about using feathers of some kind, but Magical Birds aren’t exactly common around Hogwarts. Not to mention that feathers aren’t really suited to being placed into a hot forge.”

“Always the busy bee, aren’t you, Harry?” Sirius chortled at him. “Are the mirrors still stumping you too?” He asked with a teasing grin.

“I’ll figure them out eventually!” Harry groused as he thought about his long-term project. He was still trying to figure out the only successful pair of Communication Mirrors that the Marauders had ever made. He’d gone over Lupin’s notes time and time again, but still had nothing to show for it. The Enchanting was all technically correct, the Charms chosen functioned together properly, and the mirrors were just standard, non-magical glass. Harry had run his mind over this problem on dozens upon dozens of occasions already.

“Take your time, Harry; it’s not like it’s necessary for you to figure it out.” Sirius chuckled at the annoyed look on his Godson’s face.

“I willfigure it out though. I’ll make sure of it.” Harry grumbled as he thought about the mystery for a bit longer.

“Whenever it happens, it happens.” Sirius shrugged nonchalantly. “The Head of the Dragon Reserve was surprised that you wanted to buy directly. Seems they’re not used to selling parts except to wholesalers. But you being who you are, and me being who I am, he agreed without any problem.”

“Chalk one up for fame and heredity, I guess.” Harry chuckled while Sirius cracked a smile.

“Master Sirius, Young Master Harry, dinner is being ready now!” Tayla announced with a smile. The wizards headed into the kitchen after the happy House Elf to have a wonderful dinner. They spent the rest of the evening talking and Harry showed Sirius some of his notes, most of which Sirius couldn’t make heads or tails of, as well as his wandless progress with the Patronus Charm. It was still just silver mist without his wand, but Sirius assured him that it was impressive. The two went to bed that night excited for their trip tomorrow.

-The Next Day ~ Wales Dragon Reserve-

“Not what I was expecting, but also very much what I was expecting.” Harry mentioned as he and Sirius stood in front of the massive walls that made up the Reserve. The walls feltmagical and the air had noticeable small ripples, almost like a heat haze, over the entire walled-in area. Harry believed them to be powerful Wards necessary to keep the giant, fire-breathing beasts from simply flying away.

“Yeah, this seems about right for Dragons.” Sirius nodded in agreement.

“Lord Black, Artificer Potter; good to meet you both!” A large, rough-looking Wizard greeted them as he walked through a small door next to the larger gates. Harry estimated the man to be in his late fifties or early sixties, though like most Magicals he didn’t look it. His dark-brown hair lacked any trace of grey yet; his face was likewise free of wrinkles. Harry did notice a few scars on the man, but he worked with Dragons, so that was probably to be expected. With a tiny bit of mana into his glasses, Harry scanned the man’s mana level.

‘8,794. That isn’t bad at all.’ Harry thought to himself as he noted the reading his Scouter had picked up.

“Rhys Hughes, Head of Draig Werrd Reserve.” Rhys offered his hand and Sirius shook it firmly. “Not used to buyers coming up into the mountains to collect their own merchandise.” He laughed heartily. “We usually have to fly it down ourselves.”

“Harry needs specific bones this time, so he felt it best to come to the professionals directly.” Sirius informed Rhys with a chuckle of his own.

“Is that right?” Rhys looked at the teen Artificer curiously. “Any particular reason?”

“The Item I wish to create is meant to achieve flight. Unfortunately I’ve been stymied in my attempts up to now. I believe it’s because I lack materials that have a connection to the act of flight itself. Dragons are often far too heavy to lift themselves with their wings alone from my research. I believe that some of their innate magic is what helps them to fly. That is why I wanted to make sure I collected wing bones specifically.” Harry informed the Head of the Reserve honestly. It made no difference to him if the man knew one of his projects. It wasn’t like Harry was planning to sell them once he’d successfully made them. These would be another item that Harry would keep to himself.

“Well, I don’t really know anything about Enchanting; most buyers are more interested in the dragons’ blood, organs, and bones for Potions and the like.” Rhys shrugged before a grin was directed at Harry. “But you’re right about their wings. The great beasts wouldn’t be able to get off the ground just by flapping. Some bit of their Magic does indeed help them to fly. But it’s probably not the same bit that lets them breathe fire!” The man chuckled as he motioned for the two of them to follow him.

The trio entered through the door next to the gate. After passing a set of burly Wizards, security for the Reserve apparently, they went through another set of doors and Harry blinked at the smell. It was…less than pleasant, to say the least. Rhys chuckled at the looks on Sirius and Harry’s faces. They saw what was causing the smell easily enough though. A large dragon, dead and with its hide removed, was being rendered down in a large open space by roughly a dozen people. Barrels of blood were being drained from the large beast, its wings had been removed at the joints on its back, the horns had been removed and its underbelly was opened as organs were being removed and harvested.

“Well, that’s quite a sight.” Sirius commented and Rhys snorted a laugh.

“You get used to it.” Rhys shrugged as he watched his staff work. “Ol’ Heliwr there was always a handful. Used to bully the smaller dragons, he did. These last few years his age started catching up with him though. He’ll produce a lot of good material at least.”

“I notice the wings have been removed.” Harry mentioned, still not used to the smell as his face scrunched up a bit.

“Aye, when Lord Black gave us a Floo call about what you wanted I had Arwel, one of my senior staff; work on the wings exclusively so they’d be ready.” Rhys motioned for them to follow him again. They went through a large door, similar to a garage door in the Non-Magical World, and saw what they’d come for. Harry marveled at the cleaned bones the older man, much older-looking than Rhys, was working on.

“Arwel, looks like you’re about done.” Rhys called out and the older Wizard looked up from his work.

“Yes, yes, just going over the bones to make sure they’re clean.” Arwel waved his boss off. “Membrane, tendons, ligaments, and meat has been sorted and sent to the processors already. All that’s left are these bones now.” The older man motioned to the large collection of wing bones laid out on a raised platform. Harry got a rough count of twenty-six bones, all large because of the size of the Dragon they came from. The amount of material here would surely be enough for him to get his prototype working, he hoped.

“How much?” Harry questioned and Rhys looked between the teen and Sirius for a moment.

“Harry, I’ll pay for them.” Sirius stated but Harry shook his head.

“I appreciate the offer, Sirius, but these are for my own Enchanting, this isn’t to make an Item to sell later once I succeed. You’ll see no return on investment, so I’d rather pay for them myself.” Harry explained and Sirius looked proudly at him. But Harry could still see the desire to pay for the bones in his Godfather’s eyes. The man was nothing if not a doting Godparent.

“Alright, I get it.” Sirius held up his hands with a grin. Harry chuckled while shaking his head. Sirius would always be Sirius.

“So, how much for them?” Harry asked again.

“One-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-one Galleons, eight Sickles, and fourteen Knuts total.” Rhys stated and Harry blinked at the total. That was a bit more than he expected.

“I don’t suppose we could haggle?” Harry asked with a chuckle.

“Afraid not, Artificer Potter.” Rhys shook his head with a grin.

“Good thing I brought the Mokeskin today.” Harry sighed as he pulled out the pouch. Harry cast a spell with just his voice as he whispered into the pouch. A slightly complex version of the standard Summoning Charm that was simply more specific about what it summoned.

“Into the trunk over here, if you would, Artificer Potter.” Rhys motioned to a trunk, smaller than the ones that Hogwarts students used, sitting on a table behind Arwel.

“Of course.” Harry nodded as he stepped over to the opened trunk and pointed his Mokeskin pouch at it. From the pouch a deluge of golden coins poured forth. Harry watched as the coins seemingly always had space to fit inside the trunk. A few moments later the pouch spat out the eight silver Sickles, followed by the fourteen bronze Knuts, into the trunk and Harry put his Mokeskin pouch away.

“This should only take a minute.” Rhys smiled as he closed the lid of the trunk and then tapped it with his wand. The trunk seemed to vibrate a bit, making a sort of buzzing sound while doing so, and Harry noticed a series of numbers on what would be the latch of a normal trunk. Three letters stood out on the latch; ‘G’, ‘S’, and ‘K’. Next to each letter a number appeared on the metal, changing rapidly next to the ‘G’. The ‘K’ stopped at fourteen, followed by the ‘S’ at eight, after right about a minute the ‘G’ stopped on one-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-one. “Everything checks out then.” Rhys nodded as he checked the latch. “Arwel, wrap up Artificer Potter’s purchase, please.”

Arwel nodded as he tapped the platform with his wand three times. Harry watched, delighted at the show of Magic, as thick parchment appeared under the wing bones and folded itself over them. The Artificer had to fight outright laughter as he watched the huge parchment fold itself into the shape of an envelope and then shrink down to until it would have easily been indistinguishable from a regular letter. Arwel summoned the envelope to himself before passing it to Harry. With an amused grin from the show, Harry fished out two Galleons from his robe pocket and handed them to the older man.

“For your time, your skill, and the show.” Harry chuckled and Arwel chortled as he pocketed the coins.

“That spell only works once, young man.” Arwel informed Harry. “Once you open the envelope it’ll return to full-size along with the bones inside. You won’t be able to shrink it again like that.”

“How do you do that?” Harry asked curiously. That would be a very helpful bit of Magic to know how to do.

“I’m afraid that’s a Trade Secret, Artificer Potter.” Arwel shook his head with a chuckle.

“Ready to go now, Harry?” Sirius grinned at his Godson.

“Alright, keep your secrets then.” Harry waved Arwel off with a smile of his own. “Let’s go, Sirius, I think I can get a bit of work done while on my break.”

“Not if I invite Nym over~!” Sirius teased as they followed behind Rhys, back the way they’d come.

“I’m going to tell her you said the name.” Harry smirked at his Godfather.

“I’ll use you as a shield.” Sirius fired back.

“I’ll hex you if you try.” Harry retorted; a smile on his face as he and Sirius bantered back and forth.

“Come again, if you ever need more fresh Dragon Bones!” Rhys laughed as he showed them out of the door of the Reserve. These two were a regular comedy act!

“Sure thing.” Harry nodded to the man. Sirius took hold of Harry’s arm and side-along Apparated them back to Wood End Cottage.


Stephen Flint trembled in fear as he watched the seven Wizards he’d ambushed over the last week burn. Each of the men had been drained of their blood. That blood was then used to draw a strange circle around their corpses. Stephen was no Scholar; he couldn’t even begin to identify what type of Magic his Master was using. All the terrified man knew was that it was Dark Magic. The flames roared and crackled, empowered by the red glow coming from the blood circle.

“Soon…” Voldemort hissed as he watched the flames quickly reduce the Wizards to ash. He glanced at the Potions he’d brewed for this night. Under the Full Moon, his Homunculus body would be completed. April twenty-fifth, nineteen-ninety-four would be the date of his triumphant return to a body capable of wielding Magic! ‘Maybe I’ll make it a Holiday when I rule the world?’ The Dark Lord mused to himself as he watched the flames rise higher. The Potions had been difficult to brew, stuck as he was in a Squib’s body. Mostly useless except as sacrifices, they couldn’t even brew Potions by themselves. He’d had to expend his own weakened Magic to make sure that the Potions brewed properly.

Once the empowered flames had died down Voldemort stood up in his current host’s body. Looking into the blackened pit, he saw the shape of a human buried in the soot and ashes. Barely able to sense anything in the Squib’s body, he reached out with his host’s hand and placed it on the form. There! He felt it! Magic existed in this body! It was breathing very shallowly. It was a living homunculus, but empty and devoid of purpose or mind. Just what he’d planned! He spared no thought to the fact that his host’s flesh was being lightly burned as he knelt in the still hot ashes of the fire. He’d be leaving it momentarily anyway.

Stephen nearly screamed in terror when he saw his Master’s body convulse and shake as if having a fit of some kind. A horrible shrieking wail emerged from the Squib’s mouth as a black smoke-like vapor was expelled. The vapor swirled in the air for a moment before covering the body buried in soot and ash. The Squib dropped backwards and didn’t move. Stephen already knew he was dead. He’d seen what was left of his Master’s ‘hosts’ after he left them for a new one before. The black mist seeped into the newly-created body in the pit. The homunculus gave a jolt before going still again.

“M-My Lord…?” Stephen stuttered out as he slowly approached the body. He looked over the still buried form and wondered if something had gone wrong. He screamed, half in shock and half in horror, when two dark-red eyes snapped open in the soot. They gave a dim glow for a brief moment before the homunculus slowly sat up. Stephen was reminded of the last time he’d seen his great-grandfather before the man had passed. Feeble, weak, and barley able to get out of bed by himself. Voldemort was much the same at this moment; his new body was weak and unused, practically a newborn, if newborns were one-hundred-eighty centimeters tall.

“Get out…of my way…fool…” Voldemort hissed out at the terrified man as he took unsteady steps towards his Potions. Just walking was taking a toll on him right now. But his Potions would soon fix that! He just needed to get to them. When he reached the bottles he had to stop for breath. This was why he had never wanted to grow old, to become weak and feeble, to become vulnerable. He steadied his hands before picking up the first Potion in the set he’d brewed. Strengthening Solution would make this body stronger, able to bare the physical toll he’d need to return to his rightful place atop the Magical World.

Feeling the Solution slowly taking effect, Voldemort reached for the next Potion. Blood Replenishing Potion would increase the bare minimum of blood his current body had. Homunculi were usually made for a specific purpose that they’d fulfill for years or decades. But they all started off weak and with barely functioning bodies. With blood being produced in proper amounts he’d recover faster.

The next Potion he picked up was the Everlasting Elixir. Downing it he breathed deeply and let it have time to do its work. With the Elixir, his Homunculus body wouldn’t breakdown, a very real concern when making homunculi. Most anyone that made one would have said Elixir on-hand to stabilize and fortify their creation. Feeling more strength in his body, along with his breathing becoming easier, Voldemort smirked viciously. Now it was time to truly bring out all the benefits of this new un-aging body!

Voldemort chuckled darkly as he downed the Potion of All Potential. This had been the hardest Potion to brew. It had cost him so much of his weakened Magic that he’d almost feared he’d lose possession of his host and be expelled, disappearing into vapor forever. But he’d succeeded! This Potion would unlock the full potential of anyone that drank it. It was known to increase physical strength, improve all bodily functions, and even increase intelligence and Magical Power! It was almost impossible to brew successfully, but he’d studied under Horace Slughorn, the old Professor might be a corpulent suck-up, always trying to expand his connections; but he was a true Master of the Craft. He’d give the old man a quick and painless death for his contributions to Voldemort’s conquest!

“Flint!” Voldemort snapped at his only servant. The man stumbled forth and bowed, groveled really, at his feet.

“Y-Yes, My L-Lord?” Stephen dared not even look up from where his head was planted into the dirt.

“Bring me a robe, now.” Voldemort let out a hiss and Stephen jerked upright as he tried to rush to his feet as fast as possible. With an exhale, Voldemort held himself upright. His new body was stable, but weak, severely so. He would not show an ounce of weakness in front of his servant though, lest the man get any ideas. As he waited he took stock of his form. He had no hair, but he wasn’t a vain man concerned with his looks. His face should be similar to what it had been before that accursed night. He was about the same height as he had been as well. Looking down he noticed his body was lean; much like it had been before, but also looking as if he’d been starved for a long while. He noted with some dark amusement that his genitals were the same as he remembered. Not that they functioned for their sexual purpose anymore.

That was an ironclad rule of homunculi, they couldn’t procreate. They had no ability to conceive or breed in any fashion. Beings made from Magic couldn’t bring life into the world like natural creatures could. They were sterile, barren, impotent, and had no sexual drive whatsoever. Bah, not like he’d ever had such wants or desires. He would be immortal! What use did he have of consorts, concubines, or heirs? They would all wither away and die, while he stayed alive and ruled the world. No, Lord Voldemort had no need for the base instinct of procreation. Just another pointless thing he’d gladly tossed to the winds in his pursuit of power and domination.

“Y-Your robe, My Lord.” Stephen uttered out as he held out a black robe to his Master. Voldemort held out his arms, giving an unspoken order to place the garment on him to his shivering servant. Once he was robed, Voldemort walked freely to the small, stone cottage they’d been hiding out in.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so weak. It had been decades since he’d felt so exhausted and low on Magic. He needed food and rest to recover. With time his Magic would recover as well. Speaking of which, he’d need to get a wand once he was a bit stronger. His original Yew and Phoenix Feather wand from Ollivander’s was either locked away, deep inside the Ministry; or had been snapped and burned by one of his many enemies within the Ministry after his fall. No matter, a wand could be replaced; there were dozens of Wand Makers in Europe after all, hundreds throughout the world. But no, he dare not leave Europe, he knew of some of the Magicals that lived in other parts of the world. Until he was back to full strength he couldn’t risk gaining attention like that. He wasn’t the only Dark Wizard in the world. No need to risk anything until he could operate on the same level again.

“Flint, get me food and drink, I need to eat.” Voldemort hissed at the man.

“Yes, My Lord!” Stephen bolted out of the small cottage and quickly disappeared with a crack of Apparation.

‘Just a while longer… I will never die… You’ll not vanquish me, Harry Potter!’Voldemort raged silently within his own mind. Prophecy or not, he’d never die! No one would be allowed to stand in his way! His rule was inevitable! It was his Destiny to be the Greatest Wizard that Ever Lived! That was the only Fate he believed in!

-End Chapter-


Well, dragon bones acquired! Now maybe Harry can get his Flight Item off the ground properly! Not to mention our Artificer is looking at Spellcraft! What kind of spell is he looking to make, exactly?

Then there’s He-Who-Just-Won’t-Die-Already, finally returning to a proper body. We get to see the Psychopathy of Voldemort a bit as he takes stock of his new form. He’s weak, but now he can actually recover…that’s not great. Though we do get to learn that Voldemort knows of other Dark Wizards outside of Europe! Ones that he doesn’t want to step on the toes of while he’s weakened. Who are these Dark Wizards? Will they cause problems in the future? How much will the World change as the butterfly continues to flap its wings?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 6,546

Tonks – 8,174

Penelope – 6,992

Fleur – 7,428

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another awesome and excellent chapter. I wonder, how does this form a body compare to the one he originally made in the books? Also, very curious on some of those other dark wizards, and lastly, that potion of all potential sounds mightily useful.

John Balman

good stuff, nice twist with the rebirth !! I was wondering how you would do this considering the different harry with his three Angels on overwatch


Yeah! In Spite of everything, this unwanted, unloved, psychopath clawed his way back to being a pain in the ass!


He really should hope the squibs' disappearances remain unnoticed - whether magical or mundane Eastern European security forces are not gentle when such crimes are discovered.


Canonically Harry is barely more Magically powerful than Voldemort by age 14. This Harry falls very short of that benchmark, though exceeds canon Harry in other areas, so I guess it evens out. Looking forward to the eventual showdown.


It'll be good! Don't you worry! Also, Voldemort isn't in such great shape right now, so Harry has some time.


wouldnt have an issue if good old Tom just gets stomped


Is having dragon wing bones necessary to make the flying item or does it just make it easier because harry hasn’t yet become skilled enough to do it without them?


The Item needs to have some connection to Flight, hence the wing bones. Remember that Form and Function are intrinsically linked in Enchanting/Artificing.


Wonder if harry will make a homunculus or something similar to act as an assistant?