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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Time to battle the Sensational Sisters for the Cascade Badge! Will all of Ash’s and his Pokémon’s hard work and training pay off? Which Pokémon will he choose to battle with for his Badge? Will he get his promised reward from Misty?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 24 – Cerulean Gym Battle

Ash grinned as he stood in the Challenger’s Box of the large pool battlefield of the Cerulean Gym. A female referee had just stepped onto the referee’s platform. The woman clicked a remote and Ash saw several cameras turn on and start recording. Looking to the Gym Leader’s Box, he grinned seeing Violet up first. The bluenette was grinning at him as she palmed a Pokéball.

“This is an official Pokémon League Gym Battle. The Challenger is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. This will be a Three on Three battle, the first Trainer to have all three Pokémon rendered unable to battle loses. Additionally only the Challenger may substitute Pokémon. Are you ready to begin?” The referee went through the standard League pre-battle announcement.

“Ready to go!” Violet confirmed with a laugh.

“Bring it on!” Ash smirked at the bluenette.

“As Gym Leader, I’ll reveal my Pokémon first!” Violet smiled as she tossed the Pokéball forward. In a flash of white light a familiar Pokémon emerged.

“Cloy!” Cloyster called out as it grinned from within its large shell. Ash noticed this one was smaller than the biggest one he’d seen in the Cerulean Gym.

“Skiddo, you’re up!” Ash sent out his Goat Pokémon. Another white light and the Grass Type stood on one of the platforms floating in the massive pool.

“Ski!” Skiddo looked at it opponent with a determined glare.

“First Round will be Cloyster vs. Skiddo!” The referee announced. “Begin!” With a wave of her flags the match began.

“Try to keep up, Ash!” Violet had her game face on in a flash. “Cloyster, Substitute!”

“Ster!” Cloyster glowed and an exact copy of the Water/Ice Type materialized while the original seemed to vanish.

“Skiddo, use Growth!” Ash instructed, his hand held out.

“Do!” Skiddo glowed red as his Attack and Special Attack rose.

“Cloyster, use Aqua Ring and then Iron Defense!” Violet called out and Ash grimaced as he realized Violet’s strategy.

“Skiddo, use Growth twice and then Razor Leaf!” Ash wanted to boost Skiddo’s stats more and hopefully tear apart the Substitute in one shot!

“Skid!” Skiddo bleated as it glowed with a larger red aura, as soon as the first aura died down Skiddo flared red again! With his Attack and Special Attack now three stages higher Skiddo launched the barrage of slashing leaves at the Substitute. The copy was shredded and dispersed. The real Cloyster appeared off to the side of the same platform.

“Double Iron Defense, and then hit it with Icicle Spear!” Violet called as she pointed at Skiddo. Cloyster glowed with an intense red aura as it maxed out its Defense. Then the large spike at the top of its shell glow with a light-blue light. From the spike a large, sharp icicle formed and was launched at Skiddo, followed by another, and another. The Razor Leaf and the Icicle Spear passed through each other without really colliding. Cloyster slammed its shell closed and the sharp leaves bounced off its hard shell without doing much damage.

“Double Team!” Ash smirked and Skiddo’s form blurred as multiple illusory copies appeared on the three closest platforms on Ash’s side of the pool. The icicles passed through a copy.

“Tricky!” Violet laughed before she continued her strategy. “Ice Shard!” Cloyster’s shell snapped open and a mass of small, sharp pieces of ice were launched at high-speed towards the copies of Skiddo. It was almost like buckshot being fired in a wave! The copies were torn through in a wave and Skiddo took the first blow of the match.

“Ski!” Skiddo cried out as he staggered slightly.

“Skiddo, Double Team again and barrage Cloyster with Razor Leaf!” Ash instructed and Skiddo blurred again. As one the copies all launched the waves of sharp, spinning leaves at the Bivalve Pokémon.

“That’s not going to do much, Ash!” Violet reminded her future little brother of her Pokémon’s Maxed Defense. Cloyster simply slammed its shell closed as it endured the barrage without issue.

“Really?” Ash grinned and everyone cocked their heads slightly. The leaves of the Razor Leaf attack were practically bouncing off of Cloyster’s shell! “Leech Seed!”

“Skiddo!” The Grass Type cried out while launching a barrage of the parasitic seeds from the copies and the real Skiddo.

“Protect!” Violet called out, knowing that Aqua Ring and Leech Seed would stall out Cloyster’s health recovery! The green dome of Protect dispersed the fake seeds and destroyed the real one.

“Seed Bomb!” Ash called out and Misty’s eyes widened. Was Ash’s Skiddo that close to evolving too?! Skiddo’s Double Team copies faded as the Original powered up the attack.

“Ski!” Skiddo launched the barrage of glowing green seeds at Cloyster. The Bivalve was rocked by the attack, marks appearing on its shell even with its heightened Defense.

“Ice Shard!” Violet called and Cloyster launched the pellets of ice at Skiddo in a concentrated blast.

“Dodge, Double Team into Leech Seed! Don’t let it recover with Aqua Ring!” Ash instructed and Skiddo easily dodged the Ice Type attack. A barrage of Leech Seed was launched at Cloyster.

“Protect!” Violet had Cloyster nullify the attack with another protective dome.

“Energy Ball!” Ash cried out and Skiddo stopped; revealing that he was one of the closest copies to his opponent! The dark-green ball of Grass Type aura formed above Skiddo’s horns.

“He forced her to use Protect to avoid the Leech Seed, now Protect won’t form again in succession!” Misty smiled at her boyfriend’s strategy.

“Cloyster!” The water/Ice Type cried out as it was hit with the Special Attack. While the species was known for its incredibly high Defense power, their Special Defense left much to be desired.

“Again!” Ash called and Skiddo powered up the Energy Ball.

“Icicle Crash!” Violet went all in for the final clash!

“Cloyster!” Cloyster glowed with Ice Type aura as huge icicles formed around it. Skiddo launched the Energy Ball just as Cloyster released the Icicle Crash. The two attacks collided and exploded in a wave of icy mist.

“Again!” Ash yelled over the noise.

“What?!” Violet couldn’t believe that Ash’s Skiddo could launch Energy Ball with such obscured vision and hope to land a hit! The dark-green Grass Type attack tore through the mist and slammed into Cloyster. The Bivalve Pokémon was blasted into the pool in a large spray of water!

“Yes!” Ash cheered for Skiddo. “That was a great shot, buddy!”

“Ski!” Skiddo bleated happily. Cloyster floated to the surface with swirled out eyes a moment later.

“Cloyster is unable to battle, the winner is Skiddo!” The woman refereeing raised her flag in Ash’s direction.

“Oh Cloyster, return!” Violet called out, recalling her Pokémon with a beam of red light. “You did great, so take a nice long rest.” She kissed her Pokéball and smiled fondly at it. “How did you land that shot through all the mist?” She looked at Ash with what was almost a proud smile.

“You were using the ‘Wall and Stall’ Strategy.” Ash returned her smile. “Cloyster had barely moved the whole match. That means it’s used to tanking damage and recovering with a combination of Substitute and Aqua Ring. As long as we launched our next attack quickly enough, Cloyster wouldn’t have time to move. I didn’t expect the Icicle Crash though.” He rubbed the back of his head. “That makes Cloyster more like a wall with a cannon aimed at its opponents!”

“Aren’t you an observant one?” Violet teased him. “Good match and congratulations on Skiddo’s evolution.”

“Skiddo’s what?” Ash blinked before looking at Skiddo and seeing a white glow emitting from his Grass Type’s body. The glow enveloped Skiddo completely as his body began to grow and change. When the glow dispersed, a large Gogoat stood on the floating platform.

“Goat!” Gogoat bleated loudly and Ash smiled at his Ride Pokémon. The excellent care Skiddo had received during the extra months in Lawrence’s care, plus Ash’s continued training with him. Had paid off and led to his newly evolved Gogoat standing at nearly two meters at the shoulder! He’d need to get a new saddle for him before they left Cerulean!

“Gogoat! You evolved!” Ash congratulated his Grass Type with a laugh. Gogoat leapt, with little effort, and landed next to Ash in a single jump. The large Goat Pokémon happily nuzzled his Trainer and enjoyed the pats and behind the ears scratches. “I’m so proud of you buddy!”

“Go~” Gogoat nuzzled into Ash more, almost lifting the teen off the ground with his new strength. Ash just chuckled as he praised his Ride Pokémon.

“Congrats, Ash!” Lily smiled brightly at him. “But now it’s my turn!”

“Take a break, buddy!” Ash smiled as he patted Gogoat’s side and then returned him to his Pokéball. “Ready whenever you are, Lily!”

“Alright then, let’s see what you make of this!” Lily tossed her Pokéball and revealed her Pokémon for the match. From the white light a new Pokémon took form.

“Gol!” The blue Pokémon called out, its webbed fingers with small claws on the end poised and ready for battle. It had a white-grey bill, a medium-length tail, stood on two strong legs, and had a red gem on it forehead.

“A Golduck.” Ash grinned at the Pokémon. This could be tricky; Golduck had a wide variety of moves available to it. “You ready, buddy?” Ash asked Pikachu.

“Pika!” Pikachu rushed from the edge of the Challenger’s Box, were he’d been watching the first match, and leapt onto the nearest platform. The yellow Electric Type sparked his cheeks at Golduck.

“Second Match, Golduck vs. Pikachu! Begin!” The referee waved her flags and the match began.

“Pikachu, Light Screen, Reflect, and then Thunder Wave!” Ash started off as soon as the match started.

“Chu!” Pikachu cried out as he was enveloped in a white field of light, then an off-white field, before his body sparked and blue arcs of electricity were sent at Golduck.

“Dodge, Calm Mind, and Disable!” Lily countered with a grin. Golduck leapt away from the Thunder Wave, exhaled as it was surrounded by a red aura, and then pointed its glowing finger at Pikachu. A black aura surrounded Pikachu and the blue electricity of Thunder Wave disappeared.

“Shit.” Ash cursed softly. He was hoping to make this match a lot easier by paralyzing Golduck. “It boosted its Special Attack and Special Defense too. Let’s get in close, Pikachu! Double Team into Quick Attack!”

“Pika!” Pikachu blurred forward and seemingly split into multiple copies. Golduck didn’t seem very worried though.

“Aqua Jet to dodge, Calm Mind, and Icy Wind!” Lily countered again. Golduck was surrounded by water and dodged straight upwards, launching itself high into the air. Before the water cloak of Aqua Jet had even dispersed, the Water Type glowed red again as it further increased its Special Attack and Special Defense. With a deep breath Golduck unleashed the chilling gale of Icy Wind onto the battlefield. All of Pikachu’s copies were dispersed and Pikachu gripped onto the platform as he took damage and his Speed was lowered with a blue glow.

“Electro Ball!” Ash called over the fading wind. They needed to hit Golduck while it was still in the air!

“Ka!” Pikachu formed the electric sphere on his tail before flinging it at the airborne Water Type. Golduck crossed its arms in front of it and took the super effective attack.

“Scald!” Lily called out and as soon as Golduck landed the Water Type sent a stream of near boiling water at Pikachu.

“Double Team!” Ash countered as Pikachu blurred into eight copies.

“Mow them down!” Lily instructed and Golduck whipped its head around to clear the battlefield.

Ash grit his teeth as he watched the copies get wiped out quickly. If Scald connected there was a good chance Pikachu would end up with a burn. That would not only drastically cut Pikachu’s Attack, but would inflict damage until it was healed. But he now understood Lily’s style, or at least had a good idea. She was a Counter Type. Using moves and combinations to control the flow of battle and disrupt all of her opponent’s moves and strategies.

“Double Team again!” Ash called to Pikachu. He watched as Pikachu blurred into his copies and Golduck could no longer keep Scald up. It had a limit! Ash would need to time this right! “Quick Attack!” All of the Pikachu’s blurred forward with white streaks of light behind them. “Discharge!”

“Protect!” Lily called and Golduck was surrounded by the green barrier. The blast of electricity harmlessly flowed over the dome. As the blast of dispersed and the Protect was dispelled, Ash made his next strike.

“Iron Tail!” Ash called and Pikachu leapt through the fading barrier with a metal-like tail.

“Duck!” Golduck cried out as it blocked the hit with its arms. The damage was done, but less than it could have been.

“Zen Headbutt!” Lily grinned and Golduck’s red gem glowed with Psychic Type Aura before it was slammed into Pikachu. The Electric Type went sailing back to the edge of the platform with a cry of pain. “You need to keep better track of your status moves, Ash.” Lily reminded him, motioning to Pikachu’s lack of Reflect and Light Screen. “Pikachu are rather frail against physical attacks!”

“I took a gamble is all.” Ash grinned at the pinkette. “Pikachu, Volt Tackle!”

“Pika!” Pikachu got up and blitzed towards Golduck! “Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika!” He cried out as he built up more and more electricity and power as he charged headlong at his opponent.

“Aqua Jet, dodge it!” Lily countered, or she would have if Golduck’s body didn’t spark with paralysis! “What?!”

“PIKA!” Pikachu slammed into Golduck at full power sending the Water Type screaming off the platform and into the water. The recoil hit and Pikachu collapsed as his body sparked.

“Golduck!” Lily cried out as she looked for her Pokémon in the water. With a sigh she raised her Pokéball. Golduck floated to the surface with swirled-out eyes and black electrical burns on its body. “Return Golduck, you were great today.” In a red beam she recalled her Pokémon.

“Pi…ka…chu!” Pikachu got back to his feet, injured, tired, but still conscious and that’s what mattered.

“Golduck is unable to battle!” The referee raised her flag in Ash’s direction. “The winner is Pikachu!”

“Come here, buddy.” Ash leapt out onto the battlefield and picked Pikachu up gently. “You did awesome out there. I’m proud of you!”

“Pikapi…” Pikachu muttered as Ash carried him off the field.

“Misty, can you hold Pikachu for me?” Ash asked his girlfriend with a smile.

“Of course,” Misty smiled softly as she took Pikachu into her arms. “That was a great battle, how did you paralyze Golduck?”

“Pikachu’s Ability is Static.” Ash reminded the orangette with a grin. “I took a gamble on whether Lily would take advantage of Pikachu’s Reflect ending to try and use a physical attack against Pikachu’s low Defense. After that, it was just making sure Pikachu had enough health left to endure the recoil of Volt Tackle.”

“It was a close thing.” Misty gently pet Pikachu as the rodent fell asleep in her arms. “If Static hadn’t activated, what would you have done then?”

“Discharge,” Ash explained with a grin. “Golduck wouldn’t have been able to escape such a widespread attack like that. It would have had to use Protect again, so I’d just have Pikachu fire another one right after.”

“Well, you still have one match to go, Mister.” Misty grinned at him. “Daisy might be too much for you…”

“I’m getting that reward…” Ash stated with determination. Misty giggled at her boyfriend. He headed back over to the Challenger’s Box as she continued to gently pet the sleeping Pikachu.

“Ready, Ash?” Daisy questioned with a grin on her face. A Pokéball was already in her hand, ready to begin the battle.

“You bet, time for me to win the Cascade Badge!” Ash retorted with a challenging smile.

“Confident, aren’t you?” Daisy laughed as she released her Pokémon. From the white light emerged a blue quadrupedal Pokémon. It had fins on its head, around its neck, and it had a long, blue tail like a mermaid.

“Vaporeon!” The Water Type called out as it stood ready on the platform.

“Lucario, you’re up!” Ash called out and tossed his Pokéball forward. Lucario appeared on his own platform and took up a stance immediately upon spotting his opponent.

“Well, Vaporeon is better than her sending out Dewgong or Lapras…” Misty noted to herself. Though in Daisy’s case, using her Lapras would violate the Trainer Level Challenge System. That would get the Gym put under review if it got out.

“Final Match, Vaporeon vs. Lucario! Begin!” The referee waved her flags again and the match was underway!

“Into the pool, Acid Armor!” Daisy shot out instantly and Vaporeon was dissolving into the water near instantly.

“We don’t need to see you to be able to strike!” Ash grinned. “Aura Sphere!” Lucario closed his eyes, the large, black fur that hung behind Lucario’s head lifted up, the bright, swirling ball of Fighting Type Aura formed in-between his palms. With a minute twitch of the left fur ruff, Lucario launched the homing attack towards Vaporeon.

“Dive!” Daisy called out when she saw what was happening. The Aura Sphere slammed into the surface of the pool and sent up a large spray of water. Ash’s own Aura Sight confirmed that the attack had missed Vaporeon.

“Well shit.” Ash grumbled. Lucario was at the ready, reading aura waves to determine where Vaporeon would strike next.

“Acid Armor, then Scald!” Daisy called out. From the right side of the platform a stream of near boiling water was launched at Lucario without warning.

“Detect!” Ash called and Lucario combined the move with its own Aura Sensing abilities. The Fighting/Steel Type fluidly dodged the attack. “Double Team and Metal Sound!” Lucario blurred into a dozen copies covering three platforms. Then a horrific sound of metal scraping across metal was heard. Even Ash covered his ears from the noise. A blue glow coming from beneath the pool water showed that Vaporeon’s Special Defense had just taken a sharp drop.

“Aqua Ring, Water Pulse barrage!” Daisy was still fairly calm as she adapted to Ash’s moves.

“Be on guard, Lucario!” Ash called out and Lucario closed his eyes to sense Aura better. From the left side of the pool a vibrating, sphere of water was launched, Lucario pivoted to avoid the attack. A second Water Pulse was lunched from directly in front of them! Lucario barley managed to avoid the attack. Another attack came from behind and Lucario took damage as it was forced to try and block. Again and again the attacks kept coming, Ash had used Detect three more times to ensure dodges and Lucario had still been hit twice more.

“You can’t keep dodging forever, Ash.” Daisy called out, no trace of worry on her face as she used Lucario like a target in a shooting gallery. “Surf!”

“Oh shit!” Ash swore as the pool was rocked by a large quantity of the water being sucked to the opposite end of the pool and forming a large wave. “Metal Sound into Detect!” The horrible shrieking of metal against metal rang out again. At the top of the wave a blue glow showed Vaporeon’s Special Defense falling sharply again. The wave crashed down, sending water all over the area outside of the pool. Lucario had jumped at an angle to the left, barley dodging the wave and landing on one of the bobbing platforms as the water of the pool sloshed around. “Ash noticed, thanks to his Aura Sight, that Vaporeon was on the surface of the roiling waters. It was unable to dive below the churning waves it had created with such a powerful attack. “Aura Sphere!”

“Cario!” Lucario roared as he formed the swirling, sphere of Fighting Type Aura again. The attack was launched at blitzed towards the Water Type. The blast as the Aura Sphere made contact threw up another wave of water as Vaporeon took the hit.

“Again!” Ash called out, he couldn’t give Daisy a chance to recover! Aqua Ring was in effect already! The more time that passed the more health Vaporeon would restore! Lucario formed another Aura Sphere and launched it. The homing attack veered off to the right as Vaporeon had drifted over to that section of the pool from the first strike. The blast threw up another spray of water and Ash breathed a sigh of relief as his Aura Sight showed him Vaporeon’s Aura flow slowing in the typical way that indicated unconsciousness.

“Vaporeon, are you alright?” Daisy called as the water stopped falling. Vaporeon floated on the waves of the pool, barely clinging to consciousness. Ash blinked at the sight. Vaporeon’s aura was completely placid; it shouldn’t be awake at all! The Eeveelution climbed onto one of the platforms and took a stance. Daisy didn’t call for any attack though. Vaporeon’s head dipped and then its body followed, it had fainted on its feet!

“That’s one dedicated Vaporeon.” Ash praised Daisy with a nod. Lucario gave a small bow to his defeated opponent, before collapsing to his knees and then sitting back onto the platform. The jackal-like Pokémon was panting from the battle and the damage it had taken.

“Vaporeon is unable to battle! The winner of the match is Lucario!” The referee pointed her flag in Ash’s direction again. “Winner of the battle is Ash Ketchum!”

“We won!” Ash cheered as he jumped out onto the floating platforms and hugged his tired Lucario. “You were awesome, Lucario!”

“Rio…” Lucario panted as he returned the hug gently.

“Return Vaporeon, you did amazing as always.” Daisy smiled as she recalled her Pokémon in a beam of red light.

“Take a good rest, buddy, you’ve more than earned it.” Ash praised Lucario as he returned him to his Pokéball.

“Over here, Ash!” Violet called out as she held up a light-blue case. Ash made his way over towards the three sisters. With bright smiles, all three of the Sensational Sisters, opened the case and presented Ash with the Badge inside. It was blue and shaped like a water droplet.

“As proof of your victory here at the Cerulean Gym, we present you with the Cascade Badge!” Daisy grinned at him.

“Congratulations, Ash.” Lily smiled.

“You earned it, little brother~” Violet teased as Ash picked up the Badge and got out his Badge Case. He placed the Cascade Badge next to the Metal Badge from Copper Town. Now he had his Third Badge! That meant he’d Rank Up again! He’d be an Adept Level Trainer like Misty! Technically she’d still ‘outrank’ him because of her latest Tournament win, but once he got his next Badge, then they’d be ‘even’!

“You also get this Water Type TM Voucher!” Lily handed him the certificate and Ash smiled at it briefly before putting it in the lid of his Badge Case with the other two he still had. Now he had a Rock Type Voucher, a Steel Type Voucher, and his new Water Type Voucher. As he progressed further in his journey, he was sure he’d find uses for them.

“Thanks you three, those were some awesome battles!” Ash complimented the sisters. All three smiled at him before he felt a warm kiss on his cheek.

“Congratulations, Ash.” Misty smiled warmly at him. Ash’s heart fluttered at the smile he loved so much. “You were amazing today.” Their lips met for a soft kiss even as the three elder sisters pouted.

“Alright, you two, that’s enough showing off your relationship~!” Violet whined at the two of them. Misty and Ash separated with soft smiles at each other.

“Let’s start getting the Pokémon treated. Those battles took their toll.” Daisy smiled as the group left the battlefield area and returned to the Pokémon living area to treat their friends.

-After Dinner-

The damage wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Pikachu and Lucario would need a day or two to fully recover from their battles. Gogoat was alright for the most part, he just needed some food, sunlight, and sleep. He’d be good as new by tomorrow morning. He’d probably send both Lucario and Pikachu to Professor Oak’s to rest for a few days. The two had certainly earned it.

“Ash~” Misty breathed into his ear sultrily, her arms wrapping around his waist from behind.

“Yes~?” Ash grinned as he felt Misty press herself against him; her breasts pushing into his back, while she gently nibbled his earlobe.

“I want to give you your reward~” Misty purred before she lightly licked his neck. “Come on~” The orangette gently pulled him towards her room.

“Sure.” Ash smirked before he swept her off her feet and into a Bridal Carry. Misty gasped at how fast, yet gentle, Ash had done that. Then she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck and began to leave soft kissed along his neck and jaw as he carried her. They entered her room and locked the door behind them. Ash lay Misty onto her bed and kissed her lips.

“Clothes off~” Misty purred as their lips separated. Ash grinned as they both quickly removed their clothes. They drank in each other’s body for a moment before their lips met again. “Sit down~ this is your reward~” She moaned into his ear. Ash was quick to comply and sat on the edge of the bed. Misty giggled as she knelt before him and enjoyed the sight of his hard length again. “Let me take care of you~” The orangette cooed before placing a kiss on his cockhead.

“Shit~” Ash breathed out as he felt Misty’s lips on his cock for the first time.

“We’re just getting started~” Misty promised, a fire in her green eyes that made Ash rumble low in his throat. She kissed his length, light butterfly kisses on the sides as she worked her way down. Her left hand came up to gently massage his balls when she reached the base. Misty breathed in his scent deeply, committing it to her memory forever. Ash jolted slightly from the sensation.

“Misty~” Ash groaned in pleasure as she flattened her tongue against the underside of his cock and licked from base to tip. “Fuck~” Their eyes met, his molten amber staring into her smoldering green as her tongue swirled around the head. Without breaking eye contact, Misty took him into her mouth for the first time. The sharp gasp from Ash sent a bolt of pleasure down Misty’s spine and straight to her core. She had already been wet from doing this, but now she was soaked! The orangette slowly began to move her head. Gently bobbing it up and down as she got used to pleasuring her boyfriend orally. She pulled back and freed him from her mouth to breathe.

“Mmm~ Ash, you look so amazing right now~” Misty breathed hotly over his length. Her breath made him twitch and she nuzzled her face against it, leaving a few kisses before she pulled back. “Let me make you feel even better~” With that Misty took him back into her mouth and slowly descended. Ash threw his head back as a rumbling moan escaped him. Misty took in just a little more each time; slowly working her way down Ash’s length. When he started to enter her throat she gagged slightly. Pulling back she took a deep breath before moving forward and taking him into her throat.

“Holy shit~!” Ash couldn’t stop the words as he forced himself to remain still and not buck his hips into Misty’s mouth.

“Mmm~” Misty hummed her appreciation as she pulled him out of her throat and lavished his length with her lips and tongue. Ash felt a lightning bolt of pleasure slam into his brain. He gripped the bedsheets to try and keep himself under control. Misty caught his eyes again, their passion and love for each other a raging inferno behind their eyes. She took him back into her throat, just a little further this time, and began to suck and hum. Ash clenched the sheets so hard he was sure he’d shred them. He groaned loudly, uncaring if Misty’s sisters heard him. Just as his hips started to move without his consent, Misty pulled back again to breathe.

“Fuck~ Misty~” Ash panted and Misty grinned sexily at him. “I’m almost~ there, now~” Misty couldn’t have looked more beautiful, or more sexy, to him if she tried. Then he lost almost all thought as Misty took him into her mouth, and down her throat in one go, only the base of his shaft not in her hot, wet mouth. She bobbed her head, sucked him, hummed, and even gagged herself a few times. It was no wonder Ash came undone. With a guttural roar, nothing even resembling speech, he came into his girlfriend’s mouth.

“Mmph!” Misty gagged again before sucking as she removed him from her throat and lashed her tongue against his throbbing length. Shot after shot coated her tongue and she shivered as their shared emotions sent her into a small orgasm of her own. She swallowed everything Ash gave her. Why wouldn’t she? She’d already tasted his seed and found it good. Plus Ash always liked it when she did so. She gulped his release down and when he finished she made sure to clean him thoroughly. She was very grateful to have been born in the age of the Internet! She’d have never known the things she did without it.

“Holy…” Ash panted as he fell back onto her bed. Misty purred as she crawled up after him, dragging her body along his. She kissed his neck and jaw as Ash came down from the high she’d sent him to. “Misty~ you’re…so amazing~” He breathed heavily. Misty felt a proud smile form on her lips. Seeing the pleasure she’d given her boyfriend was a bit of a high in and of itself. Though their linked emotions through their Auras certainly didn’t hurt either!

“Glad you enjoyed~” Misty purred into his ear before licking it.

“You know you’re not leaving this bed until I’ve returned the favor, right?” Ash pulled her flush against his body. Misty grinned sexily at him for his declaration.

“Hmm, I think I can live with that~” Misty kissed his lips and Ash quickly moved their positions. The orangette was soon moaning as he fingers threaded through Ash’s hair and forced him closer to her drenched sex.

Thankfully the two had tired each other out before Daisy, Lily, and Violet headed for bed. Misty would be mortified to know that her sisters had heard her and Ash together like that! Ash didn’t have such thoughts, only the thought of holding Misty close and wondering when they’d get a chance to do this again.

-End Chapter-


Hey, an evolution! Gogoat has arrived! Bigger, stronger, faster, it’ll see Ash across Kanto even better now! Pikachu’s training has paid off! He can use his Egg Move, Volt Tackle, now! Training has gone well and hard work has won Ash his Third Badge!

Not to mention, gotten him one Hell of a Rewardtoo!

What’s the next move for our couple? Will Grace be patient any longer? What will happen next?

Keep reading to find out!

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Iron Tail, Discharge, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Double Team, Light Screen, Reflect

Lucario – Inner Focus – Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm, Screech, Detect, Double Team, Aura Sphere

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Body Slam

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Double Team, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Sweet Scent, Bulk Up

Phanpy – Pick Up – Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Endure

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Signal Beam

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Signal Beam, Recover, Psychic, Swift, Bubblebeam, Psych Up, Protect, Brine, Thunderbolt

Seaking – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Fury Attack, Waterfall

Poliwhirl – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind, Body Slam, Mud Shot, Toxic

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down, Bulldoze

Quagsire – Water Absorb – Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Shot, Slam, Mud Bomb, Protect, Water Pulse, Yawn, Toxic

Bibarel – Unaware – Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Crunch

Spheal – Thick Fat – Defense Curl, Powder Snow, Growl, Water Gun

Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

Awesome. Inspector Ash go go Ketchem: go goat


Glad you liked it, Thomas! Yep, Gogoat is here now! Ride! Ride like the wind!