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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is asking you about our group again and how to make sure that our ever-growing group can be better!

I have 2 thoughts today that I'd like to hear your opinions on, if you'd be so kind as to indulge me?

First thought is, now that we have the Tier Rewards System updated, should I remove the Limiters on number of members for the Upper Tiers? Would anybody be interested in joining a Higher Tier but can't because they're full? This would include the Support Captain, Support General, and Legendary General Tiers! Let me know what you guys think about that, please!

Second thought is, would you My Patrons, enjoy having MORE exclusive stories for yourselves? These would be like Force of Souls, which isn't in the rotation and I use Tier Rewards, or my own limited free time, to give it updates. I have a few ideas for different series already. One for Attack on Titan of all series! One for Dragon Ball, One for Digimon Tamers, I even have an idea for another One Piece story that would flip the script a bit on THAT Canon! That's not to say they would be exclusive forever. More so that as they updated here and got backlogs of chapters, they'd eventually be released on FFNet and AO3 with the notice that 'Chapters 2 - 10 are Already Available to Patrons' or something similar. So please, if you'd like, share your thoughts and opinions on this idea as well!

Let me hear you, Patrons!



It's probably better to keep the limits on the upper tiers to preserve your sanity given that you're already at or near the limit of what you can feasibly write, based on previous posts. As far as patron exclusive stories? I think your current path of releasing chapters to patrons ahead of the public is probably a good one, but I have no strong feelings on it. As a patron, it makes little difference to me. 🙂


With the new Tier Rewards System in place I only have to write one Update per Tier every 3months for Captains, every 2 months for Generals, and once a month for Legendary Generals. Not an Update for EACH member anymore, since the Reward is now a Tier Exclusive Poll.

Thomas E Nellis

Whatever works for you lol. As long as I get my update fix in, I don’t really care.


Thomas, buddy, my friend, you know I got you! I'm your Literary Dealer bro, I'm not gonna leave you high and dry! Lol

John Balman

you keep World Crafting, World Smithing, your web of stories I'll keep reading them as Sir Thomas above stated. I could see opening up your tiers could be good maybe just opening them by 10 or x number to start to get a feel for the demands. But as with everything just make sure it does not cause you to feel overworked and lead to burn out I'd hate to see you do that to your self while trying to appease use needy readers :) It could be kewl to have one or two more Orginal stories as well if you have any others cooking other than your goblin fic as Patreon exclusives. (though I still haven't got around to reading that one (goblins) yet lol )


Hmm, maybe that would be better? Just a slight expansion to keep some exclusivity? I'll think on it! Could be a good compromise! This is why it's always good to hear from my Patrons! You all are awesome like this!

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Honestly, do what you think is best. I wouldn't mind a little more exclusivity, but I wouldn't want to take away from then fans that are outside of this little sphere of Patreon. Also, as for the tiers, I don't really care either way. I only have so much money a month, and I find it easy to keep up with the one dollarino a month.


It's not 'taking away' if they don't know it exists, right? Lol, I kid, I kid... We're happy to have you here regardless of your Tier Tristan! We all are buddies here! Hmm, maybe have another Plot Bunny depository for any series I have more than two or so Bunnies for? Hmm, plenty to think about. As for the other stories, well, they'd only be updated via Tier Rewards, or from my own limited free time, so I'm not sure how popular they'd be.

Mert Efe

Hmm. I think it would be a good idea to build a pro/contra argument. Something like: if I up the amount of xxx I would get xxx but have to xxx. You should also think about the responsibility that you take for each person that pays you that amount of money each month. It's like a job, you get paid so you "have to" put the work in right? And that can kill any joy that you have in writing. Take it from someone that made his hobby a job. No one really likes to work, you may have fun when you're there (mostly because of your colleges) but (I personally) hate the thought of going to work... And I really loved working with computers... Anyway think about the thinks you can gain but don't forget what you can lose. Happy new years everyone ;*


With the New Tier Reward System opening up the Tiers wouldn't increase my workload at all.


I would love to see you do a Dragonball story. I'm curious to see what you'd do with it.


Well, I know the general idea would have Saiyans STAYING Saiyans, tails and all! In Modern Dragon Ball Saiyans are basically Humans that can turn Gold, Red, or Blue at will...

Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller

I like it as is Also i am very happy with how nemea leonthrope turned out you really outdid yourself with the story