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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you the third Chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! After classes and Izuku meets with Nezu. Then it’s time for some more training, this time in something besides combat!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 7 – Nezu’s Offer, Support Gear

Izuku stood nervously outside Principal Nezu’s Office. It was after school and the verdette boy had reported as requested. He knew, according to Aizawa, that the Principal wanted to thank him for his actions in the cafeteria during the Press break-in. Still, this was the Principal of U.A. High! Izuku knew the chimera-like Nezu was a Pro Hero too, one of the top Investigation Heroes in the World at that! It only made sense that he was a bit nervous to meet the Principal because of that.

“Feel free to come in, Midoriya.” Nezu chuckled and Izuku started as he realized the door to the office had been opened while he was thinking. Nezu chuckled as he motioned for Izuku to follow him into the office. Izuku was offered a seat and the verdette teen sat down. Nezu went around his desk and hopped up into his chair. Once the two were settled Nezu smiled at the teen. “First, I’d like to thank you for your actions today, Midoriya. They were prompt, efficient, and successful. You handled that situation like a true Hero and prevented a mass panic.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Izuku bowed slightly to his Principal. “I just didn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“Thinking of others is a good mindset for a Hero to have.” Nezu nodded to the teen. “In the spirit of that thought, I do have a proposition for you.”

“What’s that, Sir?” Izuku asked curiously.

“According to reports form your classes; you have the capability of healing others, correct?” Nezu inquired and Izuku nodded to confirm. “How would you like to have training in that aspect of your Quirk from Recovery Girl?”

“What?!” Izuku almost jumped from his seat. “Recovery Girl wants to train me?!”

“Hahahaha, that’s quite the reaction!” Nezu laughed while Izuku’s calmed himself down, slightly embarrassed about his outburst. “But yes, Recovery Girl is interested in helping you develop your healing capabilities.”

“Of course, I’d love to get better at healing others.” Izuku nodded to the Principal. “But when would I have time? The class schedule is pretty full already.”

“If you wouldn’t be adverse to it; Recovery Girl has offered to instruct you for an hour after school, three days a week.” Nezu explained the offer the School Nurse had given him. “We have many Second and Third Years that make use of the School’s Training Facilities after classes each day. Inevitably injuries occasionally happen and Recovery Girl takes care of them. She’s offering to let you learn under her and get more practice with your Healing Quirk by helping her take care of our students.”

“Hmm, three days a week isn’t bad, I’d still have time to do my homework if the lessons are only an hour, mom and dad would be fine with it since it’ll be part of my Hero Course Studies…” Izuku mumbled to himself, much to Nezu’s amusement.

“Feel free to call your parents and get their permission first, Midoriya.” Nezu chuckled at the teen. “We’d need them to give consent for the extra lessons anyway.”

“Oh, right, that makes sense.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head as he was pulled out of his muttering. “Thank you, sir.” He smiled at the Principal as he pulled out his phone and dialed his father first.

“Izu, how’s my boy doing? Did you have a good day at school? Are you on your way home?” Hisashi asked his son quickly, it would become clear to anyone that Izuku wasn’t the only fast talker/mutterer in the family if they met Hisashi.

“I’m fine dad.” Izuku smiled into the phone. “School was fine, the press found out about All Might teaching at U.A. and ended up trying to swarm the school. So that kinda disrupted lunch a bit.”

“Huh, I know All Might is a big deal, but U.A. technically falls under the Government’s jurisdiction. You’d think they’d know better than to trespass.” Hisashi chuckled from his end. Izuku also chuckled a bit.

“I kinda used my Quirks to keep the cafeteria calm when people started panicking. Lunch Rush saw me defuse the situation and told Principal Nezu. I’m in his office right now; he wanted to thank me for my quick thinking.” Izuku explained the situation.

“That’s my boy!” Hisashi cheered from his end of the call. Izuku felt his cheeks heat up a little in embarrassment as a smile formed on his lips. He did like making his parents proud of him after all. “Only in the Hero Course for a few days and already doing Heroic things!”

“Principal Nezu also has an offer for me, and I need you and mom’s permission for it.” Izuku told his dad. “I can hand the phone to him so he can explain it, if you want.”

“Sure, that’s fine son.” Hisashi agreed and Izuku passed his phone to the chimera-like Hero.

“Good afternoon, Midoriya-san.” Nezu greeted the parent of one of his students. Izuku watched on as Nezu talked with his dad. The Principal explained the extra lessons, what they’d entail, how long they’d take, and how often they’d happen. After several minutes Nezu bid Hisashi a good day and handed the phone back to Izuku.

“If you want to do these extra lessons, son, I’ll give you my permission.” Hisashi informed Izuku, much to the teen’s delight. “We’ll have to talk with your mom, of course, but I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to know that you’ll be helping others in a way that’s not combat-oriented. You know she worries sometimes.”

“Yeah, I try to stay out of trouble, I don’t want to make mom worry any more than she’s going to by default.” Izuku smiled into the call. Hearing his dad chuckle on the other end was good.

“Alright, son, just bring the permission form that Nezu mentioned to me home and your mother and I will sign it for you.” Hisashi told Izuku and the teen could hear the smile in his father’s voice.

“Thanks dad.” Izuku thanked his father with a smile of his own.

“No problem, Izu. In fact, I think I’ll stop by Oke-san’s anmitsu place on the way home! We should celebrate tonight! I’m sure your mom will be making your favorite tonight for dinner too!” Hisashi laughed and Izuku smiled widely.

“That sounds great, dad.” Izuku was already imagining dinner tonight! His mom’s excellent Katsudon and following it up with anmitsu from Oke-san’s family-owned shop just a bit away from their house? That was drool worthy!

“I’ll see you when I get home, Izu.” Hisashi chuckled; he could hear the drool forming already!

“See you soon, dad. Bye.” Izuku ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. Looking back at Nezu he saw a freshly printed form on the Principal’s desk.

“Please have your parents sign this form and bring it back in tomorrow, Midoriya.” Nezu instructed with a smile. Izuku took the form, folded it, and then placed it in his book bag. “Once we have the signed form we can start your lessons with Recovery Girl.”

“Yes sir, thank you very much.” Izuku bowed to the Principal.

“It’s no problem, Midoriya.” Nezu waved off his thanks. “We’ll see you tomorrow morning, have a nice evening.”

“Yes sir.” Izuku nodded as he stood up and made his way out of the office.

Izuku caught the train home. As soon as he walked into the house he was swept up into a hug from Inko. The mother was babbling out praises for her son as she held him. Izuku returned the hug and smiled at how happy and proud his mother looked. It always made his heart warm to see his mother smiling and happy like this. Izuku pulled out the permission form so his mom could read it over before his dad got home. Izuku headed up to his room to change and relax for a bit. It had been a bit of a day at U.A. and he did have homework he could get done before dinner. Admittedly, when he smelled the scent of his mother’s Katsudon, Izuku got a bit distracted from his homework. When Hisashi came home with the anmitsu, as he said he would, Izuku decided to get his homework finished so he had time after dinner to savor his dessert!

-Next Day ~ U.A.-

Izuku had turned in the signed permission form to Aizawa at the end of homeroom. The tired-looking man had nodded as he accepted the paper and told Izuku he’d hand it in to Nezu. From there it was another standard day of classes. It was becoming clear who the Academics of 1-A were and which of their classmates might need some help with the regular class subjects. As Class Representative, Izuku felt he should make note of these things and offer assistance where he could. When he’d brought up the idea at lunch to Momo he’d been graced with a beautiful smile from the ravenette.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea, Midoriya!” Momo was practically bouncing and appeared to have sparkles coming off of her.

“Please, I could use the help.” Mina admitted as she rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish laugh.

“So true…” Toru agreed from beside her.

“I could use some help in Mathematics.” Jiro nodded to Momo and Izuku.

“I’m not falling behind too badly, but if you’re offering the help!” Camie smiled brightly at them both.

“I’m sure we could set up some kind of study group.” Izuku held his chin as he thought over the number of students that were asking for help.

“If we need a space to study, my residence has plenty of room.” Momo offered as she continued to sparkle and bounce.

“We can think on it and figure out the particulars over the next few days. That’ll give us some time to organize and draw up a rough draft of when we could all meet up.” Izuku muttered and everyone at the lunch table smiled or chuckled at their Class Representative.

After lunch was Heroics and Class 1-A were all excited for the lessons. Aizawa strolled into the classroom and stood behind the podium. The class instantly was quiet and paying full attention. Aizawa looked over the students for a moment before nodding.

“Today we’ll be going over another common aspect of Hero work.” Aizawa informed them as he held up a card with the word ‘Gear’ on it. “We’ll be going over Support Gear and its use in the field. Everything from basics tools, like handcuffs for Villains and basic First Aid Supplies, all the way to Quirk Augmenting Gear made by Support Companies. Several of you have already put in requests based on Midoriya’s Analysis and Suggestions. So we have more to go over than usual since quite a few of your requests came in today.” With a click of a remote the wall opened up and revealed the twenty cases for the Costumes of 1-A. The students cheered and Aizawa sighed at the over the top, in his opinion, reaction.

“That’s right listeners!” Present Mic threw open the door to the classroom. “You’ve got Gear, so now it’s time you learn how to use it! Yeah!” All the students of 1-A blinked for a moment at seeing the Pro barge in, but the man’s excitement was infectious. They all cheered again and Mic reveled in the upbeat attitude!

“Mic and I both use Support Gear in the field regularly.” Aizawa spoke up and the students settled down a little to listen. Their Homeroom Teacher motioned to his Capture Scarves while Mic pointed at the speaker device around his neck. “We’ll be going over the Support Gear you have and how best to utilize it. So get to the locker rooms, get changed, and then meet us out on the first practice field.”

“Yes sir!” The students responded as they stood up and made their way to collect their individual case. Aizawa and Mic left the room first while the students collected their cases. Class 1-A made their way to the locker rooms and changed quickly. Izuku was actually one of the first ones out as he had no new Gear or Costume Redesign to deal with.

“Yaomomo, your new Costume looks great!” Mina cheered as the girls walked onto the field.

“I like it quite a lot.” Momo smiled as she walked beside Jiro and Camie. The newly redesigned Costume looked great on the voluptuous teen. The spat-like short shorts with the built in Utility Pouches, the zippered top that covered her breasts but left all of her stomach and back exposed for her Quirk, the knee and elbow pads, the forearm guards and shin guards, it was truly the Costume of a Pro that required skin exposure! Izuku felt a bit of pride in the design he’d come up with.

“Kaminari, dude, that Costume looks sick!” Sero praised his buddy and the redesign he’d come up with.

“Thanks dude, I was just incorporating Midoriya’s suggestions and it kinda came to me.” Kaminari smiled. His Costume maintained the same theme as before, being mostly black, but it had clearly had some changes. For one, it wasn’t as loose anymore, the jacket was noticeably padded and the whole Costume was covered in thin silvery lines. On the blonde’s hips were two metal batons, and he had a long, thin chain looped over a special holster to hold it. On his hands were fingerless gloves with studded metal knuckles, and he had a choker-like device around his neck with three small green lights on one side. He still maintained his radio device over his right ear for communication as well.

“Are you forgetting moi?” Aoyama asked with his usual ‘sparkles’. The teen now had a ‘sword’ strapped to his left hip and hidden under his cape was a square pack that seemed to be connected to the new wrist gauntlets he was wearing. Both gauntlets featured the same ‘focusing lenses’ as the rest of his Costume and looked like they could be adjusted on the fly. “With Monsieur Midoriya’s magnifique suggestions I now sparkle even more brilliantly!”

“Ochako, you modified your Costume too.” Tsuyu spoke up and Ochako nodded with a smile. The overall design was the same, but the brunette had added in forearm guards that doubled as grappling cable launchers! Each launcher had three cables and looked to be controlled via reading Ochako’s specific muscle movements. The cute teen also had a new collar for her Costume that incorporated Izuku’s suggestion about applying pressure to certain pressure points to help combat nausea. Her boots looked modified as well and Izuku was curious as to the function.

“Yeah, I implemented Midoriya-kun’s ideas and then I had one of my own and added it too!” Ochako smiled at her friend. “My mobility will be through the roof once I get the hang of these new additions!”

“You got a new setup too, Jiro-chan?” Camie asked the purplette teen as she looked at the smart watches on the Rocker’s wrists.

“Yeah, I have a lot of preloaded sounds and stuff on each watch. So I plug one of my jacks into one and then the other into my Speaker Boots and I can play a super amplified version of the sounds. I have super high-frequencies, bone-shaking bass, and even prerecorded looping messages for things like evacuations and stuff.” Jiro explained with a grin. Camie smiled back as she admired how such a simple change had already given her friend so many new options.

“Alright little listeners, time to pay attention!” Mic called out once all the students were assembled. The students gave Aizawa and Mic their attention and awaited instructions.

“As you know, Support Gear is used in Hero work for everything from capture and restrain to Quirk Augmentation and Amplification.” Aizawa began the lesson. “Some Support Gear is so specific to the Hero that uses it that it is literally powered by the Hero’s Quirk. Others are more generalized and are meant to compensate for what the Hero can’t do with their Quirk. Today we’ll be going over basic Support Gear and then some specialized Gear. For starters, Mic will tell you about his Support Gear.” Aizawa motioned for the blonde man to take over and Mic smiled at the class.

“This bad boy right here is my Directional Speaker System!” Mic pointed to the Gear around his neck. “It lets me have full control of the direction my sound travels! I can even do pinpoint aim on targets with it! No matter how high the pitch or how low the bass, this Gear can keep up and allow me to use my Quirk to the fullest without harming my comrades or innocent bystanders!”

“That’s so cool.” Izuku muttered out and several people noticed he had his notebook in hand again.

‘Where was he hiding that?’ Passed through the minds of several of his classmates as they watched Izuku take notes.

“As for my Gear,” Aizawa sighed as he stepped forward again. “These Capture Scarves are made from steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers. With time and training I’ve been able to master them and create a fighting style around this piece of Gear. I’ve yet to have a Villain escape these scarves once I’ve captured them. They’re far stronger than any ordinary restraints.”

“For now, since we’ve got some new Gear among you students, let’s have a little Show and Tell!” Mic cheered as he pointed to Aoyama, Ochako, and Kaminari.

“It’s better for the class to know what your Gear can do so that no one gets injured during training unnecessarily.” Aizawa explained the actual reasoning. “Aoyama, you’re up first.”

“Oui!” Aoyama nodded as he walked to the front and stood before his classmates. “My newest Gear enhances my sparkles even further!” The flamboyant blonde smiled smugly, his ‘sparkles’ coming out again. “My Quirk produces a Unique Form of energy which I fire from my navel as a laser. Unfortunately, I can only fire the beam for about a second at a time before the kickback happens. But now I can charge the power pack on the back of my Costume to hold energy for later use!” Here Aoyama turned his back and fluttered the cape dramatically to show off his power pack.

“That makes sense.” Kirishima nodded at the Gear. “Avoid the kickback entirely when you need to.”

“The power pack is connected to my new ‘Sparkle Gauntlets’ and lets me fire my laser from them! They’re even freely adjustable so that I can focus my beam down into a thin, cutting laser!” Aoyama practically preened as he showed off his gauntlets to the class. “Speaking of cutting,” The blonde took a pose as he drew the ‘sword’ from his hip. “My ‘Brilliant Sparkling Saber’ uses stored energy to form a blade that I can use in combat or as a rescue tool to free those that are trapped!” The ‘sword’ was a metal construct in the shape of a double-edged blade. But instead of metal edges, Aoyama’s Unique Energy was flowing between the top and bottom of the metal that formed the core of his ‘sword’. It was almost reminiscent of a Light Saber from the Star Wars franchise, if not for the metal core. “The sheath for my Saber is also a charger for it! So my sword is always fully charged when I need it! I can fully charge both the pack and the sheath in about thirty minutes too!”

“That’s so cool!” Toru cheered.

“That Gear is so useful for your Quirk and its limitations!” Mina praised the additions.

“Monsieur Midoriya deserves most of the credit; his wonderful suggestions have led to me sparkling even brighter!” Aoyama thanked Izuku with a smile. Izuku waved off his thanks with a grin of his own.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Present Mic applauded as he gave Aoyama thumbs up for his Gear.

“Uraraka, you’re up next.” Aizawa informed as Aoyama deactivated and sheathed his sword. The two switched places and Ochako smiled softly to the class.

“I took Midoriya-kun’s advice too!” Ochako grinned as she showed off her forearm guards. “These ‘Grapple Guards’ have three grappling tethers each. They’re controlled by my muscle movements and are really responsive! With them I can swing objects that I’ve removed the gravity from around and then launch them. I can also remove my own gravity and use them for mobility! I added an idea of my own to help with that too! In my new boots are small air jets. Since I won’t weigh anything when I use them they can be small and compact. With them I can swing through urban areas and get to the scene of disasters and Villain attacks quickly. I can also reach people that might be trapped in the upper floors of buildings and safely get them down!”

“Well thought out, Uraraka!” Momo clapped for her friend.

“You’re going to be an awesome Hero, Chako-chan!” Camie cheered the brunette on. Ochako blushed at the praise.

“Heck yeah! Multi-purpose Gear is always good! More functions give you more scenarios that you can help with!” Present Mic praised Ochako with a bright smile.

“You thought this through, Ochako.” Tsuyu croaked cutely as Ochako returned to standing next to the verdette girl.

“Thanks Tsu.” Ochako smiled at the Frog Girl.

“Kaminari, you’re next.” Aizawa had the lightning bolt streaked teen come to the front.

“Show us what you got!” Present Mic encouraged the student. Kaminari nodded with a grin at the teacher.

“Well, like the others, I tried to incorporate Midoriya’s suggestions into my redesign.” Kaminari started as he showed off his fingerless gloves. “These gloves have metal-studded knuckles so I can pack more of a punch. The metal also conducts my electricity, so they’re basically Tasers too! I have these new metal batons too, though I’ll need some practice with them to be really effective. I can electrify them too for an extra shock to a Villain. The chain is light-weight but it’s not made for restraint. I use it to conduct my electricity onto a target at a distance. I’m hoping to be useful at all ranges someday, you know? Finally is my suit itself; I’ve had it padded with Kevlar to make it bulletproof for small arms fire and stuff. It’s also cut resistant for edged weapons too. These silvery lines are basically the same stuff that they make electric fences out of. So with a bit of power from me the whole Costume becomes a defensive piece of equipment!” To demonstrate Kaminari let his Quirk flow a bit until everyone heard a slight buzzing coming from the teen’s Costume.

“Bravo Kaminari! Bravo!” Iida clapped vigorously for the blonde. “To see you making such changes in your pursuit of being a better Hero in the future is inspiring!”

“Aww, come on, it’s not that amazing.” Kaminari chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Are you kidding?” Sato blinked at the Electrification Quirk user. “Dude your redesign is freaking awesome!”

“You heard good advice and implemented it, that’s good work Kaminari.” Aizawa nodded to his student and Kaminari smiled even as he looked at the ground from embarrassment from all the praise.

“Now we have our last change, Jiro! Show us what you’ve done!” Present Mic exclaimed and Jiro blinked at being put on the spot.

“Oh, um, okay.” Jiro took Kaminari’s place and showed off the two smart watches. “I have a lot of different sounds and prerecorded messages stored into these watches. By plugging one jack into a watch and the other into my Speaker Boots I can produce a highly amplified version of whatever sound I choose. I have high pitch, super low bass, and even messages to assist with evacuations and stuff.” Jiro told her classmates.

“I totally dig it!” Present Mic gave the Rocker Girl thumbs up! “If you want I’ll get you in contact with the Support Company that made my setup! We can upgrade those boots of yours into full Directional Control Speakers! Yeah!”

“You would?! That’d be awesome, Mic-sensei!” Jiro smiled and the DJ Hero cheered at her acceptance.

“Alright, now that we know what the new Gear in the Class can do, let’s move on to practicing. We’ll start with basic usage of restraints, like handcuffs, and then move on from there.” Aizawa instructed and Mic wheeled over a table with several sets of standard Support Items on them.

“What’s so hard about using handcuffs?” Bakugo scowled as the restraints were being passed out.

“I’ll show you.” Aizawa stated and his eyes glowed red with his Quirk. In the next second Bakugo found his hands behind his back and the cuffs on his wrists WAY too tightly.

“Ow! Damn it that hurts!” Bakugo snarled, his Quirk still being erased meant he couldn’t really retaliate much.

“Exactly,” Aizawa intoned. “Too much force or improper restraint can see a Hero in trouble with the Law just like Villains. Heroes have no authority to make an arrest, only the Police have that power. That’s why we have to obey a strict set of rules while in the field. Excessive force is heavily frowned upon and can see your License suspended pending investigation.” Aizawa removed the cuffs and deactivated his Quirk. Bakugo scowled as he rubbed his wrists.

“What about in situations where a Hero doesn’t have a choice but to use excessive force?” Todoroki spoke up. The heterochromatic teen had been fairly quiet the last few days after he’d been taken aside by Aizawa, All Might, and Cementoss. Izuku didn’t want to pry, but he had noticed Todoroki staying after school since that day. He wondered if it had something to do with the dual-haired boy’s refusal to use the Fire half of his Quirk.

“That’s a sad fact of the job that Heroes try everything they can to avoid.” Mic shook his head while letting out a heavy sigh. “The Laws regarding Professional Heroics are strict for a reason. Unfortunately there are sometimes where a Pro may be left with no other alternative. In situations like that a Hero, much like a Police Officer, has the power to make that call and to use lethal force.” All of 1-A looked unsettled at the tone of their usually upbeat teacher. “However; know that if you make that call, your License WILL be suspended until such time as the Hero Public Safety Commissions’ investigation is over. If they find that you could have resolved the situation without lethal force, then your License will be revoked and you may very well be looking at jail time yourself.”

“We’re here to teach you all you need to know to hopefully avoid being put in such a scenario.” Aizawa spoke up and the class shifted their focus to him. “The longer your Hero Career, the more likely it is that you’ll face that situation. But, most Heroes do everything they can to avoid such situations and that’s what we’ll train you to do as well. Understood?”

“Yes, Aizawa-sensei!” The entire class responded and both Aizawa and Mic nodded as they continued the lesson.

‘I wonder why he asked that question.’ Izuku thought to himself as he glanced at Todoroki out of the corner of his eye. A Hero Nerd like Izuku knew that several Heroes had made the Lethal Force decision before. In fact three of the current Top Ten in Japan had done so in their careers. Yoroi Musha, Shishido, and Endeavour had all had to use lethal force at least once in their careers. Truthfully it wasn’t a surprise for Yoroi Musha. The man had been a Hero for nearly four decades now. Like Aizawa had just said, the longer you were a Hero the more likely the chance you’d be forced into that situation.

‘I hope I never have to make that call.’ Izuku shook his head and focused on the lesson.

-End Chapter-


So Izuku is going to be getting that training from Recovery Girl! That’s good! The students of 1-A are starting to make changes from Canon thanks to Izuku! Some of them have even branched out further based off of Izuku’s suggestions! How far will this class of Hero Students go?

We also got to a bit of a heavy topic! Lethal Force is an unfortunate reality in the Law Enforcement field. But if it comes down to the deaths of hundreds or thousands versus the death of a single Villain, sometimes a Hero has to make that choice. But even doing such a thing for the right reasons can land a Hero in hot water. Hopefully our Hero Trainees won’t have to make that decision with the training they’re receiving!

What comes next?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!