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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Santa Kairomaru brings you a gift! More Artificer Legacy!

Enjoy, My Patrons, enjoy!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Back to Hogwarts and to continued study, practice, and advancement! What are Harry’s goals now? What’s the next Project? Maybe there’s a better or more efficient way to go about Artifact creation?

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 26 – Patronus, Animagus, Upgrades

Harry groaned as he left Potions and headed out of the Dungeons. One would think that after more than two years of being a right prick, that Snape would give it a rest. Apparently the greasy, Potions Professor wouldn’t be doing that. Even producing flawless Potions only got Harry ‘Acceptable’ or on rare occasions an ‘Exceeds Expectations’ in the class. As it stood, Harry had no chance of proceeding to the N.E.W.T. Classes come Sixth Year. Though to be perfectly honest, Harry didn’t much care. Potions simply didn’t interest him as much as other Branches of Magic. Harry was beginning to wonder if staying for the full seven year course would be worth it.

“Ah, Harry, good to see you.” Remus smiled at the teen. It was time for another of their after-class practice sessions. “Are you ready to try the Patronus Charm again?”

“Yeah, I think I have a powerful happy memory now.” Harry nodded as the two headed into the empty Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

“Well that’s a step in the right direction.” Remus encouraged his surrogate nephew with a smile. “Whenever you’re ready, Harry.”

“Right.” Harry pulled out his Holly and Phoenix Feather Wand and recalled the joy he felt when being with his girlfriends over the Yule Break. The love they held for each other. The affection they shared. The gifts he’d been given by them. Harry’s heart felt warm just recalling the memories they’d made together. With these memories at the forefront of his mind, Harry cast the Charm. “Expecto Patronum!”

From the tip of Harry’s wand a bright silvery-white form emerged. It twisted and twined through the air with a serpentine body. The length and size of the Patronus was impressive for a first time corporeal cast. The Guardian that Harry had conjured was easily five meters long. For a moment Remus thought Harry’s Patronus was a snake of some kind. Only when the Guardian stopped twisting and moving through the air did Remus and Harry get a good look at it.

“My word…” Remus breathed out as he looked at Harry’s Patronus. The silvery-white Guardian was no snake. It was an Eastern Dragon! A long sinuous body, four limbs with five toes bearing claws, two long whiskers came from its snout, it sported a pair of antler-like horns, and down its long back was a line of glowing white fur.

“I did it…” Harry breathed out happily as he saw his corporeal Patronus for the first time. “Isn’t it uncommon to have a Magical Creature as your Patronus?”

“Indeed, Harry, rather rare to be sure.” Remus confirmed with the teen.

“Now that I can cast it with my wand, I can work on mastering it wandlessly.” Harry smiled as he released the Charm and the Guardian faded into silvery mist before disappearing entirely.

“That may be far more difficult than even learning the Charm itself.” Remus mused and Harry shrugged.

“I don’t like to leave spells un-mastered.” Harry stated simply. “Also, have you given any thought to helping Sirius and I with the Animagus Transformation?”

“Why did Sirius put that idea in your head?” Remus sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Because it’s a very useful bit of Magic,” Harry reminded his surrogate uncle. “Also because he’s Sirius and he did it while in Hogwarts so he thinks I should too.”

“Right, of course,” Remus chuckled as he shook his head. “I’ll explain the process, Harry; but know that it is very advanced Magic that requires a long time to make work. If any step is skipped, missed, or forgotten, you’ll have to start over from the very beginning again.”

“Sirius said it took him and my dad almost three years to get it right.” Harry recalled and Remus confirmed that it did.

“The process is extremely difficult and can result in disaster.” Remus began the explanation. “There have been cases such as permanent half-human, half-animal mutations if the process is done incorrectly. To begin you have to keep a single mandrake leaf in your mouth for an entire month, from one full moon to the next full moon. So a full Lunar Month is required.”

“Even a Mandrake Leaf should dissolve from saliva in that amount of time, shouldn’t it?” Harry questioned curiously.

“Mandrake Leaves aren’t broken down so easily,” Remus shook his head. “They usually require physical processing to break them down for Potion-making.”

“Huh, we only went over their care in Herbology, so I guess Snape just decided not to teach us that.” Harry sighed at what a crap teacher Snape was to students that didn’t have a talent or excessive knowledge of Potions.

“Continuing on, if the leaf is removed or swallowed, the witch or wizard will have to start over again. During the next visible full moon, visible is very literal here so if the night happens to be cloudy, the one attempting the process will have to start over,” Harry’s eyes widened at having to rely on the weather to be a certain way for this process to work! “But if the weather is proper then the one attempting the process has to spit the leaf in a phial while under the moon's pure rays. To the moon-struck phial, the wizard or witch must add one of their own hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew that has not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven full days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth. The mixture has to then be put in a quiet, dark place, and can’t be disturbed in any way.” Remus’ had to hold back a chuckle at Harry’s incredulous look.

“Why is this so obscure? Who came up with this specific method?” Harry felt like scratching his head in frustration. Trust Magic to be as weird and specific as it wants to be, while other times it was simple and straight forward.

“The next step that has to happen is for the one attempting to wait for an electrical storm, whenever that might be. During this waiting period the attempter will have to, at both sunrise and sunset without fail, chant the incantation ‘Amato Animo Animato Animagus’ with the tip of their wand placed over the heart. When next there is a lightning storm, the attempter will need to move immediately to a large and secure place, recite the incantation one final time, and then drink the potion.” Remus couldn’t stop the snicker that came as he saw Harry’s incredulous look.

“Are… Are you making that up?” Harry questioned as he looked at Remus for any signs he was being pranked. “That sounds like you’re making it up!”

“Unfortunately not, Harry,” Remus held up his hands. “That’s the only available method that is guaranteed to work. That is, unless you want to transfer to Uagadou down in Africa? They specialize in Self-Transfiguration, in fact a good number of their students are Animagus before they graduate.”

“Well, I have been pondering on if it would be worthwhile to attend Hogwarts for all seven years recently.” Harry admitted and Remus face-palmed at his words.

“You’re very advanced for your age, Harry, to be sure.” Remus agreed. “You can take your O.W.L.s and even N.E.W.T.s at the Ministry early; but if you fail you’ll have to stay at Hogwarts all seven years to be given a chance to attempt them again.”

“I’d just go for the Core Classes along with Runes and Arithmancy for O.W.L.s and then focus on Charms, DADA, Runes, Arithmancy, and maybe Transfiguration for N.E.W.T.s if I did that.” Harry shrugged. He knew he could easily pass any Practical Exam for O.W.L.s and possibly even N.E.W.T.s when it came to spell casting, or rune work.

“Let’s shelve that conversation for later then?” Remus suggested and Harry agreed. “Now, let’s see you cast the Patronus again!”

“Expecto Patronum!” Harry cast and his Guardian emerged from the tip of his wand again. This time Harry poured more of his mana into the spell. His Patronus reflected this by being eight meters long this time. The silvery-white Eastern Dragon flew through the air in large circular motions around the classroom.

“Very good, Harry, very good indeed.” Remus smiled at the progress. “As an interesting little side note to our Animagus discussion; the few Witches and Wizards that have been known as Animagus and capable of casting a corporeal Patronus as well, often have similar forms.”

“I assume there aren’t many examples of this, based on how difficult each one is to accomplish.” Harry inquired as he let his Patronus disperse.

“There are very few indeed,” Remus nodded to Harry. “Professor McGonagall is capable of both, however; and both her Animagus Form and her Patronus take the form of a cat.”

“Does that mean I’ll turn into a Dragon Animagus if I complete the process?” Harry questioned curiously. Being a Dragon Animagus would be pretty cool!

“We wouldn’t know until you transformed for the first time.” Remus informed him. “It’s debated as to whether or not an Animagus can be a Magical Creature; but most seem to think it should be possible, even though it’s never been seen before. Even powerful Witches and Wizards that have become Animagus often have mundane Forms. If history is accurate, even Morgana Le Fay was only a Bird Animagus.”

“Huh, that’s interesting.” Harry mumbled as he wondered if his Patronus would be the same as his Animagus Form. Professor McGonagall might be a good basis to go off of for now. ‘It would be cool to be a Dragon!’ Harry thought to himself with a grin.

-The Weekend ~ Saturday-

“Alright, I got some experience forming armor over the Yule Break,” Harry mused as he looked over his stores of materials and his tools in his hidden workshop. “I got some more experience with Creature Craft too.” He remembered making a few more Basilisk Hide Vests for himself, Tonks, Penny, and Fleur. He also vividlyremembered the thanks he’d gotten from his girlfriends for the gift. A dopey grin made its way onto his face without restraint. Tonks had been very thankful after all! She now wore her Vest under her Auror Robes as added protection. The bubbly Metamorph had jokingly complained about the dull color though. The Hide was too Magic Resistant for any type of Color-Changing Charm to affect it though, so she was stuck with the dull black-green color.

“There has to be a better way, a more efficient way to craft an Artifact without almost killing myself though.” Harry thought aloud as he looked at his materials and tools again. “Creature Craft with ‘conquered’ materials comes out easier; so maybe that is what I should look into?” Thinking on it some more the teen Artificer paced back and forth as he went over ideas. It wasn’t like he had to one up himself with every Artifact he made. In fact, he’d skipped a Grade with Aethereum; so maybe a Median Grade Artifact should be his next goal? That still left the problem of crafting an Artifact without bringing himself to the brink of death like last time.

His materials were fine. He could transmute his base materials into Alchemic Magical Metals with consistent success now days. He was slowly increasing his skill with Alchemy as well. But if he ever wanted to transmute his own Orichalcum or Adamantite then he needed to be at least proficient in that Branch of Magic. Maybe his tools needed an upgrade?

Looking over his blacksmithing tools he examined them. They were made of steel and were sturdy. Nothing was special or Magical about them. They were just good workman’s tools. Maybe he could change that though? Could he magically strengthen his current tools? Or, could he create his own tools with magical properties that would enhance his crafting?

“Well, only one way to find out!” Harry grinned to himself as he pulled out a few Rune Books and his Creature Craft Journal.

Over the next few hours Harry used his Rune Etching kit to apply a minor Runic Array to his various hammers and tools. He’d even gone to the trouble of applying a ‘Static’ Runic Array to his anvil. Now all he had to do was take the next step in his Alchemy attempts.

A Compound Transmutation.

Taking two or more Alchemic Metals and transmuting them together into a new Magical Metal! Harry had never done it before, and he’d have to draw the Transmutation Circle himself. The pre-prepared Transmutation Circle plates that had come with his Alchemy kit weren’t complex enough for this type of Transmutation. Looking through the most advanced Alchemy book he had in his workshop, Harry noted the various formulas that he’d need to draw into his Transmutation Circle. Alchemy was quite the strict Branch of Magic. Harry had failed enough times to know that. But he’d keep trying as many times as necessary to get it right. Hard work and practice were the name of the game and Harry had been playing for years now!

-Sunday Morning ~ Hidden Workshop-

“Alright the inner circle is complete… Now the outer circle is a hexagon base…” Harry was muttering to himself as he checked his advanced Alchemy book and his own notes to make sure he was drawing the Transmutation Circle properly.

“So what are you trying to make with this?” Penny asked as she looked over what Harry was drawing onto the stone floor. The Transmutation Circle wasn’t overly large, maybe a meter in diameter, the lines on it were perfectly straight and Harry had used a taunt string to make the perfect circle in the center. Now her boyfriend was making a perfect hexagon with a meter stick around the perfect circle.

“Zeclatite…” Harry answered without taking his eyes off his drawing.

“And that is…?” Penny asked leadingly a moment later.

“A Magical Metal that has a high Magic conductivity and transference as well as a very high heat resistance. It’s also very durable to blunt force, more so than most Non-Magical metals.” Harry smiled at her as he finished the hexagon. “I’m planning to use it as the basis for the Runes I’ve etched into my tools.”

“If it has high heat resistance, then how are you going to melt it to fill in the Runes?” Penny questioned as Harry set up the string and pole he was using to draw perfect circles.

“With Magic, of course!” Harry grinned at her before he made sure the string was the proper length and then made it taunt. He used the string to draw another perfect circle around the hexagon and then removed the pole and string. “There we go. I should be able to use this a few times before I’ll need to re-draw it.”

“You don’t think it’ll work the first time?” Penny teased her boyfriend.

“I’ve never done a Compound Transmutation before; so I’m half expecting to fail.” Harry admitted with a shrug. Penny kissed his cheek.

“For luck.” Penny smiled at him. Harry hugged her before she stepped back and he went to get his materials. He gathered ingots of Oulm and Sylvuan and weighed them each one by one. If he wanted this Compound Transmutation to have any chance of working then his materials had to be the proper amount by weight. When he had the ingots weighed he then turned to the ingots he’d added to his collection. Though to be honest all he’d done was let Vitris Auri cool and solidify. The golden ingots were all weighed separately and Harry noted their weights.

“Alright then, so these three Sylvuan ingots, these two Vitris Auri ingots, and this one Oulm ingot.” Harry spoke as he gathered up the proper ingots and then carefully, so he didn’t mess up his Transmutation Circle, placed them inside the perfect circle in the center. Stepping back just as carefully, Harry gave a bright smile to Penny as he kneeled down and placed his hands flat on the floor. With only the tips of his middle digits making actual contact with the Transmutation Circle, Harry poured his mana into the Array.

The array slowly lit up in a bright blue light. Small sparks jumped from the Circle to the three metals. All three of the Magical Metals began to glow with their own Magic in response. The Sylvuan glowed a white color, Oulm an orange color, and Vitris Auri a yellow color as the Transmutation began. The ingots began to fuse together into as Harry fed more of his mana into the Circle. Once all three glowing ingots fused together the glow became brighter as the three colors blended together in a tri-colored rainbow. Then the three colors merged together and a new color emerged. The resulting color was a slate-gray as the new metal formed in the magic sparks of the Transmutation Circle. Harry felt some kickback from the Circle and stopped pouring his mana into it. The blue glow faded away and the lines returned to their previous chalk white. The slate-gray glow persisted for a bit before fading to reveal the new material.

“Did it work?” Penny asked as she looked at the fairly large ingot that had been formed from the six previous ingots.

“I’ll have to check.” Harry replied as he carefully removed his creation. He still didn’t want to mess up the Circle incase he’d failed and he needed to use it again. Looking over the new metal he didn’t see any lines or striations that would have formed from a failed Transmutation. That was a good sign already. As he examined the ingot for any malformations or discoloration his hope began to grow. Taking a small hammer, Harry held the ingot in his left hand and then lightly struck it. The sound was clear, a good solid sound; that meant the metal was uniform. He tapped it a few more times in various spots; listening for any differences in tone. Placing the hammer down on his work table Harry fed some mana into the ingot.

“It glows?” Penny tilted her head as the ingot glowed with the slate-gray color again.

“It glows.” Harry nodded with a large smile breaking out across his face. “It worked! It’s Zeclatite!” He cheered at his success! He was fairly certain his first Compound Transmutation was going to fail! “Now I just have to get it hot enough to melt and use it for the Rune Base!”

“So how are you going to do that, exactly?” Penny asked and when Harry smiled at her she cut him off. “Don’t say Magic.”

“Fine.” Harry pouted as his girlfriend stopped his gag. “Remember how I said Zeclatite had high Magical conductivity and transference?” Penny nodded to him. “Well I’m going to basically cast a Fire Spell into the Zeclatite until I hit its melting point. Once it’s that hot it’ll take a bit for it to cool down, if I had a lovely assistant to help me with keeping it hot, I’ll be able to fill in the Runic Arrays and upgrade my tools.” He smiled at her and Penny shook her head with a giggle.

“Of course I’ll help.” Penny agreed easily. “Better that than you trying to do it all yourself.”

“Indeed!” Harry nodded sagely. A ball of mana popped against his head and he chuckled. The two set up a vessel for the molten Zeclatite to fill and set the ingot inside it.

“Okay, here I go.” Penny held out her hand towards the Zeclatite and focused. She was using her mana to cast a fire ball. She’d done it plenty of times before. The only difference this time was where she was forming and gathering the heat. The blonde narrowed her brown eyes as she focused more of her mana into her spell. She needed more power, more heat, and she needed to maintain that heat for long enough that Harry could fill the Runic Arrays of his tools.

“There we go. You’re doing great Penny!” Harry encouraged his girlfriend with a bright grin. The Zeclatite was slowly turning red, after a minute it was a bright orange, Penny and Harry began to sweat as the temperature of the Magical Metal continued to rise. Finally the metal softened and deformed. The ingot began to lose shape and became a pool of molten metal in the vessel. Harry beamed at Penny for her assistance as he filled his Alchemic Pen with the molten Zeclatite.

“Take your time, no rush.” Penny joked as she focused on keeping the metal molten hot. Harry chuckled as he carefully filled in the arrays on his tools one by one. He had to refill his Pen fourteen times to get all of the tools finished, including his anvil.

“Done! You can stop Penny!” Harry informed his girlfriend as he emptied the last of the molten Zeclatite from his Alchemic Pen back into the vessel with the remainder. He’d used most of his ingot for this. He doubted there was enough Zeclatite left in the bottom of the vessel to make anything more than a paper weight. He’d still keep it; of course, he’d gone through the trouble of making it!

“Woo~” Penny panted as she ended her spell. “I’m sweating. That took way more mana than I thought it would.” She wiped her forehead of the droplets that were there.

“You were great, Love.” Harry hugged her and Penny smiled happily as she returned the hug.

“I’m all sweaty though…” Penny mumbled into his ear.

“So am I, its fine.” Harry assured her as he gave her a squeeze.

“We could both use a shower.” Penny commented as they let go of each other.

“Feel free to use the one in the smithy.” Harry offered with a smile. “I can do basic Cleaning Charms so I’ll have your clothes clean by the time you’re done.”

“I’ll take you up on that, boyfriend of mine.” Penny kissed his cheek.

“I could help wash your back if you wanted too.” Harry grinned and Penny giggled at him.

“Sorry, Harry, you’re not getting that far just yet~” Penny shook her head. “Maybe next year~” She kissed his lips and the two enjoyed a soft lip lock for several moments.

“But you won’t be here next year…” Harry reminded her with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, you’re right… Hmm, I guess that’s too bad~” Penny chuckled as she sauntered towards the full bathroom. Harry internally cursed the Hogwarts Robes for covering so much of Penny’s form right now!

“That’s just evil…” Harry trailed off as Penny dropped her robe and then unbuttoned her shirt. The Head Girl placed the shirt in a chair near the bathroom door and then undid her skirt. Harry drank in the sight of Penny in nothing but her bra and panties as she removed her shoes and socks. She turned to face him and removed her bra with a lusty look in her eyes. Harry’s gaze quickly focused on Penny’s bountiful chest. His brown-eyed girlfriend was only slightly smaller than Fleur in the breast department. Harry enjoyed the sight of Penny’s bare breasts very much indeed! With a teasing sway of her body she disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. A second later the door opened a crack and Penny’s arm emerged to add her panties to the pile of clothes to be cleaned.

“Thank you, Love~” Penny called out to him with a purr before the door closed entirely.

“Maybe I should offer to do the girls’ laundry during the summer every now and then?” Harry pondered with a grin. If that was the kind of payment he’d get he could accept some menial chores! Harry set about cleaning Penny’s sweaty clothes with spells. When he’d finished cleaning them he folded them up and set them in a neat pile on the chair that he moved directly in front of the door. As a little teasing of his own, Harry had made sure to set Penny’s bra and panties on top of her other clothes. Just to remind her that he’d seen them up close for an extended period of time. He had to get his own teasing in when he could, otherwise the girls’ might think they had free run; and Harry couldn’t let that happen, it wouldn’t be nearly as fun!

“Now I need to focus on something else to deal with this.” Harry looked down at his waist. If it wasn’t for the Hogwarts Robe his reaction to Penny’s little show would be very visible! “I guess I’ll just start drawing up the next plans.”

Harry went over to his work table and pulled over a fresh sheet of parchment. With a grin he drew up the shape of his tools on it. Then he started noting down what he’d make them out of. He had plenty of Magical Iron, the Dwarves were mining plenty from the old mine, then making it Magical as they processed it for use. He also had a plethora of Basilisk Bones. Slytherin’s Basilisk had been huge and Harry wasn’t one to waste such a large cache of materials.

“Using my newly ‘upgraded’ Magic Tools, I’ll forge myself a set of Tools from Basilisk Carbon Steel! With Magical Materials forged into Tools and then applied with my Runic Arrays on top of that, there’s no telling how much this could improve my forging!” Harry couldn’t stop the giddy chuckling he was letting out as he drew up his plans. As long as he didn’t use the Basilisk’s Fangs for material they shouldn’t impart the lethality of the beast’s venom into his Tools. It would be rather dumb to have a common blacksmith tool that poisoned a person with lethal venom with but a touch after all….

-End Chapter-


Progress on the Spell Work! Talks of Animagus Transformation! Alchemy is making steady progress! Harry is contemplating his future! Penny’s corruption via Tonks is complete! Her love for Harry makes her more than happy to tease and show off for him! Harry’s Tools got an Upgrade! Now he plans to use that Upgrade to forge even better Tools! Upgrade just to access better upgrades!

What will Harry make next?

Keep reading to find out!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 6,148

Tonks – 7,694

Penelope – 6,622

Fleur – 7,006

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Another fantastic chapter, thanks. I assume he kept the basilisk venom as well? And did he keep any reserve of the basilisk blood?


Enjoyable as always. I pity poor Harry though, being riled and then left alone like that.


Penny has been corrupted into a Tease! Harry is simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest bloke in Magical Britain! Glad you liked the Chapter!


Also, happy Christmas!

El Pirato

Hehehe. now that he's mastered the patronus, I wonder if he'll try to weaponize it


Happy Christmas and thank you for another Amazing chapter.


Good chapter and have a very merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas everyone, hope harry does become an animagus. I wonder if harry will research or create his own method to become an animagus I hope he is a magical animagus and I wonder if it will grant any additional abilities and/or effects. If he does create his own method it will be cool if he teaches it to the girls. Maybe his method could have something to do with his alternative occlumency and magic method?

Michał W

I love your version of Penny ^^ It's a shame this is her final year at Hogwarts. I know that next year he will have more interaction with Fleur to offset that, but still... btw what is Penny going to do after school? Maybe a charms mastery under Flitwick? :P Also Harry needs another creature to defeat in combat. He has to overtake girls in mana!


Maybe the Hungarian Horntail in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament is the answer u’re seeking? :3

Thomas E Nellis

Merry Christmas! It was amazing! The forge is ready. Harry is ready willing and able. Harry is loaded it’s time to show that he will go to Africa and get more girls at the self transfiguration school if they keep teasing him! Muahahahahanahahah!


Three girls is plenty! We're not building a big harem! All three of them would kick Harry's butt if he went around trying to collect women!


Happy Christmas! enjoyed that chapter