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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru bringing you another Chapter of The Sun Hero! First day at U.A.! You know what that means! Time for Aizawa’s Assessment Test! How will Izuku and Toga fair? What about the rest of their classmates?

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Without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter 3 – Aizawa’s Assessment Test

“Do your best, son!” Hisashi smiled proudly at Izuku. Beside him Inko was holding back tears at watching their son head off for his first day at U.A. High School.

“Sure thing, dad!” Izuku smiled brightly at his parents as he headed out the door.

Izuku hummed as he enjoyed the morning sunshine. He walked to the train station and boarded the correct line. After two stops, Toga joined him in her own U.A. Uniform. Izuku smiled warmly at seeing Toga in the grey jacket and dark-green skirt.

“Good morning, Izu-kun~” Toga beamed at her boyfriend. The blonde’s eyes roamed up and down her boyfriend, taking in how he looked in his uniform. She barley restrained licking her lips at the sight. Izuku looked good in a uniform~

“Good morning, Himiko-chan.” Izuku smiled warmly in return. Toga quickly sat beside him and leaned into her boyfriend. They entwined their fingers and enjoyed each other’s closeness on the ride to their first day of High School. Both had been ecstatic to find out they’d be in the same class. If they hadn’t Toga would have raised hell! She’d have threatened one of the other students to switch with her at knifepoint if she had too!

Hearing the automatic voice informing the passengers of the next stop, both Izuku and Toga stood up. They needed to get off here and then walk the remainder of the way to school. Honestly, in Toga’s opinion, any extra time to walk hand-in-hand with Izuku was time well spent. Disembarking from the train and making their way out of the station the couple took in the spring views and the pleasant morning.

They both smiled reflexively as they walked through the large gates of the school. Both of them were proud of their accomplishment of being accepted by the Number One Hero School in Japan. Toga felt an added sense of accomplishment on top of that. After all, her Quirk had been called Villainous or Creepy more times than she could count. But now she was here, at U.A. High of all places! She was going to prove all of those people wrong! She’d be a Hero, just like Izuku, and save people with her Quirk!

“Ready, Himiko-chan?” Izuku asked with a grin as they stood in front of the door to Class 1-A.

“Always, Izu-kun!” Toga chirped back as she stood on her toes to peck his cheek. Izuku placed a gentle kiss on her forehead in response and Toga’s smile could have lit up the hallway all by itself. Izuku opened the large door and both of their faces dropped. Izuku looked exasperated, while Toga looked like she wanted to slap somebody.

“Take your feet off that desk, immediately!” The blue-haired teen from the Entrance Exam demanded as he chopped the air. “It’s an insult not only to the people that made it, but also to our seniors who studied here before us!”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Bakugo sneered back at the other teen. “Did your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?”

“Should have known.” Izuku sighed with a shake of his head.

“Why is he here?” Toga grumbled, eyeing Bakugo like a pile of garbage. “He shouldn’t have even gotten in. Even if he did they could have at least put him in a different class.”

“It’s him, the new Record Holder.” The blue-haired teen blinked as he noticed Izuku and Toga standing in the doorway.

“Tsk.” Bakugo scowled at Izuku from across the classroom. All of the other students in the classroom, the majority apparently as only a few seats were empty, looked towards him at the same time.

“Good morning.” Izuku greeted the class as a whole. He was more than used to being looked at by people that knew the power of his Quirk.

“Morning everyone.” Toga smiled, mostly at the other girls in class, with a wave.

“Good morning, my name is Iida Tenya, from Somei Private Academy.” Iida walked quickly towards the couple to introduce himself.

“I’m Midoriya Izuku; it’s nice to meet you.” Izuku returned the greeting.

“Toga Himiko; are you going to get on Izuku’s case again?” Toga questioned and Iida, clearly remembering the incident in question, shook his head in the negative. He’d been in Exam Site B and seen what Izuku was capable of after all.

“I was very impressed by your record breaking achievement at the Entrance Exams, Midoriya.” Iida congratulated Izuku.

“Thank you.” Izuku nodded to the glasses-wearing teen. “It was a good Exam, it’s not often I get to really use my Quirk like that.” He heard some comments from his new classmates when they heard Iida’s mentioning of his ‘record breaking’.

“So that’s the guy that scored even higher than All Might back in the day?” A spiky, red-haired boy said to a blonde guy with a black, lightning bolt-like, streak in his hair.

“No way, for real?” The blonde questioned; looking between Izuku and the red-head.

“Wasn’t the old Record like 150 or something?” A pinkette girl questioned with a blink as she looked at Izuku.

“I saw the list for the Entrance Exam, he got 172 on it.” A tall, brunette teen with a muscular frame spoke up.

“That’s impressive.” A boy with a bird-like head remarked.

“Damn Deku.” Bakugo growled from his seat, still glaring at Izuku.

“Everyone’s talking about you, Izu-kun~” Toga giggled at her boyfriend. The pinkette girl sitting in the second seat perked up at the affectionate form of address. Did her new class already have a couple in it?! She bounced a bit in her seat at the thought of getting to chat with the blonde girl.

“I’m used to it.” Izuku smiled at her.

“If you’re just here to chat you can pack up your stuff and leave.” A male voice came from behind the couple. Turning to look the duo found a man in a yellow sleeping bag lying on the floor. Neither was quite sure what to make of this new occurrence though.

‘Who is this guy?’ Izuku wondered as he looked at the scruffy face poking out of the sleeping bag.

“Welcome to UA’s Hero Course.” The man spoke as he stood up and unzipped the sleeping bag. “It took you all eight seconds to quiet down, that’s too long, time is precious, rational students would understand that.”

“Wait for me, please!” A female voice called out and a brunette girl entered the class. “Sorry, I almost got lost.”

“You’re technically not late yet.” The scruffy man informed the girl with a sigh. “Try to be more punctual from now on though.”

“Yes, sir!” The brunette bowed slightly as she headed back to her seat.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota.” Aizawa informed the class. All of the students stared in shock at the information. “Right, let’s get to it. Put these on and head outside.” He pulled out a gym uniform from the sleeping bag and showed it to the class.

“Huh?” Every student blinked at the sudden instructions.

In only a few minutes the class of twenty found themselves on a practice field. Thankfully UA had pretty good signage to lead students to locker rooms and practice fields. So it was easy to find their way to them from the classroom.

“A Quirk Assessment Test?” All the students questioned when Aizawa informed them of what they’d be doing.

“But what about Orientation? We’re going to miss it.” The brunette -Ochako- spoke up.

“If you want to be a Pro you don’t have time for pointless ceremonies.” Aizawa replied. “Here at UA we’re not tethered to traditions. That means we get to run our classes however we see fit.” With a quiet exhale Aizawa held up a phone-like device. “You’ve been taking Standardized Athletics Tests your entire school lives; but you’ve never been allowed to use your Quirks. The Ministry of Education is still trying to pretend we’re all created equal; and not letting those with the most power excel. It’s not rational. One day they’ll learn.” With a shake of his head Aizawa focused on Izuku. “Midoriya, you broke the Record on the Entrance Exam, what was your best throw on the Softball Pitch in Junior High?”

“Sixty-eight meters, sir.” Izuku replied.

“Right, try doing it with your Quirk.” Aizawa instructed and pointed to a circle on the ground. “Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle.”

“Alright.” Izuku looked at the ball in his hand. It was equal in both size and weight to a softball, but with a metallic black ring around the middle. With a thought Izuku bulked up. Heat began to emanate from his body as he used his Quirk. ‘A rather easy test for me, honestly.’ The verdette teen thought with a small smirk.

“So he’s got a Strength Enhancing Quirk, huh?” The red-haired boy -Kirishima- grinned as the class watched on. “That’s pretty manly.”

“Oh that’s not even all of it~” Toga giggled as she grinned at Izuku’s towering form.

“What do you mean?” Kirishima blinked as he turned to face the blonde girl.

“Oh, you’ll see in just a second~” Toga smiled like a cat that snatched the canary.

Izuku, now standing at two meters in height, cocked his right arm back and focused his Pyrokinetic ability through his body. The synergy of his Hybrid Quirk empowered him further and he focused on not destroying the ball. With a powerful throw the ball rocketed off into the distance. The simple throw had kicked up an impressive gust of wind and the students, barring Toga, all stared at the strength of their new classmate. A blast of fire went off in the distance and the students were confused.

“That was part of my throw, no cause for alarm.” Izuku waved to his classmates to assure them. The teens’ attention was only diverted a few moments later when Aizawa spoke up.

“All of you need to know your maximum capabilities.” Aizawa stated as he turned to face the class as a whole. “It’s the most rational way to figure out your potential as a Pro Hero.” He held up the device in his hands so that the students could see it. On the screen was Izuku’s result of 5,346.1m. Izuku grinned as he listened to his classmates gasp at the distance.

“Over five kilometers, are you kidding me?!” The lightning bolt teen -Kaminari- exclaimed in shock.

“What kind of Quirk is that?” A large boy with gray hair and a facemask questioned.

“That was awesome, Izu-kun~!” Toga cheered and all of the other girls in class looked at her. Some had blushes on their faces at the affectionate form of address. Others smiled at what was obviously a couple in their class. The pinkette with the pink skin practically had sparkles in her eyes!

“Not a bad throw, considering I had to hold back to not destroy the ball.” Izuku chuckled and several of his classmate’s jaws dropped. That was holding back?

“I wanna go, this looks fun!” The pink girl clapped her hands together.

“This is what I’m talking about! Getting to use our Quirks as much as we want!” A black-haired boy cheered.

“So, this looks fun, huh?” Aizawa questioned, quickly silencing the students. “You have three years at UA to become a Hero. Do you all think it’s going to be all games and playtime?” Seeing none of the students replying Aizawa continued. “Fools, today you’ll engage in eight physical tests to gauge your potential; whoever comes in last will be deemed to have ‘none’ and will be expelled immediately.” That got a round of gasps from all of the students.

‘Immediate expulsion for coming in last on these eight tests?’ Izuku raised an eyebrow at Aizawa’s words. ‘That seems rather harsh, even for U.A., to simply expel students so arbitrarily.’

“As I said, we get to decide how our classes are run. If that’s going to be a problem you can head home right now.” Aizawa stated as he pushed his long hair up out of his eyes and stared at his students. “Now let the games begin.”

-First Test ~ 50 Meter Dash-

Izuku watched as Iida and the verdette girl with the frog-like features took their places at the starting line. He was interested in seeing how his classmates did and what all of their Quirks were. He already had his notebook out, which made Toga giggle at her Quirk Nerd of a boyfriend. Just at a glance he could tell that both Iida and the girl had Mutant Type Quirks. Their times were impressive though, Iida clocked in at just over three seconds and the girl at about five and a half seconds.

Watching his classmates run, and in some cases, use their Quirks in interesting ways to complete the Fifty Meters, was letting Izuku fill his notebook pages quickly. Something the verdette teen was smiling about. Ochako finished in just over seven seconds and seemed pleased with her result. Toga and the pink girl -Mina- both finished at just over five seconds. Mina appeared to be skating on something coming from her feet. Wondering what it was and what exactly her Quirk was made the Quirk Enthusiast smile. When it was Izuku’s turn he ended up being paired with Bakugo, much to his own resignation.

“You’ll be eating my dust, Deku!” Bakugo growled at him as they took starting position.

“Oh?” Izuku arched an eyebrow at the ash-blonde. “If you want to be competitive then I’m all for it.” With his body swelling in size and the heat that was generated because of it Izuku took his stance.

The ‘bang’ of the camera robot’s gun went off.

With a burst of insane strength Izuku shattered the starting blocks. The now larger teen cleared the fifty meters in only three strides. An impression of his foot was left anywhere he’d taken a step. He clocked in at three seconds flat. Bakugo was practically snarling when he’d finished a full second and a half later. The ash-blonde’s use of his explosions as thrusters hadn’t meant anything to Izuku’s speed.

-Grip Strength Test-

If not for Izuku, Shoji Mezo would have dominated this test with his five hundred forty kilogram squeeze. But Izuku was nothing if not a powerhouse physically and maxed out the dynamometer with an insane nine hundred ninety nine kilogram reading. Yaoyorozu Momo was the only one to match Izuku’s feat when she made a miniature hydraulic clamp with her Quirk and used it instead of her hands. Toga had come in with an impressive forty five kilograms. She was easily the strongest grip among the girls.

-Seated Toe Touch Test-

The Seated Toe Touch Test hadn’t been challenging for Izuku. He was flexible and could get a good score on it easily. Mina was the overall winner on this test. The pink girl showed off some insane flexibility as she practically folded herself in half and was able to reach well past her feet with the tips of her fingers. Toga had placed second, almost able to match Mina in flexibility. The blonde and pinkette seemed to be hitting it off rather well as they chatted between tests.

-Standing Long Jump Test-

The Standing Long Jump was cleared easily by Izuku. His great strength saw him even outdoing Tsuyu and her Frog Form Quirk. When he added his Pyrokinesis to the mix to act as jets; he became the clear winner as he landed well over one hundred meters away.

A giggling Toga had landed at the very end of the box and returned to her place by the time Izuku got back.

-Repeated Side Steps Test-

The Repeated Side Steps were easy enough. With his enhanced physicality Izuku secured second place. He’d left impressions of his shoes in the dirt when he finished. He was only beaten out by the short boy -Mineta- with the ball-like hair. The boy bounced between two cushions of his Quirk at such speed that no one could keep up.

Toga had ended up in fifth place on this test, though the blonde girl didn’t mind. She was very much looking forward to the next test though.

-Sit Ups Test-

The Sit Ups Test was also conquered by Izuku without second place even being close. Toga had made sure she got to hold Izuku’s feet. Once Izuku had finished the test, beating out the brunette boy -Sato-, Izuku became the immediate target of Mineta’s envy. Toga had leaned forward on the last sit up to peck Izuku’s lips; which Izuku returned with a smile. The short teen had looked on with an incredibly desperate face; one that had gotten him some uneasy looks from those that saw it.

-Endurance Running-

Izuku and Iida eventually tied. Izuku had even struck up a conversation with Iida about the blue-haired teen’s Quirk as they ran around the track over and over again. Aizawa had eventually just told them to stop after they’d gone on for so long that they were cutting into the classes’ time to finish the last test.

-Softball Pitch Test-

As Izuku had already done the Softball Pitch Test he didn’t have to throw again. Instead he was able to watch as his classmates came up with their own methods of getting farther throws, if their Quirks were applicable to the test, of course. Bakugo raged when he’d gotten 705.4m and stewed angrily away from the rest of the class. Izuku had blinked in surprise when Momo had created a fully-functional Cannonof all things and fired the ball out of it. The verdette had been writing so fast Toga thought the paper might catch fire! The ravenette’s score of three kilometers and change was well earned in his opinion. Ochako left every students jaw on the floor when she’d removed the effects of gravity from the ball and seemingly thrown it into orbit! Her reading came out as Infinity but Aizawa would only mark it as one meter further than Izuku’s score.

Needless to say Izuku’s notebook now had an entire page dedicated to both Ochako’s and Momo’s individual Quirks. Toga had been giggling the whole way to the pitching circle. She narrowed her bright-yellow eyes as she focused. With almost perfect form she threw the ball as hard as she could. The ball went flying through the air and landed 60.2m away.

“That was great, Himiko-chan!” Izuku pulled Toga into a warm hug. Toga happily snuggled into the embrace. They only separated at Aizawa’s voice.

“I’m just going to bring up the whole list. It’s not worth going over each individual score.” Aizawa informed the class as he clicked the device in his hand. A hologram appeared and listed off their names from first to twentieth place. Izuku chuckled as he saw his name sitting exactly where he expected it to be. Toga hugged his arm with muffled giggles of her own.

-Quirk Assessment Ranks-

Midoriya Izuku

Yaoyorozu Momo

Todoroki Shoto

Bakugo Katsuki

Iida Tenya

Tokoyami Fumikage

Shoji Mezo

Kirishima Eijiro

Toga Himiko

Ashido Mina

Uraraka Ochako

Koda Koji

Sato Rikido

Asui Tsuyu

Aoyama Yuga

Sero Hanta

Kaminari Denki

Jiro Kyouka

Hagakure Toru

Mineta Minoru

-Quirk Assessment Ranks-

“That’s to be expected of my Izu-kun~” Toga giggled as she leaned into her boyfriend.

“You’re in the top ten yourself, Himiko-chan.” Izuku praised her, making Toga smile brightly at him.

“Nooooo!!!” Mineta screamed as he looked at the list. “How am I going to get popular with the ladies if I get expelled?!” His exclamation brought some, rather obvious, reactions from his classmates.

“Dude…really?” Kirishima looked at Mineta disappointedly. “So unmanly.”

“Pervert.” Momo looked away from the short boy.

“Wow…” The purplette with the earphone jacks -Jiro Kyouka- drawled. The girl was clearly unimpressed to say the least.

“Mineta! That is not how a U.A. student should behave! Much less someone who wishes to become a Hero!” Iida chopped the air repeatedly as he admonished the shorter teen.

“Gross.” Toga made a face as she snuggled closer to Izuku.

“Also, I lied about expelling the person in last place.” Aizawa informed them with a wave of his hand. “It was a logical ruse to make you all try your hardest.”

“I’m saved!” Mineta cheered only to be wrapped up in Aizawa’s scarves and dragged in front of the teacher. Aizawa’s eyes glowed red with his Quirk as he held Mineta off the ground at eye level.

“That being said; if you don’t improve both your behavior and your physical scores you’ll be out of here before you know it!” Aizawa informed the, once again, panicking boy. “Just because you’re not going home today doesn’t mean you aren’t the first one on the chopping block! Do you understand?” Mineta nodded rapidly before being released by Aizawa’s scarves and dropping to the ground. The teacher then turned to Toru. “The physical score increase applies to you as well, Hagakure, understand?”

“Yes, sir!” Toru replied, standing stiffly as if she was at attention.

“Your Quirks have their uses, but a Hero can’t just coast by on their Quirk alone.” Aizawa stated to the two lowest scorers. “U.A. has plenty of gym and track facilities for students to make use of. If you’re really serious about staying here I’d suggest using them regularly.”

“Yes, sensei!” Toru agreed immediately.

“Yes, sir.” Mineta nodded back, though far less enthusiastically.

“Anyway, your papers for the school and the beginning of the semester are on your desks. Make sure you pick them up and read them by tomorrow. Dismissed.” Aizawa informed the class as he walked away. The teens slowly made their way back to the locker rooms to change.

-Girl’s Locker Room-

“Didn’t expect this on our first day.” Toru exhaled heavily as the girls all changed back into their school uniforms.

“It was definitely different.” Mina replied with an encouraging smile.

“Rather unexpected.” Momo agreed as she buttoned up her shirt.

“I hope everything we missed in Orientation is covered in the papers Aizawa told us to pick up from the classroom.” Ochako fretted as she pulled on her skirt.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Toga giggled as she smiled at the other girls.

“That reminds me…” Mina looked at Toga with a grin. “You and Midoriya are a couple, right?”

“Yep!” Toga popped the ‘p’ with a bright grin of her own. “He’s my Izu-kun~!”

“You two look cute together.” Tsuyu complimented the blonde with a cute little croak.

“Thank you Tsu-chan!” Toga laughed happily. Momo, Kyouka, and Ochako blushed at the current topic while Toru and Mina giggled.

“So, how long have you two been together?” Mina asked with bright, almost sparkling, eyes.

“Me and Izu started dating near the end of Second Year in Junior High.” Toga held her cheek with a soft smile. “He confessed to me with a letter and everything~.”

“Aww~ that’s so sweet~!” Ochako gushed, even though her normally rosy cheeks were redder than normal.

“It’s very cute.” Momo agreed as she finished with her tie. The ravenette’s cheeks were giving Ochako’s a run for their money.

“So Midoriya is the romantic type, huh?” Mina giggled.

“A big strong guy with a heart of gold?” Toru giggled as she put on her shoes.

“Can we please talk about something else?” Kyouka requested as she closed the locker and revealed her blushing face.

“Izu-kun is strong, for sure,” Toga smiled at what were fast becoming her first female friends since Elementary School. “Even without his Quirk bulking him up~” She teased as she pulled out her phone. She unlocked it and then flipped through her pictures. With a giggle she turned the screen to face her class mates.

“Oh my~!” Mina and Toru both broke into giggles with bright cheeks. On the screen was a picture of Izuku, shirtless and wearing a pair of swim trunks, his muscled body on display to the girls’ eyes.

“T-Toga-san!” Momo covered her eyes, after she’d gotten several seconds to look.

“Midoriya-chan is ripped.” Tsuyu commented; her own cheeks a healthy red.

“Are you sure you should be showing us this?” Kyouka questioned the blonde girl. Her cheeks might very well be the brightest. She was also the second, after Momo, to avert her eyes.

“It’s fine.” Toga waved off. “Izu-kun and I were on the beach when I took this pic. He’s not body shy at all. We talked about sharing photos with others before. He doesn’t share any pics I send ‘just for him’ and I don’t share anything that is ‘just for me’ either.”

“J-Just f-for y-you?” Ochako’s head might’ve actually been steaming.

“We each have a few~” Toga teased with a wink and giggled at the flushed faces of her new friends.

“We should be hurrying. We need to get our papers and stuff from class still.” Tsuyu commented as she headed for the door, already changed and with her cheeks slowly cooling off.

“What? No way! I wanna keep talking about boys and romance!” Mina playfully whined as she followed after the frog-like girl. “Also see if Toga-chan has anymore pics she wants to share~”

Toga couldn’t help but giggle at Mina. The pinkette giving her a wink to let the other girl know that she was kidding.

“I’m sure there will be time for such things later.” Momo spoke, even with bright red cheeks, while the girls exited the locker room. “For now we should focus on the work we have ahead of us.”

“Alright, save it for ‘Girl Talk’ later then!” Mina smiled widely.

“I’m in!” Toru exclaimed as she fell into step with Mina.

“We could make a group chat for the girls of 1-A!” Toga suggested with a smile.

“I’m not well versed in such things.” Momo admitted. Her upbringing didn’t give her very many opportunities to make friends.

“We’ll get you there, Yaomomo!” Mina grinned at the ravenette.

“Yaomomo?” Momo blinked as she raised her hands to her cheeks cutely.

“We’re not only going to talk about Toga-chan’s relationship, are we?” Kyouka raised an eyebrow.

“I doubt it.” Ochako chuckled as the girls pulled out their phones to exchange numbers.

Izuku had no idea that Toga was quickly making new friends, but would be ecstatic when she told him on their way back home. He’d never mention it aloud, but he was worried Toga didn’t have any female friends. Too be fair, Izuku didn’t exactly have any male or female friends of his own. Most were either intimidated when they saw what he could do, or thought his muttering and hobby of Quirk analysis was weird.

“Midoriya, bro, you kicked ass today!” Kirishima smiled at the verdette.

“Thanks, Kirishima.” Izuku grinned at the redhead. “You did great too.”

“Thanks man, but you’re definitely the MVP today.” Kirishima chuckled.

“I’ll say; you demolished the tests, man!” Kaminari laughed. “No one was even close on some of them!”

“So what’s up with your Quirk?” Sato asked as the boys started to finish changing. “I thought it was sort of similar to mine, being a Strength Enhancer, but that fire kinda disagrees.”

“Well, my Quirk is a Type Hybrid.” Izuku smiled as he started to explain his Quirk to his classmates. Maybe Toga wasn’t the only one that would have some new friends by the end of the day.

-End Chapter-


Aizawa’s Assessment Test and the first day at UA are complete! Izuku dominated most of the tests with his sheer power and some inventive applications of his Pyrokinesis. Toga is making a bunch of new girlfriends! Izuku is getting some bros! Two teens that have mostly relied on each other for the last few years for friendship and non-familial love are finally getting a full social circle! Yay!

Will Izuku and Toga continue to impress? Of course! What will happen in their first Hero Course Class?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another awesome and very entertaining chapter, absolutely loved it

Daniel Rodriguez

I am laughing like a maniac at the power display. And honestly just smiling happily at the cute and sociable moment of Toga. It’s rare to find stories where they put Toga as a hero, but with Izuku as her boyfriend and being one of two sole motivations for becoming a hero, this story has me eager for more and more.

Thomas E Nellis

Fantastic! I loved it. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Glad you enjoyed the chapter! Well the next 'event' is Battle Trials, so yeah. I can see why you might be looking forward to them. Lol


Friends for the adorable vampire and giant! Loving the story so far, and i see i was right that Mina would have some helathy competition in making others a blushing mess.


Everybody needs a few good friends! They can make a great change in a person's life! Toga is very good at teasing!


Very much looking forward to another 'Who decided that? I decide it' moment, always had me cackling at the awesome when I watched it in SDS.


It'll happen a few times in the story, not too often to make it cheap or repetitive, but it'll happen at certain points for sure!