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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Time to escape Loguetown! Will anyone get in the way? Will a certain someone show up to see Luffy off? Let’s head for the Grand Line!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 16 – Smoke vs Lightning, Dragon

“We need to set sail as quickly as possible!” Nami exclaimed as the winds picked up and the rain came beating down.

The Straw Hat Pirates were rushing to the Going Merry as fast as possible. If they didn’t set sail soon the weather would get too bad to do so. As the crew booked it towards the docks, Luffy was keeping his Observation up to protect their backs. It was because of this that he felt the incoming ‘Voice’. Pretty strong and with an Iron Will, the ‘Voice’ was approaching rapidly from behind.

“Go ahead guys, I’ll catch up!” Luffy ordered with finality. Nami, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp all stopped and turned to look at their Captain like he was crazy.

“Luffy? What’re you talking about?” Nami questioned her Lover, confused. “We need to go now!”

“He won’t let us.” Luffy remarked staring back the way they came. From above the roof of a tall building and speeding white object was flying down at them. “GO!” With looks of trust between them the four crewmates took off towards the ship as fast as possible.

The approaching enemy seemed to notice the Crew leaving. Two large plumes of white smoke shot from the main cloud and headed for his nakama. They were intercepted by a large wall of electricity forming between them and his Crew. The smoke clashed with the surging electricity for a bit before the smoke retreated. The billowing cloud fell to earth and reformed into a man. Luffy stared the man down as he stopped producing electricity.

“So, you’re ‘Straw Hat’ Luffy?” The white-haired man questioned. “The Pirate with the highest Bounty in East Blue.”

“That’s me.” Luffy nodded, his eyes not leaving the Marine’s.

“I’m Marine Captain, Smoker.” Smoker introduced himself. “Any Pirate that sets foot in my town has to face me.”

“I’m in a hurry to leave, rain check?” Luffy requested with a grin. His answer was Smoker’s arms turning into smoke and rushing towards him.

“White Blow!” Smoker yelled aiming to take Luffy down in one shot. One could imagine his surprise when his smoke-propelled fists were both caught in an iron grip. “How?! I’m smoke?”

“So you’re a Logia?” Luffy remarked as he held the fists with Armament-clad hands. “That’s rare, but I don’t have time, let’s do this some other time.”

“What?!” Smoker demanded. How much could this Rookie Pirate look down on him?! “That’s not your choice!” He saw a flash of blue-white light and then felt the full force of Luffy’s sandal-clad foot smash into his chest. It was only as he went rocketing through a wall and into an empty shop that Smoker realized that his wrists had been let go of.

“Captain Smoker!” A squad of approaching Marines exclaimed as they saw their CO kicked through a wall. The swordswoman leading the group drew her sword but Luffy needed to go.

“Electric Fence.” Luffy intoned and the wall of electricity reappeared between him and the Marines. The swordswoman skidded to a halt and felt all the hair on her body rise just from being so close to the electric wall. “Bye now!” Luffy smiled widely as he waved to the Marines. In a flash the Pirate Captain had zapped all the way to the other end of the street. He disappeared shortly after that around the corner. With the wall of electricity still standing between them the Marines couldn’t give chase without going through the side streets first.

“What’s Captain Smoker’s condition?” Tashigi yelled only for the man to emerge from the hole in the wall he’d been kicked through.

“I’m fine.” Smoker informed his subordinate as he looked at the wall of electricity. How the hell had Straw Hat done that? Smoker didn’t even have time to register the kick! In an instant he was crashing through the wall! He hadn’t even seen the Rookie move! “Continue pursuit! They’re NOT leaving this island!”

“Yes sir!” The Marines saluted and, in a stroke of luck, the wall of electricity died down a moment later. Smoker turned his legs into smoke and blasted off over the rooftops to try and cut Luffy off again.


“Who are you?” Luffy questioned the tall man in the green cloak. The man’s face was hidden in the shadow of his hood, but a brief flash of lighting revealed a rugged face with a tattoo on the left side. The tribal looking tattoo went from the man’s jaw all the way up to his forehead.

“Pirate King, huh?” The man chuckled as they looked at each other. “Fine by me. If that’s your decision, then go.”

“What’re you talking about?” Luffy asked with a tilt of his head. This man was capable of hiding his ‘Voice’! That already had Luffy wary of him. He didn’t need to get into another fight right now. He needed to get to the Merry!

“What reason would there be to interfere with a man’s departure?” The cloaked man chuckled. Luffy side-eyed the man even as he walked past him. He then broke into a sprint when he heard the squad of Marines closing in. He rushed forward without looking back. His Observation picked up the Captain, Smokey or whatever, but even he stopped chasing Luffy for some reason.

“What’re you doing here?” Smoker demanded of the cloaked man. “Do you have some connection to Straw Hat?”

The cloaked man only grinned and remained silent. Tashigi and the other Marines looked between their Captain and the mysterious man. Smoker nearly bit through his cigars at being ignored. With a vein throbbing on his temple he pulled the large Jitte off his back.

“Answer me, Dragon!” Smoker demanded as he pointed his weapon at the cloaked man. He ignored the startled gasps from his subordinates. The rain was coming down in sheets now and the wind had started to howl.

Instead of answering, Dragon spread his arms out to his sides. The grin never leaving his face as the wind suddenly stilled. Then it picked back up with a noticeable green tint and blew through the area like a hurricane! The Marines were knocked off their feet. Marine caps flew off heads and some of his subordinates were even knocked back into the stone walls of nearby buildings. Smoker braced himself as much as possible against the wind. The blast of wind spread all throughout Loguetown. Signs over shops whipped wildly, litter and other light items were carried away by the green wind.


Luffy had just arrived at the Merry when the gale passed through the docks with a howl. He steadied himself against the wind and held his hat to his head. A new ‘Voice’ appeared in his Observation for a moment. Luffy felt himself flinch slightly. Mihawk’s ‘Voice’ had been orders of magnitude greater than anything he’d ever ‘heard’ before. In this brief instance, this new ‘Voice’ gave him a very similar feeling. Just as fast as it appeared it was gone again.

“Luffy!” Nami tried to yell over the wind. Luffy barely heard her though. “We need to get out of here!”

“Set sail!” Luffy called out as the gangplank was pulled onto the ship. The green wind died down and the crew rushed to depart.


Pulling his arm from where he’d protected his eyes from the gale, Smoker looked around for Dragon. Not seeing the cloaked man Smoker scoffed. This didn’t stop the hundred or more questions that were now bouncing around in his head though. What in the hell was the most wanted man in the world doing in Loguetown? Did he have some kind of connection to Straw Hat? If he did, then what was the connection? As these thoughts swirled around his mind Tashigi spoke to him.

“Captain Smoker sir, should we still pursue the Straw Hats?” Tashigi questioned her Superior.

“Of course!” Smoker called as he blasted forward in a cloud of smoke again. His subordinates were left to chase after him again. It turned out to be all for not though. The squad caught up to their Captain at the docks. They watched as the Straw Hat’s ship sailed away. The vessel had already cleared the worst part of the storm and was headed in the direction of Reverse Mountain. The Straw Hat Pirates were headed for the Grand Line!

“Captain, what should we do?” Tashigi awaited orders. Smoker stared at the ship getting smaller and smaller for a moment.

“Tashigi, we’re returning to base.” Smoker bit out with his fists clenched. “When we get there I’m calling Headquarters to assign another Captain to Loguetown. I’m going after Straw Hat!”

“Sir, we can’t even prepare a ship in this storm!” Tashigi warned as the rain was practically a waterfall at this point. Even standing next to each other they had to practically yell to be heard. The entire squad was soaked to the bone already.

“I’m aware of that, Petty Officer.” Smoker growled out. “It’ll take at least two days for another Captain to arrive at minimum. But as soon as they do I want to have a ship ready to sail! We’re going after them, and we’ll bring them in!”

“Yes sir!” Tashigi and the rest of the Squad saluted, even as they were deluged by the heavy rain and wild winds. The squad quickly returned to base to get dry and warm up. True to his word, Smoker was on the Transponder Snail before he even bothered to change out of his soaked clothing.

-Going Merry-

The crew of the Straw Hat Pirates was doing their best to sail out of the large storm that had engulfed Loguetown, the island the town was on, and the surrounding ocean. Under Nami’s instruction the Going Merry made a path through the storm waves and the wild winds. As they approached the edge of the storm the crew all sighed in relief as the heavy rain lightened and the winds began to calm down. Finally out of the danger of the storm Sanji brought out a spare barrel and placed it in the middle of the main deck.

“What’s up, Sanji?” Usopp asked as he watched Sanji.

“A little send-off ceremony, I think we should say something to mark the occasion.” Sanji replied with a grin.

“Yeah, let’s do it!” Luffy grinned brightly.

“I’m headed to the Grand Line to find the All Blue!” Sanji announced as he placed his heel on top of the barrel.

“I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” Luffy placed his own heel on top of the barrel.

“The World’s Greatest Swordsman!” Zoro declared as his heel was added.

“I’m going to draw a map of the entire World!” Nami smiled as she placed her heel on the barrel too.

“To become a Brave Warrior of the Sea!” Usopp proclaimed as he set his heel atop the barrel.

“To the Grand Line!” Luffy called out. As one the crew of five raised their legs and brought their heels down. The barrel collapsed under the force and the crew cheered!

A few minutes later and Usopp spotted a light in the gloom of the receding storm. The crew turned to face it and Nami smiled. Noticing the smile Luffy asked hi Navigator about it.

“What’s the smile for, Nami?” Luffy tilted his head.

“That Lighthouse is one of the guide points.” Nami smiled at the whole crew. “It points towards the Grand Line!”

“Really?!” Luffy looked excited, he practically had sparkles in his eyes. Nami couldn’t help but giggle at her Lover.

“Yep!” Nami grinned. “From the Southwestern shores of Loguetown the currents all head towards a single point, Reverse Mountain, the entrance to the Grand Line! The lighthouse is the first guide point to show the way! After that it’s only a matter of following the currents until you get there!”

“Awesome!” Luffy yelled with his fists in the air.

“Sounds like fairly easy sailing at least.” Sanji commented and Nami nodded in agreement.

“Shouldn’t have to do much except ride the current to the entrance.” Nami explained. “The entire trip from Loguetown to the entrance should only take about four hours as we sail the currents. That’ll give us all time to change out of our soaked clothes. We can even relax a bit now that the storm has cleared up.”

It was true; the rain had finally stopped as they cleared the storm. The clouds had started to thin and the sun was peeking out. With smiles all around Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro went to change first. While Nami maintained their course with Luffy until Usopp and Sanji got back since they were the only other crewmates who had any real navigation skills. The three men didn’t take long to change, Sanji started to prepare a nice, if slightly late, lunch for the Crew. Usopp manned the rudder while Zoro went to train for a bit.

“Follow me, Luffy~” Nami grinned at her Lover as she headed for the Captain’s Quarters. She spent enough nights sleeping in Luffy’s bed that she even kept a few changes of clothes in his Quarters now. Luffy grinned at her tone, knowing what she was hinting at from experience.

The two entered his Quarters and locked the door behind them. Nami was quick to pull off her wet shirt and bra. Luffy dropped his cardigan and stopped to admire Nami’s lovely breasts. The orangette smirked and gave him a wink as she undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Seeing her Lover’s eyes immediately drop down to take in the newly exposed skin Nami giggled. With a teasing purr she kicked off her sandals and then turned around.

“Wow~” Luffy grinned as Nami showed off her booty. The Navigator was lovely in every way. A pretty face, bountiful chest, thin waist, trim stomach, wide flaring hips, thick thighs, and longs legs. With the amazing ass that Luffy was currently admiring to match the rest of her assets, Nami was truly a beauty to be envied. His Lover wasn’t done with her teasing however; she bent forward at the waist, practically thrusting her cheeks out, and pulled her panties off. Luffy felt like he might be drooling but didn’t pay it any attention.

“You should hurry Luffy~” Nami teased with a wink as she turned to face him. Seeing his eyes move up and down her naked form still gave her such a thrill. With a giggle she turned and put a sway in her hips as she walked towards the private bathroom. She only made it three steps before she heard Luffy’s shorts hit the floor. On her fourth step she was scooped into Luffy’s arms and carried towards the bathroom. Nami wrapped her arms around Luffy’s neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Entering the bathroom Nami distractedly turned the shower on as she and Luffy made out. Feeling his hands roaming, teasing, and playing with her brought out a throaty moan from the orangette. Luffy groaned as Nami’s body was pressed flush against his. Her soft curves pressed against his chest felt amazing. Pulling back from her Lover’s lips for a moment, Nami checked the shower. Finding it at a suitable temperature she pulled Luffy in with her. Any remaining chill from wearing her soaked clothes disappeared quickly under the warm water and the rising passion.

“Nami~” Luffy breathed heavily as his lips descended to her neck and began to leave kisses. Nami was very grateful for the contraception Dr. Nako had given her before they’d left Cocoyashi. Three months-worth would easily let them get to islands with pharmacies so she could get more. Though it would be better for the crew to find a Doctor that would want to join up with a Crew of Peacemain Pirates and take care of their medical needs. But as long as she was protected, Nami and Luffy could indulge in their ‘Honeymoon Phase’ to their hearts’ content. The Straw Hat Pirates had dreams to complete first. But as soon as Luffy was the Pirate King and the rest of their dreams became reality…well, she now had a second dream to fulfill. A few half-siblings for Nojiko’s probable child would be a good start.

“Luffy!” Nami gasped as he picked her up and held her against the wall. She wrapped her long legs around his waist and kissed him deeply as they became one again. Before she lost the ability of higher thinking, Nami decided it might be a good idea to find her Lover another woman or two. While Luffy wasn’t pushy in their relationship, he could easily wear Nami out at night, so dividing up the task of bedding Luffy to satisfaction just made sense. A strangled cry of rapture tore from her throat as Luffy began to relentlessly hit a sweet spot inside her. Her thinking vanished entirely as Luffy’s lips met hers and swallowed her sounds of pleasure.

-Hours Later-

“Stupid Captain…” Sanji pouted as he saw the satisfied looks on Nami and Luffy’s faces. The Crew had enjoyed a nice lunch about an hour ago and now they were all preparing for Reverse Mountain.

The way Nami had explained it, showing them the map to the Grand Line she’d stolen from Buggy, the intense currents near the entrance actually went up the mountain! So now the Navigator was making sure they were perfectly in the center of the current. She was taking no chances that they might be off and end up slamming into the Red Line. With the way the currents had been gaining strength during the trip they all agreed it was better to make the changes now. It was already getting harder to move the rudder at all. By the time they were ‘locked’ into the current the whip-staff would probably break if they tried to change course.

It wasn’t long before the Straw Hats could see the large mountain. The currents had picked up considerably now and the rudder had been locked at Nami’s instruction. There would be no chance of their course altering now. They were going to ride the center of the current and shoot straight to the top of the MASSIVEmountain before them. As the Going Merry got closer and their speed continued to increase they saw the path they needed to take. There was an absolutely enormous arch over the only path up Reverse Mountain. A Galleon could easily have sailed under the arch without worry of their crow’s nest even coming close to grazing it.

“Here we go!” Luffy cheered loudly, his wide grin on his face. The crew all braced themselves as Merry rode the current closer and closer. Nami’s adjustments had been spot on and their ship went straight up the middle of the canal. The caravel raced up the waterway, climbing higher and higher into the sky. The sheer speed they were moving at forcing the crew to hang on to Merry for dear life as they sailed ever upwards.

Then they suddenly crested the top of Reverse Mountain!

Merry was launched into the air. They were so high that they saw clouds below them! The air was chilly this high up and Nami shivered slightly. Luffy’s arm was quick to wrap around her shoulders and pull her close. The crew all admired the amazing few for the few brief moments they got to enjoy it. Merry came down and threw up a large spray of water before being dragged down the even larger channel and into the Grand Line. The caravel raced down the mountain and into the dense mists near the base.

“Wooohooo!” Luffy cheered with his arms raised high. Even Nami was laughing at successfully making it into the Grand Line.

“Does anybody hear that?” Usopp questioned as they sailed down the waterway at speed.

“Hear what?” Sanji questioned only for a deep, loud noise to ring out through the air.

“What is that?!” Zoro grimaced as he held his hands over his ears. The sound was getting louder the further down the mountain they got. But the mist was too thick to see through. The sound stopped for a moment and the crew was confused. As they approached the base of Reverse Mountain something dark in the mist caught their attention.

“Is that a mountain?!” Usopp yelled in terror.

Indeed, there appeared to be another mountain at the base of the canal! It was so large that it couldn’t possibly be anything else! Then the incredibly loud sound came again. The Straw Hats covered their ears from the noise, but this time Nami recognized the sound.

“Is that a whale?!” Nami screamed and all of the crew’s eyes widened when the mists cleared enough to reveal that, yes, the ‘mountain’ was indeed a whale! A whale so large that they could barely comprehend its sheer size! A whale that they were on a direct collision course with!

“The rudder! Unlock the rudder! Turn the ship!” Sanji yelled as he, Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy all ran to the whip-staff and unlocked it. All four put their backs into turning the rudder, even against the fast current. Little by little the Going Merry turned to port. As they continued to sail closer and closer to the mountain of a whale they grew increasingly frantic. It was only when Merry hit the bottom of the canal and sailed off to port at a forty five degree angle that the crew breathed a sigh of relief.

“That was too close…” Nami exhaled in relief. The Going Merry was sailing along beside the behemoth whale with a good amount of distance between them. The whale descended to the ocean’s surface from its upright position. This kicked up large waves that sent Merry rocking.

“What kind of whale is this?” Sanji wondered as they all held onto the ship as the waves rocked against it.

“It’s insanely huge.” Zoro commented as they were able to see almost its’ full length as it floated at the surface. “You could mistake it for an island.”

“I wonder why it’s at the bottom of Reverse Mountain.” Usopp questioned as he looked the massive beast over.

“Why does it have all those huge scars all over its head?” Luffy pondered and the crew all took in the immense amount of scar tissue that covered the ‘snout’ of the huge whale.

“What could do that to a whale this big?” Nami breathed out. Everyone had heard the tales and legends of the monsters that made the Grand Line their home. But to see what almost looked like predation marks on such an immense creature, it really brought those stories to mind.

With a drawn out whine the huge whale began to open its jaws. The Straw Hats all marveled at the sight of seeing the whale move more. After all this was their first foray into the Grand Line and seeing the creatures that lived here. It was only a few seconds later that the Crew realized something else.

“Wait, are we sailing backwards?” Zoro questioned as the forward motion of the ship slowed and then seemed to reverse.

“No, we’re not sailing backwards, we’re being drawn in!” Sanji yelled as the whale opened its mouth completely. Drawing in tens of thousands of gallons of water and their ship along with it!

“No! No giant whale! Don’t eat us! Please!” Usopp wailed with tears practically making a fountain from his eyes. “We don’t even taste good, I swear!”

“Hey! Hey! Stop it! Stop it right now whale!” Luffy yelled at the creature even as the Merry was sucked into its jaws.

“Luffy!” Nami screamed as she grabbed onto him. Luffy’s arms wrapped around her waist and shoulders as they travelled down the whale’s chasm-like throat and into its stomach. The light of day vanishing as the whale closed its mouth behind them.

“I’ll get us out of here guys!” Luffy yelled to his crew. “Even if I have to blast a hole through the whale, I’ll get us out! Just hang on!” The Straw Hats all grabbed onto Merry as they made the journey down into the depths of the beast.

None of them could have expected what they’d see next in the dark innards of the whale.

-End Chapter-


Well, Luffy’s a tough cookie, as Smoker found out! Being a Logia doesn’t mean as much when you’re fighting a Haki User. Also, Luffy showed off another Technique! His Electric Fence blocks off pathways and keeps enemies at bay for as long as he’s powering it! It can even last for several moments after he leaves if he charges it enough first!

Dragon made his brief appearance in Loguetown to see Luffy off. Now Smoker is even MORE confused and angry! He’s now on Luffy’s trail like a bloodhound!

But now the Straw Hats have met Laboon! In probably one of the worst ways, but hey, it’ll all work out, right?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another fun and very entertaining chapter. I am a little curious on how he will grow. If you decide to go along with the two year time skip considering he’s already impressive abilities. though I would be shocked if his brother was captured or executed, considering his already increased abilities as well.

Thomas E Nellis

Surprised to see dragon so soon... so many significant events happening in the chapter at once saddened you demoted and decommissioned our sweet marine lieutenant swordswoman. (Petty officers are enlisted) anyway I can’t wait to see what is next.


Tashigi was a Petty Officer or Master Petty Officer in manga. Sergeant isn't a Marine Rank in One Piece. She was also not a commissioned Officer yet. She didn't get that Rank until Alabasta.