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It's been a rough couple of days, friends and fans.

Over the last 5 days I've spent over $2,000 on plumbing repair at my childhood home.

I apologize for the delay this has brought regarding updates.

Rest assured I'm working hard to get out the next chapter!

Just about halfway done as of this post!

Water City Competition, Round 2, begins when I'm finished!


Brody Meech

That sucks man hope everything's fixed up now.


I'm watching my Water Usage App like a hawk! I'm hoping to see 'No Usage' when it updates again.

John Balman

RL at its finest indeed. Hope you caught the issue before it got too out of hand overall!!


No damage that I can tell. Plumbers didn't see any damage either. Now I'm just trying to figure out what this last leak is/where it is. It's small, but the damn thing will add up and potentially cause damage if I don't get it taken care of. Thankfully I have enough in savings at the moment to pay for this stuff!


Excited for the chapter you are working on

Thomas E Nellis

Good luck. I hope that the repairs are good. Also excited for chapters muhaha